Human Energy Podcast

Humanity's New Awareness: The Grandeur of Cosmogenesis and the Quest of Divinization - Monica DeRaspe-Bolles, Brian Thomas Swimme - N2 Conference 2023

Monica DeRaspe-Bolles, Brian Thomas Swimme Season 2 Episode 27

Humanity's New Awareness: The Grandeur of Cosmogenesis and the Quest of Divinization

Presented by Monica DeRaspe-Bolles & Brian Thomas Swimme
N2 Conference 2023
University of California, Berkeley

Humanity stands on the cusp of a transformative realization. Emerging from its evolutionary journey as a distinct phylum and intertwined with the universe's 13.8 billion-year history, humanity is beginning to apprehend the grandeur and unity of the universe in new ways. Advancements in science have not only expanded our knowledge of the various objects in the universe. They have also unveiled reality as a continuous creation. The universe is not the static cosmos envisioned by Aristotle or Isaac Newton, but a cosmogenesis—an astonishing, time-soaked, generative, and ever-evolving progression of becoming which has led, in our time, to the building of the noosphere.

As we transition to a view of the universe as a cosmogenesis, we begin to discern that a cosmological form of "knowing" has been at work since the very origin. The universe "knew" how to create stars, galaxies, planets, life, and humanity. This knowing is a deeper form than human knowing, a cosmological process Pierre Teilhard de Chardin named "divinization." In Teilhard's cosmology, a divine dimension is at work in the simplest atoms and in the most complex human beings. Each individual participates uniquely in this process of noogenesis, the making of the noosphere.

Our presentation describes how telling the "Story of the Noosphere" awakens in us the innate sense of awe and wonder lying dormant within many individuals. As we delve deep into the narrative of the third story, we aim to activate the creativity essential for building a sacred, thinking Earth.

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