The Answers Inside

Demystifying Past Lives and Quantum Healing with Tracie Mahan

Mindi Hill Season 1 Episode 3

Welcome friends, to an enlightening conversation where we unmask the mysteries of the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHT) with our special guest, Tracie Mahan. Tracie, a gifted QHT Level 3 practitioner, unfolds her intriguing journey into the realm of QHHT, sparked by a personal loss. Through her compelling narrative, she discloses how her gift of dream analysis helped her understand her past lives and their influence on her current existence. Brace yourselves as we traverse the fascinating landscapes of past lives, timelines, and energies that shape our reality.

Diving deeper into our exploration, we broach the concept of déjà vu, delve into synchronicities, and ponder over the energies that govern our world. From the echoes of different timelines influencing our daily lives to the incredible potential of harnessing this knowledge for a gratifying life experience, Tracie's insights offer a treasure trove of wisdom.

As we bid adieu to this enlightening journey, Tracie explains how understanding and embracing QHHT can bestow a sense of liberation and offer a larger perspective on life. Don’t miss out on her advice on explaining QHHT to those unacquainted with it. So, sit back and prepare to be enthralled by this fascinating exploration into quantum healing hypnosis.


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Mindi Hill is a certified QHHT practitioner and the host of The Answers Inside.

Subscribe to The Answers Inside on your favorite podcast platform and open yourself to the infinite possibilities of the quantum realm. Get ready to be inspired, amazed, and awakened to the remarkable power of the human mind to heal, transform, and transcend limitations.

Note: Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a real modality developed by Dolores Cannon, a pioneering hypnotherapist. It involves inducing a deep state of hypnosis to access the subconscious mind and explore past-life memories, higher states of consciousness, and facilitate healing.

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Welcome to the answers inside podcast, a podcast all about quantum healing hypnosis technique and the big life questions that it can answer for you. Things like what is my life's purpose? Why am I here? How can I heal? Quantum healing hypnosis technique was developed by Dolores Cannon with over 40 years of research. This podcast is all about talking to the practitioners and clients who experience Qh HT and their stories of health indeed. Let's jump in 


Hi, I'm Mindy Hill. I'm the host of the answers inside podcast and today I'm so grateful to have Tracy Mehan Qh HD level three practitioner to chat about Qh HT and her journey there. Hi, Tracy. Thanks for joining me today. 


I'm MB thanks for having me this exciting, I love that you're doing this. 


I am so grateful to have you on you have so much experience with Q HHT. And I can't wait to hear all the stories that you have, based on your experience. So how many years have you been doing QA? HHT? I don't really know. 


Um, I've been doing QA HHT since 2014. And I've been doing hypnosis since 2007. So, but now I'm solely in the QA HHT. And that's the only hypnosis that I do. 


And where are you located?

And where are you located? 


I'm located in Oregon, my offices in Forest Grove, Oregon, if anyone wants to Google that, but that. Yeah, so I'm in a little town outside of Portland. And it's a beautiful, kind of It's a town but it's got a lot of trees and beautiful area. So I love it out there. 


I actually know Forest Grove because I went to school there. So it's an amazing little town that's stunning. It's a quintessential Oregon town. So how did you give me a little bit of your background? How did you find que HHT? How did you find Alaris? You said you did hypnotherapy before that? So Right. Yeah. How did that progression happen? 


There's, there's so much to the story. I'll try to just kind of recap it because I know I've told this story on a lot of podcasts before. So it's like what are the highlights? So there were things that kind of were catalysts to me being on the journey to finding my way to this when we were growing up. I was 15 years old. And my brother's best friend, my older brother's best friend got killed in a car accident. He was at our house all the time. He was like a brother to me. And all of a sudden, I felt like he was in my head all the time talking to me. So you know, at 15, who knows what that is. But anyways, as that kind of progressed, you know, I have these conversations, I believe that we could do that. And so I would have conversations with him and stuff. And then as soon as I graduated from high school, I started working at a department store. And in the department store, there was a woman there that did dream analogy. And so I started keeping track of my dreams. And lo and behold, we'd always end up on break together. And so there was about three of us that we would sit there and talk about our dreams. So then then it was like, well, let's just get together at someone's house and do this so that we have more privacy with it. Because yeah, you're sitting up in a break room, and people come in and go. And so we started meeting every week in which our dreams, our dream journals. And in one of those weeks that we got together, I have three different dreams that I was sharing, and the gal sitting across from me goes, I think that's a past life, and she goes rattling off this, what she was picking up from those dreams, and I just had energy just go shooting through my body. And everything changed after that, like everything that was going on that was tumultuous or whatever, it just changed. And the stuff that I was stressing about went away. And I was just like, we I think I was about 19 When that happened and maybe 20 And I was just like, I gotta figure out how to do that, you know, how do you how do you see your past lives. So I was trying to more dream journaling and nothing else was coming in. And then I fell into doing readings mediumship that kind of stuff or colors and and the mentor that I had for that kind of was teaching me how to tune into things and I was starting to pick up past lives through readings. And, and that was having an effect on people like they were getting rid of their fear of swimming or water, fear of, of different types of things, things that were going on for him they were they were shedding all of these, these things that were happening to him. So anyways, that going forward from that I was doing it as readings past life readings. And then I was like, you know, they're not having the same experience I have with this And so I started pursuing hypnosis. And


so when you say not having the same experience, like not as in depth or like they were Oh, one and done and they didn't need to pursue it anymore healing 


