The Answers Inside

Fostering a Space of Trust with QHHT Practitioner Nadia Gledhill

Nadia Gledhill Season 1 Episode 8

Join me this week on The Answers Inside podcast as we delve into the realm of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) with Nadia Gledhill, located in the vibrant city of Melbourne, Australia. Nadia shares her journey of discovering QHHT and the profound impact it has had on her life and the lives of her clients.

In this enlightening conversation, we explore the intricacies of creating a nonjudgmental space for clients within the framework of QHHT. Nadia provides insights into fostering an environment of trust and openness and the importance of being a good listener for clients.

Furthermore, we delve into the climate for QHHT in Australia, shedding light on the acceptance and recognition of alternative healing modalities within the broader community. Nadia shares her experiences navigating the landscape of holistic healing in Australia and the growing interest in QHHT as a transformative tool for personal growth and healing.

This episode offers valuable insights and perspectives from Nadia's  journey of becoming a QHHT practitioner. Tune in to uncover the depths of QHHT and the profound potential it holds for individuals seeking healing, growth, and self-discovery.

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Mindi Hill is a certified QHHT practitioner and the host of The Answers Inside.

Subscribe to The Answers Inside on your favorite podcast platform and open yourself to the infinite possibilities of the quantum realm. Get ready to be inspired, amazed, and awakened to the remarkable power of the human mind to heal, transform, and transcend limitations.

Note: Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a real modality developed by Dolores Cannon, a pioneering hypnotherapist. It involves inducing a deep state of hypnosis to access the subconscious mind and explore past-life memories, higher states of consciousness, and facilitate healing.

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Mindi Hill (00:01)

Hi, this is Mindy Hill and you're listening to the Answers Inside podcast, the podcast all about QHHT and the health and healing that it brings to those who experience it. Today my guest is Nadia Gledhill.

Nadia (00:13)

thank you for having me.

Mindi Hill (00:15)

Thank you for being here. And where exactly are you located?

Nadia (00:19)

I'm located in Melbourne, Australia.

Mindi Hill (00:23)

Oh, beautiful. I've been to Melbourne, but just once and it was very short. So I know it's a beautiful city to do. Are you from there originally?

Nadia (00:24)

Yeah. Yeah, yeah born and raised in Melbourne. I'm about 40 minutes southeast of Melbourne. So not right in the CBD But close enough Yeah

Mindi Hill (00:46)

Oh, wonderful. So you're a QHHT practitioner. How long have you been doing QHHT?

Nadia (00:55)

Oh gosh, I'm really bad with numbers and years. I think it's because there's something internally that knows time doesn't exist. I do it the same, I'm exactly the same when someone asks me how old I am, I have to do the math. So it's been about three years, I think, yeah, that I've been doing it, yeah.

Mindi Hill (01:13)

Oh, terrific. So was it before or after the dreaded epic event that happened that you found QHHT?

Nadia (01:23)

Ah yes, the epic event. It was actually during, sort of in the very early days, is how I came across it and I didn't become a practitioner straight away. I didn't...I suppose it hadn't really crossed my mind at that point. I just sort of like, I think like a lot of people do, I stumble across Dolores Cannon and, you know, become sort of in awe of what she was doing or what she, you know, continues to do as well through others. But yeah, so it was probably early on in those days that I stumbled across it.

Mindi Hill (02:12)

That's fascinating because the longer term practitioners are all people that I've interviewed. You know, they're like, I've been doing this for 10 years, but mostly the folks I'm talking to are, and I also stumbled across it during the pandemic. And it seems like everybody else during that time was turned on to Dolores and this modality. It's fascinating to me. I'm like, it's almost like a light switch went on for a bunch of people. Fascinating.

Nadia (02:44)

Yes, yes. And I think, yeah, and you know what I find really interesting is, and even throughout the pandemic, and even now, I, you know, I didn't enjoy it. I didn't like it. You know, I don't think anyone really did. I didn't, at the time, see what, if any, good could have come from it. But I now feel it completely differently. I don't know if you're all the same. I look back and I think it was not a fun experience. It wasn't what I thought I needed at the time or wanted at the time, but it turned out being.

Mindi Hill (03:12)

Mmm. Yeah.

Nadia (03:27)

Yeah, just what it provided, it opened my eyes a lot more than they already were. And I think it triggered that eye opening for a lot of people. Um, and if that's, uh, you know, and I think that's a really big positive that could have come from it.

Mindi Hill (03:47)

I completely agree. It was almost like we got a big time out. You know, like, go sit in the corner and sit down and think about your life for a minute and then I'm going to give you some ideas while you sit there and think. So like not fun, but yeah, necessary.

Nadia (04:00)

Yes. It's interesting, isn't it? Yes, yeah, I think it was necessary for a lot of us and for our growth. And in one way, shape or form, it was funny, I was just having this conversation with someone the other day. If we look at those around us, you know, and how they went through that pandemic themselves, everyone or well I know with my personal experience and those around me everyone had something to gain from it in the end doesn't matter if it was big or small you know a lot of people you know even if it was just a change in job or they were able to start working from home now where they couldn't before or I don't know there's just so many things or that a lot of positivity for a lot of people.

I still wouldn't wish we, you know, I still don't want to go through anything like that again, don't get me wrong. But yeah, I'm not, I wouldn't wish that on us again. But yeah, it's interesting with, you know, that having that perspective, that hindsight when you look back and yeah, it's interesting.

Mindi Hill (05:16)

Yeah, I agree. It is. It really is. And again, so many people found QHHT during that time. I'm just flabbergasted at how the forum grew over that time, just from the time that I took the training and how many people are on the forum now. There was definitely something to it overall as far as us learning new things. So before you did QHHT, what was your life filled with? What did you do?

Nadia (05:31)

Mm.Yeah. Oh, good question. So to be honest, it wasn't very different to what it is now in terms of what it was filled with. So I'm, you know, I'm someone who I can't just do and focus on one thing. So I like to have many different interests.

