Kevjet - The Podcast

Navigating the Spirit World with Psychic Healers Pam Totaro and Mari-Lyn: Understanding Our Paranormal Connections and the Journey to Healing

March 29, 2024 Kevjet Season 2 Episode 10
Navigating the Spirit World with Psychic Healers Pam Totaro and Mari-Lyn: Understanding Our Paranormal Connections and the Journey to Healing
Kevjet - The Podcast
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Kevjet - The Podcast
Navigating the Spirit World with Psychic Healers Pam Totaro and Mari-Lyn: Understanding Our Paranormal Connections and the Journey to Healing
Mar 29, 2024 Season 2 Episode 10

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When the veil between worlds thins, it's the guidance of healers like Pam Totaro and her psychic sidekick, Mari-Lyn, that lights the path. Their return to the show brings a flood of emotion and otherworldly wisdom, revealing the poignant connections we humans can forge with spirits that dwell among us. Prepare to be moved as I recount a deeply personal encounter that illustrates the profound impact these spiritual interactions can have on our lives, delving into the tale of my own spectral housemate, Frederick, and the heartfelt farewell that guided him to the beyond.

As the whispers of the afterlife echo through our homes, it's not just us who listen; our four-legged companions are all ears. The journey with Frederick unfolds, highlighting not only the emotional complexity of aiding a spirit's transition but also the keen perceptions of our pets in these mystical moments. Through laughter and tears, we navigate the skepticism and marvel that accompany such experiences, reminding us to stay open to the unknown and the incredible stories that emerge when we do.

Our explorations don't stop at ghostly goodbyes; we throw open the doors to anyone seeking insight into the paranormal. With an invitation to reach out for guidance, we introduce our advanced student team, Sarah and Trevor, who are breathing new life into beloved segments and shining on our YouTube channel. As we grapple with the legitimacy of healing practices and the possibility of unlocking innate psychic abilities, Pam and Mari-Lynn remind us of the transformative power of personal healing and its critical role in awakening our deepest potential.

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When the veil between worlds thins, it's the guidance of healers like Pam Totaro and her psychic sidekick, Mari-Lyn, that lights the path. Their return to the show brings a flood of emotion and otherworldly wisdom, revealing the poignant connections we humans can forge with spirits that dwell among us. Prepare to be moved as I recount a deeply personal encounter that illustrates the profound impact these spiritual interactions can have on our lives, delving into the tale of my own spectral housemate, Frederick, and the heartfelt farewell that guided him to the beyond.

As the whispers of the afterlife echo through our homes, it's not just us who listen; our four-legged companions are all ears. The journey with Frederick unfolds, highlighting not only the emotional complexity of aiding a spirit's transition but also the keen perceptions of our pets in these mystical moments. Through laughter and tears, we navigate the skepticism and marvel that accompany such experiences, reminding us to stay open to the unknown and the incredible stories that emerge when we do.

Our explorations don't stop at ghostly goodbyes; we throw open the doors to anyone seeking insight into the paranormal. With an invitation to reach out for guidance, we introduce our advanced student team, Sarah and Trevor, who are breathing new life into beloved segments and shining on our YouTube channel. As we grapple with the legitimacy of healing practices and the possibility of unlocking innate psychic abilities, Pam and Mari-Lynn remind us of the transformative power of personal healing and its critical role in awakening our deepest potential.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to another exciting episode of KevJet, the podcast. This week, Pam Tatero revisits KevJet. She brings along with her her psychic sidekick, Marilyn. They tell us how it all started.

Speaker 2:

Our mutual friend reached out to me and said you might find this interesting and I went send me a message. And I went wait a minute, that might be something I've been actually looking for. Went back, looked at it, found the dates walked in together. Within six months I quit my job.

Speaker 3:

And then COVID hit. That was a crazy time and that's when we went online and on YouTube and everything just kind of blew up from there.

Speaker 1:

We discuss our previous podcast and how Pam picked up on somebody very special around me.

Speaker 3:

That was such an honor to do that and again, I don't do that with healed spirits rarely anymore. So to have that happen and have you acknowledge it, that really it filled my heart. I got as much out of that as you did. That was beautiful my heart.

Speaker 1:

I got as much out of that as you did. That was beautiful. And then comes the discussion of Frederick, my friendly ghost, or is he? And do Pam and Marilyn cross him over?

Speaker 3:

You had mentioned him during the podcast and I had said well, we can cross him over. We kind of had a little conversation. Many people think that it's sort of benign having a ghost in their home and that it doesn't do. You know, they're really good, they're. You know, the friendly ghost, casper the friendly ghost and all of that. That's not the case.

