Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations

034 - From Strangers to Soul Sisters: Building Bonds and Breakthroughs Inside Soul Tribe 20

Lisa Huff

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In this special episode of Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations, Lisa Huff welcomes five extraordinary guests from Soul Tribe 20. This unique group has formed profound connections and experienced significant personal and professional growth together. Join us as we delve into their journey, exploring the magic that happens when hairstylists come together with vulnerability and authenticity.

Guest Introductions:

- Jen Santos: Salon owner from Northern California, Brentwood.
- Paloma Sipak: Booth rental stylist from Southern California, specializing in balayage, extensions, and personalized guest experiences.
- Kristen Code: Independent hairstylist and newly minted Reiki practitioner from Michigan.
- Jordan Sturm: Owner of Salon Phoenix in Greenland, Indiana, specializing in curly hair.
- Kelsey Cowan: Booth renter from Springfield, Missouri, specializing in low maintenance color.

- "We have always been so proud of each other and we've had something super unique that I haven't seen in a lot of groups." – Paloma Sipak
- "Vulnerability and authenticity are like the two things that it's like, that's your fast-tracked way to getting the deep, real, meaningful connections." – Lisa Huff
- "If things aren't good at home, things aren't going to be good in business." – Lisa Huff

Thank you for listening! We hope this episode inspires you to seek out and nurture supportive relationships in your life and business.

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Hello friends, welcome back to Stylish Soul Tribe Conversations. This is a, maybe gonna be a while, this is gonna be a special episode. I have not one guest, not two guests, not three guests, not four guests, but five guests. I don't know if this has ever been done before. I've certainly never listened to a six person podcast episode ever in my life. But we have all of Silas Soul Tribe 20 here today, and Soul Tribe 20 is a very Special tribe, I am like the mom of 20 children, I definitely cannot choose favorites or anything like that, but we have a few, we have quite a bit of tribes that are very, very, very special inside of Soul Tribe, and I have not held that back telling these ladies, and they know, you guys will hear in their in their Conversation and their relationships that they've found something really special here together in this group. And so I, I've told them before, like, you know, how did you guys open up so quickly? What do you think made your guys connections form so strongly? Because as leading a mastermind, I'm always trying to find how to recreate something like that. And so they know they're special. They know what they've got a special thing going. And it was their idea. They're like, can we do a podcast interview with all of us on? I'm like, let's give it a try. What do we have to lose? Let's give it a go. I mean, we're going to try, we're going to see. So thinking of the person on listening, like to audio only, I think the best way we should kick this off is probably having each person introduce themselves. So you guys can start to learn the voices. I'm trying to think of the user experience for this. If this episode is too chaotic to listen to audio only, just go to YouTube and I think you'll be able to hear it a little bit better, but we're gonna try it, we're gonna see how it works, and then everyone else that's listening, if you guys are in Soul Tribe, and you're like, okay, Soul Tribe 20 went on, now we wanna go on, If this plays back well and this is a good conversation, I'm happy to have every single tribe come on the podcast. So let's go ahead and take it away. Jen, I'm going to have you introduce yourself first because Jen Santos has been on the podcast before, so I feel like she has a little bit of a leg up. to the rest of these ladies. So why don't you kick us off with introducing yourself. Obviously, people who have listened to every episode know, but a little bit of who you are, where you're from, a little bit about your business, and then we'll have everybody introduce themselves so you guys can learn everybody's voices and kind of put a name to a voice. So go ahead, Jen. Yay. Thank you for having me back. So excited. Especially with my soul tribe. I'm Jen Santos for those of you that didn't get to listen to my podcast. And I am a salon owner in Northern California, Brentwood to be specific. And I've been in this industry about 16 years, a co owner of a salon for about 13 of those years and just freshly a salon owner of a brand new salon. So. Yes, and if you haven't listened to Jen's podcast episode, I highly recommend going back because she's a powerhouse. She's very impressive. I'm obsessed with her. So it's definitely an episode worth listening to as well. I wish I had the number memorized, but I don't. Okay, Paloma, you want to introduce yourself next? Hi, I'm so excited to be here. I'm Paloma Sipak. I'm located in Southern California, Hacienda Heights, Whittier area. I'm a booth rental stylist. I specialize in balayage, extensions, and personalized guest experience. Love it. Kristen, you want to do a little intro? I'm so excited to be here. My name is Kristen Code. I am a independent hairstylist. I've been doing hair for about 15 years. I am in Michigan and I am newly a Reiki practitioner. Heck yes. Love it. All right, Jordan, go ahead. Hello, I'm Jordan Sturm. I am located out of Greenland, Indiana. I own a salon called Salon Phoenix, and I specialize in curly hair, and I'm super excited to be here