Honeys Makin' Money

12 things I wish I knew BEFORE starting my OnlyFans 🔮⚡️

Honeyy Brooks Season 1 Episode 21

In this weeks' episode, Honeyy is about to drop 12 things she wishes she knew BEFORE starting her OnlyFans . There are some serious knowledge bombs in this ep, babes so if you're ready to level up your game and make that cashola, you're in the right place!

Episode Highlights

🔮 The importance of watermarking from the get-go

Honeyy spills the tea on why your content needs a protective shield right from the start. Get those watermarks on, honey!

🔮 Organizing your content to save a bucket load of time 

Time is money, right? Honeyy's got the inside scoop on how to organize your content creation process so you can have more fun and less stress.

🔮 Running out of space? 

No worries! Honeyy's got some juicy tips on managing your phone storage without compromising the quality of your content.

🔮 The follow-back feature in IG

Instagram just got even more exciting! Discover the follow-back feature and how Honeyy uses it to spice up her OnlyFans engagement.

🔮 Sorting subscribers into lists from the beginning

Honeyy spills the tea on why organization is key. Learn the game-changing benefits of sorting your subscribers into lists from day one.

🔮 Get your finances in check, babes! Why you need to find a great accountant 

Money matters, and Honeyy is here to tell you why having a bomb accountant is an absolute game-changer for your OnlyFans business.

If you want to know more about the bot Honeyy references in this episode, you can do so HERE.

As always, thank you for tuning into another episode of "Honey’s Makin’ Money". If these insights rocked your world, show some love! Take a screenshot, share it on your stories, and tag us @honeysmakinmoney_. Oh, and don't forget to rate and review the pod – let's spread the wealth of knowledge to more fabulous gals looking to build profitable businesses on their own terms.

Make sure you stop by our website for all the tools and resources you'll need to kick your biz off with a bang! www.honeysmakinmoney.com

