Hashem's Hot Tub

Free Palestine 🇮🇱

August 01, 2023 Sam Kaminer - Zach Sanders Season 1 Episode 3
Free Palestine 🇮🇱
Hashem's Hot Tub
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Hashem's Hot Tub
Free Palestine 🇮🇱
Aug 01, 2023 Season 1 Episode 3
Sam Kaminer - Zach Sanders

Sam shares the white frothy details of his acting career and Zach struggles with his faith.  Both agree though that the Palestinian people deserve way better than they get.

Show Notes Transcript

Sam shares the white frothy details of his acting career and Zach struggles with his faith.  Both agree though that the Palestinian people deserve way better than they get.


[00:00:00] Sam: Just got to jump in the deep 

[00:00:02] Zach: end. Just got to jump into anything you want to do in life. You just got to jump right into it. Came and think about it. Are we recording? Yeah. Great. This is it. Welcome 

[00:00:12] Sam: back. 

[00:00:12] Zach: To another episode of Hashem's hot tub. We have a new addition to the tub.

We actually have a new light feature. Pulsates electromagnetic lights that heal various ailments. We have. Yellow for gout. We have red for liver. And we have green for psoriasis. So, uh, If you have any of these ailments, feel free to take a dip in our tub. You are sure to be cured. This is not medical advice.

Please do not sue us. I really need this for my gout. You have gout? You don't have gout. 

[00:00:54] Sam: I'm gonna be honest with you. Yeah, I don't even 

[00:00:55] Zach: know what gout is. Oh interesting. Okay. I met a guy recently that had that told me he has gout and I'll tell you gout is but do you want to hear the long version of the short version short version short version is it's an Inflammation in your feet.

That's what I thought was a foot thing. It's very painful. It sounds gross. Does sound gross 

[00:01:15] Sam: Like, gout just sounds like it's disgusting. 

[00:01:19] Zach: It does sound disgusting. I had a rabbi. Rabbi S. Okay. He was my shul rabbi. And, uh, he suffered from gout. Apparently, what you eat, it affects... The gout. Yeah, like you can't have red meat.

Okay. Bad for the gout. Can't have any types of... Foods, I don't know, that's really all I know is red 

[00:01:50] Sam: meat. He's just gotta get under this yellow light though, then he's set. 

[00:01:53] Zach: Yeah, he is set. But, during Shashudus, which is third meal, for the people who don't know, Uh, uh, Orthodox Jewish people have three meals, no, four.

One, two, three meals, right? Three. Friday night, Saturday lunch, and third meal. Oh, during Shabbos. Shabbos, during the Sabbath. So during third meal, there was a lot of like, disgusting tuna fish, smelly tuna fish that was passed around the table while we sang hymns. Yeah. Just imagine, sitting in a shul, the back of a shul, smells, it's like, really late, you wanna get the, you don't wanna be there at all.

You don't wanna be there. Or your father drags you. You gotta go to Shalashutish! Third meal. And you're sitting with a bunch of old people. The rejects of the community. And people are passing around a bowl of mayonnaise. Tuna fish, but by the way, side note, mayonnaise is tuna fish glue.

I just figured that out today. 

[00:02:53] Sam: That's a weird way of putting it, but I see you. And they're just 

[00:02:55] Zach: singing hymns and eating tuna fish. Yeah, 

[00:02:58] Sam: I'm gonna be honest, that sounds 

[00:03:00] Zach: awful. Is that a religion that I can sign you up for? You 

[00:03:04] Sam: know, I know, I know so deeply that if I had grown up in the brand of Judaism that you grew up with.

Yeah. I would, I would fucking, I would hate it. I would, I would, I'd be burning down, 

[00:03:20] Zach: like, burning down the house. 

[00:03:23] Sam: Oh my god. I'm so grateful that I grew up like barely Jewish because it allowed me the space to like find it in my own way. Because otherwise I'd be, I'd be like most rebellious, monstrous, angry guy.

[00:03:40] Zach: I can't even see you like that. You're, you're like, you know who you are. What's that? You, my friend, are a Berra or Berra? Berra. Ca Berra. It's a rodent ca cap. Barra ca 

[00:03:54] Sam: capra. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. How 

[00:03:56] Zach: one of those CBI Barra. Because number one, you're a rodent , 

[00:04:03] Sam: right? That's 

[00:04:03] Zach: some, but no, I By the fence. I know, I know.

I'm making a joke about the rodent part. . But the Cabi Berra, if you ever see it, if you ever see a ca a Cabi Berra, just Google it. 

[00:04:13] Sam: I've, I've seen one. I know what folks Google. Not in person, but I've seen Google. I've 

[00:04:16] Zach: seen Stop listening to us and Google Cabi, oh, I'm sorry, excuse me. Hash hot tub, Google c Berra, and then, You'll see a picture of this like chilled out rodent with slick bag hair just chilling just Lamping with with ferocious death metal creatures like lions and grizzly bears and and Nile crocodiles and Snakes with human traits And a co You know what I'm meaning?

Like, all these animals that will like, rip the fuck out of it. Like, really scary animals. Scary animals. And it's chillin with them. Just chillin with them. This is an animal that can chill with anything. You know what I'm saying? It's like It's like, oh man, I was gonna say something, I'm not sure if it's racist or not.

[00:05:09] Sam: I'm gonna say, 

[00:05:10] Zach: say it. You know, I wanted to make a show called, Is This Racist? And like, walk over to people on the street and like, play a game, is this racist? And like, you know, gamble, whatever, anyways. It's like me, a white Jewish boy, walking into like, hmm, the real deep hood of... Chicago, where there's like killings every night.

Okay. And all these gangsters come up to me and be like, Yo, Zachary, what's up? You know, and, and they're just chillin with me and, you know, we're passing around, like, joint. Is it, this, 

[00:05:46] Sam: this is a part of your 

[00:05:46] Zach: show? That's Caddy Barrow. Well, I don't know 

[00:05:48] Sam: if Oh, that's, that's what Caddy Barrow does. 

[00:05:51] Zach: Or, okay, here, just to No, I, I, I Move it around.

Let me just add this for the, for the black and white cookie. It's like me, a Jewish white boy going to the deep south. And rolling up to like the K K K headquarters and like the Grand Dragons. Right? Right. Is like Zachary, Hey, you're still a bitch, right? Come 

[00:06:10] Sam: inside, take a seat. Like C Bar can find their place in any of these places.

Wait, what'd you 

[00:06:13] Zach: have? La What'd you give me last time? Kugel. . That was fucking delicious. I gave that to the Klansmen. They loved it. We actually took a vote. We voted that for our next clans meeting. We wanna have Kugel, so we wanna have Kugel. Please have your mother cook us a batch of Kugel, will ya, Zachary, will ya?

And then, they're all, Will ya, Zachary? I'm like, you guys. Ugh, okay, fine. Yay! That's Kavybera. That's Kavybera. And you're 

[00:06:39] Sam: Kavybera. You know, I'm gonna take back my offense. I'm honored now. 

[00:06:43] Zach: Yeah, so I can't see you like, burning down a shul. I, 

[00:06:46] Sam: I, dude, I mean, I've had, I've had anger. Don't get me wrong, bro. I'm sure, yeah.

Like, like, especially in my younger days, my teens, some 20s, I was fucking like, I had a lot of angst, you know, and especially when it came, especially when it comes always, always, always, and I still have it to be honest. Um, a rebellious attitude. Like I don't, I don't, I can't handle like structures and systems and people who have like significant power over the way that I live my life.

I, I, it makes me so uncomfortable and historically I've always lashed out and. Not 

[00:07:28] Zach: so nice ways. Yeah, I completely understand and I want to say it's not your fault Because you're you're from New Jersey That's and that's where that's like the angst state It's the egg state. Look at all the heavy metal bands.

They all come out of New Jersey screaming bands emo bands 

[00:07:47] Sam: Interesting. Yeah, maybe maybe it is more New Jersey nature. I always thought it was more of a 

[00:07:52] Zach: nature thing Yeah, no, but okay fine Obviously I'm joking about the New Jersey thing. I don't want to make light of your situation. I just feel like I'm on fire right now, and I want to like continue these jokes, like, Hey!

Liners, liners, liners! I do know, I have noticed that people from, like, New Jersey itself is a heavy metal state. I can see why people say Bruce Springsteen is like New Jersey, but he's not. He represents one part of New Jersey, which is Asbury Park, which is a beach town, right? But like, if you go to New Jersey, New Jersey's Jersey, Jersey's metal.

It's a metal state. There's a lot of like, there's like factories 

[00:08:27] Sam: and foundries 

[00:08:28] Zach: and, foundries, yes. It's a green state too. It's the garden state, but it's like You know if you're in Jersey, it's, I like Jersey. Jersey is a very underrated state. I really, 

[00:08:37] Sam: I actually think so too, and I would, I, this is, I say as a person who grew up really disliking living in New Jersey and then moved to New York and was like fuck New Jersey, but New Jersey's alright like It's good food.

It's relatively pretty and chill and There's some heavy 

[00:08:53] Zach: metal aspects. Apparently. It's beautiful. Actually is a beautiful state. It's the garden state. It's called the garden state. It's green. It is. It is called the garden state. I mean, just a Trenton. I've actually never been to Trenton. We should take a trip to take a 

[00:09:08] Sam: trip to Trenton.

We should. I'm not down. Why not? 

