Blue Halo
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth ... and it was good! Thousands of years later, He created law enforcement ... because it was necessary! The Blue Halo Podcast unites law enforcement, the justice system and just a dash of politics, with the many aspects of the Bible. The connections are everywhere! Jeff Wamboldt, a 30 year law enforcement veteran, will host this endeavor, providing incite and personal experiences from his personal life and the lives of fellow officers. Some experiences will seem tragic, others humorous, but all will be informative, enlightening and entertaining. And some tough questions will be answered along the journey: Can we find God in human tragedy? Can the Justice System sometimes seem not so "just?" Is life fair? All this and much more will be discussed on the Blue Halo Podcast.
Blue Halo
Are We Expected to be DOORMATS?
Hosted by Jeff Wamboldt
Season 2
Episode 13
In this episode, Jeff poses many questions: Does "Turn the Other Cheek" mean we are to remain passive in the face of danger? Does "An eye for an eye" mean the whole world will go blind like Gandhi suggested? If you give a person the shirt off your back, do you really have to give him your coat, too? We'll answer these question and learn much more, including the details of a true crime story and why police officers can't retaliate when verbally abused (Are they doormats?)
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Thanks for listening & keep praying for one another!