for them like they were the fears were going away the phobias were going away, things were going away for them. But they weren't having that profound experience, like I had with that energy just shooting through me. But that's the way past lives work, just in case you didn't know, sometimes all you got to do is hear him. And you don't have to experience it, you just hear it, and there's something that clicks and it's like, oh, then I don't have to carry this anymore. You know, I don't have to have this conflict anymore, whatever it is. And so that was happening. But I was like, but this experience I had, I really want people to be able to have that it was so amazing. So that, then I got into the hypnosis, that was the first hypnosis course I took and it was kind of more of the clinical hypnosis, you know, the stop smoking weight loss, there was a little chunk in there about past life regression. So I took it. And I tried to focus on that. But you know, when you're getting started, you can do a lot of stop smoking and weight loss and but the every time somebody would come in with a fear or phobia, I was like, Oh, I know what this is going to be. Because this is gonna go into a past life. And I just had so much fun doing it. And I did that for a few years, you know, from 2007, till I found a Loris in 2012. I took the class. How did that go? I took the class in 2013. But it took me a little bit to get the money together. And that's because I was being a single mom, doing the thing as a single mom, but I did get to meet Dolores in 2012. Somebody gave me a little card with the Three Waves of volunteers written on it. And friend of mine, she gave it to me, she goes, I was driving to to the thing that would the event we were at she goes, I was driving here today. And I got this message that you're supposed to do this work. So of course, and I'm kind of like this lady's name. Sounds familiar. Wonder why I have one of her books on my bookshelf. got through it. Anyway, so that happened. And then a couple of months later, I got to go to Honolulu and watch her lecture with Doreen Virtue. And that was just phenomenal. And I got to do that because I have a friend that works for the airlines that helped me get there. And then her and I went to that together. And so that was really cool. Got back a couple months later, finally figured out how to take the course took the course and then got the certification had to get had to get you know how that is we got to do our intern thing before we get the certification. That's why I didn't get a official certification until I was until 2014. for that. So yeah, so I've been doing hypnosis for a long time. And past lives were my passion, because there's so much that can heal in a past life. Just seeing so much understanding of who we are why we chose these lifetimes, why we chose the person that we are the personality type that we are, the friendships we have the kind of work we do. I mean, there's just so much that you can gather from even just looking at one life, let alone several, you know, so it may be a little addiction for me. But that's where I got started. In a nutshell, that was the short story, believe it or not. And so I've been gradually working my way up I was it took me a while to get to my level two class. And that's just because of my own personal story of going through a divorce and raising three kids. And you know, there was there was a lot of healing, I had to do a lot of taking care of family and you know, working a full time job and trying to figure out how to do this in between. So now I'm here. I get to be a level three practitioner. I love it. It's my passion. I still do readings and and the channeling, but this is by far the most exciting career I've ever had. So I love it. And you


said something that that struck a chord with me you said when we look at the past lives, and I feel like sometimes people feel like looking at a past life can be very dramatic, traumatic. And what's your experience with that? Because my experience has been that it's not so not as dramatic and traumatic as what people might make it out to be. But I don't have a lot of the experience that you have. So what's been your experience with folks? 


I think people get surprised how emotionally attached they are to it. So that part can be a surprise to them that you know I get a lot of people that say oh man, I wasn't expecting to be so sad or to have that emotional reaction or to feel that love so strong. A lot of people will go into a lifetime where you know if you're having a really hard relationship and this lifetime, you get to go look at one where you didn't, where everything was beautiful, and you have this beautiful, amazing partner and the love that you had with that person. So, you know it can be, there can be some traumatic things that we go look at, it depends on what's going on in your world. But I will say this, your higher self will never show you anything you can't handle. And so if you're there, and you're seeing it, we're gonna get you through that, because you're seeing it for a reason you're ready to see it, you're ready to clear this because it's the mountain that's keeping you from having the life you desire. And to be able to feel the way you want to feel. So if you're willing to, to be strong, go through those things, you could do a lot in just a couple of hours of time. This is the one thing that was the hugest aha moment for me with past lives. Especially that first one I was telling you about the dream thing as I it could have taken me this entire lifetime to move that energy. I may have gone this whole life never understanding why I felt the way I did towards this person or that that particular event in life. And it was cleared in minutes. And then I had a total and complete compassion and understanding for why it was happening. What was going on why I felt so connected to it, it was all clear to me. And then it was like, of course, of course it has to be this way. And now I can let that happen. So it's it's to me, there's there could be lifetimes that we're saving by taking this technique and cleaning up our karmic pathways, clearing up our healing ourselves and our vibrations and why we are attracting certain things and understanding it and just start cleaning house and not be the hoarder anymore, right? We're not hoarding these things and traumas we're now starting to clean and clear it out. And it's like, Wow, that feels so good. And then when you do that, you realize also it's like now I can start manifesting and creating a different kind of life. And, you know, I get have completely done that. And I see it continuing to evolve. I still, even after doing this for so many years, I'll catch myself going, Whoa, that was a limiting thought or that was the limiting. Where's that coming from? You know, and like that's a belief system. That's not a reality. That's not real. There's always work to be done right? But we do. 


Have you ever asked yourself how many past lives? Have you ever asked her herself? How many past lives do you actually have had? 



It's almost an infinite amount because we are energy. And because of that we've had lifetimes. So I would have to narrow it down, say how many lifetimes have I had on this earth. And I even say this earth because there's other earths, there's other galaxies, there's other planetary systems. And people will go into the systems. And it's so fun to learn about how oh, we're creating these worlds so we can come in and have experiences and then we'll take those experiences. And then we'll apply it towards creating another world. And we keep working at improving these worlds and making them better and better which is what we're doing as we're moving in to divorces work of going to the five D or the New Earth is we are creating a world that doesn't have these lower dimensions and frequencies. And and we lose the fear energy and move into into that higher way of being and the telepathy no more secrets Mende no more secrets. No. 


I'm gonna know everything about everyone. 


We all will know Won't that be free? And 


timelines I keep I swear every day. I have a moment where I'm like, I know this was this way. But I'm looking it up on Google. That's not how I remember it. Or I thought I thought I saw that show. But that's not I'm 


doing that right now. 


It's just coming out now. 


I'm watching a series right now. And and I know there's a part of me that knows. I haven't seen this season. But I'm watching it going. I feel like I've seen this. And I've been doing it through the whole thing yet. I don't know what's going to happen next. But while I'm watching it, I'm like, I feel like I've seen it. I feel like I've already seen this. So yeah, Julia and I were talking about that a lot because we just got back from Colorado on a group trip and there was weird noises happening in the house. And so we were asking the higher self or you know, we're channeling in the answers of that what's happening in the house why what are these noises is

there Post in the house and they said, No, you're on three timelines while you're there, and you're going to hear the echo of the other two timelines. So what was happening is Friday mornings Julia does a show with Kaya. Right? And it was Friday morning. 


