The Mom Guilt Podcast

The Ups and Downs of Parenthood: From Parenting Battles to Taylor Swift and the Joys of Raising Toddlers

November 16, 2023 Keely McNeal and Hannah Carew Season 1 Episode 5
The Ups and Downs of Parenthood: From Parenting Battles to Taylor Swift and the Joys of Raising Toddlers
The Mom Guilt Podcast
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The Mom Guilt Podcast
The Ups and Downs of Parenthood: From Parenting Battles to Taylor Swift and the Joys of Raising Toddlers
Nov 16, 2023 Season 1 Episode 5
Keely McNeal and Hannah Carew
Ever wondered why sometimes the kids seem to have the upper hand? We've got a candid conversation stirring as we discuss a surprising poll that revealed parents only win 37% of arguments with their children. It's a wild ride, where one moment we're laughing at the craziness of it all, and the next, we're reflecting on deeper issues like the constant battle with 'mom guilt' and how best to strike a balance in these little skirmishes of parenting. From frozen meals to fashion wars, we share our firsthand run-ins with these parenting battles and the importance of knowing when to hold the line or let it slide.

 Join us as we recount our own journeys of surprise pregnancies and the financial realities that come along with the joy of expanding the family. We pull back the curtain on the challenging newborn stage, the overwhelming cost of daycare, and the tough decision-making process of whether to have another child. It's real, it's raw, and it's everything you wish you knew before diving into parenthood.

But it's not all serious talk. We also take a light-hearted jaunt through the delightful milestones of raising toddlers and surviving the 'terrible twos'. And in a fun little twist, we chat about our love for Taylor Swift, her new relationship and how it differs from her past ones. Lastly, we tackle the challenge of being the sober one at events and share a hilarious story about surprise pregnancies. We promise you, it's an engaging conversation you don't want to miss. So, tune in for a heart-warming and enlightening conversation that traverses the highs and lows of parenthood.

Follow us on socials for daily content and giveaways with our fam!

If you have any questions or topics you would love to see on the Podcast please reach out on Instagram - slide into our DM's, let's be besties!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers
Ever wondered why sometimes the kids seem to have the upper hand? We've got a candid conversation stirring as we discuss a surprising poll that revealed parents only win 37% of arguments with their children. It's a wild ride, where one moment we're laughing at the craziness of it all, and the next, we're reflecting on deeper issues like the constant battle with 'mom guilt' and how best to strike a balance in these little skirmishes of parenting. From frozen meals to fashion wars, we share our firsthand run-ins with these parenting battles and the importance of knowing when to hold the line or let it slide.

 Join us as we recount our own journeys of surprise pregnancies and the financial realities that come along with the joy of expanding the family. We pull back the curtain on the challenging newborn stage, the overwhelming cost of daycare, and the tough decision-making process of whether to have another child. It's real, it's raw, and it's everything you wish you knew before diving into parenthood.

But it's not all serious talk. We also take a light-hearted jaunt through the delightful milestones of raising toddlers and surviving the 'terrible twos'. And in a fun little twist, we chat about our love for Taylor Swift, her new relationship and how it differs from her past ones. Lastly, we tackle the challenge of being the sober one at events and share a hilarious story about surprise pregnancies. We promise you, it's an engaging conversation you don't want to miss. So, tune in for a heart-warming and enlightening conversation that traverses the highs and lows of parenthood.

Follow us on socials for daily content and giveaways with our fam!

If you have any questions or topics you would love to see on the Podcast please reach out on Instagram - slide into our DM's, let's be besties!

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the momgilt podcast. It's been a minute. We're so happy that you guys are here to join us here today on this beautiful day. It actually got really gross. Last week was like really warm and then it like rained and now it's freezing. So it is freezing. It got really super warm last week, like hot I know, I was literally wearing shorts, and now it's cold again. I know it's cold, but yeah, so how are you? It's been a minute. I'm good.

Speaker 1:

I'm getting married in a month. I know it's so crazy Like even less than a month now couple days and I'm really tired of planning things, so I'm ready for it to be here. Also, I'm tired of paying people. So it's like the last month I wouldn't know, because I planned a wedding in like three months, because I waited and then I planned everything, which also was not smart. Don't do that. But I have to like pay all these people and I'm like I'm gonna be broke once this wedding is done. It's freaking expensive actually. I kind of wish we would have eloped, but I think it's gonna be worth it. It'll be super fun. Yeah, it's gonna be a blast and you're gonna love every moment of it. It'll be fun. Yeah, the money will be worth it. You're gonna be thinking about it that day or that weekend. The weekend's gonna be fun, yeah, so we're just finishing that stuff and then, yeah, that's about it. I've just been working and planning wedding things so I didn't wanna talk about this.

