Honeys Makin' Money

Model Etiquette - How to be an upstanding OF citizen πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ

β€’ Honeyy Brooks

This week on the podcast we're diving into a topic that's crucial for success in the online adult entertainment industry – Model Etiquette. Trust me, there's more to it than meets the eye, and Honeyy's got your back, babes!

In this week's episode, Honeyy's sharing 10 invaluable tips to ensure you kickstart your OnlyFans journey on the right foot. These insights are the golden ticket to leveling up your game.

Episode Highlights

πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ No Poaching Zone
Discover why poaching fans on any platform is a major no-no.

πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ Free Trial Faux Pas
Why you should steer clear of those free trial links, girlfriend!

πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ Screen-capture Sins
The importance of respecting privacy – never screenshot another model's information.

πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ Business is Business
Treat your OnlyFans venture like the serious business it is.

πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ Collaborate Like a QUEEN
Unlock the secrets to successful collaborations – because queens support queens.

πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ Anti-Bullying 101
It might sound simple, but don't be a bully – positivity is key.

πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ Drama-Free Zone
The art of avoiding unnecessary drama and staying in your lane

As always, thank you for tuning in to "Honey’s Makin’ Money." If these tips resonated with you, take a screenshot and share it to your stories, tagging us @honeysmakinmoney_. Your feedback is invaluable, so show some love by rating and reviewing the podcast – it helps more gals build profitable businesses on their own terms.

And if you haven't already, head over to www.honeysmakinmoney.com for a treasure trove of tools and resources designed to help you slay in the world of OnlyFans.

