Retail Success Club

Episode 21: The key to getting massive sales online

June 08, 2024 Ali Dee Season 1 Episode 21
Episode 21: The key to getting massive sales online
Retail Success Club
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Retail Success Club
Episode 21: The key to getting massive sales online
Jun 08, 2024 Season 1 Episode 21
Ali Dee

In this episode, Ali Dee will break down the 3 main components to turning you into an online sales machine.

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, Ali Dee will break down the 3 main components to turning you into an online sales machine.

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

Hello friend, welcome to the retail success club. Today, we're going to talk about something that is really going to be the whole basis of getting conversion into sales from your content. It's something that I really just want you to listen to this episode, listen to it again, 10 times over whatever it takes in order for this to really sink in, because this is going to be how you get sales from your content. So you have to know exactly what to say. To get your target audience to buy from you. A lot of times boutiques and brands, they show up online and their content. I know you guys have heard me say this before, but the content is very generic. It's very cookie cutter. And what happens is this just gets totally lost in the noise. You'll be, see things like you're stuck in the 200 view. Jaylon tick talk. No one's watching your Instagram. No, one's liking your stuff. And what the content usually looks like. And I'm seeing this time and time again on Ted talk and it's, it's kind of driving me a little bit bonkers, cause I'm like, why are we posting this type of content? It does not convert. And my thinking is, is it simply because you don't know what else to post? So we'll kind of go through that today. But if your content is just you like showing a hat or showing a dress and like you're not wearing it, you're not talking to us. It's just like, Maybe it's just like vibey music and you're just showing the product. That's not going to get your customers to buy from you. And that's why you're getting so frustrated that you're showing up time and time again. And you're taking the time to make this content and post it. But what you're seeing is this just actually, isn't turning into sales. Getting sales is so much more than just quote unquote posting consistently online, because if you're showing up every day and you're putting all this energy into the content, that's not actually going to get people to buy from you. Like kudos. I'm I'm high-fiving you for actually doing like one of the most important things, which is showing up and giving yourself a chance to get in the game. But that style of content, just showing products, isn't going to get someone to buy from you. So the way that you do this is you need to talk to your customers. To get them to buy from you. You have to know what to say, and you have to show up and speak super clearly to your ideal customer to show them that you have something that they need, you are able to quote unquote, solve a problem for them. Offer a solution for them. Offer something that they've needed or they want, or they're curious about, or they've they thought would be helpful or beneficial to them because a lot of times, so much of the content that we're posting as business owners, boutique owners and brand owners is the same type of content. It's Mimi me. Look at my product. Look at this. Like, let me tell you about my product. Not even tell you it's let me show you my product. The showing isn't good enough. If you want to actually get sales, you have to show and speak to your customer in a way that's going to get them to buy. So, okay, great. How do we do that? There's a few things that we look at in order to actually get sales from your content. And first and foremost, you can't get to part step 2, 3, without doing step number one. Step number one is getting super clear on who your ideal customer is. Your ideal customer. Or your target audience, your niche. The person that you think is most likely going to buy from you? This is such a key piece of the puzzle to your sales. My friend. And if you don't know who your ideal customer is, or you're unclear, or you've heard this concept before and you're just like, okay, I don't get it. I don't understand, like, what does this mean? It means that there are a certain group of people out there that your products are for. And we have to figure that out. That is the key that will unlock the door to so many more sales for your business. And you can't even get to the door to even attempt to unlock it and open it. If you're not clear on who your ideal customer. So, if you want to create content, that's going to convert to sales. You have to freaking figure out your ideal customer. You have to, and that's why I'm focusing on this inside the trends that our membership all month long, because I scroll my feed and I follow a lot of boutiques and brands and I see what's going on out there and I'm like, These people are getting no views, no engagement. Because they're not. Saying who their products are for. And what happens is your content ends up getting stuck? In Tik TOK jail, or what I like to call the take tall graveyard where content goes to die because Tik TOK has no idea who to send it to. And this is the same thing where with Instagram and same thing with selling anywhere online. The more specific you are, the more help you are giving to platforms. On who to send your products to, for example, Let's just say you are. Selling. I don't know a t-shirt. Okay. And you've got the, t-shirt laid out, like on, on a, on a, on the bed. You've got like a pair of sneakers next to a jeans, maybe a hat. And it's really just like you with the camera, videoing the t-shirt and you put like a trending audio behind it. And you're like, okay, that's my post