Speaker 1:

I saw I read this super cool thing or it's like, I don't know. It made my mom guilt feel a little bit better because I got always so tired and feel so defeated. And so I read there's like a new poll that came out and it's us versus our kids arguments and like the average parent. The poll came out and it looked at like the average parents win, lose record versus their, then versus their kids, and so what percentage do you think we win? I don't know. I think we're losers. What percentage do we win? Yeah, like with any argument, like when we're telling our child what to do, what they can't do, what they can have, what they can't have, what they can't have 37%, okay, never, okay. So it says according to this new average parent, according to this, the new average parent Not the good, not the good parent, the average parent, so not us the new average parent gets 190 wins a year. What percentage is it? The average parent also caves and gives their kid what they want 218 times a year, so the kid wins about 53% of the time. Thanks, I really thought we were losing. Yeah, so it's better. I think 37, just good, so it's better. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So what they're talking about like this is talking the top parenting losses, so eating whatever they want. So, like, you just need your child to eat, period. Yeah, just eat food. We're just surviving on chicken, nuggets and fries right now, basically from any restaurant or frozen lunch, and I actually made a video on social media and I got a lot of hate.

Speaker 1:

There was some people that were like, feed your child real food. And I'm like, but what you don't know is my son would be starving if he didn't eat these chicken. You're so piggy, actually. Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, we'll like literally make a good meal and I'm like, oh, he's gonna love this. Nope, trash does not eat, it, does not. And then we have to cook the nuggets anyways. Yeah, so I'm like I'd rather just not even cook. At least he's eating food. You know he's not starving, so people can Whatever. No, yeah, they were in their fields at like that frozen monstrous meal. I'm like, okay, whatever. You don't eat. Frozen meals? Okay, no, seriously I do. I do too. Frozen chicken nuggets, frozen pizza? No, he definitely eats what he wants.

Speaker 1:

Eastern, you know, the baby's can't eat anything else, but I don't know. I feel like there's like bigger battles to be won. Oh for sure, then making your kids eat. No, I mean, I get the nutrition side of it, but it's like I think, pick your battles, jameson and I's biggest fight right now in it. Oh my gosh, I'm like dude, this is ridiculous. You were a boy. You should not care about what you wear this much every single morning. Mommy, I don't like these pants. These are not my favorite. Yeah, these are not my favorite. Eastern does that sometimes, but it's usually only when he wants to wear Spider-Man. Nope, it's like Marvel, anything.

Speaker 1:

If I put anything else on him, I buy him like these cute outfits from my cousin's store and they're like, they're like neutrals and they're so cute. And he literally is like what is this shit? He's like Spider-Man, spider-man. I'm like, oh my God, so literally. I went to Costco and there was like a $5. I'm like I'm just buying you $5 Spider-Man shirts, since this is all you're wearing, Like literally. That's another battle too. Yeah, that. And then I got him these. This is me, this is probably on me Cause Michael was like I wouldn't wear those either, but I got them.

Speaker 1:

They're not Uggs. I bought Jameson and Pera Uggs last year and he wore them for like three weeks. We'll never do that again, but they're like the knockoff Uggs, like slipper looking things. I got him a target. They look so cute with certain little outfits that he wears, hates them, literally had a screaming, crying meltdown because I wanted him to wear them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, it's like my child doesn't wear a jacket when it's cold and when we go to daycare they just look at me cause I'm like bundled up with like four layers and I'm freezing, and he's like no, and we walk up and I swear everyone's looking at me like you don't put your child in a jacket. I can't buy her child a jacket and I'm like I just like hold it and I'm like I have a jacket, you just won't put it on. I'm like, yeah, to like literally show them, but it's so embarrassing, like, oh my God, I swear I tried, just wasn't gonna fight with them this morning. It's so bad, cause I literally will be wearing like the biggest jacket and like boot. I'll be like cozied up and literally my child's like in a T-shirt and he's like I don't wanna wear anything else. I'm like, oh my God, yeah, literally so embarrassing.

Speaker 1:

Okay, the next one is screen time at the table. We don't really do it, we only give. Well, he has like three tablets is what he calls them but he has a lot of them. Literally has two, but I don't know. He watches them at his little table when we're not eating as a family. When we're eating as a family, he does pretty good like hanging out with us, but he does use his tablet a lot, a lot, a lot more that the babies are here, because like a lot of times we'll be with the babies.

Speaker 1:

That's like mom guilt to him, like just go watch your tablet while I feed your brothers, but it's like, well, that's not even gonna do, I'm not even gonna front. A lot of times I'm not even gonna front. It's so bad. But like if we go to dinner at a restaurant and say we're with friends, after a while Jameson eats super fast after he's done eating and we're hanging out and we're chilling, he's done Like he wants to leave and we're still not. So, yep, you're gonna have my phone and I'm gonna turn on Bluey and you can sit there and watch Bluey. No, in a public place I don't care. If we're like eating at home, he doesn't do it. But in a public place I'm like I'm doing anything to make sure that you just are chill. Yes, control, don't make a sound, yep, please. Okay, the next one is buying them something they want and don't need Literally every single day. It's bad. It's bad.

