Retail Success Club

Episode 20: Slow sales? Ask yourself this...

June 04, 2024 Ali Dee Season 1 Episode 20
Episode 20: Slow sales? Ask yourself this...
Retail Success Club
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Retail Success Club
Episode 20: Slow sales? Ask yourself this...
Jun 04, 2024 Season 1 Episode 20
Ali Dee

In todays episode, Ali Dee dives into some ways that you are holding your business back and what you can fix to step into your next level as a business owner.

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

Show Notes Transcript

In todays episode, Ali Dee dives into some ways that you are holding your business back and what you can fix to step into your next level as a business owner.

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

Hey, Hey, welcome to the retail success club. How you do in. I'm so glad you're listening in today because this to me is an indication that you are ready. To transform your business and you are dedicated. To learning what it takes to run a successful business. But what I want to talk about today, Is going a little bit deeper than that. I'm going to ask you. And I want you to think about this before you answer. How loyal. Are you being to your business? So truly how loyal are you really being to your business? And what I mean is what are you doing every day to be the most enthusiastic person you can be about your business? And I think so many times as business owners, either. We have too much going on that we forget about how important it is that we're like literally the promoter of our own brands, or we have some fears about doing that. So we'll kind of unpack all of that today in this episode. But what we're going to focus on is you being loyal to your business because you, as the business owner must be the person who is literally like the world's biggest cheerleader when it comes to your own brand. And this is something that I struggled with early on, just feeling like a little uncomfy, like quote unquote, promoting myself. Like, I didn't want to sound like I was like bragging or, and it didn't want to like, you know, Make anybody upset or all the things that went through my head. I don't want you to go through that same thing, because once you leave all that behind that's when you really start opening the flood gates and having magical things happen when you fully own who you are as the business owner, and you step into the light instead of hiding in the shower, in the shower. In the shadows or in the shower. Wherever you're hiding. Okay. So let's talk about a few ways that you can make sure and do like a gut check that you are being the most enthusiastic cheerleader ever for your business. Number one. This is a big one guys. And I may, I may get, get ruffled a little feathers on this one. But number one. Are you investing in education to learn what it takes to grow your business? Where are you just hoping that one day you're going to magically figure it out. Remember as like the most loyal person to your business, you have to be sure that you're making decisions to move the business forward. Sometimes those decisions are investing in education. I mean, whether I'm talking about whether it's free or paid, whatever, I don't care, but you have to be investing. Time. To become educated on how you can grow. This is one of the best things you will do for your business. Again, whether you're investing time, whether you're investing money, whatever the case may be. You have to actually set aside time to make sure that you are learning what it takes to grow this morning. I posted on my Instagram stories because this is just like one of my favorite quotes. If you change nothing, nothing will change. Right. If you do nothing to change your progress, your progress is not going to change. And this is one of the ways that you can really show up the best for your business, because you're basically saying like, okay, yes, I'm a business owner. Now I get it. I don't know everything there is to know about running a business. Otherwise I would be like floating around. The Pacific ocean on my private island or whatever, I don't know, whatever, whatever you'd want to do. That's where you would be, if you didn't, we're continually learning about growing our business. For me, I'm an education. All the time I'm in learning mode. It's, it's like such an important thing that I do as a business owner. I listen to podcasts every day. I make space every day to become more educated. I'm in my own mentorship, by the way, which I just resigned for another six months with my business coach, with my mentor, because she keeps me on track. She keeps me educated. She's an important piece of the puzzle to why we're getting these. Uh, massive movements in my personal, in my, uh, in my businesses that I work in every single day, my multiple six and seven figure businesses that I still run on a daily basis. In addition to the retail success club. She helps me become educated. And trust in myself and all the things doesn't matter what level you're at doesn't mean matter if you're making. Two grand a month in sales or$200,000 a month in sales, you have to make time to invest in yourself and your education and growing as a business owner. So that's the first thing. Number two. Are you showing up every day or are you still scared to get on camera? Are you showing up on your social media every day, your face, talking to the camera, talking to your ideal customer, building trust, getting them to know you, getting them to understand why you started this business, why you buy the inventory that you do, why your inventory is going to help them, how your inventory is going to change your life. Are you having a two-way conversation here or are you just putting out. A bunch of content where you're not getting on camera or you have Sally Sue down the street, taking pictures for you and you're not in them and you're not getting on video. And you're just putting it aside because you don't want to do it. You're scared. And you don't think you're the woman for the job. We talked a little bit about this in the past podcast. If you are not showing up on camera every single day, you are not. Being loyal to your business. That's the cold hard truth. My friend. You have to be on camera to push your business forward this day and age, I'm talking 20, 24. This is what it takes. You got to get on camera. So that's another big thing. I just want you to go, oh, if I just like punched you in the gut a little bit. I'm sorry. It's with love. But this is your sign. If all the other signs haven't gotten there yet. This is the truth. You are not being a loyal business owner. If you're not getting on camera. Okay. Number three, are you watering yourself down? When you show up online, are you like not being authentically you because you're embarrassed about what, like Jenny Lee down the street is going to say about you or, oh my gosh. I can't believe that she thinks she's going to open her own boutique or blah-blah-blah or whatever it is. Or are you being unapologetically? You. Not copying what anyone else is doing. Not looking at all the other boutiques or what they're selling or how they're showing up. Are you. Looking at how you are authentically you and how that's going to help your business, or are you