Authentic AI for Entrepreneurs: Branding & Marketing With Chat GPT And AI Technology

Best AI Prompting Practices to Get Better Results with ChatGPT

March 05, 2024 Kinsey from Feel Good Social | Branding, Website, Marketing & Chat GPT Expert Season 1 Episode 19
Best AI Prompting Practices to Get Better Results with ChatGPT
Authentic AI for Entrepreneurs: Branding & Marketing With Chat GPT And AI Technology
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Authentic AI for Entrepreneurs: Branding & Marketing With Chat GPT And AI Technology
Best AI Prompting Practices to Get Better Results with ChatGPT
Mar 05, 2024 Season 1 Episode 19
Kinsey from Feel Good Social | Branding, Website, Marketing & Chat GPT Expert

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Have you been feeling frustrated with the responses you're getting from ChatGPT?

Today, I'm sharing the best AI prompting practices we all need to know and remember, whenever we use AI tools in our businesses!

Hit Play Now to Hear:

⭐ How to stop getting generic results from ChatGPT (and instead, get exactly what you're looking for)

⭐ What you need to remember every time you use a generative AI tool like ChatGPT

⭐ Tips for getting the most unique and aligned responses from ChatGPT (from the get go) and also how to iterate for even better results


Looking for next-level AI prompting tips to get exactly what you want from ChatGPT?

Sign up for our free live training "AI Prompt Techniques for Better Results" now: DIYwith.AI/training

(spots are limited, so don't wait!!)

Ready to create Instagram Reels with ease? Snag our Reels Prompt Playbook for ChatGPT
to get 20 AI Prompts for Reels hooks + captions (and more!)


Want to train ChatGPT to sound like you? Sign up for Brand Persona for ChatGPT to learn the how to AI on your brand persona.


Ready to create Instagram Reels with ease? Snag our Reels Prompt Playbook for ChatGPT
to get 20 AI Prompts for Reels hooks + captions (and more!)


Looking to simplify your business with AI tools? Check out our Authentic AI Tech Toolkit to find handpicked AI tools that are perfect for solopreneurs.


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Show Notes Transcript

Send us a Text Message.

Have you been feeling frustrated with the responses you're getting from ChatGPT?

Today, I'm sharing the best AI prompting practices we all need to know and remember, whenever we use AI tools in our businesses!

Hit Play Now to Hear:

⭐ How to stop getting generic results from ChatGPT (and instead, get exactly what you're looking for)

⭐ What you need to remember every time you use a generative AI tool like ChatGPT

⭐ Tips for getting the most unique and aligned responses from ChatGPT (from the get go) and also how to iterate for even better results


Looking for next-level AI prompting tips to get exactly what you want from ChatGPT?

Sign up for our free live training "AI Prompt Techniques for Better Results" now: DIYwith.AI/training

(spots are limited, so don't wait!!)

Ready to create Instagram Reels with ease? Snag our Reels Prompt Playbook for ChatGPT
to get 20 AI Prompts for Reels hooks + captions (and more!)


Want to train ChatGPT to sound like you? Sign up for Brand Persona for ChatGPT to learn the how to AI on your brand persona.


Ready to create Instagram Reels with ease? Snag our Reels Prompt Playbook for ChatGPT
to get 20 AI Prompts for Reels hooks + captions (and more!)


Looking to simplify your business with AI tools? Check out our Authentic AI Tech Toolkit to find handpicked AI tools that are perfect for solopreneurs.


Connect with us:

Best Prompting Practices for ChatGPT | Authentic AI Podcast Ep. 19
[00:00:00] If it gives you an option of 10 ideas or whatever, okay, let's go in on idea number two. Let's expand the idea into 10 more subtopics. Okay. Tell me why. Give me the opposing opinion for this idea. There's so many different ways that you can iterate with Chat GPT. To get more and better responses and get more and more specific, go deeper, deeper, deeper.

