Honeys Makin' Money

Nailing TikTok with these top tips 📲

• Honeyy Brooks • Season 1 • Episode 20

This weeks' episode is a game-changer for all you babes looking to make it big on TikTok. We're diving deep into the world of the platform we love to hate.

Ever wondered why your follower count doesn't necessarily translate to more views? Or perhaps you're still trying to crack the code of getting your videos on the coveted For You page? Well, buckle up because, in today's episode, Honeyy's got the top tips to nail TikTok and make bank while doing it.

Episode Highlights

📲 Why TikTok is not like other social platforms

Uncover the unique features that set TikTok apart and how to leverage them for maximum impact.

📲 Why does the number of followers on TikTok not guarantee more views?

Explore the surprising factors that influence your video's reach beyond just your follower count.

📲 Honeyy’s own research into what is pushing videos to the For You page.

Get an insider's perspective as Honeyy shares the results of her own research into TikTok's mysterious algorithm.

📲 How Honeyy runs her page and suggestions on how you can set yours up for success.

Learn the tricks of the trade from Honeyy herself and apply them to your TikTok strategy.

📲 Why it’s important to be strategic with trending sounds.

Discover the power of riding the wave of trending sounds and how it can boost your visibility.

📲 Why putting in the time early is likely to pay off in the long run.

Hear why the early bird gets the worm on TikTok and why investing time now can lead to long-term success.

As always, thank you for tuning into "Honey’s Makin’ Money." If you loved the gold dust in this episode, don't be shy – let us know! Screenshot this episode and share it to your stories, tagging @honeysmakinmoney_. And, of course, we'd love you forever if you could rate and review the pod. It helps more gals like you build profitable businesses on their own terms.

If you haven't already, be sure to check out our website for more tools and resources to kick off your successful online biz!

If you're ready to up your social media game and need a helping hand, our Social Media Management team is just a click away. CLICK HERE and let's get you set up for success.

Until next time, honeys, keep makin’ that money!