watering yourself down just because you don't want to ruffle any feathers. Just because you want to stay under the radar, just because you're still embarrassed about being on camera. Just because you still have these thoughts about being an imposter and how could you own a boutique or run a business when you've never done it before. And you know, what qualifications do you have? Do all those thoughts go through your head because if so, Guess what. You're not being loyal to your business. Okay. Your business cannot run efficiently. If you are stuck in this mode, if you're stuck in the fear, if you're stuck in the worry, if you're stuck in the judgy, what are people going to think about me? That means you are not being a true cheerleader for your business. So, these are just a few ways that I want to mention the most common ways that I see people. Doing every single day, that means they're not being loyal to their business. And when the business owner isn't loyal to the business, the business can't grow. Lastly, what I want to talk about. Is, have you told everyone, you know, about your business? Or are you still. A little bit shy about it. So one thing that's so important is that you literally shout from the mountaintops that you are now a business owner. And I know this is hard to do in the beginning. Or even like the first six months to a year when you're still getting your feet wet and you're still like, not sure that you want everybody to know, but again, word of mouth is important. There could be so many people are friends of friends or whatever the case is that could be literally buying from you right now. And because you. Are scared about telling everybody you're losing thousands of dollars in sales. Is that, is that, am I hitting home with this one? Because this, I see a lot or like, Maybe they're just like telling a certain small friend group or they're like hiding their Facebook posts from certain people, or they're like, not really all in, on Instagram yet. Or take talk, because again, they're just still. Um, a little bit shy about the idea that they started their own business, or you started your own business. We got to get past that. You have to own that you are a business owner, and by the way, the sooner you do this, the more confident you will feel in every single decision that you make. Because when you're not confident in just the fact that you're a business owner now, which like, hello, you have a business, like you're a business owner. Welcome to the retail industry. You are part of it. Now you are part of main street USA. You are making the. Uh, impact in the economy what's you're doing is so much bigger than you realize, but you need to realize that. Because you have to be the biggest cheerleader for your business. It's your job. I know we have a lot of jobs and this one can fall by the wayside. I always talk about how many jobs we have. But you can't move into a new realm of being a business owner or go to the quote unquote, next level. Unless you are 1 million. Percent committed. To being loyal to your business. So, again, this is going to be you investing in education, whether it's your time, whether it's your money, listening to podcast, jumping into mentorship, reading books, watching my tick talk. Streaming any kind of podcast you can about this kind of information again. Investing in education. And stop hoping that magically one day, you're going to figure it out. Next showing up every day on camera. Can't be scared to show up on camera anymore. My friend. Being sure you're not watering yourself down when you are showing up. Or dumbing yourself down because you're scared of people are going to judge you. And then also. Being comfortable telling everybody, you know, that you are a business owner. And again, once you start diving into each one of these things and being like, oh yeah, let me check this off the list. I remember Allie mentioned that, oh yeah, actually I am doing this. I didn't even realize it. This is hurting my business. Once you start knocking out all these fears and all of these things that are holding you back, literally from making a crap ton of sales. That's when you're going to start turning the corners. So it's so important that you really put an emphasis on this. Don't just let it fall by the wayside. Don't just think like, oh, it's not that big of a deal, or I don't know if that matters that much. I'm telling you from personal experience, this matters. It matters. So make a commitment today. During this podcast right now with me, DM me. If you want be like Allie, I just listened to your podcast episode on being loyal to your own business. Like it really hit with me. Thank you so much of whatever the case is. Just DME. Let me know. You're in. Make that step like that actual written commitment. Because that's when it's like written in stone. So to speak. DME, let's talk about it. I really want you to feel like you are getting ready to step into your next level, your next era as a business owner. And part of it is just. Washing away a little bit about the junk. That's holding you back, you know, the junk in the trunk. But not that kind of trunk. The junk trunk. Oh my gosh. Y'all know what I mean? Okay. Thank you so much for listening to this episode today. I just wanted to put out a quick and to the point succinct episode, because I feel like as I go through my DMS and I learn more and more about you and you guys, DME, and all the things I learn more about where I feel like you are struggling and how I can help you. So again, that's why it's always so important that you DM me and we can just have a conversation. Don't forget. The trendsetter membership. We are just getting started with our summer of sales, where I'm going to help you have your biggest hottest summer of sales ever in your business. We're going to blow everybody out of the water because I'm focusing on three different things all summer long. So June right now, we're focusing on getting clear on your ideal customers. So I'm going to teach you exactly how to do that. You guys know this is the most foundational piece. You have to do this, so we will figure out your ideal customer in the month of June. And then in the month of July, we have another special theme going on in the month of August as well. So it's super duper exciting time to be inside the trendsetter membership. It's 97 bucks guys. So what are you waiting for? Go join. There's so much amazing information in there. It's truly one of the things that I've seen working really like tremendous results for my students quickly because I'm getting down to the nitty gritty. And also I'm not giving like fluff advice over there that you could just Google and find anywhere on the internet. So I'm like getting into the nitty gritty and teaching you exactly what you need to do in order to grow your business. This stuff is like, again, coming from me, someone who's done it, everything in there is like me looking back, looking over my shoulder and going okay. What were the most important things that I did to scale my business and how can I teach my girlies that in the trendsetter membership? So jump inside when you do DME, let me know you join trendsetters so we can celebrate the FIU, have an amazing week, an amazing day, and we will see you back here soon.