Whoa to Go

Kicking Depression's Butt!

Karen AD Episode 8

Depression is not your identity, it's not who you are! Depression is something you experience! It steals your joy, snuffs out your spark and erodes your motivation. Did you catch that? Depression does this to you. There are some things you might be doing, or some habits you have that might be making it worse though. I'll talk you through some small changes you can make to take back some control and let a little hope seep back in! 

Take care of you, you're the only you we've got!

* Please remember that you cannot diagnose or treat a condition off a podcast. If you are or someone you love is experiencing the symptoms of Depression, you don't have to suffer in silence. I strongly encourage you to reach out to a qualified health care professional, like your Doctor or Counsellor, or get in touch with the many awesome services that are available 24/7, such as Lifeline or, Beyond Blue.

For those who want to dig a bit deeper, here are some Journal prompts:

  1. What does Depression do to you or someone you love?
  2. What small change could you try?
  3. What's stopping you?
  4. Describe what it would be like if Depression had no power over you?

Share your takeaways from this episode with Karen AD
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