Until next time, honeys, keep makin’ that money! πŸ’°βœ¨


Hey babes. I hope you've all had such an amazing weekend. And thank you for coming back and tuning in to another episode of honeys making money. This is our 24th episode, and I cannot believe it absolutely crazy. I'll go more into the episodes and what's coming in that store for next year. I'm so excited. Next week will be our last episode for the year. I can't believe this year has gone so fast and is nearly Christmas. It is absolutely crazy. But this is our second last episode. I'm gonna miss you Bates. I really am. But let's get into that next week. Let's have a little bit of a recap next week and a little bit of I might miss you a little bit. All right, let's get into it. Today's episode now this is just goddamn hilarious. And a big shout out to my producer man's because she's constantly saving the day for me. It is 10 o'clock here at night and I'm buzzing off about three coffees. I've been sick all week. So I'm trying to pull this podcast together. And it is all about model etiquette. Now, I've just had a half an hour voice no conversation or with man's about how to actually pronounce etiquette. And I hope to God that I am saying this right? Because she she said if I say it wrong, she's gonna be twitching her eye the whole way through. And she's editing and I am just a disaster when it comes to pronouncing words. So bear with me, man, I love you, you save the day. Let's see if I can get all this right. But let's jump in. I'm really excited to speak about model etiquette. Because when I first started in the industry, as you both know, that had been listening for a while I did not know about Orly fans, I had never heard about the industry, I was so unfamiliar with sex work, like the closest thing I got to sex work was just sleeping with my husband. And that was it. I didn't even know this industry existed. So when I jumped in, I really had no idea about these underlying rules in the industry. And I jumped in. And it was really, really weird space for me, because I came from a network marketing background. And if no one's familiar with network marketing, it is a really heavily built business on team building, and building businesses and educating business owners and lifting them up and encouraging them and coaching them and helping them through build their business. The bigger the businesses underneath you build, the bigger your business builds. So it's very community driven. I think it's an incredible business and a business structure. And I've said that so many times. So that's the structure of network marketing. So I came from a background of just supporting and loving and just throwing so much love and cheer on the women around me. So when I came in, I was like, oh, fuck, yeah, like, I want to find some girls. Like where's the community at? Where is everyone at, and I had no idea that things I was doing was frowned upon. And I'm the first to admit, when I first started oblivious to what I was doing, I was really breaking some really heavy rules that I didn't know about, I was getting so excited, I'd find girls, you know that were in Australia. And back when I started, it was really, really hard for me to be able to find women within Australia, a lot of them were you know, it was really big in the UK. And it was really big in the US. So whenever I found anyone in Australia was so excited. And I'd subscribe to their profile, and I'd go and comment on their photos. I know it's killing me now to think about it. And it wasn't until I actually got restricted on one of the girls counsellors like oh, and I took it really personally, I was like, Oh, she doesn't like me, like, what have I done wrong? Like I was just trying to throw love on her. And I found out very quickly, that yes, it is a way that you can come across with bad intentions to be poaching fans, and even if it's good intentions like mine were, it still is a really bad reflection. And it's still not a nice thing to be doing. Because even though you do intend well and you do mean well, there will be fans on that page of like, Oh, who's this and go have a look. So there were definitely moments early on in my business where I look back now, honey, just wish you news. So that's why I really really wanted to create a podcast around this and a little bit of round the awareness of you know, if you have just started in the industry and you're like I don't know what's good to do I you know, I don't want to upset anyone then this is the episode for you. If you've been in the industry for a while, and you think you're absolutely nailing it. Well amazing still listen because we all learn something new when we hear it in a different way. But let's jump in. Today is going to be a nice quick episode and I'm going to do 10 things that I think important when when being a model in the industry now there are probably so many more. But these are the ones that really stick out for me. And this is not pinpointing fingers at anyone. This is literally just learning from mistakes I've made, and just observing as well, and things that have happened personally to me from other models. So let's get in. Now, the first thing I do want to touch on is that it is really important in this industry, to be respectful of each other's businesses, because a bad word spreads so, so fast, and I'm really hoping that these tips will help you do your best at gaining respect and support in the industry. Because honestly, there's nothing like being part of an industry that you are respected in that you are supported in, you've got a community, and you all feel the same way. So starting off on the right foot, or if you like me have been like, Oops, I've made a few slip ups, like unintentionally, then there's always time to change and you know, work on work on these steps. So number one is never ever poach another models fan on social media. So I've had this happen to me, personally, and I do sometimes see it still unfortunately. And whether it's good intentions or bad intentions, I don't know. But this is you know why we're sharing it here today. And that could look like commenting underneath a another fans