Make It Count

The IMPORTANCE of taking a solo trip

July 26, 2023 Stephanie
The IMPORTANCE of taking a solo trip
Make It Count
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Make It Count
The IMPORTANCE of taking a solo trip
Jul 26, 2023

A few years ago I made one of the most daring decisions, at the time, of my life! 

I booked my first ever solo trip!!!! 

At the age of 21, I had BARELY EVER traveled! Had never even been on a commercial plane before IN MY LIFE! 

But I decided I wanted to take a risk & book my first ever vacation BY MYSELF out to Lost Angeles California! 

I had been wanting to go ever since I was a kid! I had promised myself a few years prior that by the age of 21, I would JUST DO IT!

So I did! 

In this episode, I go into GREAT detail what that trip was like for me, what I did out there & the lessons I learned from it! 

I just want to use this episode as an example of WHY it is SO important to travel & take at least ONE solo trip in your lifetime! 

I will NEVER forget my time out in Cali & I challenge you ALL to travel. Even if it is just a day trip, or going to a new town in your state, get out & travel! It truly is such an eye-opening experience & you grow SO much from it! 

Let me know what trips you have taken in your life that were the most eye opening to YOU! 

Come find me on social media @stepherhard 

Show Notes

A few years ago I made one of the most daring decisions, at the time, of my life! 

I booked my first ever solo trip!!!! 

At the age of 21, I had BARELY EVER traveled! Had never even been on a commercial plane before IN MY LIFE! 

But I decided I wanted to take a risk & book my first ever vacation BY MYSELF out to Lost Angeles California! 

I had been wanting to go ever since I was a kid! I had promised myself a few years prior that by the age of 21, I would JUST DO IT!

So I did! 

In this episode, I go into GREAT detail what that trip was like for me, what I did out there & the lessons I learned from it! 

I just want to use this episode as an example of WHY it is SO important to travel & take at least ONE solo trip in your lifetime! 

I will NEVER forget my time out in Cali & I challenge you ALL to travel. Even if it is just a day trip, or going to a new town in your state, get out & travel! It truly is such an eye-opening experience & you grow SO much from it! 

Let me know what trips you have taken in your life that were the most eye opening to YOU! 

Come find me on social media @stepherhard