Reiki Women Podcasts

Creating Connected Reiki Communities with Reiki Women Podcast

May 15, 2024 Bronwen Logan
Creating Connected Reiki Communities with Reiki Women Podcast
Reiki Women Podcasts
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Reiki Women Podcasts
Creating Connected Reiki Communities with Reiki Women Podcast
May 15, 2024
Bronwen Logan

In this episode of the Reiki Women podcast, Michaela Daystar, Bronwen Logan, and Carrie Varela delve into the importance of community for Reiki practitioners.

They discuss how Reiki practitioners can create and engage in communities, why it's beneficial, and the responsibilities it entails. 

They share their personal journeys, emphasizing the value of community for support, continued learning, and connection. 

The conversation covers the challenges and rewards of community-building, both online and in-person, and offers strategies for finding or creating Reiki communities. 

The women explore the vulnerability involved in sharing and participating in communities, the importance of shared leadership, and the ways in which community can enhance one's Reiki practice and personal growth.

00:00 Welcome to the Reiki Women Podcast
01:03 The Importance of Community in Reiki Practice
02:06 Personal Journeys and the Impact of Community
11:15 Creating and Finding Reiki Communities
51:07 Final Thoughts and Gratitude

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Bronwen Logan:
Carrie Varela:
Michaela Daystar:

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Show Notes Transcript

In this episode of the Reiki Women podcast, Michaela Daystar, Bronwen Logan, and Carrie Varela delve into the importance of community for Reiki practitioners.

They discuss how Reiki practitioners can create and engage in communities, why it's beneficial, and the responsibilities it entails. 

They share their personal journeys, emphasizing the value of community for support, continued learning, and connection. 

The conversation covers the challenges and rewards of community-building, both online and in-person, and offers strategies for finding or creating Reiki communities. 

The women explore the vulnerability involved in sharing and participating in communities, the importance of shared leadership, and the ways in which community can enhance one's Reiki practice and personal growth.

00:00 Welcome to the Reiki Women Podcast
01:03 The Importance of Community in Reiki Practice
02:06 Personal Journeys and the Impact of Community
11:15 Creating and Finding Reiki Communities
51:07 Final Thoughts and Gratitude

Additional Resources:
- Join our Facebook Group: Embodying Reiki
- Subscribe to our YouTube channel

Bronwen Logan:
Carrie Varela:
Michaela Daystar:

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Hello, friends. Welcome back to the Reiki Women podcast. My name is Mikayla from Heartscapes Reiki. With me today, as always, are my beautiful colleagues, Bronwen with Reiki with Bronwen, and Keri Varla with the Reiki Healing Society. And we, often talk about the role of Reiki practitioners and teachers, all different aspects of what it means to step into that role, to step into that space in our communities. And today we want to continue that conversation. We really often, You know, are balancing the responsibilities that we take on as a Reiki practitioner to do that with integrity, to do that with, with strength and authenticity with the, the, the joy and the, um, you know, the, the, fun that can be had when we take on that space. And I think today's topic really balances those two things really well. We want to talk about strategies and, um, ideas and why we might create community through our Reiki practices. We want to talk about a variety of different ways that we as Reiki practitioners can create community. Why we would want to do that and why we possibly even have a responsibility to create spaces where Reiki engagement and education can move beyond the classroom, can move beyond the Reiki session. So I'm really excited to dig into that with the two of you because it's something that has mattered a whole lot to me. Um, and my. journey of learning Reiki. My teacher was particularly adept at building community, and I benefited greatly from that and learned quite a bit as I stepped into my journey. So I look forward to the conversation, and I would love to open it up to the two of you to just see what comes top of mind when you think about building community through your Reiki practice. Well, um, I'll go for a quick one first, Carrie. So, my, uh, first teacher was not adept at, um, creating community. So, sort of the opposite. And, uh, I had so many questions. So many things that I needed, I felt like I really needed to know, and I didn't know where to find them or how to find them. So for me, that is the answer to why we need community after we do a Reiki course and to have that opportunity to connect with someone who understands what we've learned. So they know where we're at, know a little bit about us and, uh, can be supportive and really just keep us moving along the path rather than also just doing a course and going, Oh, that was great. Bye. And, uh, uh, just helping us to keep, to keep learning. So, uh, if you don't have a teacher that has done that for you, then You know, there's always other opportunities and, and places to go. So that's also, I guess, what we're talking about today. And, uh, I definitely, I, I found, um, you know, other teachers. I studied with a number of different teachers because I did want to learn and keep learning. And, uh, did I find. I found that, um, I've had to in many ways create my own community, weirdly enough, but I think that, um, even with the three of us working like this, uh, this is a community for sure. And so it's us three. And it's also the people who, um, listen and, uh, You know, communicate to us through that as well. I love that. There's so many different ways that we can really, uh, connect to people and feel connected. Uh, it's an awful thing when we take a course, which is all and then. Where do we find ourselves? We find ourselves, uh, alone and back out in the world and really, you know, I don't know, I think that's one of the hardest things for humans is, is making those connections with other people. Um, perhaps for some people it's easy. I don't think I've ever found it particularly easy. It's really something you have to work at and, um, be active in, you just can't sit back and expect to be a part of, of this world. And, uh, I think the system of Reiki does make us, um, think about that and make us more proactive in reaching out to other people and being with other people and understanding how important it is to be with other people. Uh, and it also offers us a community that we can actually move into. Uh, someone recently used the word wholesome, uh, when they were talking, uh, to me about, uh, I'd started up a, a Facebook group recently. And, you know, we were just talking about, oh, just connection and keeping those connections. And, and, you know, someone said, yeah, I find it so wholesome. And I think it's just such a beautiful word because it's, it's a whole. So us feeling whole. And, uh, and being able to feel that when we're with others, so we're not feeling shy and disconnected and scared of saying something wrong, but we know that we have boundaries and the boundaries are that we are kind to each other, that we listen to each other, that we're thoughtful, um, and you know, we're not angry with each other, you know, that means the precepts and that we're there for each other. So we have these boundaries that the system of Reiki offers us. And it's so beautiful to just be together with others who have those same principles at their base. And really, you know, none of us are perfect and we're always, you know, working with that, but we're working with that. And so allowing us to sit back into that wholesomeness and, and feel that and feel connected. And I, you know, I think there's, there's so much that we can, uh, we can do together and support each other. So. I've probably got other things to say about that, but I'd love to hear, Carrie, tell me about your thoughts on this. Yeah, I love all that you've said thus far. Um, and we, before we started, Michaela and I were roshamboing around who, who was going to start first. I'm really glad Michaela started because, um, I love the way you introduced everything. And I love that idea of being wholesome as well. Um, that you mentioned Bronwen. Um, You know, I, I've had, um, the privilege of being part of a lot of different communities and mostly those have, you know, in like the first 10 years or so of my path on Reiki, it all a lot centered around yoga. Um, but, um, unfortunately within yoga, there's, you know, a lot of turnover within studios and, um, you know, the whole idea of making a living owning a yoga studio is, um, is troublesome in this day and age and people who are incredibly talented at, you know, creating community and put their whole heart into a business and, um, you know, saw an amazing success, but sometimes, um, it's not sustainable as well. And so, you know, Um, I was a part of a lot of communities that like, you know, we built this like whole, you know, connection to each other, um, in that community. And then the studio unfortunately