Welcome to Authentic AI for Entrepreneurs, the podcast that shows you how to leverage the power of AI technology without wasting your time or selling your soul. Let's embrace making AI work for you. Hey, hey, my human friend, and welcome back to the podcast. I'm your host Kinsey. And today we are talking about the best prompting practices that you can use with AI tools like chat GPT.

So if you're one of those people, and I am raising my hand over here, I feel you and I have heard it from so many people in my [00:01:00] community, from my students, all the different stuff. If you're one of those people who has been exposed to So if you're excited about using AI tools like Chat GPT and you start playing around with it, you're like, yeah, this is awesome.

But then as you start to use it more, you're like, oh, this is frustrating. It's not giving me what I want. It's like pulling teeth to try to get a great response out of Chat GPT. My friend, I feel you. And that's why today I'm sharing the best prompting practices that we should all be using when we are using AI tools like Chat GPT.

These are the things that we constantly need to be reminding ourselves of, myself included, because it is really easy to kind of get into that. snowball of, okay, I'm using AI and Chat GPT just knows what I'm thinking, right? Or to just be in the middle of a task and be like, okay, I got to ask Chat GPT a quick question, but then it ends up taking 15 minutes because I didn't utilize these best prompting practices because I was in a hurry.
But guess what? It ended up wasting [00:02:00] me way more time than if I had just originally used these best prompting practices, right? So that's what I'm going to be sharing in today's episode. Three of those best prompting practices that we all need to know when we are using tools like Chat GPT. But I will say, if you are a person who has been using AI tools and you're loving using them, but you do wish that you knew AI prompting techniques that would help you get better responses from the get go, I am hosting a live training later this month called AI Prompting Techniques for Better Results.

Pretty easy. But basically, I'm just going to be sharing some of these specific next level techniques that I use every day to really get the best results from Chat GPT. These are the techniques that really no one is talking about. We're going to be getting super specific with examples of things that you can do as you are using these AI tools in your every day to create content [00:03:00] for you and write copy for you.
These are techniques that if you're loving using AI tools, but you are feeling frustrated or you're feeling like you're just wasting some time sometimes with it, then these are the techniques that you'll want to learn about. So if you would like to join this free training, head to DIY with dot AI slash training DIY with dot AI slash training.
I'll link that in the show notes below. Definitely head there. Sign up now because not only will I be teaching you next level AI prompting techniques, But I will also be opening it up for Q& A, so you definitely want to catch this training live. Head to diywith. ai training. That's where you can sign up today.

And you don't want to miss this one, let me tell you. All right, now let's go ahead and dive into the best prompting practices for AI tools like Chat GPT. All right, my friend. So [00:04:00] like I said in the intro, these are the best practices that you should be utilizing every time you're using AI tools. These are practices that are definitely things that we need to always be remembering and thinking about every time we use tools like Chat GPT, because it really is so easy to get sucked into thinking that Chat GPT just knows all and can do all right.

I myself, especially when I'm like in the middle of a task, find myself going to Chat GPT and just like, not implementing these best practices that I know I should be doing just because I'm trying to hurry. I don't want to waste time, which I end up then probably wasting more time when I don't utilize these best practices that I'm about to share with you in today's episode, right?

So even if you are a long time Chat GPT user, I know that you'll need reminded of these best practices. And it's something that we just need to really remember to be implementing. again and again and again, every time we use this platform. And once again, I just want to remind you, if you are looking for next level AI [00:05:00] prompting techniques that will get you better results from the get go so you don't have to feel frustrated with everything that Chat GPT throws your way, I am doing that live training at the end of this month.

Definitely head to DIYwith. Kinsey. AI slash training to sign up. Now it's free, and I will be sharing specific prompting techniques that I use with Chad GBT every day to make sure that I am getting exactly what I want out of it. This is not just the basic prompting practices. This is the next level strategies, how to craft prompts and train Chad GBT in a way that will actually give you exactly what you're looking for, right?