Mindi Hill (06:03)


Nadia (06:08)

and jobs even. So you know, I still hold what I call a muggle job or a 3D job, you know, as well. Um, you know, I enjoy it. I enjoy where I work. I enjoy, you know, I've been there a long time. I think, um, again, I'm bad at math, uh, would be 16 or 17 years almost that I've been there. So I enjoy the

Mindi Hill (06:15)

Yeah. Wow, that's unheard of nowadays.

Nadia (06:31)

it is, isn't it? But I really do enjoy where, you know, and the people that I work with there as well. So I, you know, I do that, which is, you know, it's nothing, nothing along the spiritual realm at all, but it's, you know, administrative work, but I enjoy it. And I get to do a lot of it from home as well, which is. good. So you know I do that and I do QHHT now. So in terms of how differently it looks, I suppose from my perspective it's not so much what my days and time you know filled with, it's more how I feel and how I perceive the world and even mental health is a lot better. So Although my world is filled with all the same things, of course now with the addition of QHHT as well, I feel like I'm in a much better place. If that makes sense.

Mindi Hill (07:35)

Yeah, like you're sharing your gift with others. It's not where you make your core money, but you have a gift and you're sharing it with others. That makes perfect sense.

Nadia (07:46)

Yeah. And I think in that comes, you know, I remember, I don't know about yourself, but, you know, for many, many years, I felt very lost. Felt like I should be doing something. I didn't know what that was. I'm sure you've, you've probably found clients like this as well. You know, it's the old, what am I supposed to be doing with my life? What's my purpose? You know? Yeah. And that drove me insane for so many years.

Mindi Hill (08:08)


Nadia (08:15)

And I just don't have that anymore. You know, I really feel that even if I'm, I mean, only do QHHT a couple of days a week and I'm, I'm happy with that. You know, I don't really want to be doing too much more. Um, not because I, I don't enjoy it. Um, but as you know, you know, QHHT can take all day if it needs to. And I'm more than willing to give that time. And.

Mindi Hill (08:26)

Yeah. Yeah.

Nadia (08:43)

I want to be able to give a hundred percent of myself to a client and to the session. And I just feel if I was doing it, you know, four or five days a week, I realistically probably couldn't give a hundred percent. So I wouldn't do that. Um, but yeah, I feel a lot like I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. And that in itself brings a lot of you know, calmness to my life a lot more than I had before, a lot more satisfaction. So yeah, that's how my life has changed. I think since QHHT.

Mindi Hill (09:16)

Yeah. So how exactly did you find QHHT? Was it one of these, everybody keeps saying, I don't know, it just kept showing up on my feed. I have kind of a different story where it was showing up but I was actually going down a different path, but how did it show up for you?

Nadia (09:30)

I'm sorry. Uh, similar. Yeah. I mean, the QHHT itself didn't, uh, throw itself at me first. It was, uh, Dolores, which I know obviously they're very interlinked. Oh, she created QHHT, but at that time, um, I hadn't heard of QHHT. Uh, and so what I was focused on more was. Dolores's, as it is, you see one YouTube video, you watch another one, you know, I'm watching her talk at those, you know, those conferences, etc. And but I still remember the first video I saw was she was talking at, I think it was one of those transformation conferences, and she was talking about her book, Between Life and Death.

Mindi Hill (10:07)


Nadia (10:31)

Sorry, between death and life. Excuse me. And I remember listening to it. And the only way I can explain it is I felt like everything she was saying was true. I couldn't explain why, you know, I couldn't, um, you know, all the concepts that she was speaking about, um, you know, what happens to the soul after we die. And.

Mindi Hill (10:47)

Oh. Yeah.

Nadia (11:01)

you know, um, well, karma, uh, you know, the council on the other side, all of that stuff. I just, I suppose I felt it on a soul level. It just felt so true. And I still remember, you know, tearing up as I was watching this video because it resonated so strongly. And that, from that point, I just watched video after video, um, ended up downloading her audio book between death and life. So it was the first one I listened to, read, listened to. And from there I thought, right, I would like a QHHT session. I didn't think to myself I wanted to become a practitioner. I just wanted a session. And yeah, I then went and had one. And yeah, that in itself was life changing for me.

Mindi Hill (12:02)

Amazing. And so I felt the same. Like sometimes you hear things and you go, oh, that doesn't really resonate, but sometimes you hear things. And like in your soul, you can just feel that this is honest truth, universal truth, whatever, however you wanna call it. And when you had your first session, I'm wondering if you felt the same as I did. I really felt the energy. Like I felt.

Nadia (12:23)

Ye- Yeah!

Mindi Hill (12:31)

the connection with the higher self. How was your first session?

Nadia (12:35)

Yeah, it was amazing. I really did feel that connection as well. And I still remember, and I didn't expect this at all, I still remember in my first session, can't remember at which point, but at one point my father who had passed away a few years prior, about four years prior, he had come through. And I was not, it really was, and I was not in, I didn't expect that. I hadn't even heard that was possible in a QHHT session, it wasn't even on my radar. So that took me a little bit by surprise, but that was amazing. The energy I felt at that point was huge as well.

Mindi Hill (13:04)


Nadia (13:30)

But yeah, my first session was, it was amazing, but it's interesting because I went into it more from the aspect of being curious. You know, I wanted to know about my past lives. I wanted answers to some things in my life. I was approaching it from a very curious perspective.

Mindi Hill (13:42)

Mmm. Yeah.

Nadia (13:54)

And so I wasn't really sure what I was going to get out of it. And you know, in hindsight, I think that was probably the best way to approach it and just be completely open to what was going to come through. That's it. Yeah.

Mindi Hill (14:06)

completely agree. Yeah.

Nadia (14:08)

Yeah, had no expectation. And so yeah, for me that was... Yeah, it was really life-changing. But you know, I can be a bit of a slow learner with life lessons, so I didn't... Yeah, yeah, unfortunately. So I didn't really realize at the time how life-changing it was, until it was only a few months later. But yeah, that was really the trigger for me to move.

Mindi Hill (14:37)

So obviously you went through the session and it made a huge impact on you, but it sounds like you weren't immediately, like some people are right away saying, I'm going to be a practitioner, I'm going to share this with everyone in the world. Maybe you sat with it a little bit.