had to close or, you know, something else happened and I don't know, I must've taught at like 15 yoga studios over the course of, um, this period of time. And so many, um, closed and. You know, in different times, in different places and for different reasons. Um, and so now when I am in community, I really recognize how precious is precious it is, and how much I cherish it. And that community continues to go on well after. You know, the maybe the initial coming together has happened. And so I still feel a sense of community with people that I met through these different communities and a lot. There was a lot of cross pollination and crossover as well. But, um. Yeah, that that sense of belonging really sticks with me. Um, long past, you know, uh, whenever that initial container kind of dissolved and melted away. Um, so I think that there, while there's so many benefits of being in community, I think, um, you know, to help us on our path with our practice is one of them, you know, like, we just were isolated and did our practice alone, you know, in our closet every day. Like, it wouldn't be, you know, that inspiring, right? But, um, it's actually incredibly inspiring, um, to come together in community. And if we can get, you know, the right mindset, like get out of a place of comparison or self judgment about it, then it can be so, so nurturing and really an opportunity for many people to lead, many people to shine, um, many people to, to feel seen, you know? And I think that that's sometimes at the heart of it is, um, It's kind of ironic that we probably all want to feel seen, uh, yet there's probably some barriers of vulnerability there. That's also, uh, something that I think you have to look at when you talk about yourself in community is how I want to be seen. And, um, am I willing to be seen for who I am? Um, And, um, so those are all kind of things that I've explored in community and, you know, using all of my experiences has really taught me, A, to value community and not value it in like a certain dollar amount. It's actually priceless. There's really no value you can put on it to have that, you know, beautiful human connection. But then also to inspire me to, to try to create more community and feel a sense of community, um, with, um, the Reiki students that I have, with the larger Reiki community, um, to feel a sense of belonging on the path of Reiki. And, you know, other communities that I'm involved a part of too. Um, and, um, you know, it's not easy in this day and age, I don't think. Um, you know, potentially it could have been easier, um, you know, for generations past. Behind us to, you know, maybe found community with their church or religious organizations or, um, neighbors or, you know, just different ways that we can find community. Right? Um, I still think that that's all there, right? Like, you can still find community, meaningful community. Um, but, um, yeah, with, uh, the internet, it opens up a lot of opportunities for community, but it also opens up a lot to overwhelm and just not knowing, like, you know, how to really genuinely connect. And, um, yeah, so I think, um, You know, community is, uh, feeling safe in community, feeling safe to be heard, safe to be seen, be your whole self, to be in community in a place that, um, you know, isn't about romantic connection necessarily, but is about human connection, um, about finding some common ground, um, You know, all of those things are really important to me and, and that's really one of the reasons why I do feel very inspired to create retreats because, um, you know, giving an opportunity and container for people to connect in real life, like, it does feel like that's something that at least in my life right now feels a little bit lacking and, um, You know, I really felt very deeply involved in community and, uh, when I lived in Denver and it was just kind of like, like, I feel like I kind of grew up in this community because like so many pivotal moments in my life were shared amongst particularly the yoga community out there. But, um, as I've moved to California, just really recognizing that, like, it takes time to build, um, friendships with adults. It takes time to. You know, cultivate that sense of community. I feel like I've really worked hard at it and found a great community out here. Um, and online as well, for sure. So, um, but you know, it's, it's like never. Well, yeah, I think that there's always unique and interesting ways to find community and for me, what I feel like is a little lacking in my life is just that genuine connection in person with other people and really having all having that same heart and desire to, to do that intentionally and to do it and receive medicine of it. So, yeah, we all, um, Got it. Got real clear about the importance of in person community over the last few years. Yeah. When we had to so significantly, uh, censor in person engagement for such a prolonged period of time. I know I definitely, uh, got really clear about what it meant to me to have in person communities and really clear about how grateful I was that we could have online community, that that is a resource that we have. Um, but, uh, Bronwen, you you shared something really that struck me as really poignant, um, in your. Peace, which is that, you know, at its heart, the system of Reiki, particularly when looked at through its origins is about interconnection, right? It is about relationship. And oftentimes, you know, that emphasis is on that kind of spiritual connection and relationship in the, you know, the unseen realms and, you know, feeling in our own meditation that we, we are part of a, of a larger life, you know, that, that we are not. isolated, but we are connected, um, to this web of life. And that can be a really powerful thing to bring into our private practice and to cultivate as a, as a sense that we have, that we can carry with us, but we really can't stop there. Right. Because, you know, if we're going to be true to our way and our being, well, our way, the, the path that we're walking in our life absolutely involves relationship and involves community. And, you know, then to something that you shared, Carrie, that is so. Important to hold in this conversation and I love that you named it is the vulnerability of that because. Relationship and community can be fraught with many, many, many different experiences. Um, you know, I know for myself and, you know, many of the Reiki practitioners that I know, you know, we tend to be a rather introverted lot. You know, most of the Reiki practitioners that I know, at least I perceive