The Answers Inside

Unlock Your Inner Wisdom: Monica Dunn on Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Mindi Hill Season 1 Episode 1

Have you ever wished to unlock the whispers of your past lives and untold stories buried deep within your subconscious? Monica Dunn, a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) practitioner, joins us to lead you through this mesmerizing journey. Sharing her path to the discovery of QHHT, Monica peels back the layers of past life regression, offering valuable insights into its misconceptions and advocating for the importance of embracing QHHT with an open heart.

Are you fascinated by the transformative power of energy, sound, and vibration? Monica puts a spotlight on her ground-breaking work in harmonic attunement, a method aimed at aligning individuals with their spiritual selves. She shares the awe-inspiring stories of clients who, during the sessions, experience unexpected transformative shifts, often going beyond their initial expectations. We discuss the surge in anxiety-ridden individuals seeking her sessions and the gratifying feeling of witnessing their healing journeys.

Monica helps us understand that QHHT isn't just about past life regression; it's a potent tool for individuals to release patterns of suffering, access their own inner wisdom, and forge a deeper connection with their true selves. Towards the end, we highlight the importance of finding joy in life and being kind to oneself. Whether you're a seeker, a believer, or a curious soul looking to understand more about QHHT, this episode with Monica Dunn promises to be an enlightening exploration of the power of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. So come, let's journey together into the realm of higher consciousness.


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Mindi Hill is a certified QHHT practitioner and the host of The Answers Inside.

Subscribe to The Answers Inside on your favorite podcast platform and open yourself to the infinite possibilities of the quantum realm. Get ready to be inspired, amazed, and awakened to the remarkable power of the human mind to heal, transform, and transcend limitations.

Note: Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a real modality developed by Dolores Cannon, a pioneering hypnotherapist. It involves inducing a deep state of hypnosis to access the subconscious mind and explore past-life memories, higher states of consciousness, and facilitate healing.

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Welcome to the answers inside podcast, a podcast all about quantum healing hypnosis technique, and the big life questions that it can answer for you. Things like what is my life's purpose? Why am I here? How can I heal? Quantum healing hypnosis technique was developed by Dolores Cannon with over 40 years of research. This podcast is all about talking to the practitioners and clients who experience Qh HT and their stories of health indeed. Let's jump in. 


Hi, it's muddy Hill and you're on the answers insights, podcast, podcast all about QHT The healing and help that comes through Quantum healing hypnosis technique. And today my guest is Monica Dunn, Qh HT practitioner in White Salmon, Washington. Monica, thank you so much for joining me today on the podcast. 


Thank you so much for having me, Mindy. It's an honor and a joy to be with you. 


Thank you, I'm so excited to have this conversation with you. I wanted to start out just by asking if you could share a little bit about how you found Qh HT or how it came to you. I always find everybody has different stories about how this showed up in their life. And I'd love to hear your story. Yeah, 


so I had really been looking for a healing modality to work with for probably 15 years or 20 years, kind of dipping in and out of learning modalities and being really excited about them for a short period of time. And then they would sort of just fizzle out. And that went on and on and on. Right. And then back in 2015 I was working like this like dead end job. And I was kind of just

at my wit's end with not finding my work. And you know, like my true work about that time my partner said, there's this woman that I really want you to see. And I want you to watch this video. And lo and behold, it was it was Dolores Cannon. And in that video, she happened to be speaking all about Qh HT. And within five minutes, I said to him, this is my work. I know this is it. That was early 2015. And within six months, we packed up his house and sold it and took a big huge road trip and ended up in Arkansas where I took the class. Oh my 


gosh, was Dolores Dolores still around at that time. It's such a delicate question to ask I apologize. Oh, 


she had passed just before, like, a few months before I learned about her. So she passed in October of 2014. And this was maybe February of 


2015. Oh, wow. So you just missed her? 


Just missed her on that level. But wow, do I ever feel her presence? You know that that very first class that I took? I just I had this palpable feeling of her presence that week. And it was it was magical and beautiful. 