with my soul tribe and excited. I'm obsessed. All right, Kelsey, go ahead. Hi I'm Kelsey Cowan. I am located in Springfield, Nowhere, Missouri, and I'm a booth renter, and I specialize in low maintenance color. Love it. Okay, amazing. So whose idea was it originally to do the Soul Tribe 20? Was it Paloma or was it, yeah, so Paloma tell me your thoughts and why you presented this idea and I mean, I feel like you're a good spokesperson for what makes Soul Tribe 20 so dang special. I just get really excited about just being with these women. I feel like we've pushed each other. I feel like. We have always been so proud of each other and that we've had something super unique that I haven't seen in a lot of groups that I've been a part of. I like always feel very cared for, very nurtured and we check in with each other so much and I just kind of like don't hear that. And so when I see it happening and I see the growth coming through each of us or when someone has a moment, like everybody just rushes to the rescue and gets us through that. And I just, you know, I want to share that and I want people to know how special these women are and how special this group is to me. And just like for anyone listening that like you can have that yourself as well. It just takes some intention. I'd love to get into what you guys think like kick that off because I do feel obviously there's a little bit of a method to the madness. I do have some like systems and processes behind the scenes when I put groups together. There's a little bit of attention to it, but there's also, like, quite a bit of magic to it, where I just kind of, like, let go, release, and, like, trust that whoever is meant to connect will connect. So what do you guys think? And any of you, feel free to chime in. Like, where do you guys think, one, how soon into Soul Tribe? Because I looked back, it was August of 2022, your guys tribe was formed, so we're coming up on your two year anniversary. So, like, when do you guys think that? You realize, like, wait, okay, this is, like, real, like, I'm really, really connected with these people, or, like, these people are really important to me, or, like, oh, this is different than, like, anything else I've experienced before. Who's brave enough? I feel like pretty immediately. Yeah. I mean, it was probably, I don't know, I feel like I'm going to call Kristen out right now. That like her and Jordan were like, super amazing at opening up. It's real life, you know, it's real life that it was, we go deeper than just business and we go personal half the time. A lot of our stuff is more personal. And the business part is the extra, you know, they're like built in besties and we We're not afraid of being judged. We're not afraid to open up because we just all truly care so much about each other. And it is a magical, just like you said, you know, you have a way of putting people together and I think we all needed each other at this time. A fun little fact, I feel like we've all kind of applied for soul tribe and didn't feel like we were ready a couple of years ago. And like the magic brought us together, that we were meant to truly be A part of, you know, of 20. Like, if you guys didn't join at the same time, these exact connections wouldn't have been formed. And, yeah. Kristen, do you wanna, I mean, open up as much as you feel comfortable, but do you wanna share? I know you kind of did kick it off with vulnerability, and I will say I've seen this in multiple tribes. So again, for, if you're listening to this and you think about joining Soul Tribe one day, or if you're in Soul Tribe currently, Vulnerability and authenticity are like the two things that it's like, that's your fast tracked way to getting the deep, real, meaningful connections, and I know you had some intense life things happening right when you joined Soul Tribe and I'm really grateful that you let them in on that and didn't just totally hermit away because I know you can do that naturally but do you want to like share a little bit of that and then maybe Jordan can chime in with hers as well? Yeah, so it was about a month after we all got together and I experienced two pretty significant losses, like on top of each other. And the losses also affected my family. And so I felt like I was kind of a support to my family. And I didn't really want to like, need anyone. And so like, I didn't know these women, like, and I just leaned right in and I, I just, I explained the situation I was in and the way that they came to my rescue. And like, I just, when Jen was talking, I could feel like the warm hug that they just are to me. And Ever since then, we don't hold back. Yeah. And Jordan, you were at about the same time. You had some, and again, feel, only share what you feel comfortable sharing, but what made you feel brave enough to do that? Or, you know? Well, I had a bad experience in the salon. And I did not know where to turn and I just, like, came in here and I was upset and raw. Like, they were the first people I turned to. I mean, I was crying. I am the crier of the group. I was just very emotional from the very beginning and everyone came to my, like, It was Kelsey in particular, I remember being like, very protective. I could see it in her eyes and she's like, this is what's happening. And the way they all showed up for me and helped me figure out how to navigate a situation and all of that, I think between Kristen being vulnerable and me being vulnerable and kind of seeing everyone kind of know this isn't going to happen. Like, we're all a team kind of. Pick that off. I guess. Yeah. Yeah, and there's just some people that don't, I don't know, they, they almost hold that back. And I think