Speaker 1:

Which one did Target yesterday and I was trying to get I was getting a phone case, actually for my new phone, because I will break a phone before and I just had it for like a couple hours. I was like I need to put something on this. So I was like I'm gonna target and I got Easton a soccer ball and a football and a Nerf gun and wait, there was something else. What else did I get him? Oh, and then he loves the dollar section, because now they have like all these like Christmas things and there was like little Spider-Man ball.

Speaker 1:

So like I bought him a shit type of things and I'm like, okay, christmas is coming soon, so sometimes I can like talk him out of some things, but honestly like I don't care, I should care more. But yeah, I'm that way too. Every time we go he gets something, every single time, every time I don't know, I also, but I'm like I do the same thing. So I kind of feel bad, like if I go into Target, I did not only buy a phone case, I bought a blanket, I was like random things and I was like dang. I kind of feel bad because I'm like buying myself all these things and I'm like telling him, no, yeah, could have be me, could have be me. Yeah, no, yeah, he gets pretty much whatever he wants. Yeah, so does Jameson.

Speaker 1:

And then letting them stay up past their bedtime. I don't have this problem because Easton loves bedtime. Like, actually, he really does, he actually does love bedtime. No, yeah, like actually is like I'm ready for bed bottle and he gets milk. So I'm like, okay, here's your milk, bye, and he will literally lay in his bed.

Speaker 1:

Jameson is getting more self aware. Like when he needs a nap, he'll come up to me and he'll be like mommy, I need to nap him and go lay down. Yeah, and he'll go lay down in bed time we're working on it. He likes to fall asleep in the living room while we're watching something he's really into Tom and Jerry right now and I love that, because I love Tom and Jerry as a kid. But he likes to do that. So he falls asleep and we lay him in his bed.

Speaker 1:

But staying up past his bedtime not really not. I'm going to bed during like weeknights Out, yeah, out. He's simple. Put himself down for a nap. But to force him to nap, but he will. But as soon as you lay him down, he will fall asleep for a nap, but he does. That's good. We never had. He's always slept like 12 hours. So we haven't really to deal with that with him.

Speaker 1:

The twins aren't great sleepers yet, so we'll see. Yeah, I feel like we're going to be cursed with them, like not wanting to sleep, yeah, but we'll see. Yeah, they like to sleep with us too. So I'm like they're so big. I haven't, I feel I haven't seen him in like a month and I came in and Coco is so big. Oh, my goodness, I mean the best talk. It was so sweet Big babies.

Speaker 1:

Like literally every time the doctors are like, are they actually this big? I'm like you're the one weighing on, like I don't know what I'm supposed to do, but they do eat a lot. But we're trying to like start food because, like they're, they're seven months, almost eight months. I'm like, ok, so like we've tried baby purées, they hate them. We've tried like mashed potatoes, they hate them, like everything that Easton like they hate.

Speaker 1:

So they're just addicted to formula, literally, and I feel like the formula and I forgot that, like with Easton, I breastfed a lot longer, I pumped and he had breast milk a lot longer than twins. So I was like, how did Easton, how is Easton so little compared to them? Brett, it's formula? Well, they've been formula since like the first, like two weeks, I pumped until I got mastitis and that was horrible. But, like before that, I pumped, but it was only like two weeks, yeah, and so Easton was at least like four or five months. So, like the difference in just like them having formula since that time frame, like with Easton, I'm like they do, they are big, they're big, they are, but they're the best, they're so cute babies. Well, chanka babies, I love them.

Speaker 1:

So I have some news oh gosh, I'm having a baby girl. No, I'm just kidding, we don't know, but I have a girl. Oh, my god, do you, do you like? This is a weird question. I was about to be asked, if you never mind, no, I was like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes, like when I, when we got pregnant with the twins, I was like I wonder, when we were having sex, like what was? When was the timing? Oh I know. But we also like weren't trying. So it's like very hard to not. But y'all like kind of were trying. But right, it's funny how God has a sense of humor. So we were trying, yeah, and we were trying for probably like five months, I would say, and like keeping up with everything, and then it just wasn't happening. It wasn't God's timing and I was kind of like other stuff, so I guess maybe right now is not the time. And then when we literally were like OK, you know, we're not going to track everything anymore, he was like guess what? Here it is. So it's a blessing.

Speaker 1:

It was a sweet, sweet surprise. I was not expecting it whatsoever, but it was sweet. I know I want a little girl so bad. I'm like I don't know Jameson does too. It's so sweet, he is so sweet. When we told him, he was like we said Jameson, what is something that you've been asking for for so long? And he was like a toy. We're like, no, what else? He goes a baby sister. And we're like, well, guess what? Mommy has a baby in her belly. And he goes a baby sister. We're like, well, we don't know yet. And he was like, but it's a baby sister. And we're like, well, we don't know, and maybe a baby brother. He goes no, it's a boy.

