Retail Success Club

Episode 24: This is sabotaging your success

July 01, 2024 Ali Dee Season 1 Episode 24
Episode 24: This is sabotaging your success
Retail Success Club
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Retail Success Club
Episode 24: This is sabotaging your success
Jul 01, 2024 Season 1 Episode 24
Ali Dee

Listen to this episode to make sure you don't do this... Ali Dee discusses one of the biggest ways business owners unknowingly sabotage their success and sales.

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

Show Notes Transcript

Listen to this episode to make sure you don't do this... Ali Dee discusses one of the biggest ways business owners unknowingly sabotage their success and sales.

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

Hello, welcome to the retail success club podcast. Hey, Hey. Hey. I'm excited today because I want to talk to you about one of the most important things. That you're going to need to learn as a business owner slash CEO slash where of all the hats slash bad-ass business woman. And this concept is the one thing that's really going to continue to drive your business forward through whatever obstacles you face. And what I'm talking about is building business stamina. And when I first say that I'm not going to lie, it sounds like a little dry, a little boring, like business stamina wa. But I'm actually, I'm sitting in my house right now, man, in my recliner, but just a few minutes ago I was painting my BA my master bathroom. And I was thinking about my students as I was painting on this color that took me 100 samples to pick out. Are you guys like that? Or is it just me? I literally have to have like 800 swatches to figure out which paint color I'm gonna use. And finally I decided, okay, today's the day we're going for it. And as I was painting, I was thinking. What is something that I really feel like I need to tell my students today because I knew I wanted to record a podcast this afternoon. My kids are napping. It's one of my favorite things about the retail success club, because I feel like I actually have a minute and I don't have to like spazz out and get my point across in less than a minute. Like we have to do on social media. And I feel like this is our chance to like, hang together a little bit more. And what I was thinking about is how important building business stamina is because I see this so many times with business owners and I'm talking whether you are new, just getting started or you're a vet. This can be a plague that can affect you and your sales, like none other. And I know that because it's happened to me and it happens to a lot of my students and it happens to pretty much any business owner in the entire world. This happens to us and something that we do. As we continue to grow and learn and be leaders and be better business owners is we learn how to build stamina. That's going to get us through no matter what's going on in the business and keep a more of an even keeled energy. That's going to drive sales on the daily, as opposed to being like all in for five days. And then you need to chill out for three days and then you're like, oh, well, I'm ready to go back all in. Oh, I need a couple days off. Or I have something. Coming up or next thing, you know, weeks gone by and you've, you haven't posted as much as you should. You haven't sent out your email blast. You haven't got your new inventory going. You haven't taken the photos you want to take. And we always just kind of say, well, you know, sometimes that's just life and yes, sometimes that is, but most of the time, it's not, most of the time it's learning how to build business stamina. And there's several ways that this can happen or several important ways that this can become a reality for you as a business owner. And I'll just kind of like dabble through what I believe are the biggest. Uh, advantages or the biggest things that you can do in order to build a business stamina. So again, I know it sounds a little bit dry to me because I remember the first time I heard about this, I was like, ah, business stamina. Okay, here we go. But literally this is the driving force of your sales and it comes down to you and the stamina that you have for your business. And a really cool thing about business stamina is it always gets better. So like you always calibrate to a new level, a new standard of stamina. So when it's, when. When you're in the beginning. And, and especially if you first start seeing success, like maybe you get sales like every single day for a week or so. And you're like, oh yeah, I know what I'm doing. It's like a natural thing for our bodies to be like, Hmm. Let's go back to comfy cozy. Like you're feeling a little too out of the box, out of your comfort zone for me, like, I know you've been going really hard this week and you're seeing the results and not even that you're going hard, but you're doing something new that you're, you're not really used to doing. Let's say you're posting the new style of content. I teach you inside the trendsetter membership and you start to see it blow up and you start seeing results. This happens to all my students, like as soon as they