The Answers Inside

Connecting to Source with Jana Dumond

Jana Dumond Season 1 Episode 6

In this transformative episode of the Answers Inside podcast, Mindi Hill sits down with Jana Duomond, practitioner of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) in Bend, Oregon. Join us as we delve into Jana's unique journey of connecting with source and facilitating profound healing experiences for her clients.

Jana shares her insights into the spiritual realm, recounting personal anecdotes that have shaped her understanding of the interconnectedness between mind, body, and spirit. She eloquently describes how she taps into the universal source to guide her clients through the labyrinth of their subconscious minds, unlocking the hidden keys to healing.

Jana Duomond is a beacon of hope for those seeking relief from trauma and she shares inspiring stories of clients who have experienced deep and lasting healing, shedding physical pain rooted in emotional wounds. Learn about the powerful techniques Jana employs to guide individuals through the layers of their consciousness, facilitating profound releases and transformations.

Jana's wisdom, compassion, and ability to connect with the source are sure to leave you inspired and motivated to embark on your own journey to self-discovery and healing.

Don't miss this enlightening conversation on the Answers Inside podcast, where we explore the limitless potential within us all, waiting to be uncovered.

YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok: @JanatheMom
Facebook: @Jana Michele DuMond

Mindi Hill is a certified QHHT practitioner and the host of The Answers Inside.

Subscribe to The Answers Inside on your favorite podcast platform and open yourself to the infinite possibilities of the quantum realm. Get ready to be inspired, amazed, and awakened to the remarkable power of the human mind to heal, transform, and transcend limitations.

Note: Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a real modality developed by Dolores Cannon, a pioneering hypnotherapist. It involves inducing a deep state of hypnosis to access the subconscious mind and explore past-life memories, higher states of consciousness, and facilitate healing.

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Hi, this is Mindy Hill and you're on the Answers Inside podcast, the podcast all about QHHT and the health and healing that it provides. I'm here with Jana Dumond, QHHT practitioner in Bend, Oregon. Hi Jana. How are you? Thanks for being on. Good. So Jana, we met a couple weeks, months ago, I guess, being both QHHT practitioners in the central Oregon area.

Jana DuMond (05:29)

Hello, thanks for having me. Good, doing well. All right, thank you.

Mindi Hill (05:45)

And I wanted to have you on just to get an understanding of how you learned about QHHT, what your background was before that, and get an understanding of how the practice is going for you. So how did you learn about QHHT?

Jana DuMond (06:00)

Well, I've been a practitioner for like 30 years doing massage, reflexology, and different modalities and as a break I go on walks and take my dogs for an hour and a half, two hour walk. And I started listening to Dolores Cannon's books and having this greatest desire to have an experience like that. Wanted to visit other realms. Wanted to know what past lives I have had. I just wanted to.

be visited by extraterrestrials. I wanted to be in that world. So then the more I read, I was like, oh yeah, she does trainings, huh? And then immediately I jumped in and got my first certification and then immediately popped into level two and completed that like just super fast and had very life-changing positive results with my clients.

And it was like a big part of my own awakening, I would have to say. My ability to be in touch with the spirits, um, my connection to source, all of that just exploded by doing quantum healing hypnosis. So yeah, it's been highly beneficial to me and it escalated me into my awakening.

Mindi Hill (07:27)

Oh my gosh. So you had done other modalities before this. And had they had the same effect?

Jana DuMond (07:31)

I had, yeah, and I still do. Yeah, I have.

No, in fact not. When you do massage and when you have your hands on someone, of course energy is moving when you're in the same room. When you're not even in the same room, but when your intention is set for that, you have an influence as your energies then just mesh and amplify. So

without knowing how much of an effect I had over all those years through massage, through reflexology, and through what I would consider like life coaching. I found ways that I would help my clients that would be what I considered a more beneficial dialogue they would have with their brain so that they were controlling what they were thinking, not letting their mind control them. So yes, I've had good experiences.

um always known I was a healer but with this it put it very concretely for someone they could see for themselves I could feel that their spirits their guardian angels their team of guides was there I could feel it in my body when they would ask you know they would say things like I just don't feel connected and then I could feel it on me as if the spirits were like

Here it is. We're here. Show her. You know, so but then when they dropped down into Theta and they relaxed their conscious part of their brain, which as we know is still present, ever present these days because the consciousness of the human race has kind of risen. But when they're relaxed enough to accept all of the information coming through, they see for themselves and they have.

Now, the connection, they see their guides, they know they are supported, they know they're never alone. And then afterward, they've had a different experience that has raised their vibration such that they're different after that. They have an easier time connecting to source. Of course, they can listen to their recording and instantly have that vibration again. But some of my people...

like one woman said one of her concerns was her sobriety but that wasn't her big thing. She had many childhood traumas to deal with so that's what we worked on. That's what we visited and we healed. When she came out of it she says, I don't know what you did but now like substances don't do anything for me anymore.