for tech talk today. And you hit post. That is just going to get scrolled on by, and this th this is, if this sounds like you, I'm telling you this, this is like 90% of the industry right here, which is the whole reason why I'm like, so we got to nail this down inside trendsetter this month, because we got to get over this hump. This is literally how you will get more sales. This is the most important piece. And that's the why I break down exactly how to figure this out. And I've helped so many boutiques get over this hump. And then literally right on the other side is sales galore. Floor, because this is the most important thing that's holding you back. And I see my, my students, the transformations they make when they figure this out. And all of a sudden the door, the key unlocks the door, it opens up and there is a ballroom full of their ideal customers. Standing there with their credit cards, like, yes. I'm ready to buy from you because you specifically targeted exactly the person who you think is most likely to buy from you. If not, you're just going to be knocking on the door all the time. Right. But you're not going to have the key to unlock it. You're just gonna be like, knock, knock, knock. Hello. It's me again. Knock, knock, knock. Hey, I'm still standing out here. Anybody over there? Knock, knock, knock. Oh, is anybody actually even home? Like, I feel totally like no one can even hear my knocking. Okay. That's what it feels like when you don't know who your ideal customer is. It's like the party's going on behind the door and no one's going to let you in because they don't know that you're there for their party even. So once you're clear on this, it's like the key is handed to you and it's like, okay, you may enter now. And it opens up a whole new world of possibilities for your boutique and your business. And that's the first thing I want you to focus on. The first thing I want you to figure out is your ideal customer. After that. Now the fun really starts. You have to learn what to say to get your ideal customer's ears. Eyes to perk up, pay attention from you and buy from you. Because at the end of the day, we're selling stuff, let's just be real. We need to speak so clearly that our ideal customer has no choice, but to feel like they want to buy from us. And this is not from a salesy perspective. I mean, it kind of is if we're being real. I don't want you to feel salesy. It doesn't have to feel salesy. But it is a sales strategy. We're selling stuff to sell stuff. We have to do what it takes. And one of the really important things is to say what your ideal customer needs to hear in order for them to buy from you. It's how is this going to solve their problem? How is that product going to be something that they can't live without your job? As the business owner as the CEO is to get so freaking clear on that, that they know it's time to buy. So if you're clear on your ideal customer, but you're not clear on speaking to them yet. Now that's the next thing you got to do? You got to get clear on this is called your messaging. Your messaging can not waiver your messaging can not be generic. Your messaging can not be. Hey, we've got some new arrivals. Let me show you this. T-shirt. That's not going to cut it. It's so specific that your customer feels like they need that product. That's when they buy. And you're not like convincing them of something that they don't need. They're already out there. They're already looking for this. They already need this product. You're just connecting the dots for them. You can't just expect someone to show up and see your F your stuff on, on their FYP and be like, oh yeah, I'm going to go buy from them. You have to actually say what they are waiting for someone to say, and here in order to be ready to buy. And I feel like we're, we're kind of scared to do that. We're kind of scared to say, like, our products are the best for you, if, but if you don't really believe that, how do you expect someone to give you money for your stuff? You have to wholeheartedly believe in you, your business, the products you sell and that you are there for your ideal customer day in and day out. It's about them. I always say we have to change our mindset from thinking that it's about me, my products, my sales, my business. Flip the script it's about them, their lives, their stuff, their product, their money. Their credit cards, their needs, their wants. Okay. It's always about your ideal customer. So again, it's these two things to start. Number one, figuring out who your ideal customer is. Number two, you have to figure out what to say to get your ideal customer to buy from you. Again, this is not from like a sleazy sales salesman style way. This is so you can understand that you have to speak clearly to help your ideal customer find you and know that you can solve their problem. I mean, even if it's something like you're looking for a, um, Church appropriate dress to wear on a Sunday. Uh, you know, you have to get specific on their needs. You're a stay at home mom and you're ready to wake up in the morning and put something on within two seconds and feel comfortable and trendy and not frumpy because you're super over oversize teas and leggings. Let me show you this new cute two piece set that I have. If you're just showing me a two-piece set with some random music going on and you're literally holding the camera and showing the two-piece set, laying on your bed or hanging up on a hanger that isn't doing nothing to get me to buy from you. As opposed to saying something specific for me, your target audience. Hey, mom, I see you out there. You're tired of the oversized t-shirt and leggings. You're going to be so excited when I show you this two piece set, cause it's going to replace the t-shirt and leggings that you are so over and you're ready to move on from, because you're ready to level up your wardrobe. Can you see how like I'm speaking so