Speaker 1:

I know Tristan called me and was like, yeah, michael wants a boy and Hannah wants a girl. And so she was sitting. I was like, dang, he would be such a good girl dad. I think Tristan would be too. But I'm like I'm sorry, I'm done, my god, I just don't want to deal with a little girl. That's what it is. He just knows that, he knows that he would be wrapped around her finger and he's just like I don't know. I know I want a little girl so bad. I literally pray all the time Lord, please, please, please. I'll be happy with a healthy baby. Yeah, if it's a boy, I will totally rock the boy mom thing. But I'm really like a little girl Me too.

Speaker 1:

And having like the boy first, like my brother's older than me, and like then they had a little, I've always wanted a little brother or older brother. Yeah, it's like the perfect. I was like the perfect, um, oh gosh, order to have them. If you have a girl, that would be perfect. Yeah, I was like I just want one girl.

Speaker 1:

And then I was like, oh well, you thought, you thought you know, I do have a great niece, adeline. She's cute. You'll meet her at the wedding. She's adorable. She's really pretty. Actually, I mean, she's a little girl, so pretty is kind of wherever she's, she's going to be very pretty. Yeah, I'm like dang, and if I had a little girl I should probably look, because I feel like East not yeah, easton looks a lot like my brother did, like they're like resembling each other. So I'm like I feel like I had a girl. Adeline could look like I could have a girl like Adeline, yeah, and she's so cute. So I don't know, we'll see, but I think I'm giving up. So you're done with babies.

Speaker 1:

Three kids is so much I can't do for like four already outnumbered. So someone did tell me the other day they have four kids and they were like, honestly, the easiest transition was from three to four because you're already outnumbered and you're kind of just like F it, like it is what it is, which I get, but I think the newborn stage has really killed us. With twins. We're exhausted. I don't know, though, because now that we have twins, if we had one more it would feel really easy because we're used to having the two. So if we had one we could probably survive.

Speaker 1:

But kids are just expensive, and I'm like I love y'all, but kids are very expensive. It's draining, I can't, and we just spend more than we should on them because we like to spoil them, which is our fault too. But it's like, oh my god, y'all are formula and I was about to say stuff from Target, because I literally buy myself all the time Daycare. That's really why we should not have another kid. Yeah, it's expensive.

Speaker 1:

Having more than one kid in daycare is literally a mortgage payment Could be. That's a topic for a whole. Oh, it's actually really bad. I think about people that I don't even want to make that sound like we can afford it, but it is a struggle. I'm not trying to. It feels like I'm paying literally a rent and a mortgage or two more. I feel like I could have two houses, literally, or have a million dollar house for the price of having all the kids in daycare with another house. So it's pretty bad.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how people do it. And we're technically at a cheaper daycare because the daycare in the summer that Isam was going to was double what we pay at Buford double. And I'll say how do people do this? And that's for one kid, and a lot of places don't even do sibling discounts anymore, which is crazy to me. And then I was hoping for the twins. That would be like that should be a discount. Just saying I like two kids in your freaking class, just give me like $20, please. It's a struggle but it's OK.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. When they're off a formula, that'll be nice too, and they're almost there. Once they get into school you're going to feel like you're rich. I know You're like whoa bro, we're all loaded. I know I went, dang. I can't wait. I could buy another house. Yeah, let me get my dream house now, and then maybe the rates will be better. Yeah, maybe, perfect, maybe We'll see how far along do you think you are Eight weeks? Yeah, I think, from what I've timed out and everything, definitely eight weeks. I go for an ultrasound on Friday so we'll officially find out, but for sure, eight weeks. Yeah, dang, did you just decide to be honest, no.

Speaker 1:

So my period runs like my cycles are pretty regular and they're either 26 to 28 days. I don't know shit about my period. Oh, I keep up with it. Oh, it's like the whole thing. I saw a TikTok about it About how to know. I heard a TikTok about Because I didn't even know what a cycle is. I'm just like, oh, I'm on my period and then it's over, and it's actually the whole 30 something days. Yeah, my cycle is 26 to 28 days, that's just how it is. I was on 32. And it doesn't vary, like it's very, that's just how it is. And I was like, ok, we'll just see what it does.

Speaker 1:

And I got this. See, they make these fancy pregnancy tests. Now I know, literally stick it in the cup and it blinks on the end when it's ready for you to take it off. And I did and it was like Really fast. Well, I said it.

Speaker 1:

Well, I wanted to video it Because I was by myself, and so I set it down. I literally walked out of the bathroom and I came back. I went to grab my phone and I came back to set the video camera up and then I was going to look at the video camera. It was already like there. I pulled it up and it was there and it said pregnant. It was so fast, brand, is that I used? Clear, dang Clear, something, clear response, yes, something like that. I think that's what it is. It's clear, that's what it sounded like. But it was like it was there and I was. I was by myself.

Speaker 1:

It was like, oh God, ok, I started crying and I was shaking. I was so happy. But then James well, jameson was there with me and he was like mommy, are you OK? I'm like yes, I'm fine, it's OK. Mommy just needs a minute. Yeah, I don't even remember.