what makes Soul Tribe so special, or even anything like online almost, is you almost get to go into it with this, like, what do I have to lose? Like, you know, you opened up, Kristen, that was scary, that was vulnerable, but like, Say these girls were kind of duds and weren't what you needed, you can just leave and you never have to, you know, talk to them again. But like, it gives you almost that opportunity to open up in a way that you're sometimes, I think, too scared to open up in real life with people. I don't know. I don't know how to explain it. What about you, Kelsey? Do you have anything you want to add to that? I do actually. I keep thinking back to whenever we first got together and just like starting to get to know each other, we really leaned into like each person's Enneagram and we really tried to, and there are a couple of people that didn't know a whole lot about it. And so we really tried to like, learn As much as we could about each person. So now that we know, you know, when I, or Jordan or Kristen don't show up on Marco polo, we're like, Hey girl, where are you at? Things are, are you doing okay? You're hiding. Exactly. Do you need to talk about something? What's going on? So Just knowing each other so well and each other's little tells on how we're doing, I feel like has been really helpful in our relationships and keeping it really solid and sturdy. And you guys like intentionally opened up right off the bat on that, right? Like you said, like, okay, tell us how, like, what, how did that go? I vaguely remember. It was like, here's how I show up good. Here's how I show up back. Here's where I need you to call me out. Here's where I don't. I think it was more of a, like, we just heard it in the conversation because we I feel like the business is the sprinkle on top and everything else we've noticed has been like a personal, like we all went through some dramatic changes. I got married right when I joined, it was a huge thing for me. Everybody was going through something. And so somebody would say, Oh, you know, sorry, if I'm MIA for a little while, I'm going through something. And then that would be a key of like, Hey, that means they're going through something if they don't show up, that means I should check on them. And so all of us kind of got to a point where we were able to share that. Maybe like consciously or unconsciously, but everybody else picked up on it. And now we know like, Oh, so and so is doing that. Or like, if they're not in the group, we'll send a solo polo. Hey, Jen, how are you doing? I haven't heard from you in a while. Is everything okay? Or something like that. Just to check in. We have the group text. Do you like, just give us a thumbs up if you're okay. Just. So keep everybody, make sure that you know that we care about you and that it's safe to be here. If you need us, if you don't, if you need, whatever it is that you need, let us know and we got you. Yeah. And just knowing there's always like people in your corner, as I was thinking, cause we've had this podcast. planned for a little while now, and I just a few weeks ago went on a girls trip with my girlfriends, the Fab Five, and I actually, like, just clicked in my brain thinking about your guys group and just thinking about, and for those of you that don't know, I have a group of girlfriends that we've been friends literally since I was four years old, like, have stood the test of time, are still madly in love and obsessed with each other, all five of us, and we take very serious that, like, we are a group of friends and, like, If one, if we have a fab five get together plan and one person has to bail, we're all canceling and we're rescheduling because we don't want to get in the habit of like, this person just fades away. Like we've come 26 years. We're not going back now. And I never even realized up until this point, I put. Tribes together in groups of five and I don't know if that was like intentional or not But I do think there's such a balance to that and like what I feel From you guys and I don't know if like you could label people like Jordan's on the cry or I'm the whatever but there is this just like very harmonious balance of like introverts versus extroverts emotional versus Practical like you guys just have a really good balance the five of you. Do you agree? We do. And I think we know who's who and when they're not acting a certain way. It's like, that's not you. Or, you know, Krista, I'm gonna call you out too. Like she gets into times where she's like, I don't know if, you know, this is for me. I'm like, where are you trying to push this away? Cause we're not going to let you, we're not going to let you do that. Yeah, I, we have a few other, like, funny quirks and you guys feel free to unmute and just, like, chime in on those as well, but, like, they always, they have these, like, little catchphrases. Like, one of them is, like, don't create problems for yourself because they'll do that. Sometimes we'll come to a soul tribe call. When did that originally happen? I said that to someone. Who did I say that to originally? Kristen? That was me, yes. That was when we were in California at Jen's house. It's like, why do you always look for problems? Like, I need to be prepared. Yeah, and so like, we have these little things that we can call it out now, where it's like, and sometimes I think, and we can decide how deep we want to get to go with this, but like, when you haven't maybe had really. Tight women friendships in your life, or maybe when you don't have people that you can really lean into, like, I don't know, it's very powerful, it's very important, I, I, it means so much to me when other people see and feel the