And I said, well, when you're in that higher vibration state, that stays with you. And the low vibration things that used to work for you, since you were in a low vibration state, well, they no longer match your vibration, so they don't jive anymore. And so it was a beautiful byproduct of the session that wasn't something that we're intentionally going for. But like, this is

Like I have a, I have one of her texts right in front of me cause she corresponds with me all the time. And she says, I prayed and prayed the last three years for a way to end the cycle with my mother because I was so beyond done with it. And hypnosis was definitely the answer to my biggest burden for sure. I was doing everything I could before to have peace with her but the way I speak now to her.

is so different and it's like mind-blowing and so very thankful for this beautiful sign of healing and just sends me things like that all the time. How everything else that she tried never got her to this level. So and that's just one of so many. I mean another beautiful bribe talk.

byproduct was when one of my clients, I do a scan, we all kind of do a body scan, but I do a brain optimization. And I asked, what's going on in there? Cause I'm always asking what's

Mindi Hill (12:08)


Jana DuMond (12:14)

happening with the healing when they start to send those vibrations through. And they said, we're finding toxins in the brain. I said, okay, well, where did they come from?

And they said, well, just from things he's touched, molds from plastics, from metals, different things, I've just kind of had a toxic effect on some things in his brain and we're clearing them now. And so I'm like, okay, great. And let me know when they're done, you know, and okay, we're done. And so when he came out of hypnosis, he looked around the room and he goes, oh my gosh, he goes.

Mindi Hill (12:44)


Jana DuMond (12:56)

the colors are so vibrant, everything is so clear. And what happened was that as we know, the brain controls your vision. So the toxins in his brain were blurring his vision. And then he went to use the phone to call his girlfriend, text his girlfriend to pick him up and he didn't have his glasses. So as he left him in the therapy room, he's like, oh my gosh, I don't need my glasses.

I can do this. I usually, he has to usually do his glasses to see. And so he came out of it with his vision so much clearer. And that was just one tiny, that was just one tiny bit. He was a person who during the interview said, I watched when he would describe something and his eyes would start almost water, but he would stop. And he never would let it go. And

Mindi Hill (13:51)


Jana DuMond (13:54)

He told me that he had an issue with accessing his emotions. Oh my gosh. When he dropped into trance, he saw things that were so moving to him. He is bawling out loud. His body is moving. His hands were just flexing and stretching. And he says, I'm feeling these emotions throughout my entire body.

And then, you know, he kept saying things like they were coming through him and saying, I love you, I love you, I love you. And he was, yeah. And he was so touched. His emotions were just all out there and he could feel everything finally throughout his body. Needless to say, he had some pretty amazing healing. So you get what you are supposed to get at that time.

Mindi Hill (14:28)


Jana DuMond (14:49)

It was just, yeah, the things he saw were just so moving that he could, because he was relaxed enough, he could access all of those emotions. Yeah.

Mindi Hill (14:57)

Wow, it's amazing what we put in place to we think we're protecting ourselves, you know.

Jana DuMond (15:04)

I know, I know the programming that we have received since we before we even got here, you know, in utero, we're hearing everything, we're picking up everything from our parents from everyone around us and then yeah, we definitely, it's like when I tell people that when they go in on under hypnosis that they

Mindi Hill (15:19)


Jana DuMond (15:33)

begin to remember who they are. And that's what I really want for them, is to know who they are. Because when you know that you are source in a physical body, having a physical experience, but you are source, the greatest part of you is with source, and you are having one of these experiences on many different dimensions, but the one you're focusing on right here, that knowing that you are

Mindi Hill (15:36)

Oh yeah, that's a great way to explain it.

Jana DuMond (16:03)

source, you can be completely healthy. There does not need to be anything that is of discomfort to you. And so that's my greatest goal is to help people to understand who they are, to know the source within them, and to be healthy. So I approach, you know, I like to approach it as complete health. And, because in healing,

you're healing a specific issue, but total health, well, healing's a byproduct. And so that's what we try to give them through the quantum healing.

Mindi Hill (16:41)

I love it. I love it. You're so right, because we don't have to be ill. We don't have to have crazy deaths, long, prolonged things. We can, we can heal those things. We can live energetically clean, I'll say. Yeah. So fascinating. What an amazing story.

Jana DuMond (16:56)

Right. Mm hmm. Mm hmm.

hmm yeah there are a lot of them and no I was saying not one person has come out of it without having some massive transformation even the people who say I didn't see anything they yeah you did you certainly did you were in the quantum field that void they think of

Mindi Hill (17:08)

So, no, go ahead.


Jana DuMond (17:32)

the blackness, what's in the quantum field, that there's every single possibility exists. And they can attach onto those and create them.

Mindi Hill (17:41)

Yeah, yeah, magical things can happen there. So what was it about Delores? So what I find interesting is, and for my own story too, is there were a lot of years that I didn't know anything about Delores Cannon, then all of a sudden she just showed up. So how did she just show up for you? How did you come across her name?

