Harmony of Hustle

Episode #10: How to create a Million Dollar Sales Team

Justin Shoemaker

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A little daily vlog from a day after knocking. 

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Speaker 1:

So I wanted to record this while it's top of my mind. It's crazy how you can literally change your life by just changing the way you operate every single day and changing your mindset and just doing key actions and being efficient with your time. So I did a little experiment today, a little work experiment of just trying to see like what is the outputs I can put out, going back on the doors and kind of see what's reasonable. And we just have a new door knocking system that we implemented. That's really really good. That gets us a lot of volume, or I postulated that it could get us a lot of volume based on doing a two call system instead of trying to set appointments right at the door.

Speaker 1:

And today was busy for me. I had to did two podcast episodes this morning, had a training this morning with a consulting client, I had morning meetings to go over the company budget, had to go over some best practices and things to edit operationally, went to the gym, let my dogs out and then went door knocking and had another meeting in between that to go over our new marketing push that we're doing. So had all that done and still was able to crank out 10 solid appointments or callbacks for our two call system 10 water samples collected and really it was only possible because I start my day at 5 am. Every day I get up at five, I operate and by 11, 12, I have most of my stuff done, which is awesome. I'm able to get to the gym at a decent time and I still feel good. And if I didn't have other commitments I would still be pushing past six or seven tonight. So but it's interesting, like there's a lot of people and if you own a business or let's say you work for a business that does door knocking or things like that, there really is another level that you can push yourself right. And if your manager or your boss is out performing you, there's a problem there.

Speaker 1:

I just think a lot of people they get in their own way mentally, they look at the doors or they look at canvassing and they look at calling, the leads or whatever the system is, and they just get in their own fricking heads, man, like they wrap up their own personal self-worth into the result, when really that's not the right idea. Like I go into it every day of like okay, how hard can I push myself? How many doors can I hit? How many samples can I get? And today I wanted double digits. I said I'm not leaving until I get double digits, double digit samples, I don't care how long it takes. And I got double digit samples and not everyone said yes. There was some people that closed the door on me and people that didn't want to talk to me.

Speaker 1:

It's just part of the fricking game, man. That's door knocking, that's canvassing, that's sales, right, and it's just a mindset shift, like if you just realize that putting in the effort and the work and it feels good when you do it, when you put in that work, the results, feels nice, but it also feels so much better just knowing that you're able to push through it in the cold and make something happen and generate your own income. Right, it's empowering. And I think people that aren't able to do that need to focus on number one getting more mentally strong. And I've always think like, well, how do you do that? Like it sounds good. Okay, get mentally strong, but how do you actually do it? And I think you do it by finding things that suck that you can control and you can do consistently to the point where they don't suck. Because if you can find something that sucks. Get yourself to do that small thing that sucks over and over and over again.

Speaker 1:

Well then, suddenly you train your brain to be like, oh, I can do things that are uncomfortable and get good at them or get used to them and then just make that part of my daily routine, like for me, one of those things was getting up at five am. I freaking hate it. I hate getting up early. Even to this day, I still stay up decently late, like I'll probably get to bed around like 10, 30, 11. Right, I'm still, and I'm trying to work on it. I'm trying to make myself fall asleep at eight or nine, but it's tough for me. But I'm working on it.

Speaker 1:

But just having that ability to now wake up if I have every morning to make that my thing, and being able to do it, it's awesome, right, and the benefits of seeing just how much more productive I am can't be understated. I don't get bothered during that time, I'm able to just do all my work and I get it so much more done. It's crazy Like I will feel like I've worked a big portion of my day and I look at the clock and it's only 11 o'clock or 12 o'clock and I just feel like I have so much more time. And then it also allows me to stay physically fit and get my gym in without feeling guilty. Especially if you're a small business owner trying to build a business, you know how crazy it is trying to get into the gym while also trying to give your attention to the actual company, right? So I think, and throughout my entire life as I look back 10 years in the Navy all I did was get kicked in the face for the entire enlistment. Right, you're always dealing with stuff that's difficult and hard and you have to push through it. So I do think that's a bit of an advantage having to have gone through that for such a long time.

Speaker 1:

But if you are someone that's dealing with that and you feel like you don't have that mental strength, or you feel like you're just not performing at your best abilities, or you're afraid to do something, or getting on the doors or picking up the phone to call leads just brings you distress. I think the best way to get over that would be to find something else that you can control that doesn't also directly impact your ego, because sales is a little ego driven right, and it can affect all of us, like when you're not selling. It feels terrible and you want to sell more and it's very easy to get your own self-worth wrapped up into that. Same thing for doorknog, same thing for canvassing, same thing for getting on lead. Especially if you're in a competitive industry, like we are, and you have a bunch of competitors in your company and you're looking at their performance, it can be kind of a head fuck. So I highly recommend the ability to train that muscle so you don't care about that stuff and you can just stay consistent.

Speaker 1:

Just find things that you need to get better at and just focus on those. Maybe that's going to the gym, getting up early, eating right, hitting certain key things throughout your day, like I will make my bed or I will do X, y and Z right. I think doing those things that you know you just don't want to do is a great way to get yourself better. I think that's why I spent. Honestly, I've gotten so popular is because you just, despite whatever health benefits there are, I think it just it's just something that sucks, and I think you build those gears when you do stuff that sucks. So I guess that would be my advice Just find something that sucks that you control and it will make everything better.

Speaker 1:

If you're a leader in the company, go out and do the job that your entry level and your closures are doing. If you do call systems, I would definitely get on some cold calls and just go through the motions. Do it and you'll actually be able to see what the standard is that you can then hold your team to. And it'll also be good for your team to actually see what is possible, because if you're running the business, you know your time's limited. So if you can produce a lot in a short manner of time, it'll give you some good ammunition to go back to your team and say hey guys, this is the level we all should be at. This is the level we should all be striving to be at, and you'll also be able to learn you know some ways to help improve the team if we're not hitting those metrics because you're not doing it.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, this was just kind of an eye-opening experience for me. I got so much done today and I was able to crush it on the doors. It felt really good. I always like having these days right. I feel like I'm back in the back in the dirt. I do miss the days where all I had to do was knock doors and sell deals and you know it can get tiring after a while but, man, when you're just in it and you're pushing through and you do get these returns, it feels awesome. I definitely don't get these kinds of wins running the business as much, so it was definitely a good day for sure, pretty excited about that. So I hope this was valuable to you guys and if you did get some value, then please share it. This will only grow if you guys share it through word of mouth. So I really appreciate everything that you guys are doing to help support this podcast and if there's anything else that I can do to write more value, I'm gonna do it. Bye, guys, peace.