clearly to what my ideal customer needs to hear in order for them to buy. They're not going to buy from just a video of your clothing. And with some music it's just not going to happen. So that is part one and part two now part three. Is your content strategy. By the way you better save this frickin episode. Cause this is like the gold here. I'm giving it all the way in today. The third thing is your content strategy. So you figured out your ideal customer, you're figuring out on what to say to get them to buy from you. And then now you have to have a content strategy and a way you're going to show up and create content every single day. That's going to turn them from a stranger on the internet to someone who's going to your website to purchase. This is called a content strategy. It's not a content calendar, by the way, that's different. That's just scheduling and saying what you're going to post. When a content strategy is posting certain types of content every single day, to bring in new people, to your quote unquote ballroom member. When you unlock the door, you open it up. There's a ballroom full of people there. How are we going to fill up that ballroom it's through a certain type of content that I call be seen content. That's going to fill up your ballroom with all the people who are. Most likely to buy your stuff. It's how you're going to target those random people, narrowing down your content to speak to the people who actually want to come to your party. Because if you're just out there like, Hey, I'm having a party. It's like, okay, well who's the party for. We'd love to tell him, Hey, I'm having a party for all the stay-at-home moms who are ready to level up their wardrobe. Wait till you see what I got for ya. Oh, okay. I'm going to go to that party like free mimosas come into the ballroom. Let's all. Hang out together. Now, once they're in the ballroom, you have to build trust with them. Cause they just met you. Like they're not ready to dance with you on the dance floor yet. They're still like, okay. It's the person's having a party. Like I like the vibes. I like the idea, but what's really going on here. Then we post the second type of content in your content strategy that I call your build trust content. This is where you're going deeper and connecting on a deeper level with your customers. This type of content is going to get them to know you more, to trust you more. That's why it's called build trust. It's the second step in the journey that we're creating for sperm, someone being a stranger to going to your website, to buying. And then the third style of content you need to create. Is your buy from you content. This is the final piece of puzzle where you're showing like social proof. Yeah. I'm a real business. Yes. People buy for me. Yes. People are comfortable with me. Look, here's some reviews. Here's some people that have already bought from me. Here's all the things that they've liked. All the things. So this is your content strategy. By the way, I go really, really specific into this inside the trendsetter membership as well. It's called the trend-setter content strategy. I teach you how to do all of this inside the trends that are memberships. So if you're not in it yet, You need to go join it. This thing is so fricking good. Again, and they'll in there. You'll learn how to figure out exactly who your ideal customer is. That's the focus for this month is getting you super clear on that because it's the number one thing, right? Like in this podcast, Secondly, you're going to learn how to speak to your ideal customer. And thirdly, you're going to learn how to create a content strategy. That's going to actually get them to find you on the internet, get them to trust you and get them to buy from you. It takes all of these things to get your sales to actually happen online. Otherwise again, you're just going to end up in a sea of boutiques. And I don't want that for you. The retail success club was not built for that. It's built for the women who are ready to stand out, who are ready to get sales, who are ready to level up, who are ready to like have a real business generating real income, where you can fricking take your family to vacation on the Florida coast. Get the most bad-ass Airbnb on the water. You can find lounge around because. Your business is making you Bukusi cash. That's my goal. For you in the retail success club. It's my goal for the women that join trends that are to be able to fulfill their wildest dreams for whatever the reason is that they opened their business, whatever that is for you. You can't get there. If you're not doing what it takes to actually bring in sales. So this episode, like this episode is one of, probably the most valuable ones that I've made, actually, because I break it down. So simply for you. So again, I just want to encourage you. Listen to this again, save this episode, you know, make some notes, come back to it, but always go back to these foundational things that are in this episode. Because this is what it's going to take for you to actually get the key, to unlock the door, to open it up to the ballroom full of your customers, to talk to them, to connect with them, and then to have a line out the wazoo of people in the ballroom that are ready to step up to the plate, hand over their credit cards and buy from you. That's the visual. I want you to take away from this podcast. Fill up your ballroom. Talk to them. Like they're real people because they are. And then you will start seeing them going to your website and buying from you on a regular frickin basis. This is it. This is the key. Okay. So I hope to see you inside the trendsetter membership. If you're not in there yet. Please join. the link is in the show notes. Otherwise you can go to I'm a So, um, I, the letter, I, the letter M. The letter a. Ima. All right, guys. Thank you so much for listening and we'll talk to you next episode. Bye bye.