Jana DuMond (17:44)

That's right.

You know, that is interesting because I wish I could remember clearly. I have always, uh, joked with my children and they've always joked to me that I'm an alien, right? And I embrace that because I've always felt different in this planet. And I used to say, this is not my planet. These are not my people. Now that having said that I did come here for a reason and it is to help awaken and enlighten people. Um,

and help them to propel forward and ascend, which is my greatest joy. But we would say things all the time about how I'm like an alien. And then, you know, it's funny, I believed that deep down, even though I was joking, and I'd say it and my whole family would say it, I'm like, well, funny, you say that. Because, you know.

those things that you have a little inkling about, you're probably right, you know, even if you haven't really come to completely embrace it. But, and so I think I was looking for a connection with extraterrestrials and I probably stumbled on it through audible because that's where I...

I would use my headphones and walk and then I would say I'm gonna go be with my people because I felt that those that's my home and I mean even had such a deep longing for an experience like that. Having like I wanted to be visited so desperately and then I was realizing oh okay wait a minute they're always I'm connected to them they're always with me.

And so having that need for them to come physically in my vision, visit me was no longer as much of a desire as it was just to feel connected to them and to be able to complete my purpose here, which is to help with the ascension and to help everybody awaken to who they are. But...

I think it probably started out with reincarnation stories, maybe, oh, maybe even on TikTok, you know, honestly, because on TikTok, I have 125,000 followers on TikTok, just Jana the mom, because I've done art for kids. And I think I must've been looking at reincarnation stories and she popped up and then I found her books. That must be it. But I use TikTok like as an educational.

Mindi Hill (20:34)



Jana DuMond (20:58)

There's a lot of healers on there. And so I think that must have been it. It was now that I'm thinking about it. And then I saw the books and then just went like gangbusters through every single book. On my walk, going to meet my people. And feeling connected and feeling like I was understood, you know, because all of that made total sense to me. And then it was very, it's very educational.

Mindi Hill (21:00)



Jana DuMond (21:28)

and helpful to know that you are one of the three waves of volunteers or that these are some of your clients, most of your clients in fact, because those are the ones that are attracted to you or the guides send them to you because they're already on their first steps of awakening.

Mindi Hill (21:46)

Do you find that you have a particular type of client that comes to you? Do you? Oh, I love it, tell me more.

Jana DuMond (21:50)

Yes, absolutely, absolutely. First of all, I talk with my guides all the time. I'm not religious in any way. I don't believe in any organized religion. I do believe that the Archangels are healing energies that are for everyone. And so Archangel Raphael, Archangel Michael, I'm very, very in connection with them because I asked them

for help with the healing, help with clearing of energies, different things like that. But I'm always connecting to my guides and I ask specifically for what I want because I hear that in sessions, just ask, just ask, just ask, you know, they want you to tell them what you want because if not, they're gonna throw spaghetti on the wall and hope something sticks until you pick up on it and then you're like, yeah, that jives, okay.

So I'm very specific and I say, please send me clients that I can resonate with, that I can help them heal themselves. And even before my session, I say, please give me the words to say, the manner in which to say them to help them heal themselves. Please let me be a vessel of your healing. Let me be a clear channel for your love, light and truth. And so I'm connected and I do that many times a day.

But I ask specifically for those clients that I can resonate with and I can help them heal themselves. Now, that helps to narrow down who comes through. Because of course, they a lot of times come through with a massage and reflexology and then they get a whole lot more. But I would say that a majority of my clients have had abuse and they're coming out of trauma. And it could be.

It's sexual most of the time and physical abuse, but they all have some trauma. And in fact, everybody is trying to heal themselves. So that's who comes to me. Because there's never, you don't just have a backache. There's some reason why that happened. What emotion you have trapped, what trauma you have not released.

and then I can help them to get through that. But yeah, I would say I have an ability when someone is telling me about their horrendous childhood that I can stay, I stay at a vibration above that, I don't drop down into theirs because I give them a space to rise up. So I give them a place to go. And I'm...

Mindi Hill (24:30)


Jana DuMond (24:44)

completely, I've heard everything you could ever imagine and I'm empathetic, but I don't make them feel worse about their situation. I'm completely open and they can say everything and people have always been that way, always been that way with me. They have always said, I can't believe I'm telling you this. I've never told another person in my entire life. I'm like, yup, that's about the norm. You know, I don't say it like that, but in fact.

Mindi Hill (24:48)


Jana DuMond (25:13)

that is the case because I am a person that is non-judgmental. I have heard so much and it doesn't tend to affect me in a negative way. It allows me to stay neutral and just allow them to feel it, allow them to say what they need to say and then allow them to be heard. Most people just really need to be acknowledged and heard. And I found so many people's throat chakras are closed off because...

when that abuse happened, they tried to say something and everybody's like, oh no, you know? So they go rump and shut down that throat chakra and never speak of it, or have learned if they do speak of it, nobody listens. So I listen and I hear them and I acknowledge. I practiced active listening many, many years ago and so I can actually reflect back to them what they're saying so that they know that I'm hearing them.

