Make It Count

23. I used to be the Pick me....Choose me....Love me girl.....

April 25, 2024 Stephanie
23. I used to be the Pick me....Choose me....Love me girl.....
Make It Count
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Make It Count
23. I used to be the Pick me....Choose me....Love me girl.....
Apr 25, 2024

Let's talk relationships....shall we?! 

It's time to get spicy here on the Make It Count Podcast! 

I have a confession to my early 20s I used to be the Pick Me, Choose me, Love me girl & guess what?! I am HAPPY I went through that stage of my life! 

There is this HUGE trend right now, against girls who show signs of being a "Pick Me" girl. 

In this episode we dive into my views on being a "pick me" girl, why I am happy I went through that phase in my early 20s & how I have come into a "new" phase in my later years. 

This episode really is a reminder that we ALL go through different phases of our life! Sometimes it's SO easy to jump on social media & give your opinion on people but this is a friendly reminder that just because you go through a phase of your life, it doesn't define who you are! 

I hope you enjoy this episode! 

Want to chat further about this topic?! 

Let's get social! 

Show Notes

Let's talk relationships....shall we?! 

It's time to get spicy here on the Make It Count Podcast! 

I have a confession to my early 20s I used to be the Pick Me, Choose me, Love me girl & guess what?! I am HAPPY I went through that stage of my life! 

There is this HUGE trend right now, against girls who show signs of being a "Pick Me" girl. 

In this episode we dive into my views on being a "pick me" girl, why I am happy I went through that phase in my early 20s & how I have come into a "new" phase in my later years. 

This episode really is a reminder that we ALL go through different phases of our life! Sometimes it's SO easy to jump on social media & give your opinion on people but this is a friendly reminder that just because you go through a phase of your life, it doesn't define who you are! 

I hope you enjoy this episode! 

Want to chat further about this topic?! 

Let's get social! 