The Answers Inside

Recovering the Magic in Life with Jeroen de Wit

Mindi Hill Season 1 Episode 4

Join me in this captivating episode as we sit down with Jeroen de Wit, a seasoned QHHT Level 3 practitioner based in the vibrant city of Los Angeles, CA. This is a conversation that transcends time and space as we delve into the mystical realm of past life regression and the transformative power it holds.

Jeroen shares his profound insights on finding the magic in life, unraveling the mysteries of our past, and tapping into the reservoir of healing that lies within each of us. As a dedicated full-time practitioner, he takes us on a journey through the realms of consciousness, exploring the untapped potential of our minds and the profound impact it can have on our well-being.

Discover the extraordinary stories of individuals who have experienced remarkable healing through past life regression, as Jeroen sheds light on the fascinating intersection between our past, present, and future selves. We explore how unlocking the secrets of our past lives can lead to profound healing, both physically and emotionally.

Prepare to be inspired and uplifted as we embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing with Jeroen de Wit. Tune in to this enlightening conversation that may just change the way you perceive life and its enchanting mysteries.

YouTube: @JeroendewitQHHT
Instagram: @jeroenislove
TikTok: @jeroenislove

Mindi Hill is a certified QHHT practitioner and the host of The Answers Inside.

Subscribe to The Answers Inside on your favorite podcast platform and open yourself to the infinite possibilities of the quantum realm. Get ready to be inspired, amazed, and awakened to the remarkable power of the human mind to heal, transform, and transcend limitations.

Note: Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a real modality developed by Dolores Cannon, a pioneering hypnotherapist. It involves inducing a deep state of hypnosis to access the subconscious mind and explore past-life memories, higher states of consciousness, and facilitate healing.

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Mindi Hill (00:03)

this is Mindy Hill and you are on the answers inside podcast, the podcast all about the healing and health that QHHT brings to those who experience it talking to the practitioners and the clients who use QHHT in their daily life. So today I'm so excited. I have Jorinder Witt with me from Los Angeles. Correct me if I'm not clear enough on your location. You are in LA, right?

Jeroen de Wit (00:31)

Yeah, and also I'm really impressed with you pronouncing my name so beautifully, because that goes wrong so many times. Yeah.

Mindi Hill (00:38)

Oh, really? Thank you so much. I really thought I was going to mess that up. So thank you. Awesome. So first, Irun, can you share with us how you found QHHT? I find that the most fascinating as to how QHHT has come into everybody's life and how they how they experienced learning about it.

Jeroen de Wit (00:44)

Butcher it. You did great. Yeah. Ha ha ha.

Sure, so I had a really tricky spiritual awakening, I call it now, but at the time I just thought I was losing my mind or having a breakdown. And so I was prompted to have to heal myself first, and I found wonderful healers that appeared that helped me to basically get back into my body. And I found Reiki as a way to do that. My Reiki-1 initiation was really cathartic and really changed the game for me. And so I found out that really loved being on this healing path, not just for myself, but also seeing other people regain their sense of authenticity. And so I was doing this work for a while, and then I was getting healing at a friend's practice and was in his waiting room, and there was a book on the coffee table with a little alien on the cover that said, custodians, and so I started just leaving through it, and was really blown away by the content of it because I...I've always felt like I didn't belong or there was no place for me in the world. I always felt like I had to accommodate a world that didn't feel like it was mine. So this was the first time that I read about something that seemed to match what I knew on the inside. Like, the concepts that were spoken of, it made so much sense to me, it really resonated. So this was back in 2006. And so...

I was in the Netherlands still at the time, this is where I was born, and I looked up this amazing writer, Dolores Cannon, found out that she was teaching her beautiful method in the Netherlands three months away from the moment I picked up that book. So I signed up and read some more books and then got to be in her class. It wasn't even called Curatius here at the time. But to learn this wonderful technique.

And I've got to tell you, it was the very first time that I was in a learning type situation, like a school or a program, where I actually really was enjoying myself. I really loved every word that came out of this amazing lady's mouth. And I was completely, like I felt sparkly and alive and I just loved that. I'd always been like a C student going through schools and having to do like.

you know, makeup work during summer and, you know, I've like had to repeat years and stuff like that because I just never did anything for me. I was just trying to like do the best I could to get through this crazy educational system. But it wasn't until I encountered Dolores Cannon's work that I felt like, okay, this is for me. There is, there are experiences out in the world that reflect who I am.

And so I knew that, you know, I just latched on and I've never let go.

Mindi Hill (04:02)

So you've been doing QHHT since 2006.

Jeroen de Wit (04:05)

Yes. Yeah.

Mindi Hill (04:07)

And did you start in the Netherlands or did you start in Los Angeles? How did that go?

Jeroen de Wit (04:13)

I started in the Netherlands. So at the time, Dolores Cannon wasn't the household name that she's now. So I just started working on Friends and working with the other hippies that kind of were into this stuff. But it's very different now. In the beginning, it was just like people that were already sort of fringe or alternative, not at all like it is now. But that's how I started. And it was. Sporadic I started to like have another job to you know pay bills and stuff then I moved to the States in 2007 and then they added the level two and I was able to do that here in Burbank in Los Angeles with the lores and You know got slowly got more clients and then in 2017 I was able to go full-time Doing this work when my level three certification kicked in yeah

Mindi Hill (05:07)

How's my next question is do you do this full time or do you have other things that you occupy your time with? But sounds like you're plenty busy.

