Retail Success Club

Episode 22: Let's double your sales

June 19, 2024 Ali Dee Season 1 Episode 22
Episode 22: Let's double your sales
Retail Success Club
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Retail Success Club
Episode 22: Let's double your sales
Jun 19, 2024 Season 1 Episode 22
Ali Dee

In today's episode, Ali Dee discusses the actionable steps you need to take to double, or triple your sales.

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

Show Notes Transcript

In today's episode, Ali Dee discusses the actionable steps you need to take to double, or triple your sales.

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

Hello, welcome to the Retail Success Club. Today I want to talk about a lot of things that you are doing in your business right now that are holding you back from doubling, tripling your sales. And I want you to just take a minute today to hang out with me. Listen to this episode because I know there's a lot of things in here that you're going to relate to and go, Oh, this is how I'm going to get more sales. This is how I'm actually going to triple double my income. This is what it takes for me to go from 10 to. 20 K in sales. So grab yourself a cup of coffee, a beer, a glass of whiskey, a wine, whatever you like. I don't know. Make it your own, pull up a chair and let's get into what you need to do to actually start making more sales. And I want to say, speak to you specifically if you feel like, okay, well, I'm getting some pretty consistent sales these days. Like, I feel like every single day I'm shipping out orders, I've got new inventory rolling in on the regular. Like you, you feel pretty comfortable with what you're doing, um, most of the time in terms of like creating your content and generating sales and all that. But you still I still feel like there's just, you're just like bogged down, you know, you just got a lot on your plate. You have a giant to do list. You just feel like things are kind of heavy on your shoulders and you're ready to feel like this is maybe a little bit easier or maybe just even like having more fun running your business. So it's not just so heavy every single day with like a hundred zillion things to do on your to do list. This is one thing that I want to really talk about because I feel like changing these few things and adjusting these can take you from that 5k sales per month, 10k sales per month to literally 20, 30 K and beyond. And some of you are going to have to like really loosen up a little bit here when I'm telling you this, cause you're not going to want to hear some of this, but this is the reality of the situation when you're trying to grow and scale a business. So here's the deal, my friend, you cannot grow and scale your business with you doing every single thing. So what this looks like is you are wearing every single hat in your business. And maybe, maybe it's cause you're like me, you're a little bit of a control freak. You want to make sure everything's done right. Or maybe you just don't feel like it's the right time to get some help. Or maybe you feel like, I don't know if anyone can do it as good as me or whatever the situation is that you're, you're kind of talking through in your mind and feeling like, okay, this is why I'm still. doing all of these trivial things on the daily basis and not letting go of some of the things on my to do list that actually are not growing my business. And that's what I'm going to talk about in this episode. You need to be in charge of the things that are going to grow your business. Everything else you need to have help doing because your time is so limited. at this point. I don't want you wasting your time, your knowledge, your energy. I mean, you're the one listening to this podcast right now. You're the one who's trying to figure out how to get more sales. I don't want you wasting this precious time on doing something that you can actually teach someone how to do in your business to give you more time to do the things that are actually going to get you more sales. So let's first talk about, the things that I know that you're doing that are time suckers and are hurting your sales because you're so focused on doing these types of things. So, um, the first one I'll mention is shipping. This is a very simple one, and this is one that I see so many business owners bogged down with. They are spending hours shipping every day. And yes, shipping is a very important piece of the puzzle. But my friend, you can teach almost anybody how to ship out your stuff exactly how you want it to be done. I'm talking down to writing the little notes, adding the card, folding the tissue paper, the way that you fold the tissue paper, putting the tape on the way that you put the tape on, like all the things that are keeping you in the position of the shipping manager. manager, instead of being the saleswoman, which is where you need to be focusing. And I'll get on that in a minute. Those, th those tasks are holding you back because you're just still focused and hyper focused on shipping out orders because maybe it's been like a part of your business. you're not even realizing like, okay, well it used to take me like 20 minutes. Now it's taking me an hour or two hours or three hours in the morning. I'm spending packing up boxes and taking them to the post office. My friend, even though you may not want to, it's time for you to give up that job and get some help. Get some help because your time I'm telling you is worth more than you're going to pay that person to come help you a few hours a day to ship your package. So you have to now. Now, if it's only taking you 20 minutes a day, then you're probably not quite there because you're not getting enough orders where it's taking you an hour, two hours. So you, you're fine. If you're at the stage where it's like, eh, it takes me 30 minutes. Like I, I don't really want to spend the money on having someone come in for 30 minutes. I get it. I'm a realist. like you can do that. If it's taking you an hour, two hours, three hours, we need the help because that