Student Life Unplugged

S1 E3 How difficult is it to study in a different language?

Learning with Leong Season 1 Episode 3

Studying in a different country can be challenging but when the language is totally foreign, it can present huge difficulties. 

Nica and Jerica are both from the Philippines but are studying in Japan. Nica moved  there with her family when she was still in school,  Jerica chose to go there as part of her university's foreign exchange programme. Japan for both of them was a childhood dream. 

In this episode, they talk about the difference in culture compared to The Philippines and the difficulty  they both experience making friends because of the language.

Nica has now adapted to life in Japan and speaks Japanese while Jerica is slowly finding her way. We hear about the loneliness you can experience if you can’t make a connection but also advice on how to navigate this. 

They talk about looking after their mental and physical health health and why you should never be afraid to try things and make mistakes. 

Student Life Unplugged is hosted by Leong Hiew, a former University Lecturer who is passionate about education. He started his social enterprise 'Learning with Leong' to promote the joy of learning among adolescents. He is working towards building a positive world, to nurture communities of engaged learners for the sake of his own children and for young people everywhere.

For more information about Leong and his project go to

If you would like to take part in the podcast, go to

This podcast is produced by Elisa Kennedy