Speaker 1:

So we decide to cross over Frederick, the friendly ghost, and this is the process. Live on the podcast.

Speaker 3:

So we open space, we call in all the high vibrational beings. We each have different guides that we work with.

Speaker 2:

He really. He loves you in a best friend type of way. You are who he always wanted to be. Ah, that lands. He's like at that. I know it's happening and I am scared to death. He is ready for your attention. She's going to start crying here in a second. Probably, yeah, probably, he has crossed.

Speaker 1:

Well, that was intense. You just never know what to expect on KevJet the podcast. After that I take some listeners' questions. One listener asks how to find the right fit in looking for a therapist slash healer.

Speaker 3:

Interview them. Don't just take their word for it that they're good, ask for a consultation. If they don't want a consultation, they don't want to answer it without getting paid. See ya, you're definitely not for me.

Speaker 1:

This is an episode not to be missed. Bye-bye, frederick. Ladies and gentlemen, the Psychic Healers, welcome to KevJet the Podcast, mary Lynn and Pam the Conscious Spirit Podcast and TCS Everyday Psychics, yes, welcome, thank you yes.

Speaker 2:

Welcome, thank you. Yes, hello, thank you. Thank you for having us.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I'm excited to be back.

Speaker 1:

You are back. Yes, you brought your sidekick.

Speaker 3:

I did, I did. This is my right arm actually, so yes, it's great to meet you, Mary Lynn.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, it's nice to meet you, mary Lynn. Thank you, it's nice to meet you. I am excited to be here. Yes, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I guess the big question. The first question I have to ask is to Pam, and did you watch the podcast?

Speaker 3:

I did.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and what did you think?

Speaker 3:

There were. Overall, I liked it. You were fabulous. I'm very I critique myself quite harshly, so um other people had said that I did great. Jury still out in my mind about that, but you were fabulous.

Speaker 1:

I tend to not watch them back myself Cause I I pick myself apart, so I get it, but I think the podcast that episode is is is one of my favorites oh, thank you, it was fun.

Speaker 3:

It was a lot of fun.

Speaker 1:

It was fun because it's it's such a different conversation and my listeners even have been messaging me and I've got questions for you later from one of the listeners. Okay, but they messaged me and they're like you know, we love this podcast because we never know what the next week conversation is going to be.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because you have really different people on all the time.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah. So it's been fun, it's so nice, I mean, we're not all just one.

Speaker 2:

We're not one dimensional, thank you. No, we're not Definitely not.

Speaker 1:

No, we're not one one-dimensional thank you. No, we're not definitely not no, we all have different interests and it's the first question I get asked um, when they hear I have a podcast, what is your theme? And it drives me mad and I always say I don't have a theme. I'm so like general and open to any conversation and and that's what I'm bringing to the world, and you're a good conversationalist? Yeah, I like to think so, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you are. Yes, you're very welcoming. It's very nice yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, and variety is amazing, yes, yeah, it is.

Speaker 1:

Variety is the spice of life, isn't?

Speaker 3:

it Amen. Amen to that, amen to that.

Speaker 1:

Tell me about your friendship and how the two of you met.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we met through a mutual friend. Pam was at the time doing in-person group meditations and guided meditations, and that's how we met. Our mutual friend reached out to me and said you might find this interesting, and I went.

Speaker 3:

I think you pooh-poohed it a couple of times, didn't you?

Speaker 2:

She did. She sent me a message and I went oh, wait a minute, that might be something I've been actually looking for. Went back, looked at it, found the dates, walked in, felt like I had known Pam my whole life and, yeah, I started going to every guided meditation she had. I did three a week.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

She came, yeah, and the first I didn't think she'd be back. The first meditation, the first couple of meditations, but I remember the first one specifically. She sat down, I put them all in meditation and she was just bawling and I thought, oh, she won't be back. When they have that kind of reaction the first time, they rarely come back. But she did. She just kept coming back and we just got to know each other and I realized how crazy psychic she is and it just sort of went for. And then our love for the paranormal and helping people really became the forefront of our relationship yeah and that's how so we've been together.

Speaker 3:

I don't know how many years that's been, but but we've been together ever since and it's it's absolutely meant to be. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So that's how we. When did you sit down and say you know what, let's start working together. Let's let's get this podcast together. Let's get this YouTube channel together. When did that feel like it would make sense.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So we'd actually started before that in person, but go ahead. It was. I think it was like three months after we met when Pam started talking about working together and within six months I quit my job.

