The Answers Inside

The Power of Self-Healing: An Insight into Quantum Hypnosis with Rose Rivera

Mindi Hill Season 1 Episode 2

Prepare to step onto an exhilarating spiritual rollercoaster with Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) practitioner, Rose Rivera. Based in sunny Temecula, California, Rose unravels her spiritual journey, from her Catholic roots to the mystical world of Quantum Healing, leaving no stone unturned as she shares her exploration of hypnosis, past lives, and holistic healing. A former circus performer, she paints a vivid picture of how her past influences her current craft and the importance of trust in the hypnotic process. 

Rose's narrative is not just personal, it's a reflection of a broader trend. Discover how ancient practices are regaining prominence, offering individuals a chance to rekindle their innate healing abilities. From human design to soul creation via sound frequency and vibration, take a journey into the heart of alternate healing modalities. As you ride this wave with us, Rose also lets you in on how she harnesses the power of her day job, social media, and personal connections to reach those seeking her service. 

Closing this soulful conversation, Rose divulges her formidable self-healing experiences, underscoring the transformative power of self-love and belief. Journey with her through past life connections, and learn about her role as a 5D activator, as she sheds light on her spiritual realm. So, buckle up and get set to embark on a thrilling voyage of Quantum Healing and Personal Hypnosis with us!

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Mindi Hill is a certified QHHT practitioner and the host of The Answers Inside.

Subscribe to The Answers Inside on your favorite podcast platform and open yourself to the infinite possibilities of the quantum realm. Get ready to be inspired, amazed, and awakened to the remarkable power of the human mind to heal, transform, and transcend limitations.

Note: Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a real modality developed by Dolores Cannon, a pioneering hypnotherapist. It involves inducing a deep state of hypnosis to access the subconscious mind and explore past-life memories, higher states of consciousness, and facilitate healing.

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Welcome to the answers inside podcast, a podcast all about quantum healing hypnosis technique, and the big life questions that it can answer for you. Things like what is my life's purpose? Why am I here? How can I heal? Quantum healing hypnosis technique was developed by Dolores Cannon with over 40 years of research. This podcast is all about talking to the practitioners and clients who experience Qh HT and their stories of health indeed, let's jump in. 


Today, my guest is Rose Rivera, she's Qh HD practitioner in Temecula, California, which is down in Southern California. I'm super excited to hear your story and learn about how you came to QHH T. So how did you find Qh HT everybody seems to have their own story. And I'm super curious about yours. 


Absolutely. So I was always very drawn to spiritual things. I was always very drawn to the elements and to kind of more like kind of witchcraft, he kind of things coming from a very strict background and the Catholic church with my family growing up going to church every single Sunday. I just knew and felt like there was more I just always knew and felt like there was more. And I always wanted to know what that was. Then when I got out on my own. I started kind of dabbling in witchcraft, things of that nature. And then I started doing tarot and Oracle, and I pull cards for other people pull cards for myself full cards, you know, whenever pull cards for the collective, and I was pulling cards for myself, and I pulled the teacher card. And I was very excited. I had never pulled that card before. And I was super excited, like, who's my teacher gonna be like, Oh, my gosh. And that's when Dolores Cannon came into my life. And that's when her videos kept pounding my feeds with everything. And I even got the chills right now. When I was listening to this beautiful woman talk, I could just feel the truth, I could just feel everything, I could just feel it in my bones that this woman was speaking of the truth, and she knew what she was speaking about. She spoke with so much conviction, so much just energy, just everything. And the frequencies and vibrations just very resonated with me what I've been through ever since I started going up, and I was like, this is her. This is my teacher, this is who the cards were talking about. I was very confused, actually to find out that she had passed, I was very confused because it felt like she was very much alive and around me all the

time. But the more I got into this work, the more that I understood that now that she had passed on, she wasn't limited by her body anymore. And she was able to be in all these different places at all these different times. And then I learned through my sessions, that she's actually actively working with people and bringing people to this practice who she wants as her students and as to be teachers in this in this field. And so I was just like, wow, this is just amazing. And then I was watching Julia and Kaya on their lives on Facebook on Fridays. And my first name is actually Caitlyn, my legal first name, but I go by Rose, because that's that's kind of who I've grown into as this wild, wacky amazing being that I am today. And she was saying, there's this girl who just got into mom's books, because I bought five lives remembered. And the last search for hidden knowledge. Those are the two first books that I started off with. And I was just so excited. And I couldn't put the books down and I was like, I need more books. Like I need to buy more books like this is amazing. And Julia said, there's this girl who just bought mom's books and just got into them. Her name is Caitlin, Caitlin, this is mom's technique. And you can come learn this too. So come join us. I could not believe it. 


I'm literally she said that on the way on the podcast 


on the live like she said that. And I literally could not believe what I was watching. So I actually recorded it on my phone and I keep it with me to this day just because it was so like I signed up for the classes that day. Sign up for the classes that de blew through level one. Started level two got my internship taken care of and now i Here i am was a level two practitioner going for her level three. So I'm on my way to 125 sessions, and it feels really good. 


Oh, that's amazing. What a remarkable story. Who gets called out directly on a on a live 


that's yeah, I could not believe it. I actually in Ibiza. I went up to Julia and I was like, hey, so I just want to go and show you this. And I showed it to her. And I said I'm Caitlin. I'm that person. And she was like, Oh my gosh, and we gave each other like a big hug and I was like your family. You Your daughter your mom has completely changed my life and I'm so thankful for you. So thank you for everything. 


That's amazing. Yeah, that was amazing. So pretty wild. 



Coming full circle with that. 