[00:09:10] Zach: You're a cap Barra. You can get along with anyone. I could. I could get along with Trent Knights. There's no doubt. I think so. Actually, 

[00:09:17] Sam: one time I did go to Trenton, very briefly. I actually went to just a train station. 

[00:09:24] Zach: This Justin, aliens are invading our podcast. Have 

[00:09:27] Sam: no fear.

This is when I was acting. It was my first paid acting gig ever. It was a big deal. Uh, I got this call and it said, Hey, can you be in, in Trenton, New Jersey? Uh, tomorrow at 7 a. m. And it was 500, and I said, okay.

Great. And they sent me a script. I don't know what it is, I just tell them I'll be there at 7 a. m. at Trenton. And I'm on the plane, I mean, the train. Uh, 5 a. m. train going to Trenton from Penn Station. And I'm reading this script that they send me.

It's like a 30 minute script and it's just me talking and it's like an infomercial like, like, you know, Billy Mays gets up and like sells you the product. Oh, this is the, it was one of those, right? Rest in peace. I don't know. Who cares? Um, and I care. I care too. I think you probably did. Rest in peace. Um, but yeah, so the, um, so, so they send me the script and I'm reading it on the train.

I hadn't read it the night before. And the script is for camel's milk. 

[00:10:39] Zach: I fucking love this, 

[00:10:41] Sam: go on. It's, it's a 30 minute infomercial where I am looking at the camera selling the milk from a camel. Okay, 

[00:10:51] Zach: roll the tape. Roll the tape. I can show it to you. Bro, if this was live, if this podcast was recorded live, we would 

[00:11:00] Sam: roll the it is.

You can Google it. I'll send you a link. Can you put the show? I'll link it in the show descriptions. Oh my god, gold. Um, well, the link that I have is only five minutes out of 30. You're shilling camel's milk? It's unbelievable, dude. It's like, I'll never forget this shit. Well, what are the 

[00:11:17] Zach: health benefits of camel's milk?

Okay. First, let's go into what you want to, because this is gold. And then we'll go into the health benefits of Camel Smoking. 

[00:11:23] Sam: Right, right, right. So I, so I pull up, 7am, I get, I get off the train. Some random guy picks me up, I get in his car. What does he look like? He's just some white guy. Does he, like, look 

[00:11:34] Zach: milky?

Or does he look, like, like, just normal? 

[00:11:37] Sam: Just a normal guy. Normal? Yeah, he seems normal. Okay. But, but we're in, but we're in his car driving, like, another 20 minutes outside of Trenton. And I'm like, where the fuck am I going? I'm texting my dad, like, Oh shit, this is bad. Like, I don't know where I am, like, what's happening.

Show up. And we pull into this, this, house in like some neighborhood. We ended up in Pennsylvania. Was it a nice What? Because China's close to Pennsylvania, so we end up in Pennsylvania. And it's, it's not even nice. It's just some guy's house. And in the backyard 

[00:12:04] Zach: A nice part of Pennsylvania? No. Trentini, Pennsylvania.

Yeah. Got it. And, 

[00:12:09] Sam: and in the backyard Philly. 

[00:12:11] Zach: No, I don't know, like just like Sorry. The woods. Go on. I'm just so You get it. 

[00:12:16] Sam: Yeah, you're so in it that you can't Camels move. You're so interested that you can't stop interrupting me. No, but I want to 

[00:12:21] Zach: understand the specifics. I know that's true, I'm sorry. I'm gonna shut the fuck up.

But I wanna go I want I'm so I want specifics, like 

[00:12:28] Sam: It's It's like It's like a suburban neighborhood in the woods. It's not very nice. All the houses are run down. It's like, you know, it's Trenton. Okay, got it. And we show up at this this house. We go in the back to the garage. Inside the garage is like a full Like, filming studio, like, green screen and cameras and the whole deal.

And, I show up, and I'm, and I'm ready to present the thing. And, the, the script, the script had me, um, not, not just selling the product, but, but playing a character. Um, and that character's name was Waleed. 

[00:13:08] Zach: HAHAHA! I LOVE THIS! Go on! 

[00:13:14] Sam: And he was the founder of the Camomile company, Oh my God. And I tell this whole story in the thing.

You look Middle Eastern? 

[00:13:23] Zach: Are you wearing Middle Eastern garb? No, I'm just 

[00:13:24] Sam: wearing, like, a flannel. Hello, this is Waleed. Literally, I told the guy, I was like, You know that I'm, like, a white, Jewish guy, I can't even pass Middle Eastern, Simon like, you, capybara, man. And he, yeah, he goes, It doesn't matter. And, I mean, literally, in the script, I'm like reading off a teleprompter off of like an iPad.

And, in the script, I, also I had, I had, I knew it was early in the morning, and I wanted to be like, on, like, like, on, like Billy Mays on. So I, I borrowed some Adderall pills from my cousin. Fuck. And I take an Adderall, so I'm like, I'm like, like, zoned in. Like, I'm fucking, like, on. You know, you could have just taken a shot of camel's milk.

I, I, I, well, I don't drink milk really. It's kind of gross. Especially camels, but I was not gonna trust it. But anyway, I'm in the script. I like oh my god. I'm like a character I'm well, I'm Waleed. I tell this story about how I discovered camel's milk Which was that I was on Hajj to Mecca. I was on my pilgrimage to Mecca 

[00:14:25] Zach: So racist And now we're back to is 

[00:14:29] Sam: this racist and I'm in in the hotel And I have this craving for milk, for unfiltered milk.

And I go to my friend, Myrook, and I go, Myrook, I need to have milk right now. Like, where's the milk at? And Myrook's like, we're in the desert. There's no milk out here. And I was like, no, but I want milk. And he's like, all right, say less. And he leaves. And I'm watching Friends. I literally, in the story, he's like, I watch Friends and everybody loves Raymond.

And then Myrook came back. And Myrook came back with a white bag full of frothy white liquid. And he cut it open, and inside was the greatest milk I'd ever had in my life. And I said, Marouk, what is this? And he said, camel's milk. And that's how I discovered my love of camel's milk, and I started turning it into a health food company.

[00:15:15] Zach: Are you sure it was milk? 

[00:15:18] Sam: I wasn't there. It was... I was not 

[00:15:21] Zach: on Hodge. You're in an undescript house in the middle of Pennsylvania. 

[00:15:27] Sam: It was wild, dude. It was a lot. Were you wearing a robe? No, I was literally wearing like a, I remember what I was wearing cause I wore it all the time back then it was this like red flannel button down that I had.

[00:15:37] Zach: Can we see this? Can we pause this and have a look at it? Yeah. Can we? 

[00:15:42] Sam: Yeah, actually, 

[00:15:42] Zach: why not? Okay. We're gonna take a break, but before we go, we have to say our sponsors. Hit it, Sam. My Rooks. 

[00:15:51] Sam: This episode is sponsored by Camomile. Your number one place to get probiotic. Unfiltered, super clean, protein rich, dairy free milk, baby.

There's no dairy in Camel's Milk, apparently. 

[00:16:09] Zach: Yeah, and for all those chamomile fuckers, throw that shit at the wheel. It's Camel's Milk, for now. Camel's Milk, what 

[00:16:19] Sam: were you pointing at? Camel's Milk, the number one milk to drink if you're in the desert, I 

[00:16:24] Zach: guess. Dude, I can go for, you know what I can go for right now?

What's that? A nice tall. Frothy glass of camel's milk. Probiotic rich, nutrient dense, dairy free, wholesome camel's milk. 

[00:16:42] Sam: Wholesome. Yes, it was wholesome. Yeah, I was a, I was a student at USC when I, I was really into health at the time, like really into my physical fitness, which is when I got into camel milk.


[00:16:54] Zach: um... I heard they tested you for that 

[00:16:56] Sam: shit. Well, I was just so impressed by the physical benefits of the milk that I started selling it to everyone that I could find. Yeah. And I partnered with all 14 farms in the U. S. that had camels. Dude, 

[00:17:08] Zach: you, that was a big scandal in USC. The camel milk scandal? Yeah, the camel milk doping.

This guy's winning every competition left to right. 

[00:17:19] Sam: Yeah, it does do that. Like, that's, that's the thing about it. It's dangerous. 

[00:17:23] Zach: Dude, I heard Lance Armstrong was even buying cow's milk from you. 

[00:17:28] Sam: Um, I can't confirm or deny that. I might have signed in a DA. Does 

[00:17:31] Zach: he give you testicular cancer, though?

Definitely. Alright, we'll take a break, and when we come back, we will continue Hashem's Hot Tub.

[00:17:38] Sam: Urgent! Dude, you're gonna love this. Oh, no.

Yeah. Thanks, bro.

[00:17:52] Zach: You ready for this? Yes. One second, hold on. Folks, let's all take a break.

For those listening, we are now about to watch Sam's Camomile commercial. 

 Okay, I honestly am speechless right now.

[00:18:12] Sam: This is what my acting career was. 

[00:18:13] Zach: Dude, Mayrook? My friend, Mayrook! You see, I'm from, where are you from? Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. No, you're not from there. You went to school, didn't you? 

[00:18:23] Sam: No, no, no, I went to school at USC in California. 

[00:18:26] Zach: Kif Khalek, Jib Shwayab. You speak any , any Arabic in you? No. But your friend Maru?

[00:18:34] Sam: Well, I mean, no, there's Arabic in me when I'm embodying. He's got a glint in his eyes. Uchs 

[00:18:38] Zach: got a glint in his eyes, comes back with a bag, a sack of milk. 

[00:18:42] Sam: He comes back with a, with a bag of white frothy liquid. 