them, or they have shared that they identify as being very introverted. And there, there can be a real You know, vulnerability and opening up space to be in regular community with groups of people, um, even if it's in a structure, you know, such as being around learning the system of Reiki and continuing our practice, but really, that's where that's where our practice can be at its most vibrant, right? It's when we're engaging in our practice when we are in the midst of life in the midst of community. And so it's, you know, it not only. Fills a human need to create communities around our Reiki practice and to step into that capacity and that responsibility as a leader, you know, I mean, we, we've talked before about the Reiki practitioner and in particular, the Reiki teacher as, You know, having a leadership role, you know, we did an episode specifically on that a while back and, you know, we can see the importance of, uh, using that positional authority that we have as a, as a leader in community to actually create community and to create spaces where people can be in their Reiki practice together. Um, and, you know, the way that that's. Those spaces can look varies quite a bit. You know, we'll probably talk about some specific, you know, like right now we're talking about the why, but we'll get to a little bit of the what, you know, what types of communities have we created and what types of communities have we witnessed others create that that seems successful. But really, you know, sitting with that, why, um, you know, being able to create those vulnerable spaces for deepening our learning and to take the risk of that being messy, which inevitably at some point it will be, you know, as one who has been part of many communities, you know, and several, you know, pretty longstanding Reiki communities, um, there's times when there is messiness and there's difficulty, but what a perfect, you know, You know, playground. What a perfect master teaching experience to bring our Reiki practice to when we are in a community that matters to us and there's something, um, challenging that is occurring inside of that. Um, and so it, it really does matter and it is something that we, uh, can do as Reiki practitioners and, and that is really needed. Um, you know, oftentimes. You know, I see new Reiki practitioners talking about feeling really lost and feeling like they don't know how to move forward and, you know, it's obvious that they're not getting that continued support of a community past their Reiki training. I almost feel like, you know, as a teacher myself and as a teacher of teachers, I have a, Um, you know, we do a unit and how to build community because, you know, I see that as a responsibility that I have to pass that on to future teachers to really have in their mindset that this is part of the job. This is part of the role is to in whatever way. is accessible to you, whatever way is, you know, feels joyful, feels achievable, um, to, to make those spaces for people to not feel so alone. I think, Bronwen, when you said earlier, you know, the, the, the need to have spaces where people understand us and, and understand this practice and understand the journey of this practice, and not everybody has that in the community where they are, right? And so being able to hold spaces online or hold spaces in spaces in person that people can find us, uh, you know, find, find other people who will understand them. Um, and you know, together, you know, one of the things that, that the conversations that has often come up inside of the communities that I operate is how do I talk about Reiki to the people in my life who don't understand it? You know, how do I, uh, you know, get really, really clear about it with me? Inside of this community of people who understand, and then let's all, you know, work together to create language. That's going to help me communicate this out to other people. Um, but yeah, the importance of just really having that, that space where we can, um, you know, at least have some commonality. Obviously, there's always going to be differences, but to have a little bit of that, uh, mutual understanding. Um, and I think the last piece that I want to share here, um, before we. Before shifting to, um, you know, what those communities might look like is, you know, thinking about how, you know, what is the purpose of our communities? Um, and that that is multi directional, that there is, of course, the aspect of participants getting together, getting to continue learning, continue practicing, continue receiving Reiki, you know, receive sessions from each other, um, to be in that, you know, absorptive space. Absorptive, absorptive, absorptive, like a sponge absorbing space, um, you know, that we are when we're a new learner of something, or when we've been learning it for a long time, right? And just being able to stay in that space of, of absorbing the experience. Um, to receive that experience and also to create spaces where people can give back that, that experience that can, can share in various ways. Um, and, you know, again, that can look a lot of different ways. Um, and it does require, you know, those of us who create those spaces to, um, be willing to be vulnerable ourselves and to, you know, share leadership and responsibility inside of those communities. I know the first, um, Reiki communities that I developed, you know, I definitely, I, I think looking back on it had some reservation about that shared leadership piece and like, what is it going to look like when it's, when I'm not necessarily in charge of the space. And so I designed it. almost like it's just a mini class. Like it's, this is just like extended education. We're going to get together. I'm going to teach you some things. Um, and you know, over time it really became clear that it needed to be more egalitarian. It needed to be more about coming together and having everybody be able to contribute and to hold a piece of it and, and to bring, you know, what mattered to them, what they had to share into the space. And that meant giving over, a little bit of the power, a bit of the control, um, letting it be less predictable, uh, more fluid, um, you know, less something that I had, you know, created and, and designed and more something that we were co creating. Um, and you know, I always want to just name the vulnerability in the way In doing that, and also the incredible value of letting that go. And I really got a reminder of that recently. I started holding a monthly women's circle for women identified folks in my community. It's not Reiki explicit, but, you