Human Energy Podcast

Noogenesis: Human + A.I. Agents Iterating toward Collaborative Intelligence - Zann Gill - N2 Conference 2023

Human Energy Season 2 Episode 36

Zann Gill
A founder of GAIL (Generative AI Lab & Library). Former Research Scientist/ Program Developer at NASA.

N2 Conference 2023
University of California, Berkeley 

Noogenesis: Human + A.I. Agents Iterating toward Collaborative Intelligence

Two extreme views contend in the A.I. debate: First: A.I. will drive the human species extinct. Second: A.I. will be a great equalizer and enabler. Human perception of the extinction hypothesis was fact checked by Melanie Mitchell: 50% of AI researchers believe there’s a 10% chance that AI will drive the human species extinct. Those now in control fear AI as “an alien gone out of control.” In contrast, the global open source community models collaborative autonomy, a distributed indie network rapidly iterating, innovating, and evolving, a noosphere emerging to empower humanity. As a grad student, I was inspired by Buckminster Fuller’s pre-Internet concept for World Game, designed to be played in university gymnasia, where a 75 foot Dymaxion Map of the world was laid out as a gameboard on the gymnasium floor. When the public Internet made a global, persistent “gameboard” possible, I started earthDECKS, where DECKS stands for Distributed, Evolving Collaborative Knowledge System and also evokes “decks” of story cards in a human - machine iterative learning loop that can manifest collaborative intelligence, the 21st century incarnation of what Teilhard de Chardin called the noosphere and Buckminster Fuller called World Game. With the surge of A.I., I saw the missing puzzle piece to grow and evolve a global platform to track local progress toward addressing the grave crises of life on Earth today. A.I. is a bandwagon with momentum to drive a collaborative intelligence initiative, attracting global attention, mobilizing fear to kickstart action and motivating construction of a next generation social network to support collaborative intelligence, using A.I. to scale.

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