Honeys Makin' Money

Recapping 2023 and starting off the new year STRONG 💪🗓️

• Honeyy Brooks • Season 1 • Episode 24

Welcome, honeys, to the final episode of the season on 'Honey’s Makin’ Money'! We can hardly believe that 2023 is coming to a close, and what a year it's been. Before we dive into today's episode, Honeyy wants to express her deepest gratitude for your unwavering support throughout this incredible journey. From the bottom of her heart, thank you for being a part of the 'Honey’s Makin’ Money' community.

Now, as we bid farewell to 2023, we're not just wrapping up the year; we're sending it off with a bang! In this episode, Honeyy is sharing her top 10 tips to help you recap 2023 and another 10 to ensure you start off 2024 with confidence and a rock-solid plan. So, grab your favorite beverage, get cozy, and let's make these last moments of the year count.

Episode Highlights

10 Things to Help Round Out 2023

🗓️ Dissect your OnlyFans income statistics
Uncover the patterns and optimize for success.

🗓️ Take a deep dive into your social media analytics
Understand your audience for strategic growth.

🗓️ Assess which parts of your OnlyFans content you loved and hated
Fine-tune your content strategy for authenticity.

🗓️ Know your numbers – the key to financial empowerment
Gain control over your financial journey.

🗓️ Reflect on your collaborations and partnerships
Evaluate what worked and what can be improved for future ventures.

10 Things to Help Kick Off Your 2024

đź’Ş Set goals, girlfriend!
Establish clear, achievable objectives for the year ahead.

đź’Ş Write yourself a letter to open at the end of the year
Manifest your dreams and track your progress.

đź’Ş Create a vision board to manifest your aspirations
Visualize success for added motivation.

đź’Ş Outsource, outsource, outsource
Focus on your strengths by delegating tasks.

đź’Ş Upskill and invest in your business for lasting success
Stay ahead by continuously improving your skills and resources.

And sooooo so much more. There is so much gold dust in this episode babes. I have no doubt it's going to be useful when rounding out 2023 before heading into the new year.

In this episode, Honeyy talks about a YouTube short course that she LOVED. You can access it HERE.

As always, thank you for tuning in to 'Honey’s Makin’ Money.' If this episode resonated with you, we would absolutely love to hear from you! Take a screenshot, share it to your stories, and tag us @honeysmakinmoney_. You can also show some love by rating and reviewing the podcast. Your feedback helps more gals build profitable businesses on their own terms.

And if you haven't already, be sure to visit www.honeysmakinmoney.com for all the tools and resources you need to kill it in the world of OnlyFans.