Jeroen de Wit (05:17)

Yeah, I used to do energy healing as well, but it just got too draining. I would do like a energy healing in the morning and then do a QHDT, but now I'm just solely focused on QHDT. That's all I do.

Mindi Hill (05:30)

Does QHHT, does it still, so for me, as I'm practicing, it does take my energy. I mean, there's a lot involved. You're listening to someone tell their entire life story, you're taking them through the practice for a good two hours, which that actually always gives me more energy. But at the end of the day, I do need time to reconnect with my energy or have some downtime. How does it affect you after you've been doing it for so long?

Jeroen de Wit (05:56)

It's the same and I really learned the hard way. When I was able to do this work full time, I thought, well, full work week, start at 10 o'clock, do sessions five times a week, and that I couldn't maintain. So now I'm doing four and it's still a little too much. I think I'm gonna go down to three because the rest of my life is really wrapped around this. Like I have to be in nature a lot. I have to make sure I take Epsom salt baths. I need to really...

Mindi Hill (05:59)


Jeroen de Wit (06:25)

every part of my life is kind of like geared towards being able to do this session because it does take a lot out of you. Like there's, you know, at least four hours of constant focus and kind of being extended into another person's consciousness where you're not, you know, you're not really staying with yourself or attending to yourself. So that is, it is, I don't know, like draining is the right word. Sometimes it is draining, but it's like...

Mindi Hill (06:55)

Like depleting almost,

Jeroen de Wit (06:56)


Jeroen de Wit (07:29)

Okay. So, yeah, I just, I mean, I think, you know, we're all so different. And I think my system just processes a lot of different layers of information. And so I just need a lot of space and time to clear that out and to maintain it. Yeah. And I guess it does feel depleting.

Mindi Hill (07:33)

So not depleting, but what would you say?

Yeah, yeah, I mean, we need to as practitioners need to take care of ourselves as well as our clients and we're not doing anybody any good if we're not at our 100% for them, I think. Yeah. So I have two questions, two directions that I'd like to go and one direction is I'd like to ask how QHHT has perhaps changed your view of the life that you're living right now.

Jeroen de Wit (08:05)

Exactly, yes.

Mindi Hill (08:23)

So for me, it's made it so much easier for me. Like nothing is as serious as I was taking it. I didn't have to be as, I don't need to be successful in the terms of the world, you know, the material world. So how has QHHT maybe changed your view on how you live life?

Jeroen de Wit (08:44)

Oh, in so many ways. Let me see where to start. So, you know, as a kid, I always thought life was supposed to be way more magical than, you know, people made it seem to be. And so I was always looking for that. And it wasn't until I started doing this work that it really, that it confirmed that there is, you know, all these different dimensions that are

Jeroen de Wit (09:14)

intersecting or part of our experience that I've always kind of felt but never really saw. And then hearing all the stories of my clients and talking to the higher self where you know they share that where we have like as a soul we have lots of lineage in other worlds, galaxies, dimensions, that the world you know is energy based, it's a vibrational universe that we

So that all made so much sense to me. So it gave me... It allowed me to recover a big part of myself that I wasn't able to hold on to being born into this world with, you know, the upbringing that I had with the sort of antiquated paradigm that we still find around us. So it's kind of like it's pierced... I was able to pierce through that and find pieces of myself. It's also

Mindi Hill (10:03)


Jeroen de Wit (10:12)

really changed my, you know, how I relate to my identity. Like, I know that I am an eternal being, just like everyone else is, and that I'm here for a short while to have experiences. And so, yeah, it made me more focused on being here and now and to kind of squeeze all the juice out of it and to know that...

you know, that we live in a benevolent universe and that the experiences that we encounter here are always serving our highest good, you know, from the perspective of the soul as a soul's journey of experience and expansion. So that's very different from feeling victimized or, you know, it's more empowering to be able to use the information that we get out of our experiences as a access point to growth or to know that it's part of our soul's curriculum rather than to feel like we're stuck or imprisoned or yeah, just feelings.

Mindi Hill (11:19)

Yeah, I think victims of our circumstances, you said it perfectly. Yeah, we're not being tossed around in an ocean with no control. We actually, everything's kind of pushing us in the right direction, like a river.

Jeroen de Wit (11:24)

Yes, that's a good way to put it. Yeah.

Yeah, exactly. I love that. Yes, very much so. So yeah, and then and then also like to practice it, it's created like, I remember doing my job aptitude test when I was 12 years old, this is what I do in the Netherlands. And you know, it was the options were like, you know,

Mindi Hill (11:36)

Yeah. Oh my gosh, at 12 years old they do that? I would have been a mess.

Jeroen de Wit (11:51)

Yeah, I know. And I was, I totally was. Yes. So the options were, you know, doctor, engineer, nurse, fireman, you know, those, I'm from 1971. So there wasn't a lot of options. And there was artists and I was like, okay, then I guess I'll pick artists because I don't, for sure, I don't want to do all the other things. There was no, you know, like, past life regressionist, you know, on that list.

Jeroen de Wit (12:21)

Exactly. So to have been able to create a life where I can access and channel and encounter this part of myself that was not acknowledged growing up is just magical to me. I feel really grateful to be in this life where I'm able to do this, not just for myself but also, of course, for other people to help them connect to these parts of themselves.