Nadia (14:52)

No, no, you know, I didn't even walk out of the session thinking that I was just more in awe of everything that came through. Everything that I was shown, you know, or experienced in a I was taken to a past life and you know, a lot of things there really resonated made sense. with a lot of things in my life now, and put a lot of things in perspective for me right now. And I was just really in awe of that. And yeah, and it probably wasn't, look, until, I don't know, it was many months later, maybe six months later or something. I still remember driving down the freeway. And you know, when you sort of,

Mindi Hill (15:20)


Nadia (15:48)

go a bit blank. You know, I'm driving, there's not much mental stimulation. You're sort of just zoning out a little bit. And that's when you get your little, you know, epiphanies or downloads, ah-ha moments, those kind of things, right? And I'm driving along and all of a sudden it hit me. And I thought, oh my gosh. And what hit me in that split second?

Mindi Hill (15:54)

Yeah. Yeah.

Nadia (16:14)

It was like a massive download of information that came through in what must've been, you know, half a second. And I started processing it and I remember thinking, gosh, if I look back at how my life was and how I felt about myself, about situations that had happened, about people around me, everything, if I look back at how I was prior to the session versus after. my life had done a complete 180. And yeah, um, and I thought that that's when I looked back and I went, oh my gosh, wow. Because I actually, you know, I think it's because I actually integrated a lot of the things that my higher self, you know, was telling me. Um, and I had taken on some of the advice from my higher self. So.

Mindi Hill (16:47)

Really? Yeah.

Nadia (17:12)

You know, I, but it wasn't, I suppose things happen gradually over time. Sometimes don't they? And so I looked back and I went, oh my gosh, wow, I'm in such better place. Then, then what I was before the session. And I realized that session had triggered all of that for me. And then, you know, a split second after that came through my next major aha moment, and it was that moment of that's it. This is what I need to do. Everyone needs this.

Mindi Hill (17:40)

Oh, oh, I love that.

Nadia (17:41)

You know, and I know, cause it was, look, it was a case of me my whole life. I knew I wanted to help people. You know, I've always thought, Oh, I want to be a nurse or a counselor, or I was always drawn to those kinds of things, but none of them really felt right. And I was always searching for what it is I was meant to do. And I just didn't know what it was. And then, yeah, it hit me really hard. that I was like oh my gosh this is it everyone needs this everyone needs this because yeah but it just didn't it didn't hit me until that point until I realized what it had done for me yeah I was like that's it everyone needs this so then I yeah that's I was like that's it I'm signing up how do I do this and that's when I obviously started you know looking at how to how to become a practitioner and then I went down that road

Mindi Hill (18:38)

I love that. And also what I love about that story is that you didn't blow up your entire life to go and run down this path. It's something that's complimentary to your current life. You stayed with your job. You stayed doing what you're doing. It was a nice adding in of something that not only benefits you, but benefits those around you. What a beautiful story.

Nadia (18:53)

Yeah.Yeah, yeah, and you know, and it's, it's really interesting because, you know, sometimes we, you know, we can all relate to this, we've done things in our lives, we don't really realize sometimes why we do certain things. And then when we look or if certain things happen to us, or whatever it may be, and we look back and we say, Oh, okay, everything was being lined up for this moment. You know, you could see things, for example, you know, I, years ago we were building our house and there were certain things that we had design wise in the house that at the time didn't quite make sense but just felt right and people would even say to us, oh why are you putting a bathroom down there or why do it's weird and I was like, I don't know, I just want one. I just, I felt that you know just weird things right. Anyway, I know this is off topic but trust me that but then um

Mindi Hill (19:46)


Nadia (20:02)

We had this, because we built a house on a, it's a, what do you call it? Like a sloping block of land, right? It slopes down. And it's so the whole underneath section of the house, my husband wanted like a, you know, a billiard room and a lounge area, like a man cave type setup. And I wanted a bathroom down there. Everyone's got, oh, what a waste and all this stuff. Anyway, but it's funny because things that certain design things with the house meant that.

Mindi Hill (20:06)

Mm. Yep.

Nadia (20:31)

It's now become like my QHHT space because the way that we've designed it, people can come, they don't walk through the house. You know, it's all separate. They come down the side, they come inside. There's a bathroom there. Like it's just, it's the, it's the perfect setup. Um, and it's funny cause I look back and I think I, you know, everyone was trying to convince me don't put a bathroom down there, it's a complete waste.

Mindi Hill (20:34)

Oh, perfect.

Nadia (20:55)

And I, you know, it only sounds really bizarre, right? But I always had this internal nudge of, no, I feel like I need this. And I don't know why at this point, but I really need one there. I know it's funny, isn't it? How you do certain things and yeah, I don't know. I love that. I love, um, you know, following those internal nudges because even if they don't make sense at the time, you know, things always do in the end. So I just, yeah, I love it.

Mindi Hill (21:04)

You just knew, you just knew. Yeah. And your poor husband did he have to give up his man cave then? Does he have another space in the house? I feel sad for him.

Nadia (21:31)

Well, no, actually, we still use it as a man cave. So I know it's, I don't, I don't have an, the, the typical of what I say, typical stereotypical sort of QHHT setup. And clients, you know, love that. I think I tend to attract a lot of people who are like a mix of people, you know.

Mindi Hill (21:47)


Nadia (21:57)

I get people who are very spiritual and I get people on the other end of that spectrum as well. And I think everyone just appreciates that with me and you know and with my space as well. I don't feel you know and everyone's different of course but I'm not the type of person who you know would have you know I don't know chakra charts on the wall and 10 I mean trust me I've got crystals everywhere but.

Mindi Hill (22:23)


Nadia (22:27)

Um, you know, but I don't have, I know, right? Like I've got a couple on the table here, another one on the table over there. Like, but, you know, I mean, I don't overly like to walk in here. You wouldn't think I do what I do or that I'm as spiritual as I am. It's, I'm not a very, you know, I don't have to visually put it out there. And that actually makes people, a lot of my clients anyway, um, say it makes them feel comfortable because they feel like they can be themselves. Cause I'm like, you know, you be you.