Oh, so she for sure. Was there with you in spirit? Oh, most definitely. 


And I tend to think that that was part of the reason that she chose to transition when she did so that she could be with all of us practitioners. 


You're not the first one to say that on this podcast. Has she ever come through in a session? 03:58

Hmm. She she does on occasion. And it's always it's always a pleasure when she does show up. 


Fascinating. So you went through training in Arkansas? And then how did you proceed from there? 


We drove back from Arkansas and I fortunately had a group of open minded people who already wanted a session. So I did nine sessions within we were about to leave for a trip to Asia when we stayed with a friend for maybe six weeks. And in those six weeks, I got in nine sessions and I was just so excited to get started. And yeah, that was my beginning. And it was very exciting. And what was really cool is that even from the get go I just had some amazing sessions including my very The first session while I was back in Arkansas and training, so we get together in groups of students. And back when the classes were live, we would do this. Now you can do it if you go to a level one companion course, and get together with students or go to a reunion. So we would get together in groups. And there were four of us in that group. And I was the facilitator. My good friend, Heidi was the client and her session was jaw dropping, it was so amazing. She went to a lifetime, where she was not quite a disciple of Jesus, but a follower of Jesus. And she will Oh, it was so powerful. She was hysterical. From the get go from the moment she was in her her past life. She was in this, we couldn't tell whether she was laughing or crying. And here is this, you know, this quiet, reserved woman who is poised and she went from that to a man who was just hysterical over Jesus. Yeah, it was amazing. Wow. 


So was she one of his disciples, or was he just a person that was recognizing what was going on and not and feeling the overwhelm of that? Yeah, 


he wasn't an A disciple. He was a follower of Jesus's teachings. What actually knew Jesus and spent time with him? So we, you know, we couldn't go back and get get a name. Because if his name wasn't in the Bible, or you know, it wasn't a prominent figure, but he was around Jesus, and he was just giddy. He was just so excited. Jesus, I think Jesus was coming back to visit and he was going to be with him again. And he was just, he was just so overjoyed. And it was so emotional, and it was so beautiful. 


Ah, that sounds like an amazing. And that was your first session. That 



was my very first session as a facilitator. Yes. 


Amazing. So let's talk about this for a minute. I just 


wanted to say it was the universe saying, Yeah, this is, this is definitely your work. We're just gonna, you know, give you a little affirmation. 


Here you go. We're gonna just throw it right at your punch in the gut, and you're gonna love it. 




So one of the questions that always comes up about all I'll just say, in general about past life regression, a lot of cynics like to kind of say, well, of course, everyone was Cleopatra. And everyone was, you know, Ganga, ISKCON. And everyone. But I haven't found that to be the case. Would you agree? I mean, this person wasn't one, Jesus wasn't to a disciple, but just an average person. So what's been your experience with regressing people to past lives or the experiences that you've seen? 


So far, I have yet to have two clients come in as the same figure in history. Yes, I've had kings and queens. But I haven't had any overlap. I haven't had, you know, this client be Cleopatra and this client be Cleopatra. And I haven't experienced that. And so I think it's just the naysayers wanting to wanting to sort of, you know, find a way to negate this. Yeah. 


What keeps coming up for me, as I'm talking to people about things is that you just can't make this up. You can't make up the stuff that comes through a client session. And people wouldn't make up the stuff that's coming through a client session. No,


no. And oftentimes, clients will be a little bit like, did I make that up? Or? And I would just say to that, would you have made that up? I don't think so. 


Right? Really, either. 


You are just so brilliantly minded that you could have come up with every detail about that farmer's life. Or you're just really fascinated with farmers and you've been studying ancient farming for decades. 


I agree. I agree. So once you did your training, and this is a curiosity for me. Is did Qh HT at all affect how you viewed life in general? at all did you have? Has it changed the way you approach things? 