Yeah, I mean, people talk about doors coming through and sessions or, you know, things happening. But that is pretty straightforward in your face like, 


yes, yeah. Go ahead and do in sessions. I have the chills right now again, she's here with us all the time. She's very protective of her work, she's very loving with her work. If a practitioner ever needs any help, you can call and allow us to come through and to help or to help guide any way that you need. I remember I was sitting there reading her books, and I was like, Doris, like you, you're so bad, like, you're so cool. Like, you're such an inspiration. I love your work. And she kind of giggled and laughed, and she goes, Well, you're next. And I was like, What? What do you mean? What, what do you mean? And then, through my sessions, I found out that I'm supposed to be working on books. And so that's what she kind of meant by your next because here I am loving her books. And now I'm being told that I need to get this information out there. And now I'm starting my book. So it's kind of crazy how that all works. 


That's amazing. That's amazing. Let's just go into your books, what what are your focus of your books gonna be? That sounds fascinating. Yeah, so 


I'm working on a couple different books right now. My first book is called 25. And counting, and that goes over my internship, I just want to kind of, yeah, I just want to kind of give other practitioners kind of like a play by play of how it happened for me, and the possibilities that could be for them. And for people that are interested in this work, it's a nice way to kind of nice little segue, you know, because the sessions really do take off. So the different places that I've been the different things that we've been able to do for people. So that's pretty cool. And then my second book is gonna be called going under. And that's my personal experiences of me being put under, so that people can really get a kick launch view of the different things that I was just kind of submerged in, which was just amazing. I mean, the first time that I was put under, I got to see where my soul comes from. And I got to see the beginning of the universe. And that was just absolutely amazing. And it really puts a whole new understanding of Let there be light when the source rips through. And it's just wow, wow, to be able to see the beginning, like the Big Bang, the big everything that was just mind blowing. And that was just incredible. So I can't wait to share more of that with people. And then my third book series, it's actually gonna be series, that's going to be to infinity and beyond. And that's going to talk about me going from the 26 sessions up to the 125, that I need to be level three.


Awesome. So have you already signed up to do the level three training or is that low on the roadmap. 


So to even sign up for the level three, you have to have 125 sessions completed. So I'm still on my way to the 125 sessions. I've completed 40 sessions. I'm very thankful and grateful for you on him down and working on him as I go. 


So, two questions. Had you done any kind of hypnosis or past life regression before starting to do this work? Either just recreationally or as part of your, your work? Or tell me a little bit about your history? Like, yeah, 


absolutely. So I have not had any hypnosis experience whatsoever. I just have a big yearning and love for helping others. I love, love, love, love helping others. It's literally my favorite thing to do. I think that's what really pulled me to tarot and Oracle being able to help different people on their journey and being able to give them different advice as to what they could be looking for what they needed to hear things of that nature. And, yeah, I just, I just love helping people. And I think that's what you need the most to be a successful practitioner is to genuinely want to help others because doing this work, not only you're helping others, you're helping yourself as well, you learn so many different things about yourself about others, you know, we're all students are all teachers, and then you help aid the Earth, which then helps aid the universe, which then helps save the multiverse. So it's just this golden butterfly effect. And I'm just so stoked to be a part of it. I used to be a circus performer. So I used to be like a stilt walker, metal grinder, fire thrower, things of that nature. And I feel like now I'm just moving into another level of performing another level of energy work, you know, because I really got to learn how to use energy, work with energy, being able to amplify it and now I get to do it in an even more impactful way. You know, I love being able to create a safe space for people to be themselves. And now I really get to do that with this work. So it just makes me just burst with excitement and happiness. 


I think you nailed exactly what this work does, which is it allows people to fully trust and be there. So be themselves. So going back to the question about trust, I don't think you can have an effective session, unless you trust the person guiding you through the session. And sometimes we get people who have, we'll just I'll just totally call it out. Sometimes people come in because they've had different experiences that people don't believe. So I think one of the most important things is that you a trust the person who's leading your session, and because hypnosis, my opinion, is hypnosis has gotten such like, bad PR, I'll call it because of all the stage hypnosis that has gone on that all of the goodness that hypnosis can do has kind of been

put by the wayside. And so the other part of what you said that I loved was that, you know, there's a lot of people who have had different experiences in life, and they come to us looking for those answered questions to be answered. And so we have to create a loving bubble for people to come into and be able to share these things that they want answers to, because they get a lot of pushback in the normal world. Oh, absolutely, 


absolutely. I know that before each and every session that I have, I actually call upon my super conscious and super conscious of the client that's coming in, I let them know, you know, we're gonna be working with so and so today, we're very excited, we're here to get all the answers that they need, we're here to get whatever healing they need. We're here to see whatever they need to see in order to help them on this lifetime now, and in this lifetime now. So I always set up a very beautiful space, you know, the interview, always takes a nice allotted amount of time, usually about two, two and a half hours. Some have gone on even longer than that, you know, and I mean, you get to talking with someone, and you create that safe space for them to really just bloom, you know, and then oh, it just comes out, everything starts rolling and going the way it's supposed to. And I think a huge part of this work is not only trusting and finding the right practitioner for you, but also trusting yourself and allowing yourself to open up your heart and your mind, so that you can experience everything that you need to experience today, because your se brought you to me for a reason you came are coming here for a reason. And we're going to find all of that out as soon as we get down there. And it has just been an incredible experience every single time. 


Yeah, that that your higher consciousness always gives you what you need. I've found that with every session that I've had my own and other people's it's just, it's never too much. It's never been absolutely, 


absolutely. And even when a person is seeing or experiencing something that might be very traumatic or might be very difficult, and they kind of start to bring themselves about a hypnosis, I let them come up. We talked about it for a bit. And when I just remind them, hey, you wouldn't see anything that you weren't meant to today. So let's go ahead and get back down there. Let's see what else we're supposed to see. And then let's get some questions answered. Let's go ahead and see why we're seeing it and why it was important for you to go through today. 


Right, right. And there's so much healing in that so much. And then just seeing that you don't have to necessarily like experience it through the session. Just the seeing of it and acknowledging it can just dissipate. So much of what people hang on to.