importance of that, and you guys get that impact in the same way Yeah, it's just really special. And so Christens don't create problems. And we just have other little like things like that, that come up of, it's like, you know, each other so well after a certain point that you can just like call someone on their bullshit. And that's really, really helpful. I was going to say at the beginning too, I feel like we really got to know each other and not just the business. Like I remember at the very beginning, we were like, what's your favorite ice cream? What's your favorite type of meat? Like we just kept on talking. And I think that was nice to know the person, not just the business, but like What is it about you that makes you you and all of that stuff? So I think that was important like key to it all as well. And you guys don't forget that either It's somebody's birthday and you like show up show out with all of their favorite things. You guys know each other So well, it's just really special and really cute and it makes me really happy okay so i'd love to know if you guys whether everyone wants to share or who wants to kick it off but like i'd love to Know like how your life has changed in the last two years since joining soul drive and connecting with each other You Someone be brave and go first. I'll be brave and go first because I feel like this, this tribe has like drastically changed my life. I, in the last two years opened up a salon. I gained five new best friends. I went through some very I mean, a lot of business, but a lot of like personal relationships that I had built for, you know, so long that it's got flipped upside down, you know, and some in the best way. And some, you know, a little bit tougher, but without the encouragement of these girls and without the support and without the non bias, like I would not have had the courage to do, you know, open a salon after so long. It would, I just, I would not have. I wouldn't have, I wouldn't be where I am. I, I know that for a fact, I would not be here, you know, with this beautiful salon, this beautiful life that we've created, like, without these girls. Special. Anyone else want to share? I will. I I was actually looking at my memories today. So on May 4th, I fell. And broke my ankle and that was the first time that I really started to like, dream and allow myself to have vision for the future. Isn't that wild that it takes an accident like that that knocks you on your ass to give you space to do that? Interesting. But the card that I pulled that morning was like step out of indecision. I certainly did. But I feel like without this group, I wouldn't have, I wouldn't have continued to move the needle forward. I would have just, you know, been content with what I had. And never really taken the time to dream, to, you know, dream bigger. That's good. I'll go next. I feel that this came at the right time for me. Cause I, as I mentioned, when I joined, I had just, I was about to get married. It was just a couple weeks before my wedding. Mom, I vividly remember your onboarding, and like, you really hesitant to joining. You're like, when I do things, I do them all out, I'm so distracted right now, blah, blah, blah. I'm like, just, just chill. And I bet it was when you were supposed to. It was. I was about to leave for my bachelorette. Weekend that day, I remember saying, like, I don't know if I have enough to give, or I don't know, like, I'm just here to collaborate because that's what drives me. That's what, like, lights the fire. And I want to learn from people. And I Had never moved from my mom's house. I was 33 at the time. It was a huge thing for me to feel like I'm out here by myself. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm living with this man that I, you know, we've been together for 10 years, but still like we didn't live together. I was at a point in my business where. I just, I had a lot of resentment because like, I wanted to be a musical theater star, I wanted to be on Broadway, and this kind of felt like something I settled for, and my identity was just weird about it, and so I was like, well, I'm here, like, how do I, Do this, and I feel like Soul Tribe really like helped these girls validate every feeling I had. They're like, this is normal. You're freaking out because you have a new life now. You have bills that you're not used to. You're living with someone you're not used to. You're in a new environment. It's okay that you're struggling. It's okay that, and it's not wild that they didn't even really know you that well before that either. But they could point that out so clearly. Yeah. Yeah. Because they've all, I mean, like Jen and Kelsey are married. With children and they've gone through that. Jordan has her partner that she's living with. Kristen was single. Like I was before. So we all like have a different like phase in life where I could ask her, like, Kristen, when you were going through this or Jen, when you got married or Kelsey, when you had kids. Jordan, how are you and Brandon dealing with, you know, these, these conflicting things when you moved in together? Like, a lot of it was personal and a lot of it was like, I would take that as I was failing at my business because all this was getting in the way or making me feel like I couldn't do it. And they're like, no, no, no. Like, this is life. You're changing. You'll adjust. It'll be okay. And they really pushed me to move the needle to take on new risks. Like I just started doing extensions and I would have never thought that I could have done that or raise my prices or like been in a position where I'm at. And I think it has to just do with that support and love that. they never give