means your time needs to be spent elsewhere, scaling the business. Another thing that you could have help doing is you're getting a lot of new inventory. Maybe you're getting inventory like weekly every two weeks now, and it's kind of like stacking up because you so much on your to do list. You're not having time to like actually launch your new inventory or even get it up on the Shopify site or put it into rotation. Get the content pictures done. You can have somebody come in to help you with this and it could be your shipping person even because now what you're going to do is teach them how to add products on Shopify. What is the formula that you use? Do they, does the item come in? They open the box, they count it, they inspect the items. This is all stuff that you're still doing. And that is just. right away from you. They're inspecting the items looking for holes. They're hanging it up. They're steaming it like all this stuff that you're still doing. You can be having somebody else help you with this. And this is going to be so game changing for your business. And I'm not talking about like, don't feel guilty about this. Cause you may be thinking, well, I don't want to spend the money. I don't know. I could do it. You know, I could do it all. I'm telling you, you are wasting your time doing things that other people should be doing. So you could be making more money. If I say. You can spend 100 a day to have help so you can make an extra 10, 000. Would you do it? Yeah, you would. So we got to start thinking more about return on our investment here. So you can have them help you with your Shopify, have them help you maybe with your, um, setting up your, your content calendar. I'm not talking about your strategy. I'm not talking about the meat and potatoes, but I'm talking about, can they help you schedule the post that you're creating. There's a lot of ways that you can be ridding yourself of some of the things on your to do list. Cause I'm telling you having a zillion things, it's just going to cause more chaos. And what chaos causes in your life as the CEO, as the business owner, when you have a lot of chaos, you hurt your sales. You stall your sales. You kill your sales because you have too much other stuff. Or another time sucking activity that I was the queen of, and I get so sucked into this, is sitting on Canva and creating, like, email graphics, website graphics, and whatever the case is. I could sit there in front of Canva for hours, looking at different fonts and colors and moving this over here and adding this, then taking it away, then starting from scratch. Ratch because I hated what I had spent three hours creating. If this sounds like you, like, I just need you to like, share this podcast episode on your Instagram stories and tag me and be like, yes, Allie, this is me. Like I totally get it. And this is like your permission to let go of the guilt of having someone help you do some of these tasks. Now, are these tasks important? Yes. Obviously, you have to ship your items in a timely manner. You want great customer service. You want your inventory launching on time. You want your Shopify site updated every single week. You want your web graphics nice. Yes. Do you have to be the person doing every single freaking thing at this point? If you're getting regular sales, let's start selling. Scaling your business and the way that you're going to do that is you as the owner as the CEO Your job is to focus on the big picture. I want you focused on a few main things First of all your inventory buying, you know your ideal customer by now, you know what they like You're the best person to buy the inventory. Do not pass that on this task on to someone else. Unless you have a business partner or something that they also know the situation, but you are the person that needs to be buying the inventory because you know what sells because your hands are still in everything right now. So you can probably tell me exactly what sells and I need you to continue to do that job. Just get better at it. Get more time, time efficient at it. Figure out the day that works best for you. Maybe it's like Sunday nights. You do your inventory ordering, but you need to be doing that and stay focused on that because obviously you're selling inventory. Your inventory has to kill it, right? It has to nail it for your ideal customer. I need you also to stay focused on your sales and marketing. You're the person who needs to be in charge of your sales strategy and your marketing strategy. We cannot pass this onto someone else. I do not want you hiring a social media agency, especially if you're Especially at this point in your career, in your business, you still need to be the one that's making all of these decisions because if you're at the point where you're feeling like you need some help and you're getting consistent sales, what you're doing is working and I need you to double down on it. So I need you to have the time to double and triple down on everything that you're doing that's working. So let's say you've been going live once a week. Can we go live twice a week once you have Someone else doing the shipping and that frees up those two hours that now you can go live again. And yes, you're paying someone, you know, to, to handle the shipping, but now your world is opening up even more because you're selling inventory faster and you're bringing in more sales because you're the person that knows exactly how to sell the inventory. Can you see how making these adjustments in your business and your daily schedule can mean massive things for you in your business? So the sales strategy, what does that look like? When are you posting? What platforms are you on? What's your email marketing look like? The overall strategy of how and where you're showing up and selling every single day, every single week, every single month. That's your job to sell. still know and control how that happens. Because again, this is one of the things that is a very big needle mover. Obviously your inventory, your content, your sales, how you're showing