know, we, we get some Reiki going on in there and, um, You know, again, I, I went into it of like, let me design what I'm going to teach and we're going to have a structure and a curriculum every month. And like, immediately it was like, oh, no, we just, we need a space for people to talk and connect and I'm not going to be completely in control of that. And it was a little scary, um, but. is unfolding in a way that, uh, I couldn't have designed, um, if I had gone about trying to do that. And that is, I think, going to be really, really lovely and powerful. So that is a little encouragement to those of you who might feel a little vulnerable, a little shy, um, and just to kind of feel the weight of, of opening space like that, um, that it is, it is so very, very worth it. So that is where I would like to start. And I'll pass that. Back to you Miss Bronwen. Yeah, well, um, where do I start? the one thing just in something you said there, you know, people coming together, you were saying, you know, it sort of goes both ways. It sort of goes both ways and sideways. What I've found also in a lot of, uh, courses and, and where people are with others and they're all growing at the same time in their own ways individually, but everyone is shifting and changing and how that makes us so open to each other and, uh, tolerant of each other. And so that experience. is quite a unique experience. And it's something that, uh, when we finish a course, for example, we are back on our own. So a lot of people I notice, um, in classes, they remain friends. So we're sort of going sideways as well. So it's not just about sort of like, Being there and, you know, teach a student experience, but, you know, this, this thing of just making great friends who might be totally different to us, but they, but we've been through something together and we understand what it means to allow someone to, to be themselves and to, to grow. So, uh, that's also just such a beautiful part of being in a community. of Reiki people, I think, yeah. Um, I know for myself, I was really scared of, uh, forums and things like that. When I first started, um, um, uh, the system of Reiki, I remember I got my first computer. And I made like, with the help of someone, a very long web page, which was one page long. And, uh, it was, I was so excited, you know, and there were no real forums or anything like that at that time. And then, you know, email sort of was growing and, and, you know, I'd get these really weird emails. I was just saying the other day, I used to be scared to open up the email thing in the morning, right? Because it's just such an, it's felt so invasive because I wasn't used to that idea. people would be in your face like that, you know what I mean? So talking about introverted, I think that's sort of like, I don't think, you know, I, I really, you know, I've always liked my privacy and I think, well, you know, it felt so strange, you know, and, and I did get weird emails. I was just saying there used to be some guy who used to write and say, you know, um, That the surname Steena, which I had at the time meant the devil. And, um, you know, there was all this weird sort of shit. Right. So, you know, it was sort of scary to open up emails, but anyway, I sort of got, I, I, I built, I became more resilient, but forums then, Oh, so scary. You know, like, I felt like if I wrote something on a forum, someone was going to say, no, that's wrong. Right. So it's like, That vulnerability you're talking about, Michaela, you know, I, I just, I, I felt like I couldn't do it. And instead of stepping forward into that, I stepped back and I spent many years just like not interacting online at all because I just. didn't know how to do it and, uh, I've been so pleased that in the last couple of years that I've managed to step into that. I mean, even this, I mean, I would never have thought of doing something like this. So, you know, but stepping into that and, uh, and understanding that you need to, um, I guess things have changed in the online world as well in that time, that people have become a bit more responsible. It seemed like there was I could be totally wrong here, but it seemed like there was a time where people just were like, wow, I could do anything, say anything. But I think people are starting possibly to stop doing that so much. Am I right? Do you think? No, I don't know, but you know, I hope so. And, uh, you know, I hope that people are more responsible with how they actually are with each other and thoughtful with that. Anyway, I've really enjoyed stepping into that. And so I don't know that much about this subject about all the different places you can go. And I know Carrie, you're very good at this and probably Michaela too. Um, but. You know, I, like I said, I started my own Facebook group and that was a big step forward for me to actually do that. And I feel totally great and at peace and happy. And, uh, so things have really changed for me with the online world and my experience of it. And I, I do think it's something about claiming my own space in that. And, uh, yeah, there's something about that, but also I also loved, um, I think Carrie, you just spoke about that, about. People being seen and I can see how, um, support by supporting others that, uh, in the same way that, you know, I feel and felt and, uh, allowing, uh, that, uh, people to be seen and know that they are safe is just, it's just such a special feeling and I totally, um, I really love that. And I love that we can have those connections. We can create our own world, uh, without having to sort of interact with a lot of the stuff out there that, that may not be, um, so wholesome. So, uh, you know, creating that space for ourselves I think is, is a really beautiful thing. Um, uh, the idea of shared leadership I thought was really interesting, Michaela. Yeah, because I, you know, just started with my, um, uh, Facebook group. I have also started a, an online monthly group that we would get together and we had the first one, uh, this month, last month, whatever that month was, uh, this month. And, uh, it was, it was really lovely. And, uh, I actually had put a poll out to ask people what, how they wanted it to flow. Um, but I also had, uh, a student contact me and she said, look, I've done so many of these things. These are my thoughts on it, which was so helpful, right? And, um, so that was really good because I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do. So, and it's a mix of that freewheeling and a mix of that, just a bit of structure. So that, that works really beautifully. And, and