Retail Success Club

Episode 23: How I do $5K+ sales in a day

June 29, 2024 Ali Dee Season 1 Episode 23
Episode 23: How I do $5K+ sales in a day
Retail Success Club
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Retail Success Club
Episode 23: How I do $5K+ sales in a day
Jun 29, 2024 Season 1 Episode 23
Ali Dee

In this episode, Ali Dee dissects what her systems look like to bring in thousands of dollars in sales every day and how you can apply these systems to your own business.

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, Ali Dee dissects what her systems look like to bring in thousands of dollars in sales every day and how you can apply these systems to your own business.

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

Hey, Hey, look, go to the retail success club podcast. It's me, Allie. D your favorite retail experts. I'm so glad you're joining me today because I want to talk about, um, something that I'm just like kind of looking back on things that I know have propelled my business to become the million dollar brand to have multiple six and seven figure businesses. And y'all know. I always like to like, look back at the nitty gritty and dissect and figure out, okay, what were the moments and what are still the moments? That allow me to have massive success. And what feels like effortless days in sales. Like, for example, yesterday we did like$2,000 in sales and under 10 minutes, I was like, what is going on here was just like touching, touching, touching. And I always want to like look back and dissect. This is a very important part of running a business, and I want you to do the same, but looking back in dissecting. And really just being like, okay, What were, what were the things that triggered that success? And that's always what I'm doing at the retail success club. And like specifically yesterday, like when that was happening, I think we ended up having a little over a 5k day. And when I think about what's allowed me to have that and why that's like the norm now, like I'm not even surprised when we have multiple thousands of dollars in sales every single day. Because I've set my business up with systems that are repeatable. That I'm not emotionally invested in every single minute detail, but does the job. And what I want to talk to you about today is that sales thrive on systems. And crumble under chaos. And I've been talking about this a little bit more in my, uh, IgG stories and on take talk and in my girls, in the sales lab and also inside the trendsetter membership, because. I feel like as entrepreneurs and business owners, we kind of normalize chaos, like, oh, I have so many things to do on my to-do list. I have so much going on. I have, you know, I've got to do this and that and blah, blah, blah. And like the next thing you know, you've done a thousand things in the day and done nothing. Do y'all ever feel like that? Where you feel like it gets to the end of the day? I was the queen of this and I was like, I have been busting my ass all day and literally what have I accomplished? What did I get done? I don't even know what was I doing all day? So when you are operating under. A system of chaos. This will truly kill your sales. And when I say that sales thrive under systems it's because sales love. Repeats actions on the daily, because those types of actions build momentum. And when we try to function in a different place, like a, for example, we're functioning in chaos and we're functioning under confusion and we're functioning under too many other things. And we don't have systems in place to bring in our sales on the daily, on the week, on the month. On the year of the quarter and all the things. Then what are we even doing? Like we're running a business. That the sole purpose is to generate sales. Right? We want to create incomes. We want to have, uh, amazing things in our lives, whatever that is for you, whatever that looks like for you. I always go back to like, okay, maybe it's like renting that Airbnb on the ocean with your entire family. Like for the entire month of July every summer, or maybe it's going to the mountains going hiking. Maybe it's like you and your husband taking a first class trip to Italy once a year. I don't know whatever it looks like for you. We got to have big dreams. Maybe it's retiring your parents early, building them a home. Um, whatever the thing. Is for you. That's our big dream. And in order to get there, we got to get sales, right. So we get so caught up in doing all of these things. And I know I've been, um, like I said, I've been talking about this a little bit more because I'm seeing this more and more. This is a pattern. And you guys, when I talk about this, you're like you DME and you're like, yes, More, I need more help with this because this is me. And I know this is affecting my sales. This is what's keeping me back from growing my sales and creating a great, massive, big income. So when I look back at my business and I kind of like dissect, okay, what were the, the, the seasons where things were not going well? They were seasons of chaos for me. I'm just going to be honest for you. When sales are suffering, it's always because I'm operating outside of my systems that I have in place. And I don't go back to what I know works every single day and just staying consistent with that. For example right now we're doing really well, guys. I'm not doing anything that's like that groundbreaking or that like, Exciting or that interesting. I don't have the, the most like cinematic content there is like, I'm not like. But I'm what I'm doing is I'm being steady. And I'm keeping my systems going no matter what the case is. And to be honest, actually in June, This month. I haven't even been as great as I was like leading up to June with my systems, because I mean, we're human things happen, right. We have a lot going on right now. Not that this is an excuse, but it's reality. We have, uh, two major markets in June. I have, you know, just a lot of things going on. Um, And so sometimes things fall by the wayside, but that's okay. We recognize that we pick ourselves back up, we look up, we look for like, I'm already brainstorming. Like what kind of amazing things I could do in July. Um, I'm already thinking about next month and August, like, okay, how can I pick it back up? How can I make things even more epic? How can I get more results? But at the end of the day, the system is the same. So when I'm posting on my, I G stories every day, when I'm showing up on my Instagram feed, when my email marketing is on