Yes and no, I always had a really non conventional view of the world and of life. So it really wasn't a lot of the concepts were not new to me, due to my, just my curiosity and my excitement in in the metaphysical world for over 20 years at that point. And so, you know, I was kind of the odd one out a lot of times because of the way I, you know, because of my beliefs, and my and my thoughts of, of life. And so, when I found Dolores, and her her books, I felt right at home. 


So it fell in line with what you had already had a feeling of more, there's more to this than what we're seeing. 


Definitely. And with that said, there are some things that do twist your mind like a pretzel some of the some of the concepts that come through her books. I hadn't heard of those. And they still can be a stretch sometimes to to wrap your head around. Yeah, 


like, Didn't she have somebody in one of her sessions? Maybe it was at a conference. And he was like, Oh, I'm going to totally butcher this. But didn't she talked one time about a man being in one of her classes, not in one of her classes, but it in at like a conference, and he was maybe a theoretical physicist or string theory? Guy, I don't know. And she had perfectly explained some massive quantum physics theory imperfection. She's like, I don't I don't know what it is. This is just it came through one of my sessions. So this is what they're telling me. And he came up after and said, like, Oh, you just perfectly explained something that we haven't been able to explain for a long time, or you just explain something that you have no knowledge of, do you remember that? I'm 


somewhat familiar. I vaguely recollect hearing about that. And that is something that is so fascinating, fascinating, that comes through sessions is, you know, things that we we wouldn't have ways of knowing. And that we just know, when someone's in that altered state through a Qh HD session, just the knowledge that is accessible. It's just really fascinating. Yeah. 


And I love that all of the answers are coming directly from that person. Like, we're just simply asking the questions and getting them to that very relaxed state. But the answers are really coming from within them. And there's, I feel an energetic portion to that through your body that helps you to know what you're saying is true for you. Yeah. 


And that's the beauty. That's one of the reasons I actually chose this work as well was because I really loved that the answers were coming from the person, the client, and not from me, you know, I'm just facilitating them getting into that state where they can access that deep knowing within them. And that's something I really loved about Qh HT that was different from from other healing modalities. 


Yep, I had the exact same feeling about it when I took the training. And I've like you, I've taken a lot of energy trainings and learned a lot of different modalities. And this one really spoke to me because it unlike psychology, where somebody's kind of trying to put together what you might be saying to them, we're just really facilitating the session and getting folks to facilitate their own answers to come through. It's fascinating. It's fascinating. 


It is. Another thing I love about it is that anything can be healed through this work, because we are that powerful, we can heal anything. My belief really is that we we truly are the only ones who can heal ourselves, even even if we're doing different methods or practices. It's it's truly

when when we're ready to heal whatever it is that we're doing aligns with that healing. 


Yeah, I agree. I agree. i What do you think about have you had clients who've come in for specifically for call it physical healing? And have you had any sessions where they've said, basically these, they chose to go through this experience and, and their sessions given them a little more explanation about what they're going through? Have you ever had that experience? 


No. Most definitely, in fact, really, every time, every time we get to that point, I mean, occasionally it will be that this was a carryover from another life. But oftentimes there's a reason it was carried over. And sometimes it was, it was just because it could be healed in this life. Sometimes it's ancestral healing that, you know, you knew that you could heal this for the, the lineage or the family and, but a lot of times, really, that's how QHT works. It's, these are messages, when, when the body shows up with a symptom, it's the higher self trying to get through to the person. And it's a way that we listen, you know, when we're in pain, or we have a scare to our physical well being, we start to listen. Because our higher self is, is communicating with us constantly. But sometimes we just won't listen. And so they try to find ways for us to really listen, and a lot of times it will come through the body, and through physical pain or illness or dis ease, and it's a message. And then we we just ask what, what the message is? 


Yeah, don't they say that, you know, your higher self will come through a safe age, because it's just in not just in Qh HD. But everywhere. Basically, they'll come, they'll come by, and they'll tap you and try and get the message through. And then they'll come by and they'll kind of smack Yeah. And they'll come through with a Mack truck. And so you start listening. And then what I tend to find is that in in sessions, you know, we'll try it, we'll kind of debrief after the session, say, oh, did that make sense to you? And a lot of times, folks will say, Oh, I already knew that. Oh, I already Yeah, I thought that's, I thought that was the case. Definitely. 