Until next time, honeys, keep makin’ that money! 💰✨


Hello Are you hernias? I am sitting on the floor of my lounge room. It is so, so cold. I've got a big rug on me. I'm drinking my cup of tea and I am ready to dive into today's episode. I was actually speaking on a podcast it is the I am podcast with Kylie lately. Such a beautiful woman to catch up with. If you haven't heard of her podcast, go and have a listen, she speaks all things, loving yourself and really diving into all things, just girl vibes and having curious conversations and having some really epic guests on. So go and check her out. But we actually spoke about only fans, the platform, my journey and a lot about what onlyfans actually entails, which I absolutely loved. It was the first time I've ever been on a podcast and and spoken to someone who was just so unfamiliar with the industry. And it was so nice. It was so fun that she was so interested, we had some good laughs I shared some embarrassing stories. But it was really, really fun. It was a really great episode, we spoke all about mom life and judgement and how I overcame it. So make sure you head over and go have a listen. But when I was on her podcast, it really struck me that people who aren't in the industry, or maybe just starting out how much they don't know. And I forgot I was there. I've come such a long way. And it's been such a long time since I was there. So I just assume that people know a lot of things when I when I talk about my journey. So this is what has bought on today's episode, I really, really want to talk about some things that I wish I knew when started my early fans, because I know there are so many women out there who are just starting out or thinking about starting out. And when I think back to when I first started, I was like, Oh, I wish I knew this. I wish I knew that. Like I wish I did this from the start and my life would be so much easier. So this is where the inspiration from today's podcast has come from. So I'm going to jump straight in into 11 things that I wish I knew from day one. So in true honey style, I know I said 11 and it's absolutely 12 there is 12 there. So let's jump into the 12 things that I wish I knew. So the first one is water marking app salutely Every big. When I first started I was like, Why do I need a watermark like onlyfans puts the watermark on for me that's totally easy. I've got too much to do on trying to set up an account. I don't need that. And that is definitely something that I regret. And I wish from day one, there was a watermark on absolutely everything. The amount of time my content has been leaked without watermarks on it just really is like oh, like I know it's going to get leaked and I know leaks are going to happen. I know my company will take the leaks down. But while they're up at least give you a bit of credit. So if it is your day one I would highly recommend before you put anything on the internet to watermark everything, put a watermark on your videos, put a watermark on your photos, even on your Instagram stuff I have had so many people impersonate being me on other social media accounts. And they tried to reach out to my fans and ask them for money. Some fans send the money and it makes the brand look really really bad. So if I had those watermarks on my photos from day one, they'd be able to see those photos that they are pulling from my account. And see that's not matching their fake account. So please, if you can go and watermark as much as you can, especially your videos and and I have never ever had a sub complaint. When I initially thought about I thought it's not really great value for a sub to buy a video and it has my name written all over it. But I put it quite small in clear writing and it's only over a part of the video and obviously in the video you're always moving around so make sure it's never ever over the good stuff. But it is always in a position where if you caught it out you would lose the whole video. So you can do it in a way that the subs don't notice and don't care. I've never had one person say to me that that watermark just ruined your video and I feel like if they did they would probably be the one that was going to do your content anyway. Okay, moving on to number two is organising content. Lord, this is just a like I'm way too deep down the rabbit hole now. I've given up on life like I have absolutely given up on this So if you are starting please please for me organise all your content into a dropbox folder or Google Drive or whatever it is, have it all labelled all in areas so you can find it laundry Ray X ray videos, boy girl videos, girl Girl videos, do you know how much time out of my life I lose scrolling through my iPhone to try and find random things. I actually got asked what they're doing an article on myself and Hank, and my PR manager said, Oh, can add a photo of you and hike, I literally spend like an hour scrolling through my phone to find a single photo of us it was insane. So don't be me, don't be me and put them in all the folders in Dropbox. And you know, even to the smallest of the small folders like day and night, pink laundry, a black laundry. And I know it sounds tedious. And I know it sounds crazy. But you just never know when you have someone online that's like, Hey, babe, I want to see you in pink lingerie, all you need to do is go to your Dropbox, open up, send it and be like, bam, there you go. There's no way I'm going to look through my phone for that. And the chance of me going to take one straightaway is quite low. So it does really help in the long run. Which brings me on to number three off the back of that and that's organising your vote. My vote is now organised because it was doing my brain in like I literally could not survive. But from day one, if you can do this from day one, it just makes your life so much easier. As soon as you upload something into the vote immediately put it where it needs to be. If it doesn't need to be there ever again. Let's say it's a really, really unique custom that you're probably not going to use again, I would even be inclined to remove it out. Obviously keep it in your Dropbox folder, but just remove it out how to clean and crisp, have it all set up properly in folders, because it is exactly the same thing as what I said before someone said, hey, I want to see you. In Pink laundry, you go to your vault, you go to your pink lingerie vault folder, and you click it and it's there, it's ready to go. Like unlike me, quite a while ago, just scrolling through. And it's absolute madness. If you're not organised from the start, you just get deeper and deeper and deeper. And then you get to me and you just keep telling yourself that it's too hard to