Career Explorer's Guide

From environmental science, interior design, career counseling, to DEI manager | Kevin Kawakami

August 17, 2023 Alisa Horikawa Episode 2
From environmental science, interior design, career counseling, to DEI manager | Kevin Kawakami
Career Explorer's Guide
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Career Explorer's Guide
From environmental science, interior design, career counseling, to DEI manager | Kevin Kawakami
Aug 17, 2023 Episode 2
Alisa Horikawa

In this episode, Kevin Kawakami, shares his journey from receiving his bachelors in environmental science, becoming a residential director at UCLA housing, dabbling in interior design, working as a senior assistant director at UCLA Career Center, and now a diversity, equity, and inclusion manager at NBC Universal. Kevin discusses factors to consider when making a career pivot, how to stand out as a candidate with no direct experience in a new field of work, how to best support yourself through a career transition, and the importance of embracing change.

Resources mentioned in the episode:

Topics we discussed:

  • How do you know when to change careers?
  • How do you figure out your values?
  • When should I utilize the career center at my school?
  • How do you stand out as a job candidate if you have no direct experiences?
  • What are some transferable skills that have helped him succeed in transitioning careers?
  • How do you face the thought of “will I ever find the right career”?
  • How do you work through imposter syndrome when entering a new career field?
  • Who should you talk to when you are considering a pivot?
  • Do you need to have a job lined up before quitting?
  • How do you support your mental health while changing careers?

Have a career question you would like answered? Fill out this survey!

Career question form:

Make sure to check out our social platforms!


YouTube: @Career Explorer's Guide




Show Notes

In this episode, Kevin Kawakami, shares his journey from receiving his bachelors in environmental science, becoming a residential director at UCLA housing, dabbling in interior design, working as a senior assistant director at UCLA Career Center, and now a diversity, equity, and inclusion manager at NBC Universal. Kevin discusses factors to consider when making a career pivot, how to stand out as a candidate with no direct experience in a new field of work, how to best support yourself through a career transition, and the importance of embracing change.

Resources mentioned in the episode:

Topics we discussed:

  • How do you know when to change careers?
  • How do you figure out your values?
  • When should I utilize the career center at my school?
  • How do you stand out as a job candidate if you have no direct experiences?
  • What are some transferable skills that have helped him succeed in transitioning careers?
  • How do you face the thought of “will I ever find the right career”?
  • How do you work through imposter syndrome when entering a new career field?
  • Who should you talk to when you are considering a pivot?
  • Do you need to have a job lined up before quitting?
  • How do you support your mental health while changing careers?

Have a career question you would like answered? Fill out this survey!

Career question form:

Make sure to check out our social platforms!


YouTube: @Career Explorer's Guide