switch. What they're doing with their content, they immediately will start seeing results. And what can happen is after, you know, five days, six days, two weeks of seeing that, and then you start getting momentum. You start getting visitors to your website, they start buying from you. And you're like, holy crap. It's really working. Oh my gosh. And then something in our bodies, this is like a proven situation chemically within our bodies is like, Ooh, we're, we're operating outside of our normal standard, which is down here. And like you're making me operate up here a little bit more like I'm a little bit uncomfortable. Can we go back down to our normal. And this is not something that like, obviously you're hearing in your mind. But it's something that your body chemistry. It wants you to go back to where it feels comfortable because you're stretching it a little bit. It's like working out, right? Like you have to do that 1, 2, 3 extra reps that really build that muscle it's after the normal reps were where the growth happens. And then your body's like, no, no, no, I don't want to do another rep. And you're you have to mentally be like, oh yeah, we're doing another one. Cause I want that six pack for my, you know, trip to Mexico this summer. So you better get on it. And your mind's like, no, but I know, I feel uncomfortable. It's hurting. Like it's stinging stop. Stop. And you're like, okay, no, we're going for it. The same thing happens in business. Soon when you get to that point where you're like starting to see a little bit of results, all this sudden. And this is so common, your, your body just goes, ah, let's just chill out a minute. So then all of a sudden you start taking your foot off the gas and you lose a little bit of momentum. And then you're like, what's happening this week. Last week I was getting all these sales things were feeling smooth. I was like on top of the world, things felt effortless and now I don't, I don't get what I'm doing differently. But almost always I can identify the energy's different, the contents different. I can tell you put your foot, or you took your foot off the gas and put it on the brake a little bit, or you're just coasting. You're just letting yourself glide down coast and down the highway. And you're not really thinking about your destination. You're just like, okay, let me chill out for a minute because I did. Try new things. And now I just need to like, Level out. The what happens there is that you build stamina and then you take it away from yourself. You build stamina and take it away. And what I want you to learn from this podcast episode is you'll build stamina. And then you start to recognize when your body or your instincts kind of want to go back to your old ways and you start posting some of the old crappy content again, or you're not taking as much care in what you're saying to your customer and things start falling by the wayside a little. It doesn't all crumble at once. It can, but for most of us, it doesn't, it's just little nuances here and there that actually get you more sales. That you then let up on and you fall back into old ways and your stamina just gets cut off at the neck. So what happens is then you have to build it back up again. And this is really hard on you as a business owner to always be in like this. Full-on stamina, then I'm chilling full on going hard. And then I'm chilling. That is a very hard place to build consistent sales. It's almost impossible.'cause you're always just like in this roller coaster of a situation. As opposed to just steadily climbing. Building business stamina. Once you start see sales kicking in, instead of chilling out a little bit, it start recognizing when you start pulling back on some of the areas you've been excelling in and instead go. I'm not doing it. I'm going harder. I'm going to learn more. Can I post an extra Instagram story today? Can I tweak something? Can I make it even better? And better and better. And that's when you start calibrating to new levels. Maybe you can do 12 reps of bicep curls at 10 pounds, but then the next week you could either go, I don't really feel like doing those, those, you know, 12 reps. I'm going to just do 10. I'm going to chill today. Or you could go, you know what? I did 12 reps at 10 pounds. Now I'm gonna do 12 reps at 12 pounds, or I'm going to do 14 reps at 10 pounds. I'm going to push myself even more today to build on what I've already done. But you're not learning a new skill, right? You're not like. Learning how to do the bicep curl. Again, you're just doing more of what you know, works, which you know, is going to change your body, which you know, is going to make you stronger. You're not letting yourself be lazy and go back to old ways and maybe just like walk around the gym and listen to like 14 different songs, because none of them are really like feeling the vibe for the day. So you're trying to figure out the perfect song, like. All that stuff. And that goes into business that can look like you go into Canva. You spend an hour picking out the perfect color and you're, you're doing like the time sucker activities that I talk about instead of doing the ones that are