Well hello I feel like it has been so long at since I have jumped on to talking to this microphone and share all the good stuff with you guys. I have just come off the back of endometriosis surgeries. So I have had a few weeks off just enjoying myself relaxing and really rejuvenating. So I feel like I've missed this so much. I feel like I get to talk to all you beautiful ladies through this laptop screen and through the microphone. So I'm so excited to be back and I am so excited to be speaking about tick tock today. The one we all love to hate I have had a such a hot and cold relationship with tick tock, I quit at one stage. I was like, I'm not fucking doing tick tock again, like no, I think I quit for about two weeks. And I was like, this is a cool trend. I think I could do this, like let's get back in. So it's definitely a love hate relationship. When you are doing a shit on the platform. It is so so hard to keep going and stay consistent. Because you're either doing one or the other, you're getting next to no views or you are getting amazing views. And unfortunately, sometimes we've just got to keep pushing with those shared views to get one to pop. So tick tock is, in my opinion, an amazing platform. But it does require a lot of work. So if you are listening, and you're like well, not for me, can't dive in, I've got absolutely no time, not the episode for you. If you're like I want to make fucking bank and I want to jump in and I'll do whatever it takes tick tock is for you. And this one is for you. So before I get into the TIC tock world, I want to explain how tick tock works and why I believe it's the number one platform for sex workers to completely block their business. So first of all, tick tock is not a social based platform, which sounds so bizarre because we call it social media or social media app, but it's not actually social based. So your platforms like Instagram and Facebook are social based. And this means that it is extremely important how many followers you have on each platform. So with these type of platforms, their algorithm is really, really dependent on how many followers you have. And they actually push your content out to your current followers first, and then it may drip into the for you paid really depends on the engagement that you get. It depends on who's sharing it, where is it going. But your first initial output with that content is to your followers. So it's really, really dependent on how many followers you do have and building up a follower base to then get into the four year page. So in short, the more followers you have on these kinds of platforms, the bigger impact you will have, which can be tricky at the start because not everyone starts an Instagram account, or a Facebook account and have lots of followers so that learning can be a little bit more tricky. But tick tock is a completely different ballgame. And this is why I absolutely love the app. When I built my first Tic Toc, I got over to around 200,000 followers. And I honestly thought I made it I was like yes, this is it like look at my follow up days, I'm just going to ride off the back of this wave and let all the followers keep building and it's going to be great. They're all gonna turn to subscribers, like I've made it in the world of TiC tock and only vans. And then I noticed something that completely changed the game for me. And it literally hit me like a brick wall. And that is that the TIC tock algorithm doesn't care how many followers you have at all. In fact, in most cases, it doesn't mean a thing. So let me elaborate a little bit. This is why you may see really big accounts, so 200 500,000 Or maybe even a million followers. And if you go and look at their account, this is not for all of them. There are exceptions where people are doing creating really, really great content. And a lot of their videos are going viral and Opole is one of them. All her videos go super viral, because she's so engaging. She's so authentic, and she's absolutely fucking nailed her target audience. But if you look at some other accounts, they may have 500,000 followers and some of their latest content only has like a few 1000 views, which is crazy, right? Like if they had half a million followers, they should be getting at least 400,000 views over a week. And sometimes they don't even get 1000 So when I saw this pattern, and I read realise that there is this pattern of people with huge or huge accounts and huge following not getting many views. I then decided to put my social media team on a little bit of a mission. And we began to put some things to the test because I was like, there's something going on here, you know, these big accounts, they're not getting the views that they should be. What's going on? Let's dive into this a little bit more. So myself and the team we started researching, we tapped into training courses, we bought all the training material that was current, and we trialled so many accounts under my name, like we basically did everything to try and figure out what's going on. And wild Tik Tok doesn't have an answer. And their algorithm is always always always changing. And they honestly have the best AI generated system to exist on any social media platform like it's absolutely out of this world. So while I believe there is no answer to going viral, I do also believe that we've found a way to increase our chances, we found a way to increase the chances of videos being pushed to the 40 page, which I am really excited to share with you guys today. Because there's absolutely no gatekeeping here. We want you babes to win and tic toc is hard. But as soon as you master it, and you you understand a little bit how it works, it makes it so much easier. And I truly believe it's a game changer for so many women. day one, day two, day three or day 100. Wherever you are in your journey, there is no social media app like it that you can get on and in day one blow up and change your whole business. So back to the testing through how testing, I began to realise that what was so important on Tik Tok was the views. And it really mattered when it came to building your online business. And the views that you're getting, not the followers, the followers had absolutely nothing to do with that. But it was the physical views, the views was what was pushing out to the page, which is generating likes and engagement and ultimately generating subs. So as soon as you understand that followers have little to do with your success on tick tock, and it's the physical content, and your audience is where it's at, then I promise your business will change. So we began to see a huge success from brand new accounts I had created versus accounts that had an established following. So we started to create all these new accounts, we created them different ways, we did a lot of trial and error on what was