And I'm so glad you brought that up, because that's happening more and more at this stage in our consciousness development. Because back, you know, 30 years ago, when Dolores was doing sessions, people were having different experiences in their trance, where they kind of had to be knocked out where they had to be, you know, their, their conscious mind couldn't be present, because they couldn't really get out of the way or handle it. And now what we're finding is that the higher self and the conscious mind are actually working together. And so a lot of times, the person will know the answers already in their mind consciously, because they're listening,


right? So they're saying, or what people are experiencing is that they're kind of there for their session, they're kind of listening in, even though it's not their conscious self participating. I lost my train of thought on that one. But but it is, it's a different experience from before. I mean, people are much more aware and awake and cognizant of their higher self or their energy body, I think at this time, 


definitely. And I find that a lot of people are actually quite consciously aware, the entire time they're, and they're under hypnosis, or a majority of time, at least part of the time. It's really common at this stage, in our in our awareness, because they're working together. And so we don't need or even sometimes want our conscious mind to be gone. Because we want it to be 

present, so that it can be a part of the healing and a part of the experience. Instead of feeling like oh, we need to push you aside. Yeah, and I love I love for people to know that. They can be consciously aware the entire time and they are deep under. 


Yeah. Do you have people? So I've had a couple of people who have said, I don't I don't think I was hypnotized. But truly the things that were coming through from the higher self at that time, there's no way that they weren't hypnotized. Like, there's no way because the higher self is so loving. To us. It's and it's so against our conscious mind nature to say, you are so loved. You are doing everything right, you are exactly where you need to be. And so for someone to say, Oh, I think I was making that up. It's like, No, you're hearing exactly what you were meant to hear. Like, it's hard for us to take that dives. Yeah. Yeah. And 


the thing is, is that the conscious mind is the worst possible judge of whether someone is under or not that unconscious mind will just be over there going, you're not under, even even if the person is, is just completely and totally under and there's no doubt at all on my end, it's so obvious that they're under and their conscious mind could still be trying to just say that, that they're not. So you just you just have to get past that, you know if anyone who's who hasn't done a cue HHT session hasn't been a client. Just know that. It just go with it. And know that it is your Higher Self coming through. Yeah, you're not making it up. That's right. And we could be making all of this up. So what's the difference? 


That's right. That's right. Who knows what kind of what we're living in whether it's a facsimile? What do they call that? Yeah, I can't think of it right now. Simulation. Thank you. Yeah. 


I just want to say I liken it to dreams, you know, we can have really powerful healing dreams. And are we making them up? Doesn't matter. Right. Totally agree. Yeah. So it's similar to that, in that it doesn't really matter whether or not you think you're making it up. It's happening. And it's, it's brought to you for on purpose and to make sense of something in your life. So that's what matters. 


And it's Don't you feel like it's more the way you feel like when you wake up from a dream? Isn't it more about how you feel, from the information coming through that dream or what you experienced? And kind of the same with the hypnosis, it's more about how it makes you feel? Or the information coming through? Yeah, and 


and that's, that's a way to to know that the person is under when so much feeling comes through. I love it when I have a client who's really stoic when we're talking before the hypnosis, and then they're just bawling. It was because there's no way you could try to convince me that that person isn't under. 


Yep. Yep. You feel what you feel. I think I almost feel like the feelings are more important than anything we think we know. 


Yeah, and I think I think it's about recognizing that when we're feeling when we allow ourselves to feel we're actually more in tune with our knowing. Yeah, it 


makes me think of the HeartMath Institute and the research they've done around brain heart coherence, it makes perfect sense to me when you when you feel the feeling of how you want things to be or how you want to be. And it matches between your thinking and your feeling. things actually are magical. You know, things can change, things can shift, instantly. Can I ask about your your new endeavor, your new offering that you're putting together? Oh, speaking of vibration, and heart? 