Oh, yeah, absolutely. That past life recipe, baby. Oh, it's there. I know whenever anyone brings up like a like a phobia or a fear or that they like strongly dislike something I'm like, Okay, I'm like, scribble, scribble, scribble, I'm gonna write that down. And then we'll see when it comes up. Because little it's good. Yeah. 


Yeah, where'd that come from? Let's find out. So have you found it all? I'm asking everybody. That's because I find this fascinating. Have you found that you have a or, or are going through a phase where you have a typical kind of person coming in? Or if you found that you're getting certain types of people at certain times, and then it leaves out? What's your experience been with the 


sessions? Interesting that you asked that. I have been getting a lot of a lot of healers, a lot of healers, a lot of people that are supposed to be healing others in this lifetime. A lot of people that are supposed to be accepting their powers and being able to use them to help the earth and the collective at this time. Those are probably a lot of the most consistent people that end 

up coming through to me and a lot of these different people end up either becoming Reiki practitioners or they're becoming energy workers or they've become acuity chi practitioners themselves. So it is, it's been absolutely incredible. So that's, that's what I'm finding to be the norm really, and I'm so excited. You know, we're just activating others awakening others and, you know, getting those spiritual little boots on the ground. You know what I mean? So it's exciting. Yeah. 


Yeah, because we can't give everybody sessions all the time. 


Yeah, exactly. There is another limit dance for everybody, like there's enough abundance for everybody. And especially as these as these natural technologies are becoming the norm, there's going to be natural technology like practices where you can go in, get a chiropractor, you know, get an adjustment, get a massage, get some light work done, you can come in, you can have a session, you know what I mean, there's going to be all of these different things are going to be, you know, people are getting away from the hospitals and the medicine and all of that kind of stuff, and then moving more towards the natural, which is so exciting, because it's actually brought up in one of my sessions is that humans have all the technology that they need within themselves, we have the ability to heal ourselves, we have the ability to heal others and the earth, we just need to be able to understand how to do that and activate that within ourselves. And all of these ancient practices have been dormant for about 20 727,000

years. So now everyone's starting to wake up, everyone's starting to get the little, the little Maya practitioner, she calls it the Ring of Fire. That's what she calls it, where people are getting the soreness in their third eye and the soreness in their crown. It's like all of these activations and upgrades, they are happening, they are coming in hot. You know, if you're waking up feeling extra tired, it's because your your soul is running around doing a bunch of work in the astral realm and getting stuff done getting ready for these big changes. So just know that you're not alone. You're waking up, and it's all happening. So it's exciting. That's exciting time to be alive. 


Yeah, I agree. I completely agree. What I'm loving seeing is that there's so many of these centers, that I'll call them wellness centers, but they're including sound healing, they're including biofeedback, they're including hypnosis, and Qh HT and it's like, so normal now. Yeah. Whereas back in the day, it was kind of like you're doing. Yeah, now it's kind of like, oh, yeah, I totally went to hypnosis 


last week thing that's really exciting me right now is human design. Human Design is such a cool concept. And now that that is coming out, and it's becoming more well known. It's like, people were kind of dabbling at first with their astrology, science and figuring out how that incorporate into their lives. And now they're getting the exact specifics. And it is so cool, too. Because in another one of my sessions, we got to go where souls are created. And that was absolutely incredible, not just like people being born, but souls being actually created one of my clients, she was one of the directors on that realm and that plane. And so right now souls are currently being created near Sirius A, and because that's where source is still ripping through because it's, it's closest to where source is. And they use sound, frequency and vibration in order to create each individual soul, which also has to do with human design and astrology, all of these different aspects rolled into one, or what creates each splinter of these different souls, which is just so exciting. So when people are like, Oh, human designer, like oh, like, what do you have to say about that? Yeah, what tell me what do you 


have you done your chart? 


I have not. I've only looked at two aspects of it. But I'm super excited to get into it. Oh, I'm 


excited for you to see it. I'm a I'm a generator for one. So I'm my my numbers are a little rare, I guess. An investigator networker, so it's it? Yeah. It's really interesting. It's super fascinating. And then once you go into human design, then take the next step and go, have you heard of

And then once you go into human design, then take the next step and go, have you heard of the gene keys? 


Oh, this is so cool. See, we're all students and teachers. Yeah. Wheezing. This is 


it's it's amazing. It's mind blowing. So yeah, yeah. So good. 


I could not wait. I cannot wait. See, I'm 


glad that you're looking into it. 


I totally am. Because I'm just so interested because I've noticed when I write things down, they happen. It's really, 


you must be a manifester. If you're a manifester, I 


think it was a manifester generator. is what I think it's a manifesting generator. Yeah, I think that's what I said. So I'm just like, Oh, I'm so excited. This makes like a lot of sense. Like, I need to get a whole vision board going because we're about to make magic happen. I love it. I love it. 


So where are you? I have so many questions for you. So um, where are your clients coming from? Are they just finding you on the QHT site? Do you have website up but how are you approaching this?


So I'm currently going to be working on a website, which I'm super excited about. But right now people are finding me through the Find a practitioner on the QHT website. People are finding me through word of mouth through other people that I've actually had sessions for. And people are finding me through Instagram. So that's really exciting. I'm on Instagram Miss Rosie Posie mi SS R O S i e p o Sae. And people have been just finding me through there. messaging me on there and then emailing me straight from those different things because I post messages for the collective that I received during my sessions. I post about my sessions and I also post my different tarot and Oracle readings on there as well. So a lot of people have been finding me through that, which is just really exciting and really cool. And then I've also been finding people through what I call my muggle job right now. I'm, I'm a server. And so I would just be serving and then I just get pulled to talk to people about you know, my sessions and my experiences. This just happened to this was so freakin cool. I had these two guests come in. They were super awesome. You know, they were great. There's their energy was just Oh, chefs kisses. It really was It was amazing. And something told me, you know, tell me about Ibiza. Tell us about Ibiza. And I was like, okay, so then I told them, and I told them, you know, oh, I do this, I do this Hypno this hypnotist kind of work. This is what it does. This is kind of what we do. And the guy goes, you know, there's this really cool lady that I listened to all the time, honey, you know who she is. Her name is Dolores Cannon. And not just the way it works. I freaked out. And I look at him and I put my hand on his arm and I go, I practice the lorises technique. I practice QE tht. We all have our eyes just flooded with tears, all of us had chills. We all just kind of broke down for a little moment there right in the restaurant. And he was like, I've been looking for this. And now here you are literally telling me this. I told him about my sessions and how much they cost. And he goes, I don't think it's a coincidence that I'm literally selling something today for $2,500. Because I know what I'm going to do with that money. He's like, I'm definitely going to book you for a session. And so that was just brilliant. So I've actually gotten some clients through my serving job just being pushed to talk about it with people or sometimes people will be like, so what else do you do? Because I can just tell you do something else. And then we just start chit chatting. And then boom, there we go. Then I have a couple sessions. So it's all just the universe Dolores, you know, our guides all bringing us together. 