going to work. And once we actually warmed up a few accounts, we were getting hundreds and 1000s of views on brand new accounts. Some of them had 100 followers, some of them had 600, some of them were day one, and they were getting 10,000 views. And that was just building over the week. So it was so clear that a older, more established account had absolutely nothing over these brand new accounts. So this really led me into tick tock and changing my whole strategy, changing my strategy around not focusing on the followers, or how many followers I had, or the big account that had a lot of followers. But actually what account was giving me the views. So now I'm going to share how I run my account. Now keep in mind, this is how I run my account, you can implement what you want from this, you can completely disagree with me, because like I said, there is no answer with Tik Tok. But this is a system and a strategy that I have found that has worked really, really well on my accounts, and I want to share that with you. So first thing is first, I want you to remove any emotion you have with a big account. If the views aren't there, you need to remove that emotion, I don't care how attached you are to that account, you need to remove it. And I know it's hard, I know, it's hard to see that you may have 10,000 20,000 100,000 or a million followers there and be like, Oh my gosh, is my baby like, this is the account I'm working on, this is my account, you really need to remove that emotion there. Now, to do that, I want you to check the insights on all your videos. So go check your last five videos that you've posted there and check your insights. If those videos are not being pushed to the four year page, I would just stop pouring time into it. So you can go into your insight. And you can go to views and scroll down the bottom and you'll see if it's being pushed to the 40 page. If it's just getting pushed to your followers. I wouldn't even bother with that account because you're not gaining new followers. It's been basically shadow banned and you're not getting pushed to the four year page. A really good healthy account. You want to see 80% of your videos being pushed to the four year page because that's where you're going to get the new exposure. That's where you're going to get people or engaging in liking and sharing and saving up. So make sure that you're checking where it's landing, like where are these videos landing. Now, I would turn this into a branding account for social proof. If you do feel like it is a really solid account, and it has the biggest followers that you've ever had, turn it into a branding account and have that as your safe account, post some fun things on there every now and then just to keep up with your branding and your social proof. But I honestly would not recommend to be posting on that every day and doing hours and hours on end of so many tiktoks. This one just needs to stay like out of your mind for the moment. Now, if you don't have an account that at that stage already, then that's fine, just skip this step. But the next step, I want you to do this. So the next step is creating three to four new accounts. And if you can do this from a new mobile and a new mobile number, then that is going to be your best possible chance of getting a really, really good account. You don't know how many times your phone and IP address and mobile number has been flagged with tick tock and they are just absolutely crazy with is actually got a new phone number not long ago, and I actually got a viral video, which was over a million views quite quickly. So they do really track where you're posting everything from, if you do go out and get a new phone and a new phone number, I suggest not to connect your Wi Fi and just use the data off that phone, just so you're not connecting to an old Wi Fi that may be flagged. If you can create more, I suggest too. But you will be putting a lot of work into these initially. So just don't overload yourself. But as a minimum three to four new accounts you want to create. So once you've done that you need to if you haven't already pick a niche or an audience. Now, the problem is with viral videos and viral sounds, we get so excited and we jump on and we're like yes, this is going viral like I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do that I'm gonna do this all now this has popped up and I'm gonna do this one, which is great, because there's an understanding there a viewer wanting to get on the next fire or trend. But in all honesty, that's confusing the fuck out of Tik Tok, they're gonna get so confused about your content, they're not gonna know who to push your content to. And they're gonna leave you behind, which is also known as Shadow banned. So this isn't to say that you can't do the latest trends, but incorporate them into your own brand to appeal to your niche. So sometimes there are some viral videos that are going around like that, it just absolutely is not my brand like not up my alley wouldn't go it wouldn't maybe something like, like a school girl theme or an office girl theme, something like that, that they're all doing the same thing. It just wouldn't gel with my niche. But if there's a viral video going around with the viral sound that I can incorporate into my farm stuff, then absolutely, I'll use that. So just be wary that you don't want to go out and just like viral vomit everything out there that you possibly can and try and get onto every trending sound. But pick the ones that are going to match your branding and your niche. Because tick tock has to know your audience, if they don't know your audience, they're not pushing him out onto the for you page because they don't know where to push you. And they don't know how to read your content to give it to the relevant audience. So if you don't know your niche yet, then I'd suggest to head back to an earlier podcast that I did about branding. And it will go through all of that for you. So what you want to do with these new accounts is post consistently on these new accounts at least once a day. Like you cannot miss a day with this right you've got to jump on and you've got to show tick tock your new account is worthy. You've got to be on there, you've got to be scrolling through the videos, you've got to be on there posting and engaging. You have to be saving other videos and you have to be posting content. You can't just get on and post two videos and never come on again. Because Tik Tok will forget about you you're a brand new account, you're at the forefront of them. So you've got to be consistent when you're doing this. So do not create these accounts until you're ready to give it a week. So I've recently been posting up to five times a day. Now I know this sounds like a lot I know but just stick with me. So with the new accounts, which sounds like