up on me. Yeah, I love it. Jordan, were you gonna chime in before Paloma started? Yeah I've shared with you a million times about how grateful I am for Soul Tribe and I will say with Soul Tribe in particular, not even this group, but like the mindset and the gratitude and everything like that you Base soul tribe around has been super eye opening and my growth personally and then this group. They're like my sounding board and any life problem I feel like I can come to them and I can be as vulnerable and as honest as possible and they will never judge me and be met i've been met with so much love and my big thing was I'm like, my big fear was being a salon owner. My last two salons I worked at the owners are no longer doing hair and they are not, they don't want a salon obviously. And so I was afraid when I own, I took over my salon that being a salon owner means I'm no longer going to be doing hair. And that was my big fear. And I really do think like, if I wasn't. in this group. I might be in that same situation. That was the truth in your head. You would have repeated that cycle. Yeah. It would have been because who does a salon owner turn to? Like the salon owners, like, like I didn't have, I don't know. And then to also be like shown this whole way of your business and clientele and how you, what the possibilities are for your business and what you can do and giving me permission to do certain things. Like it's just been life changing and like the, And I don't mean that, like, life changing lightly. Like, it's been an incredible experience for myself. You literally make me want to cry every time you say that I cannot handle that. So, that's Yeah. That's my experience. Oh, I love it. I love you. Halcyon, chime in. Yeah. I, I feel like we have all, it's been very cool to watch every single person grow and their journey. And it's very cool because we're able to, Jordan has had situations that have come up and she's like, you know what? No, I'm not going to deal with this. This is actually how it's going to go. And that was not Jordan. Whenever we first joined. No, exactly. And everyone, every single person in here has their own situation. And it's just, we just kind of stop and we're like, wow, you have grown so much because of this group, because of soul tribe, because of soul tribe 20, it's just, it's so stinking special. And definitely myself. Like you guys have pointed out things that I've grown in. Mostly personal, I would say, which I just am, have so much gratitude for that to you, Lisa, and to these girls, for sure. I'd love to know your guys feedback on this, because I'll have new members join, and they assume that it's a business thing. That's what it is, it's a hair, it's a mastermind membership for hairstylists, like we talk about business, we talk about raising your prices, all these things that I can create content around, but then whenever people are new to Soul Tribe, they'll like, be like, okay, like, well I have some, you know. Here's my homework for my business. Like, I have all these other things, but like, it's not business related or like what, when we onboard, I'll like ask them questions. They're like, well, do you want to know like personal life or business? I'm like, they go hand in hand. Like if, if things aren't good at home, things aren't going to be good in business and you know, kind of vice versa. So I do think it's a very like holistic approach. I'm curious. We'll just go, you know all of you name, like, would you guys say it's 50, 50, Like what, What percentage would you say this work and these conversations and all of this is actually personal versus business? Because I think a lot of people are surprised by that. For me personally, I see it's 80 20 personal. Okay. Because you are very like, it's a mindset thing. It's a mindset thing. It's a mindset thing. I know and I hate being a broken record, but like typically that is the root. Yeah. Kristen, do you agree? 80 20? You guys all agree about that? Or would you say slightly different? About the same. Yeah, I feel like it depends though, like, you know, on what just that month brings because half the time it is, you know, more personal, but then there's, you know, the other times where it's like, okay, this is a huge part of business that needs to be, you know, figured out. But yeah, I don't, I don't think that it would be as successful without going the personal, you know, level. And I think it also depends too on how like, I don't know. I don't know how to word this so it doesn't feel like it's like a race or anything. But however, however much healing you've done or however good the personal side is, is kind of the capacity, I think, to where business can reach. And then when you hit a glass ceiling, it's like, oh, okay, it's time to, you know, do that personal work. And then that almost raises your capacity for business. I don't know if you guys would agree with that. So yeah, I think there are certain times when it is much more. business than personal. So, okay you guys have, I mean, I want to say recently, but it's probably been a while now. How long ago was your trip? I feel like time is just flying. I have no perception of time anymore. When were you guys in California together? It was February. February, March, April, May. So three months ago, you guys were together. Whose idea was that? How did that come about? We've had a few Soul Tribe, like, get togethers, but you guys almost planned, like, your own little mini retreat. Kristen made t shirts. Like, it was a thing. It was very much a thing. Whose idea was that? How did that come about? And how did you guys do that? Okay, so it kind of came about because we all were always saying, I