Mindi Hill (25:47)


Jana DuMond (26:11)

and it's a safe space. And so a lot of the people that come to me need to talk and get it off their chest. And in fact, they hold a lot in their chest, but they hold a lot in the area where that, a lot of them are in their root and sacral chakras because of the abuse. And those generate different emotions, so we can help release all of that.

Mindi Hill (26:40)

So I'm curious, you started with massage and reflexology. Do you have an ability to see chakras or feel them or anything like that?

Jana DuMond (26:53)

I had to give myself the permission to receive the information in the way I receive it. This was clear. Like, I don't know, it might have been in the session that I had with you when they said the healing is in the not feeling a lack.

not lacking because I've always been like please let me see visually let me see you angels let me see energy let me see auras let me all this right when in fact I will I am getting that information and it is in the most elegant way for me at this time in my life I get it in a body feeling so I feel like truth bumps go over me I feel a whoosh go down

When I'm working with clients on different things, I can feel it in my jaw going down the right side of my body and out my right foot. And so I know when something is released, when they want to visit a loved one, and I invoke them, then they are there, I feel them almost as if they are sitting on top of me, like in a gentle way, just their energy kind of meshing down on me. And I can feel it when it comes in the room like that.

Mindi Hill (28:06)


Jana DuMond (28:11)

But see, I wasn't aware of all of that in the beginning because I couldn't identify what that was. I thought when you connected with their spirits, you're gonna see angels, you're gonna see Archangel Michael over in the corner. It's not always that way for people. Some people can be visual like that. Some people, like I have clear audience where I can hear a bug.

hum, buzz in my right ear all the time. And it's my connection to the other realms. Do I understand what they're saying? No, because a lot of them can be extraterrestrials in different languages. And so I do hear that, but I want people to know that when you get messages, most times it's gonna be in the sound of your own voice. And everybody thought...

Mindi Hill (28:53)


Jana DuMond (29:07)

Oh, it's going to be like this booming, Hello, Jenna, I am here. And yeah, and it's not, if you come into your. Ground yourself and ask, what does my spirit say? If you get down into your heart space, the first thing when you ask the question, the first thing you hear is the answer and not judging it and knowing it's probably going to be in your voice.

Mindi Hill (29:11)


Jana DuMond (29:37)

It will never be rude. It will never be domineering and forcing you to do anything weird. It's always going to be just very matter of fact in a loving way. Here's the answer. And so that's what people have to understand is that it will come through when you trust that you're hearing it and in the most proper way for you. So I

have seen or as occasionally, but I don't as a whole see them. I feel things in my body more. I'm very good with a pendulum. I use that all day long with my work because I do this with other things. And that is my connection to source and my clarification on answers. And so if somebody is trying to know, are you getting a message, then if you confirm it with your pendulum,

then you'll know and that helps establish a better communication with them and a better trust. So yes, I've always had this belief I could like reach out my hand like Iron Man and like send an energy wave to someone and heal them. I've always like fantasized that I had that. I haven't completely come into that but through different sessions the clients there

Mindi Hill (30:47)


Jana DuMond (31:02)

higher selves will come through and say, oh, you have been healing all this time. Yes, you would do it in everything you do. You do Reiki through your Reiki through your hands, just by being. Um, sometimes people say like my voice alone does something for them, um, calms them or reassures them or something. And I think that that's just the vibration that they've given me that I carry in order to help heal. Um, so.

without knowing it, I've always been super connected. And then as of late, more and more understanding of what that connection is. But it's not, I hope people don't think that they're just going to all of a sudden see with those eyes it's a knowingness with me. I get information and if I let it flow,

I'm hearing what their guides are trying to say. And it does sound like my voice. It does sound like me, but I'm getting this, it's an inspiration from the guides, from spirit. And I just gave myself permission to let that flow. And then they're all like, yeah, oh my gosh, that's exactly what I needed here, yes. How did you, you know. So giving over.

The feeling it has to be a perfect certain way is essential. And to know it's just perfect the way it is for you, the way you receive it. And it does get long, you know, and the more you start trusting it, the more it grows and the more in touch you are with it.

Mindi Hill (32:49)

I love that. So do you have, how do I ask this question? Are there, since you have felt for most of your life that you were an alien, that

you didn't belong on this planet, is that the majority of folks who come see you that you resonate with or are you getting all kinds? And also what kind of alien are you? Have you ever asked that question?

Jana DuMond (33:02)

Yeah, right.

I... Yeah.

You know, I have and you know, I did like a numerology thing to find out. But the deal is that I have been so many extraterrestrials that like this would be like me saying to a person, are you a Floridian? Okay. I was born in Florida. Does that make me that?

