Harmony of Hustle

Episode #27: Use this INSANE close to get rich!

Episode 27

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I call this the deferall close, it has created so much revenue for me and clients feel much better doing business with you!

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LinkedIn: Justin Shoemaker

Speaker 1:

So I want to quickly talk about an amazing closing technique that I like to use whenever I have a client who is super price sensitive and there may be a better name for this, but I call it the deferral close and essentially the way this works is if there is a low ticket item or service that's within your space and you sell a mid to high ticket thing. So for this example, we'll use water treatment. So if I sell a mid to higher ticket water treatment solution, there are a lot of cheaper alternatives that you can get off Amazon or like at a Home Depot. Now, they're not going to be as good, but they're out there. One thing that is so powerful is whenever you're in a home with people, they expect you to try to sell them. They expect you to dig your feet in and really try to push a sale forward. So if you have a client and this is where being able to read people is super important and you can tell they're feeling a little squirrely and you can tell they're very price sensitive and the sticker shock of this sale right now is really hitting them hard, one thing that you can then do is you say hey, listen, I just want to let you know that we like to do business with individuals who are empowered, because if you're stressed out doing business with us, that's not a good relationship. The reason why our business has so many five-star reviews, the reason why we've grown so fast, the reason why we're the best, is because all of our clients are so happy to do business with us and they're empowered to do so and we're able to have a really great relationship. If you're like stressing right now and you're feeling uncomfortable, that's not a good relationship to have and I don't want that for you. The reason why people love doing business with us is and then you explain the reasons why you're amazing Then you explain the reasons why you're amazing.

Speaker 1:

Then you say but look, if, at the end of the day, this purchase is going to put you in dire straits and it's going to bankrupt you and you just can't financially afford this, then I will point you into a direction with something that can get you part of the way there. Now, it's not going to solve all your problems and you know there might be some incurred costs that you're going to have to pay to maintain this thing over the long period of time that you have it. However, it can at least get you started on the right track and then later down the road, when maybe the finances are a little bit better or you can't afford my main thing, then we can do business together. Does that sound fair enough? And what this does is it builds so much inherent trust with you and the prospect because now they actually see you as someone that cares about helping them, because you are literally trying to tell them I will send you away from me to get something that can kind of help you at a cheaper price and then if they decide to go with you later, they can.

Speaker 1:

And what ends up happening is because of that inherent trust that is built and because you don't sound like every other salesperson in the world out there, the customer then feels more comfortable believing you. When you tell them that your system is the best, they believe you when you say you'll take care of them, and then almost always because most of the time people can't afford these systems, they just have sticker shock they will move forward with you and then the last thing you have to do is just deliver on your promise, and when you can do that, you're going to have such a good connection with your clients that you're going to get more referrals. They're going to open you up to their network and you're going to overall have a better experience selling those individuals and then they'll want to refer you and overall everyone is super happy. People don't be afraid to do this close. Sometimes people are afraid to try to defer people to the competition or to the low ticket leaders, but I promise you those low ticket leaders can get you more sales.