Harmony of Hustle

Episode #24: Why Excuses Keep You Poor. Lessons from the biz

Justin Shoemaker Episode 24

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Ever felt there's just never enough time for fitness or self-care because of work or family commitments? In this episode, we expose how making excuses can sabotage your personal and professional growth. Join us as we share personal stories and actionable insights on how adopting a proactive approach can revolutionize your life. From immediate task execution to prioritizing your health, discover how these practices can lead to remarkable improvements in productivity and overall well-being. 

This episode also delves into the sheer power of discipline and the urgency of taking responsibility for your actions. Learn how to build mental resilience and push through discomfort even when you're tired. We'll discuss the importance of auditing your social circle to eliminate negative influences and embrace a warrior mindset. Uncover the secrets to achieving relentless success and why eliminating excuses, no matter the difficulty, is the key to transformative change. Listen and find out how unwavering discipline can drastically improve your life.

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LinkedIn: Justin Shoemaker

Speaker 1:

So I've been doing some deep thinking and one of the things you know when you look at building strong teams or growing as a business, you want to be able to grow as yourself, right, you want to consistently improve. You know who you are as a person. You want to self-develop. That way, you can pass those lessons on to the people under you and the people that come work for you. Or you know, if you're trying to inspire a group of people or trying to coach people, you want to. You want to be able to give them something of value, and it's hard to do that if you don't invest in yourself. And one of the things I think has helped me tremendously and has helped me gain more traction a lot faster is removing the I can't do because of and I think so many people cling to that, and the reality is, no matter what that thing is, it doesn't really matter. So, for an example, I can't get fit because I have kids. I can't get fit or eat right because I have a business and I work too much. I can't whatever, and it doesn't serve you, it doesn't help you and it certainly hasn't helped me because, okay, you can't get fit because you have a business, or you can't eat right because you have a business, or you can't work because you have a wife, whatever the thing is right. If that's the case, then sure, yeah, you won't be able to do it, if that's how your mindset is, and then so what? Like, play that out. What happens after that? I can't, you know, do what I want to do. I can't get healthy because I have kids. Well, what are you teaching those kids then? That, when things get harder, things get busy, that you just shirk off things that are important. And also, if you do, you know, are someone who likes fitness or like getting healthy, and you don't because you're a kids. Well, that's going to probably make them feel some sort of way because now you're just passing the blame onto them, which that's not a cool thing to do, right? Same thing for business. Uh, I know a lot of people who's like I can't build a business because I'm married. Well, how's that going to make your wife feel, you know? Uh, I don't blame anything on the fact that, that that I'm married, right.

Speaker 1:

If I have to work, I, I gotta work. If I gotta get things done, I gotta get things done. And the biggest thing is you got to communicate that, and that goes for anything. I mean enter, whatever your thing is. And the reality is I have done this myself. So this is not like I have never done this. I actually would say I was probably the worst person to do this. I did it for my fitness when I was in the Navy. I did it for eating right when I was, you know, traveling a lot. I did it, you know, for courses or taking certain opportunities.

Speaker 1:

I've always had excuses and it's never served me, and I think what makes it difficult is in the moment. It does feel like it serves you. It feels like you know, it feels like there's a reason why you can't do something, and that kind of strokes your ego and makes it okay to not either push as hard as you want or get things done. One that I encounter so much now is ah, it's late. I just worked a full day. It's 8 o'clock.

Speaker 1:

This brief can wait till tomorrow. Working on an SOP can work till tomorrow. Emailing that prospect can work till tomorrow. I'm tired. I've already put in a good day's work. That's the new one for me. It's not even a I can't do because it's a.

Speaker 1:

This can wait till. And that's just as dangerous, because what happens? Oh, you wait till the next day, but then that next day comes and it crushes you and you have new things you have to take care of, you have new hurdles you have to jump. And what I found is, if you have the time and you are able to even think, ah, this can probably wait, it's better to just do, because doing today, even if maybe you're not fully in it, is better than waiting until tomorrow. And without fail, I have gotten the biggest returns and I've made the biggest jumps in my growth when I do those things right when I don't want them to.