it's really helpful for people, I think, to be able to express themselves. And as you say, feel, um, empowered rather than, um, Uh, disempowered because it's a, it, the, that sort of social environment, you want people to be able to be seen and to be able to talk and say whatever it is that they want to in that space. Um, the other thing that I did with that is that each month there's a different person who's actually running it. So someone else within the group is, takes over and they just keep that small structure and keep it going. So by doing that, there is this, um, As you say, there's, you know, let go of the controls and, uh, let people be people and, and do things. Um, I do have online classes, which I do regularly, subscription classes. And in those, uh, I'm definitely the teacher because, Yeah, it's a different environment. So that is a teaching environment and it is an environment where people don't need to be seen as such in that they need to, it's sort of weird to say, I guess we always need to be seen, but what I'm saying is they don't need to be running it in any sense. And it's really nice. I love that feeling of going to someone's class, sitting back and being able to absorb that and not feel the pressure to actually have to, um, Do anything specific, but be there, learn and grow. So, uh, that's that sort of environment. So it's a different type of, uh, coming together, I guess. Um, so it really depends on what we're looking for and what we need at any specific time, I think. And, uh, I'm loving putting together different things, but what I would really like, and when we were talking about this class is, you know, I'd love to hear from you guys. Um, Where you go online, because before we started this, you know, I was just saying as well, the Reiki world is quite fractured and I've looked at a lot of, um, different Reiki, um, things online and where people are talking and that, and I don't really feel connected. And, you know, so finding places to go where it is safe and, but where I feel like I can continue my experience of being in community. And maybe you guys know some places where we can do that. Ah. That's such a good question. I mean, I think, um, it's so unique to individuals, but I think we've really named on some, I think, core threads that really do come together, especially in creating community amongst women, which is, to me, is, Really what at the heart of that rests is a desire for a non hierarchical, hierarchical way of being in a relationship. And a lot of times community is kind of hierarchical in the sense that there might be one or a group of people who are kind of You know, facilitating that community, whether it be the three of us and the Reiki women podcast community, whether it be, you know, each of us as individuals in our own private Reiki groups, um, you know, that we're facilitating, um, you know, and then another example, of course, is like a yoga studio where there's like, you know, a studio owner, but there's also teachers and, you know, but, um, such a big part of that is, It's just, it's respecting that everybody has a place, you know, and if you are a yoga student, like, you fill such an important role. If you are a Reiki student, you fill such an important role in that overall community because, uh, how could we teach if we didn't have people who wanted to listen to us? And so, um, you know, I consider myself on that path of, of always learning, and I, I agree with you, Bronwen. It's so nice, just, you know, be able to sit back and receive, um, something beautiful that somebody mindfully put together. And I never am like, Oh God, they could have done it this way or that way. It has been so much better. Like I'm never that way. I'm like, Oh my gosh, this is, it's great. There's always something that I learn in that experience. And always something that really strikes me as really beautiful and profound. Um, Same with the yoga class. I've, I've taught thousands of yoga classes. I've been to thousands of yoga classes, but every time I roll out my mat, there's some magic there. Every time I step into my Reiki practice, there is something that I receive from it. And, um, Uh, you know, actually, there's one point that I wanted to mention is, um, you know, when we talk about Reiki from its origins and, and, and try to kind of bring it back, mindfully connecting it back to, um, in particular, the origins of some of the concepts of Reiki from Buddhism, um, you know, in Buddhism, I talk about the three jewels. And the three jewels are the Dharma, which are the teachings, and the Buddha, which is our own inner light. And then Sangha is community. And it's, it's really all three of those things that help us create a balanced practice, how to be in relationship with Reiki. Um, and so it is about, you know, it doesn't matter how many times you've listened to, um, the the teachings of Reiki, you kind of teach a Reiki level one course or even retake a Reiki level one course. It should be wonderful to sit back in the teachings of it. It shouldn't be boring. It shouldn't be like, Oh, I've already done that before. It's like, this is coming back to my foundation, my roots. Um, and, um, you know, also that, that the, the practice of Reiki, yes, is deeply inside of us, right? Like we, That's really where it begins. And, um, like you mentioned, Michaela, you know, so much, um, you know, in different aspects of Reiki is really focused on that. It's really this, you know, connection myself to spirit and really everything else doesn't matter. But I think, you know, you stay in that for long enough, you start to realize that everybody around you is your teacher, too, that like, you know, divine isn't just somewhere up in the clouds. It's actually in the people in our life and who we choose to be in relationship with. And so, Everything about community is, is relationship and in today's such a number driven world where it's like, Oh, like this group has so many numbers or this person has this many followers and that sends to kind of strike us in that ego way around, uh, legitimacy and, um, belonging, ownership, all those things. Um, is to remember that people and numbers are people, uh, which it doesn't really work on social media, because who knows how many fake accounts are out there. You know, when you have like 100 likes or 100 followers on your account, No, what you can assume there is, well, maybe that's a 90 people, actual real life people, but that, that, that, that's, that's at the heart of community. It's not about numbers. It's not, it is about respecting the sovereignty, the