Yeah, thanks for asking about that. I'm excited. I've been singing my whole life. And I went back and forth with healing work, or music, healing work or music. And then a while back, I was with some practitioner, friends of mine, dear loving friends, and we like to go into trance when

we're together. And, you know, messages come through for all of us. And you know, it's just what we do for fun. And some of the group some of us channel and there was a channeling and it was about what other work I will be doing. And it was about using my voice. And sure enough, I did it like that night I started and it was, it was pretty phenomenal. So between toning and I had just been gifted some Tibetan bowls. And it was it was so magical how it came together. And so it was just given to me this this new modality that I created and it's been I've just had such amazing feedback so far from people and it's yeah, it's just it's it's really powerful. I have my first group and calling it a harmonic attunement, my first one. And yeah, that's beautiful. That's coming up. So I'm very excited about it. 


Oh, I can't I've we're gonna have to come back on the podcast and tell us how because I'm sure it's gonna be amazing. 


Yeah, you know, I've only done one on one so far. So it will be You're really fun to do a group because the synergy of being in a group and just all the different energies that come through all all the people, it's, it's going to be really amazing. 


Well, I'm super excited for you for this because it's, you do amazing work with Q H ht, and then taking it to that next level of using sound. I feel like there's so much to sound that can heal our energetic bodies that doing a group session like that can only be amazingly beneficial for everybody who joins. 


Oh, yeah, you just made me think of something that Dolores said. One of the things we always tell our clients after a session is how valuable it is to listen to the session. And Dolores said that you're actually rewiring your brain when you go back and listen to the session. And you don't even have to have it. You don't even have to listen to it consciously. So it's actually the vibration that is shifting you. That's 


amazing, almost like a like a sleep meditation. Like it's just rewiring your brain as you're hearing it. 


Yeah. So there it is, again, it's the vibration of the words that are actually creating the shift. Even even without us having to be consciously doing anything.

Even even without us having to be consciously doing anything. 


Do you think we make it harder on ourselves than we as humans than we should? Or do you think that that's just learned behavior that we have to unlearn? What What's your perspective on that? 


I definitely think we make it harder than it is, it's really easy to tune in to, you know, other realms, and we just, we make it hard. And we think that we can't do it. And that is conditioning a lot of times or shut down from whether it was authority figures, or parents or people who thought maybe that was the right thing to do. You know, children would have these experiences, and then be told that they can't speak about that, and that it's not okay. And one thing I love about being on the planet right now, at this time, is that it's becoming so much more acceptable to be in tune and to even speak about it and to share it. And it's not frowned upon, and we're not going to be imprisoned or burned at the stake. Or 


I was just gonna say that burned at the stake. Yeah, 


yeah. So it's a really powerful time for consciousness awakening, and just us knowing that we're, we are spirit having a human experience, not the other way around. 


Yeah, and if that's the case, then we are completely energy. Mm hmm. And so what you're doing with vibration, sound music is completely healing, you know, more so than we can even imagine. 


And that's the beauty of that's something I love about it is that we don't know what anyone will get from it, what kind of shift they will have from it. Same with Q HHT. We don't know what the shift will be or how they will experience it, but we do know, they will get exactly what they need. Yeah. For some, it may feel like more of a healing experience. For some it may be an activating experience, or a rejuvenating experience or unknowing. You know, like just going into that deep knowing that it's, it's kind of like yeah, what I'm what I'm calling this new work,

you know, I'm saying when someone comes in, to have a session, they're really short and it's a tune up. So you're just you're just tuning up your, your spiritual self or your you know, tuning up all aligning all of those. All of those parts of you. So, 


are you finding that clients that are coming to you for this new modality, this harmonic attunement, is it more for or are you finding more physical issues coming in or, or emotional issues? What what are you finding? I? 


Well, really, it's it's so different in that I don't ask about anything like that. It's all for them. It's I just have them set an intention. And then they receive. So it's about surrender and receive. 


