Retail Success Club

Episode 18: How I sell 24/7 and never feel salesy

May 30, 2024 Ali Dee Season 1 Episode 18
Episode 18: How I sell 24/7 and never feel salesy
Retail Success Club
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Retail Success Club
Episode 18: How I sell 24/7 and never feel salesy
May 30, 2024 Season 1 Episode 18
Ali Dee

I sell 24/7, it's the most important thing I do in my business, but I never feel salesy or icky. In this episode I'll explain how.

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

Show Notes Transcript

I sell 24/7, it's the most important thing I do in my business, but I never feel salesy or icky. In this episode I'll explain how.

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

Hey, Hey, welcome to another episode of the retail success club podcast. I'm Allie D I'm your host, the founder of the retail success club. And it is my mission to make sure that the next wave of women in the retail industry are going to freaking rise to the top and be the best of the best. And that's why it's so important. I feel like this is like in my heart of hearts. To make sure that this happens because I feel like our industry. Just really need some education when it comes to what it takes to actually build a business. That is not just a side hobby, not just bringing in quote unquote, a little extra money, but literally a business that can help you leave your nine to five. If that's what your goal is or help you have like real life-changing money, like real business money. Coming in for you and your family. This is something that I've been able to do and generate for myself. And I can just look over my shoulder and think of all the things that got me there. And I just put it all in the retail success club for you. So I'm glad you're here. You're probably bingeing this podcast or bingeing my take talk, or maybe you found me on Instagram and by the way, if you do follow me on IgG, be sure you drop into the DMS and say, hello, let me know. You listen to this podcast. I love, love, love talking to you guys and hearing about where you are with your businesses and how everything is going for, or going for you. So, yeah, please just DME on IgG. And let me know you're here. Let me know. You're listening. Let me know you're plugged in. That's what it's all about. In order to grow and learn, we have to stay plugged into places that are going to benefit us and our businesses. And this certainly is a place for you for that. Okay. So today we're going to talk about why I never feel salesy, even though I literally sell 24 7 in my business. Selling is the most important thing you need to get good at when it comes to creating a business for your boutique or for your brand that brings in reliable revenue every single week, every single day, every single month, every single year. It's why been able to have such longevity because I'm not afraid to sell. And I think so many of us when we're just getting started, that just feels like the ickiest. Yuckiest feeling is just like, ah, I have all this cute stuff, but I don't want to show up and just feel like I'm selling, selling, selling, because innately, like we, as humans, don't like to feel like we're being sold to, we feel like, okay, something up here, like what's going on. Is this person trying to quote unquote sell me something? And I feel like this is why. And things have kind of backfired on tick. Talk a little bit, not to go on a tangent, but I feel like take talk shop has really had a bit of a backlash because people are starting to feel like they're being sold to all the time. And before when people were talking to us on take talk, we felt like there was a lot more trust because there wasn't that like. With them, what's in it for me. If you haven't heard that expression, the Witham in every post that they do, like what's in it for them. And that can start hurting a business. When all of a sudden people start feeling like this person always has like a what's in it for me, attitude. Because at the end of the day, we want to buy from people who we feel like we're connected to and get us and like are being honest and truthful. And that's how I've been able to build my business is around strategies that are always coming back to what's in it for my customer, instead of what's in it for me. So we need, like, what is the abbreviation for that? What's in it for me, what's in it. Okay. So maybe B w I F M C what's in it for my customer or MC you guys know what I'm saying? Okay. I can't do that on the fly, but we need some kind of abbreviation. That's going to show like, okay, this is what we're all about. It's the, what's in it for my customer. Not the what's in it for me attitude. And this is really what's allowed me to be so, so successful over so many years. I mean, I've been in the business a decade. I have built multiple six and seven figure businesses because I'm only focused on that. And that's what drives every single decision that I make. And so many times again, when we're just getting started or we're stuck in a season where we're not seeing a lot of sales, it always goes back to you're showing up from a place of like, How can this product make me money? How can this post make me money? How is this business going to make me money instead of just simply showing up and being like, How has this stuff going to help my customers? How can I connect with my customer and make sure that they're being served every single day through my business, in my products. It's a totally different mindset and you know what. It's a fricking winning mindset because when you're stuck in the mindset of how can I sell more? How can I move more? What can I do to make more money for me and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That