Mindi Hill (33:39)


Jana DuMond (33:41)

I've lived in Alaska. I've lived in Idaho. I live in Bend, Oregon. What are you? What are you? Right.

Mindi Hill (33:48)

Yeah, have you ever done, oh, I'm gonna bash it up what it is, galactic astrology?

Jana DuMond (33:59)

where they show where you have been. Yes, yes, yeah. And it's.

Mindi Hill (34:01)

where your different lives have been on different planets. Okay, yeah, amazing. I'll put in this show notes, I'll put the link to the Galactic Astrology Chart. It's fascinating.

Jana DuMond (34:11)

Yeah, no, I've been around a long time and I have been many, many different types of ETs and I've come to find out I'm part of a council of many that helps different... I've helped people on Earth, whispered in their ears, helping them in ancient times.

telling them how to plant something so that they could then grow and be able to trade with the neighboring town so they had a livelihood. I have always, like my login name for everything, it's Jana the mom, right? Jana the mom, like Jana the mother, because my main and most important thing I've ever done is raise my two daughters who we have the best relationship. Now

Mindi Hill (34:41)


Jana DuMond (35:06)

I've always felt like a mother over everything, even though I'm the youngest in the family. I've always felt like a mother figure and I've always felt like I wanted to help people. If I had any bit of information that I thought would help them, I felt compelled to share it. And so I know that through all of my lives, I've been a healer, helper, and trying to, yeah, a teacher, in fact, yeah. So.

Mindi Hill (35:30)


Jana DuMond (35:36)

If you ask which species I am and what planet, mine was very, very far away. I've been part of many that one that no longer exists, which was part of my like not feeling like I belonged anywhere because my planet was actually fairly much destroyed. And so that deep longing and feeling like I didn't belong and I felt like there was a home somewhere else, but wanting it.

Mindi Hill (35:53)


Jana DuMond (36:06)

Deeply like I always knew that on the other side it was just phenomenal. I had no fear of that and So but then to find out that the origination planet that I came from Really was not inhabitable anymore. That was like a oh That oh That's why you have this deep longing for a place That's elsewhere that now doesn't even exist. So there's where that kind of bittersweet pain is

But a lot of my clients, they do have a hard time fitting in here because if they are one of the visitors, you know, they may not have had that much, one of the volunteers to help with the ascension. They may not have had as much prep here and the emotions that humans have. And we all on the other side are invincible. We don't have human emotions on the other side.

in spirit form. Therefore, we think we can handle everything. We're like, give it to me. I want to get, I'm going to deal with abandonment. I'm going to deal with my anger. I'm going to learn how to forgive. I'm going to do this and that. And so we pile it on because we're like, I want to get her done. Right. And then we get here and we're like, oh my gosh, what did I do? And so a lot of people have that and I helped them to realize too. This was

Mindi Hill (37:22)



Jana DuMond (37:34)

what their spirit, what their higher self knew that they could handle, knew that it would be good for them to come out the other end of it and to be a survivor and to be strong and perseverant, to overcome and to have all these experiences. So then it helps them to not feel like a victim so that they know that they actually chose all of these people in their reality.

and all the ways that they would bring out these different things in them. Even though on a conscious level you're like, no way would I choose that. Because when you get here, there's no freaking way you would choose that now. But on the other side, you're like, yeah, I got this. And your higher self does know that you got this. It's just a matter of working through it.

Mindi Hill (38:12)

You're right.

I'm thinking of two things. So you said that you've had an experience of helping people plant. And it made me think of the Native American story about, I forget the name, but she was the one that taught the Native American. She came and she taught the Native Americans to grow corn, beans and something else together. I can't think of her name right now and I feel really bad because that's one of my very favorite

Jana DuMond (38:53)

Uh-huh. Mm-hmm.

Mindi Hill (38:58)


Um, so I wonder if you were perhaps her in a past life. Wouldn't that be amazing?

Jana DuMond (39:04)

I wasn't, yeah, except I wasn't necessarily here in human form on those times. You see? Okay. Yeah. I was in spirit form and like whispering in their ears and giving them, yeah, who knows? But you know, yeah, there's been so many that it's like, I don't even know because you are eternal.

Mindi Hill (39:11)

Right, and she was not, she was an entity that came and taught them how to do agriculture.

I could be.

Ha ha ha!

Jana DuMond (39:33)

You know, you always have been and you always will be.

Mindi Hill (39:34)

Yeah, yeah. And I can attest, so Jana and I have shared sessions, which I was so lucky to have a session with you. It was an amazing session, and I should probably publish a couple snippets from that session because so much came through. But when she says that she has...

people, entities around her. It's so true because before we even started our session, I think we were talking too long or something. And there was just, it was like, they came in to your house and it was like, boom, let's go, get upstairs in the treatment room. It was hilarious because we were just blah, downstairs. Yeah, let's go. We were taking too much time or something.