Oh, I love that. I love those stories. Because you get what you need. exactly when you need it. Right? Yeah, yeah. So speaking of a beat that a Betta was two weeks ago. 


Just about Yeah, just about Yeah. 


Yeah, yeah. And how was it? It was like the big European QA JHT meetup. I'm sure it was amazing. Oh, my God. It was.


It was the trip of a lifetime. It was absolutely phenomenal. I was actually told in my personal session that I had probably about two weeks before I left for Ibiza. I was told in my session where I was put under that. This was a trip that was specially curated for me for my soul. I was meant to be here. I needed to be here. Oh, God, they told me that you are going to be meeting with people that you have been working with for lifetimes, and it's gonna be very important for you. And I was like, wow, how exciting. Then, a client that I had who's now cutie She in turn, I'm super proud. We're super excited for her. I had a session with her. And it was her first time going under. And they let me know in her session. They're like this trip is going to be so important for you. You're going and I had not told her I was going on a new trip. I had not talked to her about Spanner. IVs. I had not told her anything. I had not told her anything. And then she's like she literally sat up in the bed and looked at me and says and you're going to Spain soon with her eyes closed and full hypnosis. You're going to Spain soon you're going to have us assume she's like this is going to be very important for you. You're going to be beating with your star family. Your star sister is Sara. Sara calls me so that was really exciting. And she goes and you're going to be working with souls that you have been working with for lifetimes. This is your soul family. These are your people from your star family. This is going to be very important for you. Also letting me know that I'd be working more with the QA ght family, I'd be working more with the organization. The I'm going to be learning a lot from Suzanne Spooner, who I already feel like I do. You know, I watched her sessions. I pay attention to her. I just think she's like one of the coolest freakin people on the planet. And when they're saying you're gonna be learning a lot from her, you're gonna be working with her. I just was like, wow, this is so freakin cool. And then they told me that I needed to go sit in a chapel while I was there. And they said that this crapple holds a special frequency and vibration that you need to interact with while you're there. And I had asked Well, what chapel they said you'll know, you'll know which one they always do that don't that you'll know. And you know what, and every single time that they've said that kind of thing. I've always been able to find out. I was sitting in because one night I wanted to spoil myself while I was there so I got a suite for one night that I was there. And this girl is like oh this one sweets available. My favorite one has the best view. We'll put you in this one for the night. I was like, thank you so much. I'm so excited. I love it. Love it, love it. So I went, and I stayed in the room, I taken a shower and this beautiful like stone and bamboo shower, which was just gorgeous. And then I'm laying on the bed looking out the window with the view. And I'm like, I had such a beautiful building. And I was like, wait a minute, wait a minute. It was the freakin chapel. It was the chapel. So I actually like hyped on up there that day, I went in there. And I put my hands on the marble altar that was in there. And my hands were like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, they were vibrating all throughout my arms all throughout my hands. And I was like, whoa. And then I just sat there for a bit. And I took it all in. And I breathed it all and hung out there for a while. And then I went about my business. And it was just absolutely incredible. So 


amazing. Did you get any sense of what what was being downloaded to you? Or do you just know that 


while I was on my way, because you have to walk up the floor, you have to hike up the whole floor. And I looked it up on Google Maps and Google Maps wanted to take me all this crazy way.

floor. And I looked it up on Google Maps and Google Maps wanted to take me all this crazy way. And something came into me my higher self, my guides came to me and they said Put that away, Your soul knows where to go. Just go. And I was like, okay, okay, so I put my maps away. I walked up I just started hiking up and I was just like an all the tourists are kind of going this other kind of way. I was like, I've been told to go this way. I'm gonna go this way. So I went up that way. And then I came across these gorgeous overlooks were like outlooks, the entire ocean, the harbor. And I was told this is where you're going to relax and eat your chocolate croissant and drink your coffee. And I was like, Okay, this isn't a bad spot for breakfast. This is amazing. 


That sounds like a perfect Spanish morning. 


So I'm sitting there with my little croissant and my coffee. And I'm just sitting there enjoying, and then I just get this huge wave over me. And it was, you've been here before, you used to sit here and look out over the ocean wanting and knowing that there was more. And now here you are completing the cycle. Because not now do you only know that there's more you're working to actively activate it and bring it here to Earth during this time. And I just started sobbing. I just started sobbing there eating my dog or saw drinking my coffee, just sobbing looking over the ocean and just enjoying everything. And then I ended up posting you know, a video on Instagram, and I ended up posting on my Facebook as well. Just letting people know, follow your heart, follow your dreams, you know, you're gonna end up exactly where you need to end up at the perfect time. You know, just do it, you know, and do those little things that make you afraid because I was afraid to get on a plane for that long. I was afraid to travel to a country by myself. I had never done that before. I had never traveled to another country like that before. And then boom, here I am doing it making it happen. God over those fears. And my gods keep telling me it's like the first of many. So first of many, this is what you've been looking for. This is what you've been working for. Do it. Oh my gosh, yeah. Then I just followed my heart and soul walking up to this way. And I found just this beautiful way. And they were like this is this is the way you'd walk up into the fort. Every day when you lived here. This is the way you went. So there you go. And it led me right up to the chapel. So that was 