wish we lived closer. I wish you were right there. I wish we could just help go have lunch. And so we kind of started, like, toying with the idea of, like, well, wouldn't it be cool if we could get together? And it really, like, It was the, this, the deciding factor is that Kristen had a birthday. She'd been going through quite a bit for six months or so that she just wasn't getting a break. And we noticed that she was. starting to connect more with Kristen Sosman and the Reiki business and wanting to just like really dive deep into that. And Jen had offered her home. She's like, if you guys ever came, you know, I can have you at my house. And like the stars aligned that Kristen Sosman's studio is not far from where Jen lives. And so we thought like, why don't we, Get, like we know she does personal in-person experiences. Why don't we get that for Kristen for her birthday? And then that will be a reason for us to get together. We'll all like have this experience together. We'll go to Jen's house and we'll have, you know, our trip. Mm-Hmm. And so once we kind of committed to that, like it was on, I love it. How long did you guys plan that for? My birthday is end of June. So they had to have been talking to Kristen in June for quite a while Yeah, which gives it time and I think sometimes when it when everybody lives in different states and we all have our own lives That's even like I keep going back to my fab five group We decided cuz we went to California this last trip and we've always only done like overnights together in Illinois, but one of my friends lives out in California now, but we were like, this is something we want to keep doing. But then Jacqueline and I have kids and we're like, well, I mean, I wish we could get on an airplane and take a trip every year, but like, I got family vacations to plan and stuff. So we said every two years we'll do a destination. Every other year we'll meet in Illinois. And I think it just takes a lot of planning and it just takes everyone willing to show up and like, willing to do that. So do you guys think that you're going to keep doing that? And if so, how often? We're talking yearly, and next year they're supposed to come to my neck of the woods. Your neck of the woods, nice. Well that's not too too far from me, so maybe you gotta tell me when that's happening and I'll scoot on over. Ooh, we should have kept that a surprise. You could have been at the house. Okay, yeah, that could have been fun. I thought, I really thought about pulling it off, cause I knew when you guys booked with Kristen Zosman, I really thought about going to stay with her, but I just had way too much happening in my world, I couldn't surprise you guys, but. Yeah, I think we're going to try to do everyone host at their house because it was nice to see Jen's house and her family and her salon and like it was really cool to like live a day in the life of Jen. So like, I think it'd be fun to do that with everybody. Yeah. And I will say I feel like I am much more reserved. I feel like, like you said, I kind of fly under the radar and I feel like this trip really like allowed me to open up. And I feel like we were able to dig a lot deeper with me and Chris and I feel like specifically, you know and it was just, it was really cool. There was nothing, there was nothing like it, you know, it was just, it was really, really neat to go there. That's so sweet. My favorite part of that trip was when We just got to sit there and watch Jen be a mom, like, it was so cool to just see her be a person, not this, you know, badass businesswoman that she is, just a mom to her sweet little babies. And it was really fun to, like, It didn't occur to us till later that, like, Jen was telling us, the girls are coming, the girls are coming, they're like, you don't know them, you've never met them, you've never seen them in person, they're staying at your house with your kids and your husband? She's like, yeah. Like, I feel like that's true of the tribe as a whole, though. Like, when I tell people about retreats and stuff, and like, when people, you know, go and tell their family or whatever, like, oh, I'm flying out to Chicago, or I'm flying to Miami to go meet these people I only know from the internet. Like, I remember the first retreat I ever went on, and like, Ryan was there. Like, are you sure this isn't human trafficking? Are you sure this is safe? And it is just so wild, the world we live in. I feel like the internet makes the world so much smaller. Cause I'm sorry, all of our, you know, friendships in real life are also important too, but there is something different about specifically, shout out to Marco Polo, because that is what we all use inside of Soul Tribe. Having someone in your pocket every single day. Is just a different, somehow you get closer to these people than people you've been friends with for a decade. It's wild. Absolutely. I was, yes. I don't know the secret sauce to what that is, but it's impactful. They don't know your past, you know? They don't have, they're not used to you being the same. Give the one way this way. And then as you're growing, you have to change. Yeah. You know, they just accept you as it is and they call it out. And it's just, it's so magical. And literally there was no awkward, like it was when we saw each other, it was like we known each other our whole lives. Like it was incredible. Something to be said for all of us being hairstylists, because you can talk to a friend about something you're going through, but it's like, you don't know, you don't like live the same. life or like know what it means to be in the salon and going through this. And that was something we all, I think is special here