Mindi Hill (22:28)

We all. Yeah.

Nadia (22:57)

You don't have to conform to anything in particular or try and fit a certain stereotype, you just be you, be who you are. And yeah, people really appreciate that. So yeah, we still do use it as a, as a, as a man cave. So, you know, I do my sessions in a, in an area, it's like a lounge room, you know, so we sit and have a chat and, um, you know, and then the, the couch.

Mindi Hill (22:57)


Nadia (23:22)

Which funnily enough was another nudge. I don't know why we used to have beautiful armchairs in here and This is before I became practitioner actually a little bit before I Said to my husband I want to get rid of the armchairs and put a big couch in there And he's like why and I went I don't know I just really and it was like an impulse I just really want this couch and Again, it was one of those things no idea why But funnily enough, it's the couch I now use for the session. So I'm like, everything just works out. Like I literally didn't have to set up anything to be able to run sessions. I was like, I'm just gonna do it in that space. But.

Mindi Hill (23:53)

effect. So have you always been very intuitive like that? Have you always kind of followed the nudges through your life? I mean, with the exception of what am I supposed to do with my life questions, but have you been fairly intuitive?

Nadia (24:09)

Yeah, yeah. Um, yeah, I have actually. Um, I, well, yes, but do I always listen? No. Um, so, you know, that's a double-edged question, isn't it? Because yeah, I have. And I've always noticed, um, particularly, I would say probably from my early twenties onwards, It became really obvious to me that when I did follow my nudges, even if logically that didn't make sense or it didn't seem like the right decision logically, it always worked out in my best favor. And so I've worked that out pretty early on, but it doesn't mean I've always listened to it. That's another story. That's another thing, but yeah, definitely following my nudges should be the way to go or should be the way to go for everyone.

Mindi Hill (25:05)

Yeah, easier said than done though, of course, of course.

Nadia (25:05)

to be honest. Exactly.

Mindi Hill (25:11)

So when you started doing QHHT, I'm curious, how did you introduce this to the folks that know you? Like, do you share at work that you do this kind of thing on the side or how do you explain what you do to people?

Nadia (25:25)

Yeah, interestingly, there's only a handful of people at work that know I do this. I suppose, you know, I work mostly remotely, so we don't have that sort of kitchen chat or social type chat like you normally would in a workplace. So that probably, you know, impacts that a little bit. And I'm usually so busy at work, I don't have much time for a lot of chat, but some of them do know. Some are quite fascinated and have asked me questions here and there as they would. But yeah, no, I mean, no one was, I think, overly surprised, which is interesting.

Mindi Hill (26:11)

I'm sorry.

Nadia (26:13)


Mindi Hill (26:15)

Which kind of makes me giggle because it's like, oh, sure, Nadia, yeah, of course she's doing that, sure. I mean.

Nadia (26:22)

Yeah, it's funny because yeah, I think people, I don't think people at work saw me again, because I'm not outwardly spiritual, I don't, you know, I would say visually, you know, you wouldn't pick it. I don't walk around dripping in crystals and tie-dyed clothing, you know, like the stereotypical, let's say, type thing. And so, yeah, that's why I'm surprised that a lot of them weren't overly surprised.

Mindi Hill (26:40)


Nadia (26:51)

But I think they always sort of knew me as the, oh yeah, if anyone's going to do anything a little bit left of field or have an unusual way of looking at things, it'll be Nadia. So, you know, I think, you know, they, yeah, in that respect, they certainly weren't overly surprised or shocked.

Mindi Hill (27:07)

I think that's kind of beautiful, because I think that says a lot about how you carry yourself in the world. You obviously present yourself as an open person, someone who wouldn't be closed off to things that would be new or interesting. They probably feel very comfortable with you, I would assume.

Nadia (27:27)

are 100%. There's honestly, it's not a lot that I'm that shocked about anymore. You know, I suppose when you see so many clients and you know, you hear so many stories, you know, what had happened to them and I'm sure you'll you understand as well, you know, seeing clients

Mindi Hill (27:30)

Yeah. Mm.

Nadia (27:49)

Yeah, I think for me, I've always been a very non-judgmental person. Um, I was always the one in, you know, workplaces, friendship groups that people would come to and, you know, when they were having problems and just talk to me, I was sort of that, I don't know, I was like a magnet. People used to come into my office and close the door and tell me all about their problems. And I remember when I was younger thinking, what are you coming to me for? Like I don't.

Mindi Hill (27:55)


Nadia (28:19)

I don't know what I can do. Not that I didn't care, but I was thinking, I'm gonna listen to them, but I don't know what I can do for you. Like, I hope people would just to just come, but I, you know, in hindsight, looking back, I think it's because I was easy to talk to. I was non-judgmental. Sometimes I would give some really good advice, and I remember at the time even thinking, geez, that was profound. Where did that come from? You know?Sometimes now I know it probably wasn't me, but that's another story. But yeah, I think so. It just didn't happen that often, but I'd give advice sometimes and I think, oh wow, how did I know to say that? But yeah, and I think that's why years ago I started thinking, oh, should I get into counseling or psychology? Or, because people used to like,

Mindi Hill (28:49)

channeling some guidance from above. Yeah. Hmm. Yep.

Nadia (29:12)

And I used to love talking with people as well, but at the same time, it never felt 100% right. So I didn't go down that path, thank goodness. But yeah, it's funny, isn't it? But yeah, absolutely non-judgmental kind of person. And that's why I really enjoy this work too, because like I was saying, you hear so many stories from people, but a lot of the time people will say, oh, I've never told anyone this before, or. You know, they, they really, they tell you everything. Um, and honestly, there's, there's things I just don't judge. I think, you know, even if they could tell me they've done really horrible things and there's that part of me that I'm just really curious, you know, like that's, I've got a very curious nature, you know, I'm more curious as to, okay, well, why did they do that? Why did they feel like.

Mindi Hill (30:02)

Ha ha ha!