So head to DIY with ai. slash training to sign up for the training now. Okay, let's get into these best practices when it comes to prompting with AI tools like Chat GPT. So the very first thing that we need to do is train Chat GPT to understand our [00:06:00] brand. And you have probably heard me say this before again and again, I will shout it from the rooftops.

We need to tell Chat GPT who our brand is, what our mission is, what our opinions are, what we care about, all that different stuff. And also who we are talking to, aka our ideal customers. In order to be able to create the best content ideas and for Chat GPT to write copy that sounds awesome. similar to our brand voice, we need to train it on our brand.

Okay. And I do have several episodes that share tips for training Chat GPT on your brand voice, scroll back, check them out. And, or we do have our brand persona for Chat GPT mini course. Within an hour, it will help you train Chat GPT on your brand persona, and it walks you through two proven methods of getting Chat GPT to write copy that sounds like you, right?

So check out our mini course, DIY with ai [00:07:00] slash mini course that will also be linked in the show notes below for you. Okay, now the first best prompting practice to get better responses out of Chat GPT is to be as specific as possible with your prompt. Generic prompts will get you generic results. So instead of just going to Chat GPT and being like, brainstorm name ideas for a podcast, you know, or brainstorm name ideas for my community, Oh, no, no.

Let's get way more specific than that. You need to be telling Chat GPT exactly what you're looking for, giving it the strategy that it needs to know before it can help you brainstorm content ideas or write copy for you. You need to be telling it exactly who you are, what you're talking about, what the context of the situation is.
Get as Specific, specific, specific as possible on the topics, the context, and then if you're having it [00:08:00] write copy for you, the formatting, the length, any other details that might be helpful for it in crafting its response to you. The more specific you can get with it, the better, my friend. You will be amazed at how different the results are that it gives you.

If you go to it asking, Hey, can you brainstorm content ideas for my brand versus, Hey, can you give me 10 specific relatable ideas for text on top of a Reels video in a daily life moment of my brand, which is X, Y, Z, right? And even getting more and more and more specific on the topic and exactly what you're looking for, right?

Tell it exactly what you are looking. for and how it should respond to you. And that's how you will get the best response possible from the get go. Okay. So always type up your question or whatever it is to chat GPT, and then take a look back at it, read back through it and say, Hey, [00:09:00] can I give it more details?
Can I get even more specific than this? Speak to it as if you were speaking to an intern. This is kind of a mindset. Flip that I always like to make when I am prompting Chat GPT because it really is easy to think that robots know all and can do all. I even find myself falling into this trap being like, okay, well, Chat GPT knows exactly what I'm thinking and I forget to tell it what I'm thinking.

If you think about it as an intern, if you actually think about it as a human or an assistant that you were trying to train on your brand and that you were trying to get to do a task for you. Give it all the details you would give a human being, okay, because that's how it's going to give you, be able to give you the results that you want, right?

Okay, the second best prompting practice is to go back and forth with it. Iterate. Okay, this is another thing that a lot of us don't always remember to do or don't always [00:10:00] realize when we are just starting to use these AI tools, right? We forget that this is a conversation and just not a Google question and ask, right?

I think that we're used to going to Google or asking Alexa a single question and then having it give us the answer. But that's not how Chat GPT or a similar AI tool works. This is meant to be a chat, right? It's a chat bot, which means it's a conversation that you can go back and forth with it. So that means that the first response it gives you is probably not going to be the ultimate response that you were looking for, and that's okay, right?

Because the first response does tend to be the more generic response, and the next few responses will get a little bit deeper, will get a little bit more specific, will sound a little bit more unique, right? So if it gives you an option of 10 ideas or [00:11:00] whatever, okay, let's go in on idea number two. Let's expand the idea into 10 more subtopics.
Okay. Tell me why. Give me the opposing opinion for this idea. There's so many different ways that you can iterate with Chat GPT to get more and better responses and get more and more specific, go deeper, deeper, deeper. And you don't have to just settle for the very first thing that it throws your way. So actually that is something that I'm going to be talking about more in our live training later this month is how we can really use a technique with Chat GPT that does dive deeper, deeper, deeper until we finally get exactly what we're looking for.

