Ministerios Kurios
La palabra griega Kurios significa señor, maestro, amo, dueño. Somos un recurso bilingüe que proclama el señorío de Cristo.
The Greek word Kurios means lord, teacher, master, owner. We are a bilingual resource that proclaims the Lordship of Christ.
Ministerios Kurios
The importance of Hermeneutics
Ministerios Kurios
Biblical hermeneutics is the study of the principles of interpretation concerning the books of the Bible. In today's podcast we will discuss the need for biblical expositors to have a basic knowledge of hermeneutics. We begin by defining what exegesis and eisegesis are. Later, we were talking about the methods to do an exegesis of a verse. We must look at the direct and indirect context of a passage. We have to take into account the original language of the scriptures to be able to interpret hebraisms. The parallel passages, the cultural and historical context also shed more light on the meaning of the verse. To conclude, we talk about the consequence of not considering the importance of hermeneutics in the church.