Okay, I'm definitely going to have to come in and have one of these sessions with you. If I can't make it to the group session. and I look forward to we need to tell all of my angels and guides that I need my new cars so that I'm I can make it up to Monica and have 


this session with her. Yes, I love it. 


You're not that far away? Oh, no, 


it's not that far at all. Similarly, you know, in a cube HHT session, people might think they're coming for one thing, but what they're really coming for is something else. And you know, it was just there, their spirit team wanted to get them there so that they could get the other piece that they didn't even know was coming. So 


do you find in your sessions, that that's usually the case, and I'm wondering if you are, if you've ever experienced, you've been doing this quite a few years now, if you've had an experience, where you see a trend in the type of people coming to you, like, all of a sudden it's people with can't even think of anything all you know, do you see any trends in the, in your timeline of doing this work?


You know, I do, I have often on seen trends for a while it was really anxiety, a lot of people with anxiety, and I've worked with a lot of people with anxiety, and it's so amazing, once they realize where it came from, and why and if they can let it go. And they don't need it any longer. And yeah, it's, that's really amazing. That's, it's, it's always beautiful to see someone just transform before your eyes. You know, they come in and they just, they feel anxious and nervous and kind of scared. And then just to watch that all fall away is just so beautiful. 


It's hard to explain to a person who hasn't experienced a session, how easy it is or how beneficial it can be it just like you said, it all falls away. And it's just that one session where that happens. But it's I sometimes feel like I'm overstating or people give me the side eye when I'm like, no really can do all these things. And, and they're kind of like, Oh, sure. But it really does. 


Yeah, experience it for yourself and you will be amazed, it really shifts because it's shifting us on the inside, then, you know it, the outside just starts to shift as well. So it's a ripple effect. It just it really especially when there's the mental emotional piece that comes through and and 

Because oftentimes, it is a mental or emotional issue, whether it's through not feeling loved, or or just feeling hurt or abandoned or, you know, traumatized in some way. Sometimes it's physical, it often shows up, it'll man it will manifest in a person's life on so many levels. And they didn't even realize that that one piece was branching out, rippling out in in a way that wasn't serving them. So when we heal that baseline piece, it's rippling out and healing on so many levels, 


including physically Yes. Right? I just did an interview with a gal who she's just gung ho for Qh HT she's having the time of her life but she had a physical ailment that was happening and as soon as she started kind of it she found Qh HT and she's been going down that track and she's feeling really energized about it. That physical ailment was just pretty much taken care of and I 

I found her story so remarkable because you know, that's an actual it's anecdotal, but it's it's true and it's hers and she was able to release a tumor that was in her breast and and it trunk I mean, that's Are you kidding me? That's amazing. By by releasing the the emotional situation that she was in so it remarkable. And the more I hear those stories, the more I'm like, wow, yeah. How do people not know about this? Right? I've 


I've had several clients with cancer heal themselves. And it's just, it's so humbling to have that experience and it's such an honor to witness when you know, the things that they they know Outside authority figures say that, you know, can't happen. And we see it all the time in a Qh

Outside authority figures say that, you know, can't happen. And we see it all the time in a Qh HD session. It's just, it's just amazing. I mean, yeah, I've had someone with stage four cancer heal themselves. And yeah, it's just, it's phenomenal. Wow, 


I know, this is amazing work. And that's why I'm doing the podcast because I don't feel like enough people know about it. And what does it hurt, you go in for a hypnosis session, you get to lay down and relax for a good hour or two. And you go through this amazing experience, and you have the potential of healing, almost anything, which I find so remarkable. And I think more people should know about it. Oh, 


absolutely. I just I just find people are becoming more and more open to it, which is really beautiful. And one thing I want to say is that anybody can do this. Anyone can, can have this experience, anyone can be hypnotized. Some people think they can't. And, you know, that's not true. We know, people are hypnotized within 60 seconds of watching a television screen, and driving long distances. And it's just an altered state of consciousness, which we're moving through throughout every day of our life. So yeah, everyone can do it. It's just a willingness, really, what it takes is a willingness to do it and, and a willingness to, to let go of expectations. 