too. Yeah. I love that a lot. Okay. I think I'd love to ask now, if you guys feel good about sharing this, what your biggest breakthrough each person has been in the last two years, biggest breakthrough or biggest like tool or system or, you know, boundary or something, what has been in your biggest breakthrough in the last two years? If you have it, go ahead and speak, because I can tell some people are thinking about this. I feel like mine has been you opening me up to, like, the woo side. Because I am, this is so new to me, and the breakthroughs that I've had specifically with this group, with connections that I've made from you, like, It has been insane. Like something I would never say. Woo. Cause I think about who's headphones we're in right now. Like, what does that even mean? Okay. So what that means to me is more like the spiritual side. So like a lot of, we had visited Kristen Sosman. She does Reiki and she does the sound baths and meditation. Like I had no idea what any of the benefits of that were. Yeah. And then Kelsey had talked like the Enneagram type and like just knowing your, your personality. So just literally. Like spirit soul, you know, all of that because it was something that I don't know if I like blocked out or if I was just like, Oh, it's fine. You know, I'm a doer. Like I just do things and I don't really know why. And so now I'm like really finding out the why of what, why I do what I do, you know, sometimes. And it's like, Oh, Oh, I never even thought about that, you know, and it's, they're making me, you know, so much different that I'm having all these breakthroughs because now I can really identify that. I had this thought and then I lost it for a second and I moved topics with that but you just said it and sparked it again. There's also something powerful, like you said, about people in your life, they know you, they know the old you, whatever. But there's also like, Sometimes the people in your real, everyday life, not this version of, you know, whatever these connections are, sometimes they also have something to lose if you change. You know, whether they're saying it subconsciously or not, like, they met you a certain way, maybe your behaviors and your lack of boundaries benefits them in some way, or maybe, and so, like, Getting perspective from somebody who literally has nothing to gain or lose, whether you change your behavior or not, is really, really, really powerful because they just hold a mirror up and they're like, whether you change your behavior or you grow in this way, it's not going to impact me at all, but I'm just pointing this out to you. It's so different than what your family or your friends or like your coworkers or somebody else would do because typically they're emotionally tied to your behaviors in your everyday life. And I think that's another really. Big part of it as well. So anyone else want to share any big breakthroughs? I'll be brave. I think the biggest breakthrough for me, truthfully, is learning to allow other people to care and support me. It's really uncomfortable, but They supported me through all of the work that I did on myself in the last, like, year and a half, and even though I still threaten to push them away, they They love you so aggressively, they don't give you a choice. Exactly. Oh, that's powerful. Yeah, and I think a lot of people do that and have this, like, hyper independence and will push people away, and it's It's tricky to get to that point where you have that with people, where you can be that and people can be that for you, but like, you have to be willing to kind of go there to open up to that. Anyone else want to share breakthroughs? I think for me, it was mostly A sense of identity. I think I felt that I was one way and that was it. And if I changed, I was given that up and I couldn't be that anymore. If I chose to be this new thing and they really came through and said, like, you don't have to be one or the other, just because you're doing this, does it make you not that anymore? And that was like a huge thing for me to like, really realize. And just. Give a lot of gratitude to where I'm at, where I've been, and instead of looking at, like, what I haven't done, think of, like, how far I have come. Mm hmm. Yeah, we'll continue reminding you of that. Kelsey, you want to go ahead? My answer is very similar to Jen's. I think I, these girls have helped me start to be able to recognize my patterns. And find my voice and all the things that come with that. It's been, it's been really beautiful and they keep reminding me, which is the great thing about it. So not only like, am I starting to recognize things? I keep getting this validation of like, you're, you're on the right track. You're doing it. You're, you're doing good. And that is, that's really great to have. I appreciate it. And I think that comes with just like consistency, you know, and I'm sure you guys correct me if I'm wrong, but I know there's plenty of times I even get on Soul Tribes and it calls and it's like, there's really nothing to share, we could coast this month, there's nothing, but showing up regularly over and over and over and over again, like, it just continues to make you push the needle forward, which then over two years, compounds and you're like, wow, look at the change of me. I'm a different person than I used to be, you know? And sometimes it doesn't feel like it in the moment, but over time that's really significant. Jordan, really quick too, sorry Jordan, like, and they're not afraid to tell us no, or you're not afraid to tell us no when we need to hear it, you know? Sometimes it's like, you know, No, like you don't need to work on that. We need to do this