Reiki Women Podcasts

Healing the World through Reiki with Reiki Women Podcast

December 12, 2023 Bronwen Logan
Healing the World through Reiki with Reiki Women Podcast
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Reiki Women Podcasts
Healing the World through Reiki with Reiki Women Podcast
Dec 12, 2023
Bronwen Logan

Join the 'Reiki Women Podcast' crew Carrie, Michaela, and Bronwen as they delve into the transformative power of the system of Reiki and the impact it has on healing individuals and the world. 


The Power of Reiki in Healing the World

The Role of Personal Transformation in Global Change

The Paradox of Healing: Personal Boundaries and Collective Impact
The Intersection of Reiki and Grief

The Sphere of Influence: From Self to World

The Universe Within: A Philosophical Perspective

The Ripple Effect of Kindness and Compassion

The Concept of Dharma and Personal Responsibility

The Power of Influence and the Role of Reiki Practitioners

The Circle of Awareness: A Buddhist Perspective

The Impact of Kindness in Everyday Interactions

Living with the Question: The Importance of Continuous Inquiry

Closing Thoughts and Encouragement
Shining our little lights here....

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Bronwen Logan:
Carrie Varela:
Michaela Daystar:

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Show Notes Transcript

Join the 'Reiki Women Podcast' crew Carrie, Michaela, and Bronwen as they delve into the transformative power of the system of Reiki and the impact it has on healing individuals and the world. 


The Power of Reiki in Healing the World

The Role of Personal Transformation in Global Change

The Paradox of Healing: Personal Boundaries and Collective Impact
The Intersection of Reiki and Grief

The Sphere of Influence: From Self to World

The Universe Within: A Philosophical Perspective

The Ripple Effect of Kindness and Compassion

The Concept of Dharma and Personal Responsibility

The Power of Influence and the Role of Reiki Practitioners

The Circle of Awareness: A Buddhist Perspective

The Impact of Kindness in Everyday Interactions

Living with the Question: The Importance of Continuous Inquiry

Closing Thoughts and Encouragement
Shining our little lights here....

Additional Resources:
- Join our Facebook Group: Embodying Reiki
- Subscribe to our YouTube channel

Bronwen Logan:
Carrie Varela:
Michaela Daystar:

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Hello and welcome to the Reiki Women podcast. My name is Keri Varela with the Reiki Healing Society and today my beautiful colleagues Um, a lot of you guys are joining with me today to talk about a really beautiful topic. So before I introduce the topic, I'd love to introduce my colleagues. Uh, so we got Michaela Daystar with HeartScapesReiki and we have Bronwyn Logan from Reiki with Bronwyn. And so the topic we wanted to discuss today is how we can heal the world and, um, various methods to help the world heal. And, um, you know, Reiki is quite, uh, you know, interpersonal in the sense that as we make changes in our own life, in our own heart, in our own inner state, in our own well being, that change makes ripples out into the world. And I believe that if you are a Reiki practitioner or healing arts practitioner or just Somebody who has it in their heart that they want to help the world heal. That some of that is that we, we transform ourselves through our spiritual practice. And that work, in turn, creates change in the world. But it's kind of a unique anomaly, right? Because, um, we know in healing is that you can't really heal anybody else. You really can't do the work for anybody else. There's always that boundary. Um, yet, amazing things have happened in the world of Reiki. So, this topic and probably many other little intersections are going to be our topic today on the Reiki Women podcast. So who would like to begin talking about how we can make that bridge between healing ourselves and healing the world?