Speaker 3:

Yes, job, and we got a space together, we rented a space together and then COVID hit. And then COVID hit. Not long after, you know, at some point COVID hit. And that was a crazy time, and that's when we went online. We went online on YouTube and everything just kind of blew up from there. How did that happen?

Speaker 1:

Did you have knowledge of technology? Was it something you were?

Speaker 3:

afraid of or did you have to learn.

Speaker 3:

It was. We had to learn everything. Going back to our first videos, the first like 20 videos, maybe even a lot more than that. It's really kind of sad there, but we were, you know, we didn't know anything, we were just just learning, and certainly in our age group we don't. You know, technology is just not something we grew up with. I mean, computers were just coming out when I was a teenager, so it was really hard, but we just kept doing it and yeah, and we ended up just just, and it really shifted, so really shifted. We went from clients in person to having no one come in person and everything was online. It was a big shift. It was I do miss I, I, I drum. I don't have my drum sitting here. Um, I do drum as a shamanic drum. I'll do meditations with the drum or do healings with the drum. Those I can only do in person. They don't translate well over recording. I do miss that, but everything else is, and we, we clear homes all over the world just from sitting right here, which is really exciting.

Speaker 1:

So, amazing. Yeah, it's amazing, Great tech, the technology thing. I still don't get the YouTube thing yet and I've just started kind of posting onto YouTube. I have the whole audience on Spotify, Apple, Amazon, all that, but the YouTube thing I'm just starting to grow a little bit and I'm still I might have to call you guys for some hints.

Speaker 3:

Well, we'll see. We know a little bit and I'm still. I might have to call you guys for some hints. Well, we'll see. We know a little bit. Now. We do A little bit. We know a few things. It's a whole different ballgame. It is?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is, I think in my previous podcast I mentioned Frederick, and any of my friends who would visit the house know of him. So it's and and my listeners actually. I've had a few messages come through since then saying oh so there's three of you in your marriage, the famous Diana line.

Speaker 3:

Yes, actually there is yes, yeah, and that's really that's more of my specialty. I know in the first podcast at the end like a couple oh, can we?

Speaker 1:

We can talk about that.

Speaker 3:

Yes. So at the end of the podcast we did together, you said are there any messages for me? And I was very surprised that had two what we call healed spirits come through, and it's not something I do much anymore, so it was kind of a struggle for me. I think I did okay, but you, we didn't know who the woman was that came through and you did realize right, it was just the freakiest thing.

Speaker 1:

So you said to me give yourself some time and it will just come. It will come, she'll come to you, you'll know who it is. And I remember leaving the studio and going into the living room and said to Nick, you know, she said this and I told, I told him all this and I was like, but there's been so many patients and and I was worried, she was going to say it was a patient. And that evening I'm going through my phone and I was trying to find a photo for some reason, and I came across a photo of me at the bedside of my neighbor and I realized that's who it was. It's like I was meant to find that photo. Yes, yeah, goosebumps, she thought of you as a son and she always said that we, like Nick and I, were her sons and yeah, so it just everything just kind of made sense and it was. It was actually quite beautiful.

Speaker 3:

Yes, thank you. That was such an honor to do that and, again, I don't do that with healed spirits rarely anymore, so to have that happen and have you acknowledge it, that really it filled my heart, yeah, so, um, I got as much out of that as you did.

Speaker 1:

That was beautiful I think I sent you. Did I send you the photo maybe?

Speaker 3:

maybe I didn't no, but you had that. You, oh, yes, please, yeah. So, working with the spirits, that we work with the earthboundbound spirits, the ghosts it's a very different way of communication than with the spirits that cross over what we called healed spirits. So that's what we, what I do now and we do together, which brings us to Frederick right.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Frederick, the friendly yes, frederick the friendly ghost?

Speaker 3:

Yes, well, he, he wants to be. Yes, so do you want me just to?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, let's go for it, let's, let's hear what you had mentioned him during the podcast and Then had, and I had said, well, we can cross him over. We kind of had a little conversation there. Really, yes, there, many people think that it's, it's sort of benign having a ghost in their home and that it doesn't do. You know they're, they're really good. They're not the friendly ghost, casper the friendly ghost, and all of that, and really that's not the case. Some are worse than others. Certainly we've. We've certainly come across much less friendly. The thing is that they live in a lower vibration. They live in a dimension that's just out, that's lower vibration than this 3d plane that we live on or live in, and they live with fear and depression, with anger, with envy, with all of those lower vibrational vibrations. I always get myself stuck right there. Emotions, feelings, yes, and they bring that to your space. So the more they're in there, that energy spreads out through your home. There are things called grids which I don't think we got into.

Speaker 1:

We did a little bit yeah.