wisdom in all people and giving people an opportunity to really share that. And I think that's what a good community can do. It gives opportunities for many people to lead. It gives opportunities for people to show up and share. Um, there are beautiful things and, uh, their unique gifts and wisdom. Um, so how to find community? I think it starts with an open heart to look for it. You know, I mean, I find community in the place where I live. I find community, um, you know, I live in a really small town. So one of the things that. I haven't been able to do, but I hope to do it as I grow older and have less responsibilities is like to be really a part of the governance of the town and or, you know, maybe there is, um, beyond the Reiki community, there's an organization that you really feel, um, um, drawn to, um, and, and you might be one of those people who really do feel called to create more community as well. And so. Um, you know, you, I know that I'm not, you know, I know that I feel called to help and create more community because I know of the value and I know of that beautiful, like what you said, Bronwen, that sideways too, is like when a group of people come together, I don't assume it's just for me. It's actually for each other and, um, to create those conscious connections and those, um, beautiful connections. And, uh, and when we do that, it really opens up doors that weren't there before, you know, like our podcast, like it wouldn't be the same without any one of us here. And it would not be what it is if we didn't have, we could feel your energy of those of you who are listening, who are really receiving what we have to share. And, and, uh, know that we want to hear also how, how this, you know, this work that we've shared together, how that lands for you and how it inspires you as well. Um, and, um, and, and that I'm really proud of what we've created at this community too, because we are speaking a different language and, uh, a different way of being in relationship with Reiki. And I hope that that, um, is really meaningful too because I think for me that was one of the barriers about creating community amongst Reiki practitioners is, first of all, so many people didn't even know what Reiki was. We're not even like talking the same language and then there's so much comparison and self judgment and fear of being seen that I felt like it was really hard to create community, um, and, uh, It's so, you know, for example, my community Reiki Healing Society is really about recognizing that we are all equals on the path of Reiki, like when you come, when you've had a deep, meaningful experience of Reiki, like it becomes a part of you, it is you, and, um, in that sense, it's really quite foolish to try to show up at, you know, You know, as this person being better, this person being worse, or, or being in this place of hierarchy, it just doesn't work. Um, what does work is when we can come together and really honor and respect and acknowledge each other, um, for what we have to share, our own unique contributions. Yeah, absolutely. I love this distinction that y'all are making about the sideways connections in community. Um, and, you know, as I'm kind of thinking about your question, Bronwen, of like, how do we find it? Right? Where is it? What is it? How do we find it? Um, you know, that's both a simple and a complicated question, right? And it's going to vary so much depending on where we are, right? So, um, the scenario for one person might be very different from another person, but, you You know, I'm thinking about it, you know, it seems like there's kind of three categories that we can look at. There's the, the big, like online community spaces, you know, through Facebook, through other social media sites where thousands of people are gonna come, you know, and gather around reiki as a, as a, Right. And so we're going to get people from all lineages, from all perspectives, all different opinions, you know, talking, sharing, arguing, you know, all of the things, uh, promoting their stuff, you know, and, um, that can be an overwhelming place. It can also be a starting point for finding the next category, which is those smaller, more localized, intimate community spaces and localized can mean literally in your own community, right? So maybe somewhere that's in your town or, um, but it can also be a, a, Online space where people are coming from different places, but you know, there's still this intimacy. It's a smaller group and the focus is going to be a little bit more narrow, meaning more likely to have people who have similar viewpoints on the system of Reiki, you know, maybe are from the same lineage or, you know, have taken similar classes, uh, have similar values. It's going to be a more intimate place and probably to a point that you made Bronwen a little bit of a safer place. Um, certainly those. Giant online forums where you have thousands of people with very strong opinions that differ from each other, you know, like any Online space can be a nasty bit of business at times to be in there. I have been attacked in places like that Um, I have, you know gotten in heated arguments myself. I'm not always been proud of the way I have interfaced in such Not always, I've gotten a little heated at times. Um, but I have also connected with people where we did, you know, have that like mindedness and then was able to step out of those mega forums into more intimate spaces with those folks. So if you are, you know, a person who's like, I really do need and want community around my Reiki practice. Don't know where to begin. That can be a fruitful place if you can be discerning about how you engage and, you know, really pay attention to what people are posting and, you know, have a little bit of agency to perhaps connect with a person that you really feel like minded about. and ask them, you know, are you part of a Reiki community? Do you run a Reiki community? Would you like to start a Reiki community, um, when you find those places? And then, you know, thirdly, there's that sideways connection. If you're not finding the community that you want, you can absolutely build it, right? You don't have to be a Reiki practitioner or teacher or somebody who has a business to create a community. A reiki community, right? You just have to have a passion for it and a willingness to open the space. That type of kind of grassroots self generated community can start at a local library. Oftentimes, local libraries have community spaces that people can use for free when they're offering a free thing. Perhaps meeting rooms, you know, different