Just to clarify for people who don't know Julia is Julia can and can Dolores is Dolores, his daughter, but has helped teach Qh HT throughout the world with her mom 


and Kaya Wittenberg in her do a show on the Dolores page. I believe it is on Facebook. But we thought she was moving furniture around to get ready for the show. And she comes down the stairs and she goes, Oh, it's so nice. We're not doing the show today. And we're like, what Then why were you moving furniture around? Because I wasn't moving furniture around. We're like, Yeah, we all heard it. And it was definitely moving furniture around. It wasn't like someone walking. It was like someone dragging chairs around us. So that really got our attention. It was awesome. It totally got our attention. So we're like, what was that? And they said, that was the echo of the timeline where she did the show. And she moved the furniture around. And wow. So it was it just stuff like that, you know, we're it's not just that happened when we were all together. But it happens at my house. But this time I had people that also understood what was going on. You know, that's 


like you had people corroborating your story of your timeline. 


I have people that understand this. And so yeah, just like what you were saying. It's like, No, that wasn't that way. How many times have you guys seen a building that you're like, was that there before? Or was it that color? Or any of that? I mean, it's like, it's, it's happening all the time? Well, 


and part of me, part of me wants to say I'm just 52 and I'm just forgetting stuff, but really, it's happening so much. I'm like, I don't think that's just 52. So 


no, and yeah, I could I could play that game too. But it's it's really weird. Because the first one that I got this information from I was driving down the road in Forest Grove going to the office. And I came up to this stoplight. And I was sitting behind this pickup and I looked over and

there's this white Subaru with black trim. It was a little Outback and the lady had a dog in the car. It was a lady driving, shorter hair kind of curly. And there was a little dog in the passenger side and the window was down just enough for him to stick his head out. And he was being all 

cute. And then she goes, you know, then the light turns green, and I go. So she had just pulled up to the stop. And then it was our turn to go. So I then I drove by her. And they go around the corner. And there's your cart again. I know it's her because it it was like so surreal looking at her car. When it was at the stoplight. I was like, Wait a minute. That car should have been behind me. Not in front of me. They were still at the stop when I drove by. So she couldn't have gotten in front of me how she in front of me. And so of course I went and sat with that and said, Okay, what happened there? And they said, well, on one timeline, you were at the stoplight, and she went. And the second timeline. She was at the stoplight Newlin. And you found both. And they're both just as real. And I'm like, they were in my head. It was like I didn't know which one I was that was either one at the stoplight or which. But I remember following the pickup, and I remember her car. And it was just very, very real. So if you guys started experiencing stuff like that, don't be surprised. or somebody's saying, Oh, that conversation we had the other day about blah, blah, blah, blah, and you don't have a clue what they're talking about. That happens. It's like, 


it's just be curious and stay flexible. And don't be so rigid, because things are changing. 


Yeah, I've seen pictures that I'm in that I don't remember being there. I went to like, like the first one that happened with was this, you know, I go get those old fashioned pictures. And everybody puts on the cowboy outfits and poses with the big guns in the saloon. It was one of those. And my sister posted it on social media. I was like, that's cute. When did they go do that? And I was like, because this was this was when I would have been younger, right? And I was like, Well, did they all go do that? I'm looking at it. And I'm like, wait a minute. I'm in that picture. And it was troubling to me. So I'm calling because it was my mom and my siblings and one of the neighbor girls was even in it with us. And I called mom and so when did we do that? She was oh yeah, we were on a spring break and that it and we took a trip and when she was telling me all that I couldn't remember any of the things she was telling me. I'm like, I know that would be memory. Roll, if I can change my clothes into this outfit and yeah, right anyways, that one was the first one that really got me. Well, that got me started on that Mandela Effect and got me looking at that stuff and paying attention. And I've had trips where I was I was asked in a meditation can we use your body as the conduit to get to the the tunnels, the underground tunnels to help clean them up from human trafficking and different things, different things that were going on in these underground tunnels that were bad. And not that I totally believe in all of that stuff, as I try not to believe in good and bad, just to clarify things just are and this is this is something that we are experiencing. So just to clarify that. So I was like, alright, well, what do I have to do? And they said, nothing. We just need permission from somebody in the human form, to use you as the conduit to get there. It's like, okay, so I was about to get on the airplane to go on the trip. And I said, so it's all this still happening. And what I hear in my head is, it's already happened unless you choose to not get on the plane. Because then I would have started a different timeline. So I got on the plane, I flew, I went to see my friend, and everywhere we went, I was like, did we eat here last time? No, this first time

I'm bringing you her really? And then I'm like, you're going to turn on the street up here, aren't you? And she's like, yep, everything we did was like a big deja vu. And I was starting to get a little bit like, wow, this is really weird. Some of the things that have been happening since that it was more of the exposure of the human trafficking and all that stuff started to really get exposed. So whatever they were doing, they were moving. They were clearing out the energy. It's all about the energy of it, you know, and so they were transmitting energy for these different things that were going on. In different levels. My cat came in so you guys might see him in a minute. He likes to get up on my desk. But he likes the energy he does. So I'm not totally clear on everything that was happening there, though. But here's one of the things that I thought was interesting. We couldn't land the plane that day. He kept the pilot. All the synchronicities, right. I'm sitting at the airport, and I see the pilot come in, he's got his cup of coffee, and I'm like, Oh, that's my pilot. So surround this pilot with angels and help him get us all where we're going safely, blah, blah, blah, he gets on the plane, we all get on the plane, we get to where we're going, and it's all foggy, and they can't land in the flight attendant, I'm sitting towards the back in the flight attendant, I can hear everything she's saying. And she's like, Okay, so we're gonna go around a few more times. Okay, blah, blah, blah. So I know we're gonna just keep flying around. So she comes out. And this is so what's happening? She was, Well, normally we would reroute because of fuel. But we had just filled the plane. So we have enough fuel to fly around a little bit in case it clears up. And we can land. So we're going to try that. Before we land the plane, I thought what are the odds that they just fully fueled that airplane. And we had the field to do that not reroute to one of the other airports? So, so we flew around, flew around. We do get to land there. I get in the car with my friend. We're driving. And she looks over and she goes, have you ever shown you this spot over here? I swear it's a military base with underground tunnels. And I had not told her anything about what was going on. It's a really. So when we were circling, do you think that we were flying over that? And she goes, Oh, most certainly you were flying or that you would have had a big radius. And I'm like, interesting. And the whole time I kept seeing spirals spirals out. We were going in circles. Has like there is something to that happening that fuel in the plane. That guy that I saw getting out. I mean, how often do you really recognize when the pilots getting on the plane? You know, like consciously like oh, that's my pilot. It's like there was just so many really surreal things going on. And then to have that whole trip be like a deja vu and, you know, I'm telling her we're gonna turn up here we're gonna have we met that guy. It told me people look familiar to me. And it was almost like, you know, if if something was on a repeat and kept replaying in the background, you finally pick it up. Oh, that just keeps doing that. It was it was just so familiar. It was interesting. 