Speaker 3:

Okay. So the way I sort of look at grids well, grids are what holds everything together. It's energetic, it holds it. What they're showing me now this is an odd way of looking at it like an ice cube. So you have water that just sort of can go everywhere, right, but you freeze it and has all the whatever. That is that it free and it holds its shape as long as it's in that temperature. You're not beating on it, you're not doing whatever. So that's the way your house, everyone's home, is supposed to look like a big old ice cube. Everything's together because of different circumstances. Usually it's people and it's not. You can move into a home that's like this too. It doesn't mean that the people created it, but those lower vibrations, a lot of anger, depression illness illness.

Speaker 3:

Yes, we'll start crumbling that ice, that ice cube, and that is just fostering spirit life. Earthies come, they see that they know they can be there. They, they sort of attach themselves to the you have to have, they have to have humans to feed off of, and it just ends up. Your home is just at this much lower bite. So, no matter how many times you go through and you sage or you say beautiful things, you play great music, you're happy, all of that, when those grids are messed up, it's just not going to, it's not going to help. So we need to put those grids all back together. Send Frederick home, who, by the way, did keep me up that night. After this happens. A lot Would you like to tell.

Speaker 2:

I'm just you're good, you're good.

Speaker 3:

When he was just checking me out. Who is this person that knows that I'm here, that can see me, that can hear me, what's going on? And he woke me up in the middle of the night. And that happens all the time. They know oftentimes before we do, yeah, and they'll come to visit us. So we'll have people who they watch us on YouTube and they say, okay, we, I need my house cleared. They contact us before we even get the email there. The ghost is in our house, like bugging us, trying to figure out who we are, etc. So that is, and a lot of times they will visit me yes uh, before pam.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I have not met frederick yet.

Speaker 3:

He has not made himself known to me, nope, yes, I typically work with much lower vibrational beings than than Marilyn does.

Speaker 1:

So Frederick is just a random name that I gave him, so it'd be interesting to know who he really is, or or how different he is to the being or person I have in my mind.

Speaker 3:

Sure, yeah, yeah, and we'll certainly look into that, because we definitely want to cross him over. We will actually let you cross him. I will help you. I will walk you through that, or Mary Lynn will, on how you can say goodbye to him and help him cross over, and that will help you with that. That feeling of grief that is no doubt going to come.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I was saying before we hit record. I was saying oh, it sounds strange, but I think I'll miss him.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, there's no way around. Even if you don't want to have him around, you desperately don't want the activity to be in your home, you're still used to having it with you 24-7. It becomes part of your planning of your day and absolutely you're going to miss him, and it's not uncommon to really go through all the stages of grief after having an earthy removed from your home.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it becomes a relationship. It does Every time you walk past that particular room or you walk that part of the house or whatever it is that where they usually are. You think about that all the time.

Speaker 2:

You may even talk to him.

Speaker 1:

I do joke with him lots of times.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, yeah. So it will be a definite shift in your everyday routine. Yes, Definitely. And you have animals in the home.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we have two dogs.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they will be affected by him leaving.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully in a nice way. I hope they'll relax.

Speaker 3:

Animals usually settle in faster than adults, yes, or humans do.

Speaker 2:

Yes, they do. They could do. One of two things is fairly typical. They, either, for a day or two, want to be really close to the humans as a way to reconnect. Part of that is comforting you. They already feel safe because he's gone. They want to comfort you. Or they might be distant for a day or two. Sure, you know, it depends on the individual animal and and, but either way, um, they will be happy and they will be happier absolutely wonderful and probably more active

Speaker 3:

maybe we'll we'll all sleep through the night yes, do you guys have a hard time sleeping now?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I do, and the dogs definitely do I bet they, I bet they do sleep through the night.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and your husband just sleeps away.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yep, that same dynamic we have in each other Both our husbands just, and we're like getting woke up all the time. You know things are happening and they're just like they have no clue, they don't want to know.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So where did you get the name Frederick? Just pulled that one out.

Speaker 1:

I just pulled it out of the bag.

Speaker 3:

All right, and it could be his name. You never know. Sometimes you do get a hit on what the actual you know, whatever their last life was, is usually who they continually are during that time that they're earthbound. And so it could be, could be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So what was your feeling when he was waking you up in the night?