go back and do it. And eventually you will have to spend like a whole day or a whole two, three, maybe even a week, just organising, which is time you don't want to lose out on if you can do that from the start. It's efficient and effective. Number four is phone storage. So when I first started, I was like, Yeah, give me the biggest phone storage, it'll be fine. I think now I've got like, I can't even tell you I've got like 60,000 photos, and God knows how many videos. And I wish from day one, when I started taking photos. As soon as I finished a photo shoot, for my storage, I would go through hit favourite on the ones I liked and then delete all the rest. Now that would be logic would but I did not do that. So if you are starting to take content, I would say if you do a bit content, date, favourite a few and then delete them. And what you want to do is then put them in folders as well. So put them in only fans photos, maybe Instagram photos, Twitter, photos, only fans videos, pour all your content in different folders on your phone. So you can find them easily. I've only just got a new phone and started to do that. But like my tick tock folder, and it my life just feels complete. It's not all my content, because it would be impossible to do all my content. But if I had done that from the start, it would just be so more streamlined. Okay, a lot of this is going to be about organisation because I really feel like Well, for me personally, at the start, it's something that I just really skimmed over, I was like, Oh, it'll be okay. I was also I didn't understand how much content I was going to create. I didn't understand how much content I needed to make. And also I didn't understand the importance of being able to find something super quick and super easy. For instance, customs. So if you have a custom folder I have had over the time, probably like 11 people called Mark, order a custom from me, right? So how easy is that just to go to a dropbox folder and have a custom folder in alphabetical order of all the customers you've made and just repurpose one if you need to or if you want to. So it's just things like that that is going to make your life so much easier when you are creating so much content. It's just going to be there. So number five is placing buyers into lists. I have started to do this since six months ago but I mean it's a total shit show. I never ever placed people who bought content in a list? For me, I was just like, people will know that it's theirs and a refined, blah, blah, blah, it'll be okay. But you have such a clean only fans when you don't duplicate content out to your subscribers. So for instance, I started creating lists, and anyone that buys a certain video, I will label purchased double ends with X, Y Zed, and they will go into that list. And if that video then is no longer going to be sold on my page, I will then delete that list just so I don't have 300 lists there of people who purchase. So that way, if you do it from the start, you're going to have the best onlyfans set up because you're not going to be spamming people with the same content that they have already bought. And I have had that I've had people even I'll put previous on my PPVs I have had people who have bought duplicated content. And I mean, I just send them out a different video and they're absolutely fine. They're not upset about it. But I mean, it's just user experience, right? You want them to not have to feel like they're buying the same thing or have the same preview sent out to them all the time. So from day one, if you can, I absolutely would recommend that anyone that buys your stuff. And it may feel like oh, there's only one person buying at the moment or, you know, not many people are buying at the moment, what's the point? The point is that you need to get into a really great habit, unlike myself, get into a really great habit of doing it. Because when you do go viral on Tiktok, and you do have an influx of subs and you do have an influx of buyers. If you drop the ball, then that's when it's going to start getting messy. And trust me, I'm speaking from experience, I am absolutely not perfect what so ever, especially with my organisation skills, as you can probably tell, because this is what I would tell myself to start off with. So this is something that I definitely want to help you guys with. Okay, number seven is the follow back feature from day one. Now, some people may know about this, some people may not but there is a follow back feature that you can have on your Instagram. So anyone that subscribes to you, and then unsubscribe. So either they unsubscribe for whatever reason, or their month lapses and they don't have renew them, then they will go into a folder that I think it's like unsubscribe, I'll have to check. I'm just having a blank. I can't remember what the folders called. You've got fans are expired. Sorry. So you've got fans and expired. So you may have 100 expired people in your expired list. If you follow them back, you can actually DM them, which is so, so useful. I used to have this mentality of like, oh, but they're not subscribed to me anymore. So you know, I shouldn't message them because they don't want to see me at first that they were subscribed to me, they've got to see the good stuff. And now I'm going to talk to them so they can buy more good stuff. That's my mentality anyway, they were there, they were there once if they don't like me messaging them, they can block me that's absolutely fine. But I'm going to be you subscribe to me, and you're gonna hear from me forever. So this follow back feature allows you to go and follow back and then you can do they can't see your profile, but you can exchange messages. So this is really great for sending out PPV even sexting, just doing everything obviously that isn't on the feed of only fans. I'm jumping in here for a hot second to let you guys know I am giving away a free one on one coaching sessions every single month throughout my podcast. I'm really excited to be working with some more creators on a more personal level. So if you want in on this, make sure you go and hit follow, leave a star review, screenshot it and send it to our Instagram account. If you want extra points into the drawer, go and leave a review on your Instagram account and tag us in it. I am so excited to see you wins this month and who I get to work with. Okay, now to the good stuff. Now from memory I can't remember I think it's 100 day limit or 200 day limit anyway, you can manually do this so you can manually go to your expired list and you can manually hit follow back on everyone which I used to do for months. And it was a tedious like only if Lance would glitch it would like lose its