Honeys Makin' Money

The inside scoop with industry Photographer Maddy 📸

• Honeyy Brooks

This week on the podcast Honeyy is chatting to OF creator and industry photographer Maddy from Maddic Photography.

Episode Highlights

📸  Maddy's Origin Story

Maddy shares how she made her way into photography and teamed it perfectly with becoming an OF creator

📸  Nudes & Confidence

Maddy opens up about how becoming an OF creator changed the relationship she had with her curves

📸  Gear tips from an industry profesh

Maddy breaks down the photography gear essentials without losing you in a maze of technical chat

📸  Striking a Pose

From hiding behind the lens to sizzling in front of it—Maddy spills the tea on how she embraced her inner model and how you can do it too

📸  Tips for getting started

New to the game? Maddy's got your back with practical tips to navigate the sometimes overwhelming world of OF

We hope you found this helpful, babes! We absolutely loved chatting with Maddy. You can find Maddy on Instagram @maddicphotography_ and @maddicmaddy and be sure to keep an eye out for details of her next collaboration shoot!

As always, if you loved this chat it would mean the world if you would rate and review the pod and share it with your gal pals!

Be sure to check out the website www.honeysmakinmoney.com for our tools and resources to help you skyrocket your biz.

Until next time! Keep makin' that money honey's!