even more work, but it makes sense with your new accounts. Some people are gonna disagree with me on this, but this is the quickest way I have found to streamline a your chances of going viral on a Tiktok video you have to post directly in the app. Now I know there are incredible people out there who can post duplicates and ones with watermarks on it and they go viral. I'm not saying it can't happen. It can but your chances of going viral and getting a really good account up and running early on. You have to post in the app You've got to show tick tock that you are using their app that you're putting time into that you're recording that app, it makes a huge, huge difference. So stick to each account for a week, and you want to be posting in each account, you want to take your video, post it straight away in each account, at least once a day. So you should have a minimum of seven videos in each account. And after that week, what you want to do is reassess the accounts. Don't stop beforehand, don't just do three days and say, Oh, I'm getting zero views like I'm not going to keep going do at least a week. Now what you should see by the week is a really good indication on which accounts are getting good views and which aren't. So typically, from my experience, some get zero like I'll post seven videos recorded live in the app and all zero and others will get you know 35 over 100 a few here a few 100 here and then some will just go into the 1000s. If you're getting a brand new Tik Tok account getting into the 1000 that is a key bar like keep that if your first few videos are 1800 600 1000 Keep the journal winner. Now that may look a little bit different to you, you might have zero on the rest and you know 200 100 here and there on the views. Keep the account that has the best views you want to see a good incline of views on that account as well. Now with the other accounts, what you're going to do is you're going to disconnect your Instagram accounts, because you never want to log out and have account with your Instagram still attached. You want to disconnect your Instagram accounts and I normally log out but you can delete them as well. I'm sure if you Google honey Brooks or search honey Brooks on Tik Tok about 3 million will come up because I just I either forget to delete them or I get too lazy. But if you want to easier for people to find you then just delete the account stick to this one account or even if you've got to whichever accounts are doing the best stick to these accounts because these accounts are going to be your new moneymakers. So you really want to be pouring your energy into these accounts or this account. And you can not drop the ball here like this is a crucial time for your engagement and consistency. And I would honestly be upping the amount of times you post per day, you've already gotten rid of the other accounts. This is my thinking when I do I already got rid of the other accounts. I was doing that anyway, so I may as well add it in. So if you're only doing one, now do two or three, or if you're doing five, do six. So really pour your time and energy because tick tock is telling you this account has potential, it's already being pushed out with zero followers, like you've got zero followers, and your first video was being pushed to the for you page. So this is your account to absolutely run with. Now, I know initially, this is a lot of work. But once you get a few viral videos, you can start repurposing content. And in my opinion, it really should be the one that went viral. If you're getting a viral video, repurpose that video, like go ham on that video. That's what the audience like. That's what's being pushed out to the for you page, you can either films something a little bit similar, or you can repurpose it, there are a lot of incredible apps out there that can remove all metadata. And once you upload it, you can change it around a little bit so it doesn't look duplicated. I'm not sure if you've noticed at the moment, but tick tock does now flag your account for duplicated content. So you can go in and you don't actually get notifications about this. So if you're not checking your insights, I suggest you do this daily on any video that you feel like it's not moving like it should be. So sometimes you can open up a video and it won't be taken off your feet, it won't be flagged, you won't get a notification, but there'll be a little red logo at the top once you go into your insight saying this can't be shared to the for you page. And if you click on it, it will say something like it's sexual content. So we're not pushing it out to the for you page. So they're not actually removing mild content anymore. They're just shadow banning. Basically that particular video can sometimes be a bit tricky because at least if you know something's taken down, you need to change but you've actually got to go into insights to realise so this can also happen when you are repurposing content. And I actually had it a little while ago, I was like why is this video not going very well. And I checked in the insights and it was like this is copyrighted or this has been used before. This is not original content. Sorry. That's what it said. This is not original content, so it won't be pushed out to the for you page. Now when you've got a really small account. And you've only got a few 100 followers that's basically dead. So I just delete those videos because if it's not going on the for you page, for me, it's absolutely useless like call. My followers may or may not see it, but if it's something on the 40 page, I'm deleting it. So just keep that in mind as well that you really shouldn't be checking on your insight and what's going on? Is it landing on the for you page? Is it getting flagged for something else? And do you need to delete it? And do you need to change your content? So yeah, going back to now you can start repurposing if you feel like it, I still try not to on my accounts that are going really well. I tried to film everything in the app. But if I'm busy, or I'm going away, I do repurpose. So basically, it's then repeating the process. So you now have your brand account, which for some of you may have been your old account that you had allies and loved, but deep down knew that the views were not going so great. So you've got your brand new accounts stick to posting just a few videos here and there. My suggestion with your brand account is do not post anything spicy, like do not put anything on there that it's gonna get flagged, if you've got that many followers, just keep it as an influencer account, just show your face do a day in my life video every now and then just to keep your presence up. But if that's got a really good social proof following that, I wouldn't want to lose that account. So you've got your brand new account, and now you've got a