Shall we draw straws? you're pointing at me. I can see it.


how do you come up? I need to come up, down, up,


but if you I am, I'm happy to start Um, yeah. This, this topic, it, it feels. I, you know, on the one hand, very simple and at the same time, very expansive and complex, like both at the same time. Um, so I'm really curious to see where this conversation will will take us. Um, there's so many directions that I think we can go with this but what comes up to my mind immediately is not the direction I originally thought it's not what's at the top of my notes for today. It's. You know, just as you were introducing this topic, Carrie, a memory from yesterday came to the surface. Um, I have the honor of leading a quarterly group of Reiki practitioners where we discuss, uh, the intersections of the practice of Reiki and the practice of grieving and of loss and, um, you know, what are, are the particular, Gifts of practicing the system of Reiki with regard to grief and loss and death and the responsibilities that that brings to those of us who actively practice. Um, we, I often use the word kuleana, which is a Hawaiian word that means joyful burden. The, the, the thing that is heavy to carry and at the same time, you know, gladdens our heart and brings us joy. Um, And in yesterday's gathering, you know, a very timely gathering, you know, we, we had a lot of conversation about the heaviness of, of the world and of, you know, really painful things happening, um, on the world stage, the current conflict in Gaza being kind of front of mind. And there's just so much grief in the room and in the conversation. And I was so grateful that we had, um, you know, just serendipitously timed that particular meeting to be at this time. And so when I think about, you know, how we leverage our Reiki practice to heal the world, right, which can feel like a momentous task, right, almost absurdly large to take on, right, or to think that we could, you know, that we could do that as individual practitioners. Um, I, I think about that experience of sitting together in this. grief circle, essentially, and drawing on our Reiki practice to make more space inside of each of us and inside of the group for the grief that was present or for the pain that is present for the woundedness that is present. However, we want to view the thing that needs healing in the world, right, which is many, many things. And so, you know, I think that that's where it really kind of, that's where it starts for me is that The system of Reiki creates conditions inside of ourselves where there's more room to feel what we're feeling, to experience what we're experiencing, to help us navigate that without dissociating or overwhelming ourselves or going into high anxiety, high anger, you know, one end or the other of the spectrum of overwhelm where we either shut down, you know, dissociate, burn out. You know, become apathetic or going into the, the hyperdrive, the overdrive of, I have to fix all the problems of the world and it's too big and I'm, and you know, that, that overloads our system, neither one of those extremes gets us to a place where we can really affect change. And both of them harm us to spend time inside of those states of mind and states of heart. And so, you know, as. You know, as you said, Carrie, it begins with, with our self practice from the inside out. And specifically, you know, what it begins with is creating more space inside to be with what we Our feeling be with what we are seeing so that we can actually see it. We can observe what's happening in the world and, um, in our communities, uh, in a more unflinching way, a more courageous way, a more compassionate way, in a way that makes it harder to look away and therefore. Relaxes our nervous system because we're not feeling so constricted and allows us to see what's right in front of us. Okay. There's this vast pain, hurt, grief, conflict, violence, brokenness, whatever it is. I can't fix all of that myself, but there's something in front of me that's mine to do. There's some next right thing that is within my capacity. That is something that I can do. And. I can't necessarily see that or even take the action that it's asking me to if I'm in either one of those places of overwhelm. And so that's just what we experienced yesterday coming into that grief circle. Most of us very, feeling very heavy, very exhausted, overwhelmed, angry, um, hopeless, uh, confused. You know, not knowing what to do and being together, being in community, being in Reiki, um, had us leaving, feeling like we could take a good look at what's the next right thing to do and what's inside of each of our capacity to do. Um, and so, yeah, I think that's where, where, where I'd like to start that with Reiki, we heal the world by making space for the world inside of ourselves. Hmm.