Yep, I totally agree. And also, there's some magic in finding the right practitioner for you. And I'm sure you've seen this with your clients too. For some reason, the right people just find the right practitioner, and you have to, there has to be a level of trust, I've had different modalities, I've had people who have done different modalities on me. And if I didn't really trust them, it just kind of wasn't a great session. And I think with cue HHT, it's the same, you have to be able to trust the person that you're working with. And what's kind of great about this modality is that, for some reason, there's always that one person that just jumps out to you or they come across your or you go to the cue HHT official site, and they're you like their face. But I think there is that level of trust that has to be there to that kind of heightens the energy and the healing. It's 


so true. And I always find that when the person is opening themselves up and readying themselves, it will just show up for them. And sometimes, you know, in a number of places, I've heard clients say that, yeah, I was thinking about having a session a couple of years ago, and I kind of put it off and then and then I got this newsletter and they were talking about Qh HD and then a friend talked about it and you know, so be listening, be listening to all those messages, and especially if it comes through two or three times, it's definitely your spirit team trying to get through to you do it. 



And you've had you've had folks come from like, long distances to come see you because they felt like you were the right practitioner, right? Yes, I 


have. And it's it's so fun when someone comes from, you know, really, it is fun when they come from a long distance. I had a couple who came from the Middle East to see me for sessions. And that was really fun. Really, yeah, that was pretty, that was pretty fantastic. They are nomads and they they travel, but they they just they could go anywhere. And so they they went to the official Qh HT site to look for practitioners. And they said they both just saw my picture and went to my website and knew that I was the one that they were going to come see. And so yeah, they flew straight from the Middle East to to Washington State and came for a session which was just, you know, it was it was it was really an honor and a joy to work with them 


was really special. That's amazing. Oh, well. Is there anything else that you feel like we should share about Q HHT at this time, or anything coming up in your world that you feel you want to share? I 


do want to share a message that I received from a client after a session just to give a feeling of what someone can experience through this work. Yeah, I'd like to share that. I'd love to hear it Great, she said, when we left your cabin, I felt so centered and stable. I haven't experienced that in forever. I am just living and enjoying feeling like I am finally released from the suffering that has plagued me for such a long time. I woke up rested and excited about being able to live each new day. Thank you again, my life is my own again. Wow. Yeah, that's, I mean, that's why we do this work. Absolutely. It's so you know, like, it's so healing on on just every level of our being. And anyone can be healed. You just just know that. Know that you can do this. And 


you don't have to carry around whatever you're carrying around. It just it's, again, you're laying down for an hour or two and totally relaxing. And you're getting all of the answers that you need. And you can release anything that you're carrying around. I do worry about the younger generation coming up a little bit. I worry about anyone with just because it seems to keep coming into my field. You know, people who don't feel like they want to be on this planet, because they don't feel comfortable here. Or have you had experiences with folks like that with folks who, you know, you talked about the anxiety earlier, maybe they're feeling anxiety, maybe they're feeling like, they don't belong on the planet, they don't feel like they want to be here anymore. Have you had any experiences with clients like that? It sounds like this gal, maybe had some stress that she was carrying around? But have you had that? Most


definitely. It's it's somewhat common theme of just a lot of times, it's when someone doesn't, doesn't know why they're here, and just feels like they're just suffering? And why am I here, if it's just about suffering, and when the person can, can ask why they're here and what the purpose is, and what the purpose of the experiences they've had are. And if they, you know, if, if they learned from them, it gives them a whole new experience of their life, because they no longer need to carry the heaviness around it, they can release the entire pattern of just feeling like, like, it's all about suffering. Like this woman, you know, she had lived a life of suffering. And she was, I want to say she was probably in her mid 60s. And so she'd been living through this, the suffering for most of her life. And so know that the sooner the better, right, like these young people can come in and have a session and, and a lot of times younger people might even be more open to it or more, you know, less conditioned to think they can't do it or can't access that part of themselves. So I just encourage anyone at any age, I mean, we we do have an age limit, we generally don't work with anyone under 18. But But really, I just highly encourage anyone who has the opportunity to have a QA HHT session, just there are so many practitioners out there. So there's there's definitely someone you will align with. And I highly encourage it. Yeah, 