mind because I was following too many people and then I'd lose where I was up to. It was just a nightmare. It was so so difficult. But then this is what I wish I knew day one. But then I found a feature that I use now and religiously use now. Have a bye Got that actually goes in and follows everyone back to your daily limit. So you can easily follow hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people a week just from this bot, and you don't have to do anything. And it's really, really cost effective. And it does so many other services as well that I have used in the past, it can put your subscribers in different lists. So if you've got freeloaders on your page, if you've got people that haven't spent, if you've got people that have spent over $100, if you've got people that has spent over$1,000, it also puts in who's going to expire soon, so any fans that are going to expire soon. So there are so many different lists that you can have, which is so ideal, because if you want to message those people that are about to expire in the next day or so you can offer them something special, or you can send them a personalised message. Or if there is someone on your page that hasn't paid for anything, and they may have had a trial link or they've subscribed, but they haven't paid anything since then you kind of know you're not going to be wasting too much time on them in the chat, because they've never unlocked anything. So it's a really great way to organise lists as well. So this would have changed the game for me on day one, because I wouldn't mind spending all the time following back my old subscribers, and also putting them all into lists for me. So I will link that below. Because I think it's an incredible tool. Yes, it comes at a cost. It's very, very cost effective, it actually charges per follow back and per like every time it sweeps through your account. Don't quote me on it, because I don't know, because I just go and add credit to the account. But I think over the probably 16 months I've been with them, I may have put 250 USD on the credit. So it's not a huge costs are all it's super cost effective. And you can choose how much or how little that you do want to do. Number eight is DMCA takedowns. And I've spoken about this in previous podcasts. So I won't go too much into this. But if it is your day one, or you're just starting get onto this company straightaway, my thought process behind it. Well, actually, I didn't actually know about the DMCA right at the start. But when I did Mustermann about six months in, I was like, Oh, I'm not big enough. Like no one's really stealing my content. You know, I don't know if it's worth the money. Because, you know, I, I didn't think that anyone would be taking it because I really wasn't, you know, like a top one percenter. And yeah, little did I know that there was so much out there and it doesn't matter if it's your day one, you've only got a few subs, you're going to get leaks somewhere. So I highly suggest that you pour some funds into that, no, there are ones that do have tears as well. So you don't need to go like a top model tier. But you can go one that just does cover your content. Because the quicker you can get on top of that, the quicker it's going to reduce people then sharing it on from that site. Onwards. Number nine is a get an accountant and a financial advisor. I got my accountant probably like 12 months in and when I sat down with her, she was like what the fuck, I was like, I'm so terrible. I know, I'm so sorry. And she's like, we've got a lot of work and end up costing me an absolute bomb, just because I hadn't been running my business in the way I was supposed to. And she was absolutely amazing. Like she's built three companies for me now. And she's really dived into it. And we've got a financial advisor and we're doing the right things like our tax is super, super low. We're putting tax way in the right places, and we're doing the right things and writing off our, our expenses in the right areas. So this industry is really, really tricky. It's really tricky to understand what you can write off where you can write off how much tax what you should be putting away. So don't try and do that on your own. I'm not an advisor, I can't give out information around that. But what I can say is go and seek an accountant and a financial advisor that is familiar with the industry and it's also you feel comfortable with because I mean I've sat down with my accountant and she's like what's this it's like a bunch of dildos she's like what what what did you pay the as far as like I went up and coloured she's like so what happens when you collab like are you paying these girls? No, no, no like so you you do have to be quite open, I suppose with them. So making sure that you're comfortable there is really important and that they are sex work friendly, and that they know what they're doing as well. I feel that if they don't really know the industry, they're just gonna gonna wipe you off and just get their paycheck and not really make the most of your situation and lowering your tax. Number 10 is getting involved in the community. When I first started it was so much harder than what it is now. When I first started I reckon there was bigger creators like 1% creators, I reckon there's only a really small handful that I found on Instagram. Yeah, I reckon there's only about four or five that were creators that I knew of. Now, oh my gosh, there's beautiful creators everywhere. Like, it's amazing, you open up your Instagram and they're just absolutely everywhere. So get involved in the community that was something I was really lacking at the start was a girl community, you know, girls to chat to, to support each other. And also to just get advice from you know, it's it's so fun to get everyone else's advice, put up a close friend story and be like, hey, like, is this happening to anyone else, because there's not much out there for our industry. It's not like you know, there's, there's lots going on, on the all this spoke people out there, really talking about daily matters. So make sure that you're diving into the community, and you're linking up arms with someone that you really vibe with, because it's so much more fun. And when you do get those times where, you know, it might be a little bit hard or difficult, when you can really lean into that community, which makes all the difference. Number 11 is outsource where you can day one, I was like hell no, like I can do this, I'm gonna do this, and I'm gonna do it good. And I literally just overwhelmed myself, I did it all. And I did it all really, really fast. I was researching. I was buying programmes I was studying like the whole industry. I was