Speaker 3:

I was just pissed. I don't like, I do not like to be woken up, I don't like it at all. I knew pretty quickly or I assumed, and then I asked him, but I assumed pretty quickly that it was Frederick I didn't have anything else going on at the time that you know like I wasn't. Oh, which house could this be coming from? It wasn't like that, it was. It was pretty clear. And he just wanted to know who I was and what my intentions were, what I planned to do, and just said we because I knew that I'd be asking her, because that's what we do together would be sending him home, it's time for him to come home. And he did not like that answer. He was not happy with that, said a few choice words and then was gone and I have not seen him since. That was it. So and actually I'm feeling we, we did what we call open space before we got on with you, and so we can feel into your home. We can't see. It's not like remote viewing.

Speaker 1:

I have no idea what your house looks like at all that we don't do that.

Speaker 3:

We're very, very ethical in that way. We're very ethical in every way, but that particular one. We don't do but sort of feeling into your home and he's hiding, he's staying clear, he knows why we're here, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Unless he's in for you. No, he's sulking, ah, okay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yes. So he knows, and that's just the energy that he's in right now. When Mary Lynn because I assume it's going to be her, but it could be me you, actually the two of you, when you begin to cross him over, it's going to register to him. When he's allowed to feel that higher vibration of home, soon, as that hits him, he's going to be so happy to go, yeah, and you'll feel the gratitude You'll feel all of that. It'll be beautiful. I have no doubt he really likes you, like you're that one, your has. He really likes you, like you're that that one, your husband, he care less because the husband doesn't care about him.

Speaker 3:

And that's how ghosts are. They just are they never bother my husband, because why would they? They don't get anything from him, so like whatevs and your and your dogs, yeah, so he's not jealous, though.

Speaker 1:

Like whatevs.

Speaker 2:

And your dogs yeah, they like him. So he's not jealous though Some earthies will get very jealous of a spouse, especially that doesn't give a rats about them. Yes, no, there's no jealousy at all that I feel from him.

Speaker 3:

Good, so you're tapped into him now A little bit, a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Okay, just a little bit.

Speaker 1:

No, yeah, right, so let's just talk about the process and maybe start going through the process, and that's a great way for the listeners to understand it.

Speaker 3:

Okay. So we open space, which we've done. So we are actually in the energy of your home right now. We're sitting in, we can feel your home, we can feel the energy, I can feel the so sorry. I need to back up.

Speaker 3:

So we open space, we call in all the high vibrational beings. We each have different guides that we work with, specifically with the paranormal. I have what are called the guardians. They're my personal guardians. They're the ones that deal with really low vibrational beings. You can call them demons, whatever you want to call them. These are the ones that come in when I work with them.

Speaker 3:

They're not here, I mean they're, they're out there somewhere, but they didn't come, which is a good thing. That says there's nothing, even the earthy. Sometimes, if the earthy has been around a while and is very mean and angry and wants to do harm, they will come in. They did not come in, which is a good sign for you. So there's nothing there. That is, you know, of that caliber, just, frederick, do you think? I think so, okay. So then we just start sort of feeling in. Usually the earthies will come, say something to us, or we'll get a. You kind of get this. There's a feeling that you get when there's one around like they're just watching they usually, at least, are watching from somewhere and then we go through. So we, we always talk to spirit like our guides. What should we do next? Sometimes we fix the grids first, sometimes we cross over the earthy. Yeah, do you get confused a lot, he is, yeah. So when you first started talking he just took me out. There's something he didn't want to talk about.

Speaker 2:

I was trying to get more information from him and he did step out from wherever he was hiding. He had a short top hat. I don't know if that makes sense. Short top hat A long makes me think of like a London fog coat. He really he loves you in a best friend type of way.

Speaker 3:

He really does. I think you re you remind him of a friend that he had a friend a brother, someone. He was close to someone. That's why he was attracted to you.

Speaker 2:

And as I was trying to get a little more personal with him, nope, he went back. And then his energy shifted, not so much to a negative, but it shifted into a stronger. And then the confusion.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so you got the confusion too. Almost like my mind went blank, like what was I saying, what's going? And that's not completely unusual for me. Yet this was it's a little, it's almost like he can put like a blanket, like a memory wiper.

Speaker 1:

You're not going to believe this, but I've been complaining to Nick lately that I have been thinking I'm getting dementia because a week ago I didn't. I couldn't remember how to turn the shower off. I was stood in the shower looking at the buttons and I was thinking I knew I could not turn it off.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I'm so sorry, kemp.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's yes, he didn't want you to leave the shower. No, there was some type of communication that you two were having and he did not want that to end.

Speaker 3:

And one of the reasons that I went, because that night I had forgotten about this. I had told Mary Lynn something about cause I have a fear of getting dementia somewhere and that's that's a real fear for me. And after he had visited that first night I said something to you about that. Like it's, is this what dementia is like, where you just go blank and you can't, there's no words to grab onto. Even that's him.

