Other Than Motherhood
A "feelings-based" podcast that seeks to expand the discourse around the decision to be childfree and an exploration on the influences and messages that impact our thinking, and all of the possibilities of a life that is other than motherhood. This Podcast series focuses on bringing unique perspectives and interrogating the difficult questions, as well as elevating the importance of identity for women who do not choose to become mothers.
Other Than Motherhood
A Christmas Compilation
An end of year compilation of some of Other Than Motherhood Season #1 best bits. This is by no means exhaustive, but is a sample of some of my favourite moments and soundbites from the last 20 episodes. Special thanks once again to all of my featured guests:
Laura Carroll, www.lauracarroll.com. @lauracarroll88
Emma Duval - Childfree History Museum - Childfreehistory.com @millenialemma @Childfreehistorymuseum
Amie - Living the Spinster Life - @livingthespinsterlife
Helen Thompson - @audacious_and_childfree
Margaret - Are Kids for Me? www.arekidsforme.ie @arekidsforme
Kelsey - Diary of the Childfree - @diaryofthechildfree
Shweta - @childfreebuddysmum
Angela Gentile - Empowered Millennials - www.theangelagentile.com @theempoweredmillenials
Caitlin Durante - Caitlindurante.com @caitlindurante @bechdelcast
Ali Hall - abnormallynormal.substack.com @alirunswrite
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Other Than Motherhood!