Is it getting to be familiar enough now that it doesn't surprise you so much? It 


doesn't I mean, even that one was kind of like, I've had things happen before that. So I wasn't really surprised at that one. It was kind of more like confirmation and then it was exciting. because I was like, Oh man, what are the odds that she's telling me about underground tunnels? When I was told they need to get to the underground tunnels, and they needed they

needed permission from someone in human form to do that. So, anyway, it was crazy. And at the time of also being told that they were working on the west coast to shift the energy over there. So 


is this information that's coming through your higher self? Or is this information that's coming through channeling Daniel, this was 


Daniel information coming through. So to clarify, who 


can you explain a little bit about 


Daniel Yeah, that people are getting wet. So when I took my level two training for QA, HHT, I was up at Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and there's a lot of crystals apparently, in the mountains there. And I was on such a weird high and Buzz there. And when I came back from that training, I started channeling the Octarians, and the one that comes through I called Daniel. And so this would be channels from Daniel. Some of it was channels from Daniels the stuff with the some of the tire self, some of it is the Daniel information. So the airplane stuff was a lot of the higher self just mean meditating, getting this information. But it's all kind of the same source, right? We're all it's all connected. But yeah, so the channels with Daniel, the Octarians have been a game changer. By far, like, I look at the world with so much more compassion and love. And I understand that the good is just as important as the other stuff we're experiencing. Again, I don't want to say bad, but it's all an experience. And when we figure out why it's there it goes. It can neutralize. And the more I do that, the more I play with that, the more I'm like, Oh, we're really can control. Control is probably a bad word. But you know, we're limited on our words. This really is about mastering, mastering our how we work with the energy. And we're here to let go of judgment, while judgment is calling something good and bad, right or wrong. This is higher than that. That's, that's low frequency. No, it's a frequency. And it's doing what it's supposed to do. And it's in, let's say, there's one through 20. On, you got you were saying five d, so we got one through 20. And dimensions, just to say, the first dimension is doing exactly what it's supposed to just like the 20th one's doing what it's supposed to do. So that one's not higher than the other one or better than it, it's just a different frequency. So we're just working with these frequencies and mastering our own skills at how to move through those frequencies to our desired outcome. I like to experience this one better than I like experiencing that one. So I'm going to try and do more of that. And you know, and here we are, as volunteers coming into a planet that lost their way in that right or that's what that's the formula we're told anyway. So it's, we're in this program, running this simulation, whatever you want to call it, no matter what it is, is an experience and get into the part of it, that's fun, ride that wave. Because why not. And so we're in here, no matter what this is, this has been something that's really been a

message from the Octarians. And from spirit in general, is that all the dimensions are always going to exist, they don't go away, just because we evolved out of one, we evolved out of the other ones and they didn't go away. So quit trying to get rid of one, just keep evolving yourself into the next one and have a new experience that we you know, myself included, I was like, Okay, we're getting out of 3d, and it's going to disappear, and we're going to be in this new earth. And no, it's still gonna be there. 3d 4d, it's all gonna be there. And we're moving into five d and then when we get to five D, we're gonna want to evolve again and, and do more and experience another dimension. So it's kind of like on the radio, you're not going to just keep listening to the same song over and over and over and over and over again, you want to turn that channel and get some different music or have more songs playing. But you know, there's the karmic loop of the third dimension. So you got, that's where our past lives come in. How many times have we tried to get involved out of this third dimension so that we can try something else? Where I do think the waves of volunteers came in because because there is that loop, that karmic loop that got caught, and they haven't been able to there's there is a soul collective or soul collectives that haven't been able to move out of it. And I think that it is a real thing that that souls were called in to help. 


So I have at least five People who we've done QA tht, either their own sessions, or I've done sessions on them know, past lives have come up, you know, and they're like, this is this is the first time on the planet, I'm like, am I the only one that's been doing this whole thing? Because I have, like, 700 lives? Yeah, they showed me a different every single time, 


you and I are that age group that we probably have had a few, a few roles. But here's the good news, we've been doing this, I'm even discovering that, you know, we think we're in the first lifetime that we're here trying to evolve this planet, I know, we've been here a couple of times trying to evolve the planet, and or, you know, get out of this loop. But the good news is, we're there now. And that's why these people that haven't been on this planet before coming in, because we've gotten to a point where the energy and the frequencies can hold and sustain a higher frequency being and then they're kind of like the I'm trying to think of some sort of analogy. But there were kind of a catalyst, you know, we we got it all ready, it's like we put the we put the ball on the catapult, now they're gonna hit that thing, and it's gonna go. So it's a good analogy. Yeah, let's just picture Earth on the catapult souls that haven't been here before, they're gonna bring in a frequency that will just swing and throw us right in there. But yeah, we got it to a point where now these souls that haven't been here before, and are highly sensitive, and they're coming in as the hybrids, and they're coming in as, as these new souls into the planet. And they're able to be here without, you know, we've seen the ones that check themselves out, you know, it's tragic. They come in, and they can't handle it, and they, they just gotta get out of here. But now we've got some coming in that, that are coming into loving open families that know all about this, you know, we got more intuitive and psychically aware, parents, and they're able to hold and sustain these, these small beings, and they're going to help us get there. That's the way I see it, they're coming in to be like, Okay, now let's hold your hands and get you to the next level and get you through them. Yeah. And they're teaching us so much. I mean, think about these brave souls that have been coming in. And, you know, and I just was talking about this the other day with someone in my gender or same age as us, you