Speaker 1:

I was alone when I found out I was having East End, because that was a shit show and I didn't want anybody to know. So I was like hiding in a bathroom. I don't remember what the no, it was just me and Tristan. But we took it thinking like for sure I wasn't pregnant. So it was like very unexpected because I was like there's no way, like it's still really like we just had East End, we're not pregnant, whatever.

Speaker 1:

And then we basically showed our parents and we were like oh my God. And then we told his parents the same day because we just couldn't hold it. Actually they guessed, of course, because we went over to their house and we were like there's something to tell y'all. And that was the first thing they guessed. Or a time, yeah, Like you're pregnant. I was like yeah, and they were pretty excited until we found out it was twins.

Speaker 1:

And then we were all dying, we're like no, and people were cursing us for real because all of his friends were like, oh, you're going to have twins, it's going to be twins. Like I just have a feeling it's going to be twins. Literally all of his friends said that and then it was. And I was like, damn, y'all are the problem. I'm just kidding. I didn't even know they ran in my family until I found out I was having twins. And then my mom decided to tell me Later, after you've been on your pregnant twins, yeah, I facetime her after the ultrasound and she literally guessed it. Because I was like, oh, I have demilitarized sound, like guess what? And she was grabbing twins and I was like why would you guess that? And they run on my side family. I didn't go twins and I'm like bro, you've literally in my 27 years of life never told me this and like couldn't have warned me. And now I'm having twins.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, yeah, that's crazy. I would die if we had more twins, if we had another size twins yeah, I would die. Now that I'm in all these twin mom Facebook groups, it's happened to a lot of people and I'm like, ok, that's another reason I don't want to try for a girl. If we have like identical girls, that would be a joke, cause I'd be like, yeah, a girl, two girls, and then that would be. I would be dead, actually dead. Five kids, that would be crazy. No, thank you, please don't do it to me. Oh, my god, that would be a lot of kids. That would be too many kids in my opinion. I don't know there's people that have six to eight kids. It's crazy to me. I think more power to you.

Speaker 1:

Some people love to. I, yeah. When, okay, when they got older, I would love it because I love like all of our family being together for like Thanksgiving and Christmas. I love a full house on the holidays, I absolutely love it. But when they were younger, oh, my goodness gracious, yeah, that would be a lot.

Speaker 1:

It's not my favorite the baby stage in the well, I don't know, he's since almost three now and I love this stage, like how old he is right now. I'm good with like once the twins are like two, it'll be, it'll get really easy because they're easins really easy right now and he's just like really a good kid, so hopefully they're good kids too. If they're not, then that would be a different story. But this age is like perfect. I don't really like the newborn and the infant stage. I like how cute they are and I want to like squeeze them and like hold them there forever, there forever.

Speaker 1:

But I'm also like it's so hard to like go out and do things and it's like very daunting. Like it's like we don't do anything unless we just have Easton. Like we're taking Easton to a Paw Patrol show next week oh fun. Yeah, we're taking him to North Carolina actually, because that's like the closest place I have a show and he's like just now like loving Paw Patrol. So I was like we've been done anything. We literally haven't taken him to do anything really since the twins because it's so hard. So I was like dang, let's take him and do it on our own. So, like Tristan's parents are keeping the twins, so I'm like ready for that stage to be over so we can like take all three of them and it like be easier than having two babies and then having him. Because like having them and having him and going somewhere is a mess and I don't do it by myself because it's like I can't even like hold two car seats and then like have Easton running around, like it's impossible, literally it's impossible. So I'm like over, I'm like ready for them to be able to move and like walk. Yeah, I also don't know Cause it happened so fast. And then you're like you're not a baby, they're so big already. It's crazy to me. They're huge.

Speaker 1:

Coco started crawling literally like right after six months, pretty much like he used to crawl in fast. So I was like dang, he is crawling. Oh yeah, he crawls really good. He pulls himself up to like stand on things, like he's about to like try to run away. I'm like if he walks it will look hilarious. He's so big. If he did walk, yeah, I feel like I know someone, somebody I know their babies started walking in like eight and a half, nine months. It was like a literal baby, I know, I feel like it would look hilarious because he's still so like short, but he's weighs a lot. But I don't know, I wouldn't be surprised, because he really does like pull himself up on toys and like pulls himself up on couches and he's like ready to go. So I'm it would look hilarious but I think it would take a while and Ashra is getting his first tooth and you can see it like poking through the bottom and I'm like, oh yeah, big boys. I know it's so sad, it's so sad but it's okay because I'm done with the stage On to the next, over the baby stage.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think Jameson, where he is right now, I really love like we have, like we can have conversations. He's asking me questions about things, like he's just wondering about things and about the world and like we just have fun and he's just at a fun stage where he likes to help me cook dinner and he likes to help me because I have to do. I have to do laundry, I have to do that. I'm a mom and a wife, that's the thing that I have to do, so he enjoys doing those things with me. He just like spending time with me. Yeah, and I just think it's such.