really cool. Did you have any indication of what that past life was? Were you male or female? Were you cleric or 


anything tells me I was I was a woman. I'm not quite sure what else but I know that I worked up in the fort. So that's what it feels like. It feels like I worked up in the fort. So I'd have to go up there all the time. But while I was sitting in the chapel, I was looking at the way that the chapel was made. And if you kind of look at all of the like geometry, and all of the different shapes of the chapel, you can see where this energy point energy center light comes down into the

chapel and into the altar. So what kind of comes through to me is this is like an energy center. This is like this is a place where a lot of the energy and possibly where even the ley lines of the earth kind of connect. And this is where a lot of this energy comes down. And that's what you were feeling on the altar. Was all of that raw just source energy going through this building. So 


that makes me wonder. I was just discussing this with some other Qh HT practitioners. So since you've started experiencing Qh HT yourself and then also sharing it with others, how has it changed your perspective on life? Or how has it changed how you approach every day? What's What's it given to you? Because it sounds like it's given you a lot like a new trip and being kind of fearless. 


Yeah, absolutely has you know this work has encouraged me to love myself. This work has encouraged me to fully walk in my power. This work has encouraged me to completely follow all of those little voices that have led me to where I am today. You know, sometimes you'll hear like a little something like you need to be doing this today. And then you're like, Okay, you go do it. And then you wind up meeting someone who you were absolutely supposed to meet, or someone you're absolutely supposed to run into. When I first started getting into this work, and especially when I started practicing this technique, I was actually married in a karmic relationship. And we were coming up on three years and ended up getting very the higher that I rose and frequency of vibration in light. The more to shoveled the more dark, the more violent that this other being my old partner began to really kind of, you know, come apart and started to really take it out on me. And I knew that I needed to get out of there, that this work truly helped me do that this work truly helped me not discredit myself, not be afraid. I mean, this work, really, it was like, you were doing this all for a reason you're going through this for a reason. And it is time to choose you and it's time to love yourself. I actually started to develop a tumor in my right breast towards the end of this relationship. And it got so big and so painful that I almost went to go call up and make an appointment with the doctors. But then something told me my higher self told me you need to do this on your own. You need to do this on your own. You're capable of doing this on your own. And I remember looking at my partner and telling him, I need to do this on my own. He's like, You are crazy. He's like, You need help, like you need, you need all this intervention. He's like, You need help. And I was like, No, I don't. So then I went to had my first session where I was put under, they let me know that the tumor was the size of a golf was the size of a baseball was the size of the baseball, it was getting very, very, very big. But that's where I also found out that I wasn't allowed to have a QE ght session and be healed of these different things like other people, because my settings are on hard. We asked why that was. And they said oh, she chose that she likes a challenge. She chose that setting before she came into this lifetime, which blew my mind. Because whenever we're playing video games and things like that, I would always choose the hard setting for whatever reason. Now I understand why I'm like, That's funny, you guys are funny. And they told me that I needed to feel it on my own. And in order to heal on my own, I needed to nurture myself and not help others to my detriment. Because I was busy filling up my partner's cup, I was busy filling up his family's cup, I was busy filling up everyone else's cup, to my detriment, so that I wasn't serving myself, I wasn't nurturing myself, because the breast is nurture. It's how we nurture. It's how we nurture ourselves. And it was the right breast. So this current lifetime. And

so that's when I really, really, really went ahead started loving myself got out of that abusive marriage got out of that abusive relationship, moved out on my own continued with this work. And just every single session brought me so much life and brought me so much knowledge, and just so much grace and love for myself on my journey. And it got smaller and smaller and smaller. And now I just have a little piece of it. And make sense, I'm so keep this little piece of it. Because if I ever start doing that, again, they're going to make it hurt. Because that's how I know that I'm again helping others to my detriment, and I need to knock that off. So I'm very thankful and grateful for that whole experience. I'm very thankful and grateful for that, that little lump of a little lump. It's still a little bit with me, but it's you know, it's my teacher helps me learn more about myself more about others, and it's helped me learn more about my journey. So we really do have the power to heal ourselves, you know, we truly do, we just need to kind of listen to what's going on and what's wrong. And then we have to know and believe and feel that we can do it and just do the work. And sometimes it's not even about doing the work. It's just about believing and loving yourself. So 


now I agree with that I have this ongoing question within myself, not just we come into these lives, accepting challenges. And so I always find it so interesting. When someone comes in, they have a cue HHT session and they sit in, you know, we asked the higher self, can you heal this? And they're like, nope, she's gotta go through that or Nope, he's got to work, you know, gotta go through the process of that. So it's I love the stories where it's like, okay, this is why it happened. That's, this is where it's going. I mean, that can be full healing in one session that can be you need to go through this process. So I love those stories. 


A client of mine. She came through and she wanted new teeth. She wanted new teeth. I was very excited to go ahead and get these answers for her and go underneath and so while we were under, they said we could regenerate her teeth, all of her teeth right now in this session. But first off, she doesn't believe this Paul Trouble, she thinks she needs other people and dentists intervention for it, she believes she needs to pay 1000s of dollars to make this happen. They go to, she's never eaten a vegetable in her entire life. This woman was in her 50s. She had never eaten a vegetable her entire life. And two needs to stop smoking. They said what we'll do for her now is to work on her belief system, we will pump fresh oxygen through her gums, her teeth will begin to fall out. And if she follows through with this work by drinking more water, eating more fruits and vegetables, staying away from the junk food, and doing the things that she needs to do. Her teeth will continue to grow back. So the last time that I saw this individual, her teeth had already began to fall out. So I'm very excited for her on her journey. 