know, coming out of the closet wasn't something you did when we were kids, because that could That's right, that can line you up in a ditch somewhere. And now, look at the world, you know, but it took those brave souls to come in and do that, and really get all of us like, we all ended up knowing somebody who was working through their sexual identity, and feeling like, they were living in a body that they didn't identify with. And so, you know, once once it becomes one of your loved ones, you know, and then it evolves. So, so many people came in and did that. And now we have, you know, the next level of that, where we're not identifying with with the gender, gender at all. And yet, a lot of people will say that five d, there's, it's not gender specific. And so that makes me think, Okay, we gotta be getting even closer, because we got a lot of people coming in teaching us how to do that. How to not be attached to our masculine or feminine and just bring it into a divine place of balance. So there's a lot, we got a lot going on, and if people think, oh, it's not working, oh, it's working. And it just doesn't always look like we think it's going to you know, it's gonna make us our heads spin in a circle first, but it's working. No, 


no, no, I love it. I love where this is going. No, because I so I left the corporate world a couple of years ago, and part of it was my call it my gen exness of it all, like, go in, get it done. Don't you know, just get it done don't. But the younger generation that I was working with, were so much more sensitive. And Sutton you know, just needed so much more than I could give them. You 

know, and I'm not saying I'm an insensitive person. I'm not it's just I'm I have a different generation and that younger generation needs a little bit more care and love and understanding. And that was a big, big lesson for me that I had to slow myself down. Because it had been a long time to be on that treadmill. Do you get people coming to you for Q HHT? 




so this might be a sensitive topic so I'll you know, we can go here or not, but who really feel like they don't want to be on this planet like they don't belong here all the time. And and how Oh, just Qh HT help with that. What What have you seen? Beautiful 


question. Yeah. And I just had one of those the other day where the client was saying, you know, if I left the planet today, I'd be okay with that I just don't understand there was like this void. And we took her into hypnosis, and she ended up meeting the tree people. Interesting. So part of that void or not wanting to be here is that you don't even realize what you're doing is longing for home, at whatever planet you came from, so there's this void, and you can't fill it with anything in this reality, it you just can't. Because it doesn't exist here. So she ends up connecting with the tree people. And it was, it was such a beautiful thing. We both started crying because I could feel their energy and I could feel her overwhelm. And she remember

that this was home. And when I say tree people, yeah, the trees are like people, the trees are beings and have consciousness and they're so connected. And when we come here, we're not connected. So to come from a place that's so connected, and then to just feel isolated and alone, and, and nobody's vibrating at the same vibration you are and so you can't find your people, right. So a lot of times people get in that space. And a que HHT session can reconnect them with what it is they're missing, because now they're ready, or they wouldn't have found Qh HD right? So they're ready. They're ready now to know these things. And so once this lady met her, her family, you know, where this longing was coming from, she knew now that she could visit them go into meditation, go back to this free world, and just be in that energy, and talk to them and not feel so alone anymore. And it just shifted everything. So yeah, if people are feeling that, that they don't want to be on the planet, it's probably because they're missing home. And this is a great way to reconnect to that energy. And remember why you're here. I've went through it, I don't know if you did. But it was like, I don't even get the point of why I'm here anymore. So I'm like, I'm doing anything. And that about of that. And then I got taken on a little journey. And I was shown, you know, you could either leave, and you'll return back to this or you can stay in completely you came to do. And then I had a sense and unknowingness even though I didn't have a clarity of exact things that I needed, Oh, this isn't very long here. I'm just gonna stick this out, you know, and realizing, even 100 years on this planet is a blink of an eye, when we come from these other realities in time here is different, like one day capacity or two days capacity for a whole lifetime here. So then when you get that concept, then it's like, Oh, I could stick this out. It's only it's only like a couple more hours over there. So it makes it a little bit easier. At least it did for me, it was like, Okay, this journey, make the best of it. We're here and we came here to do this. But it's really important for us to find our joy, and to find what makes us happy because it's that frequency that's going to help us get to that evolution we're looking for. So if we keep focusing on what's not working, we're gonna keep getting what's not working. So why not bring it over here and be like, Okay, let's go to the waterpark today. Okay, let's go to the beach today. Okay, let's do something fun. Okay, let's make work fun. I like Monday, let's do an interview. Yeah. So, 


hashtag have fun. How should I know I completely agree with you. Because I kind of feel like and sometimes I don't resonate with people on this and it's okay. Once you get that expanded view of things, you realize that you've been here a few times, or you've been on other journeys before a few times. It doesn't seem as overwhelming. navigating life, because, like, what's the worst thing that can happen? All of the things that you dream up in your mind? Like, what's the worst thing you're gonna be homeless on the street? And hungry, so that's the worst thing that can happen like, okay, but there's all these other things that can happen to and there's so many possibilities and once you get into that joy in fact, somebody just said earlier I was listening to someone and they said laughter is the frequency of angels and so if you can laugh more if you can find more joy, you're just raising that vibration on the planet so much more quickly. And for everyone it's not just for you and also it takes away that that pressure I feel like we come in at least right now with that pressure of like, you need to be a Steve Jobs you need to be a Elon Musk. You need to develop all these. No, it's just about having fun and experiencing So, 


let's challenge everybody. Let's challenge our listeners. And let's, let's see if you guys could

take something that's been bugging you something that at work that you don't like, or at home that you don't like something that's bugging you, and find joy in it. Find a way to find some joy in it like, Okay, if I wanted to enjoy this, what would that look like? When my kids aren't rinsing their dishes? That's pretty fun. 