I don't know about you being from 1971, like growing up, like we had the Cold War in Europe and there wasn't anything like magical or otherworldly reflected back to me. And now working with my clients, you know, I'm meeting people that have had the same feelings or same take on life that I've had and seeing this consciousness emerge right now, it's really very gratifying, you know, to know that.

Jeroen de Wit (13:20)

I wasn't the only one and I'm not alone. Yeah.

Mindi Hill (13:21)

Oh, yeah, I love that. So I would call us the time, we have these things called time life books. Did you guys have those in the Netherlands? Okay, so every, just like encyclopedias, every household had, in my neighborhood had time life books. And so it would, it had a little bit of science, it had a little bit of like mystery, it had a little bit.

Jeroen de Wit (13:32)

Uh, no we didn't, no.

Mindi Hill (13:47)

And so those were the books that I gravitated to. So reading about ghosts or reading about levitation or all of those things, yeah. And so I agree with you that I feel so lucky that we're coming into an age where these thoughts and ideas are not just the fringe, not just the folks going to the ET conferences, but their actual consciousness raising ideas that are coming about. I'm gonna thank YouTube for that because I think it's so accessible now.

Jeroen de Wit (13:54)


Mindi Hill (14:18)

all of the information that's out there. But when you've referenced not seeing the magic when you were a little kid, were you a little kid who did see? So like, I for sure, when I went to sleep, felt angels around me or perhaps they were entities. I always felt that around me, but I also grew up in a family that said, don't be weird. You know, like, don't bring it up, don't be weird, knock it off, you're being silly.

Jeroen de Wit (14:41)


Mindi Hill (14:46)

So tell me about when you were young, did you see magic and other people couldn't see it? Or how did that come to you? Mm.

Jeroen de Wit (14:54)

I don't remember that. I don't remember any of those experiences. What I do, looking back at it now, that I was checked out, I was not present in my body very much. And the only places that I really felt at ease or could be was be alone in nature. So I tried as much of that as I could. I did not feel comfortable in the human world, so to say.

Mindi Hill (15:22)

So do you still spend a lot of time in nature? Yeah.

Jeroen de Wit (15:24)

Oh yeah, yeah. My relationship with nature has, during the pandemic, has intensified, but it's like, I don't know, it's my place of beauty and solace and reconnection and magic.

Mindi Hill (15:39)

Yeah, agreed. There's definitely something about walking in nature and it doesn't have to be forests or for me, it can be deserts, it can be rocks, it can be any of those things. They somewhat, they rebuild the energy for me. Yeah, beautiful. So I wanted to ask, since you've been doing QHHT for such a long time, comparatively,

Jeroen de Wit (15:47)

Hmm. Yes.


Mindi Hill (16:08)

to me or to some of the other folks I've spoken to, have you seen, one of the greatest things that I loved about Dolores is when she got up and talked about like, well, what I'm hearing now from them is, and she would definitely see trends and she would definitely like give new information. And because you have, oh my gosh, how many years is it now? Almost 20? 18, 17? You have 17 years of this under your belt. What?

Jeroen de Wit (16:21)

Yes.So 17, yeah.

Mindi Hill (16:37)

What have you seen throughout those years as far as shifts or changes or things that you're hearing from your clients, if anything?

Jeroen de Wit (16:44)

Like in terms of information coming in?

Mindi Hill (16:46)

as far as information. Oh, and my other question is, do they give you information like they do Dolores? Do they come through and say, and you need to know this now? Ha ha ha.

Jeroen de Wit (16:56)

Oh, yes. So, yeah, what's changed, I would say, there's more like sort of alien sessions where people drop into their, you know, we call it alien expression of their soul. They go to a different planet, different galaxy. That would happen more. I mean, the information that's been coming in mostly is about like the new Earth.

Mindi Hill (17:23)

Ooh, what are they saying about the new Earth? I'd love to know.

Jeroen de Wit (17:26)

So different clients reference this very often, you know, 90% of my clients, I would say they are here to be volunteers to bring in the new consciousness to new earth. They're volunteers that come to earth to help raise the frequency of consciousness. And so when I talk to their higher self or subconscious mind, it just sort of often that casually mentions, oh, we had to the new earth.

What I've taken from what the takeaway for me so far is that there is another physical world that is somewhere in a galaxy where, you know, once we've completed our journey to sort of like we call it 5D here, this is where we will go. And but also that this earth is also ascending and that there will also be a different expression of it. That is more like natural, like it will be more green and people will be here working in small communities, you know, being more connected to nature and to each other. And there will not be the kind of division that we experience now. And then the third part is that we are creating it now. So, you know, sometimes I hear people like talking, like asking about a date, like, my God, when is it gonna happen? I can't wait any longer, you know? So. And I understand that sentiment very well, but you know, it's, the point is, I think, that we're creating it now, like by, really by loving ourselves. So that's what I've also been told, that we are birthing the 5D now by reconnecting to ourselves, to nature, to each other, that we're creating pockets of this different vibration and that these pockets will eventually like spread

Same. Yes. Yes, that's what I was thinking about when I was talking about these pockets, that you go in and out of it and that it will become more gradually as more people go in and out of it and it sustain more longer that these pockets will spread and be more

It really does, yes. And also, like I find it this, you know, when we do the interview with people, I often ask them about like, what would your ideal world look like? Because I like to ask that as a question because it really, it connects people to their heart and makes them drop in. And so, and you know, I would say 80, 90% of people, this is what they strive for. This is what they really would like to live in a small community with people and grow their own food. dedicated to healing and helping others in the

So we were talking about basically the information that came through for me, which was that we move into 5D and we move out of 5D often. And you were saying that as we sustain more 5D time, that we will be able move into that realm, basically.