It's something that I use in my content creation process every month, and it's something that I'm going to be sharing during our live training later this month. So definitely go sign up for it. It's diywith. ai slash training. It's linked below. Okay. Third best prompting practice that I wanted to share in today's episode is to use your [00:12:00] brain, okay?
And this is just something that needs to be said, and I'm sorry if you're rolling your eyes right now, but it really is so easy for us to get sucked into the whole world of AI technology and forget to use our critical thinking skills, okay? So when you are coming to Chat GPT and asking it, to help you, you know, generate ideas or write copy or whatever it is.

If you bring your own ideas, opinions, thoughts, writing style, strategy for how you want the copy to flow to Chat GPT first, then It will be able to help you get the answer that you want, get to the place where you want to be more quickly than you going back and forth with it, uh, just like pulling teeth, trying to get the response you want out of it, right?

So use your brain. First, when you bring the prompt to Chat GPT, bring your own ideas. Tell it exactly what you want. You know, don't just tell it what [00:13:00] topic you want it to talk about, but tell it what your thoughts are on this topic. Explain exactly the point that you want to make with this topic first.

And also, use that when it comes to the formatting, the writing style, just how you want the caption to flow. This is how I get the best responses possible out of Chat GPT from the get go. I will be going more into detail into that one as well in the training later this month. And then the other thing when it comes to using your brain is not just to use your brain in the very beginning, but also use your critical thinking skills with the responses that Chat GPT throws your way, right?

So it is not a know all always right thing just because it's a robot. No, it can be wrong. It can just be flat out incorrect with some of its responses that it gives you. And it can also be wrong for your brand. So everything that Chat GPT throws your way, make sure that you're running it through the filter of your brand or thinking critically.

Does this make sense for me? Is this [00:14:00] actually factual? What does my brand think about this topic? And if needed, that's when you can bring the iteration into it, right? You don't know how many times I've had Chat GPT be like, this is, you know, one of the best tips for whatever the topic is that I'm talking about.

And I'm looking at it and I'm like, Oh, really Chat GPT? But what about this? Or, oh, Chat GPT, I actually think the opposite of that for Feel Good Social, and it will come back to me being like, oh, okay, I see your point of view, Kinsey, you know, or, oh, okay, that's also a great tip. Let's incorporate that into the messaging for this caption or this podcast episode or whatever it is, right?

So those are the three best basic prompting practices that you always need to keep in mind when you are using AI tools like Chat GPT. specific as possible. If you think you're being specific, go back in and get even more specific. Tell it more. Tell it more details about what you want, what you're talking about, and how you want it to respond, what you want it to give you.

And that is how you will get an [00:15:00] initial response. That is great. And after that, make sure that you're going back and forth with this process. You can't expect it. Just give you the perfect answer right away. Let's go back and forth with it. Let's change things up. Let's go even deeper into specific things that it gives you.

And that is how you will get even better, more unique responses that probably align more with your brand. And then number three, always, always, always be using your own brain, bringing your own thoughts, opinions, ideas to Chat GPT first, and then thinking critically about the stuff that it throws your way.

And again, in this training later this month, I'm going to go deeper into even more specific techniques that you can use with Chat GPT to get it to give you better responses, to get it to give you exactly what you're looking for. I will be sharing specific prompts that I use all the time and specific examples of ways that you can get it to tweak different things and give you the specific stuff that you're looking for.

So make sure you sign up for our training [00:16:00] AI prompting techniques for better results. Later this month, you can sign up now at DIY with. ai slash training. I cannot wait to see you there. Thank you so much for tuning into Authentic AI for Entrepreneurs, my friend. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe on Apple podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your shows.