[00:18:45] Zach: And he's, he, he slices open a sack of white liquid and he's like, trust me. Yeah, that's exactly, and I trusted my rook.

I did. And I slurped up his. Milky, white, oh yeah, brimming with phytocene. Lack of phyto aid. Okay, so next episode we do? Yeah. We gotta try the, can you, you have, you still get your camel's milk connections? Yeah, I got them. You still, you gotta get some camel's milk. I mean, I know, 

[00:19:14] Sam: I know what the company was called.

Did you taste the milk, buddy? I didn't. They gave me a bottle to bring home. Holy shit. I don't even drink 

[00:19:19] Zach: cow's milk. Hold up, you didn't even taste the milk? No. Number one, can I just say something? If I was an old woman in an old age home, cause that's where the commercial would be aired, right? Probably something like that.

I would fucking buy the camel's milk. Not because of the fucking milk. You're a cute little punim. Look at that guy, he's so cute, you know. What's his name? Waleed. I'm Waleed. I gotta get some milk. Hello, is this Waleed? I would like some of Waleed's milk, please. Oh my gosh. Is Waleed 

[00:19:50] Sam: gonna come over? I do, I do wonder how many, um, How many camels milk were sold on account of that video.

[00:19:59] Zach: I kind of see like, Andrew Schultz. Comedian Andrew Schultz, you know who that is? No, I don't actually know who that is. Okay, cool. I love that. He's a famous comedian. He would roast you. He would roast that. He would roast you to smithereens. Oh, I'm glad he's not here. That's really funny, man. I love that so much.

I don't have much words for it, because it's too... You know when something's too good, 

[00:20:19] Sam: you can't... Yeah, that's one of my prouder moments, I'm not even going to lie. Wow, I can't... Like, legitimately, I love that that exists. I've known you 

[00:20:26] Zach: for like a hundred years, and now you're... This is the first time you brought it up.


[00:20:29] Sam: I always forget about it. There was a time where I was really excited about it. Like, there was a point when I, when I lived in LA, I showed a bunch of friends it. Cause I just thought it was hilarious. So funny. And they all, like, it was so funny. I think we 

[00:20:40] Zach: should cut it up and put it on YouTube shorts.

Yeah, maybe we should. Bro, we can cut it up and make it our 

[00:20:45] Sam: commercials. Yeah, this, those are the commercials for Hashem's laptop. 

[00:20:49] Zach: Yeah. It, it kind of reminds me of like, uh, Nathan For You. You You? It is, 

[00:20:54] Sam: it is kind of like that. It was, it was so, the whole experience was surreal. Like, Like literally I thought that you weren't on a fucking TV reality show kidnapping me for a minute and then it was like I was like on Adderall like Screaming about milk and then the next thing I know he's been mowing me 500 bucks.

You're you're 

[00:21:11] Zach: good. Uh Did you sign the release? Whatever. They had you're good. Uh, you're good in infomercial or that you I was I honestly you were gonna buy 

[00:21:22] Sam: a camel milk I was 

[00:21:23] Zach: I I am I am tempted to buy the camel's milk Based on what, the bullshit that you were saying. Oh, that's an honor. Like, you were, you weren't even being descriptive with like, you were like, There's science in there!


[00:21:35] Sam: I, well, that was five minutes of 35 minutes in which I literally talk about science. I didn't even know what I was saying. I was just saying, dude, that's 

[00:21:42] Zach: a shit a, that's a hard shoot, man. It was not, it was the easiest shoot. I did really, you know, when, when I moved to la I, I, I worked in a pillow factory and I had my roommate do pillow commercials.

Yeah, dude, that looked like hell. The pillow commercial. You put a smile and talk about the gussets in a pillow. These are gusset pillows, and they'll, you know, like, for like, take 34, it's like 4 in the morning, and he's like, Gusseted pillows are the best for your neck. Are you a side sleeper? No problem!

[00:22:09] Sam: Wait, are you telling the truth? I don't even know the truth, dude. You lived in LA and sold pillows? What the fuck are you talking about? 

[00:22:14] Zach: Yeah. It's not as good as you You're lying to me. Talking camel's milk. I don't 

[00:22:18] Sam: think you're telling the truth. I swear. Wait, when did you live 

[00:22:21] Zach: in LA? I don't know the year.

Maybe like 7, 8 years ago? I was, uh, 28. No. How old am I now? 33. I don't know. Time is weird. Okay. I'm bad with math and time. This is Hashem's Hotta, but there's no 

[00:22:36] Sam: time, there's no time with Hashem's Hotta. But I don't, I I literally don't know if you're telling me the truth. 

[00:22:41] Zach: I'm telling the truth. I moved to LA a few years ago.

I, and, and my friend offered me a job, okay. Selling pillows. He, he manufactures pillows and he sells it to like Zoo Lilly and, and, and, and all these websites. Okay. Wayfarer Amazon yeah, I worked in a in a nondescript warehouse in Gardenia, California with no windows Looking at Excel spreadsheets for hours on end feeling like an idiot cuz I had no idea what the hell I was doing.

That sounds like hell dude. While Shira was the star of the show. She was so good She was she knew how to do all the V lookups The V lookups? Oh yeah, you know what a V lookup is, don't you? I have no idea what you're talking about. Think about it. It's a V lookup.

It's an Excel spreadsheet move. Oh, okay. I'm really, obviously, I'm not that good at it. But, uh, I quit. I quit. I quit after a few months. I was like, Isaac, I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry. Well. I can't. I know you moved me out here. And you leased me a car. And you paid for my apartment. I just can't sit in a warehouse.

Really, this 

[00:23:43] Sam: guy hooked you up. He hooked me up! To work at the pillow 

[00:23:46] Zach: warehouse. He hooked me up to work in a pillow warehouse. But, Isaac met his wife, like a week or two or three or four after I quit. Yeah. And he gave her the car, and uh, I paid him back for the apartment, and all is good. All, all is well that ends well.

That's good. We filmed the commercial for the pillows. Okay. And it was hell, man. Hell. So I, I can imagine you sitting for hours talking about Camel's movie. To be, to be totally 

[00:24:14] Sam: honest. Yeah. That, the whole shoot took me about 90 minutes. I was in and out so quick. That's awesome, man. I just, I had the teleprompter, so I just like, boom, boom, boom, you know, slipped up a couple times, went back 30 seconds, did it again, out in 90 minutes.

What is this, 

[00:24:30] Zach: camel's milk? Yeah, that's camel's milk. Hey, okay, the producers just brought us camel's milk. 

[00:24:36] Sam: I'm about to take Yeah, these guys work really quick. 

[00:24:38] Zach: Here we go, folks. I'm about to take a first swig of the milk.

Ah, camel's milk. 

[00:24:46] Sam: Does it taste like it might be a 

[00:24:47] Zach: superfood? Frothy, delicious. It's giving me powers. I feel like this is what the Hulk drinks to get to get you know, I'm pretty sure the whole drinks blood Dude, honestly, I you know Can't get an erection Camel milk, you know bad Are you suffering from MERS infection?

Camel milk. 

[00:25:12] Sam: Yes. I'm starting to think that maybe 

[00:25:14] Zach: cure the Palestinian conflict in Israel 

[00:25:18] Sam: Camomile? Camomile. I hope so. That's like a major issue, though. I have a good pivot, by 

[00:25:24] Zach: the way. Yeah, what's the pivot? Palestine. 

[00:25:26] Sam: Yeah, let's talk about Palestine. 

[00:25:28] Zach: Palestine, number one, sounds like a Jewish last name.

That's number one. Do you think that's a conspiracy? I don't know. I'm just saying, Palestine. How many Steins are there? I know some Steins. 

[00:25:40] Sam: You know, I went to the West Bank one time, to Palestine. How was it? Um, it was... Pretty cool. It was definitely a little scary, a little, a little bit out there. Um, but I was really glad for the experience cause I went, when I went to Israel, I knew that I wanted to like, understand that side of it a little bit.

I didn't want to go to Israel just with like rose colored glasses and be like, Oh my gosh, this is amazing. All the time. It's perfect. So I, I, I sought out some friends and I, um, a tour into, into the West Bank and. 

[00:26:17] Zach: That's amazing. Where'd you go? We're in the West Bank. Hebron. That's awesome. I've been there too.

[00:26:23] Sam: We went to like the Palestinian, did you go to the Palestinian side of Hebron? No, I didn't. Or just the Jewish? Just the Jewish. Cause the Jews have like a tiny, they have like one sixteenth of the city, like a tiny, 

[00:26:30] Zach: tiny corner of the city. Little corner, yeah. Dude, honestly, yeah, listen. 

[00:26:34] Sam: But yeah, we like crossed over through like a military checkpoint.

Who'd you go with? Um, so I went with some, some of my buddies, uh, on a program we were on, this, this was, this was an organized tour. Uh, we started in Jerusalem and this like Hasidic guy, uh, brought us into Iran to the Jewish part of it. Gave us like the, the tour of the Jewish side. We went to like the graves of Abraham and, and the founding fathers and mothers, and then, um, handed us off to a like Palestinian 

[00:27:08] Zach: guy.

One second, the, the Jewish 

[00:27:12] Sam: Hasidic man? Hasidic man handed the tour group 

[00:27:15] Zach: over to the Palestinian tour 

[00:27:16] Sam: guide? They work in, they work in conjunction? They work together, yeah. 

[00:27:19] Zach: That's amazing, see? Coexisting peacefully. 