types of, of setups, or perhaps, you know, a local yoga studio or business that would be welcoming to creating space for such a thing, or it can happen in your living room. Um, I have been a part of all of those kinds of things, right? That people, um, took the initiative to create that space themselves. But if you really do want to step into an established community that is more intimate, that is more, um, you know, more safe or, or more of a, uh, you know, brave kind of space where people know each other more, um, then, you know, there are some strategies for finding that place if, if, if it isn't obvious to you, if your teacher or, you know, somebody, you know, does, hasn't started that space. The sorts of things that came to mind, um, is to begin with the people who are. Creating, uh, content that you can access easily, um, on the internet or in your community. So, for example, podcasts, uh, YouTube channels, um, blogs. Places where people like the three of us who are passionate about Reiki, um, are, you know, Putting our thoughts out there, um, in, in the public spaces. When we find those voices that we connect with, we really resonate with what they say. We enjoy showing up for their videos or, you know, tuning into their podcast. Um, then we can make a communication. you know, do you have an online community that you run? Do you recommend one with folks that you trust? So sometimes it takes a little bit of, you know, breadcrumb following, right? Ah, I really resonate with this person's message, their voice, their teaching. Great. Let me reach out to them. Maybe they don't have a community. Maybe they have one that they can offer. There are numerous Reiki practitioners who do hold weekly or monthly Community spaces that look a whole lot of different ways, um, just off the top of my head, thinking about various people that I know, you know, everything from a very simple, you know, relatively fast, we drop in, we do a practice together, that's it, you know, maybe it's a half hour, like, we just drop in, we practice, there's some guidance, and then we go our separate ways, um, to more um, you know, in depth spaces, you know, I hold a monthly practitioner circle that runs about an hour and a half. And so that gives us time for some practice, some conversation, some questions. And oftentimes people share that the reason they're there is because they have been looking for a community space. And they found me through this podcast, through my YouTube channel, through my website, you know, and just, again, had that resonance. Um, so there's a lot of people looking for community and there are a lot of people offering it, but it is a following the breadcrumb situation because they're often very small. Um, and there's a lot of noise out there on the internet to be sure. Um, and so, uh, we will drop in the description, um, of this podcast, uh, Any publicly open, um, Reiki community spaces that we are aware of, including the ones that the three of us operate, um, as places that you can start people that we trust, um, who are consistent and have integrity and how they hold their community spaces. And, um, we are absolutely a resource to help advise you on finding your right fit, your right niche for how you want to gather. what you want to learn, the types of experiences that you want to have, um, and, you know, let it be a little playful, a little bit creative, um, finding those keywords that you can Google, you know, along with your local area that will help you to connect to who you're looking for. And those types of keywords can include specific lineages that you're interested in following, um, specific types of experiences. So for example, a Reiki circle or a practice circle. Or a, you know, or classes or, you know, free monthly things. Um, and you know, let yourself kind of follow those crumbs to eventually find the community that's for you. I guarantee you it's there. Um, it just might take a little bit of, of trying and a little bit of experimentation. Like don't be afraid to drop in to a group, you know, do, do a practice session in one group, see if it's for you. If it's not, You can absolutely move on to the next one. And just finally really wanted to reiterate if you cannot find the community that's for you, then absolutely have the courage to make your own and to do that sideways connecting step into your own leadership as a person who can make things happen in your community. And open up the space, see who else might be right in your neighborhood looking for the same thing. Looks like you had a lot of answers to that question, Makayla. I know how. Yeah. Well, it's, it's been a central, you know, cause again, my, my original teacher, you know, I haven't studied with her for many years, but I was with her for about three years and she absolutely prioritized community and, you know, still, Has many, many, many layers of ways that people can be involved, um, you know, as a practitioner, as a learner, as a Reiki curious person, um, many different ways that people can step into, you know, that sort of space. And so I really am grateful for that early on modeling of the importance of that and the diversity of how that can, can look. So any final reflections on this juicy topic as we get to the end of our time? Good one. Yeah. All right. Well, you know, I think then where I would love us to land is, is thanking you, dear listener, dear viewer for being a part of this community. Um, you know, as, as Bronwen and Carrie have said, You know, creating this podcast, um, you know, has created community among the three of us and the extension of those of you who engage, um, and even if that engagement is, is listening and, and receiving this conversation, if it involves dropping comments, having conversation with us in the comments section, coming on over to our Facebook group, um, to, you know, continue that conversation and to contribute your thoughts and ideas. Uh, we really are grateful for you because otherwise we'd just be sitting here talking to ourselves, which would be valuable, um, but it would be hard to be consistent every single week if we were just talking to ourselves. So thank you for showing up as our community in this endeavor, and we will put some of those resources down below so that you can play with what might feel like a good fit for you. Let us know your experiences with Reiki community. The good, the bad, the ugly, the absolutely disgusting on the internet. We want to know all about it in the comments down below. And until next time, we're so glad to have you here. We love you. Have a great week. Bye.