Nadia (30:10)

You know, and which of course, usually if people have done horrible things, um, they're curious too, otherwise they wouldn't be having a session. So they kind of work really well together because when we're in the session, because I'm genuinely curious, it keeps me, um, I suppose. Focused and I, and on track with, you know, getting them the answers because I'm curious too.

Mindi Hill (30:35)


Nadia (30:37)

So it definitely helps in that respect. But yeah, it's just, it's such a beautiful modality.

Mindi Hill (30:43)

And the good QHHT practitioners ask really good questions of the sessions that I've received. The ones that I've appreciated the most have been the ones that really get in there and they're asking deeper and deeper questions. And I think even in some of my sessions, I've said, well, thank you for asking. You know, the higher self is coming through and saying, well, thank you for going even deeper with that.

Nadia (31:07)

Yeah, yes.

Mindi Hill (31:11)

And yeah, and also the listening. So I'm curious, and I don't have a right or wrong way of going about this, but I do find that the majority of QHHT practitioners are women. And is it because we listen more openly? I mean, there are men who practice QHHT as well. Is there an innate human skill of listening that, a QHHT practitioner needs to have in order to do this work.

Nadia (31:43)

Yeah, interesting question. I think there is, you know, I think you do need really good listening skills because if you're not listening while they're telling you their life story, you know, or if you're not listening particularly to what they're describing during their regression, during their experience, how can you ask questions about it to dig deeper?

Mindi Hill (32:12)


Nadia (32:13)

You know, I know I frantically take notes during my sessions because I have a memory like a sieve. But it's terrible. But I will take notes and you know I said they're circling certain parts that I think oh that was interesting. I want to ask about that and you know so that when we do call in the subconscious or the higher self I'll find out well you know why were they showing that? What does that mean? You know.

Mindi Hill (32:40)

Yeah, yeah.

Nadia (32:42)

you know, and I really try and dig as much information out as I possibly can. And you know, it always, I'm always surprised in every session as well in a good way, because you know, there's that human part of us that, you know, a client will be telling or describing, you know, an experience or, and I think to myself, I think I know what this is about. you know, and I sort of try and guess in my own little mind, but when I go and ask the, you know, calling it subconscious and ask the subconscious about it. Um, and I ask the, you know, the open ended questions, obviously I don't presume anything. Sometimes, you know, more often than not, what I thought was correct is, was actually wrong. And it's a completely different, um, it's, you know, you know, it's interesting, isn't it? But I love that. I love being surprised, you know, um,

Mindi Hill (33:31)


Nadia (33:37)

But I think that also goes to show the importance of, you know, asking the open-ended questions and digging deeper and as practitioners, not assuming you know, you know, but I know there is that human part of us that we think, oh, you know, oh, I think I can piece this or I think that person in that life could have been that this person now that she's, you know, that she's with or whatever it could be, right?

Mindi Hill (33:47)


Nadia (34:04)

And yeah, when you get to the subconscious and you ask it's something completely different and more often than not as well, it makes even more sense than what I was thinking. But there is that human side of us that we think, oh, I think I understand this, but it just goes to show, no one knows you better than your own subconscious, your own higher self.

Mindi Hill (34:12)

Absolutely, and it's funny that you say, oh I thought about maybe going into psychology or being a counselor because I think that's such the big difference between Therapy where you're talking and you're assuming things and you're trying to put the pieces together What's beautiful about QHHT is that you're under you're not you should be out of your own way And the higher self is just gonna come in and tell it to you like it is.

Nadia (34:52)

You know, as I said, no one will know anyone better than their own higher self, their own subconscious. So you know, yeah, you're not relying on someone else's opinion, you know, to tell you what's, what the answer is or to give you guidance. It's, it's coming from yourself because as we know, you know, all the answers really are within us.

Mindi Hill (35:06)

Nadia (35:18)

they're coming from that part of us. So yeah, that is for me what makes QHHT so special and so unique. For sure. Mmm.

Mindi Hill (35:28)

Completely agree. Yeah. And I say it on almost every podcast, all we're doing is facilitating. We're just merely asking the questions that the client has brought in, and their higher self is giving all of the answers. So we're not really, I hate to say we're not really doing anything, but we are holding space and we are facilitating the conversation, but we're not doing anything but asking questions and getting answers from the client. Yeah.

Nadia (35:43)

Yes. Yeah. That's right. That's right. like we're not healers as such, you know, like in that typical sense where people are channeling healing energy into someone and things like that. We're not, we're not doing anything other than going in with an intense amount of curiosity and willingness to hold that space and ask the right questions to get the right answers, you know, and I always will give my

Mindi Hill (35:59)


Nadia (36:21)

clients the heads up, you know, as I'm going through their list of questions with them during the talk, you know, the interview at the start. As we go through those, I always say to the client, now, look, this one question could turn into five, could turn into ten, you know. So I just say, look, I don't rapid fire the questions. I will ask questions based on your answer until I think we have enough.

Mindi Hill (36:37)


Nadia (36:47)

You know, and I think I started doing that very early on because I recall now I had a client very early on in the piece that, you know, I was doing that too, and I could tell, it was a male, and I could tell he was starting to maybe jump into his...analytical mind a bit too much. She was probably wondering why she asking all these like questions. I came in with these 10 or whatever and she's, and that got me thinking. And I thought, well, okay, I might just give them the heads up. And so they know to expect it. So I haven't had that since, um, you know, not that I think we have to necessarily tell them, but for me, that's what works. I know it's different for everyone, but, um, yeah, definitely digging in, getting

Mindi Hill (37:11)


Nadia (37:35)

All those things, but like you say, it's not, we're not actually doing the healing. It's that they're doing it themselves through their high self or subconscious. It's a very empowering thing for the client to realize that they have that. They have these abilities to heal themselves. They just needed some guidance that person to hold the space and yeah, just help them through that process.

Mindi Hill (37:40)

Yeah. Yeah, because everything will come through as it needs to. Have you had anybody who has come to you for a specific healing element? So whether most likely physical, but and then they've been told by their higher self that that's maybe not what that is supposed to happen at this time. I don't know how to ask this question necessarily.