[00:27:21] Sam: Coexisting, exactly. And so that, yeah, this Hasidic guy was telling us on the bus that like he moved to Israel from the U.

S. thinking that he was gonna solve the... The crisis, the Palestinian Israeli dilemma. I love that, it's beautiful. And so, he likes, he likes, but he spent, he spent like decades doing his work. He's solving it! I mean, he's doing something, right? Are you sure he's Hasidic? Hasidic. What kind of Hasidic is this? I have no 

[00:27:43] Zach: idea, but he's...

Dude, you meet the most, like, interesting 

[00:27:45] Sam: people in the world. I do, I meet, I'm very grateful that I met this guy. I love that. Um, Yeah, and so, and then, and then this Palestinian guy, he brought us to his mom's house, we had a lunch at his mom's house. How was that? 

[00:27:56] Zach: Amazing. I heard Palestinian lunch is fucking delicious.


[00:27:59] Sam: was delicious, it was like great rice, lots of chicken, it was beautiful. 

[00:28:03] Zach: Palestinian chicken is phenomenal. 

[00:28:04] Sam: It was, it was, it was a great lunch. And then we, um, and then we went, yeah, so then we were in the, the Palestinian, the city, the proper Palestinian city, you know. Um, and it was, it was kind of wild because I was, you know, we were walking around and there were, There was this one group of like little boys like it'd be between the ages of 8 and 11 That were like following us around and in particular they liked me because I was kind of playing with them 

[00:28:33] Zach: Because you were the most Jewish 

[00:28:35] Sam: I was the most Jewish guy in the tour and

But I was like, you know, I was playing with these kids like we were just kind of laughing like cracking jokes together I'll never forget this moment because we're in this like kind of alleyway And then, above us, like, uh, on the rooftop of a house that's on a hill above where we are. So, like, very high above us is an Israeli soldier, um, with a gun, like, looking down on us in this alleyway.

And, this little kid, maybe eight years old, um, he, he, he, he looked up this Israeli soldier, and with just, like, this defiance. And he's like, Manishma! I love that! Manishma's like, what's up? It's like they say, what's up in Hebrew. Manishma! An 8 year old, like, just like, looking up his throat. And his throat is like, pissed off.

Really? Yeah, it was fucking weird. That's petty, man. He's looking down, he's like, Ah, get the fuck up, up, up, up, up, up! Dude, it's fucked up, man. It was fucked up, and I was like, I was like, dude, this is an 8 year old. This is like a little kid. Yeah. Like, what are we doing here? What are we doing? It was, it was, it was jacked up and that kind of gave me so much.

I mean, granted, I went in, you know, it's funny, I went, I went into the whole, my whole experience in Israel, a little bit down on Israel politically, you know, like imagine, you know, coming, coming from the U S secular Jew. I've, I've, at, at, at that point, I probably had more friends in the U S who are Palestinian than Israeli.

Like I knew, I know Palestinian people. And so, you know, I, I understand like from their perspective where we're at and, And so I was like, and then I get to Israel and obviously I have a deep connection to it because I'm able to connect with my religion and with these people who are my people in a new way.

And also I see the degree to which politically it's just a fucking mess, like, even if we wanted a better solution it'd be hard to implement it, it's just fucked up. And, so I don't even know where I stand, but definitely it's no bueno. 

[00:30:30] Zach: You know what would be really funny, they say, Elon Musk says that the most ironic, the ironic outcome is the most probable solution.

So it would be really funny if like, cause the Jews believe that the messiah is gonna come and, you know, usher in a new era. Yeah. So imagine the messiah comes, and the Jews are like, yeah, the messiah is here! And he's like, alright guys, uh, the Palestinian people... Are on our are the same. Yeah, that's 

[00:30:56] Sam: obvious what the Messiah is gonna say.

We're all we're all we're 

[00:30:58] Zach: all Jewish and Palestinian and You know, y'all fucked up. Yeah, you know, it's y'all 

[00:31:06] Sam: crazy. I mean, I really do feel I'd really do feel that That's true, though. You know, I had this moment Like the next day after after I did this this moment in Palestine Um, I had this moment I was I went up to the Temple Mount to the Dome of the Rock And, you know, for those that don't know, like on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where the central Jewish temple used to be, for centuries now has been a Muslim mosque, the Dome of the Rock.

It's like one of the most holy sites in the Muslim religion. And, uh, usually secular people, and especially Jews, are sort of barred from this place. But on Tuesdays and Thursdays during specific hours, you can go up, um, as a non Muslim. You need to go through this one specific gate and if, and if you're, uh, uh, like a Hasidic looking Jew, you have to have a, a police guard escort you.

Yeah. Um. I've, 

[00:32:01] Zach: I've been on 

[00:32:01] Sam: the Temple Mount. You've been up there. Yeah. So, so you know that there's, there's, there's like one major rule, which is unless you're Muslim, don't pray. Yeah. 

[00:32:11] Zach: You can't pray. Yeah, I heard it. And. I have a, I have an interesting, I'm going to tell you the story, but go on. 

[00:32:16] Sam: Yeah, so so I'm up I'm up there and you know I told you that I have a rebellious streak, a defiant streak.

Of course you do. And so first I try to get inside the mosque and that's not happening. They're like, are you Muslim? And I'm like, yes. Your 

[00:32:29] Zach: name is Waleed, you hot cat Muslim. I've been to Jeddah. 

[00:32:32] Sam: I live in Jeddah. I should have showed them the video. That would have gotten 

[00:32:35] Zach: me into the University of Ghalakhalab.

Sorry guys, I'm sorry. That was, I know, I don't speak Arabic. Apologize. 

[00:32:44] Sam: Good, I'm glad that, I'm glad that you apologized for that one. Um, so yeah, so, so, so first, first of all, chatting into the mosque. They don't let me, whatever. Um, and then, and then, and then I, I, first, I, I sit down. Like in the courtyard outside the mosque because there's a lot of people sitting there like I don't feel like I'm like crazy for sitting There like there's you know a family next to me like a Muslim family like having a picnic whatever, right?

It's like kind of 

[00:33:07] Zach: Disney World up there. It feels Disney. We're selling like like balloons and different gadgets 

[00:33:12] Sam: It's a little Disney World esque, but but it's very 

[00:33:14] Zach: pretty and Palestinian 

[00:33:16] Sam: Mickey Mouse I don't know if I'll go that far. I've seen a Palestinian Mickey Mouse. 

[00:33:20] Zach: I bet you have Okay, we'll talk about it for another time.

[00:33:23] Sam: Um, and then, so yeah, so, so then, so I sit down, very, very briefly, I'm kind of kneeling, like, just looking at the mosque, and this security guard comes up to me, and he's like, and he's like pissed off, he's like, he's like, no, no praying, no, no, no, I'm like, I'm not even praying, like, 

[00:33:38] Zach: I'm an atheist! And, 

[00:33:40] Sam: you know, and, and, and, to, to be clear, like, I wasn't praying, but I wasn't, was I trying to connect?

I got you, I, I understand. I'll be honest, I was trying to connect. Yeah, man. I had, I had a, and then, and then, and then he walks away and I kind of like, I don't sit again, but I kind of like, still I'm trying to connect. He sees me again. He comes back, get out of here. And I'm like, and my friend at that point, it grabs me.

He's like, we're going, cause I was about to start a fight. Um, cause you know, I was, I was pissed off because I felt like, I felt like, you know, I, I wasn't harming anyone. I wasn't even, I wasn't even like davening, like, you know, rocking back and forth, doing the whole thing. I wasn't doing any of that. You weren't praying up there.

I was literally just like trying to connect in a spiritual way. And he could tell, and he couldn't. Allow me to do that. Yeah, and that and that side it felt sad and it felt and it felt hurtful and it felt like like What like what are we doing here? It's fault. Um, 

[00:34:33] Zach: it's his conditioning. I would imagine.

Well, well, yeah, 

[00:34:35] Sam: and then you know social condition And then a few a few days later, maybe a week later. I'm I mean, I'm in a I'm in a different part of Israel. I'm in spot. I'm talking to this Hasidic guy. I'm telling him this story because he's like this guy. We're having this like coffee together like having this whole moment 

[00:34:54] Zach: He's like magical by the way coffee and spa with a Hasidic guy I had a lot 

[00:34:58] Sam: of those times but in this one in particular this guy cuz I told him that I was um That I had a career in filmmaking.

And, and, you know, I tell people that and they get excited. Yeah, I would 

[00:35:10] Zach: imagine. And this guy, I told him that. Did you tell them that you also had a career in selling camels? I did not tell them that 

[00:35:16] Sam: part, no. Dude, people get a lot more excited. So this guy, I told him the filmmaking part, and I told him, um, which I realized was kind of a mistake later on, that I was a descendant from like a famous Hasidic rabbi from like the old days.

Um, well, I was in a mistake cause after, cause like once he found that out, he was like really excited. Oh shit. He, you 

[00:35:35] Zach: goaded his, his goydles. Exactly. 

[00:35:37] Sam: He was like, Oh, let me get some of that juice. Exactly. Yeah. Um, who are you descendant of? Uh, this guy named the spores Zeta. All 

[00:35:45] Zach: right, everyone listening.

Google the spores Zeta, the spores Zeta. My mind, the first is this like mushroom rabbi. He was kind of like that. Who like, who travels through the, Carpathian mountains in the forest. 

[00:36:00] Sam: Yeah, he was kind of like that. So he was a, you 

[00:36:02] Zach: know, he was a, um, Like, spreading mushrooms. Collecting all types, making different ailments.