actually going to build your stamina and make you sales. So the cool thing about this is as you build more stamina, you build more sales and it's you just up level. Like I talk about your first two to 5,000 per month in sales, you're building your foundation. And then after that, you're just stacking story after story or level after level after level, and you calibrate to each and every new level and it becomes easier and, and you look back and you go, gosh, I remember how hard it was for me to get one sale. A day. Like that was so hard. And now here I am doing thousands of dollars in sales a day. And this is like, for me, When I look back and I go, gosh, I remember times when it is like, feels like pulling teeth to get one sale. And now all day long, my phone is dinging. And we're doing thousands of dollars in sales it's because I've trained myself to calibrate to new levels every time. And I try not to let myself sink back in to old ways. Or lazier ways or ways that feel more comfy. I always say to myself, am I stretching myself here? Like what, what can I do better in my business this month? Than I did last month. Where can I even go more into the strategy? Where can I do more reps? Where can I improve what I'm already doing? So I'm not adding on 800 more exercises at the gym. I'm not adding on 800 more activities to my to-do list. As a business owner, Lord knows we have enough. What I'm doing instead is refining my move. Or adding more to what I'm already doing. More intention. More strength, more power. And that's why building business stamina can be one of the best things you learn, how to do for your business. So walking away from this podcast episode today, I want you to do a couple things. Number one, when you start recognizing yourself falling back. Into old ways. Just because you're too busy or it feels weird doing this new style of content, or you're not sure it's going to work or maybe you're like you like checking out what other people are doing. So when that starts to happen, I just want you to just recognize it, but that's going to be a huge, huge effect on you is just actually having the wherewithal to say, Ooh, I see what's going on here. My body's trying to get me back into comfy cozy, but, uh, I'm ready to calibrate to another level. So that's one thing is just recognizing when that pops up. The second thing is looking at what you're doing in your business. That's working like did you post a reel that popped off? Are you getting sales from cert Instagram stories? Is there certain ways or showing up and speaking to your customer that are generating sales? Let's do more reps of those activities that are converting. Just like the gym, do more reps with the exercises that are actually giving you strength. It's the same in business. And I always go back to exercise because I feel like it's a very good visual. A lot of us have at one point worked out or tried to, or done a bicep curl. So I feel like it's really easy to relate to that. So those, that's what I want you to think about after this episode. What can you do to strengthen the activities in the reps that you're already doing? Strengthening the exercises you're already implementing. And then also recognizing when your body or your mind may be fighting your new calibration and trying to keep you down, keep you cozy. Because it doesn't want to feel the little sting and the burn of the exercise. It would rather be in a safe mode. That's our body and our brains job is to keep us safe. And when things feel a little unsafe or unsure. It goes. Excuse me. Ma'am uh, tap, tap. Hello. I would like for you to go back to normal now, please. And you have to say, no, no, it's cool brain. Like I got this, we're just learning something new and it's going to go. Oh, okay. Well, let's do it then. But you have to be the leader of that. You have to be the one that's in control of your body and its reactions. And guys, this is not even a woo thing. This is literal truth. Building business. Stamina is a must for you. So I hope you have an amazing day. I'm so glad we got to spend a few minutes together. What are you doing to build business stamina? I would love for you to hit me up on Instagram. Send me a DM. Let me know that you listened to this podcast. Also, if you're like feeling extra giving today, give me a five star review. I would love it. I'm just going to ask you for it because the more five star reviews. I get the more it helps push this podcast into more people's ears. And guys, I so want as many women that are building their own retail businesses, whether you are an e-commerce store, a brand owner, a boutique. A store owner, an Etsy owner, these principles, you must learn to take your business to the next level. And I want as many people to learn these as possible. This is not gatekeeping. It's 2024. Hello. Like it's time for all of us to thrive. There is more than enough room in this industry for all of us to be. Gazillionaires so love you so much. And I'll see you on Instagram. See you on take talk, share this podcast with a business owner friend that you think would like it. Five star review DME on it that you listened. And I can't wait to talk to you next episode.