Hello, and welcome back to another episode of honeys making money. Today I have a very special guest joining us. And I am really excited because a few episodes ago actually did a podcast on creating killer content. So I think this guest today is just going to roll off the back of that perfectly. And that is Maddie, welcome back. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited to have you here. It's been a long time coming. We had planned pilots, I think like when I just about got up and running. So I am very excited to be able to jump on here today and hear from you especially because not only are you a beautiful onlyfans creator, but you are work in the industry as well as a photographer. So I'm excited to dive in and hear about all sorts of you know the industry from both sides. So can you tell us a little bit about you and your journey and how you started only fans and your photography business like which one came first and how did it all begin? Well, crazy enough, I started photography back in high school. And like, weirdly enough, instantly that I was always so interested in photographing women like women are beautiful. They're amazing. One of my first projects was like pinup style as much as Bloodwise 15 year olds could be Oh, I love that. Like you're always kind of cheeky. And yeah, I went on to study in university. And then I started actually like constantly photography. I don't know if you're familiar with it. Yeah, right. And stuff and that kind of just pipelined I guess to like sexy cosplay to boudoir and then into the our industry. Wow, I love that. So you were a photographer way before only fans came onto your radar. Is that right? Yeah. Yeah. So how did you first find out about early fans? Was that through your photography business? Did you meet someone? How did that play out? Well, back in the day, I think that of Patreon. Yes, I have. So yes, Patreon was like the only fans before only fans, I guess. Yes, I would have started my Patreon like eight years ago. And it was just for my photography. So like, here are all the amazing women I photograph. Here's some exclusive photos, yada, yada, yada. Then maybe like two years, everyone's like, well, what are we gonna see you behind the camera and I was like to see me, I was really shy at first, like, so shy. I wore a huge like oversized sweater. And like a little G string. And I was like, This is so revealing, like, I'm embarrassed. Which is so funny. Because you've probably gone from being you know, behind the camera and being like, making women feel comfortable and, and doing all the things to make women feel so confident in front of the camera and you have all the tools and resources and then when you're in front of the camera like below. Yeah. Oh, wow. I just I love that you do both sides now. So what what do you like now? Like, Have you have you formed that confidence behind the camera and really own yourself now and your only fans and you're loving both sides? Oh, like definitely the like pipeline of how much like my self confidence has grown is crazy. Like, obviously, there's so many like different bodies in the industry. And I used to be so self conscious of how like I lived with my curves, but like, I love my body now and I love like being online and showing it off. And it's nice helping other women like feel that way as well. Oh, that's so powerful. And it absolutely warms my heart because I hear from so many creators, similar stories. You know, sometimes we hear the negative side of studying our own only fans or working in the industry. But what a lot of people don't see which is really cool that women are opening up about it is that the journey you go on in loving your own body, like you're in front of the camera all the time, you're putting your body out there and it kind of pushes you in a direction to love your body and fall in love with it and get to know it. Yeah, definitely. That's so powerful. So tell us what it's like being in both sides of the industry like what is it like be a creator and a photographer was definitely very busy. That's great. I feel like it's constantly always Yeah, either doing like photography work or my own work. But it's nice when the to kind of come together and I can give advice on both sides. Like if someone's photographing me or I'm photographing someone knowing like what it is on either side. I think it's just really helpful. Yeah, you can definitely take little bits from each area, isn't it and implement it so amazing. So share with us the importance of vetting when it comes to choosing a photographer I remember when I first joined the industry and I wanted to you know start photographing, I had so many people just reaching out to me I'm like, I don't even know if you're legit man like you have 100 followers and I don't know if you're using this for your wink Bay. Oh A lot of you are usually wanting like your actual business. So from a photographer point of view, please share with us I'm sure there are so many women out there who really struggle with that and don't know where to go, the importance of vetting and what we should and shouldn't be looking for. Yeah, I think when it comes to vetting, and there's obviously so many different things that you should and can look for, and I think one of the most important things to note is, followers definitely don't make or break water photography is like, having a low amount of followers or a high amount of followers doesn't typically reflect like who they are and what they do. And obviously, like followers can be bought. So someone with a high follower, doesn't mean they're, you know, amazing person, they could be very shady. I think the best thing to do always is like, put out in your friend, your story. Oh, close friend story, like, have you worked with this person? How was it? Let me know, like, just getting all the details like and pretty much all the time people are happy to give you like the bare truth and what happened with them? Yeah, I love that. It's such a powerful community when we can all get together and help each other out and, and put the word out there. And I suppose vice versa as well. Like if you have had a bad experience to, you know, let the girls in the community know, and be vocal about it in the fairest way possible. But it is really protecting all the other girls. And I really love that because you're so right about the followers. Sometimes we look for lots of followers. And you can it is so easy now to buy Instagram followers and you know, buy likes and comments. And if you do dig deep, you can tell sometimes, it is hard when you are first in the industry to understand that. So that is amazing. I love that just really leaning into the community. So let's talk about being a female photographer in the industry. What do you think the advantages