comment, or going through and love hiding or every single comment that somebody has left or that fans have left on somebody's page. So, you know, it doesn't look like throwing love and commenting on girls posts. Because that's amazing. You want to do that you want to throw your comments, and there is so much of that in the community at the moment. It's so good, I'm loving it. But if you're going in and actually replying to fans comments, or hitting love, or DMing them directly or going in and following them directly, or whatever it may be, if you're interacting with a fan that has commented on that person's page that is absolutely poaching and it is a big, big nono. So if you have done that in the past, or if you you know, have thought oh, I might just know, just know, there are so many other authentic ways to build your following on social media. And a really great way might be to actually reach out to that mug and say, Hey, would you like to do a shout out for shout out on social media. So it's a really great way to tap into their social media following the right way. Number two is never poach another models only fans, subscribers. So whether they have a free page or a paid page, and you've landed on their page, never ever go what I did, like never ever. Oh, I did this, I'm so sorry, guys. Don't go and comment on their page, like I said earlier on, the other subscribers on the page can see that and whether you're coming from a good place or not, those subscribers are going to see that message and or that comment and they're going to possibly check out your page. So that can be very detrimental to your model could be a big spender of theirs. Now, some people will agree or some people will disagree. And I think this is a bit tricky. This one because it's so dependent on each models. But subscribing to another models page. I'm perfectly fine with that. And I think it's okay if you if I see another model come onto my page, and they've paid my subscription fee, and they're there. And they're not commenting. They're not doing any of that I don't mind that they're there. Like we've all got to learn, right? We all have to learn somehow. And there's no blueprint out there. So we need to get fresh ideas. I have done this in the past. I don't do it anymore. But I have when I first started because I had no idea what I was doing. But I do recommend reaching out and just be like, hey, like would you mind if I subscribe to your page because some models aren't as comfortable with having other models on there. Another thing with only fans is live shows. So I do a lot of live shows on my only fans. And I love when I see other girls come on like same thing I am not I don't mind if other models come on because, you know, they're obviously watching how I do my show or they're getting new fresh ideas. So they pop in for a second and they pop out and I'm not bothered by that I'm usually so in the zone. But what does get a little bit across the line is when they start commenting on my model start commenting on the live show. That a throws me off completely because I want to go in there and restrict them. And also like the subscribers are there for the model that they are watching. So when they're getting other posts come up from other models, it's just distracting. So that's definitely a big nono. I've actually heard in the community that girls go on, like free pages and if they're doing a live they'll drop their link in so Just don't do any of that. If you want to go check out a girl's page, jump on, but just stay silent while you're there, just observe. And yet, just keep all the comments and everything to yourself. Number three, which I this is something else I did not know. And I actually claimed a few, but this is free trial links. Now, I jumped on when I first started, and I saw a few guys had some free trial links, I was like, Oh, they put their page up for free, like I'm going to claim it and, and go check them out. And I claim the link. And it wasn't till I actually realised that there was promo that existed in the industry. Now, if you're not familiar with promotional services in the industry, there is a few ways of doing it. But the main way with a free trial link is guaranteed gains. Now, one model will buy from another model and pay a certain amount of money for a certain amount of gains. So it might be $200 for 200 gains of their subscribers. So that model goes on their page and advertisers the model to get 200 people to their page for free. So they get 200 links that they get to claim and once they hit the business deals done. So I didn't realise that at the start, I just thought oh, well, this lady is you know, sharing her link for free. So I'm gonna go check her out. So when you buy a guaranteed game, and women come through on that that's costing you, so you've paid per gain on that. So it is really disheartening. When you do see women come through and claim it or other creators or I shouldn't say women, other creators come through and claim it, because that could be a spender that would come through from another bottle site or just another sub. So if you do see a free trial link, I recommend leaving it and not claiming it because the model has actually paid for those links. Number four, I wish I could say this is like so obvious, but there are parts of it that may you know slip under the radar of not feeling like being scammed, but don't scam and there are people out there who are doing just crazy scams with guaranteed gains and promo and, and all of that and duplicating people's accounts. But in terms of being an actual model scams can just even look like saying your door shout out for shout out and not honouring that. And it is so detrimental to your reputation and to your business. As soon as you do this, because it's a business transaction. If you're going to swap a photo and a caption and a link on each other's only fans page and you don't honour the full 24 hours and you take it down early, or you don't honour it at all, or you start late all of these things are just really going to build up in you're not taking your business seriously and getting a really bad reputation. There's