Jeroen de Wit (24:20)

Yes. Can I add to that? Yeah, so people often want to like 5D, because it sounds abstract. And what the hell does that mean? So I would say maybe all of the sessions, what always comes up is for us to love ourselves. And how that fits into bringing about 5D is that we are all the point the universe is trying to make, that we're all part of source, God, creator, goddess, whatever word you like to use for that.

Mindi Hill (24:24)

Absolutely. Mm-hmm.

Jeroen de Wit (24:49)

and that being born onto this planet with these old paradigms that have taught us that we are, that only particular aspects of our beingness are valued or validated and the other parts you know kind of go missing. That by learning to love ourselves as we are with all of our aspects and peculiarities and weirdness and uniqueness that is how we are recovering, you know, the divinity that we are. Does that make sense? It's like if you were to look at yourself, if you were to see your soul as like a pie chart that comes in as a person in this life, and only certain aspects on that pie chart, like say a quarter of it, of your aspects are being recognized as valuable. And the other parts say, like for me, it was being gay and genderqueer and...

Mindi Hill (25:23)


Jeroen de Wit (25:45)

and feeling into other dimensions or having interest in things that other people didn't have. Like all these other aspects that do not fit the norm or what the culture kind of represents. These parts you learn to deny or closet or demonize or neglect or abandon. But it's these parts that are important to bring back or to recover because they make up the, you know, you're filling in the pie chart, so to say. You're embracing the entirety of...

of your being. And that is really, you know, the biggest message that I'm getting through the work that we do at QGST for people to be able to love their authenticity. Because when they do so, they regain access to knowing themselves as a part of source. And, you know, as you do that, as you release the limited or the judgments that you've had to place on parts of yourself as you recover these parts of yourself, you will want to stop harming yourself by these unkind thoughts and actions. And in turn, you'll know that everything else is the same as you, it's a part of source, and you will not want to participate in systems of thinking and actions that, where violence or exploitation or extraction is acceptable, it becomes unacceptable. And that's...

To me, that's how it works. That's like sort of the mechanism that lifts us up into this 5D space where as we recognize that we are source, that everything and everyone else is too. And then, violence and these exploitative systems that we are now basing our existence on, they will become obsolete because it just will not be acceptable anymore.

Mindi Hill (27:42)

I love that. Do you find that you get a particular type of client? And I ask because there was a period of time where I was specifically getting a particular type of person coming to me for sessions. And I don't know if it changes. We have our own special unique skills and abilities. But I would think you, with your background and what you've discovered about yourself, you also would have a

Jeroen de Wit (27:57)


Mindi Hill (28:10)

unique ability to tap into what particular people need. I feel personally that this younger generation coming up, they're much more in tune with themselves. They don't accept what you and I maybe grew up with as acceptable. They're like, I am who I am and that's just how it's going to be.

Do you find that you have a particular group of people that come to you specifically that relate to you better?

Jeroen de Wit (28:43)

Yeah, I mean my favorite people to work with, like the younger generation is my favorite generation to work with because it's usually easier to work with them, but also there is so much more access to this other consciousness that I've been working so hard at trying to find within myself. So I get those, but I also get the people like myself that have been very...

Mindi Hill (29:02)

Uh huh.

Jeroen de Wit (29:12)

What's the word? Like embedded within or they have just kind of seen the light or just awaken a little bit and they're like, holy shit, like whatever I'm doing with my life, you know, and I feel like I get to midwife them into understanding their new self better. So I get these quite a bit as well.

Mindi Hill (29:24)

I love it.

So are these people who have maybe been trying to live their lives as other people have expected them to, and they're discovering for themselves that, no, I can, is that what you're experiencing? Oh, I love that, I love that.

Jeroen de Wit (29:45)

Yes. Exactly, yes. Yeah, it's usually like, usually they come to me like maybe half a year or a couple of months after they've just had this weird awakening. You know, it can be many different types of experiences. But, and they're like, holy crap, like life is not what I thought it was. And it doesn't make sense anymore. And now what? Yeah.

Mindi Hill (30:12)

I love that. Help me, Yeroon, make sense of my life.

Jeroen de Wit (30:17)

Well, yes, yes. So they know it's good because it feels wonderful and they finally feel like, oh, I can, you know, I tend to joy, I can listen to myself, I can do the things that feel good to me, I can acknowledge my feelings rather than to stuff everything away and just go into this hamster wheel.

Yeah, they don't want to do that anymore.

Mindi Hill (30:39)

Yeah. So I have the weird experience, I'll call it a weird experience for myself, that I am in this world of very, um, people that, that don't know anything about consciousness or, you know, maybe they've dipped their toe into meditation a little bit. And that's a, that's like super woo for them. Yeah. So talking about QHHT with them, you know, as soon as I say hypnosis, they kind of get this look on their face, like...

Jeroen de Wit (30:58)

Right. weird. Yeah.

Mindi Hill (31:10)'re not getting in my mind. I'm like, I don't really want to get in your mind either because I've got enough going on up here. When you explain QHHT to people, how do you generally explain it? How do you relate what it is and how it can help them?