Yeah, I like that. And maybe I can sort of see that maybe look at it. Just take it into a slightly different philosophical sort of area, but Same idea. And you know, it's how, it's this thing about how we see our worlds and how we experience our worlds. And, you know, I always have this idea that we each live in our own universe, even, I mean, it's just how we experience because what's happening in my world and how I see the things happening in my world will be different to how you both do, even though. They might be the same things that we're looking at because, you know, I'll have my own experiences that I bring to this. So it's almost like I have my own universe because I'm experiencing and mirroring things in my own way. And, uh, that's always, that's unique for every single one of us. Uh, so. You know, when people say the universe is telling me that, you know, I should, um, have muesli for breakfast, um, or is it granola in the U S yes. Uh, granola for breakfast. Um, you know, for me, that doesn't work because in fact, it's, it's me. This is my universe and my experiences and they're not all great and they're not all bad. They're just all a bunch of experiences and, and feelings and, and things that I, you know, I, I encounter in my life. And, uh, this idea of putting something outside of ourselves doesn't work for me. It's very much about. Realizing that it is me and that, okay, yes, all these things exist and I didn't necessarily put them there, but how I work with them, that is definitely about me and how I experienced them. So I think, I don't really see the universe telling me to have granola for breakfast. I see, I see myself thinking. That yeah, or feeling that, and I don't need to put that out onto somebody else or some other thing. Um, I can take responsibility for myself, for my universe and my experience in it, even though, like I said, that's doesn't mean it's always going to be great. Yeah. It is just what it is, but, uh, taking that responsibility, that sort of then where I would go with this. So healing the world. That's the world that I'm experiencing, my world. The only way that I can heal that is once again, by taking responsibility. So going into myself and feeling what that means, what I, what I think about it, how, you know, what, what. What are my deeper, um, you know, in, in my quiet contemplation, what, what, uh, what do I find to be the meanings, uh, in this world and, and what can I do for it? So if I am to heal the world, that's what I would do. And I would go inside myself. I would use the practices that I know, um, that I'm familiar with, that I'm comfortable with, which would be. Uh, largely, uh, Reiki practices such as Joshin Kokyoho, and I would sit with that and, um, I would look at how, how I'm, how I'm taking the world in, I guess. Yeah. That's probably all I can add at the moment.


Well, I think all of you just pointed out so much poetry there, and I think I'm very inspired by your words and your point of view and perspectives. Um, I love that we Pointed it back to responsibility and when I, and I thinking of Reiki and thinking of myself, if you consider yourself a healer, as this kind of joyful burden, um, blissful, beautiful burden, but nevertheless, it gets heavy at times, uh, that there is a blessing and a burden inside of each of our gifts and, um, what we have to share with the world. Um, so, um, you know. So I'm thinking of the the yogic word dharma dharma is your life purpose and Dharma is ultimately your gift to the world it's the thing that you offer to the world of your life's up your life force yourself and in in that process of Offering that gift to the world, you also receive in exchange. There's that reciprocity that's happening. So you receive in your own, maybe spiritual life, your personal life, your bank account, all of those things to offer that service to the world. And so You know, our Dharma can be as simple as making other people food with love, um, and doing it joyfully, right? And some people, that is their gift. They're just amazing cooks and that's, you know, they put so much love in their food. And whether or not the people who receive it notice that or not, because sometimes people are fairly mindless about what we eat. We keep giving gratefully anyways, right? And then there is that reciprocity in exchange, um, giving back to our cooks. We kiss our cooks, right? Um, and, um, so I think that's really important. And, you know, when I look at the word responsibility, the way I define it is my ability to respond. And that really speaks a lot to what Mikayla was saying, is that sometimes our ability to respond is completely overwhelmed. And sometimes we have to, our little ability to respond is, you know, different in every circumstance, right? Um, so I'm going to pass it back to you guys. A little one and some responsibility here, right here on my shoulders. So I'll, uh, I have more thoughts to say about that.