[00:36:10] Sam: So he was, he was like a vagabond rabbi who was a student of the bhem, Tove love that guy. And he would like, we should 

[00:36:17] Zach: make a movie, by the way, like about these, like, if you think about like, load 

[00:36:20] Sam: the rings, right? Actually this, this rabbi who I'm about, who I'm about to talk about, we had this coffee and spot, he was pitching me on that and I thought it was a great idea, but it's just like normal idea.

Like, like the, the vibe wasn't quite right 'cause he, and, and, and he's like, he's like, he's like, you know, he's like, I have, he's like, he's like, I have a dream in my life. He's like, I have a real dream. And I really think that you have what it takes to help me accomplish that goal. And I'm like, what's the dream?

And he looks at me all serious and he's like, He's like, build the third temple on the 

[00:36:52] Zach: mountain. Oh no! Da da da, da da da da da da! Cue the curve, your enthusiasm. And 

[00:37:00] Sam: I'm like, bro, come on! It's amazing. Cuz cuz 

[00:37:05] Zach: like I usually then you like yeah, let's do it. Let's go Into the temple mount Do you do and then that buzz because like hey you I'm back quick run is epic chase, you know, Ethan Hunt comes out And, and really it's a commercial for Campbell's milk.

Yeah, and you 

[00:37:26] Sam: know, it, it sucks on both sides because like nobody can see the other. You know 

[00:37:30] Zach: Radagast from, uh, Lord of the Rings? Yeah. That's what I envision the Spore of Zeta to look like. I, 

[00:37:36] Sam: uh, so whatever like pictures I found when you Google him look like that actually. I 

[00:37:40] Zach: freaking love that, man. You know what?

Sam, I noticed you have a book called The Power of Myth, Classical Mythology. A lot of myths. Yeah, Joseph Campbell. So, you know, I realize our Jewish, our Jewish roots Yeah. Have a lot to do with mythology. 

[00:37:56] Sam: The tremendous amount of mythology. That's what the Torah is. It's 

[00:37:59] Zach: all myth. Like Jacob and the latter.

Yeah. Dude, well that's, and leaving, and Abraham and Jacob leaving their 

[00:38:04] Sam: house. Yeah. It, it's a hundred percent myth. Do you know the heroes journey? This is how I got into like, all this shit, into religion, into spirituality. Was, was that, that book Joseph Campbell, you know, it's like, not to be confused. The soup, not to be confused with soup, it's, it's like the, the way that the, the way to understand religion, the way to understand spirituality is to go into these stories with the understanding that they are myths and, and, and that's not to say that they're not true, right?

Like, like, cause at the end of the day, it doesn't matter whether the stories of the Torah or the Bible or the Quran or, or the Bhagavad Gita, whether they are literally true or not, doesn't matter. What matters is that we, in our heart, we take them into our hearts within a paradigm of belief that allows us to incorporate the lessons.

[00:38:55] Zach: The way I see myth, I see myth as a template. A template. To live your life with or from. 

[00:39:04] Sam: So Joseph Campbell has a quote in that book, he says, Every religion is true in so far as the myth is true. Yeah. If you can look at any religion through the lens of myth and say, I believe this myth, not necessarily as objective fact, but as something for me to take into my heart, you will learn, you will 

[00:39:18] Zach: grow.

I agree, but I feel like I get, and I don't, I was going to say we get, but I'll say I, because I don't want to generalize people, but I got so lost in the sauce. You know, because the myth becomes the, the, uh, 

[00:39:34] Sam: You're saying in your, in your religious experience. In my 

[00:39:37] Zach: religious experience, we didn't see religion as a myth.

Right. We saw myth, we saw religion as a obligatory destiny to fulfill. And if you did not do what you were supposed to do, then you're, you're, uh, you know, you're veering off 

[00:39:58] Sam: the path. Well, I think that, that, that's, that's the, um, that's, that's, that's the livelihood of most religious people. I mean, you know, like regardless of Judaism or, or whatever.

Like, like most people who subscribe to re a religion, any religion, like kind of live in that space. 

[00:40:17] Zach: Well before, before the PO the pod was rolling, we were talking about how, how neurotic Jewish people are so neurotic, right? Because we have to. I wish we could be erotic more than we are neurotic. We picked the 

[00:40:30] Sam: wrong rotic.

[00:40:32] Zach: Oh, God. George is upset! Totally picked the wrong rotic. I guess that's why we survived for so long, you know? Yeah, 

[00:40:42] Sam: probably. We were so afraid of all the shit that we just, like, the Romans 

[00:40:46] Zach: were, like, super erotic. The Greeks were super erotic. Yeah, but they didn't last. They didn't last. We last for seven days.

Camel's milk, camel's milk. If your erection lasts longer than four hours, please see a doctor or drink more milk. Ca did ca does camel's milk give you an erection? Um, so yeah. Um, Palestine , I'm listening to, uh, I'm listening. Where are, where are we at, by the way? I know. Just keep going. Okay. So, um, no, but what's our time?

[00:41:25] Sam: Oh, we, we, we, we're just only at 45 minutes. 

[00:41:27] Zach: We're only 45 minutes. Yeah. That's phenomenal. I know. We got time. We got, okay, great. Okay, number one, I just want to, uh, let me, okay, I have ADHD, so I'm going to like veer from top of the topic, but I want to say, today, a new milestone has reached. Okay? Why? Yeah, I was in yoga, sorry, yoga class.

Yeah. Okay, so, today was a very difficult yoga class. Angela, my favorite teacher, and I decided to eat late. In the day, close enough to class where I was feeling all, you know, bloated and gaseous. Yeah. I was not having a good class. What'd you eat? Uh, tuna fish. Rice, curry, uh, I had like a, uh, what's it called?

Not a curry, but it's like a Thai, Thai, from Thailand. A Thai curry? Is that a thing? Green curry? I had a green curry. I had a Trader Joe's green curry. It's frozen. You stick it in the microwave and it's delicious. Very spicy. Too spicy, I would say. I had that, I had some lettuce, I had a full, like, I packed it all in and I gobbled it down.

Yeah. Because I was with this guy, Moshe Rubenstein, who has the worst anxiety, and he was around me, and he was gobbling down his food, and it made me gobble down, whatever, I don't want to get into this. It's a vicious cycle. Okay. But I was gobbling down these, you know, these foods, and then feeling really bloated in class, and like, we're in these positions, we're in these precarious positions, and I'm clenching my buttocks, because I don't want to, You know, I don't want to let one rip in class.

It's very embarrassing. Today we were in some sort of position. I was like, fuck it, okay? Just fuck it! Farted in class. I've done that. And everyone heard. It wasn't like a subtle, ehh. It was like a, pfft. It was a nice one. It was healthy. Okay. And I just went around my business. I'm like, yeah, I farted. And I thought about it for a little bit.

You know, I was like, usually I would overthink, like, who heard me? Did she hear me? Did the guy behind me hear me? No, maybe not. Maybe they think it was someone else. And I turn around and go, Yeah! I did it! No, you didn't. I farted! Wait, no you didn't. For all those who want to know who farted, It was me! You did not announce it.

No, I didn't do that, But in my head I did. Ha ha! And you know what? I, uh, I can carry on with the class. Instead of being hard on myself, Neurotic. Right, right, right. And being like, Oh my god, 

[00:43:46] Sam: People are going to think I fart. Everyone farts! Instead of that you got horny, You got 

[00:43:49] Zach: erotic. I got erotic. I turned that ner into a e.

Thank god. So milestones have been reached. That's major. I found my way. I went the distance in class today. Wow, 

[00:44:03] Sam: that's pretty cool. It is major. Yeah, that speaks to your 

[00:44:06] Zach: comfort in the class. And you know, after class, my teacher looks at me, she goes, Zach. That's a good fart. Good job. No, she didn't. She did not.

But in the scene, she did. She's like, hey, it takes a lot of courage to let one rip. It takes a lot of courage to let it slip out. But you did it. There's a glint in her eye. Is 

[00:44:32] Sam: she Palestinian? 

[00:44:35] Zach: No. But back on Palestine, I'm listening to Lex Friedman's podcast right now. He's interviewing this Palestinian guy.

You know,

I'm pro Palestinian. So am I. 

[00:44:52] Sam: That's it. Yeah. What can you do? Like it's a, there's gotta be a way to make this 

[00:44:59] Zach: work. I mean, I think the only way to make it work is if, is if people like you and I are exposed to the plight of the Palestinians. 100%. And recognize Palestinians as a nation. And as a Problem is we don't, like I grew up not recognizing them.

Like Well that's the thing Palestinians aren't a people, they stole our land. 

[00:45:17] Sam: Well it's like, it's like, it's like even growing up, right? Like I In Hebrew school, you know, I was showing a map of Israel that looks like, you know, the whole thing, and it's like, this is Israel. And then, you know, it was literally only like maybe two years ago that I understood that the map of Israel is actually divided into sub maps of different regions and different peoples.

Like Swiss cheese. I literally didn't know. Like, you just don't get told. 

[00:45:45] Zach: No. I know, you know, it's kind of like, what's the word? Uh... Propaganda or indoctrination or et cetera, which makes you not trust religion and all that stuff You know, you 

[00:45:58] Sam: know, it's it's so it's it's so weird because like,

you know, it's it's it's like on one hand You know, we both said it. I'm pro palestine. Like I believe in the right of the Palestinian people to freedom and sovereignty and safety and and Prosperity On the other hand, I've personally benefited from and I personally see so much value and I personally feel protective of the Jewish people having a homeland in the land of Israel.

