Shiny New Clients!

7 Habits of Highly Effective Marketers

June 24, 2024 Jenna Warriner Season 1 Episode 55
7 Habits of Highly Effective Marketers
Shiny New Clients!
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Shiny New Clients!
7 Habits of Highly Effective Marketers
Jun 24, 2024 Season 1 Episode 55
Jenna Warriner

7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey is practically required reading for entrepreneurs and folks in business alike.

In today's episode we highjack Covey's renowned book and present you with the spinoff... 7 Habits of Highly Effective "Marketers"

Whether you're a business owner, an entrepreneur, or professional marketer this episode is for you, and its chock full of insights that'll help you get in front of more eyes and land more leads for your business.

Tap here to watch a FREE masterclass about “How To Get Clients From Instagram (without wasting hours glued to your phone)"

Tap here to get your free Posts That Sell Template (This caption got us 10 sales calls in 3 hours)

Tap here to try (Jenna's favourite social media scheduling software)

Music by Jordan Wood

Hosted by Jenna Warriner, Creator of Magic Marketing Machine

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey is practically required reading for entrepreneurs and folks in business alike.

In today's episode we highjack Covey's renowned book and present you with the spinoff... 7 Habits of Highly Effective "Marketers"

Whether you're a business owner, an entrepreneur, or professional marketer this episode is for you, and its chock full of insights that'll help you get in front of more eyes and land more leads for your business.

Tap here to watch a FREE masterclass about “How To Get Clients From Instagram (without wasting hours glued to your phone)"

Tap here to get your free Posts That Sell Template (This caption got us 10 sales calls in 3 hours)

Tap here to try (Jenna's favourite social media scheduling software)

Music by Jordan Wood

Hosted by Jenna Warriner, Creator of Magic Marketing Machine

7 Habits of Highly Effective Marketers

Hello. Welcome. Happy to have you here. It's Jenna calling. Did they were talking about seven habits of highly effective marketers.  I read Stephen Covey's seven habits of highly effective people. Uh, many years ago, it's basically required reading for anyone in business and entrepreneurship. I've talked about this before, but I basically read it back in the day when I was just starting my business and I was doing anything to make myself feel legitimate. So I was buying blazers. I was, you know, trying to look fancy. It was wearing heels to meetings and I was reading books. Like seven habits of highly effective people. 

Very much not my vibe now. Seven years into business, but it was my vibe then. Any who I've put together seven habits of highly effective marketers. And because I like to give you as much value as possible in tiny little episodes, I am going to. Quit the small talk and dive right in. Habit number one is listen, freaking listen, have conversations with your audience, read their comments, be in their DMS on Instagram. 

Your leads are telling you the answers  I'm telling you right now, your leads and your clients are telling you the answers. And I think a lot of times folks will get caught up thinking that marketing is all creative and it is creative to a point, but you're also being told the. The answers all the time, your leads are telling you their objections. 

They're telling you their desires. They are telling you their stories. They're telling you their fears, and then you can pull their exact words and give them exactly what they need, the products that they need and the positioning that they need. They're telling you the answers. So try and remember that, especially on the days when marketing is feeling challenging for you. Turn to people, turn to communication, turn to a coffee date with a lead. And hear from them and what's going on in their life, make a career long habit of paying attention to what they say to you. The questions they ask and really work your hardest to stop super imposing your own beliefs and your own translations on those words. 

As they come to you through your lens, we want to really. Tune in and listen. And it's funny that I would start there because 


habit number five in Stephen Covey's book is listen and understand the other first.  He really encourages you to listen with the intent to understand their perspectives. 

So don't just listen to listen. Don't just listen to use it in your marketing, but listen, to understand. 

 Next step, keep your head in the game. Keep that positive mindset, even if you're not a mindset girly like me, even if you're not a person, who's all about that energy of abundance. Yeah, let me put it in just really practical terms.  If you go into creating marketing materials with the assumption in anywhere in your brain, that someone doesn't want what you sell and that you have to convince them, or with an energy of desperation, like you need to sell this by Friday or else  you're gonna have to shut down.  Those sorts of energies, aren't going to serve you. 

And it's going to show through in your writing and it's going to show through in your materials and your decisions,  so you really need to keep your head in the game. Remember that you are serving others, hold on to that positive mindset. And if you catch yourself slipping, Try and catch it. Try and catch it and pull it back. 