are with working with a female? I think, first of all, the easiest thing that comes from it is women just automatically feel more comfortable with you, which is obviously kind of a blessing and a privilege, I guess like you just you're kind of welcoming. It's a very vulnerable kind of position, you know, doing boudoir or like nudity or explicit content. Like you're really putting yourself out there and trusting the person that's photographing you. And yeah, I find it's always just a very nice relaxed setting. Or if there's someone I've worked with them a couple of times, it's very much like you know, trying to hack them up. You're like, Yes, girl, you look so hot. And that makes such a big difference as well. Yeah, when you're shooting, I remember being at a day and you were photographing some girls there and I was just watching you and I was like, oh my god she makes you just feel so comfortable. Like I just remember thinking Damn, I wish she was shooting me. We were just so on point you were so lovely. You were just making sure that the model was feeling super comfortable. And there was just such a great vibe there between you and the model I can really feel it so I think that's so powerful because when you go from shooting yourself in your bedroom, you know in lingerie or possibly naked and then you go and there's lighting there's other people around as a photographer around it can be quite confronting Hey, yeah, definitely. I love how you work. I really do. I've I've seen it firsthand. And that's why I'm so excited to get you on here because I do think that you such an incredible bein in the industry. And yeah, you really take care of your class and your photos are absolutely incredible. Like let's not downplay that. Okay, speaking of photos, I like I want to get into this and yeah, tell me about your gear. Like what if we want to take some photos on our own? What gear should we be using? And what gear do you recommend for us to crush our photos? I think it definitely depends what kind of like like a segue you want to go with your photos. Obviously if you want a more natural like roll everyday kind of person, your phone is definitely your best friend and with iPhones now they can pretty much do everything. Myself I can do everything a photographer could do. So like you'll have your camera and then you kind of just need your basics like you need just a little tripod. I still use like my $15 Kmart tripod. That's all you need. Love that and triggers and backup triggers for your triggers because you always lose those little tiny remotes. They couldn't use it especially on collab days, you're like where the hell else is using it and you're like, it's my natural light I think is the best obviously if you have that readily available to you. Otherwise, I definitely suggest getting some just little stuff boxes. You can get them really cheap on eBay, like 30 bucks. I feel like it's a controversial tag. I don't like ring lights. But I feel like every contract grader has a ring light. Yeah, yeah. So what's the difference between like, in your opinion, a ring light and a softbox? Because I have no idea about lighting. I basically have a very, very light girl Why do I need to get us off bugs? I think it really it does come down to personal preference. Sir firing ladders, they're a little harsher and more dramatic with like the shadowing on your next and obviously, you'll see the light in your eyes. Whereas soft boxes is it's just like a broad, very soft light. And everything's just kind of like lit up around you. The depends, like if you're more, I guess edgier or darker. You like that really contrasting look, then yeah, like a ring light would be good for you. Yeah. Okay, interesting. I might have to invest in a one because I've always just looked at it. I'm like, oh, that's the two hard bulbs. Like I feel like they had to set up. No, it's actually just you kind of over them like an umbrella and then like screw a light bulb? And they really easy. Yeah, right. Okay, and where's the best place to get your your light boxes? Do you think? Um, well, I guess it just really depends on your budget. eBay is super, super easy. If you're just like Bay burns coming in. You need something budget friendly. And then there's obviously just, you can keep scaling up and getting more and more expensive. Yeah, okay. All right. If we need to get that expensive, we'll just kind of say you because you've got that big. So let's talk a little bit about HD quality. And why do you think it's so important for marketing? Well, actually, I'd be really interested on your view on that as well. So I think it really depends almost like what subsection you are in, like our community. Obviously, it's obviously really good for when you're doing like promotional, like networking, like love acts. I've seen so many of my photos out there for like, come meet me love X. I'm like, yeah, that's my friend. Or if you're in the full service industry, obviously, advertising is your bread and butter. All you need is like HD photos, pretty much. And then when it comes to content creation, it really is up to the person doing it. Some people love doing HD photo sets, some people like I'll never do it. So I think it's up to the person whether it's good for them, like promotional wise and worth the investment. Yeah, absolutely. I agree. I, I love them. I really do. I love going and seeing a photographer because the hard works out for me, like I can talk all day, all I need to do is pack my bag, turn up, rock up, change clothes, and they do everything else at home to do the photos, that editing all of that. So for me, it's an investment for time really and effort. But within saying that they're great, like you said to us, when you are doing looking for that little bit more professional, I suppose. If you are going for a collaboration, or you are doing something, well, you want your Instagram, a little bit more professional, something came in the top. And I think also like for the amateur girls out there who do say that they are amateur, I think you can have some really beautiful like HD quality amateur photos. It's just how you own the photos. You can still be natural you can be you know, like just a t shirt on smiling coffee like do you know what I mean? I feel like that's still really natural. And it's not to what's the word I'm looking for. Give me a professional like curated like Brad your image. Yeah, yeah. So I agree. I think that if there is anyone out there who has been doing the business for a while, it's definitely worth it to Yeah, hugging with the photographer, because man they do all the work and they make damn fied. Okay, so what's the top tips for posing at home, a lot of the content creators are posing at home, you know, in our bedrooms and our lounge room. You