Speaker 1:

I think this age right now is my favorite. Like four, almost five, it's just a good age. Now I love the newborn stage. I'm so excited to have it again. I love it. I think, in my opinion, like one one is fun too. Yeah, two and a half to three Not my favorite. I love Easton.

Speaker 1:

Jameson was like he was just it figuring everything out. And that's when, like the terrible twos, terrible threes pitch and fit with everything and like I just felt like that was like more of a hard thing. Now Jameson and I's biggest battle is he doesn't like his shirt or his pants or shoes. Other than that, he listens and he's good. So I like I like this age and newborn are my favorite. I like newborn for like a month and you're like we can skip to one year. I don't know, but I could just cuddle them If I didn't have to do all the other things. I could just lay with him and be newborn forever. But that's the only part of like honestly. So yeah, that's harsh. What is not my favorite show?

Speaker 1:

So did you see that Taylor Swift literally said Carmen is the guy from the chiefs running straight home to me? I literally don't know the lyrics of that song anymore. I only know it as it is now and it just happened. I'm like wait, what was the correct words? Because that's actually perfect. Yes, it literally fits.

Speaker 1:

I actually I like literally woke up to my first video on TikTok being them kissing and I'm like she ran to him. Oh my god, that's the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life. It was so cute. Oh my god, I'm dying. I love them. And he's so like giddy. I know the videos of him are so like, so giddy and I read that she introduced him to her dad. I'm obsessed. They were like vibing together. Yeah, she really likes him. Yeah, I just hope they don't break up Ever. I know Now you'll have to get married. Yeah, I think it'd be hard for her to write songs about him because, like, he's so good Well, he seems so good that and then also his every other person she's ever dated has been like Not a sports person. Yeah, so you know, like all of her other stuff she's talked about, it's kind of like, yeah, I don't know, I just feel like he's different than every person she's ever dated.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and this is the most I feel really public relationship, maybe her and Harry Styles, maybe, but this is really, but she wasn't as big as she was now. No, I feel like it's very out there and he's a very like he's out there too, very no, so it's probably hard to hide it, but it's like I just love it and I've actually never really like been invested in any of her other relationships and I love her, but I've just kind of been like a. But this one I'm like, yeah, I'm clinging to this and I know it's and I'm like living through and I'll also feel like she's Like I'll be 28 this year, so I like I feel like I grew up with her. So I feel like it's just like my birthday, march 21st, okay, but I feel like I Feel like I've like grown up with her and like she's like gone through all these stages and now like she's like found the one and I'm like your friend, you don't know me, you'll never know me, but I'm like, yes, girl, I'm so happy for you. Like it just feels like very personal.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like also like her, just her effect, like I feel like people feel like they know her and she's so real, I love her. So I also saw this going to her effect. I saw this tiktok and I never really listened to her lyrics this way, but it was her seeing the song mastermind Mm-hmm, and so she was pointing to the audience and she was like the lyrics say what if I told you I was a mastermind, mm-hmm. And it's talks about something, something. I did something and now you're all mine, mm-hmm. And so it's like I've what the tiktok was saying was I just her effect?

Speaker 1:

And she has some kind of way to pull so many people in. It's crazy, I know. It's crazy how well she does it. She is, and everybody, everybody feels that way. Hate her. No, like I know people do. But I'm like I feel, like how I know I feel like people hate her because people like her so much, like there's always gonna be haters, no matter what.

Speaker 1:

And I like how, hey, she's so quirky. I know I love that, she's cute, I love her and she's, she's a boss like she. She literally makes more money than him, for sure, oh yes, so much more. And but like 20 times. But it's like the way that, like he knows that and he like embraces, I like he's like I know, like the shit, like I know I can't believe she likes me. But also like the story, unfolded so nicely, of like he's like always liked, like he's always been attracted to her and he's like always felt like he Was gonna shoot a shot. Any shot a shot. Yeah, I remember the interview where he was like I Found out she doesn't talk about before after shows because she has to save her voice now, so sad it gets.

Speaker 1:

Give her my a friendship bracelet. I made her like Cute and he's so good with his knees. Oh, I know they would make such pretty babies. Yeah, they're gonna get married and have kids. I Hope I know that would make really pretty babies, but I feel like she has kids. She's not gonna make any more music for a very long time. She don't need to shoot. I mean I want her to like I know I want her to, but but if she went away and like Came back family, her music would be great too, because she would have like gone through all of these other Experiences and then like she could relate to moms and like, yeah, that's really good like Music, that's true saying, but yeah, I'm obsessed with them. Yeah, I'm Best celebrity couple to come. Oh, I think anything Besides I? I love Blake lively and I'm Ryan Reynolds. I love them.