Obviously it's so hard to keep your mindset on point all the time, but if you can at least start the habit of catching it and noticing when you're slipping, or noticing when you're doubting yourself, that is honestly. Half the battle. 

 Sidebar. I'm in a hotel room right now. I got the king suite.  And I'm like staring out into a city scape of a beautiful big window. And also I think there might be bed bugs in here.  Sorry, sorry. If that's triggering to anyone who has ever had bedbugs, but I thought I was safe. Like, this is a nice hotel, but I was traveling last minute. 

And I woke up with these, these two bites on my wrists and I'm like, oh my gosh, I really hope these are mosquito bites from the weekend. And I just didn't notice them. But, um, I've already called my husband. And when I arrive home, we are going to initiate bedbug protocol and he's going to have like, Change of clothes ready for me at the airport. 

Um,  I like, I feel like I need to share that with you because I'm distracted by thinking about it. Anyway. 

Habit number three, if you're new to the show, you're like, whoa, where did we just go? Why did she just tell that random story? Whatever here we are. This one's controversial. I think a lot of people would tell you that the best marketers keep their finger on the pulse, right. 

And jump onto new platforms and new trends. And they always know what's going on in the industry. And what's new in marketing and the best campaigns out there. And that might be true for. Professional marketers who are making a career out of marketing. But in my business, I teach service providers how to get clients from Instagram, . 

I teach service providers how to be the best marketers for their own business.  And the habit here that makes you successful at that is the opposite of keeping your finger on the pulse in a way it's about returning to basics.   

The solutions, the direction are in the basics. 

Think about it every time you start working with a new business coach or. Start a new business program or a new marketing program or new sales program or anything like that. The first question that coach is going to ask you is who's your ideal client? Who's your ICA,  who's your muse, whatever language they use. 

The first question is who we're talking to. That is something that is tremendously basic and will never go away and will always remain important. Now the higher you get in the types of campaigns you're doing and the size of business , you might have. Have a few ideal clients, but you're still returning to that basic methodology of know who the heck you're talking to. And what works in messaging, positioning, reversing objections, all of those classic skills. They're not going anywhere. 

They're sticking around forever. When you feel lost in a marketing campaign and you don't know what to do, and  you don't know how to get people in the door and you don't know how to sell this thing. Instead of jumping on new trends and experimenting with trying to create new ways of getting clients, go back to the basics.  

 You'll always come back to that ideal client. 

You'll always track data and ask people why they didn't buy. You'll always do those things. So when you're feeling lost on marketing and offer, it's not necessarily about using advanced tactics or trending tactics. It's about confidently returning to the basics.  

Next step improve your writing skills. 

It's really  I think copywriting is honestly a life skill. Copywriting is anytime you write words, designed to sell stuff. So it could be writing a Instagram caption, a sales email, a product description, a sales page. This is all copywriting. And once you get good at it, you will speak in copywriting. 

You will write emails to leads in copywriting. You will DM people in copywriting. This is what I've found. The more I realized how powerful words are to create conversions and how small choices in your wording and language style can truly impact the reader and lead them in a completely new direction. 

The more I started using my copywriting skills, every time I speak or write a single word, and that is a skill that you can get better and better and better at, you're never going to be just the best copywriter and you're done. And you've learned all the things and you're done. Like you will always get better. At that. 

So  continuously improving those writing skills, which then. Improves your communication skills. 

Next step. Focus on the outbound.,. you might think that when we think about marketing, we're just inherently thinking about the outbound, but so many business owners. Spend time inside their business on things that the audience can't actually see. 

And I think we kind of convince ourselves we're doing marketing work, but we're not getting anything out in front of new eyeballs. So let me explain. I don't typically tinker on things behind the scenes. I don't plan for long periods of time before executing my operations manager is always like, I know you want everything done yesterday, Jenna, like as soon as I think of an idea, I want to do it. 

I want to do it 10 minutes ago. And in some cases that might be a weakness, but it's also one of my greatest strengths because I'm always thinking about how we can get in front of new people. Instead of sitting at my desk, editing a Canva graphic for three hours,  

I'm going to make three Canva graphics and get them all scheduled to go out in front of people, even if they're not super perfect graphic design, because who cares. How can you get eyes on you today? 


 Honestly today,  if you didn't have any marketing plan for today, you didn't have any post plan to go up or any emails to go out. 

How could you get eyes on your business? 

 And when you catch yourself  spending time on tasks that only improve your experience or your workflow. Can you balance that out with a task that serves your clients and leads and gets in front of more of them? Think outbound, what can you do  to put yourself in front of other people? 