Yeah, I love that. And I, and I love that the way that the cooking metaphor, you know, circles us back to what our sphere of influence is. And when I think about healing the world, you know, healing others, whatever that means to each of us, um, the question of what is my actual sphere of influence is an important one. Um, and of course, you know, as Bronwyn, you said, My primary sphere of influence is myself, beginning with my interior landscape, how I'm feeling, what my thought patterns are, what my beliefs are, what my values are, how those get expressed, um, how grounded I am, how spacious I am, how connected I am, how present I am with what is happening for me. And as we've talked about, you know, a number of times in different contexts on this podcast, uh, I mean, my understanding of the way that Reiki works as far as, Sharing with other people is that it's this rippling out from inside of ourself, and it's the the the connectedness of energy and the biology of entrainment and mirroring and connectedness that happens between living beings, right? Humans and each other. Other other beings, um, that we naturally influence each other. Uh, we naturally take on, um, mhm. Well, we naturally have the capacity, right? It's not that it's automatically always going to happen, right? But we naturally have the capacity to be influenced by others and to influence others in terms of how we feel, what we think, what our energy is like, how hopeful we feel, how motivated we feel, how calm we feel, right? How easeful we feel, how worried we feel, et cetera. And so therefore my sphere of influence radiates outward from my own landscape. Right. Which I must tend first, my own heart scape, my own landscape inside. Um, and then whatever that landscape is, you know, radiates from me in whatever shape it's in. Right. If there's angry storm clouds running through my heart scape, then that's what I'm going to be radiating. If there's fear, that's what I'm going to be radiating. If there's, you know, apathy or frustration or, you know, any of those things, that's what I'm going to be sending out into the world as my influence. And that that naturally touches the people I'm in contact with and has the opportunity to influence them, which has the opportunity to influence people that they're connected to. And so on. And so, you know, certainly that immediate sphere of influence, the people that we're connected to most directly, um. Is where we can have the most direct impact on healing the world. And you know, the, the, the example of food is just such a poignant one for, I mean, I think for all of us, right. Because it's such a fundamental, um, human need and. therefore such a fundamental way of expressing care. And it's a place where we can really look to for, are we taking care of ourselves and each other or are we not right? Like how we tend to our food can reflect a lot of that. I was just thinking, uh, this afternoon I want to bring a big pot of homemade soup to my daughter's work. She works in a warehouse and it's cold. And I'm like, I'm going to bring them a nice big. Pot of soup tomorrow. You know, I'm gonna be mama for everybody. Bring them some, some homemade soup. Um, it's an automatic way of wanting to, to share love and care with other people. Um, and then, you know, the way that that immediate sphere of influence continues to travel is, is Interesting, right? It's complex. It can travel through social media, right? We are creating a sphere of influence by talking on the Internet about things. And to the degree that anybody pays attention to what we're saying, there's some. Potential for influence there, um, both in terms of the words that we say, and the energy that we're projecting as we gather in this way and talk about these things, um, the things that that might inspire others to do, right? The actions that that might inspire others to take, the encouragement for people to take up their own Reiki practice and share it in their own spheres of influence. So, you know, the, the, the points of connection in the tangible world. Right. The internet, our relationships, the pot of soup that we deliver, um, you know, all of these things, they get mirrored in, in the energetic and interconnection is such an important central philosophical framework for the system of Reiki, um, that. You know, opens our mind to the possibility. I mean, this can be a really challenging possibility because we're very socialized to think of ourselves as isolated beings, but we, it opens up the possibility of influence across. I mean, no barrier, right? Influence between us and people on the other side of the world, people in the past, people in the future, um, the world itself, right? The earth, the animals, the beings of the world, it opens this possibility that our sphere of influence Might actually be infinite, right? But that it takes concentration. It takes focus in order for that to be in our consciousness, right? And to be something we can have control over. The other central concept that I think is really at play here is non duality. Because so often the feeling of brokenness of conflict, the things that cause like large scale dis ease in the world, particularly when we're looking at conflicts, right? Global conflicts. Um. is duality, right? Is the sense that there's me and you, there's us and them, there's winners and losers, there's good people, bad people, there's the right side, the wrong side, um, you know, you name it. Like we're, we're going to divide ourselves. We're going to categorize ourselves, right? And it's always going to fall into me and them, right? And me is good and them is bad, um, is generally how our mind Reconciles all of the different things that we need to deal with. Um, and so that has so many entailments in terms of the hurt that happens in the world. And so, you know, again, part of this practice is softening the edges of that duality, right? Softening the edge of this is me and it's mine versus them and that's theirs. You know, and it sounds like a paradox, right? Because Bronwyn, you were saying all I, all I can influence is myself, right? I have to go into myself and then there's, oh, but I'm connected to everything. Right. The thing is both are true, right? It's not actually a dualistic paradox. It's actually true. Like where I can. Most readily focus my attention. Um, that's not always true because there's a lot of things that can cause us to have a really hard time focusing our attention in here. But let's just say my original sphere of influence is me is my own mind, my own heart. Um, and at the same time, there's this possibility that I'm connected to everybody. And therefore my sphere of influence is infinite. So those are, yeah, some of the other thoughts that are swirling around this idea. So