puts you in a place of like an, almost like a desperation energy, and people can feel that they don't want to feel like you just need their money, like to pay your bills or whatever the case is. Like people buy, especially in retail from a place of like, Excitement and need and want and desire and feeling like your solving a problem that they have. That's what it always goes down to is. Are you solving your customer's problems on a daily basis? And I talked about this a little bit on my tech talk yesterday. But a lot of times people think like, well, I'm just selling clothes. Like, how am I solving people's problems? Literally the clothes and the products that accessories, the hats, the t-shirts, whatever you have solve, someone's need or want. And that's why they buy it. Period. They either. Have some sort of specific need that they're looking for. Or your products are just something that they know are going to help them every single day on a daily basis. And the example that I used was like, for me, I'm a work from home mom. I have a four year old and a two year old. And as soon as I wake up in the morning, I try to get some time to myself. But I use that time to like prepare mentally as a CEO and like what I have to do for the day for my businesses. And I don't want to use that very valuable time that I have to myself in the morning worried about getting dressed for the day or putting together an outfit or walking to my closet. That is just. Just stuffed full of so many clothes and being like, okay, I need to figure out an outfit to wear today. And that is a problem that I face on a regular basis. So wherever I'm shopping, I'm always looking for people that are going to solve that core problem that I have, which is waking up, getting dressed and feeling put together for the day without spending time worried about or looking at, or thinking about an outfit like that is just so on my low priority list for me, where I am in my life right now. So. The way that I buy is when people say to me things like, Hey, you don't have a lot of time to get ready in the morning. You're working from home, you're staying at home. You're super busy with your kids and all the things you have going on in your life. And you need simple, effortless outfits. My ears perk up. I'm like immediately. Yes, here's my credit card. Take my money. And this happens all the time. Like, and this is how people buy, especially online. So let's talk about a few key points as to why I never feel salesy, even though I sell 24 7. Cause that's what this is all about. So again, the reason why I never feel salesy selling my products is because it's customer first. It's customer focused and it's customer first. The approach is always from a helpful place. The approach is never from a place of how are you going to spend money with me to make me richer? That feels so grody to me. And I could not show up for a business every single day with that mentality. Are there people that do that? Yes. But are they going to build massively, wildly successful businesses that can sustain over years and years and years? No, because at the end of the day, people are going to run from that and you make trick them into buying from you once or twice. But ultimately people hang with people that they feel like get them. For years and years. And that's why I have these customer bases, people that have been buying meat from me for so many years. It's because it's always about them. When I wake up in the morning and I go to work on my business after I've had my me time. My question is always, how am I showing up today to help my customer? So I hope that you're really understanding that and taking that in because this is literally one of the most transformational things you will do for your business. And it seems so simple, but I want you to catch yourself because you may be putting yourself first and not even realizing it. So I want you to like this week, pay attention to your thoughts. When you go to make content, pay attention to your thoughts, when you unbox your new. Products and you're looking at them and you're thinking about what you're going to do, pay attention to those thoughts when you're creating an email, when you're showing up on Tik top, when you're showing up on your Instagram stories, because I can almost guarantee you those thoughts leak in. And you don't even realize it. But now, now that you know, you're going to be 10 steps ahead because you're going to have the recognition. And the wherewithal to be like, oh, oops, I am doing that. And I didn't even realize it. Like maybe your intention is for your customer. But your mindset is still behind. This is when you're going to like really start to see things change for you because you're going to be able to recognize, oh, those are the thoughts that I'm having. They are leaking into my business. They're leaking into my content and that's why I'm showing up the way I am, even though I don't want to be. And sometimes it just takes recognizing it and clicking and having it all, like click together. And then now, you know, okay. I'm doing it. I'm going to stop doing it. And I'm going to start thinking about my customers first. The second thing that I really focus on. Is keeping my content strategy, plain and simple. So I never feel salesy, even though I sell 24 7 because my content strategy is based on simple. Actionable steps that I can take. Every single day that I know has my customer first. So my content strategy, I use the trend set or content strategy. I've been using it for years in my business. It's what I developed in order to make sure. That I'm showing up every day for my customer, with them in place. Because like I said, those thoughts can creep into your head, especially