Where are your clients hanging out?  That could be on the internet or in real life. And how can you show up there?  How can you show up to the parties that they are hanging out  at,  

think about where people are hanging out virtually or online and get in front of them.  

Two more to go. Bingo. Bingo. Next one entertain.  

A B E always be entertaining. And that doesn't mean before it lands you, that doesn't mean you need to be goofy or silly because the news podcasts, Sudoku puzzles, documentaries, that's all entertainment too. And if you want to be a good marketer, you got to capture people's attention. I've been watching this guy on Tik TOK. His handle is at cool underscore looking underscore bug. And his whole shtick is he is a graphic designer. I think he must be an advertising as well. And he's been going around New York city, finding people's flyers and graphic, designing them and then replacing them with better flyers. 

So he'll find like a handyman flyer that just says, you know, I'm a handyman hire me, call this. Number, and then he'll make him a logo in this beautiful poster and print it out and put it right next to the old sign on the street. 

Same for like maybe a cleaning lady or a dog Walker, that sort of thing. 

And this entertain rule even stands in this scenario because in most cases, those initial flyers he's removing are like a white background with a black font that just lays out the most basic information and says, call me if you need this thing. I love the simplicity. I mean it has its place, but what he ends up doing is graphic designing them and making them beautiful and giving them so much personality that it's basically an experience just to look at the flyer.  

And this 


one also kind of reflects habit. 

Number four in. The seven habits of highly effective people, which is seek mutual benefits. And I actually have said this for a really long time. Maybe, you know, 22 year old Jen had got it from this book,  but I say this to my program members and magic marketing machine all the time. 

It's like one of my go-to things I say.  In business, as in life, if you want anyone to do anything,  you have to give them a reason why they benefit. use that in the context of teaching marketing. All the time. 

Marketing is all about capturing people's attention, right? 

So you have to consider their experience, your leads experience. They don't want to be bored. They don't want to be talked at. They don't want to be scolded. Think about their experience, looking at your marketing and entertain them, capture their attention, make this interesting. Make it fascinating. , in jonah bergers book, all about. , how content goes viral. 

He talks about eliciting an emotional response from people, right? As one of the keys to making content go viral, make them go girl. Or ah, or wow, like that's all entertainment, right? So instead of just spelling things out in your marketing, I'm a house cleaner. Call me, here's my number. How can you make your marketing and experience for people or at least beautiful to look at? 

How can you entertain them  I hope I'm not getting up in your head about this. , Because I think that that key can sometimes make things feel a little bit more confusing. And when I create content strategies with my clients, we really lay this all out. So it's kind of like, you know, a, B, C, we make it really simple. 

So try not to get up in your head about that, but do think about how your leads are consuming your content and making it a good experience for them. 

Last habit.  And then you can get back to the elliptical or walking your dog or driving to work or whatever you're doing. Recognize your own awesomeness. Your uniqueness makes you one copyable by the way. The more you, you inject into your marketing, you inject into your social media content. The less copyable you become someone can't copy. Your personality, they can't copy your fandoms and your isms. 

They can't copy your stories. And I think a lot of people that I've talked to lately, this is. Uh, phenomenon to me, but a lot of the business owners that I've been talking to worry about appearing narcissistic by recognizing what makes them awesome, what makes their offers and their business. Cool and interesting and awesome. It's not narcissistic it's, it's fascinating, you know?

It's an asset lean into it. 

Embrace it, own it. 

Your stories and your unique experiences that all combined and got you here are industry differentiators. They make you special and memorable and cool. And. I, you know, I don't really believe in competition, but if there was competition out there, this would make you stand out from the competition. 

So don't  📍  📍 forget that..   We've got a lot coming up for you in the next few weeks, we have a launch and I'll probably bring you behind the scenes. In that lunch, we have a amazing low ticket offer coming out that I'm really excited to experiment with.

If you want to get clients from the content you post on Instagram, want to use a proven strategy and run your account in 15 minutes a day and work with me. 

I'd love to see you inside magic marketing machine. If that sounds at all interesting, your first step is to watch the free training LinkedIn. The shownotes called how to get clients from Instagram without wasting hours glued to your phone. That'll. It'll tell you the exact strategy my clients use in the program and give you an opportunity to join. 

If you do join, I'll see you in a few days.  If not that's okay too. I'll see you in the next episode.

7 habits of highly effective marketers