Speaker 1:

She was always my favorite actress when I was little and like sisterhood of the traveling pants, I like fell in love with her. She was the best. And that's when I was like, yeah, I love her and she's so pretty, like naturally never ages. I feel like if she gets older, she's, she gets prettier. Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah, I feel that way about Jennifer Lawrence too. Yeah, jennifer Lawrence just doesn't age. Yeah, she's so pretty. No, I think Blake lightly is awesome. Yeah, I Loved her gossip girl. Yeah, I'm a gossip girl girl. Yeah, same, she's the best.

Speaker 1:

If, if, literally the people that went to her show are so lucky dude, oh god. So one of a guy I work with, he got scammed off Facebook tickets for football tickets and I already told him the story. And he got scammed off Facebook tickets but he paid, he sent the money oh my god, how much money. Six hundred bucks, stupid. But they ended up putting a hold on like their card and canceled it. So they got their money back. Oh, but like this lady, like straight up, I'm not crazy. It was for football tickets. It was like a cleansing game. Yeah, clinton's in Notre Dame oh my god, it was almost me. I'm so glad I didn't send anybody to that lady. Yeah, how could you try to scam Swifties? People will scam anybody for anything.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm, I saw a guy that made a tick talk about how like he's becoming a Swiftie and he's like Swifties are the nicest fan fan base have ever ever experienced in my life. He's like I made a tick talk about how now I love her music and everybody's in my DMs like, welcome, welcome to being a Swiftie, it's the best. And listen to this song and listen to this song and I was like, oh my god, it's so real. And he made a point. He's like, if you go and say that you like like Beyonce or Rihanna or like any of these other big people, he's like none of their fans are gonna be like as supportive. He's like, but all these Swifties were like, oh my god, look at this, look at this, look at that. I was like, yeah, mm-hmm, we really love her.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm, yeah, yep, is that love are gonna be your first dance song? Yeah, it is. Yeah, I, we have a song that we really we're gonna have to, not to first dances. But like we were, it was a tie between two songs that we love and the other song we love. But like the lover the Taylor Swift lover first dance version is so dreamy and like it has an intro that I just feel like is so cool. And the other song you just like jumps right into the, the singing, and I was like, if I envision like how our first dance is gonna be, I want to like have a little moment, like come together and like you know, I don't know like it'd be more dramatic than like Get on the dance floor and start dancing. I don't know. That's how I felt about that one.

Speaker 1:

So our DJ was like okay, well, we can have the other one in your like another slow dance song, and we can tell people that like that was your other choice and like come to the like, they can come dance with you, whatever. And I was like that's fine, because we do like, really like the lyrics of the other song, but and we love the guys voice, like we love the sound. But I was like then we were sitting at the table with the DJ and Tristan was like Okay, well, if it's your dream to have Taylor Swift, then you should just do it, because you're gonna regret not doing it. And I was like I know you're right, I love her. And then we're like we've had, we, our DJ, has an app. We're like building all the songs that we want and she like wrote on her paper. She's like Swift D. I was like, yeah, if you could just play Taylor Swift Every 10 minutes, that'd be great. Like people are gonna hate me, I don't care, it's your wedding.

Speaker 1:

I'm walking down the aisle to a Taylor Swift song too. Oh, which one is gonna be everywhere? Um, oh my god, how do I not know the the name? Oh, my god, I don't know the name of it. That's so bad. Um, bro, this is so embarrassing. What is this song called? Having a brain fart? Wait, I don't have so much time here. This looks good to you. There it goes. Oh, my god, I'm just kidding. What is it called? Oh, you were in love. I'm doing that song Because I also.

Speaker 1:

I was thinking about doing Daylight, because I saw a girl do it on a TikTok and I really liked it. But then what is Tristan doing for his walk? I forget. He picked a song and I was like I feel like you're doing that one and I'm thinking about doing the bridal party to another Taylor Swift. This is going to be literally just Swift nation over here, but the way that this girl had it on TikTok, it was like the intro was awesome and then like the entrance for the bride was like perfect timing and so I'm going to send it to my DJ and be like do this, yeah, so we'll see. But it's just going to be lots of Taylor Swift. But I don't know. I kept thinking.

Speaker 1:

I was like I don't, I don't want like the traditional, like I don't know, like boring sounds. I was like we'll just do this. So I don't know. I'm excited. I love her. She's going to be all over our wedding, literally. I love that, though I know I'm so excited to have that as our first dance song because we really were like going back and forth, but it'll be good. Yeah, we'll see. I'm excited.

Speaker 1:

I think that if we get that, we get to be here literally. And then are y'all doing a honeymoon? Not right after, because we want it. It's just so close to Christmas, yeah, and it's the twins first Christmas and Easton loves. We want to be here for Easton, all of his things, because they do a lot of things like at school, yeah, in December. So I was like I don't want to miss, like all of his stuff. So we're going to wait. We're going to do something next year. I don't even know what we're going to do yet.