doing all my content, all my social media, I had so many different social media platforms, I was setting up different platforms, I was talking to all my subscribers, I was doing my feed, I was doing absolutely everything. And it wasn't until I got so burnt out that was like something needs to change. I didn't join, like I didn't join this industry or I didn't create my business to never be able to see my family. So we can outsource because it's going to allow you to free up money making activities. So outsourcing looks so different for everyone. So for me outsourcing was getting a cleaner, outsourcing was getting HelloFresh like that meals done has clean cool. That's something off my list. outsourcing may look like getting a social media manager. outsourcing may look like getting on Upwork and searching for someone to help you with your YouTube. So outsourcing isn't always just getting a management team to do everything for you. Outsourcing is making your life easier in the areas that you don't necessarily want to do. But it's going to free up either a time that you love spending with family or friends or on your hobbies and be on money making activities. Like did I want to clean my whole fucking house? No, I did not. I have do companies. I have a huge farm to run. I love horse running. I love spending time with my family. Like I don't want to clean my house. So is it worth it to me to pay someone to clean my house? Yeah, absolutely it is. Because that allows me to get into a mental state of doing things that I enjoy. And also freeing up time for me to do money making activities like tick tock tick tock lives going live on only fans. Also pre prepared meals that's going to cut time down for me. My social media team like they absolutely saved me daily, like that is amazing. I create the content and then they found that out or across like my 20 accounts. Do I have time every single day to post to 20 accounts? I absolutely do not. Doesn't need to be done. Yes. But is my time worth more in doing those things like only fans lives and tick tock lives that other people can't do for me? Yes. So there are some things to consider when outsourcing when thinking about you know, what should I do? Absolutely. Under no circumstances Am I saying you should just go with those creepy management companies that drop into your dams and say we can make your million dollars in like three months yet no, thank you spam go away. So under no circumstances, I say dive into all of those unless you do find one that's right for you. But look at areas of your life that can really free up. That was a huge thing that I learned from my business coach, probably only like six months ago, I was telling her about the podcast and honey is making money and wanting to give back to the community and you know, putting coaching out there and she's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. She's like, how do you feel at the moment? I'm like, Oh, I'm really busy. Like I'm so overwhelmed like yeah, and she's like, Why are you adding more to your plate she's like, You need to outsource first you need to take a deep breath. And so your shit and once you have some time and energy then do it and I was like yeah, that's so right. So just remember you don't have to do it all and there are beautiful people that would love a paycheck to be able to, you know go and help you out and do their job and be able to free up your time. And the last one is 12 the extra the lucky last is have a backup plan from day one. Now I see a pattern. I did it. And I do see a pattern with some creators that we only get a backup plan when we shoot ourselves. So as soon as only fans start deleting people were like, Oh, shit, sadly, how do we like what's there? How do we create it? What do we do help SOS. Also, back when I first started, that's how fans got so big was because only fans was going to no longer provide X rated services or allow porn on their site, or sex workers. So everyone freaked the fuck out. And that's when fans really popped up. So don't leave your backup plan for when shit hits the fan. Because that is just going to create stress, panic, overwhelmed, like it's just going to snowball and mental breakdown, like they're the vibes I'm getting. So from day one, pick a backup plan doesn't have to be 10. Like you don't have to spread yourself thin. But pick a backup plan. I'm just throwing family out there. It doesn't even have to be fancy. It can be something like Twitch or many vids, or whatever it may be. There are so many different outlets out there. Now, slushy is one that's coming up, there are so many different ones that you can pull yourself into Playboy, they'll just come into my head now. So pick one and start uploading content, it doesn't mean that you need to juggle straight away two accounts, you don't need to be active straightaway on two accounts. But when you start your only fans account, have a family account or another. And just when you upload new content to one, upload it to the other. And that's really all you need to do just have content constantly flowing as someone finds you there, they're happy because there's content there. And then if the shit does hit the fan with only fans which in my head, I'm like it's only a matter of time, then you've got all your content there, you're ready to go, all you do and all you need to do is just change your sales funnel, you just change your sales funnel from only fans to fancy because ultimately you are the generator of those subs, only fans doesn't push any one to you. You are the one that is marketing yourself. You're the one that is the brand and you are the master behind the marketing so you can push those fans that are going to turn into followers just to a different landing page and it's there it's ready to go and it's going to be an easy transition. So if there is one thing that I do want you to take away and I did leave this to last because I am super passionate about it like if this is your only job if this is your everything. And this is your paycheck and if you were to lose your account tomorrow, it would be the end then look into having a backup plan. And if it's today's your day one a new plan your career to go far and this is what you want to do and you don't have any other income outside of what you're going to plan to do with only fans. Then have a backup plan. Okay, I hope you guys enjoyed there's the 12 things I wish I knew when starting my only fans I hope you can implement some of them take away even if you're halfway through your business, start implementing them. I mean, I did it's not too late. Is it harder? Yes, but it's never too late. Have the most amazing day and thanks again so much for listening. Bye