Nadia (38:06)

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, you know, there have been, I think, you know, and likewise, I've had plenty of the others as well, where people have received the healing they're looking for. But I was, you know, there's so many different reasons why it may not be appropriate for the subconscious to provide healing, or complete healing, at least at this point in time for what it is that they, that they're looking for.

Mindi Hill (38:48)


Nadia (38:58)

You know, sometimes there could be karmic reasons for them having it, whatever ailment it is. You know, it could be something they've even, they've chosen before coming here. So if it's something they've chosen to have for whatever reason, you know, obviously it can't be removed. They've chosen, you know, they need it to be there. I'm just trying to think of an exact...

Mindi Hill (39:20)


Nadia (39:26)

My memory is really bad when it comes to sessions. I know it's terrible, but you know what? It's, I actually think it's a good thing to not, I used to bother me in the beginning, not being able to remember, but I think it's a good thing because, you know, the sessions, they're not for me, they're for the client, the information. Yeah, I do remember little bits here and there, but I'm just trying to give a specific, because I know what's happened. I'm trying to give a specific example of where someone has been told.

Mindi Hill (39:27)

No, no, that's okay. Yeah.

Nadia (39:54)

that it can't be healed. I think I had something with, try to think of it now. There was something with eyesight once. I know, I know, it's got.

Mindi Hill (40:03)

laugh because I've had several conversations about eyesight and the healing of eyesight. Yeah, yeah.

Nadia (40:08)

Oh, have you? There you go. Yeah, yeah. I have had ones about eyesight I know that couldn't be healed or that was told, sorry, the subconscious said it wasn't appropriate. I just, honestly, I can't remember the reason why at this point. Yeah, I know that's how bad my memory is. I probably should flick through my notes, but yeah, no. So there definitely has been, but you know, but likewise there are...

Mindi Hill (40:24)

Yeah. No, don't worry.

Nadia (40:36)

plenty of people who have come in for healing, whether it be spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical. And it has given them what they've wanted. So, and yeah, sometimes it's funny, you know, sometimes I don't hear from the client themselves after the session, you know, that it's healed, but I'll often have people, you know, referred to me. And, you know, while we're having a chat, they'll say, Oh, you know, my friend or cousin or whoever, um, referred me, you saw them back here and they had this condition and now they don't have it. So now I'm here and I was like, Oh, you know, it's, it's nice to, to hear about those because, you know, unless there's a need to, I don't follow up with the client. Um, I let them go and, you know, listen to the recording and

Mindi Hill (41:20)


Nadia (41:31)

integrated. I always leave the door open if they need to contact me, I'm here. But yes, you don't always hear from them, so it's nice when people are referred and they tell you about it. I'm like, oh, that's nice, you know. So.

Mindi Hill (41:43)

So you don't have any QHHT addicts that are trying to schedule with you every week to find out more about their past lives or higher self information.

Nadia (41:50)

Oh, do you know? Yeah. It's funny you say that actually, uh, I have had, you know, people who even upon leaving will say, Oh, wow. You know, so how soon can I have my next one? You know, and, and I've always said to people, look, don't honestly, don't rush. Take your time. Like I, you know, I'm not against, I mean, I've had plenty sessions myself as well. Um, but.

Mindi Hill (42:03)

Yeah. Yeah.

Nadia (42:19)

Yeah, I feel it's really important that people fully integrate everything that's come through for them in that session before moving on to the next one. And I always just say, look, you can have one whenever you like, but honestly, don't, you know, take time, wait until you really feel that you need one. Like if you've got more questions or things coming up, then by all means, but otherwise give yourself time.

Mindi Hill (42:42)


Nadia (42:48)

And yeah, I mean, there's a couple of people that I've seen a few times. Um, but yeah, the majority I'd say, look, I usually, if people really push me for a timeframe, I usually say, look, give it at least six to 12 months. Um, that's just my sort of gut feeling on it. And with the people that have sort of pushed for the answer of like, they want a timeframe, but yeah. So no, like there's a couple of people who are addicts. I've got, um, I also run, um,

Mindi Hill (43:05)


Nadia (43:18)

like the group past life regression events. And I have a few addicts to that, which...

Mindi Hill (43:24)

Do you do them online or do you do them in person?

Nadia (43:28)

Those ones I do both, so I do run some online and some in person at different venues in suburbs around Melbourne. And they're a lot of fun, you know, I just do them because yeah they're more fun, you know, they're a bit more light-hearted, a bit much lighter of course than QHHT, you know.

Mindi Hill (43:47)


Nadia (43:48)

As you know, they're much lighter. It's more like a guided meditation. So those, I'm like, you can do those as often as you like. You know?

Mindi Hill (43:52)

Yeah. That's great though that you have people showing up again and again to those.

Nadia (44:01)

yeah, for them to want to do those, you know, several times, not a problem. You know, they'll get something out of it every time.

Mindi Hill (44:08)

Yeah, I've had some pretty profound experiences when I've attended other people's group, past life regressions. And it's, I mean, it's, it's not as long, of course, as a full QHT session, but some pretty amazing things can come up just through those shortened sessions.

Nadia (44:18)

Yeah.There are some people there who come along and they're happy to share, you know, some of their experience with the group and they'll talk about it. And then you have ones who of course aren't comfortable and that's fine. But it's always nice to have a few in the group who are comfortable sharing because...I think it helps other people validate their experience as well. And provides, yeah, that validation and that other perspective. But it's, yeah, it's good.

Mindi Hill (44:50)

Yeah. Completely agree, completely agree. Because a lot of people will go to those and just think they made it up in their head, you know? Yeah.

Nadia (45:05)

Yeah, yeah, exactly. And there's a real group energy, a dynamic. So whether it be online or in person, I find that a lot of people will have same or very, very similar experiences. They'll go to the same time period or they'll see the same things or they may

Mindi Hill (45:26)


Nadia (45:32)

You know, sometimes I like to do the Dolores Canoios meet your spirit guide meditation and things like that as well. And you know, in that, you know, your spirit guide gives you a gift and there'll be similarities across the gifts. You know, people are so, oh my gosh, I got, I don't know, a Rose Quartz too, or I got a, you know, it's, it's really interesting how that can happen in a group situation. Yeah. Oh, really? It happens.