Jeroen de Wit (31:16)


It's changed over the years. I used to be more accommodating or feeling out where a person was. And I would just say, I'm a past life regressionist. I help people to connect to their soul. And through the experience of accessing the quantum codes that are embedded in other lifetime experiences, I help people up level and upgrade and heal in their current lifetime.

Mindi Hill (31:53)

that the quantum codes I haven't heard that before. That's a good way. I think you should get, you should trademark that. That's a really good way of explaining it because as soon as I say quantum their eyes glaze over they're like what and then you get to hypnosis and they go nope. Exactly, exactly. But those who have experienced it you know it's it can be life-changing.

Jeroen de Wit (31:57)

Yeah, I think I coined that one. Yeah.

But no, crazy lady getaway, right?

Mindi Hill (32:21)

For sure. Have you had any sessions where someone has just opened, obviously, probably every session they wake up with open eyes, but have you had any really remarkable sessions that just kind of stayed with you?

Jeroen de Wit (32:34)

Yeah, there's so many. Most people come out of it, I call it spiritual botox. You can see their face renewed or relaxed. It's like a sense of coming home, like finally. And so there is this increased sense of peace and having more access to their inner self, which to have more of that present to navigate life with.

Mindi Hill (32:48)


Jeroen de Wit (33:02)

you're going to be able to make more self-honoring decisions rather than to gaslight yourself and just be in survival mode. And then I'll go ahead.

Mindi Hill (33:13)

I was just going to say, I think there's an element of feeling the energy of the higher self come through your body where it's almost like if somebody's been in deep meditation or prayer and they have a knowing, it's like that clair sentience, that knowing this is what I should do or this is where I should go. But you get in QHHT, you get like two hours of that coming through. And I don't know if people understand that that's how it works because we're not doing anything.

Jeroen de Wit (33:28)


Yes, exactly.

Mindi Hill (33:41)

We're just asking the questions. We're not, you know, putting information in. We're just asking the questions. Sorry, I totally went on a sidetrack there. Go ahead.

Jeroen de Wit (33:41)




No, no, it's not a such like at all. No, because I think it is so powerful because you get to be in that space where you get to relate to these previously unknown or unacknowledged parts of yourself. And it's the core of who you are. So that's very powerful in itself. Go ahead.

Mindi Hill (34:07)


And there's an element of trusting yourself after a QHHT session, I feel. Yeah.

Jeroen de Wit (34:15)


And then like crazy healing stuff, like I... The most recent ones that I can remember. Like a lot of people have been healed, like physically healed, like their sight and even weight issues has been coming up a lot lately. I had a guy come in who, you know, he thought he was overweight, like he was at like a stock he built. And I can't remember where we...

Mindi Hill (34:21)

Yeah, tell me some crazy healing stuff.

Jeroen de Wit (34:47)

went during the session, but when I was talking to the higher self, I asked him about, I asked it about why the weight was there. And it said that being a gay man and being rejected for that, he, you know, he would, he learned to reject himself. And that was the weight. It was kind of like a buffer to not have to be for him. It was a way to protect himself and having to be intimate with somebody else, like emotionally intimate where

Mindi Hill (35:14)


Jeroen de Wit (35:16)

he would have to open up and feel that self-rejection. So that was sort of the padding that protected him from it. But having done all the work during the session, it was no longer needed. And it said it would release that. And then later on, we got to be working on his DNA. And the higher self said, we're going to give him a DNA upgrade. And so I gave it some time to do that. And I asked, well, what did you do?

And it said, I can't remember what it did to the DNA, but it said the effect would be that human growth hormone would be released, him being in his 40s. And I go, well, what will that do? It said, well, we cannot change the look of his body, but this will cause the redistribution of the fat and the muscle in his body, and he will grow an inch.

Mindi Hill (35:55)

Oh, interesting.

Jeroen de Wit (36:17)

So that was really mind blowing to me. I'd never heard that. And this is kind of crazy to consider a 43-year-old man growing an inch. So I don't always have back from my clients, but I contacted him because it seemed like he had a download on his session. I was going to make sure that he found the email. And then we got to speak about it. And this was two weeks after. And he dropped 14 pounds without changing any of his lifestyle habits and stuff.

Mindi Hill (36:20)


Oh my goodness.

Jeroen de Wit (36:47)

It just drops 14 pounds in two weeks. And then I've had two people that came out of their session. This was also recently. Both of them were scheduled for Lasik surgery, and they came out of it seeing 2020. That happened. No.

Mindi Hill (36:49)

Wow, that's remarkable.

Oh my gosh. And so they didn't have to do the Lasik surgery then. Wow. Were there, so I ask about my eyes almost every time I have a session and they just keep saying, you're old, like get over it. And actually this last time I got a little bit more information where they said they have to slow me down. And so that's why the eye issue. So they won't fix it for me.

Jeroen de Wit (37:14)

Uh huh.


Mindi Hill (37:31)

So have you had anybody who's had a session where like, you know, they want healing for sure, but then they've been given a reason why the healing cannot happen?

Jeroen de Wit (37:41)

Yes, yeah, that happens quite a bit. Yeah, I wanted to add to what you just shared about your own experience that, of course, things become like issues if they don't function the way we need them to function, but there's often a benefit to it that we don't see. It's like...

Mindi Hill (37:50)


Jeroen de Wit (38:07)

A lot of people think people on the autism spectrum are impaired, but they're really like the new people bringing in new consciousness. They have brains that process things in a different way, and they hold higher frequencies. The same with sight or hearing. When people go through a period of that, it's often because they needed to be...

