Reiki with Bronwen

The Reiki Practitioner vs The Reiki Healer: A Profound Distinction

Bronwen Logan

If you’ve ventured into the world of Reiki, you’ve likely come across the terms “Reiki Practitioner” and “Reiki Healer.” While these phrases may seem synonymous, they encompass fundamentally different philosophies and approaches. What are the nuances that set these two apart?

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PS: I aim to bring the essence of the system of Reiki, this Japanese spiritual healing practice, to you through my podcast. The episodes touch upon personal Reiki stories, in-depth research into the system's Japanese origins, and guided Reiki meditations and practices, all free and aimed at fostering your journey towards self-development.

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x B

If you’ve ventured into the world of Reiki, you’ve likely come across the terms “Reiki Practitioner” and “Reiki Healer.” While these phrases may seem synonymous, they encompass fundamentally different philosophies and approaches. What are the nuances that set these two apart?

The Reiki Healer: Directing Energy for Change
A Reiki Healer operates on the premise of directly affecting the client’s energy field. This approach is often interventionist in nature. The healer channels energy with the intention of alleviating physical, emotional or spiritual discomfort, creating a specific outcome, or even in some cases diagnosing issues within the client. The healer’s focus is primarily on ‘doing’ something to the client. They consider that they act as a conduit, directing the flow of energy to create change. This can lead to the healer becoming focussed on their power to be able to change others.

The Reiki Practitioner: A Journey of Self-Transformation
On the other hand, a Reiki Practitioner takes a more organic approach grounded in self-awareness and personal transformation. The practitioner sees the system of Reiki as an ongoing journey, with the primary focus on their own spiritual development. They contemplate the Reiki Precepts, incorporating them into daily life for self-refinement. They do not attempt to make anything happen during a treatment and come from the perspective that they and the client are open to receive whatever it is that may be needed at this exact moment in time. It is a letting go , rather than a taking on. There is no manipulation of the client or expectation of healing.

A Ripple Effect
The remarkable thing about a Reiki Practitioner is that their inner transformation creates a ripple effect, impacting those around them, often in profound ways. When they offer a treatment, it’s not about deliberately changing the client. Instead, it’s about the practitioner holding a space of equanimity and openness, and sharing this with the client. Through their own practice, they become a mirror, reflecting the innate wholeness and healing capabilities that exist within the client. It’s less about ‘doing’ and more about ‘being.’

Why the Distinction Matters
Understanding the difference between a Reiki Healer and a Reiki Practitioner is essential, not just in how we give or receive Reiki or don’t do either, but in how we view the core essence of this spiritual practice. A practitioner seeks to embody the principles of the system in every aspect of life, acknowledging that true transformation starts from within.

There is a unique circle of influence that emerges from being a Reiki Practitioner. By committing to our own journey of self-growth and awareness, we offer a space for others to do the same. And it’s this circle of shared transformation that creates a genuinely healing environment for all.

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