Oh, yeah. Wow. And she had input she had put in those changes that she wanted to make. 35:57


Whenever I get to know in a session, I always ask, Well, why, why can't this happen right now? And they'll be like, Oh, well, this person needs to get us to speak their truth. Once this person begins to speak their truth, we'll be able to help them with their thyroid. Or if they say, you know, No, we cannot do that. Like, okay, well here that we can't do that right now. So what more does this person need to do in order to get this process started? What does this person need to do? And then boom, then they'll say, Oh, well, this person needs to do this, this, this and this, and this, and then this will start to happen. I'm like, Can we get a timeline of when? Yeah, 


I love the timelines. Yeah. 


Because as humans in our concept of time, right, so. 


So it's gonna take like, two hours or like eight weeks. Last week, I had a client it was eight weeks. 


Yeah, yeah. A client with mine with allergies. Her allergy stemmed from her past life in Egypt. She was a priestess for Bastet. And she would make perfumes for sick people. Because in Egypt, if you looked if you smelt sick, because of the plague, and because of things like that, they were very wary of the plague. So there was actually this temple. And within these pyramids, within these temples, there's multiple temples. And I believe the temple was for Sekhmet, I need to double check on that. But this was a darker room. And they actually had connection to the Nile from this temple from the specific room in the temple. And there are alligators and crocodiles in this room, and they would actually feed the sick people to these crocodiles and to these alligators, and that's why the Nile ran red sometimes was because those were all the sick people, babies, people had the plague that were there. So these priests and priestesses though these priestesses, they would make these perfumes and things that would make people's not smell sick, to kind of help them out with that. And this person felt like she had failed best at in this lifetime. And so that's why she was having this allergies as a way to remind her, and it was like a shame almost. It was like a like a shame that she carried for lifetimes. And so they said as she continues to do this, and Bastet actually came into the session. And she's like you didn't you didn't fail me. She's like, you still got your power with those scents because this this client actually makes candles in this lifetime. And she channels different gods and goddesses into these candles and makes intention candles as well. And past that was like, you still got it. You still an amazing priestess, she's like you need to let that go and lift that and get rid of that. Because you are this amazing being and you did not fail me.

And so now the client, they said they gave her three months that her allergies would be lifted. And she's her allergies are actually already lifting, which is just absolutely incredible. So that's really cool. 


It can be that simple, right? That's what's crazy. That simple. 


Yeah, literally literally just like some people, they punish themselves for different things that have happened in their lifetime. And it's beautiful that they get to come and experience this work and be able to fully let go of them so that they can be on their highest timeline so that they can be where they truly do want to be. So that's really exciting. I love this work. 


I detail. It's fascinating every single time. 


Every single time. I mean, literally now I'm always wondering why they said the Nile ran right? And I'm like, Oh my gosh, now I know why this makes so much so 


it sounds like you're having some really powerful sessions. Yeah. Very thankful. Very grateful. So tell me more about a beat that Did you learn anything fun, anything in particular that you came back with your that expanded you? 


So Sarah calls me was actually put under in front of everybody. And it was an incredible experience? Because as she was speaking about this lifetime, I'm just sitting there listening to her in the audience and I just start crying. I'm just starting to cry. I have the chills all over my body. I was very, very, very emotional. And I could not figure out why I felt like I was there. Especially on the last day of the life. It was during the ice age. And it was when multiple people from the tribe were just dying because it was too cold couldn't handle it, it was way too cold. It was a very abrupt change in the environment, the polls had shifted. I just really started sobbing at that point, like I already knew what was happening as it was happening, it was just very intense. And then we find out that the collective people in that room, the souls that were in that room, we have all been working together for over 800,000 years together. So we all come back in multiple lifetimes to view with each other, and to help the Earth and the universe, raising the vibrations everywhere that we go, and we go all together. So that was absolutely incredible.

And it also explained why I do not like the cold. It explains why I do not like the snow, um, I always like had been afraid of it almost. It was just wild. And I lived in Minnesota for about eight years. And I would always get Onya I would get pneumonia every single winter. And it's because of that lifetime that I had where I died in the snow and extreme cold. So that was just absolutely fascinating learning and coming together. And it was just wild. Because as you were going around looking at people, you would just look in their eyes, and you knew that you knew them. You knew that you knew them. And you didn't know where and then we started talking about some of our different past life experiences. And then we all just kind of started connecting the dots with each other like oh my god, oh my god, oh my God, oh, my god, oh my god. And it was just an amazing experience. And we learned there that we are activators of the five d, we got to experience this five d frequencies and vibrations while being all with each other again. And now that we're all spread out again, because we people from all over the world came like people represented all over the map, we were all brought together to really unify, build up this 5g frequencies and energies. And then now we're supposed to go back and hold these charges in place where we are. Because we're not only bringing it here and affecting others, but we're actively activating it here on the planet. It was really hard leaving one another. Like that last day, it was very emotional. Because it felt like we were all really, really, really hold their, like, everything just felt so hold there. So when we started seeing people leave out the door, it felt like little pieces of my heart, were just leaving kind of. But I know that we're all going to be with each other again, I know that it was important for us all to be with one another. And I also strongly feel this is based off intuition. I feel that we were all really brought together before a lot of the 3d festivities kind of kick off here on earth. All of the 3d distractions, what I like to call them the 3d Circus, if you will. I feel like we were really brought together to really reinforce those 5g vibrations and then come and continue to bring them here because we are the beacons in the storm. We are the lighthouses in the storm, people will look to us for help, and for knowledge and for reassurance and confirmation. And I'm very honored to be part of that. 


It sounds like an amazing experience. I'm jealous. I wish I was going to be able to go but maybe next year that sounds so fun. 