Speaker 2:

You have mentioned this like three or four times over the past week.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so I think he's been visiting more than I paid attention to I think. So I'm really really bad. I know we get visited all the time and you just sort of stop noticing they, especially if it's during the day. I'm busy, I've got just like just whatever.

Speaker 2:

So I bet, oh bet, he has been visiting more and I'm like I think he has been influencing you. That makes perfect sense and you would think that, knowing what we do, yeah, that when something is a little off, the first thing we do, is.

Speaker 3:

But no, check our surroundings. We always think human, for we always think, well, this is a human thing first, always before we go to paranormal, and you would think that we'd learn by what we do that that's not the case. So I'm going to, if you don't mind, talking to Kevin, I'm going to, oh sure, why not? I know how to use words sometimes. I'm going to, I want to see, I want to check in with him more, okay, with Frederick more, and I'm actually thinking there might be two. Were you thinking the same? Well?

Speaker 2:

what I was going to say when you asked if it was just Frederick. I was going to say, or I did say, yes, and there are passerbys that come. Okay, there's could be another resident. Come Okay, there could be another resident. Okay, there, absolutely could be. Would you share with us some?

Speaker 1:

of your experiences with Frederick, Sure. So there's one funny one that I tell everybody when they first. I try and make them feel comfortable with it, because we have a friend who everybody sort of knows, who is quite macho, let's say, and came in for coffee one day and was sat at the dining room table the guest room is directly above the dining room table and he hears footsteps and says oh, you're somebody visiting. I said no, it's just Frederick. And he said, oh, who's Frederick?

Speaker 3:

And I'm like he's just the ghost, and he just put his coffee cup down and left the house immediately, Never said a word. He was he was pale.

Speaker 1:

I think that's awesome, love that, and so I started telling everybody that story, because lots of people say, oh, so is somebody upstairs, is somebody here? And so I just know it's just Frederick.

Speaker 2:

That's amazing, amazing. I love that. Yeah, so there's never been anything scary.

Speaker 1:

There's never been nothing that's made me afraid at all. I mean, there's lots of times I'm here by myself and I've never been afraid good, very good, all right, very good.

Speaker 3:

I need to start fixing the grids, okay, and then when I'm done with that, I think, um, then maybe you can tap into him and work with kevin and okay, sure, but I'm gonna. I'm gonna because I cannot get a hold of him. He's really really good about slipping through the dimensions and sort of getting out of the way, so I'm gonna'm going to clear that first.

Speaker 2:

Okay, anything else you'd like to share about him?

Speaker 1:

Oh gosh. Well, he likes to open doors. So funny that I should have mentioned the shower. Whenever I'm in the shower, the bathroom door will open, even if it was locked. So that happens quite often. Bedroom doors will open. The dogs often bark at the walls in the middle of the night.

Speaker 2:

I've never seen him Okay.

Speaker 1:

Nobody has seen him. I don't think. Yeah he's pretty, we hear him, that's all.

Speaker 3:

He's pretty slippery, this one. The grids are almost non-existent. I'm surprised there's not more you you did have some heart.

Speaker 3:

I did and you know, in the last five minutes my heart is beating so fast that's him not to say that, that it wouldn't have happened without him there, but I think him being there really accelerated that. He uh. And then just the lack of grids. I don't know what was there prior to you living there. He was attracted to you again, like there's something in you, and that's very typically how it happens. They don't just typically happenstance upon a house, they kind of search for that vibration. Oftentimes it's the wounding, with your wounding, whatever. That is like traumatic events in your life. That type of wounding connects with the ghost wounding and it's like this they just you just come together and they. That's what we call an attachment, it's an emotional attachment and that's what he has with you. Is your heart still racing?

Speaker 1:

yeah, it's interesting okay.

Speaker 3:

So what I'm gonna do is this is we do this a lot or this happens, I'm to place one of my guardians with you, so he's just going to walk right up behind you. He's going to. He'll put his hand on your shoulder. Say hello to him. You can do it in your head. You don't have to do it out loud, Tell him or ask him. You don't have to be friendly, it's okay they don't take things personal and just say if this is, if my heart beating is paranormal, take it away and say that in your head and if it's paranormal, it'll go away immediately it's gone.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

It was Frederick. It was Frederick, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It was like tight chest it was. Yeah, it was not nice.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he wanted you to experience what he's experiencing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. He doesn't want to go. He, he does not want to go.

Speaker 2:

He doesn't, and he doesn't, at this point, doesn't fully understand what's waiting for him. He had a lot of trauma in life. What I'm getting? Um wasn't always a nice person, even though his intentions weren't always bad, but he ended up doing not nice things. Ooh, I said judgment.