when sales are, are slow or not going the way you want them to go. You just kind of get into this anxious feeling and I've been there. So this is like my, my check, you know, like my gut check is my trends that are content strategy because it's so customer base that if you do the strategy, you will never fail. You will never be in the place of like wondering what to post or how to show up or how to get sales, because you know, your strategy is so based on what actually works and just connection with people. That those sales are going to roll in no matter what. And this frickin works like my students inside the trendsetter membership. If you're not in the trendsetter membership yet you need to go fricking joint. I'm telling you inside my students are having insane results. Go to I'm a You can read all about it, join the membership. But literally every single day I check the winds channel and people are like, Allie, this is fricking working. Like I went from having no sales for weeks to now sales every single day at every single day they're growing momentum is building like holy crap. Like this is not just a random strategy I pulled out of thin air. This is like, literally exactly my content strategy that I use to sell millions of dollars of product. And now that my students are using to transform their businesses. So inside the trendsetter membership, I teach you my entire content strategy. It's based on three main things being seen, building trust and getting them to buy from you. And it's what we rotate through all the time in our content. And I go in depth on how to do this strategy inside the membership. It's only 97 bucks, by the way, like, what are you doing? Go fricking join. And it was the best thing about when you join is you're finally going to be like, I don't, I like can stop just wondering how I'm actually going to get sales. And now I actually know how to get sales. That's literally like the best thing that happens. The weight of your shoulders is immediately lifted because you're like, oh, this is what I'm going to do. Perfect. Now I have a strategy to just implement every single day and I never have to worry about what the heck I'm going to post. Or how I'm going to get sales because I just do this strategy. So it's really, really cool. And again, it's what I've used to sell millions of dollars worth of product to build a million dollar brand. And it's what you will use to transform your business to. So I, and by the way, this summer, we're having a crazy fun time inside the trendsetter membership. It's called the summer of sales. Go to my IgE right now. Look at my Instagram stories. It's on there. But if you haven't heard about it yet, we're going to be focusing June, July, and August on how you're going to have the biggest and best summer ever. And your fricking business, I'm talking like hot sales all the time. Like I'm teaching you literally all of the nitty gritty we're going to spend all June together, all ju July together, all August together. We're going to learn three main topics June. We're kicking off on June 3rd. We're going to learn. Um, how to niche down and how to identify your ideal customer. I'm a fricking expert at this, by the way, I've helped so many women do this. It's so good. And I get so excited because I'm like, this is it. You've got, you're just like, get ready. You're about to take off. So in June, we're going to focus on niches to riches. It's a program that I've used in the past, and I am revamping it to help the members in the membership get the best results possible using niches to riches. And July, we're going to focus on learning how to be iconic on Instagram. I get this question all the time. How can I get my IgE to get more followers that are actually going to buy my stuff? We're learning it in frickin July and then August, I'm going to teach you my sold out style. This is the messaging program that I use inside of my business to create messaging that is so specific and so targeted that your customers are literally going to be like, um, ma'am can you just like have my credit card on file and send me everything you have because I'm obsessed with you. So those three things we're doing all summer long, it's going to be fricking amazing. But ultimately all of these techniques and strategies that are, that I teach you. Is why I never feel salesy, even though I sell 24 7. And it's how you're going to feel the same way it's going to have going to be how you're going to show up for your business. Every single day and be so excited. And be like, yes, I can't wait to show my customers these new arrivals. I can't wait for. So and so like you have these repeat customers where you just know. They're going to be obsessed. Like it's like that with me. Like, I can't wait for Sally Sue, whoever that is for you to see this new arrival, because I know she's gonna flip out. It's exactly what she loves. That's when you start seeing the massive momentum for your business, when you can literally identify so clearly your customers. And exactly how to buy from them exactly how to speak to them. So they are always shopping with you and feeling like you are their go to girl, you are the it girl for them. And this is what I want to teach you. This is what I want you to learn. And if anything, just binge all my free content for crying out loud. But if you're ready to be like, yes, I want to be inside a community where I can learn all of this and be around women that. Are also getting the same crazy results. Like I want to take my business to the next level. Just join the trends that our membership, I. I was telling my, like, I have my own mentors that I work with and I was telling her the other day. And I was like, literally, this membership is so freaking