Oh my gosh, like 10 out of 10 recommends like I cannot wait to be back. Yeah, absolutely. All the adventures you had together all the adventures we got to have on our own. I actually did three sessions over there while I was there. And that was incredible, 


because three sessions where you are the client or three sessions that you gave, or when I gave vice versa. Yeah, 


nine sessions that I gave. And the first person actually does session for so when you first got

nine sessions that I gave. And the first person actually does session for so when you first got there, you got a little name tag, like for the first day we were there. And then you picked a name out of the bowl. And then you opened it and you had to go like find that person and like go talk with them. It was like a cute little icebreaker kind of thing. And the woman who got me, she wasn't a practitioner. She was just someone who felt called to come. So she came to come check it out. And she had my name, she had rose, and she also had rose earrings on. So of course that was amazing, right? And we just start talking and you know, she's told me that she felt like she's just been alone. She's like one of the first wavers. She's one of the people who literally first started to come into this earth to start talking about these different things. So she's gone through a lot of different traumas, a lot of different you know, 3d thickness, okay, like a lot of it. I just let her know right then in there. I said, Hey, if you want to have a session with me while I'm here, I'd be happy to give you a session. And she was like, I don't know if I'm ready for that. I don't know if I'm ready for that. I was like, Well, when you are you come find me and I'll give you 120 minutes later she comes in fight. 


So she went to a QA JHT gathering and had never had a session but For even, she just felt called to go 


yes. 20 minutes later, she comes up to me, she goes, Okay, I'm ready for the session. I was like, awesome, you got it. So we did her session. And it was absolutely phenomenal. It was one of the most intense sessions I've actually ever done. It was very intense, a lot of releasing needed to happen during the session. And we found out during the session that it had to be done by me, because I was one of the practitioners there that could handle the intenseness of the session, all say, at one point, her body was just kind of contorted into all these kind of crazy shapes. And I was very concerned for her physical body. And I call the superconscious. Forward and the superconscious. They know what you're thinking what you're going through as the practitioners pursuing the session. And at one point, I was like, I don't know if her physical body can handle this much trauma and this much release. And this much intensity, I was very concerned, I've never been concerned like that in the session before. I was very, very concerned. And I've seen a lot of crazy kind of different things throughout the sessions. But this, this was traumatic, this was intense, this was very heavy. And the conscious mind was just very protective of this individual. Because her light had already been put out so much, and it was very dim. And so the conscious mind was just very protective and distrusted others from trying to put out her light. And I was sitting there very concerned and the superconscious goes, Rose, you need to continue with the session. If you stop the session now, and leave her alone, she will commit suicide. And that was very heavy for me. That was very intense. I was thinking in my head at that point. Okay, I'm just going to like a warrior wave came over me, I flicked my hair back. And I was like, oh, and I just got really in there. Because I was like, Oh, right. I was like, We don't want any harm to come to her physical body. We don't want any harm to come to her emotional or mental state. This is what we need to do. And we breathe in all of this amazing energy. And we kept releasing, we breathe in and we breathe out. And her superconscious said, Thank You rose, thank you. They said just as a cupboard full of things. You need to empty it out before you put more stuff in. And I thought that was just absolutely beautiful. I was like, I will never look at a cupboard the same way again. Okay. So we just continue to breathe and all this divine energy, breathe out and release, breathe in, breathe out.

And the superconsciousness let me know, thank you rose, she needs to go slow. And I said, I got all the time in the world for you. I'm here for you guys. I'm here for the client. I'm very thankful and grateful. And they said, We know you rose. And that's why we love you so much. And that was just incredible. So we go throughout the session, and then she starts we answer some of her questions. But again, it was very intense. So we had to kind of slow down a little bit again, breathe in and breathe out, breathe in and breathe out. And then then she actually went under hypnosis started doing this, like, first things that come to mind is ancient tribal energy release stance. And she's doing all of these movements. And you can feel the energy in the room. And you can just see all of this energy leaving her body. And then I see the shadows kind of in the corner of the room, leave out the door. And that was like I was like, Whoa, there's more confirmation that this energy is leaving, and it's being pushed out. Our guides or guardians are all here in the session. They're all here making this all happen for this individual. And then she sweeps out over the left and, and she sweeps out over the right and whoo. And then she looks at me takes energy out and who and it was incredible. And then the SEC comes forward and says all right, Rose. Now you're just gonna sit here, and you're just gonna talk to her. Just talk to her. And I'm thinking in my head. What am I supposed to talk to her about? I'm like sitting here processing this whole session like and then she just and I kept the recording going because we always give recording to our clients. So I kept the recording going because I thought that this was a very important part as well was us just talking and she comes forward. And she's still under hypnosis, you can still see her eyes are very glossy, you can still see that she's very much still under hypnosis. And she just starts asking me all these questions and I just start answering them and I just start talking about my life experiences. And we just went back and forth for a good maybe two hours or so we just went for a good a good time a good talk well We were just chit chatting. And I told her you know, I said, you know, I'm really sorry, we didn't get all of your questions answered. She had a pretty pretty hefty list of questions. But she looked at me and she goes, you've answered every one of my questions here with us talking now. She thinks me a ton. And then she said, You know what, I really want to go roll some tobacco. Is that okay, that I do that? I said, Yeah, of course, you know, so you go ahead, get your things, Mimi outside, all induced the key words, I'll pull you all the way up. And then we'll, we'll keep talking. So we go outside, we do that. I bring her all the way up. And she's just looking at me with tears in her eyes, so much love in her eyes, so much life in her eyes. And she goes, You know what, I haven't done this in a very long time. But I need to do it now. And she gets on her hands and her knees and she bows down to me. And I was just like, oh my god, like, because I was wondering in my head. How am I supposed to know, when enough time has happened? How am I supposed to know that I can leave knowing that this session was completed to the best of my ability, and to the best of the client's ability. And when she did that, I knew at that point in time that it was done. And I put my hands on her back. And I just put a bunch of white light into her body. And then I went down on my hands in my knees, and I picked her up and I just held her. And I just told her that she's not alone anymore. And then I'm always here. It was amazing. After that, the spark and zest of life was back for her and the spark of light was just back in her eyes. And then she actually had another session with another practitioner while being there. And they let her know that because of the release with Rose, you were able to have this amazing session today. And she got to see all of these incredible things in that session that she was able to really take in with an open mind and an open heart because of the releasing that we did in that session. So you know, you never know what's gonna happen. But that's a big one. Yeah, yeah, it was definitely a big, and what a learning moment, 