How do you find joy in that Tracy? 


Daddy now so cute little happy sponge, I watched the whole infomercial on it. And it was fun. And and so now doing dishes is fun because we got the sponge daddy. So there's a little plug for those guys. But no, it's it's serious, though. When we, if we get too caught up, and we do it, I do it. You know, life starts coming at you. And you know, this time of years we're going into on the western hemisphere, we're going into that winter, fall and winter. And where we're at it's raining and cloudy a lot. You know, it's easy to get kind of gloomy, gloomy, or get caught up in just everything's Work, Work work. So just take a break from that. Take a minute, find what's fun. You know, don't take it so serious. Maybe we left with a pile of dishes, right? And we go wonder what one more day sitting there would do? 


Or you turn on? What's that babysitter movie worry. He goes up on the roof and he shoots the dishes and breaks them off. The dishes are 


done. Done. Yes. Don't scare your neighbors. No, 


please don't shoot things off of your room. I don't recommend. 


That's hilarious. They're done. Yeah, I will tell a little dish story because, you know, I've got five, there's five of us in this house, right. And so my kids so come down there and grab something to eat. And they got all got their video games in their TVs and all this stuff. And, and so the kind of tend to migrate back to that, that, you know, they grab a dish and they grab their utensils and they migrate back. And it's like, because notice that we don't have as many forks and knives and spoons anymore. And they're all like, well, I don't have them in my room. I don't

have them in my room either. So one day, I decided, how can I make this fun? So I got on Amazon and ordered like 50 of each. So I have the biggest drawer of forks and spoons and knives. I think I get that from my dad. That's something he would have. 


Might have would have done that too. He would have had every fork and spoon and knife from like four generations back just piling up. Yeah. 


So it's like, I don't want to go dig through the rooms for my utensils. I think it's it's just gonna be easier to spend a couple of dollars. And 


I love how you handled that. I mean, you didn't sit there and yell at them. You didn't cause a big kerfuffle. You just said the so I'm gonna handle it. I'm gonna buy 


50 of each guy. Notice there's forks now. I win. 


I'm the winner. We go. 


Oh my gosh. So okay, okay, I'm gonna wrap it back around and cure ADHD because I could just talk to you. Exactly. So what has been your most extraordinary story, your personal own personal, most extraordinary story from QA? JHT. Like, personally, versus a story that your if you can, if you're willing to share that was an extraordinary session that you had with someone. 


So you're wondering my own session? And then yeah, 


have you had anything within your own sessions that's I like

have you had anything within your own sessions that's I like 


to have sessions with interns because it's fun. And so I've had one as an oracle was one of my favorite ones. I I saw myself as an Oracle in a palace, and I was in the right wing of the palace. I have my own space there. And there was this giant, huge circular Crystal and I could remote view and there was this beautiful gold pyramid up front of the palace and all the people were so happy and I just love that village and everybody was thriving, and then something corrupted the because I lived a lot of years I lived almost 800 years in that life. So towards the end of that life, some something came in and corrupted the the king or whoever the person in charge in the palace. I don't. Every time I say King It doesn't sound like the right Word. So whoever was the master of that kind of ruler? Yeah, 


yeah, because he didn't 


really have. He didn't rule over the people, but he was like the keeper of the palace, right? Like, he, he probably kept things in order, but never saw himself as better than anyone else. And that's why I admired him so much. But then something came in and corrupted that, I don't know, if he ended up passing away, and another, another person came in that place, and they did not have the same intentions, and they started, then then we had the stuff that we see in our own history where people were being used more in a slave mentality and build my palaces and do my work and, and they were being exhausted and, and that kind of thing in my heart was going out for them. And, and then then something came in and destroyed that, that place that I don't know if it was the whole planet, or just that, that particular village or whatever, but it got destroyed. And that's when I passed away in that one. But it was such an extraordinary thing to be able to remote view. And I realized that I don't think I ever actually left the palace. I would just Oh, interesting. Yeah, like, I would just relocate my, my consciousness, and I would walk around with the people, but I didn't notice I noticed when I was in that, that I didn't really get to have conversations with them. I just could feel them. I knew how that you know, it's like, I just got to know them through all this energetic exchange. Anyway, so that was one. Then I had another one that was incredible. Where I went through different stages, I was off planet. And I was being taught how to use my mind to move pebbles and make them float and the pebbles would float. And then then she moves me to the next scene. And I'm in this village, this beautiful city, it kind of reminded me of like Atlantis or something like that. And there was a, there was a palace at the top. And there was a big glowing light coming out of that palace. And I just had this knowingness that that the same skill I was using to move those pebbles move the stone to build this place. And so, so that was kind it was kind of that Yoda moment, right in Star Wars where he's trying to lift the the ship out of the water. And it's like, it's either it's the same as the pebble, right? There's no difference anyways. So I'm learning all that than the next scene. They're teaching me how to create a orb around me, so that I can travel through space, or No, first they are teaching me to jump from one location on that planet to another location on the planet by using my mind, then they taught me how to wrap myself in a in a container. And then and there was seven planets connected to this planet, you could you could move

yourself from planet to planet in this container. And I remember the gal that was taking me through that one. She was like, Well, how does that work, and they go quiet, and she loses her concentration, the bubble, her container will collapse and she will die. Remember that part because it was like 


a poor and level one intern practicing? 


Yeah, they're telling her quiet, she's got to focus on this container. And so whatever that was, so then this container takes me to this planet where now I'm in another classroom. And there's this auditorium with a big opening, looking down at Earth, art Earth. And everything that we've learned, we're now using to help the planet evolve. And so we're connecting with their counterparts. So they're so I think there really was a part of me another aspect of me incarnated in that connection. And that that was probably a real moment. And now that part of me is up there sending energy and frequency to me in this vehicle, so that I can bring into the planet. So there's and there's 1000s, if not millions doing that. So it was really an interesting thing to go through all those levels of training and how to use the mind and how to create and how to manifest a new sound vibration color to create and then now that aspect of me is using that to help help us to evolve the planet. And again, all all of us are probably doing that. All the lightworkers probably have a counterpart like that. So that was one of my sessions. What was my favorite one on other people? I had this young guy and the the 20 Somethings. If you're 20 something and you're listening come get a session. 


