Human Energy Podcast

Shaping Noospheric Adults with Montessori Cosmic Education - Jennifer Morgan - N2 Conference

Human Energy Season 2 Episode 21

Shaping Noospheric Adults with Montessori Cosmic Education

Presented by Jennifer Morgan

N2 Conference 2023

Montessori schools worldwide are daily shaping Noospheric adults of tomorrow through Montessori Cosmic Education, one of the first curricula to situate all learning inside the larger arc of cosmic evolution. Montessori Cosmic Education centers on: enthusing students to their inmost core, nested Great Stories, a pedagogical scaffolding that connects all subjects inside the cosmic story, and a deep understanding of planes of development. It was developed by Maria Montessori and her son Mario Montessori in the 1940s. Linking Montessori Cosmic Education with the Teilhard lineage (Berry, Swimme, Tucker, etc.), Big History (Christian, Spier, etc.), Gaia Systems Theory (Margulis, Lovelock, etc.), and others can help nurture Noospheric consciousness. The Montessori lineage has massive reach through Montessori schools worldwide and is a significant force today in the goal of developing the Noosphere.

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