Mindi Hill (45:37)

Yeah. that's super interesting. I don't think I've experienced that, that's fascinating. Yeah.

Nadia (46:02)

A lot, yeah, it happens a lot. Even, you know, I do before we do the regression, you know, some visualization exercises and they'll even visualize the same things or get the same smells, that kind of, that kind of stuff. Which yeah, is really fascinating and I think it's really good for people to hear that in a group setting. Again, I think it validates. their experience and like you said, they think, oh, maybe I'm not making this up. How can everyone here have the same experience as me or get the same information I'm getting, um, when I didn't know what we didn't know each other. You know, for a group of strangers. So it's, yeah, I just, yeah, I love it. The group sessions are a lot of fun. They're a lot of fun.

Mindi Hill (46:51)

Okay, now you've got me fired up. I'm gonna have to go find a place to go do one because that sounds like a lot of fun.

Nadia (46:56)

Yes. Yep.

Mindi Hill (46:58)

So I'm going to turn our conversation a little bit to Australia, because you're located in Australia. I'm located in the US. And I'm curious about what the climate for QHHT is in Australia. Is the population fairly open to this type of healing modality? What's been your experience since you've started?

Nadia (47:23)

Yeah, well, interestingly, I think Australians on the whole are very open to a lot of different things. They're, you know, we do have a very, I suppose, spiritual crowd, but I feel that QHHT in itself is not as well known as perhaps other places like the US.

Mindi Hill (47:49)


Nadia (47:50)

And certainly not as well known as it should be. You know, there aren't many people who, you know, know what QHHT is. You know, for example, even in my group sessions, I'll ask people, you know, is anyone here familiar with QHHT? Most people will say no, never heard of it. But...Then I'll ask, have you heard of Dolores Cannon? And more people have heard of Dolores Cannon than they had of QHHT, which is interesting. Yeah, so I think they're obviously seeing her videos and the amount, I don't know if this is the same in the US, but I find a lot of people, they must think that Dolores channels the information or something. I don't know if you've noticed anything like that. People...

Mindi Hill (48:22)

Oh, interesting. Yeah. No, they always just say that she's like the ET lady. Oh, the ET lady? And I go, well, sure. Not really, but okay.

Nadia (48:49)

Yeah, yeah, that's, yeah, you're like one of the, you're like, yeah, that's one of the things, but and oh my gosh, I love you. I love anything ET related, but yeah, no, so here, you know, I think people are very open to things. I think just QHHT is not as well known as it should be, you know, for what it can do for people, what it can provide.

Mindi Hill (48:56)

Yeah, yeah.

Nadia (49:17)

people, how it can help people, it certainly needs to be out there a lot more than it currently is.

Mindi Hill (49:24)

I feel the same. I feel the same because if I say QHHT, I get complete blank stares. They have no idea what I'm saying. I have to kind of slow it down. And you're right, if I say Dolores Cannon, they'll say the ET person and I'll say, well, sure. What I find here is sometimes, and I live in Oregon, which is above California, so we're not in California. It seems like everything flows like water.

Nadia (49:35)

Yeah, yeah.

Mindi Hill (49:53)

for QHHT, it's like no worries, because everybody's open to trying new things. But in Oregon, we're a little more, it's a more conservative state, and we do have the religious background in the US. So I get some people that kind of look at me like I'm practicing witchcraft or something. Do you ever run into that in Australia at all?

Nadia (50:17)

Yeah, yeah. Um, yeah look, I mean, there's always going to be those people and those opinions and you know, that's fine. You know, I'm not looking to change anyone's mind, you know. I don't feel like we really need to, you know. But yeah, there is a bit of that. Definitely. Definitely, you know, like you said, it usually is the more conservative...

Mindi Hill (50:32)

Yeah, absolutely. Mm.

Nadia (50:47)

crowd that may look at it and think, Oh, what's this? Uh, you know, what are you playing with here? What's this? Which, and you like, no, it's not witchcraft. It's not, we're not playing in the occult or anything like that. And, um, you know, it's, yeah, it's one of the, I think QHHT, it's very hard to explain to people what it is because unless you've actually experienced it, it's, um, it's very hard to put into words.

Mindi Hill (50:59)

That's right.

Nadia (51:16)

You know, but definitely I think it needs to be, there needs to be more awareness of it in Australia. I know, you know, I know in Australia there are hundreds, I think, like of those over 300 practitioners in Australia, which I mean is great. I think, I think there needs to be more, but, you know, so there are, there are people out there doing it. I just don't think there are.

Mindi Hill (51:21)


Nadia (51:46)

enough people that know about it. And you know, the practitioners themselves, and you know, some of them do it quite, quite well, but you know, I feel like practitioners could use, you know, how do I put this? So generally speaking, again, this is very stereotypical, but generally speaking, people in any type of spiritual work, are not very good at promoting themselves. They generally don't have that skillset or that want or, you know, even money blocks, things like that, that come into it with a lot of spiritual work. And, you know, and I-

Mindi Hill (52:18)

Right. Yeah, or they feel like they need to be giving it away for free for some reason, because it's not, it's not traditional job. And yeah, like you said, money blocks come up for sure.

Nadia (52:38)

Yeah, yeah, there's money blocks, there's a lot of that stuff, but you know, I feel like there needs to be some more, what is that, not education, but some more support and things for practitioners to enable them to grow their businesses as well.

Mindi Hill (53:01)


Nadia (53:02)

because the more they can do that, the more they promote themselves, the more people will know about QHHT. And you know, and honestly, that's where I can see myself down the track helping out. I do have a lot of experience in business, and you know, I run a few other businesses on the side as well. So, you know, I'd love to be able to help practitioners, especially in Australia with that, because I do feel like it...It is a modality that people need to know about. And the only way we can do that is by really getting the practitioners out there more and promoting themselves.