though I was saying it's about me, what I'm saying is that this world that I live in is me. So, you know, there actually is no, um, there is no boundary between me and, and you and the computer and the, you know, nature. And so we, you know, this is my world, this is me. And so whatever's going on in that world is within my sphere of influence for sure. That's how I see it anyway. But, um, I was thinking of, um, recently I, I just did that, uh, distance healing class and in it, uh, I talked about you, Michele, you just spoke about that infiniteness. Yeah. And there is a practice, uh, a Buddhist practice, which, um, a Japanese Buddhist practice, which actually translates as circle of awareness. And it is comparative to distance healing. And this, the idea that we exist in a circle. Yeah. So that never ending, no time, no, it's all just, they're just moving, shifting, happening and bringing our awareness into that. And it, for me, that's a really powerful imagery, uh, in my mind, I always have that Zen circle thinking of that Zen circle, which is very. Active and, uh, lots happening in it, but it's all happening at the same time. And, uh, that's sort of how I experience. I, I imagine that I experienced my world to a large degree. Um, and that does live. in a space without duality and that idea of softening those, that duality is, um, really important. As you said, um, the, if we can imagine ourselves living in this active space that is without boundaries and Everything that, that exists is here right now, then this is obviously what the precepts are bringing us into, uh, as well, then in that space, we really, if we have that idea, then, then we really can just bring into that. Our whole selves present, uh, aware, uh, loving, uh, you know, here for each other. And it does help us to




um, to, to release the, the, we don't want in that circle of life. We don't want anger and worry and all those things, right? So we, or fear. So we really want to, uh, release that. And to, to be in this active space of, of compassion and yes, of course, you know, everyone we meet, you know, if someone's really sad, then, you know, we feel that sadness. We can't but help feel that sadness, you know, or very, someone's really excited. Then it's, it's exciting to be with that. So, you know, we're always influencing other, each other and, um, yeah. I don't know. That's sort of how I feel about it. I'm not doing very good endings today. But anyway, I'm stopping. I'm stopping.