They are I'm located in sisters Oregon, you can find me on Qh ht You can find Tracy man I'm curious HTF it shall not come first grow. 


I'm getting a session because oh, let's write my sign up. So I think this guy was 21. I think he was just 21. And he went in his, his mom brought him because she was like, I don't want him drive and after being put in hypnosis so. So she drops him off. And we have this session. And 

he's just very, you can already tell he's like being just all the energy brought in the room. And he's like, I hope I can go under, I can go under. And I'm sitting there on my chair going, Man, I hope so too. Because you know, he was very high in active mind. And then we get him over and lay him down for the hypnosis piece. And he was out. And I was like, Whoa, I was not expecting that he was so hyperactive in the head. And I had to tell me all these stories and all these things that have been happening. So he goes on a journey where he's in a ship, and he's going to all these different planetary places, and he's landing on him. And he's exploring them. And I'm like, Well, why are you doing that? He's like, what I'm getting information, you know, and he's given me his stories. And, and so he's an his ship was intuitive. That part was cool, too. So if there was more than one of them, the ship would get bigger. And then if it was just

him going, it would get smaller. And so the ship could morph into whatever they needed that I thought was pretty cool. So he's going around to different galaxies, different planetary systems, gathering information, and then he lands on a Astro. Ice said, Oh, you're on an asteroid. Okay, what are we doing there? And he goes, Well, I'm applying everything I learned and everything I gathered, and I'm creating a universe. And then he's like, rule. Like, what happened? He goes, Well, I, I just put it all into the asteroid and exploded it out into space and created a universe. I was like, Oh, my goodness. So what are you doing now? Oh, I'm going home. That's how I came to do. You're not even gonna go explore the universe. He goes, No, I'm going back now to what we would call heaven. I'm like, Oh, okay. And then went back to the light. So he, but it was so cool to hear how he was gathering what he liked about all these other places, and then creating something, you know, something new from what he gathered that he liked. Now, consider how many different galaxies and worlds and things like that must exist in our Multiverse of, you know, endless space. So, yeah, anyway, and I always tell men and black and I know, I always pull up these movies that other people go, No, I've never seen it. But the very first one where the cat was wearing the necklace, and it had the universe in it, at least makes me think of that. It's like, it doesn't have to be big. And if we go inward, and again, I'm a movie buffer, because I got these kids and we go watch the all the Marvel movies and stuff. But the amp man, the quantum one that they just released, where they go in, and they go into the quantum levels, and, and there's universes in there at a time. We're so limiting. It's like Cordell out there. No, it's not all out there. No, no, when you close your eyes, if you go out and look at the stars, and then you close your eyes, and you imagine yourself going up into space and just floating in space. It's not the same space you just looked at. It's a whole nother dimension. So none of it's the same, right. But yet, it's all connected. Yeah. Anyway, so those are some session stories. 


Amazing. Amazing. Do you think you'll be doing this for the rest of your life? Well, 


I would like to think that I'm going to have this kind of excitement for the rest of my life. Yes. But I would also like to think we're going to evolve to the fifth dimension before my life is over. So I hope not, I hope everyone's so evolved that I don't need to do things like this, but we'll be doing maybe some other things. Who knows. But for as long as as we need something like Q HHT. I hope I'm on board with that. And I teach the level three now. So that's fun to hit to do that. And you know, I just love it. It's it's so fun to hear, like, get feedback from from people that I've been working with that are like, this woman just had cancer and she came back or she went to the doctor and it's gone, you know, and it's like, you can't make that stuff. Right? 


No, not when they have scans. Yeah. 


Yeah, I got the opportunity to work with David Marsh. Gosh,

Yeah, I got the opportunity to work with David Marsh. Gosh, 


I want to have him on the podcast. Oh, please 


do he is so amazing. And the work he's doing with this is awesome as well. But yeah, He took, he took a film of us of me working with two different clients, and she was one that had come to me before and had cancer and, and went to the doctor and it was cleared. And, and then you know, the second round of having hypnosis again, because of course, I asked her to come back to do the video because I knew she would be a good subject and, and then she invited her husband, and the extraordinary things that came from that, you know, like, she got to go beyond the physical things that were going on, because that all got healed. And now she was exploring this pyramid that was floating above their house and, and what was going on with these things. And it's just, you can't make this stuff up. And, you know, there's things we see all the time that we're just like, This is my real world. Pinch pinch. Yeah. Yeah. 


I it. It's remarkable the stories that you hear and the healings that happen, and even just that clearing of holding on to negative feelings or beliefs, or, you know, just that release when people leave. And they're floating, they're just floating, because they've gotten the answers that they've been looking for all of their life that they've been dragging around with them. Yeah, let's touch. Remarkable. Let's touch on Oh, you want to talk about I love talking about death, actually. 


Because, you know, humanity, so afraid of it? Yeah, we've done it so many times. 


That's why people don't people. People have a hard time with me sometimes. Because again, that broader view of this isn't the only time this isn't the only shot you've got, it's 


one of the reasons I say, come get a cue HHT session, so you can experience crossing over or leaving the body. And it's almost like, I mean, people don't get it right away sometimes. But it's usually like this total disconnect, like, oh, this whole new perspective of okay, yeah, I wish to Yeah, a lot of times, they're viewing a lifetime, I've had a lot of them where they die in battle, or they die in a bed with their family around them. So you know, it's like, but you get it all, you

get it all. And none of them want to go back to that body. Oh, it feels so good. Oh, I'm seeing the bigger picture. Oh, I'm seeing the reason for that life, you know, and, and they're understanding it. But there's, it's just such a freedom. There's such a, an understanding when you leave the body, that you're so much more than that. And, and there's always this peace and this calm that comes over them 


and your people come with you, you get to see your people again, 


guess what, 


so people are already there. They're already there, we're already there. We are just an aspect of our soul. And so when we leave here, all of our loved ones are already there. Because only an aspect of the soul came in to play the role. So we're never on the other side, we're never leaving anyone they're already there. That separation is more here for this aspect is playing the role of Tracy and Mindy. We're the ones that feel disconnected from it. But in reality, we're already there. And I got shown that when I did mediumship work, that, you know, you have a loved one, for instance, you have a loved one that passes away over here, and then the spouse passes. My camera's not as wide angle. But you got to the point here separation and when they pass over, right. And but on the other side, it it's not 20 years. And so when this one passes over there, their timelines are connected. So 20 years later connects with this timeline. And they meet each other and cross over together if they want to. So we're already there. 