good. Like anyone that joins it is going to see results. Like, it's just so good. And so I want you to get inside. I want you to dive in. I want you to learn everything that I'm teaching you. I want you to spend this summer with me. I want you to take the actions that you need to take in order to be a business owner. That actually builds a real business. You can't do this without having the education and the strategy that it takes to actually. Build a real business. It's this? It was the same thing for me. When, I mean years and years ago, I had to invest in mentorship because I knew, okay, I've kind of reached my resourcefulness limit. Like I'm a resource for get resourceful gout. Okay. I can figure out fricking anything. And I'm sure you're the same way, but there comes a point where you realize like, okay, I've done everything that I can do. I want the results. Now I'm done scrolling. I'm done Googling. I'm done trying to figure it out. Literally teach me what it takes. You've already done it. Now teach me. I reached that point in my career and I spent$2,500 on a course to learn more about business and marketing, because I didn't know shit about business and marketing. That$2,500 course changed my entire life. It's what made me build a business of real money, where I've been able to buy properties. I can stay at home with my kids. I have amazing employees that run the day-to-day operations. Like my business runs so smoothly and literally it all goes back to that one decision that I made. To invest that$2,500. And I always say, I look back on that alley that had the ball arenas to do that. And I go. Thank goodness. Thank goodness you had the guts and the courage to show up for yourself as the business leader, as the business owner. And hand over your debit card. And pay$2,500 for that. Thank goodness, because that transformed my entire path. And I want the same thing for you. Again, this is only 97 bucks, so, okay. If I had to spend 2,500. But for this membership, that's what it's going to cost you to start really moving your business forward. And I'm like, it's literally like I look back and I go, okay. Yes. I spent$2,500. But look at the millions that we generated from that. It's really crazy to think about, like it's literally mind blowing. It's just like, I cannot believe I was able. To have the guts to do that. So I want the same thing for you, right? I just want you to make the decision. That you are going to commit to yourself as a business owner, as the leader that you're going to do, what it takes to push your business forward. So start doing the actions, start learning what it takes to show up 24 7 and never feel salesy. And by the way, when I sat, when I say I sell 24 7, I'm not fricking online 24 7. Okay. My content literally is already planned a month ahead of time. So I'm not even like posting on social media besides my Instagram stories. Everything else is scheduled and done a month ahead of time. And this is what you'll learn to do as well. Like inside trendsetter or anytime you work with me, I teach you all of these things of how I'm able to have my business sell for me 24 7. Even though I am unplugged from social media in that aspect. The majority of the time, like I said, I'm one day, once a month, I get all my content ready for the next month. It's so fricking awesome. So it's not like I'm selling 24 7, literally like me physically online or going live all the time. I don't even go live. I don't even do that because it doesn't fit my lifestyle right now. I have tons of students that do, and they freaking love it and they kill it. But for me in my lifestyle, I don't have time right now where I love to. Yes. But it's just not in the cards. When I have a four year old and a two year old running around. And I'm someone who gets very easily distracted. Some of that is just not happening right now. But what I'm saying is. You can show up 24 7 without physically showing up 24 7. And that's why putting your customer first. And building a content strategy around your customer are going to be the two biggest needle movers that you could do right now for your business. So that's what I want to challenge you to do is just really think about every day. Am I putting my customer first? And Am I implementing a content strategy? That's actually simple and doing the job. Or am I too focused on a lot of other things going on and getting distracted and worrying about this girl over here, what she's doing with her boutique or this girl over here and how her brand's doing this and all the things. Just put the blinders on. I forget all that noise. Focus on your customer. Focus on your content. Focus on doing what it takes to get better at that, because by the way, This is never going to go away. You will have to get great at content. You have to, in order to sell online. Okay. So just let's just accept that and let's just go. Okay. I don't have to chase my tail. Wondering about what it takes to sell online. Alleys just told me in this podcast, I know. I know that I have to put my customer first. I know I need a content strategy and I know I need to do what it takes to learn those two things and make sure I'm doing a gut check on a daily basis that that's happening in my business. So let's focus on that this week. Okay. I'm so glad you guys were able to spend this 20 minutes with me. I'm trying to keep my podcasts like 15 minutes and under, but sometimes I just feel like I have more to say, you know what I mean? So, thank you again for listening, please be sure you DME on IgG. Let me know you listen, share this episode on your Instagram stories. Tag me in it. I'd love you guys. You're going to have a great amazing week. Continue to plug in, continue to learn. And let's fricking go.