Speaker 3:

So that guardian will stay with you and he'll actually stay with you for a couple of days, even after we do this, so you can just feel that safety and anytime you're feeling anything, because the energy will continue to shift for a few days. So if something like that happens again, or whatever happens, all of a sudden you get a strange feeling. Whatever it is, you just ask your guardian if this is paranormal, please take it away and, like you noticed, done go on. It's like an energetic bodyguard having one around, yeah, and you're not bothering him.

Speaker 3:

There's, you know, people say, well, I don't want to ask him too much. It's like no, that's why he's there I'd be like sit here, buddy yes, yes, the grids are clearing. It just came came to me like is an important thing. I think Frederick is going to need you, kevin, to lack of a better term. Release him like, be supportive of him crossing over and and going home. So that's why you're I think it's important that you're involved today for both you and him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because he's been there a long time, right, yeah?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think he's probably. Well, he's definitely been here before I even came into the house.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I agree, yep. And then you came in and it's like, woohoo, that is another person with that and you're a very compassionate person and there's something with very compassionate, empathetic people that really resonate with him. You are who he always wanted to be. Ah, that lands, yeah, and I'll just keep. He always wanted to be. That lands, yeah, mm-hmm, and I'll just keep. He's ready to go Well he's like at that.

Speaker 2:

I know it's happening and I am scared to death. So he is ready for your attention and she's going to start crying here in a second. Probably, yeah, probably. If you can just take a deep breath and relax and open yourself up to a connection with him, then this isn't asking you to invite him into your being right. And if there is anything you want to say to him, encouraging him that going home now is in his highest good, him that going home now is is in his highest good, he can heal and he can expand his awareness of, of life, really, and if you want to thank him, say goodbye, goodbye to him. The light has just come in for him.

Speaker 3:

And he wants to know if he goes home and he gets healed and all that, if he can visit you again. Sometimes they do, but sometimes they need to hear that now to help them. It doesn't mean they will Sure.

Speaker 2:

The visiting would be as a healed spirit, not in his current energetic form. So, and you can do this all in your head, you can talk out loud whatever you feel comfortable in doing. His resistance is what is he wanting? I'm just going to talk to him for a minute. If you have any gratitude, kevin, if you can just let him know that you were never afraid of him, that you don't harbor resentment toward him, okay, whatever you said, oh, she's in tears now.

Speaker 3:

Here come the tears.

Speaker 2:

They're good tears, but tears Well, I don't know what his name was in life.

Speaker 1:

But he has crossed. I don't know if you could feel his leaving.

Speaker 3:

I had that whole heartbeat racing again and it's it's just starting to go away again yeah, he had a real attachment to you Animal so I did fix the grids throughout your home and the property.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Again, there'll be a couple of days, more than that. I'm going to say, give it a week. The land all I can say is empty, like there just weren't any grids we had to build. My teams had to build up the, the grids again and put them in and bring them back together. So, and that's going to take a few days. It's very um. Well, you know, the uk is old, it's not you know much. The UK is old, it's not you know much, much older than than here. And so that's over time they just start breaking down and then it turns in there really isn't any, and then people live on there and then it just kind of goes. So anyway, they're clearing. I cleared your dogs, I cleared your husband, I'll clear you and really it's just sort of aligning you to a new vibration that you'll, you'll be in and we're done.

Speaker 2:

I don't typically get messaging after an earthy has frost, but I just did receive an immense amount of gratitude for you for allowing him to be in your life, to be in your home and for being so gracious with him yeah, because he wasn't always nice.

Speaker 3:

He wasn't always nice in life.

Speaker 2:

In life? Absolutely no.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and then you get stuck in that as an earthy yeah. So well done, kevin. Wow.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was. I don't know if exciting is the right word, but that was.

Speaker 3:

Well, we'll talk in like a week and you'll give us an update of everything If we don't hear from you sooner.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, of course. If there's somebody out there who's listening to this and they think I want to contact these ladies, I have a real problem and I think that they can help me. How would they do that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they can reach us through our website tcseverydaypsychicscom. We have a contact us form on the website. That form really helps us keep things organized.

Speaker 3:

That's it, and all of our services are on there. You can learn about a little more about us on there. Yeah, and we don't charge for paranormal help. No, we do not, it's always a free service. We have different options. It can be on our YouTube channel with us clearing it. That's not always comfortable for people and that's fine. We have a student and they're advanced students for sure An advanced student team. They take the ones that don't want to be on YouTube, so they'll do it, but it's always free.