Jana DuMond (40:07)

Oh, they came in. They're like, we're here. Right? That happens.

that they're like get her on get it going we're here at snap ladies I don't got all day I know I know yeah it's true I mean and another time when I had my session and I was I couldn't see my extraterrestrial friends but someone else who was doing the session for me could it could sense them all and there were a lot of them

Mindi Hill (40:37)


Jana DuMond (40:44)

And then I said, are they still here? You know, I'm asking her while I'm under trance. And then I hear, ka-boom! And it was the loudest noise that none of us, we still have no idea what it was because nobody else around, but it was so loud. It was as if a garbage can, somebody took a baseball bat and like whacked it. And I don't have metal garbage cans, so I don't even know how that was. And then she goes,

Mindi Hill (40:57)

Oh wow.

Jana DuMond (41:11)

Yeah, I guess they're still here, you know, because they made. Yeah, it was pretty funny. So, yeah, they they're always around when you ask for them. That's a that's what people really need to know is when you ask, they're there.

Mindi Hill (41:14)

making themselves known.

Oh, amazing.

Have you ever read any Sonia Choquette? She does a lot of intuition, but she says the same thing. She says, your angels are sitting here waiting for you to give them instruction. And I think, I don't know what it is in our upbringing or in our knowledge or how we get downloaded, but it seems like we get this message that we're not allowed to ask directly for things. Like we have to beg for it or something.

Jana DuMond (41:56)

It's one of the core beliefs that I discover in people through my practice is that the bottom line is, I'm not good enough, or I am not deserving. And when you come in as a little baby,

Mindi Hill (42:05)


Jana DuMond (42:12)

You are so delighted with everything. You are so enthralled with your little chubby body. Everything about you is so adorable and cute and you love yourself. Then, and you come in knowing by the way, how to swim underwater because babies are born underwater and they just float around until they come to the top. They don't drown, right? So we, through programming, train the child to think it does not know how to swim.

So much so that we put instill fear, don't go near that puddle, don't go near that bucket of water, don't go in that, you know, that they then unlearn how to swim. And at age whatever, we have to take them to the classes to teach them how to swim. So it's like our programming, I mean, is just, it's unfortunate, but it is a way so that we can then wake up to that and become.

awakened. It's they say that you wake up from the dream in order to dream again and so it's like that is you know we just get all this programming that makes us think that we just don't deserve it and I tell every client I'm like they're right here and I even make them say I'm like Do you want to you know, I'll ask the spirit. Do you want us to ask and they go

Mindi Hill (43:17)

Oh, that's beautiful.

Jana DuMond (43:41)

Oh, please, because it is what their purpose in life is. If you were to ask, like, my purpose in life is to help people heal. And when someone asked me for help or any of that, I'm thrilled beyond compare. That fulfills me. That is my life goal. That is what their purpose is, is to help you receive what it is that you want or desire or that you need in order to. Come out the other side.

with that experience. So in fact they they're desperately at saying just ask, just ask us, just ask and be specific, be specific with what you want. And the highest vibration you could have is gratitude. So put it in the terms that you already have received it. Thank you for this healing, thank you for this healthy body, thank you for this abundance, because that's putting trust

that they're doing it for you. So you're giving trust to them, it's faith, you know? But that puts you in the right vibration to receive it anyway.

Mindi Hill (44:42)


So along with QHHT, you also do other modalities. Are you open to sharing about those other modalities as well?

Jana DuMond (44:55)


Mindi Hill (44:58)

Jana DuMond (44:58)

Of course, yeah. And so I do energy healing on many different platforms. I am an animal communicator, so I help animals too. I'm very connected to animals, so I can do healing for animals and their companions. I do emotion code, body code, and belief code, which I can do over Zoom,

In the quantum field, there is no such thing as distance or time. You're just currently right there with your intention. You're connected. And I've had tremendous healings with people in just one session. And then they almost all do more because you're like an onion. And you unravel layers. And you get to more and more things. And it's a very painless process because it connects to your subconscious. It bypasses the conscious self.

and I can then find out what emotion you're storing in a certain part of your body and help you then to release it without you having to go through this regurgitation of all these, when was that? What do you think that was? And

then it would be 10 years of talk therapy to get to the thing that I can get to in one session. In fact, for some people, they've gone to their therapist and said, hey, I found this out. And they're like, how did she find that out? And through...

Mindi Hill (46:13)


Jana DuMond (46:27)

my processes. And it's very easy on releasing. Mm-hmm.

Mindi Hill (46:34)

Well, that goes back to what you just said, basically. We layer on all of these learnings when we come in. And haven't the gurus, I'm quote, air quoting, haven't the gurus always said it's all about unlearning? So we get piled on with all of these beliefs and thoughts and fears, specifically fears. And I've been lucky enough to have a, I think it was a body code, a motion code. I don't know

Jana DuMond (46:40)




Absolutely, absolutely.