said before natural lighting, which I think is a big one. It just changes your photo so much. But in terms of posing and getting comfortable, like I know you said at the start you were really uncomfortable in front of the camera. So how did you warm up to it? Well, I think it definitely takes time what I do and what I still do, honestly for years, is you just go and stand in front of your mirror. That seems daunting. And it is just Just look at yourself like stand in front on have a look at like what looks good. How do you like your face? Like which side? What do you look like when you're nailing when you're like leaning over? Just constantly like practising poses to you know what looks good and what makes you feel best? Because then that translates so much better to being on camera. Yeah, I love that it is so powerful. Just getting in and working your angles and even doing it in front of the camera as well I find really good like you know, just without taking photos, just moving your angle. Using that as a mirror as well is really cool. So I love that so what's helped you on? Because I know you touched on at the start that you know you were just so like out of your comfort zone with your body and now you were just you in love it and you're at a really healthy place with your body I would love to hear what do you think has really come contributed to your body love journey? I think it's a good mix of discovering on it yourself. Like really looking back we don't Why do I feel this way about my body? What's causing that? And I think it's hard because in our industry you're compared to so many women and it can be really easy to kind of get in your head and feel like you aren't good enough. But just you know take a step back and be like why do I feel this way? You know, rather people are telling me that why am I caring what random People are saying like, I'm beautiful. I'm cute. I'm curvy. Like it's whatever. And then on the other hand, it's surrounding yourself with really amazing like minded people. Like I love going on little trips with my girlfriends and during the collab days, because everyone there is just so full of love, and they just want to hype you up until you're 100 As bad as vich, babe, and you're like, Yes, I am. Oh, those collab days are just, there's nothing better than immersing yourself into the community on collab days, because you're so right, like, everyone that turns up is just so different. Like, there's not one person that's the same, girls are just so different. They love everyone. And it's just full of compliments. And it's really cool to see that like when you get to collab days, just how diverse onlyfans is and how subscribers like different things. And there's such a variety for men to pick from, like if there was just, you know, that one sort of model online, then what fun is that, like, women come in all shapes and all sizes, with all personalities and all kinks. And it's super cool. They're, there's a platform that we can, you know, put it all out there for them. And they can pick and choose. Yeah. And I feel like it's maybe a privilege of being a woman as well just, I guess I attract a few more different types of women to the collab days. So everyone feels a bit more comfortable being there, as opposed to like, Oh, I didn't think I'd fit in here. You have lots of like, really fit influences and stuff. And it's like, Nope, it's for everyone. Everyone can go. I love that. Because it can be daunting, it can be intimidating, when you're turning up and you think, oh my gosh, are these like all fitness models? And, you know, like, what's the vibe going to be like, but I must agree. I see a lot of your collab days and everyone and anyone's there. And it doesn't even matter about you No way. Like, you're not even only fans, creators, like there's women from different areas of the industry. And, you know, they've all got different branding. It's really, really cool to see the diversity in your collab days. Yeah, we would actually get people who aren't even in the industry that just want like, boudoir photos for their partner or their husband. Yeah. Oh, my God, that is so cool. I think that's a good step too. And showing how people feel confident, they're ready to come in to a whole pool of women who aren't even in the industry, but they want to be a part of it. And so people have walked out coming into the industry after shooting. Wow. And I could I can absolutely see why I went to one of the collab days that you were at. And that was my first in the industry. And it was just amazing. It was so good. And you know, you get to meet all these different people. Everyone's nice, everyone's doing different things get to chat, I'm pretty sure remember those like, share, pay that chocolate and this is so up my alley. I'm never going home. But I love that I love that even people outside of the industry are like, Man, I want to feel hot when we go to these days. And then we just turn them into sex workers. How good alright, so what's one piece of advice you would give to, let's say, creator, that is new. And they just they love taking their photos, but they feel a little bit uncomfortable. And they don't really know, you know, where to start out with finding a photographer and getting in front of the camera? what's some advice you'd give them? I think definitely again, like just practice a little with yourself at home to feel a bit more comfortable engaging with other people in that sense. But you definitely don't, absolutely don't have to be good at posing at all to go to a photo shoot. Like, I have a lot of like first timers or girls who come to me like, Oh, I didn't think you'd want to shoot me. I can't pose and I was like, that's absolutely fine. I will I will show you every move of the way I will move around like a little puppet. Like you never have to be worried when you're with someone experienced who will know how to make you feel comfortable and make you feel amazing. And like any angle. And basically, you never should feel pressured to have absolutely fantastic works right out of the gate. Like it can take time to grow and build your business and build quality like, no one's ever gonna give you a hard time because you don't have the best camera or the best iPhone like it's your journey to get their amazing quality isn't the be all end all for like getting subs. Yeah, I completely agree on that. And like I said, I saw you at that shoot that will act together. And the great thing about photographers, which I didn't actually realise when you first go is that when you take photos on your own on a tripod, you're doing all the work, right? Like you're trying to twist you're trying to get uncomfortable and you've got one stagnant area that you're working around. Whenever it's photographers is that they can get