actually a blacklist, there's a few black lists out where you can search models names and like the community is so quick to let anyone know if a model doesn't shout back because it is it is it's really really disheartening when you build a really great following and you work really hard on your business and then you find another model who wants to trade business with you and they don't hold up there and of the deal. So you can go in there and have a look just beware of scammers or women who have been blacklisted for not honouring back any kind of deal so just be aware of that just always be really cautious of what you're signing up too if it's a model you've never worked with you don't really know really detailed the fine print because you want to know an exact start date and exact finish date what you guys are doing in between like if you're doing a social media Shut up a shout out or you're doing a post Are you doing a story is the post gonna stay up for a few hours a day forever is gonna get deleted is it not so there are so many things in there that you really wanted to find before you do it same with Twitter reposting and things like that just make sure that you're really finding out the fine print before you are agreeing to it number five is never ever screenshot another models information for any reason so that might be their social media page that might be their only fans paid whatever it is do not screenshot that information. You wouldn't like it if that happened to you and you know some models might just screenshot it and it will be left in their camera roll and you don't know who has access to their camera roll. So don't screenshot anything it's it's not your place to be taking photos or keeping material from that models only fans or social media and never ever Doc's, any model or threatened to release any kind of info and I know this sounds like well that's heavy, but unfortunately these things can happen. and it can feel quite small at the time where, you know, it might be a scenario of like, well, I'm just going to let everyone know your real age or something like that, where any kind of personal information someone has is so important to them. Like I know for me, you know, the smallest thing about who I am really is, so far apart from honey Brooks that if it was to be released, I would feel violated in a way. So just make sure that you are really respecting other people's privacy's. And it can be as little I'm not saying this as Daxing. But it can be as little when you're respecting people's privacy in terms of if you're out with them at a cafe, and you take a photo with them. Ask them, is it okay, if I post this now and tag our location? Or is it okay, if I do it now? Or would you like me to do it tomorrow, I'm jumping in here for a hot second to let you guys know, I am giving away a free one on one coaching sessions every single month throughout my podcast, I am really excited to be working with some more creators on a more personal level. So if you want in on this, make sure you go and hit follow, leave a starred review, screenshot it and send it to our Instagram account. If you want extra points into the drawer, go and leave a review on your Instagram account and tag us in it. I am so excited to see who wins this month and who I get to work with. Okay, now to the good stuff. So just being really on the same level with what information another model would like to share. Because there are plenty of models out there that don't actually want their live location announced or their live location known. So just always be open with that communication about personal information. Number six is treat your business like a business. And when I say that, I mean, really sticking to your word when you are planning a business collaboration, or like I said before a business deal in terms of promo. So I think you get a really, really bad name quite quickly in the industry, if you're not taking your business seriously. And if you're not taking your business seriously, and that's not what you want to do, like you want to dip your toes in, and you're happy just earning $100 a month, whatever it is, however, that looks like for you, that is absolutely fine. Like you're not going to get a bad name for that. What I mean is, if you are out there, and you're say you're playing really big, and you are booking all these collabs, and you're not showing up, you're not getting back to people, you're saying, Yeah, I'm gonna be here that day, and then you just disappear off the face of the earth. That is what I mean by treating your business like a business and really sticking to your word. Because there are models out there who hire houses, they pay out of their own pocket to hire apartments, hire houses, hire photographers, videographers. And I've seen it happen many times in the industry where people have literally been stood up. And life happens like we get that life absolutely happens. But just be open and transparent. Be open and transparent with them. Because everyone's so cool. Like stuff happens, especially as girls like we plan a collab and then bam, you get your period. Like it happens all the time, or you get thrush, or whatever it may be. And if I'm damn honest, I would much rather someone tell me that they got thrush and that they need to reschedule, then turn up with Rush, right? So you know, being open and transparent, absolutely fine. It's more when you're not showing up, you're not getting back to me, or it's just a real lack of business respect. Number seven is collab like a co op. So collabs is where you really, really want to hold your highest respect. And you want to make sure that you're doing everything in your willpower to do it correctly. Now, I'm not going to go through absolutely everything on what you should be doing on a collab day to do it the right way because people work differently. But the obvious points are to make sure that you have your consent forms that you are getting signatures you are organising or the legal side of things, that all your tests are done that they are cited that they are recent that nobody has slept with anyone since those tests, and