I love all of this. This is such a wonderful conversation. But, um, you know, I've been thinking a lot about how, you know, we can impact somebody a little bit. And we can impact. You know, one person a lot, you know, so our role as parents, we're impacting that person, particular person, an incredible degree, um, depending on our degrees of separation, we might impact other people's lives, um, by something positive that we did or something we've put out there into our communities or our circles as we've been talking about. And that might impact somebody in a way that we don't even know. Um, I remember a while back, I got a, just a random, um, message on, uh, through social media from somebody who did a Reiki session with me, one Reiki session with me many years ago, and it changed her life. And she ultimately studied Reiki with somebody else. I had no idea, you know, right. This transaction I had with this person was. So far gone in my mind, but she ultimately became her a Reiki practitioner herself. She credited Reiki with helping her so much to heal. Um, and so we don't know that ripple effect of, you know, our practice and ourself in the world. You know, choosing to be maybe a bigger part of that shift, um, that I think at the heart of all healers, there's that desire. That we want to help the world heal. And maybe at the heart of everybody. Of humanity. There's that heart inside of us. And we might go through it with different ways, and different methods, or we might be so broken down by the pain in the world that we really can't step into that light. Um. And so, you know, we can't change anybody else or make them do anything that they don't want to do or become any, and we should never try to become something that we don't want to become. I've had to hit that edge a lot of times as a Reiki practitioners to remind myself, like, I don't have to be anyone I don't want to be. Um, and that's that, that personal responsibility. Um. But, uh, you know, when we can step into our light and offer and share healing with our communities and worlds, um, you, we can do things like this example that I shared of just making an impact, a big impact and seemingly small in my world into somebody else's life and reality. And we can also. After maybe we've had these kind of transformative experiences that brought us in alignment on our path that we can share the work with each other. Um, so we can't do the work for anybody else, but we can share opportunities like you were talking about, Michaela, to come together in a circle of grief and to do some of that work of grieving together in community. And by doing so, it lightens the burden of a heavy of a heavy heart. Um, you know, as, uh, one of the things I just love I heard along the way as a yoga teacher is that, you know, I get a chance to impact the quality of somebody's day. By just holding space with the yoga class by my words by, um, the work that I put together to make a yoga class, you know, accessible for my students and, you know, wonderful, hopefully for my students that I get to impact their day. And same with. Um, the practice of Reiki. I really think that Reiki can transform people's lives, you know, for the better. Um, and so that is a big responsibility. I think it's to start to lean in towards becoming a spiritual teacher or practitioner. Is that that impact that you can have on somebody's life can be quite profound. And so it does require us to be doing the work ourselves. You know, like Gandhi, he said there must be the change we wish to see in the world. And so if we just point our fingers and project outwards to other people to do that work and aren't not doing it ourselves, uh, we'll come up against probably many obstacles in that because we won't, um, be aware of how hard it is or how much work it really takes or, You know, confronted with the task of forgiving something that's unforgivable. You know, we, we have to work through that, um, as healers and, uh, you know, and even if we don't consider ourselves as healers, we have to support other people and ourselves to do that task. Um, and so it's deep soulful work and it's so worth it because the gift of all of that is we get to You know, notice the impact of kindness, uh, that, that we have on our world around us. Um, so an example of this, I was like just in a big old rush, um, as I always am, I was at the grocery store, sort of big old rush, and I just needed to get out of this parking lot. I was probably overstimulated. Somebody next to me was still loading up their groceries and I didn't know it, but She had put her, a bag of her groceries basically behind my tire and I started. Going back and I ran over a bunch of her groceries, you know, and I felt so bad. I felt so bad for this woman and she could have gone crazy on me because that was pretty crappy thing to do. Or I mean, just unintentional, of course, but she was actually really kind about it. And I still to this day, I'm like, if I ever, if I could. Remember her face and see her again, I would try to make up for it, but she was actually just like, it's kind of my fault too, it's okay, and let me keep going on my busy, hurried, frenetic way, and um, you know, it's like she could have impacted me with this negativity because that was, you know, obviously I caused her harm, unintentionally, but I caused her harm, and she could have just gone crazy on me, and we would have both been very impacted. Probably by that encounter and that experience together, but, uh, because she chose to do it kindly. I mean, we're both still impacted by that encounter together, but, uh, it was ultimately one of kindness, respect, um, forgiveness, all of those things, understanding. And, um, I think that that's. It's a really beautiful way of, of being in relationship to people. Um, and I think a lot of harm, a lot of pain comes from when we're, we're acting with each other based on, well, you did this to me, so I'm going to do this to you. And that kind of bickering can really break apart relationships, um, especially like marriages and. And partnerships, and it's, it's easy to relate to each other sometimes that way. Um, so practices like Reiki can help us, you know, soften that anger, resentment that we might have towards others, no matter how justified it feels in the moment. And so that we can kind of restore that humanity between us. Um, a kindness, a compassionate ability to see each other for. Who we really are, um, even when we might not act up according to how we want to act. Just some thoughts to think about. That's me passing the torch to somebody else. Unless you guys don't have anything else to say because I'd be happy to wrap things up as well. So maybe any closing thoughts. We're kind of at time.


