Human Energy Podcast

The Noosphere and its Experiential Evolution: A Look at History and Future Perspectives. - Wolfgang Leidhold - N2 Conference 2023

Human Energy Season 2 Episode 37

Wolfgang Leidhold
Professor of Political Science at the University of Cologne (Germany)

N2 Conference 2023
University of California, Berkeley

The Noosphere and its Experiential Evolution: A Look at History and Future Perspectives.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin first conceived the concept of the noosphere in 1923 and later positioned it in his theory of cosmogenesis, running from the geosphere via the biosphere to the noosphere. In my talk, I elaborate on the dynamics of this evolution, taking a closer look at the transition from the present state of the noosphere into the next turn in experience. Brian inspired me to bring together Teilhard’s ideas, Brian's reflections, and mine. I want to present the results here. In my view, the noosphere passes through an experiential evolution, which leads from the Paleolithic to the present day. As I have shown in my book on "The History of Experience" (2023), the noosphere went through nine transformations so far. At each new stage, the way we consciously participate in reality (i.e. the structure of experience) changed, beginning with the transition from intuitive information processing to conscious perception, reaching its preliminary climax with the discovery of consciousness and the unconscious. This raises the question: Has the evolution of experience already reached its end with the recent transition? The answer is no - there is no reason to think so. But where does the journey go now? Brian and I both think that today we are on the threshold of another dimension of experience. The outlines of this next transformation are something Brian and I want to consider and flesh out in dialogue.

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