The Answers Inside

The Value of Community and Conscious Connection with Nina Mader

Welcome Nina Mader, QHHT practitioner in San Diego, CA. She shares her journey and experiences with QHHT and we discuss the importance of the QHHT companion class, the value of practicing with other practitioners, and the benefits of in-person sessions. Nina shares how she found QHHT and the impact it had on her perspective of life. In this conversation, we discuss the power of quantum healing hypnosis technique (QHHT) and its ability to uncover past lives and traumas that impact current life experiences.  We also discuss the role of the higher self in guiding the session and the importance of opening up the heart center. Our conversation concludes with advice for new QHHT practitioners to release ego-based fears and limiting beliefs and find support within a like-minded community.

Schedule with Nina:

QHHT, health, healing, journey, companion class, Monica Dunn, practice, in-person sessions, online training, knowledge, comfort zone, introvert, spiritual, consciousness, reality, meaning of life, alchemy, higher self, circuit, energy exchange, trauma, quantum healing hypnosis technique, QHHT, past lives, trauma, fractured self, anxiety, depression, higher self, heart center, galactic life, Andromeda galaxy, channeling, galactic history, ego, limiting beliefs, support

Mindi Hill is a certified QHHT practitioner and the host of The Answers Inside.

Subscribe to The Answers Inside on your favorite podcast platform and open yourself to the infinite possibilities of the quantum realm. Get ready to be inspired, amazed, and awakened to the remarkable power of the human mind to heal, transform, and transcend limitations.

Note: Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a real modality developed by Dolores Cannon, a pioneering hypnotherapist. It involves inducing a deep state of hypnosis to access the subconscious mind and explore past-life memories, higher states of consciousness, and facilitate healing.

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