The Donkey and The Bee

What Happens When You Outgrow Your Friends - Finding People That Help Your Growth - Ep 33

March 27, 2024 Brett and Laura Chotkevys Season 1 Episode 33
What Happens When You Outgrow Your Friends - Finding People That Help Your Growth - Ep 33
The Donkey and The Bee
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The Donkey and The Bee
What Happens When You Outgrow Your Friends - Finding People That Help Your Growth - Ep 33
Mar 27, 2024 Season 1 Episode 33
Brett and Laura Chotkevys

In this episode, Brett and Laura talk about growing away from their friends. This is something that we’ve all gone through. Maybe after high school or college, you slowly drift away from your close friends and don’t really communicate with them anymore. A lot of times, people see this as a sad thing. However, Brett and Laura say this isn’t inherently a bad thing. If anything, it can be a great thing.

Brett and Laura say that it’s all about growth. It’s not that your old friends are changing; it’s that you are changing for the better. Slowly, you pick up different interests and hobbies, maybe you have new values and goals you’re striving for. The best way to meet those goals is to have people around you who inspire and push you forward. Brett and Laura discuss how they seek out friends with similar core values. These friends don’t have to share every single goal or value you have, but maybe just a few. For example, they might value a good family life, physical health, or financial success. Brett and Laura talk about moving away from their old friends and finding people who align with these values.

#Investing #RealEstate #AssistedLivingInvesting

Check out some FREE Resources HERE: https://www.PALM.University

Show Notes

In this episode, Brett and Laura talk about growing away from their friends. This is something that we’ve all gone through. Maybe after high school or college, you slowly drift away from your close friends and don’t really communicate with them anymore. A lot of times, people see this as a sad thing. However, Brett and Laura say this isn’t inherently a bad thing. If anything, it can be a great thing.

Brett and Laura say that it’s all about growth. It’s not that your old friends are changing; it’s that you are changing for the better. Slowly, you pick up different interests and hobbies, maybe you have new values and goals you’re striving for. The best way to meet those goals is to have people around you who inspire and push you forward. Brett and Laura discuss how they seek out friends with similar core values. These friends don’t have to share every single goal or value you have, but maybe just a few. For example, they might value a good family life, physical health, or financial success. Brett and Laura talk about moving away from their old friends and finding people who align with these values.

#Investing #RealEstate #AssistedLivingInvesting

Check out some FREE Resources HERE: https://www.PALM.University