Yeah, I think I'm just sitting with, um, the importance of, of living with this question, right? Not that we have all of the answers, right? And not that, um, I think there's a lot of ways to deal with this question. And, and so for those listening and for us. Um, in this conversation, just in closing, I really want to encourage us to live into this question and to not rush to find answers to it, not rush to find exactly the right thing to do, um, but to, to just let it be alive with us, right? What does it mean to influence the world in a positive way? We might call that healing the world. There's a lot of ways that we could name it, right? But what does it mean? What does it take? From us, what does it require from us? What does it invite us to? Um, where are we, uh, strong in our capacity for it already? Where are we challenged? What are the parts of ourselves that resists this idea of, of a, a widening and potentially infinite sphere of influence? That's work that we could spend the rest of our life doing, right? Finding the places inside of ourself that resists. Influencing the world in positive ways. Um, and the parts of ourselves that are absolutely ready and willing and able and at full capacity to bring our, our goodness out into the world and how can we support those parts of ourselves? So I think that's, that's where I land is just the importance of, of living with this question and not rushing to answer it for, for ourselves.


Yeah, sure. And I, I guess I, um, just listening to that thinking about when we're healing ourselves or healing our world, that's not necessarily, and I think you might've said that Carrie, it's not necessarily, um, the job of a Reiki practitioner. I think it is what we. Everyone is doing. And I think that's really a beautiful thought that we are, we're all doing the best that we can. Yeah. And, um, we all want love. Um, we all want to, uh, have a reciprocal love with the world, even though sometimes it's hard for us to feel that or see that. Um, but ideally we know that that would be this beautiful place. You know, that's the thing, like with kids, Carrie, you know, I see your young daughter and that, and you know, they're kids are told that, Oh, you know, the world is this beautiful place and loving, and we talk to the trees and the animals and, and yet then there's a cutoff point as we grow up and we're told, well, actually, no. Um, that's not how it is. Right. And, and that I wish that cutoff point didn't exist. And I wish we could continue experiencing that idea of love and care for the world without it being something that only, only children can. be allowed to experience. I think we should all be able to experience that and bring that into our world and be together. But that's just us. And then as Reiki practitioners, you know, it is, it's a different thing again. And, and I have this sort of rule for myself that, you know, in moments when I feel like, Oh, I don't know if I can do this anymore. Or, you know, Putting so much energy and time and effort into it. And, you know, who am I really helping? What am I really helping? You know, and you have all those thoughts of self doubt and, you know, trying to motivate yourself to keep going as a, as a practitioner for me, if I can, I don't know, maybe this is ego based, but if, if I can think of one person that I can help, you know, and I see that I can help one person, then, then I think that that is. That is a job worth doing. So, those are my thoughts.


Absolutely. Shining our little lights here. I, I love that. And I love that quote that is like, you know, um, by lighting somebody else, Like our candle, it doesn't go out, you know, that by lighting out other people up, we don't diminish our own lives. Um, and I totally have felt those moments of, oh, more overwhelmed and self doubt. And. I think also incredibly important is to take time to really, uh, express gratitude to yourself and acknowledge yourself for your efforts and the things that you've given that maybe haven't you haven't seen it returned back to you in the exact way you want it to be returned. Um, so important. And, um, one more little thing I can say about this is this is why I, um, decided to donate 1 for every rate keep. session I provide to the World Wildlife Fund is something that I'm just, is just something small, manageable, that I, I can do, that I think helps me, um, make a difference in an area of the world that matters to me, that I think matters to everybody, um, and, um, so that's why I inspire other people to do that. to make that pledge too, is either join with me and donate one dollar to the World Wildlife Fund for every Reiki session that you provide, or find an organization that you feel really inspired by and give what you can, when you can, it makes such a big difference for those organizations that are doing such good things for the world as well, so. Well, to all of our lovely listeners, I hope this, um, episode was really inspiring for you and gets you shining your lights and appreciating yourself for all that you do and all that you offer to the world. Knowing that that spark of Reiki can be our source of so much love, strength and inspiration, healing for the world. So I want to wish you all a fabulous week and we can't wait. To continue these conversations on another episode, have a blessed day friends and make sure to like, share, comment, do all the things, uh, for this episode that you feel inspired to do to keep getting the world out, to keep spreading the ripple of positivity that we're trying to create here at the Reiki Women's Podcast. So blessings all.