The Donkey and The Bee

What Is Real Success And Wealth? - The Difference Between Looking Good And Being Good - Ep 42

May 29, 2024 Brett and Laura Chotkevys Season 1 Episode 42
What Is Real Success And Wealth? - The Difference Between Looking Good And Being Good - Ep 42
The Donkey and The Bee
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The Donkey and The Bee
What Is Real Success And Wealth? - The Difference Between Looking Good And Being Good - Ep 42
May 29, 2024 Season 1 Episode 42
Brett and Laura Chotkevys

Ever wonder if you should focus on looking successful or actually being successful? In this episode of The Donkey and The Bee, we dig into how trying to look good on the outside can mess up your finances. Have you felt pressured to keep up appearances but know it's hurting your bank account? We share our own story of going broke and what we learned about setting real financial priorities.

Do you feel like you’re always spending money to keep up with others? Are you missing out on saving and investing because you're too busy trying to look the part? We talk about the difference between spending for show and making smart money choices that lead to real financial freedom. How can changing your mindset about money help you break free from the cycle of debt and stress?

What example are you setting for your kids with your money habits? Are you teaching them to value appearances over financial security? We share tips on how to show your kids the importance of smart financial decisions and long-term goals. If you're looking to improve your finances and set a better example, this episode is for you. Don’t forget to share this episode with someone who needs it and subscribe to our show for more real talk on money and life!

#Investing #RealEstate #AssistedLivingInvesting

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Show Notes

Ever wonder if you should focus on looking successful or actually being successful? In this episode of The Donkey and The Bee, we dig into how trying to look good on the outside can mess up your finances. Have you felt pressured to keep up appearances but know it's hurting your bank account? We share our own story of going broke and what we learned about setting real financial priorities.

Do you feel like you’re always spending money to keep up with others? Are you missing out on saving and investing because you're too busy trying to look the part? We talk about the difference between spending for show and making smart money choices that lead to real financial freedom. How can changing your mindset about money help you break free from the cycle of debt and stress?

What example are you setting for your kids with your money habits? Are you teaching them to value appearances over financial security? We share tips on how to show your kids the importance of smart financial decisions and long-term goals. If you're looking to improve your finances and set a better example, this episode is for you. Don’t forget to share this episode with someone who needs it and subscribe to our show for more real talk on money and life!

#Investing #RealEstate #AssistedLivingInvesting

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Check out some FREE Resources HERE: https://www.PALM.University