Speaker 1:

We really want to go on a cruise, which I'd be so lame. But I only have been on one in my life and I loved it. Oh, I love cruises too. I've been on two. They are. I want to go. They're so much fun. And we did like the all inclusive thing in the DR, which was cool, but like I, now that I've done both, like I would prefer a cruise. Yeah, I really like cruises too. They're a lot of fun, probably as long as you don't jump off. Stupid idiots do. No, heck, no, no.

Speaker 1:

Tristan's like I'm nervous, like I'm going to get sick or something's going to happen and we're going to be stuck on it and I'm like put some drama, drama mean the patches behind your ear, like can you not be so lame? Like it's going to be fun, so we'll see. And then his parents were like you should not go alone, you should have somebody else go with y'all. So, like I know Michael, I would go for like we volunteer distribute, because she was making a good point. She's like if you do like five days or seven days or however long, she's like you'll have fun together, but eventually you'll be like okay, like love you, but especially because, like we've been I don't know like it's nothing new for us, which I'm not trying to like downplay the fact we're getting married but it's just like we live together, like we've had kids.

Speaker 1:

You are married. It's a very different feeling, like the DJ literally was like, are you already married? And you're just like celebrating and I'm like, nah, we're not married, but you would think that we're like. It just feels like we are, so we're like we can like do a cruise and then just like have fun. So I don't know, we'll let you know we haven't booked anything yet, but let's do it after I have a baby though. Oh yeah, so like next July. Oh God, that's so long. Yeah Well, I mean I'll go big and pregnant. Well, my dream. I've never was pregnant enough.

Speaker 1:

When it got warm and I wanted, I wanted to be the big pregnant girl to bikini, not lying. I love pregnant. I loved I didn't love being pregnant. I loved the way I looked pregnant, like I love pregnant bellies. So I was always pregnant, like I had my babies in March. So it never got warm enough. I wanted, I want, to be pregnant in the summer and wear a bikini and I would literally be the way on the beach Like rubbing, rubbing lotion on my belly and laying out and taking pictures, I don't even care, I would buy all the cute bathing suits. I never got that chance because I always I had I got pregnant the exact same time with both pregnancies. So literally it trisms.

Speaker 1:

Families always like, all right, you're real fertile around this time, so don't be having sex. And I'm like, okay, I'll just not do that. But oh my God, thank you for the advice. Yeah, they're like you just tend to always get pregnant. I'm like, okay, so I want to be pregnant and it be warm. Cause also like being pregnant in the winter, I get like people get really hot when they're pregnant and when it gets hot, but I never really experienced that. The worst symptom of pregnancy I've ever had is like back pain with the twins, cause like it was a lot in my back hurt really bad, but I never was sick and I'm always just cold. In general it's like being pregnant, nothing that didn't really change. I never felt like really hot.

Speaker 1:

I was like I could rock some cute ass outfits when I'm pregnant and it's hot, but in the winter I felt like I was just wearing like maternity jeans and maternity leggings and a sweater and it was very lame. So I wish I could be pregnant and wear a bikini, because I would. I would be the girl to crop top with my belly out. I don't even care. That's literally what would be me. I reminds me of like people on selling sun, suns Cause. I feel like there's girls on there and like when they're pregnant, like Heather was pregnant and she would just be like I don't care, like one time, one point, she's wearing an outfit that I was like I would wear that, and Tristan was like that's embarrassing. It probably is, I don't care, I wouldn't erase it. So, yeah, it would be very pregnant and but it would be so cute On the cruise you could wear all the cute bathing suits.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, nobody'd know me, I'd do it. I'd be a, but it is. It would suck to like not be able to drink and like I don't know Cause I don't know how. I don't like to be the sober one, because people will piss me off when they're drunk and I'm sober. Oh, I, I'm.

Speaker 1:

I think this time it's different. When I was younger and I got pregnant, yeah, I didn't like it. I'm like next weekend we have a. Two of our close family or two of our close friends are getting married and I literally just found out I was pregnant and two of our friends from Wisconsin are flying in. And then Megan and Stu were all. We had this whole Megan's birthday Friday. So we're all going out Friday and I'm like pregnant.

Speaker 1:

So instead of Ubering, now I'm the DD, but like I I don't know I think I'm still going to have fun. I'm just going to drink my water and I'll still rally, but I don't like it. I don't like it because when Tristan drinks, he drinks a lot and I feel like I'm babysitting. At that point, I'm like I'm literally not trying to like drag you into places and out of places and like have you throw up and then I have to clean it up cause you're like you're too drunk to clean it. Like that's not if. You're like if we're just having a chill time, but when Tristan drinks, he drinks and I'm like, no, not not trying to do all that, but that's also why I postponed my wedding so I could be not pregnant and drink at my wedding. Yeah, so that's understandable. Yeah, also wanted to fit into my dress. Yeah, it's understandable too. Yeah,

Mom Guilt and Parenting Battles
Excitement of Having a Baby Girl
Coco's Development and Taylor Swift's Relationship
Taylor Swift's Relationship Excitement and Adoration
Navigating Sobriety and Socializing at Events