Mindi Hill (38:11)



Jeroen de Wit (38:35)

to have their focus move inward rather than to be focused outward. And yeah, so that's, I find that a lot. And then in terms of your question, I remember a woman who had lupus and she came in and the higher self said, you know, we can heal 50% of it now. And so I asked, well, why can't you just do everything? And it said, yes, I'm thinking, why do you have to be such a dick, you know?

Mindi Hill (38:58)

Good question.

Jeroen de Wit (39:05)

And so it said, well, her marriage has become obsolete. She has an abusive marriage and she needs to get out. And if we don't give her some level of discomfort, she will not have the push to leave it. So they were gonna clear 50% of it. And then after she leaves it, they will clear the rest. So, interesting ways of why these issues are here. We always think that it's just bad if our body, excuse me, you know, malfunctions or.

Mindi Hill (39:12)



Jeroen de Wit (39:35)

there's an issue, but it's often there to help nudge you in a different direction. And there was another woman who had severe side issues and she came in and the hire said, I was saying like, yeah, we could fix it on the spot. We're not, but we're not going to. And again, I'm thinking about bug. Why? You know? And so I asked, well, why can't you? And it said, well, because that will be distracting her from her path. Her path now being that she.

has had this wonderful session, and she's now gonna create a life that is authentically hers, instead of fitting into the mold that she was given, this is gonna be her miracle. If her miracle was gonna be now that we would fix her side completely, it would be a distraction. But it's sad, she will no longer have to struggle to see. So, she goes home and I get this beautiful thank you note in the mail four weeks later, where she said, I can still notice that some of the cones and the bars part of the anatomy of the eye.

Mindi Hill (40:15)


Jeroen de Wit (40:35)

are still not functioning but I no longer have to squint and struggle to see.

Mindi Hill (40:40)

Oh, yeah, it is amazing. Have you ever had a session, and I keep asking because I've had several sessions, but definitely not as many as you. Have you had the higher self come in and say, this is part of their life's plan? Like, they got cancer, they need to go through the cancer for these particular reasons, and we will not fix it because that's part of what they agreed to.

Jeroen de Wit (40:41)

It's amazing. You know, yeah.


Yes, that has also happened. Sometimes people needed to have a surgery because there was so much negative energy accrued in their body that the best way to remove it was just to cut it out. It's also been telling me this in rare cases. And yes, that some ailments are there for a person to,

to help other people around them see certain things or teach them certain things or to function as a guide in a person's life, to nudge them into other ways of being. Let's see. In that case, we always work on changing the relationship to the disease or the ailment, to move into acceptance and compassion towards the self.

Mindi Hill (42:01)


Jeroen de Wit (42:07)

Um, yeah, I did have that happen. Yeah.

Mindi Hill (42:11)

Yeah, interesting. I mean, because this life is such a bigger thing than what we're experiencing now. And even though QHHT can give us a different perspective where things are not taken, I don't take things as seriously anymore, we do come in to learn lessons. And so QHHT is a great way to kind of understand what we've needed to learn in this life and how that's rolling out. And sometimes that's through illness.

Jeroen de Wit (42:17)


Mindi Hill (42:41)

And so I worry sometimes when people come in and go, cure me of X, Y, and Z. And I think it's important for us as practitioners to ask why is it there, not just to ask for the healing, but to ask the reason.

Jeroen de Wit (42:57)

Yeah, healing always happens, but it's not always the healing that we think we should have.

Mindi Hill (43:04)


Jeroen de Wit (43:06)

It can be understanding and compassion and love. Being able to reconnect to the self, it can be any and all of that. Yes.

Mindi Hill (43:17)

Yeah, or a new perspective on what's going on. Because sometimes it's just, I just want this done. I don't want to do this anymore. But yet they get a new perspective or they get that feeling flowing through their body and it's a newer understanding. Yeah, fascinating. Oh, I love it. So I have so many…

Has Dolores come through in any of your sessions?

Jeroen de Wit (44:13)

Yes. Yeah, she pops in, and it's usually words of encouragement that she gives. Yeah.

Mindi Hill (44:19)

Oh, that's so nice. So she doesn't tell you what she's doing on the other side or what she's working on or what we should expect.

Jeroen de Wit (44:27)

Um, I remember one session, but the details are vague. It's been years where a client was telling me about a whole different life that she's leading on a different planet. Yeah.

Mindi Hill (44:37)

Oh, interesting. Oh, fascinating. And so many practitioners have gone on to write books or collect their sessions. Have you ever had a thought of doing something like that?

Jeroen de Wit (44:45)


Yes, and it's been a struggle for me. Like, I think I have ADHD, and it's just a struggle for me to sit down and focus for so long. Like, it's not something that is easy for me. But I felt this book, or two books actually, like running through my veins. So I need to find a way to get it out. Like, right now, when I'm in nature, I kind of voice record the inspirations that I'm getting while I'm walking. And I know what I want to write about, and I know kind of...

Mindi Hill (45:02)


Jeroen de Wit (45:20)

chapters and stuff, I just need to find a way to get it out. I haven't found a good way to do it yet.

Mindi Hill (45:29)

Oh, I think the technology is going to help you, don't you think? Cause you voice record it and then you send it off to Fiverr or somewhere and then you get it transcribed and then they put it into the forms for you and then you're done.

Jeroen de Wit (45:32)

I think so, yes. Yes. Yeah.