I think there's, there's so much value in it for the Jews and also for, for, uh, the culture and, and, and the, And maybe even the world in a long term scale. I feel very strongly about it. I 

[00:46:59] Zach: believe everyone should go to Israel and experience it for themselves because Israel is a beautiful country. It's really, it really is.

I love Israel. It's amazing. The food is incredible. The culture is incredible. The people are incredible. Everyone's super good looking. They're so hot. And, and it's like the food is, is like top ten. Israel is amazing. I love it. When I go there, I want to live there forever. And, uh, it's a tricky situation because there are Israeli Arabs that are citizens, that live in Israel, and are full citizens and reap the benefits of being a citizen.

But at what cost? You know, Americans do the same thing. We, I don't know, we, the collective we, but, you know, we can say the same thing about Native Americans. We came in, you know, Are, you know, the people that came in over the Mayflower, you know, Meeting the natives for the first time. Totally. And the natives are like, here, take some corn and some shit.

And they're like, okay, and they give us everything else. And, you know, like, give us your land. And, you know, there's a lot of bullshit, you know. 

[00:48:01] Sam: Yeah, I, I, I, you know, I, I, I think that comparison isn't totally off. But I do think there's, there's a bit of a difference here. In that, like, the, the, the Jewish people can legitimately trace.

Genetic roots back to that back. But so could the Palestinians, right? Exactly, which is which is why I'm saying that there's got to be a solution for everybody 

[00:48:26] Zach: and the problem is, really, the problem is the Torah. You know, when you have a good, you know, when you have this, it's a fundamental approach to.

There's no compromise. It's an all or nothing approach. Exactly. So what's, what are you gonna do? You know, like, even the Jews, like, God told the Jews to slaughter the Canaanites and take their land, right? And if I say, well, God said we should do it, then I have legit, then, and that's my legitimate claim.

Okay, fine. So Jewish people came into Israel. We slewed the people that were living in Israel before, because God said so. And then we took the land, and we, and we, we made it our own. And then we built the temple. You're right, which is like, okay, fine. And I don't know what it's like. I don't know what the temple was like.

I don't know if there's peace in the times. I have no idea. It's very hard being a Jew these days for me personally, because I don't, my identity, meaning my identity as a Jew, like I'm, I'm really, uh, I don't know what, I don't know what it means to be a Jew at all. And people are going to start telling me, like, oh, this is what it means, this is what, but I, I see everything as bullshit and stories and fundamentalism.


[00:49:35] Sam: no, no, I, I want to, I don't want to tell you anything. I want you to tell me. Not you, I'm just saying. I want to tell, I want you to tell me what you... O off, off the, off, off the dome. What, like, what is being a Jew to you right now? Like what does that mean to you? 

[00:49:49] Zach: Well, off the dome, I think what a Jew, I think a Jew has a responsibility to be, to be a good, like, just like I have a responsibility to be a good role model for my younger brothers.

Mm-hmm. , I think a Jew has, has taken upon himself the responsibility of being a good role model for. The nations of the world, right? But I think every person has that responsibility, every nation, right? And I believe every nation should have the right to be proud of who they are, you know, and every nation has what to contribute to the collective whole.

Right? Absolutely. So that's, that confuses me. Maybe, maybe, so I, meaning, because that's what I think a Jew is, but I don't really, honestly, these days I've been seeing religion as a fundamental, as funda, as, as a fundam, as fundamentalism. I think I said that wrong, and it's very hard for me to take it seriously.

Like, I, even the Torah, like, there's a lot of myth and, like, Jordan Peterson has a lot of stuff that he brings down for the Torah, which makes sense. Like, it's psychologically, makes a lot of sense. Think about it, like, Abraham left his parents house. God told him, leave your parents house and go to a land.

And he says it in a way, like, in a specific way. There's a lot of value in the Torah, is what I'm trying to say. And the way that I grew up, they didn't really teach it to you that way. They more used it as a way to control. But I think the Torah is a blueprint or a template of how to live your life. Now, this is beautiful.

Like, hear this out. So God tells Abraham, leave your house, leave your household. And he says it in this way. He says, Leave your household, leave your birthplace, leave your mom, leave your dad, leave your friends, leave your girlfriend, all your girlfriends, everyone, yes, all of them. But Samantha, she's, even Samantha, Abraham, leave her.

Yeah, I do trust you. So just leave her and go to a land that I will show you. God doesn't say where you're going. Abraham's going on an adventure. That's the hero's journey. Tales old as time. Now, like if you get into the Graham Hancock stuff, you know, there's like a lot of cultures, like Sumerian cultures, ancient Egypt, Egyptian cultures.

They all have the myth stories, the flood stories, like what Joseph Campbell says. Religions or myth stories are all pointing to the same thing. It's very difficult, it's very hard for me to say, like, what is true or not. I don't know, because it could be like, Hey guys, what's the most powerful thing in the world?

Stories are the most powerful thing in the world. They are. Greatest storyteller controls the world. That's really what it comes down to. And if you want to impart wisdom, you impart it in a story. That's beautiful. You know, like, it lasts forever. Myths last forever. Totally. Legend lasts forever. Not you.

Like, you're, we all, we individually are going to pass on to the next, to wherever we go. Right. But 

[00:52:43] Sam: like, But we have, we have the ability to pass stories along. Whether the stories that were told to us, or stories that we've inherited. Yeah. Or stories that we've created through living our lives, or through our creativity, or...

You know, I, um, cause I, I It's, it's, you know, because we're, I agree with everything that you just said, um, and yet I have, I have, I think, I think a more optimistic view of all of it, which is, which is exactly what you just said, and I, and it is that the, all of these stories, all of these myths, all these religious belief systems, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, all of it, even, even modern myths, even, I was, I, I joked to you, uh, right before we started the podcast that anime was the new Torah, and I think that's actually true.

I think that, and I think that like all of these modern animus, anime and, no, but 

[00:53:49] Zach: I'm just, you heard of the young talks about the anima and the animos. I don't actually know that. I don't know it either, but I'm just, I'm just, I wanted to like, You just wanna throw a word in there? No, not throw a word in, but like, uh, uh, highlight that what you're saying is true.

Anime is a Torah, and I think the, an, the word anime can be derived from the, an, the, an, the anima and anus, which are, I don't know how to, I don't know what it is, but it doesn't, it doesn't matter to me. You have to, by the way, what I'm saying is really amazing, and you could look it up and you're gonna be like, wow, holy shit.

[00:54:24] Sam: will look it up later. My, my point here is that, is that it. These are all paths to the same place. These are, these are all paths to a fundamental understanding that we have as humans, as sentient beings with, with consciousness and a deeper understanding of reality. And maybe, maybe a dog thinks this too, but we can't talk to dogs.

They can't tell us. 

[00:54:48] Zach: Not yet. 

[00:54:49] Sam: I'm working on it. We have, we have a deeper, we have a deep understanding that there's, that there's some core beyond existence, beyond ourselves, That is one, that is, that is totally, uh, Unbound by the laws that, that we, that we believe in. That are, the laws of nature, the laws of man, that's, that's totally, That's just, that's just holy, that's just like so beyond.

And, and that this thing exists, and, and every religion points towards it. Every religion says the same thing. At the end of the day, it all says, everything is one thing. You can't control it, you can't understand it. So be loving, so be, so be compassionate, so be, present. So be the best that you can be. They all say it.

And so what we have here is like a lot of different paths to the same point. Judaism happens to be one of those paths. And Judaism, and to be clear, all these paths, every one of them has over history, over time, been corrupted by by the greed and the folly and and the The, you know, just general stupidity of man.

We're not perfect. We were not made perfect. We don't have perfection, uh, in our consciousness. So we're gonna corrupt whatever system we have. Christianity is corrupted. Buddhism, corrupted. Judaism, corrupted in many ways. Like, these things exist. And yet, the fundamental understanding behind the story is still there.

And so we have all these different paths towards the same light. What I realized a year ago, when I like, rediscovered my Jewish identity, was that Judaism is one of these paths. It's just as equal and valid as every other path. No path is more valid than the other. But, this happens to be a path that I was born into.

Both of my parents are Jewish, and something beautiful about being Jewish is that like, people don't really convert to Judaism, and Judaism doesn't really seek converts. So if you and I are both Jewish, Then that means more than likely that our ancestors going back thousands of years were also Jewish.

And so we have this, we've, we have this, this codex that we can inherit and that for me is like so exciting, right? Because that's like being Harry Potter and like finding out that you're a wizard and me like, oh my god I have all this like wisdom. I hear that. I'm just like, have, whoa, it's right here.

[00:57:17] Zach: You're a Jew, Harry. 

[00:57:19] Sam: I felt like that. I really did. 

[00:57:23] Zach: But I, I have some, I have a qualm. What? Judaism? All the other names sound so much cooler. Taoism. Buddhism. Well, Judaism. Who the hell is Judy? I, I, I, 

[00:57:37] Sam: to be honest, I think that that's your personal projection. I know, I'm making a joke. No, I know, but, but, but, I, but, the thing is that I made that joke for many years, right?

Judy? Of 

[00:57:45] Zach: course, like, for years. Doesn't Judy sound like the most neurotic Jewish person? You know, for, for, for, 

[00:57:48] Sam: for so long I was like down on Judaism. I looked everywhere besides Judaism. I looked to, I looked to every religion except for Judaism for the answers. Because I was like, 

[00:57:56] Zach: oh, this is bullshit. So what have you found, what have you found that has brought you to this?