Mindi Hill (47:01)

which one we did. Session with you.

Jana DuMond (47:01)

Yeah, well, I could. Yeah, I think, yeah, in the very beginning, was it one in person that we did? Okay. So that was, yeah, it was just emotion and body code. And then I did, I got into the belief code, which is, oh my gosh, there's so much there. So yeah, I have to do another one for you, which goes into belief because a lot of times people will have, oh, it is fabulous. Um, but people will have these limiting beliefs that

Mindi Hill (47:08)

Yeah, we did it in person.

Oh, that would be fun.

Jana DuMond (47:30)

are holding them back.

Mindi Hill (47:30)


Jana DuMond (47:31)

from reaching their joy and potential. And it's too hard to try to access that on a conscious level, but then I can pull it, you know, and it's super easy and simple. And then their life is like, oh wow, like their shoulder pain, all of a sudden they're like, whoa, I can move my shoulder. Like, I just, you know, I do this over Zoom or in person. And...

Like I offer free sessions to a lot of clients, like on the first one to do a few things and they just go on and schedule and then I do a session for them, but they notice that they feel lighter. That's like a big thing. They feel lighter right away and they don't realize how much stuff was weighing them down. Then when we release all these other things, people can sleep in the night, people go off their CPAP, people.

don't have this knee pain that they had before there's just so much to it that if you trap emotions or you have heart walls that we all do to protect us during a situation to get us through it well they're not great to have forever you know but then we can release those and then the limiting beliefs allow you to be free to then reach what it is you're trying to achieve

Mindi Hill (48:31)


I have one more question for you, hold on. It was just there and then I got too interested in listening to what you were saying.

I was like, yes! Oh really?

Jana DuMond (49:05)

Oh, you should see how it works on animals. Animals have every single thing that humans do, all of it. And you think they don't, mm-hmm.

Mindi Hill (49:13)

Oh, well, no, don't you think that they transmute a lot of our emotions, like, you know, a cat's purr very much vibrates and it's their own self-soothing, but it also can change the vibration in a human if they're around a human. So yeah, I would...

Jana DuMond (49:27)


Sure. They do, they take on everything of you. That's why they came here, is to help you. And in fact, when I release something, it usually, they have, it was absorbed from their companion. So we release it for them too. So we heal, we heal that whole family. But yeah, they, the animals are so receptive.

Mindi Hill (49:41)


Jana DuMond (50:01)

because they don't have this conscious self that's trying to get in the way at all. And they're just, I mean, it's like fast. It's from behavioral issues to physical symptoms. So it's a, it's a wonderful modality. And, uh, I, uh, I incorporate that in a lot with my quantum healing sessions. And I also do beyond quantum healing too, which is where you can do that over the


It's a little bit different system. And it allows for more flexibility for some of your intuition to come through. And so I do that a lot as well.

Mindi Hill (50:31)



So for you, what has been your favorite past life, either yours or one that you've experienced through a client that's stood out to you?

Jana DuMond (50:58)

Oh, let's see. I, the cutest one. I've had everybody be everything. You know, a guy that had no boundaries and realized his last life he was a cloud. Well, do clouds have boundaries? No, right? Do they just get pushed around and affected by everything around them? Yeah. So that explained that. But and a woman who said that.

Mindi Hill (51:12)

Oh my gosh. Right.

Jana DuMond (51:26)

She needed to know. I need to know what I'm supposed to be doing. I gotta know, right? This is where she was really, oh yeah, really attached to that. She was telling me how I feel like I can't move. I'm feeling thick and I don't know, I can't move around. I'm looking and I see something and it's swirling, kind of like an octopus and she'll, no, wait, I'm underneath it. Yep, okay, so it's spinning around.

Mindi Hill (51:32)

What's my purpose? Yeah.

Jana DuMond (51:56)

It's more like straight blade. Oh, it's a fan. I'm underneath a fan looking up at the ceiling. I'm a table. And she was a table in a room. And her whole existence was to just be and look up. And she would say to the fan, they would communicate. She's like, you look good. You look sturdy. You're spinning fast right now. You're not going to fall. You look great.

Mindi Hill (52:06)

Oh my goodness.

Jana DuMond (52:24)

You know, and it was the sweetest, most peaceful existence where she was taught just how to be and not have to do anything. And so this showed her, hey honey, you're just here with your vibration to spread your high vibration and just be. So I've had people be archangels, everything.

Mindi Hill (52:32)


Well, but Yeroon and I talked about that on our chat. And like, it's not easy to just be, it's not easy to just like, my higher self has told me the same thing. You're just here to have energy and to raise the vibration or hold the vibration. And

Jana DuMond (53:00)



Mindi Hill (53:07)

I'm like, that's really hard to just be.