one, at least one, you might have two new, highly engaged accounts that you are actively posting on. So what you want to do now is repeat the process. And that's what I do. Every few weeks or few months, depending on how my accounts go, I repeat this process and I look at it and I go, okay, cool, these accounts are still going well, but I would still like a few more accounts to get up and running. So I will go and repeat that process, I will go and start up for fresh or five fresh new accounts, posting them consistently for a week, figure out which of my burner accounts, get rid of them, log out of them disconnects my Instagram, and then go hard on the ones that are really working. And for me, this process works really, really well because yeah, I might have five or four small accounts. But the views are enormous, like the views are doing better than any of my really high follower account accounts. This was an example just only last week, actually a bit before that was a month ago, I did this process again, because I actually lost my old account that I was working on, I got banned. So I was like, right, I'm gonna start five new accounts and just go ham on them and go really hard. So I started five new accounts out of those new accounts, I had two that were doing really well. And I just went really hard on them. And it was really last week I had a viral video that when it's currently at 1.7 million at the moment, so it's at 1.7 million, and my b account that I lost previously to that I was maybe getting 50,000 views or you know on a good video. So it just goes to show that you just need to be creating new accounts and pouring time into the content, the quality of the content and also understanding your audience and understanding how to get onto the for you page. So just to recap the number one thing to remember with tick tock is that it is not a social based platform. Followers do not mean anything you want to create accounts you want to create views you want to create engagement, you want to understand your audience, what are your audience looking for? For an example? If what do we see on tick tock a lot cuts right cuts are always on tick tock, there's always viral video of cuts. So if there are audience out there that love cat videos, and you are creating a cat video, that is going to go to the audience that are watching cat videos. But if you're creating a cat video, one day, a dog video the next day or horse video than a day in my life, and then feet pictures, tick tock to me like who the hell do I send this content to. So that's when you need to understand your audience. That's when you need to understand your videos and why they're going viral and who they're getting sent to and create more content like that. So I really hope you loved all of these tips. I really do love Tik Tok. I hate it most of the time. But you know, when you hit a good streak, it is amazing and it can literally flip your business on its head overnight. So I really do hope that these tips have helped and giving you a little bit of a game plan to get some viral videos. And if you are wanting more viral videos and you are wanting to dive deep into the world of tick tock or well hang around. I have worked with my social media team for over 12 months now and they are absolutely amazing. I wouldn't be where I am today without my team. And that's honestly from the bottom of my heart. They are the best team I believe anyone could work with. That's how much I love them. Shout out to viveza listening. So after we did all our training and all that testing and the success we've had ad on the platform with numerous of the accounts on the honey Brooks. I feel like it's the perfect time for the team to start bringing on new clients. So I'm so excited to be opening up my social media team to other creators to tap into. We have some amazing packages. And we've really thought of it all. When I worked with the team, I was like, Look, I need this, I need this. We need to do this. We need to, you know, excel in this. We need to find out what's going on here. How do we get around this? We bought all the training programmes. We did it all together, because I didn't want a team that just came in and dropped a posting and just walked away. I was like, Yeah, cool. I wanted a team that understood the branding. I wanted a team that understood where we were going, what works, what doesn't reassessing insights, everything I just spoke about. So we really, really have thought of it all. And that's why I am so excited to to bring this to other betas because they've completely changed the game for me, they've freed up time for me, there's viral videos, sometimes I'm like, oh, where's the subs coming from? And I'll hit the team out. And they're like, oh, yeah, this went viral over here and that Sam doing really well. So it's just such a nice girl community to be able to be working on our pages together. So if you need help with your social media, or you want to free up time, and you feel like you're nailing your social media, but you don't have enough time to be pouring more energy into it, well reach out because we do everything from helping you create your own accounts, and actually create them like setting them up for success at the beginning. I know I touched on it earlier, but there are so many ways you can set up your account that's really going to help you set up for success, and really help you win from the start pushing your accounts to the US audience. I know so many creators want to tap into the US audience helping you define your audience and niche and that's not only just helping you understand it, but actually finding them. Like how do you find them on Tik Tok? Like, it's one thing being like, oh, yeah, this, this is my targeted audience. But how do you actually find them so we help you with that. We hope you find them we help those audience come to you. Sharing viral sounds and videos, everything to full social media management on all platforms, any platform you can think of and editing, uploading, sharing stories, replying to DMS directing followers to your only fans, we literally do it all and have packages big or small to suit all. So I've added a telegram link to contact the team. So if you are interested, please reach out we would love to chat to you. I will say though unfortunately, because we are a smaller Ozzie built team. We don't have many spots available, but there will absolutely be a waitlist for when we are fully booked. So make sure you jump on board if you need help with your socials. And we'll get back to you. So once again, thank you so so much for listening. I really hope you had a great takeaway today. I really hope something has helped you. I can't wait to start seeing your content and all your beautiful accounts spread all over Tik Tok. And I will see you next week. Have a great day. Bye