up on social media, how your content is being delivered, what's going on in your content. Those are the things that you need to focus on. Don't give those up. I know you may be thinking like, I just don't like social media. I want to pass that on to someone else. I'm telling you, we just can't at this stage. It has to be. And I would recommend that you don't do that. Now, can you hire someone to help you schedule and do the motions? Yes. You're the one in charge of the strategy. You're the one that's going creating the content. Maybe you pass on the finished product to someone who's actually doing the scheduling and plugging it in, but don't put the burden on them of actually knowing how to sell your stuff and content. That's a really big ask of someone, especially at this stage in your business. Now, once you start having like a full on team and people have a lot more knowledge about the ins and outs and the intricacies of your business, maybe we can consider. Maybe, but right now that's why I'm so focused on teaching you the ins and outs of what actually gets you sales for your business. And that's why inside trendsetter every single month I focus on something that I know you must be good at as the business owner. There's no fluff in trendsetter by the way. I'm not teaching you like anything like how to ship from Shopify or whatever. No, because You can figure that out. You can Google that. I'm teaching you the real stuff that I know from my own personal experience as someone who's gone from zero to multi million dollars creating multiple brands in the retail industry, multiple businesses. All the things. I know what gets you sales. And it's not you stuck in the warehouse. product. It's not you stuck in your home office, adding inventory onto Shopify. It's you getting so fricking good at nailing down your content, at nailing down your marketing strategy, at knowing how to bring in sales, knowing how to sell. Sell on Instagram stories, knowing how to use Tik TOK to your advantage, knowing how to go live and sell more. That's what we focus on inside trendsetter because that's what makes you money. You can Google the other stuff, right? You get stuck on Shopify. Ask their chat for help. You don't need to pay someone for that. Now, can you? Yes. Do I help you with that? Yes. If you, if you're in sales lab and you're like, Allie, I'm stuck. I can't figure out this like thing on Shopify. I'll help you with that inside the sales lab. Cause we have a lot of time in there and we get really into the nitty gritty. And sometimes I'm like, just forget the Shopify help. Just ask me and I'll help you. But it's not necessary. You could figure that part out. But where most people get stuck is the stuff that actually makes you money. And that's why so many people open boutiques and then go, okay, great. I've opened my boutique and now I don't know how to sell anything because they just haven't learned what it takes to move the needle. Moving the needle is my new favorite phrase. Because it's just such a good visual. It's like, we don't want to be stuck on empty. We're like, let's move, move the needle. Always, always. We're always trying to get to full. And when we get to full, let's add another tank. And when we get, do we have two tanks full? Let's add another tank. So we're always filling up our tanks and adding more tanks, but you can't add more tanks. If you run out of gas, Before you even get a chance to fill up. You know what I'm saying? Did that make sense? Like you run out of gas. You're too tired. You got too much on your to do list How are you gonna grow and scale when you're running around doing a million other things? so I just felt like this episode was really important to bring to light and to talk to you about because I just feel like and I see a lot of you coming to my DMS and you're doing well and you're starting to get sales and you're starting to feel that Pressure in the morning waking up and just feeling like oh my gosh. I This is a cue. This is a sign that it may be time for you to start offloading some of these duties that I promise you, you can teach somebody to do. I promise you, you don't have to be the one doing it. But what I can also promise you is that if you spend too much time doing these types of tasks, and not growing your business, you will never feel like you're going to get to the next level. And that may be 20k months for you. That may be 30k. That may be 50k. I don't know what that is for you, but if you want to get there, you have to start making smart business decisions. And that comes with knowing your role and your value as the business owner. So again, inside trendsetter, I teach you all of these things. If you're not inside Trendsetter yet, by the way, you need to join this membership. It's just because it's so down to the nitty gritty, like I was saying earlier, there's no fluff. I just go hardcore on all the things you need to learn to actually get you more sales. So even if you're at 0 in sales, or you're just thinking of starting a boutique, the Trendsetter membership is so amazing to jump inside because You will have from the get go the foundation that it takes to actually build a business that's going to get you sales on the daily. So thank you all so much for listening to this episode of the podcast. Please, please, please. I'd love for you to share on your Instagram stories and tag me if you've listened to this episode. And if this episode Yes, girl. Thank you so much. Like I get it. This is me. Let's just have a chat in the DMS. I love talking to you guys and hearing more about where you're at with your businesses, how I can continue to help you, how I can continue to grow retail success club and trendsetter and the sales lab. It's all, this is all built literally for you. I just look back at the things that I have accomplished as a business owner and I say, what are the things that I did that I know my girls need to know if they want to get here too. So that's my whole mission. So please shoot me a DM. Let me know you're out there. Love you so much and have a great week.