what a learning moment. So I want to clarify a couple things. Delores Cannon's first wave of

what a learning moment. So I want to clarify a couple things. Delores Cannon's first wave of volunteers. She has indicated through her hypnosis, that there are three waves of volunteers and the first wave were earlier, like the photos, and they're a group who have come to earth to raise the vibration, and to allow and make the path for the second wave and the third wave. And the third wave is what we're seeing now with the children, younger children who, you know, are just those indigo children, those rainbow children, the ones who just want to love everybody. So that's what a first wave is. So I just wanted to explain that real quick. And then also, I want to clarify that everything, you're talking about everything she's telling you, that's all coming from her, you are not feeding her this information. It's coming spontaneously from her higher self. So if anybody on the podcast is confused, Rose, in the session merely was asking questions, guiding, putting her into the hypnosis, all of all of the things that that rose just shared was all perfectly aligned and came through that client. Yeah, you know, and you can't make that up. Yeah, I think I say that on a weekly 


basis. I was just can't make this up. And then the second session that I had over there was like a reward session, almost. That was an also a very incredible session. And that's where I actually found out that the client that I was putting under also another not practitioner, she was there, her mother's a practitioner, so she was there supporting her mom and just kind of hanging out. And then we find out that the life that we got to experience under hypnosis was a life that her and I actually shared together. So we actually were there on this planet. And it was very avatar esque. And it was absolutely phenomenal. So that was really cool. 


That's wild, when that happens when somebody comes through with a past life, and you're like, I've been in that life before. Yeah. Was it like that? Or Did Did she actually like you were sisters or something? How did that come about? 


So it was a life. It was like a tribal fairy lifetime. And it was on this amazing planet that had all these very valuable resources. And we found out that invaders came to the planet to try to take the valuable resources that they had. We were in a full blown out war, this invader group came against the council's wishes and against the agreements that had been previously made throughout the Galactic Council. And they just wanted to clean the planet of these resources because they were very, very valuable. It was a full blown at war. And we actually use the grid lines of that planet and our magic and our connection with the animals and the other species on the planet to fight this invader species away. We found out after what was called the Great War of the planet, that not everyone had made it but we were actually at a big celebration day of her There's a marriage day of hers. And she looked around, and everyone was admiring her and loving her and giving her all of this adoration. And she looked around, and she's like Rose, Rose, everyone's here. She's like my mom, my dad, she's like, you're here, you're here, we made it, we made it. And we're here. And it was just beautiful. And so I'm very thankful and grateful that they let us experience that together. And they got to show that we were part of this really wicked lifetime together. So that was amazing. And before we actually went there,

we went to this hollowed out time of space, space and time. And it's this very, very, very energetically charged place. That's connected to all the different universes and directly connected to the Akashic records. And yeah, this is a place of healing, a place of learning, a place where galactic political matters are held and taken care of. We spoke to this brilliant being named cutshaw. And which is actually one of her other. So this is where we're gonna get to know who Here we go. So each soul is is splintered out. So you know, you could be working on another dimension and playing as a different entity. So he or she is working in this different entity as this not male, not female being it was it was, you know, there was no gender. And it was this claw like being the TA, who was very, very, very informative, very on top of it. And they spoke to us about this special place. And they actually spoke to us about how her etheric body is they're being re tethered, re grounded, rewired and worked on. And then they also said, and Rose, your body's here to, you're here to and you're also being worked on in this place. And I just said, Oh my gosh, can you tell our said, Hey, girl, and they just laughed, and they're like, well let her know, we'll let her know. So that was really cool. And they let us know about how they let us know that the eyes, the eyes are very important. And you could do so much healing work through a person's eyes. So many frequencies and vibrations are shared through our eyes. And so they said that is some of the most powerful healing work that you can do is by looking someone genuinely and lovingly and openly through the eyes. So that was just remarkable. That was just absolutely beautiful. And then they talked to us about how you know, people are being the humans are being upgraded. They're all being worked on. You know, they talked about you know, if you're waking up and feeling tuckered out, this is a beautiful, exciting time to be alive. You know, if you're waking up tired, you're doing a lot of work other where and just to be very gentle and kind to yourselves right now during all these changes. honor yourself and you're tired. honor yourself when you're being called to rest a little more or stretch a little more. Drink a little more water. honor yourself. So 


I agree. Oh, my gosh, Rose, I can't even thank you for this conversation. Amazing. It's amazing. And you're obviously well, you're doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing, which is so you can't be any more lit up. Let's just remind everybody, I'll put everything in the notes. But let's just remind everybody where they can reach you and follow you. And when's your book coming out? 


Yeah, so I'm still working on the book. There's a lot of different rearranging and getting things right and getting things particular. But I want to say it'll be out within the next year. I want to say my first book will be out within the next year, the other ones will kind of follow after that. Ashes. What a gift. What a freaking gift. So definitely, you know, stay tuned for that. You can always find me at Instagram at Miss Rosie Posie and my SSR Osae POS IE, you can catch up with me on Facebook, glowing and growing with rose. I do different lives. I'm also going to start doing lies with other practitioners as well so we can all kind of talk about our different experiences and things we've got going on. And then you can book a session with me at book a session with So it's all one word book a session with 


Thank you so much for joining us this week on the answers inside Podcast, the podcast all about quantum healing hypnosis technique, the practitioners and clients who benefit from the health and healing that it provides. If you liked this podcast, go ahead and like and subscribe on your favorite podcast player to download our weekly episodes and keep up with the stories health and healing that's happening all around the world through Quantum healing hypnosis technique. Thanks so much. See you next week.