I've found this 

[00:57:59] Sam: the same shit. It's the same thing. Like, like, so what I did was for years, for, for a decade, I studied like every new age spiritual thing. Every, every Buddhist thing, every, everything that I could get my hands on, I ramdas all these people. I, I, I studied them, I listened to, I love, I read them.

I love 'em. And, and you know what, like I found that MDOs and some of the rabbis out in the spot are saying the same thing. They really are. And so, and, and, and the difference really, simply, is that, is that because I'm Jewish, and because, you know, these people are Jewish, I feel more comfortable. I feel like, okay, there's, there's, there's a way in here for me.

Brotherhood. There's brotherhood, there's camaraderie, this is, this is a nation that I belong to. Yeah, 

[00:58:48] Zach: I hear you. And that, and that. You're rebellious, dude. Isn't that funny? It is funny. 

[00:58:54] Sam: It's a, it's a, it's this great irony, 

[00:58:56] Zach: right? Like I said, the most ironic is most likely outcome. 

[00:59:00] Sam: Yeah, Elon Musk is a smart guy in a lot of ways.

Some ways he's a jerk, but in a lot of ways he's also smart. 

[00:59:09] Zach: Imagine we find Jews in space. 

[00:59:13] Sam: You know, we'll find Jews everywhere. 

[00:59:15] Zach: What do you think about, like, okay, fine, I wasn't gonna get deep. No, no, no, go. What do you, what do you think? So like, okay, we're tripping our, we are, we are, uh, our brain is manufactured, no, I don't know consciousness, but like, we're basically like tripping our reality, right?

Whatever we see right now isn't real. It's just, it's synthesized through the chemical reactions in our bodies. Yes, we 

[00:59:38] Sam: can only understand through the perspective of our brain. 

[00:59:40] Zach: So outer, you know, physics itself and building in spaceships and getting out into orbit are all, A projection of what is coming in through our bodies.

Sense projection. So maybe that's what the rabbis, like rabbis of Tzfat, they can crack the matrix code and like have, you know. That's what they're claiming to do anyway. Kvita sederach. Which is like a hastening of a path, of like a long journey. They can like fold space and time and connect A to B and just jump, you know, hyper jump.

Who knows, man. Do you think we're ever going to get back to that? Hyperjumping? Where we're just going to, like, the human being is going to figure, is going to learn how to use, has, you know, I, I, I don't know if I ever said this last time, but I feel like our human body is, maybe I did say this last time, but the human body is like, The most advanced vehicle in the world, and we, and we just only know how to turn on the windshield wipers, you know?

We haven't fully delved into what we, the potential of the, of the body. Like the physical body? Yeah, because like, for example, you know, in Kabbalistic and in other, uh, religion, there's something called the Mirkabah, right? Which is like a, some sort of vehicle that bridges the upper world and lower worlds together.

You ever heard of it? The Mirkabah? No, I don't know it. Star of David is the Mir Kabah. Mm hmm. If you look at the Star of David as a two dimensional object, 

[01:01:09] Sam: Uh, yes, I have heard this actually, because you have the upper triangle and the lower 

[01:01:12] Zach: triangle. Now, now expand it to a three dimensional object in your mind.

It looks like a, it looks like a vehicle. Imagine taking two pyramids, one pyramid on the, on the, like a regular pyramid, and then taking another pyramid and putting it opposite on top and then merging them together. Imagine how, what that building would look like. Yeah. It's a geometric, it's a geometric.

Sacred geometric, uh, shape that... The point is, is that, is that, um, I'm excited about the future. That's what I'm trying to say. 

[01:01:50] Sam: I'm excited. Yeah, I think that we're probably going to make spaceships out of the Star of David. 

[01:01:55] Zach: Yeah, Jews in 

[01:01:56] Sam: space. It seems like the only inevitable conclusion. 

[01:02:00] Zach: I mean, like, look, man, you know, ancient civilizations, like, they were on to something.

They were definitely on to something. 

[01:02:06] Sam: Do you think that they were ancient aliens? What does that mean, ancient aliens? Like, like, do you think that aliens built the pyramids? 

[01:02:12] Zach: Um, I, I don't know what aliens are. But do I believe that there was an ancient civilization that had knowledge that we don't have many, many years ago?

Yes, I do believe that. And I'm very biased because I want to believe that. Because that excites me. Like, I'm excited about it. Me too. I don't have the pessimistic, you know, like, no. I am excited to believe that there is an ancient civilization that had knowledge and wisdom of how to harness the power of everything, build it in physical properties to use as machines, you know, I could see the pyramid being like a power plant that provided power to the whole entire, you know, whatever Egypt, ancient Egypt or something or some crazy.

Some way to communicate, you know, they say it's like it could be a communicator, a communicator, a communicator, a communicating device. I'll tell you why I'm thinking these ways, because like if you think about astrology, right, like we live in New York City, we don't really see the stars, okay? But if you go out into like upstate New York on a dark night, on a cloudless night, you can't help but marvel of the, of just the stars in space.

There's like so, and, and, you know, Earth is in the Milky Way galaxy, and we're just, we're like in a small part of it, and, and, and space is, is,

I know that sentence doesn't make sense. It's infinite. So I, I do believe that there are other, uh, we're not alone in the, uh, you know. There's definitely other 

[01:03:41] Sam: civilizations. It's impossible for 

[01:03:42] Zach: there not to be. And it could be that there... There was an ancient alien civilization that came to Earth to teach us, to instruct us, to guide us, or to enslave us, I don't know.

You know, we don't know. You ever see the Stargate movies? Not yet, but I'm a nerd bro, I've become one. I used to not be, but now I am. First, our eyes were closed. 

[01:04:03] Sam: That's because you're not Jewish, or you're not like religious anymore, you know? Exactly. Like, now you can get into the real Torah. Dude, 

[01:04:09] Zach: I'm so excited for the real Torah.

Straight up, man. Which is anime. I watched anime yesterday. I watched, uh, Hunter, Vampire 

[01:04:17] Sam: Hunter D. Oh, I thought you were going to watch, I thought, never mind. I thought you were going to say Hunter X Hunter. Not 

[01:04:22] Zach: yet. I'm down to see that. It's the best. Dude, I saw attack on Titan. 

[01:04:26] Sam: Oh my gosh. I have so much anime to show 

[01:04:27] Zach: you, bro.

Dude, load. Load me up with that Torah. Me, Torah, me, dude. You know what I'm saying? But the same story. I think the, I think the stories have to change in Judaism, you know, especially like, you know, like the Reba being m Shi . I'm gonna piss off a lot of like Habad friends. Yeah. That one 

[01:04:44] Sam: never sat right with me, you know what I'm saying?

Like, like, let's change it, you know? You know, I don't, I don't even know if the stories have changed as much as our understanding of the stories have to evolve, like we have to. We have, we have, we have to have an understanding that like, that like, we are only understanding the world here through one lens.

Yes. And yet, and yet we understand inherently in the Jewish culture that God is infinite. And if God is infinite, then there must be infinite lenses with which to understand God. 

[01:05:15] Zach: I love that. That's beautiful. You know, um, Baruch Spinoza. Uh huh. Uh, you know about him? Philosopher? I know, yeah. 

[01:05:24] Sam: He actually, Spinoza's first name 

[01:05:25] Zach: was Baruch?

Yeah, Bernard Baruch. I didn't even know that. Spinoza. Wicked story. This Spinoza was, was, was, what's the word, primed? I didn't even know he was a Jew. Oh, he was, now, he was a super Jew. He was primed to be the Grand Rabbi of Portugal, which is like the powerhouse in the, in the 1400s. Wow. Like, the Grand Rabbi.

Like, they, they were priming him. And he was, like, asking questions, like, you, Sam. Yeah, this doesn't really sit right with me and look I don't know anything about Spinoza So I don't I can't really speak in the matter But in the end of the day he pissed off the church and he pissed off the Jews and he got expelled That's what happens man, but he became a lens crafter towards the end of his life and he rejected positions of power and and and and and And, and, and, what's his name?

Um, um, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. Uh huh. Will say, like, reject power, like, don't, you know, you don't, you don't need that stuff. Right. And he rejected, they were, like, towards the end of his life, people liked Baruch Spinoza, and they wanted him to teach in their institution, and he's like, nope, I'm just gonna be, and the point why he's bringing this up is, He became a, he was just a lens crafter.

He just cra, and he, but he was a lens crafter. He gave you a new way to see things. 

[01:06:44] Sam: Ohhh, multiple levels of 

[01:06:46] Zach: that one. Exactly, you're like, where's this guy going with this, you know? I don't know, I see that, that's good. And he died, he actually died because of his, uh, of his trade. He inhaled too much glass.

I'll do it 

[01:06:56] Sam: to ya. That's some glass in the lungs. You know, your work will kill you. 

[01:07:01] Zach: It's a tuberculosis or some shit like 

[01:07:02] Sam: that. Yeah, I think, I think that like,

I mean, in my, in my personal opinion, holiness, Holiness exists in, like, the lens beyond the 

[01:07:16] Zach: lenses. I agree. There's magic. I believe in the magic. Yes, 

[01:07:21] Sam: and the magic is in, like, the unknowable. It's in the infinite source. Like, for me, the... I agree. You know, uh, Jung has this great saying. He says that the mystic swims in the same water where the psychotic drowns.