Yes, yes, that can happen. But even like my husband is learning about AI, his business is he's an SEO marketing specialist. And he works with the AI coin a bit. And he tells me that you can just put the voice recordings in and then tell AI to sell them together and to make a good sounding thing of it. And so that might be a way. I don't know. We'll see.

Mindi Hill (45:52)

Oh, fascinating.


Oh, I have the feeling that your books are coming soon. Ha ha!

Jeroen de Wit (46:12)

Well, thank you. That's encouragement. Oh, man, it's been so hard. Every day, I was like, OK, I'm going to write today, even just for an hour. And I'm like, no, I'm going to go into nature and skip through the mountains. Yeah.

Mindi Hill (46:15)

No, really, really.

Oh yeah, even

Well, I'm excited to see what you come up with because I would love to hear more from you for sure. And then I have a silly question to ask you. Of any past life that you've experienced, what has been your personal favorite? And I say past life loosely, other life. What's been your favorite to experience?

Jeroen de Wit (46:33)

Thank you.

Thank you.


God, I feel like I'm doing an injustice to so many others if I just tell you about one. Let's see. So I always like to have my mind kind of be expanded, like new concept that I haven't been working with. So OK, this is one of them. There's so many amazing ones. But this woman who came in who is now a music healer, sound healer, yeah.

Mindi Hill (47:29)

Oh, wow.

Jeroen de Wit (47:30)

And so she went through a lifetime where she was like a reptilian. And she said from the draconian star system and that a faction of her people had gone dark. That consciousness had sort of gone darker, but it was not what she wanted to do. And so she had to escape her world and incarnate on Earth.

in the human body so she could not be found because they were after her. And so she ended up in a lifetime in the 1600s, that was a different timeline from our current earth, where she ended up being a, I don't know if it was a pastor, but working in a church because then she would have access to the parishioners that would come up to get communion and she could see their energy anatomy and then direct sound into them.

Mindi Hill (48:02)

Oh, wow.

Jeroen de Wit (48:28)

into certain nodes or nexus points in their energy anatomy to help them heal. So I thought that was such a detailed description of healing and also referring to her life now. She's a sound healer, which is such a beautiful, like it matched. So that is one that just popped up, but there are so many other beautiful ones. And...

Mindi Hill (48:34)

Wow, that's fascinating.

Jeroen de Wit (48:55)

I mean, the ones that usually blow people's minds are the ones where people go into historical lifetimes, where they go into a life that has been documented, that you can then fact check. And one of those sessions has been made into a book. It's called The Boy Who Knew Too Much by Kathy Byrd. Yeah. So is it time to talk about it? Okay. So yeah, this is, people love hearing about this. So this woman comes into my office with this.

Mindi Hill (49:11)


Yeah, I love it. Let's talk about it.

Jeroen de Wit (49:24)

beautiful story of her two-year-old who started telling her, you know, as soon as he could talk that he used to be a tall German baseball player. And she was from a Christian background, had no context for reincarnation, so she thought she was correcting him by saying stuff like, oh you want to be a tall German baseball player? And he would say no, I was.

She's from the Los Angeles area. So she would take her... The kid expressed an interest in baseball, so she would take him to the Dodger Stadium and weird things would happen. He would stop at this big poster of Babe Ruth, the legendary baseball player, and start pointing at it and saying stuff like, you know, this guy was really bad. He's a mean guy. We had a big fight. So he would know things of a different time that he couldn't have known about to the point where she realized there's more going on.

Mindi Hill (50:12)

Oh my gosh.

Jeroen de Wit (50:16)

than just a vivid imagination. And so her first thing was to take him to her pastor and the pastor said, well, the kid needs to have an exorcism, which she was not ready to do, I know. Yeah, so one of her more like woo-woo friends had already done a session with me and nudged her, saying like, why'd you go see this Dutch guy that I've visited to do a pastime regression? So she came into my office with that story and...

Mindi Hill (50:26)


Jeroen de Wit (50:42)

her kid had told her that she used to be his mom in that past life, that he remembers being up on a cloud and seeing her again and thinking, I'm gonna go be with her again. And so she comes into my office with this story and as you know, we tell clients, I don't know what you're gonna access or what life you're gonna go into because we leave it up to your higher self to choose. We ended up exploring the lifetime of Christina Garrick. It was coming up.

Coming off the cloud, she started describing a working class environment on the East Coast in the 1930s and 40s. And she knew the German nicknames to her family members. She had such detailed recall. And, you know, this was kind of at the beginning of my career and I was still very skeptical in terms of like, are people making this stuff up? So I would ask about lots of trivial, mundane details that she couldn't have researched prior to coming in.

I remember asking her about, you know, she told me that she was going to watch the game for the first time. Like she was walking to the Yankee Stadium to watch her son, Lou Gehrig, play for the first time. And so I'm asking her, well, you're watching the game. Are you having any snacks? And she goes, yes, we're having warm nuts. She goes, and I'm asking her, it's like burnt peanuts? And she goes, no, they must be chestnuts. And she's from Southern California and had never. I know.

Mindi Hill (52:05)

Yeah, we don't know about that stuff in Southern California.

Jeroen de Wit (52:08)

She had never even seen a chestnut. So, and then I asked her, well, are you having any, are you drinking anything? And she goes, yes, we're having a cola. Like what American born person would refer to a Coke as a cola? Like there were certain accents that were bleeding into it. So she had this very detailed recall and booked two more sessions and we would go back into the same lifetime but explore different periods of it.