and we should probably know, for anybody listening that anybody on the QA JHT official site who is designated as a level one intern, they give their sessions away for free. So money should never be a barrier. And the people who are generally doing this training, are passionate about it. So even though someone might not have a lot of experience, giving sessions as a level one. So just to be clear, you have to do 25 free sessions, in order to get past your internship or to complete your internship. And so money should never be a barrier. There's always an intern out there who's willing to give a session and if you want someone with more experience a level two or level three, like Monica, they're out there to, like Monica said, you find the right person, no matter where you are. They're going to they're going to pop out to you. But money should never be a barrier, I don't think. 


Right? Yeah. And you know, like I told from the beginning of when we started I was talking about that very first session that I facilitated. It was amazing. So it doesn't just because Someone just started. Don't think that you can't have an amazing session, you definitely can. And 


what's going to come through is meant to come through right? 


Trust your gut, in who you who you choose to work with. Just use it as a practice of getting, getting in touch with your knowing. Yeah.

getting in touch with your knowing. Yeah. 


You just made me think of something else. So when we were together and White Salmon, so I did my level one companion class with Monica last year. And one of the things that kept coming through while we were in her beautiful Cabin in the Woods was have fun. And so while there might be people out there who who are struggling, you know, with stress and anxiety and suffering, really the point of this life is to have fun. How are you currently having fun Monica and your life besides doing your new harmonic? attunements? 


Oh, yeah, I'm having fun in a lot of different ways. I've been traveling a lot more in the last couple of years. That's been, that's my joy. I'm a Sagittarius. I love moving around the planet. So that's super fun. And meeting up with colleagues, I do that that's really fun, and, and doing what excites me, you know, whatever that is, whether it's walking in the forest, or looking for mushrooms, or, you know, just enjoying the beauty of life. I just, I mean, for me, I can, I can just light up just looking at the Fall leaves. You know, 


I think that's one of the things that seems to come through a lot of sessions is that people need to be easier with themselves and really follow their joy file. Like Bashar says, Follow your highest excitement. And we tend to forget that and put these restrictions on ourselves. And that's another thing that a session can give you is you get to lay down and talk to yourself and be like, You know what, you're doing good. You don't need to be so hard on yourself. You should probably go out and have some fun. And I'm finding that for myself as well. But I need to find more things that light me up like this podcast. I love talking to everybody on this podcast, and I'm especially grateful for you coming on Monica. 


It's such a joy to to spend time with you. And you know, no matter whether it's in person, or which is always a little more fun, but yeah. Wink wink nudge nudge. 


I know when is that next class on 12 or something? Yeah. Right. Well, I just want to say thank you. Thank 


you so much for having this podcast. I just I love that you're getting Qh HT out there to more people and just know that it's, it's just a beautiful modality that anybody can do. And thank

you, Mindy for making it more accessible. Well, 


thank you, Monica. Thank you for coming on the podcast and sharing your experience. And thank you so much for being willing to come and have a conversation about it. I think it's magical practice. And if you want to find Monica, you can find her on the QH HT official site. And I also have all of her socials in our comments below. So go and check her out if you're in the White Salmon Washington area. I'm just again, super grateful to have you on the podcast. So thanks for joining me today. Thank you so much for joining us this week on the answers inside Podcast, the podcast all about quantum healing hypnosis technique, the practitioners and clients who benefit from the health and healing that it provides. If you liked this podcast, go ahead and like and subscribe on your favorite podcast player to download our weekly episodes and keep up with the stories health and healing that's happening all around the world through Quantum healing hypnosis technique. Thanks so much. See you next week.