Speaker 1:

Sure, and I was going to ask you about the students because I was listening to your podcast and they're going to become more in our face, I think.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I'm so excited.

Speaker 2:

Sarah and Trevor, they are going to be more in your face.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they are to be more in your face.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they are. Yeah, it's exciting.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they wanted to do. We used to do this. It's called ghost POVs, and so we would watch video like reaction videos of ghost hunters in places and we would give our commentary and say what was really going on in the videos. People love, love. We just couldn't do them anymore because we couldn't help anyone. You, yeah, it's not ethical for us just to go in just because we want to help and we just had to stop. And people ask all the time please bring them back. And when sarah and trevor because they're a team, they work together we never do any paranormal. Never do paranormal by yourself.

Speaker 3:

Never do it alone, it's always in a team and they said, hey, would you? And we're like, oh my. God yes please, yes, do them. So they're going to be doing that. It's very exciting. They'll be coming back.

Speaker 2:

And it's exciting and I'm going to be honest, it's terrifying.

Speaker 3:

It is To have someone else on your channel.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Just before I forget, I had a couple of questions from friends of mine. So the first question we have is ask her what she thinks about healing being new age mumbo jumbo.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that would be. Yes, that was after our podcast. Right, you got that.

Speaker 1:

It was, she says. Seems because she says that she sees you as being genuine and ethical. However, there are loads that are not.

Speaker 3:

Oof, I always say 90, and this is 90% of the I'm going to say in air quotes, sort of psychics or whatever in this field Are uneducated. A big portion of that are just plain fraudulent. They believe their own crap but they're not helping anyone. They charge a bunch of money and they shouldn't be their own crap but they're not helping anyone. They charge a bunch of money and they shouldn't be that. 10%. I do think there's temper. I think they do beautiful things I love. We do what's called multidimensional energy healing. We work with people who have childhood traumas. We typically, oftentimes we work with someone and they're working with a therapist or something, so it's not we're not instead of we're always.

Speaker 2:

In addition, in addition to is such a beautiful combination? Yes?

Speaker 1:

and so funny enough this. This friend is a therapist oh, okay, yeah, yeah, I.

Speaker 3:

I think it's wonderful if the person, if if the client, the patient, has the right healer, the right healing team, they can really do wonders for their life. You know, really healing all of that trauma, finding out who they are, moving forward in their life. You get the wrong one, unfortunately, and just like a therapist, I've been to many therapists in my life they're not all created equal. Some are just not as good as others. People will ask how do I find a good one? How do I know? Interview them.

Speaker 3:

Don't just take their word for it that they're good. Ask for a consultation. Ask the questions that you really want answered. Ask them. If they don't want a consultation, they don't want to answer it without getting paid. See, you're definitely not for me. And if you don't get those answers that you want, if you don't feel comfortable with that person, walk away and because there are a lot of people out there, a lot of them who say they're healers so you just have to try. But there is a lot of mumbo jumbo. I agree with that piece of it, but there's about 10% that are really amazing. I hope that answers her question.

Speaker 1:

Of course. The next question is does she think everyone is capable of developing these skills, or are they a gift?

Speaker 3:

Yes and no, it's absolutely a gift. I am not a believer that everyone can do it. I'm just not. I'd like to say yes, and I wanted to try to make that softer, but there is no soft way. No, not everyone can do it. No, you just can't. I have worked, I have had so many students over the past 20 years and there are some that just they want it so badly, but they just that just they want it so badly, but they just.

Speaker 3:

Here's something that in our development programs you have to heal. So there's a lot of the person healing too, and that's what happens a lot. So if you heal your own shit and you heal your own traumas and you you're on that path of healing your gift they'll come in. If you refuse to do any of that you're on that path of healing your gift they'll come in. If you refuse to do any of that, you're not getting anywhere. It's just not going to happen. You're going to be one of the 90 percent. That, yeah. So I hope that answered that question. I don't know. Did okay, okay sir.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, pam and mary lynn for this wonderful podcast wonderful yes it was lovely to have mary lynn join us this time yes, thank you very much.

Speaker 2:

I'm honored to thank you for having us.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I hope it was okay for people I'd like to to hear. It wasn't a typical podcast, so exactly.

Speaker 1:

It was very different for a kevjet podcast. But then again, they never know what's coming next you don't right, that's the wonders of of no normal right it is, it is and no one knows when um pam and marilyn will appear again on kevJet the podcast but again I'm, sure definitely, yeah, definitely. Thank you very much, lovely ladies and thank you so much. We will keep in touch and speak soon absolutely.

The Psychic Healers of KevJet
Crossing Over Frederick
Clearing Paranormal Energy in Home
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