then there are things on top of that, that you'll need to go through to make sure that everyone's comfortable on the same page. So wet before you even start the filming. Talk about what each other is comfortable with their boundaries. What do you want to do? What don't want to do? How do you see the video playing out at any stage if you feel uncomfortable, just say so. So having that open communication is really really important because if you just dive in, and someone doesn't feel comfortable and haven't had that conversation, it can get really, really sticky quite quickly. So just lay down the rules and just be like, right, this is what I'm comfortable with. This is what I like doing, what do you like doing, have a clear plan on what you're going to do. And then obviously, making sure that there's no alcohol that's mixed in with filming, and just being really respectful of one another something else as well, that you should really be cautious of is talking about the release date is really, really important and the pricing of it. So you want to be on the same page with when you're going to release it for how much for and who's going to be doing the editing, like, we're going to release the same video where you're going to edit yours, or am I going to edit mine out? I know it's very particular. But the last thing you want to do is go catch up with someone and collab with someone and they've gone out and they've posted it all on their only fans, and you haven't even had a chance to get yours out there. So it's really important to be on the same page. So you're both benefiting at the same time from that. Now, when you are collabing, I think there's a lot of misconception that when you collaborate, it's the collaboration, and then you're done. Like cool, we've done business high five, let's go like we've got our date that we're putting it up amazing. And I think we actually missed sometimes the big part of where we actually really benefit from the collabing. Or collaborating, I should say. And that is when it's going live when it's going on each other's pages. And that comes to the most crucial part of this. And it really, really does grind my gears. And that's tagging, you have to tag the people you are collaborating with not only like do you have to do it on early fans, otherwise they will renew, you will get the content taken down and you'll get in trouble. There have been circumstances where I've had to message people that had been in a collaboration and there was no tag. And that conversation is just so icky. Like I have to do it because it's business and remind them and the conversations totally cool. Like like, oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I forgot. But just having to have that conversation is such a big egg. So if you just do it right from the start, it will just be set up so smooth. Now with tagging, I reckon it was probably about eight months ago, if you are new, you won't know any different. But you used to only be able to tag in the caption. And that would do that at of the model. And you could tag in the caption. Now there's actually an option down the bottom as a little at symbol, you click it, and it will bring up a whole heap of tags. Now, yes, you are tagging the model you've collaborated with. But what some people don't know is that that tag down the bottom, the little art symbol that only attaches the tag to the photo for only fans reference. So if only fans is like vetting you and they see a photo or a video with another model in it, and it's got that they're like, Yep, cool, like, you know, done, or in most circumstances, let's say, and they're happy with it. So it's basically that there is giving a big fat tick to only fans saying I have tagged them, what it does not do is actually show the subscribers who's tagged in the photo. And I have no frickin idea why on earth, they would do this because if they just allowed that tag to show on the photo like Instagram, that you just hover your cursor or your finger or you click on it or whatever it is over the photo, it will show you who it is like it would make logical sense. But unfortunately, only fans doesn't always help us in that way it doesn't show. So a lot of models are thinking I'm doing the right thing like we've collaborated by in the long run in the long term, it really doesn't help and it's so crucial to be doing this right because you can collab with someone and they might use your video for 612 months, two years, three years, that is huge amount of exposure, huge amount. And if you're not getting the right recognition, then in my opinion, that collaboration day really didn't mean much. But whatever you made on the video, which might be amazing, but you can get so much more exposure. So make sure that you're always tagging in the caption as well. And really encouraging people to do that. If you do see another model who has only tagged you at the on the Add symbol and it's not actually showing up for their fans send them a message. Because it's such an industry move we need to move that way. We need to make sure that in every photo that it is tagged there, so we can share that with our subscribers because they really do deserve the recognition on our page. It's their face. It is them they are adding value to our page and if we have subscribers that want to go and view them then that's their prerogative. So us as models need to be displaying that For them, we chose to collaborate with those people because you know, the way that they look or the way that they run their business or the vibe that they had whatever it was, and you know, our sub should be able to have the opportunity to go and view that or go and experience that as well. Now, number eight is no shaming and no bullying. I really feel like in this industry, we get so much shit. From everyone. We get so much shit from social media from Tik Tok from Instagram, some some of us, unfortunately are getting shipped from our families, our friends, we're just we're having a really fucking hard time. So nothing annoys me more I noticed this about the last one. But this is actually it's about the top of my list that annoys me the