Mindi Hill (53:38)

Yeah. Yep, agreed. Totally agreed. And you mentioned before we started the call that you have a regular call with practitioners in your area. What are those conversations like? What are you all usually talking about there?

Nadia (53:43)

Yeah.Yeah.Oh gosh, there's so many things like, I know. Where do you start? Um, look, look in those calls, like they're great. You know, um, there's a QHT, um, level three practitioner in Victoria Judy. She's brilliant. She organizes a.

Mindi Hill (54:15)

Is it Judy? I don't know how to say her last name. Cuckoo? Yes, and she works with Tracy Mahan quite a bit.

Nadia (54:20)

Ah, yes, yeah, she, yeah.Oh, yes, she does. Yes. And yeah, no, Judy's lovely. And she organizes the zoom catchups. Actually, I just received an email this morning of one the next one scheduled. So that's exciting. But yeah, roughly once a month, we catch up on zoom. And, you know, they're great, you know, and we can talk about anything and everything, you know, we often talk about

Mindi Hill (54:26)

Yeah, I've seen her.

Nadia (54:52)

You know, maybe interesting things that have come up in sessions or, oh gosh, right up to, you know, shifts in energy that people have felt over the last few weeks, you know, what's going on in the world. I suppose just like a QHHT session, anything and everything can come up. But it's great to have that community and that support from, you know, other practitioners around because otherwise it is a one-man show a lot of the time.

Mindi Hill (55:00)


Nadia (55:21)

you know, you're on your own. So it's really good to have that community and that feeling.

Mindi Hill (55:25)

I agree. And it's like you're speaking, you're with a group of people who are speaking your same language. You don't have to really necessarily explain what you're talking about most of the time, because they're on the same page with you.

Nadia (55:36)

Exactly. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, you don't have to really tone down what you're talking about, or try and, you know, think of other ways to word things so it doesn't sound so strange. Um, to, you know, you don't have to, there's no filter, put it that way. Yeah, which is, which is beautiful. Exactly. It's great. No, that community is really, is really good. I just feel that

Mindi Hill (55:48)

Ha!Right, right, you're all there with the same thought.

Nadia (56:05)

Um, yeah, it's more, I suppose it's more that promotional business aspect that support that's probably needed. Uh, we've got everything else. You know, we've got a really supportive crew, um, of people that, you know, jump in on these calls. Um, but yeah, I know that's something I could see myself doing down the track for people, but, um, yeah, I'd love to be able to, to do that and help. Practitioners. Uh,

Mindi Hill (56:09)

Mmm. That would be amazing. Yeah, and I think there would be a heap of practitioners all over the world who would just jump at the chance to learn anything about that, because so many of them don't come from a business background. So, you know, they're, they're stepping in trying, just hoping that it goes kind of thing. And it's always such good energy when you can share ideas about how to promote yourself, how to get yourself out there, what you should charge, what, how to connect with community. Yeah, those. Okay, I'm

Nadia (56:57)


Mindi Hill (57:00)

I'm gonna do group progressions and Nadia, I encourage you to go ahead and start doing these classes because I think it would be great.

Nadia (57:04)


Mindi Hill (57:08)

I have one more question for you. Just because I find it very curious to, obviously when you heard Dolores online, you were like, yes, this resonates with me, I get it. From the point that you came into learning about QHHT, to now, has your view of life shifted or changed at all? Like overall, just living on this planet at this time, has anything shifted for you? Or was it all pretty much the same as what you believed before?

Nadia (57:44)

Oh, yes. Yes, look, yeah, I would say yes and no. No from the aspect of, I've always been very open-minded, very, I always knew there was more out there. There was always more to the story. I always knew that. What that was, I wasn't 100% certain. But the biggest shift certainly is, I don't know. just view everything so much differently. I don't let things get to me like they did previously, because at the end of the day there are so many things that don't matter, you know, as in we don't, you know, they don't matter from the perspective, or you know, in the way that we would have thought they mattered. No.

Mindi Hill (58:17)

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Right. If this isn't the end-all be-all, it's not one shot and you're done. Like, yeah.

Nadia (58:38)

Yeah, it doesn't matter. I didn't get a car park out the front. Like it's not going to bother me. You know what I mean? Like just, but I know sometimes it's these trivial things that add up. Right. Um, and even things that perhaps aren't so trivial. I know, um, you know, for example, when you, when you have a session, you know, if you're taken to a, uh, past life, cause as you know, we could go anywhere, but, um, you know,I always look at it from this perspective, you know, when you, when you've gone through your past life experience and you're on the other side and you viewing that life from a different perspective at that point, right? And then you really see the bigger picture for that life. So whenever something in this life bothers me, I try to take myself to that place, if that makes sense, I try to think, okay, when this life is finished, and I'm on the other side and I'm looking back, is this really gonna matter? And I've never ever come across a time where I've thought, yeah, it will matter. Like it never does. I know it's a really weird way of looking at it perhaps, but I just think, right, when my life is over and I'm doing, you know, looking back, will this incident really have mattered all that much in the big scheme of things? And I've never once thought, yeah, it would.

Mindi Hill (59:40)

Yeah. Yep.

Nadia (1:00:02)

So I don't take things as seriously, I suppose, as not that I of course I care and I, you know, um I just yeah it it's actually quite a liberating and free feeling knowing that you know there is a lot more to it, there is a lot more to everything we just have to enjoy the journey that we're on and I suppose support those around us, help those around us Do the best we can, but not take so many things so seriously.

Mindi Hill (1:00:32)

That's right. I completely agree. That's beautiful. So, if somebody would like to have a session with you, Nadia, how can they get in touch with you?

Nadia (1:00:35)

Yeah. There's a few ways so I suppose I've got my website which is and then I have my Instagram which is qhhtaustralia. They're probably the two main ways they can reach me.

Mindi Hill (1:01:00)

And are you on the QHHT official website as well?

Nadia (1:01:05)

Oh, of course. Yeah. I'm on the list, the QHHT official website, the finder practitioner list.

Mindi Hill (1:01:11)

Wonderful. Well, Nadia, thank you so much for taking the time to join me today.