Yeah. And it takes it takes the fear out of it. Yeah, 


it's a very, as does Dolores Cannon says it's very convoluted. And it's a lot to wrap your mind around. But there is no longing or missing your loved ones from the other side. Because it's again, it's just moments. 


There's a certain energy and feeling of having a cue HHT session, I feel that that elevates you. It almost takes the pressure off of this life because you feel that energy of your higher self and you know that you've got someone's got your back, I guess you know, you've got people

behind you. You've got and there is a plan. A plan B here. Yeah, there's a plan for you. You have a lesson and a purpose. 


Even if all is you find out as like I had a client that it was like well, he wants to know what his purposes was purpose is to just be here and as long as he's here. He's bringing the light and the energy and he's bringing love into this planet. to everything else he can do is just bonus, what does he want to do? You know, and that's true for a lot of us, we just want to have that purpose. What's that purpose? Well, the purpose is to be here. Everything else we get to do, 

what do you want to do? And have fun if it becomes a job? Because people like, Oh, I gotta be a service, I see this a lot. I gotta be a service, what am I supposed to be doing? Have fun. Because of that service becomes a job, then that's a and it's a heaviness on you, then you're you're feeding the purpose of being here, you're supposed to bring in the light and the love. So you are supposed to find what makes it fun. And do that, to keep that vibration. So that's your, that's your assignment, everyone, on top of on top of finding something that bugs you and finding joy in that. Button. So yeah, it's so important. And the more we learn, the more we realize, oh, it's really, really, we just need to love and enjoy each other, and just embrace each other. And there's times I'll look at my family, and they'll be like, yeah, I could do a session on you if you want, oh, no, I'd rather have surgery. Okay. Well, then they get to have that experience. And now I can just love and enjoy them for they're going to have that experience. Don't be here and support them that way. And it's okay. And I'm not attached to that answer. And I'm not, I understand that. That's their higher self designed something for them. And I'm gonna respect that. 


That's right. How do you explain to HHT to people who've never heard of it before? And I have to be perfectly honest, I'm, I'm making this podcast because I want everybody to know about Qh HD and get a session, whether you love it or hate it, I don't care. But like, I get surprised that people don't know about this modality compared to maybe other things that are out there. So how do you explain Qh to people who've never heard of it? 


I don't think I've had to explain it for so long. Because everyone that finds me, they find me because they're looking for Q HHT. So it's been a while since I had didn't really explain it to somebody. But I guess what I would say is I do a modality where we're going to look at past life, maybe two. And then we're going to go talk to the higher self and the part of you that helped create this life. And we're going to ask questions, we're going to find out why you're sick, why you're, why you're in relationships that you're in what what's your purpose for being here? What do you want to learn? And you're going to find out, you could find out any answer you want to and your Qh HT session. And that's, that's what it is. And you know, you're taking someone through past life or future life or alternate life, parallel life, whatever you want to call it, you're gonna go have an experience and another form most likely. And then you're going to be able to ask questions to speaking their language, if it's a religious person, they're the God's self and are the higher self or that superconscious mind. And you're going to be able to ask all

kinds of questions and get all kinds of answers. And a lot of people don't know what to ask. That's, that's been interesting, too. And thank goodness, there are, there are videos and websites with ideas of questions to ask and Qh HT sessions. So if you're wondering, what should I ask, look it up. Because there's some good questions on there. 


That's funny that you say that the last session I had the person that came in, definitely googled and looked it up. And they were all, they were all questions off of a website. And I'm like, but what do you want to know? Like, let's talk about this, because I was very generic. 


And that's where your practitioner comes in, because I talk to you to find out who you are and your story. And guess what we really are interested because you are a very unique and beautiful soul. And you probably came in and took on some really hard things. And you took those hard things on because you're healing them for the planet. You're handling them for the collective. And because you're sitting in a in a video like this, or in a QA HHT office, it means you made it, you know, you're you're getting it figured out, you're healing it. And we want to hear that journey so we can help you. And we really genuinely want to help you. So we're gonna help you form the right questions. 


That's right, and ask the right things. So Tracy, where can people find you if they want to have a session with you in Forest Grove, Oregon? 


Well, guess what? It's the same place you're gonna find Mindy and that's Qh Find a practitioner, click on that, find a practitioner, go to your location. There's 1000s of practitioners all over the world. Mindy, and I just happened to be in one of the coolest places in the world. And so 


it's So, and you also channel Daniel and you have a YouTube channel. 


I have a YouTube channel it's suck Tyrion Daniel channel by Tracy mainhand Tracy will get you to my website which I post my YouTube channels on my website so you will be able to find both there. 

because guess what, I can't remember how many different ways there are to spell it. But there's like seven, seven different ways. It's a weirdest name. It's like does any other name gets spelled that many different ways? bubbly? Yeah. 


I can't thank you enough for coming. And joining me today and letting me pick your brain and giving us wonderful stories. And I'm so grateful for you, Tracy. So thank you so much. 


Thank you so much for joining us this week on the answers inside Podcast, the podcast all about quantum healing hypnosis technique, the practitioners and clients who benefit from the health and healing that it provides. If you liked this podcast, go ahead and like and subscribe on your favorite podcast player to download our weekly episodes and keep up with the stories health and healing that's happening all around the world through Quantum healing hypnosis technique. Thanks so much. See you next week.