most, nothing annoys me more is when I see someone in the industry bullying, or shaming another creator. Like it app salutely just lights my insides up. And yes, we all have our own opinions. Like yes, we all have our own thoughts on what people are doing and how they're doing it. But it is not your right to go and leave that in their DMS or on your stories, or in their comments. Like don't shame Don't bully anyone, even if you completely disagree with what they're doing. Just let them be, I feel like there are so many models that are just, you know, going through the waves just trying to get through all the bullying that we get. And then if you're going to get it inside the industry as well, I could only imagine how tough that would be. And me personally, I would never want to add to someone's mental load of negativity. So let's just leave it at that don't shame anyone and no bullying. Number nine is really the same like off the back of that. And that's just avoiding drama. You know, if you do see shaming or bullying, my recommendation is just to avoid it. For two reasons. Obviously, like I said, we don't want to be adding to that mental load to that person, but also for your mental load. Like for me if I see drama, and like whoa, like I have so much going on at home, like there's so much for me to do, I don't need this as well. So it's more also like protecting yourself like protect your vibe, protect your energy, don't get pulled into drama. If you weren't there, if you didn't see it happen firsthand. If no one's life is in danger, then avoid it at all costs because I promise you that it's not worth your mental health. It's not worth your business. It's really not worth anything. What I like to say is put your blinkers on and just focus in your lane that that lane of fucking love. That's my lane jumping. There's lots of room for you guys just blinkers on Don't talk to me. And number 10 is be nice and share the love the last three are quite similar, but be nice and share love. And I think it's really really cool to see so many incredible women in the community or creators in the community, I should say. Just being fucking boss bitches and that loving on everyone. Like it's such a cool vibe. And I feel it I think I feel it so much because I do eight nine like I literally, I don't get involved in bullying, I don't get involved in drama, but number 10 is my jam. Like, you know, be nice and share the love and I think the more you do that, the more it surrounds you. So I just fucking love when you know one of the girls puts up just goddamn hot photo and there's like 100 comments and it's all industry girls being like, damn, like, it's just the fucking best. It's like, We're such a big community and you know, even though there is outside bullying and everything like that, the girl gang and lift like I know it sounds so cliche, but lifting each other up and supporting each other is so powerful. I even had Lucy from that million billion media and if you don't know about million billion media, my goodness, when I interviewed Lucy earlier in the podcast, she actually got her only fans deleted Iran, it was only a week afterwards. So it was a crazy, crazy time. So she just decided that she was going to completely quit sex work and get into PR and oh my lord, she was born for this shit. Like she's just absolutely incredible. Anyway, she did a story the other day about me and I just watched it over and over like she was so lovely. She was so nice. And she was just talking about like what she thought of me and me as a person. And honestly like that was just it literally lit me up and I was like nice word. couldn't go so far. Like they really can just when people are nice to you, and you've got a community that you know that has your back, that is always they're always supporting you, it just feels so fucking good. And the fact that we all have the opportunity to give that to other creators is really cool. Like, I love that. We can wake up and be like, cool. Like, who can we support today? Like, who can we throw love on? It's really, really cool. So go and share other girls pictures. If you see something that you love, share on your feed, don't expect anything back but just share it, go follow some girls go comment go light. If you see a girl follow you follow them back. Like it's such a cool community. They are my top 10 tips in terms of model etiquette. And I hope it's helped. I hope there was some light bulb moments in there or some moments where it's like, Oh, I could tweak this a little bit. Or maybe I could throw a bit more love. Or I'm got my blinkers on bade like I'm down this road and I'm putting the popcorn away. Whatever it was for you that hit hold on to it and run because like I said, it's so important just to be respectful of each other and just build a really good name in the industry because as soon as you've got a really good name, I promise like the collabs will be coming in and it's such a nice, it's like a fucking magnet like people just vibe to other people like you. You speak to other models now like, oh my gosh, I love this girl. You're like, oh my gosh, who is she? I'm not following her. I need to like connect with her like we need to catch up. So yeah, you can't go wrong with just respecting each other and pouring yourself into the community. There you go. There's another episode of honeys making money. Thank you so much for tuning in again. I really, really do appreciate all your love. You guys have just been so beautiful. You're sending so many messages. And I love you all back so much. I can't always get back to everyone. But I really, really do appreciate you. And as always, if you are enjoying the podcast, please leave a review or go to your social media and share it on your story. Whatever way you want to get the word out there, please do so it means the absolute world to me, I pour so much into this and I love doing it for you guys. And I love the feedback and it's just cool that you know we have the opportunity to help so many women out there. So let's band together and get loud. Once again. Thank you so much for listening and I hope you have a blessed week. Bye