instead, you know, like, so I feel like the challenge and really like not being afraid, like you said, to have that voice and to, we're just honest, you know, you just tell, we all tell it like it is. And I feel like that's so beneficial. Hmm. Love it. Jordan, you have breakthroughs. I feel like you are one big breakthrough since I've met you. So what would you sum it up as? I mean, that's so hard to sum it up because I do feel like a different person than I was when I joined Soul Tribe. I almost think Joining Soul Tribe in general was a breakthrough because I trusted that I needed to do it. But then I remember after I did my onboarding call or like scheduled it, I sat there and I fully spiraled and I was like, I can't even text my mom back. How am I supposed to come up and show, show up for these people? And I, I don't know, like I never, I'm not a put myself out there type of person. So to even do something like this is very out of my comfort zone. And I was like, I. It was like, I'm gonna have to join the witness protection program and say that I cannot, like, I don't know, like, I was spiraling, like, I could not do this. This is not, this is not good. And then I think the other one was going to the retreat. And I bought my retreat ticket before. Like anyone here did and that's also that like me because I would want a friend to go and I like scared to put myself out there but I knew I needed to do it and there was a lot of spiraling before but I went through it and I put myself out there made great connections and I think just growing in confidence and growing as a person grown a lot. And these girls, like everyone else said, have really supported me through all of that. So. I love it. If you could go back and talk to Jordan pre joining, like, what would you tell her? And it can be about Soul Tribe or it can just be like, what's your biggest, like, life lesson or what do you know now that she didn't know back then? Oh, That's such a hard question. I don't have a good answer. I think I would say that I, she, you're worth it. And that I think the key is like, I've always poured into other people and never like filled my own cup. And so to know that that's going to be happening and that I'm worth that. And I don't know, I don't, it's hard to pinpoint the one thing because there's just been so much that. Totally fair. I love that. All right, does anybody have any final thoughts or anything else you guys feel like is worth talking about on the Soul Tribe 20 podcast episode? Do we feel pretty good? Paloma? I'm just so proud of everyone and it brings me a lot of joy to see the growth in each one of these girls and I think back to, we've gone back on our, the beginning of our polos to hear what our goals were at the time and to see that they're far behind us now and we're on the next thing is just very inspiring to me every day. I look forward to talking to them every day. If there's a day that goes by, I'm like, hi guys, I miss you. Like we just have something really special and I'm very grateful for that. So thank you to all of you and to Lisa for putting us together. Oh my God. What a heart. You guys are pulling at my heartstrings this whole entire freaking episode. Anybody else have any final thoughts? I wholeheartedly agree with everything Paloma just said. It's cool that you guys can look back on your polos and literally, I'm sure even just seeing how your voice changes, how comfortable you show up on polo, but it's like a document of your entire connection and, and relationship that you guys have had over time and will continue to have. That's amazing. I love it. Well, I love you all literally so dearly. I think we pulled off a six person episode. I'm curious how it sounds. None of us have super similar sounding voices, so I feel like you're gonna be able to tell. But yeah, I will, I will echo Paloma. I am incredibly proud of you girls, and I say it all the time. I don't know what to say. What exactly happened or exactly how the stars aligned but like when I think of like my target market for this business like I think of you guys like this is what I'm trying to recreate for everybody so I'm so grateful that you guys have it I'm grateful I could be a part of it and I'm grateful for the ripple effect that it has on the world you know because you guys become better humans you help other people become better humans like it's just love all around so I'm grateful as fuck as per usual and I think that's it. Thank you guys for taking the time. Thank you for pouring your heart and soul. I know you guys were very nervous to come on. I know Jen obviously had her take on this already. Paloma is going to be coming on here. Have you booked that yet? I don't remember if I saw the, okay, so Paloma is going to be coming on in the future to do a, you know, just her and I interview and I'm sure the other girls will be on eventually as well. So thank you ladies. Thank you so much. Thank you friends for listening to us gush through this whole entire thing, but what I really hope the takeaway is for somebody listening is just that really community is important and I think a lot of people get so jaded whether they work in this like catty salon where these women are backstabbing them or gone You know, maybe you've never been somebody that could really, like, hit it off with people and you've always kind of, like, craved that but never had that. Like, my hope between, behind all of this is just that you realize that everybody can and should have this and how much further it gets you in life and in business when you have people around you that really fucking care a lot. Alright, ladies. Thank you, friends, for listening. And I will talk to you all next week.