Mindi Hill (52:21)


Jeroen de Wit (52:34)

And so I'm asking her herself, like, why are we doing this? I mean, it's fantastic, but why? And it said that she was to sort of mine that lifetime for verifiable details that she could go and fact check with still living descendants and relatives to write a book about it. And that this book would give access to a larger demographic of people because it would have this level of like verifiability to it, but also the subject of baseball.

And so she did. She went to the East Coast and introduced herself as this crazy Californian lady that had done a pastime regression. Can she check some facts? And everything that she came up with during her session was actual lived experience, like down to the detail of, I remember her describing a necklace that she had given to one of her daughters in the shape of a little golden bird with a diamond as an eye.

And that necklace really existed and it was given to the daughter that she found out about during the regression. So this really validated that, for me, that fast light regression is really going into lived experience and it's not just made up. And then she entered the Hey, I was writing contest and won the contest. The book was published and it talks about it being made into a movie now.

Mindi Hill (54:01)

That's amazing. So amazing. What now? What's the name of the book is the boy who knew too much? Kathy Bird. Okay, I'm gonna have to look that up. I'll put that in the show notes too and make sure that it's linked there. That's fascinating and it's gonna be made into a movie. Oh, that's fascinating. Are they gonna let you um co-star?

Jeroen de Wit (54:02)

Isn't it? Yes.

Uh huh, by Kathy Byrd.

Oh, sweet. Yes. Yeah.

I'm not an actor, so I would probably not do that. I just want somebody handsome and pretty to play me, that's all. Hahaha. Yeah, something, yes. Hahaha.

Mindi Hill (54:26)


There you go. Just a young Brad Pitt. I love it. So that brings up an interesting topic for me because past lives, I am not, I always, when I go under, I'll speak for my own self because I don't wanna share anybody else's information, but I always go into a past life. And I don't know if it's just my higher selves. But some people don't. What are you experiencing?

Jeroen de Wit (54:39)

Uh huh.

Mindi Hill (54:56)

now in your sessions? Are you mostly getting past lives or are they going directly into the higher self or how do you see your sessions going at this time?

Jeroen de Wit (55:06)

I mean we call it past lives, but really they are alternate lives or you know lives that our soul is living Right now from the perspective of the soul. There are no there's no time. So It seems from our perspective that it's the past life, but it's really What do you call it like a congruent life that's happening right now. So it's like we're Parallel life. Yeah, that's maybe better way to put it So I get quite a bit of those but also

Mindi Hill (55:25)

Mm-hmm. Maybe a parallel life.

Jeroen de Wit (55:34)

many alien lives or like creator lives where they're just energy at the beginning of existence or what else

or like light being lives or being a council of some sort.

Mindi Hill (55:53)

Do you get a lot of volunteers?

Jeroen de Wit (55:55)

Yes, like 90% of my clients are volunteers.

Mindi Hill (55:58)

And then, so I've had only a few of those and they're just energy. Like they don't, they're in a life, but they're energy. Which of course I'm always like, oh, what do I ask? What do I ask? Are you having some of those as well? Or you said 90% are volunteers. How are you discovering that? Mostly.

Jeroen de Wit (56:08)

Yes. Yeah.


Usually when I ask the higher self, like why are they here? What's their life purpose? It might not be that, you know, they might have gone through recalling a lifetime that was on earth, could have been. But then, you know, talking to the higher self, they will tell me she's here to help up level the frequency of consciousness. Yeah, that's how I find that.

Mindi Hill (56:26)


Interesting. I was told that I'm basically a tree stump in the forest, that I don't have to do anything while I'm here. Yeah, that's a little hard though, because we're on earth and we're supposed to be doing stuff.

Jeroen de Wit (56:54)

Nice, yes. Yes. I know we have like, our days, our hours, and our minutes to contend with. What are we gonna do with that? You know, just be a tree stump? Yeah. Ha ha ha.

Mindi Hill (57:03)

Exactly. It's like she could just do nothing. I'm like, well, that's great. Hi, yourself. Thank you. But really, how do I got to pay bills?

Jeroen de Wit (57:10)

Yes. Yeah, exactly. So that really corresponds with, you know, the book by Dolores, The Three Waves of Volunteers and a New Earth. Did you read it? So you'll find that the second wave, which is our generation, we're here to help up level consciousness in that particular way by anchoring the energy.

Mindi Hill (57:20)

I haven't read that one yet.

And then we pay our bills by, no, I'm joking by giving QHT sessions. Okay. I got it. You found the right route. Oh my goodness. Well, you were in, I don't want to take your entire day. So thank you so, so much. Um, if people want to have a session with you, what's the best way to locate you and set up time.

Jeroen de Wit (57:40)

Exactly. Yes, yes, yes.

Sure, thank you. So I'm based in Los Angeles. And the easiest or you'll find the most links and ways to contact me on my Instagram page, which is my name, Jeroen, and then my affirmation is love. So J-E-R-O-E-N-I-S-L-O-V-E. And there is a link tree, like a profile link you can click on. And it takes you to my website, my YouTube channel, emailing, calling me.

booking sessions, but you can also use my website, which is my first name and then QHHT, J-E-R-O-E-N

Mindi Hill (58:37)

Beautiful. Thank you so much, Yerun, for being here today and for sharing your stories with us. I appreciate you so much.