low, they can get that angle they move around and they're like just move your body like this and I was actually watching you doing it on your day, like move your body like this and then you moved around them and got the best angles. Yeah. Which is just so good. And so it's good. I like he like he climbed on top of couches. I'm like You go for the roof, like, I think to get the best photo behind the scene tiktoks of like and getting the photo and just feeling so good. I love it. So tell us a little bit about you've got a collab trip coming up. Tell us a little bit about it. I'm very excited. So I'm hosting the collab day with another amazing female photographer captured cremisan We've actually been doing the last couple of few together, which I love going up to the Sunshine Coast, which is a first for us. And we're at this beautiful like garden jungle kind of pool location I was a little more people aren't gonna travel that far at first, but everyone's been so keen. And again, like having her around all female lives in a house, it just really brings out the best. And that's like two weeks away now I think. And I'm very, very excited. It's the last one to you. That's so exciting. How many do you try to have a yard? Do you go to different states? Like how do we catch you, I've tried to fit in as many as I can. I generally do like a rotating monthly, and I'll try to do like Melbourne, Sydney, Queensland, whether they'll be like Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, I'll kind of just do that again, like after so like, I'll do the three. There might be like a month break. And then I'll do the three again. But I would like to expand next year to like Perth and Adelaide and just try to get a feel people because they're like when you come in here and I'm like, Oh, come next year. Yeah. Oh, that's so great that you're expanding out and something about your coloured days that I'm always just like, oh my god, you find I don't know how you do it. But you find the most incredible how about that? I'm like, Oh, that is to die for. So they're just always so beautiful. And what I find with days like yours is that you have like, what is it? Is it two hours? Normally you will get a shoot with you. Usually an hour depends on obviously you can book more time if you want. Oh, they'll even go between me and crimson just to get a bit of a different vibe in the same place. Yeah, nice. Yeah. So you have like your hour or you two hours with the photographers. And then you've got like a whole day. I think we slept over last time we did it. So we delivered two days. That was like crazy. Crazy. Yeah. So you have like a whole day night to get to do tic TOCs. With other girls, you get to do tic TOCs in a beautiful house like mingle get to meet people. We went out for dinner, we have a few drinks. Like it's such an incredible content day, not only are you getting your photos, but you're also getting a whole heap of tiktoks with incredible house amazing lighting. Other girls you're cross promoting, you're catching up like it's a killer day. Yeah. And it's so nice after the collab day seeing those girls go out on their own together and like do content together. And you're like, Yeah, but people together. Because sometimes you just it's hard because in the industry, you know, we're not shouting out loud, we can on our Instagram, shout out loud what we do, because we're gonna get banned. So sometimes you've got to be really sneaky. So it's hard to find other people in your area. It's not like you can just, you know, go have a look on Google and see which really fast creators in your area. So I think that really brings everyone together, which is really cool. Yeah, that's definitely the goal of it. And I'm guilty of it myself. It seems so daunting, putting yourself out there to meet other creators, like just message them one on one seems so scary. And obviously it shouldn't matter. But sometimes it really does seem daunting when they're say a high percentage. And you're like, a lot of them if they want to work with someone like me who's a bit like lower, but I've never met a woman who actually cares about that. Everyone just want to make content together. They want to grow. Everyone's like selves and communities are so different. You're always going to be meeting new audiences when you work with someone. Yeah, absolutely. And that is so powerful. I think you if you have the opportunity to collab, whether that's just tic TOCs just photos, just reels or collab on your platform as well. And percentage of the time doesn't matter. I think, you know, if you're out there and you're working, which if you are at these days you are then it's a good vibe. And it's fun. Definitely. Yeah, well, I love that. So we are ready to book in, we're ready to go. We want to get all the beautiful photos with you. Where do we go? How do we book in with you? Pretty straightforward. You can just find me on my instagram and you message me and you're like, I want to do this. And I'm like, That's awesome. Let's put it together. Give me like an overview of mood board. I love when people send me like a Pinterest bullet. They're like I will do exactly that. And I think yeah, pre planning is such I think a big part of it. I really like it when people come in with like a game plan so that it's so much easier to get them exactly what they want when they have such a big like vision of what's what's to come. And then yeah, we book in and we shoot and then pretty quick turnaround and then you have amazing photos to post. I love that well there you go ladies and make sure you reach out to medic photography. Is that the Instagram? Yeah, perfect and I'll link it below as well. I'll link your direct Instagram and also your photography. Instagram. And were there any other links you'd like to add below? Is there any other way we can get into contact with you or your business? Yeah, pretty much. It's Instagram and Twitter is the same but same handles for everything. Yeah. Oh, I love that. Well, thank you so much for jumping on and sharing some really valuable tips about safety, looking out for photographers and basically vetting them. You have been such an incredible guests and I'm sure that they've out there absolutely loving all this info. So thank you so much for coming on. Yeah, thank you for having me. It was amazing. No problems at all. Alright, ladies, if you aren't ready for a photo shoot, reach out, go to the links below and you will have the best frickin time at those collabs I went there when I first started and honestly it completely changed my business and just the way that I really looked at Club days and catching up for photographs and booking a photographer so make sure you go and inquire Thank you, babes for tuning in for a another episode. I will see you next week. Bye.