point when my tech talk is, is happening when, like when I have all of my sales systems in place and running. Guys, that's literally all it takes to bring in a crap ton of sales is just to make sure your systems are in place. And. And I look back and I say, okay, so I've had my like biggest months, you know, if I'm having like a hundred K month, what was going on that month? My sales systems were so fricking locked down. That it's just, and it feels easier. I always say it's so weird. Like the more sales you get, it kind of just feels easier. Like getting to that first, like consistent two to five K in sales every month. Can feel really hard. So if you are in that spot, I get it. I feel ya. I see it. And that's why so many things that I teach you in the retail success club. Like, especially inside the trendsetter membership, I'm teaching you the foundation. So you can hit those first early milestones where you're getting like consistent two to five K months, because there's a lot of foundation that has to go in there. You know, we talk about your ideal customer, which is what we're focusing on inside the membership this month. If you're not in the trendsetter membership, Go to the show notes here and click on the link and be sure you hop in because in order to really like, have these systems work, you need the foundations in place. You just have to have these in place. Those are non-negotiables. So. These systems work when you have your foundation done. So just join the trend-setter membership, get the foundations done, and we just continue to grow and build in there. Oh, and you know what else? Real quick. I also just launched trendsetter VIP, which is a really cool VIP experience if you're inside the membership. So normally in the membership, we get one Q and a thread a month where you can work directly with me and ask me questions about your business, but in VIP, I'm so excited. We're going to be working weekly together. So every single Thursday, you will have a chance to work directly with me on your business, where I'll give you custom feedback. So that's the VIP experience. It's a little bit more expensive, but honestly it's like, A crazy, amazing value still. So if that's something where you're like, I feel like I want more of alleys hands-on in my business. Um, that's a good place for you to, to dive into that. So that's the VIP experience. Just you can upgrade if you're inside the membership already, you can just seamlessly upgrade to VIP and you can kind of jump in and out. Um, or if you're not in the trendsetter membership, yet you can either join at the regular membership or join as a VIP either way. So that's really exciting. But. When, when I'm, when I'm working with my students and I'm looking and seeing like some of the things that are. Really impacting them the most. It's getting these foundational things done and then it's creating systems on top of that. And that's why I wanted to record this podcast today because, um, I was driving home from the gym. And again, I'm always thinking about you guys and ways that I can help. Learn teach you what I've learned in my businesses, because I mean, y'all, I always say this, you can Google anything, right? But you can't Google, like what I've done to build a business like you want to build. And help you actually get there with the actionable steps that I know work. So that's why I, I feel like retail success club is so special because I'm not just teaching you like random things that you can Google, like who cares go Google it. Right. But I'm more focused on teaching you the things that you can't learn from Google. So the bottom line is what sales systems do you have in place or are you like, oh my gosh, I have no sales systems in place. Like, all I do is literally just show up and like post at random times, post random things. Like, I don't really have a set schedule on what happens when, like I'm just like winging it over here. If that is your sales system or your sales strategy, you can't build a sustainable business on that. So we have to start thinking about, like, for example, for me, let me just give you like a quick thing. So, for example, for me, every single day, I wake up. I get my Instagram stories done. Because I know that selling. Is what's going to propel my business forward. So I work on that first. I get all the selling done. I have a lot of my, um, my Instagram and my Facebook is on autopilot because I schedule those out. A month in advance. So my feed posts for Instagram, my feed posts for Facebook are done a month in advance. All that is is scheduled out and ready to roll. Then I coordinate my email marketing with what's going on, on my social feeds. So every week I have multiple emails going out for multiple businesses that all correlates with what's going on, on my feeds. So it all kind of works hand in hand. And by the way, those emails are also scheduled out a month in advance. So Next week. I'll be working on scheduling. Um, all of my July content. So when July rolls around, I'm not doing the daily posting, I'm not doing the daily email marketing or stressed out because I haven't sent my email out for the week or any of that. That's already done. All I'm doing is focusing on pushing the product in my Instagram stories. That's more of like an on the go type vibe. So I'm still like in the moment in the now, but a lot of selling goes down on the Instagram stories. So that's why I like to do it daily. And I wake up and I get that done in the morning. So all of my sales. Sales is done. My sales systems are in place a month ahead of time. So I'm never worried about not selling for my business, which is the most important thing you do in your business. Right. It's selling. And so many times this gets put. At the bottom of this priority list, or even like, forgotten about it's like, oops, I didn't even post on Instagram today. It's like, what? How are we selling? Why are we spending so many hours on Canva and shipping and all the other random things and not selling. So that's why I wanted to focus on this episode today. Remember sales thrive on systems. And it crumbles under chaos. I hope you have an amazing day today. Please save this episode, come to my Instagram. Let me know that you listened to this. Tag me. Share it to a story. I love talking to you guys about this podcast. It's definitely a fan favorite and retail success club. And I just love getting to spend time with you hanging out with you guys here and just talking about the real things. That will move your business forward. Okay. Have a super day.