Speaker 1:

So now for me, whenever I have that trigger in my head that's like I don't want to do this or this can wait till I just knock it out right then and what that has done is it's almost like biohacked myself to get things done faster and I always feel way more accomplished. And then, when that next day comes and I've completed at least, or started, the task that I said could get pushed off, every time that next day comes, I feel amazing, like I feel so thankful that I did take that time to just get the thing done, and that has definitely translated to my fitness as well. Like, if you guys follow any of my content, you know I'm huge into fitness. I think it translates to everything you do in life. You don't have to be a gym rat, you don't have to look like Arnold, but I do think the mental discipline that goes into, you know, maintaining a good physique and eating right, translates into everything and you feel better, you get more energy. There's so many benefits.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, I historically even though I know I'd have a workout in a day, I know that I need to go into the gym at four in the morning or five in the morning, like I know I need to get in early. Why? Because once eight o'clock hits, my day is, you know, I'm tied to the business and things are going to come up. I know that. But there are times where maybe it's been a long week or maybe I'm tired and I wake up and that alarm goes off at like 435. And I wake up and that alarm goes off at like 435. And I'm like you know what? I have a light schedule today. I can do my morning stuff and then I'll go in the afternoon and you know it's almost a hybrid version of I can do it later and without fail.

Speaker 1:

I have noticed it never works out. I never get to the gym because the whole day runs away from me. And then I'm behind the eight ball. And what's even worse is when that does happen, not only am I behind the eight ball, but my energy levels are down. I feel terrible. I also don't feel like I accomplished what I said I was going to accomplish throughout the day. So mentally it feels like a loss right out the gate.

Speaker 1:

So now I know if I have something to do, if I have to get into that gym that day, I don't negotiate, I just do it. And there are so many days I tell myself ah, it can wait, it can get pushed back. You can't do this today because of man, you already worked so hard or you're sore or whatever. I just don't listen to that anymore and those thoughts still come. But I've just done this too many times to know that it's better to just get in there and do it. And even if it's not the best workout, even if, like I go in there and I'm exhausted and I just get it done, it's a win for the day.

Speaker 1:

And winning when you don't want to do something just builds discipline in your mind and that has translated into so many things. So, especially in the workplace, when I am so tired and exhausted, I really just don't want to do things. I've built that gear by fighting that urge to not do it and that's really the only way you can build that muscle is you. You have to fight your own mind. You have to fight against your own. You know inner bitch every day and then it gets. That voice does get quieter, but it's always there and then you just get stronger and it just makes you more productive in everything.

Speaker 1:

And the funny thing is, once you start to master yourself and master that that part of your mind, you will lose tolerance for other people that give you the same excuses, because you will end up doing things when they're not convenient for you. You'll push through it and you'll get amazing results. And it shows you that most people are stuck in where they're at because of their excuses, because they let their inner bitch win more than they let their inner winner win. Right, they let that little comfortable, like that comfort, just take over their lives. And you'll see that Once you start mastering yourself, you'll see it and you won't let that in your world anymore, because anyone that has that mentality is a cancer to you. Because trust me, as someone that has had that part of my brain, be very loud. That comfort little bitch has been so loud in my life for a long time.

Speaker 1:

I can tell you it's very easy to fall back into that when that's who you surround yourself with. So if you have those people in your life, I can tell you it's very easy to fall back into that when that's who you surround yourself with. So if you have those people in your life, number one, you start cutting them out or bring them with you. Let them know this is how you're trying to change and if they can't get hip to it, just keep them away from your inner circle, because you have to fight to keep that warrior mindset all the time. Because when you actually have it and you're dialed in, man does it feel good, you feel like you can accomplish anything, you're more productive, you see the success and it's kind of like whenever you make progress in anything, you don't want to go backwards, you want to keep succeeding, you want to keep pushing, and so having that responsibility and just having the discipline to audit your circle and continually audit yourself is one of the greatest hacks I have learned.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to close in with please, if you guys have that right now, if you guys are making excuses, kill them. All right, they don't serve you. And even if you do have real shit going on in your life and it's making it difficult for you, great. Find a way to win during those circumstances, because then that way, great. Find a way to win during those circumstances because then that way, when it gets easier, you'll be even more equipped to tackle and succeed in whatever it is that you're doing. Ok, and I'm sure it's hard, but guess what? Life is hard for everybody. Find a way to win and I promise you, if you can kill those excuses, it will drastically change your life. No-transcript.