Jana DuMond (53:07)

So that means, well that means, what that means is to find your joy. Find the thing that inspires you and do that because what inspires you will raise your vibration and then it will raise those around you. So you'd need to do the thing that brings you joy and watch and that will flourish into something, you know? But just be is

allow, you know, allow that to come forward, allow what it is that, you know, you're drawn to a high vibration, a thing that, like for me, it's healing and helping people and watching their transformation. And so that raises their vibration, raises mine and everybody around us because I'm doing my purpose. And so I found that out because I was, I just

went to where my energy was drawn. So that's what that means, just Bs. Being a high vibration means matching the things that you enjoy. And they will come through as your livelihood as well.

Mindi Hill (54:23)

there's somebody that needed to hear that. Not only me, but I think there's somebody who's hearing this podcast that probably needs to hear that. So that's amazing advice, Jana. Thank you. Thank you for that. So Jana, where can people find you if they're looking to book a session with you, either in person or online?

Jana DuMond (54:30)

Yeah, of course.

Sure, yeah. OK, so I am at www. I'm also currently on that platform. And you can look me up, Jana Dumond at Bend Reflexology. And basically, yeah, my website is easiest way. Or you can.

Look me up on Facebook, Jana Michelle Dumond. There's many ways. I think in TikTok, in fact, Jana the mom, J-A-N-A-T-H-E-M-O-M. And you can see all my art. And I just done a very small bit of quantum healing introduction because I mean the art used to be for all of the kids that loved anime. And so I would paint whatever their character was that gave them inspiration.

Mindi Hill (55:12)

You're on TikTok. Yes.


Jana DuMond (55:37)

and then give them the free rocks, you know, or woods, you know, circles or whatever I would do for them. But I always wanted to be the person that was there for them because it broke my heart to think of kids that like even would feel so out of place that they might do something to themselves, right, and that they would feel like there was no one there. So I always would tell them.

Mindi Hill (55:59)

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Jana DuMond (56:04)

I will be that person, I will hear you, and you have someone. So a large part of my TikTok was to help kids that didn't feel like they had a connection so I could hear them and acknowledge them and be there for them. And so that's how that all started. A lot of the kids that liked anime just seemed kind of like they were not fitting in.

Mindi Hill (56:34)


Jana DuMond (56:34)

And so that's, I will start doing more with the energy healing on that and putting in different videos relating to the sessions and different things. But for now, yeah, end reflexology dot com would be the easiest place.

Mindi Hill (56:54)

Don't you fit, just a question. So I was talking to, I think it was in the conversation with Melissa, we were talking about how important the interview portion of the QHHT session is, because you basically get to have someone listen to your entire story with no judgment, just listen to your entire story and be heard. It sounds like you also are doing that on the TikTok with the anime.

Jana DuMond (57:13)



Right. Yeah.

Mindi Hill (57:24)

It sounds like you are just a person who says, I believe you, no matter what, I believe you. You feel like you don't fit in, you feel like you're an alien, I believe you.

Jana DuMond (57:30)

Right, right. Because

Right, because you never know. I mean there is everything out there and you cannot judge anything and by the way a pain that a person feels is pain you know they are feeling it no matter what it is you know and they've come to you the guide sent them to you specifically because you're gonna be able to help them and in that interview a lot of healing happens a lot of healing because they just get it out and then the vibration of

Mindi Hill (57:45)


Jana DuMond (58:03)

you know, being there with them and you being, you know, keeping your vibration at a certain level, it raises them. And so, yeah, it's very important. Like for instance, I tell all parents this one is that when a kid comes up to you and they've skinned their knee, right, your child comes up and they're crying, their little knee skinned, back in the day, parents would say, you're okay, you're good, you, you know, and the kid's like, huh?

Mindi Hill (58:29)


Jana DuMond (58:32)

and crying. Okay, so instead what I always said to my kids was, oh, that must really hurt. And they go, yeah. And then they run away and play. All they wanted to do was to be heard and acknowledged. And so that alone, that's the same thing with our emotions, is that if we just feel them, acknowledge them without judgment, then they go. But when we avoid feeling them,

Mindi Hill (58:54)


Jana DuMond (59:02)

When we push them down inside, we create this space that the energy then does not flow through. It has to go around it, which then creates distortions in your phagia. It creates all kinds of issues and discomfort. But if people just allow, just let it come in, acknowledge it without judgment, huh, I am angry. Look at that. Oh, yeah.

I see that. Okay. And feel it. It'll go. Nothing stays forever. But we tend to not our ego part of us is trying to protect us all the time. And it doesn't want us hurt. So therefore it doesn't want us to feel those things. When in fact, if we just feel them, they'll go and they'll pass and then you will have health. So yeah, that's it. Acknowledge feel it to heal it kind of thing. And, uh,

That way you keep moving on.

Mindi Hill (01:00:05)

I love it. Janet, thank you so, so much for being on the podcast today. I'm so grateful for you, and I'm so glad you're in the world. I think you're a very special human, and I'm so thankful for you.

Jana DuMond (01:00:16)

Thanks for having me.