What's the difference between the psychotic and the mystic? The mystic has tools that the psychotic does not. The mystic has practices, the mystic has lenses by which to see things, the mystic, the mystic, but the mystic also, more importantly than anything, more importantly than any of the tools, any of the practices, any of the meditations, any of the readings and the knowledge, any of this shit.

The mystic knows that he will never understand. The mystic knows, the mystic has the humility to understand that he will never understand. The psychotic goes crazy because the psychotic needs to attach themselves to facts. Facts. They need to go, oh, I get it now because this is that and that is this. Well, that's 

[01:08:22] Zach: an addiction.

I have that compulsion. I have that compulsion to attach myself to these, you know, I agree with you. Everything you're saying is right. 

[01:08:30] Sam: And that's the darkness. That's the darkness of any spiritual path. As soon as somebody starts to tell you that they know what's happening, they don't. Don't trust them. I don't trust them.

[01:08:43] Zach: You know, it's like... Choose in 

[01:08:44] Sam: space. Exactly. We're the real 

[01:08:51] Zach: Jedi. Yeah, I mean, so, back to these, uh, you know, pyramids, like how are the pyramids built, right? 

[01:08:58] Sam: Yeah, yeah, yeah. 

[01:09:00] Zach: They use something called, I mean, this is a hypothesis, there's a, there's a theory that they used acoustic levitation. And it was proven, not, not, not proven.

I, I, I, I, There are small experiments where you can actually see acoustic levitation, but There is, there is written down, this guy went to, he traveled to Bra, Bra, uh, Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, I forgot where, Nepal maybe? The monks of Nepal. And they took him out into like the, to show him a ceremony where they Positioned these like long Trumpet type of instruments, like massive And they all positioned it and And they chanted, and chanted, and chanted, and chanted, and blew the instruments in a certain way.

And there was a big boulder, and the boulder started, like, shaking, and then it lifted up the ground, and they were able to, like, they were able to generate some sort of vibration that

created some sort of field around the rock that wasn't being held into the laws of gravity in that moment. And it, like, projected the rock up into the mountain or something like that, you know? Meaning there are technologies that are, I, look, he documented it, it's documented, and now it's one person who documented it, it could be, like, bullshit, I don't know.

But, the point is, is that there are definitely, like, like what you said, going back to the Rose, you know, the, the lenses, like, if, you know, no, this is the way it is, like, you know, you see the, the rules of physics, right? Like, these are the rules of physics, these are the laws of physics, like, I discovered, like, one person discovered a law, but you know what?

Rules are meant to be broken, laws are meant to be changed, updated, there's, you can't just, if you say this is the rule, this is the law, then there's no room for growth. There's no like, room to see, like, oh, you know, 

[01:10:46] Sam: okay. Right, well that's, I mean, that's like, and I don't know, I don't know if this is always 

[01:10:51] Zach: held in the mystic swims in the, in the ocean, sorry, in the same ocean as, I'm just tying this all together.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Meaning. You said something, you said that it's the, uh, the mystic knows that, that, that they don't know. And that's really a beautiful way to, to think. I don't know, being open minded, not attaching yourself to definitive conclusions, closing yourself off to the magic of the world. 

[01:11:16] Sam: For me, my spiritual journey started when I understood that I would never understand God.

[01:11:22] Zach: What's that noise, by the way? Who knows? Man, you're, you're, I feel like what we're talking about is breaking the time. Space continuum, and don't get into this conversation. I'll get into whatever conversation I want, you know? You know, right? No, Sam, don't. And there's like, all these cracks and like... You know, when I was in, on the Temple Mount...

Yeah. True story. Yeah. Could be I was tripping. I wasn't tripping. I was not tripping. But when I went on the Temple Mount, I saw this sheen around the perimeter of the Temple Mount. Like this, uh, I forgot what movie. There was a movie that came out where there was like this machine, and they went into it, and like...

I wonder what story was in it? The girl from... Jesus, really? I think Natalie Portman was in it. You know what I'm talking about? 

[01:12:04] Sam: I don't know the movie. The Shimmer, maybe? I don't know, I don't know 

[01:12:07] Zach: the movie. Some alien, like, the aliens came down, they made this, you know, they made this, like, iridescent, rainbow iridescent, like, situation.

Okay. Like, and it, whatever. Anyways. I, I saw with my own eyes, like, this, like, iridescent, uh, sheen around the perimeter of the Temple Mount. It was really beautiful. It was really cool. There was some, again, maybe I, I don't know, maybe I, I didn't hydrate. I'm not, you know, it could be a very, myriad of reasons, but my point is, is that, like, I believe you.

I know that there's power. I know that there's, you, there's, there is trust. I know there's, whatever you want to call it, God, or... I do believe in trust. I do believe in, like, when I took, I took a, on heavy doses of ketamine, I've, I, I, the veil was lifted, and I, and I was with my, with, I don't know, I was with this energy that I felt was guiding me, is my guide, like, and I wasn't scared.

Yeah. Hey, there you are. Hey, Zach, what's going on? Oh, not much, you know, just trying to survive in this crazy life. 

[01:13:17] Sam: I tell you the truth. Yeah. I had that conversation every day. Go on every day. Every single day I speak to that part of myself. I do. Higher part of yourself or Yeah. What? Well, I, I, I call it God.

I, I, I, when, when I speak to it, I speak to God, right? And I, and it, the answer comes inside of me. It's a part of me. Maybe it's, maybe it's a different version of me maybe. Maybe it's just a voice in my head, or maybe it's like the divinity that's inside of me that who the fuck knows like that's The my point here is like we'll never know it doesn't matter right, but but every day I call out to that voice and I speak to it in the mornings.

It's part of my morning meditation for a meditation ritual 

[01:13:59] Zach: I'd like to learn how to do that. 

[01:14:00] Sam: It's the simplest thing in the world You literally just and I said this to you on the last episode at the very end, right? Last episode you said, you said I don't trust God and I said say that to yourself and then listen to the voice that responds.

Cause there's always a voice in the back of our head that will 

[01:14:18] Zach: respond to us. I do that. I started doing that. Yeah. My meditation is like... I have my guitar, I go into a quiet room, and I play my guitar, and I just like, kind of follow the rhythm of what I'm playing, and I pray, or speak, in that, to, like, I just speak out, and, uh, 

[01:14:36] Sam: Right, and, and, 

[01:14:37] Zach: and that, I don't feel, yeah, I don't feel like, I, I, if I say I'm mad at you God, I'm angry at you God, you know, and I'm like, and like, you know, uh, help, help me to, uh, like, loosen up, because like, my anger, like, I just feel like you hate me, I feel like, Like, you do something, like I did something wrong, or whatever that is, and like, you know, my connection is like, cut off, and like, I remember the magic, and now I'm not living in the magic, I'm living in darkness, and it's painful, and it's sad, and I don't want to die, you know, I don't want to go on for the rest of my life, uh, in this, like, I just see, I see how that, that's how bitterness, bitterness manifests, like, bitter people, you know, it's a, it's a crystallization of their minds, you know, like, You do, you just do, you know, it's sanity, it's like, you know, you just do the same thing over and over again.

Same thoughts, same feelings, same reactions, same emotions, like your brain is just stuck on something. Totally. That becomes your identity. Your identity is formed. You're like, oh, there's my aunt, you know, and she's just a grumpy aunt. And she, my aunt is a grumpy person. Like, she's just grumpy, grumpy aunt.

And that's, you know, my dad is a grumpy man, and, you know, like, my mom is good. She's awesome, but like, you know... Whatever. My point is, is that I want to be, I want to live. I want to get out of my way. I want to get out of my own way. I really do. I want, I want to let like the light shine through me. Or like I say, like, okay, I'll like, like I'll be a vehicle or like, like, I'll let me get, like, I know I'm awesome and I could be, and I have done amazing, awesome things.

And, and when I'm attached, when I'm connected to that energy, I feel incredible. I feel like. It's not arrogance, it's not, it's, it's just like, you know, it's just, it's support, you know, and, and, um, You know, I've been lost in the sauce for, for quite some time, and, and, uh, Maybe that's why my Judaism is like, you know, interesting, in an interesting space right now, but, I really want to, like, I'm, I'm, I would like to, uh, always tell the truth and be truthful and, You know, try to, um, be open to the truth.

[01:16:47] Sam: Can I tell you something? Please! I think that your Judaism, your spiritual place, is in an amazing place right now. And I don't mean that facetiously or weird. I think that like, in order to understand any of this in a way that works for us as an individual, we have to come at it from an honest place. From a place that's pure.

We spoke last week about how religion and spirituality is something that's purely individualized. It's purely like, it's, it's, it's, it's us on our own terms interacting with a higher power. And, and in order to do that, you first need to shed yourself of everything that everyone tells you. Because that's their beliefs.

And you know what, that probably isn't even their beliefs. That's their projections, and you know what, that's the projections that have been handed to them for generations. And you're, you're here, and you're saying no. Not, not, not, you're not, and I know you, right? You're not saying no to God. You're not saying no to that power, you're not.

What you're saying no to is everybody's expectations of you. 

[01:18:19] Zach: Amen, brother. 

[01:18:20] Sam: And that's healthy. Because it's only in that, that you're gonna understand what you really think. What you really feel. How you really connect. Powerful.

[01:18:31] Zach: Hashem's hot tub. Yeah, I was gonna say the water, the waters are fine in the tub. 

[01:18:39] Sam: Oh, thank God.

[01:18:41] Zach: Good night. Good night, everybody.