Until next year, honeys, keep makin’ that money! 💰✨


Hello, oh my gosh, I cannot believe I am saying hi to you guys here for the last time in 2023, you've aves this has been an absolute wild ride. And I want to come on here firstly, and thank you guys so, so much for listening for being here and all the support and love you have given me and the team, you have been absolutely amazing. And I just love this little community is just the absolute best. So from me and the team, a big thank you for all the love and support you guys have been giving us. Now I know today is Christmas. So Merry Christmas. And if you are listening today, oh my goodness, thank you so much. If you're not, I totally understand, I hope you are just absorbing all the absolute goodness. Now I have a big, big, fat, juicy glass of champagne here. And if you have watched the real we've posted on our Instagram page, you will see how big my glass of wine is, I am so excited to finally be able to be popping a bottle with you babes. sitting down having a drink and a bit of HRT this year honestly, has been such a learning curve. For me personally, in the podcast world. And I have just learned so so much. I honestly came into this with no knowledge about absolutely anything, I literally had a plan. And I was like, right, I have a whole lot of just juicy good stuff that I want to share with so many babes out there. And this is going to be the way that it's gonna come across, we're going to put it on a platform and pray to frickin God that it turns out, okay, so once again, from the bottom of my heart, I really really do appreciate all the support that you guys have been giving us. Because this was honestly a just a mission from little me right from the beginning to be able to give back once I learned and once I really understood the industry and wanted to be able to give back and, and help so many women out there. So I really do appreciate absolutely every single person who plugs in and listens to any episode. All right, let's get into it, I really, really wanted to jump into this episode, and talk about the year that was but also the year that's going to come. Now we are continuing the podcast into 2024. And I honestly can't wait, we have some really, really exciting things in store for your babes. Like, it's just gonna blow your mind, the podcast is gonna get bigger, it's gonna get better, we're gonna have more exclusive guests on, we're really going to dive into the world of only fans, I feel like the first season was all about setting up and understanding your brand, and only fans and all the real pillars of the business. But now we're really going to deep dive into all aspects of the business. So get ready to learn, get ready to expand, just get ready to have the best frickin year ever. Now, within saying that, I have had a massive, massive Yeah. And when I took on this mission to create the podcast and put it out there, I really did underestimate how much work it was going to be. I've loved every single step. Don't get me wrong, but it has been a lot. So I am going to take a little bit of time off between season one and season two, and just refresh and work on some really, really epic things for the new season. So within saying that we won't be back at the start of the year. So I really want to make this episode all about winding down 2023 But then also giving you some really good tips to start off 2024 strong to really set you off strong early in the year. So you are ready to go. We all know what it feels like it's the first day of a new year and we are ready to run. So I want to be able to help you leave 2023 behind and start 2024 with a fucking bang. So let's get into the year that was Hang on. Let me have a sip of my wine that when I started this whole podcast, I was like, Oh, I can't wait to have a wine and you know, chat all things. And I've never ever had a wine on a single episode, because it's just so hard to talk and drink and concentrate. So give me two seconds. Take a little sip and I hope you've got a wine too. So let's sit together. Let's do a cheers and a sip. That is good. It was good mine. Okay, right back into it. So looking at behind how I really really love to end a year and start a new year is really closing off the chapter before. So sometimes we go into the Yeah, and we're like, right, like, you know, what's our New Year's resolutions, I don't want to do this what didn't work last year and I find that that should be done at the end of the year, you should really be recapping 2023 At the end of the year. So when you do come on to January 1, you are just ready to look forward, you're not looking behind, you're not worrying about what didn't work, what didn't go well, where you know, where you could have improved, we'll do that now. So in the next week or so, these are 10 things that I would really encourage you to do, just to evaluate your business, close the chapter and be really fucking fresh for the first of January. So I'm gonna give you 10 steps to help end your year off. Now, number 10 is re evaluate your only fans business. So really sit down and dissect your business. Have a look at your business as a whole. And think to yourself okay, what areas were working, go into your only fans page and have a look at photos. Which photos got the most likes? Which videos sold the most? What's getting the most interaction on there? What feedback are you getting really go in there and dissect your only fans business? Have a look at every single angle? Have a look at absolutely every single part of your business? Because it's important, it's important to evaluate what photos your subscribers are loving. What videos are your subscribers buying, the more you're all over your business, you can really dissect it and dive in, the better you're going to set up your 2020 for number nine is the same thing but it's reevaluate your socials. So very similar. Jump on your social media, jump on your Instagram and have a look what got the most likes what got the most interaction? What was your biggest real What was your biggest tic tock? Have a look at what was working and on the flip side have a look at what didn't work like what was absolutely flopping. And you can do this with your onlyfans business as well what absolutely flopped like what did you spend a lot of time doing that just didn't pay off? It may have been a campaign it may have been creating a solo video or a really big collab video, you really need to figure out what's worked well and what hasn't. So go on your socials. Have a look at your story interactions have a look at your insights, where are people coming from and really break it down. Write a you know a good or a bad list. However it is for you just really understand what has worked well in 2023. Number eight is dive into your yearly stats. So go in to your only fans and really, really dissect your stats. What did you make every single month? Where were that? Where was that money coming from? Like was it coming from subscriptions was coming from videos was coming from tips, if it's coming from tips, or messages sorry, I should say is that because people are sexting with you? Or is that because you're selling a lot of custom videos or video calls, like really look at your stats and understand go and have a look at the stats and see where people are finding you from what country because this is really going to give you a great understanding what worked in 2023, you can really push in 2024. Now we have a huge upgraded area on only fans that allows you to deep dive into your statistics. And it allows you to go into your reach your engagement, your fans, your subscriptions. So really go in there, if you don't know how to look at that. If all of that confuses you, this now is the chance to break it down like this now is to really understand that because you'll get such a good idea of your business and your social media, where your subs are coming from and where your pay is coming from. Number seven is so important. And I really do hope you spend a little bit of time doing this. But that is to understand what you love to do and what you hated to do over the year. So have a look and really deep dive into the parts of your business that you know when did you maybe not do as well? Was it because you were doing something you weren't enjoying? Or was it something that popped up that you don't like doing like do you despise doing video calls? Do you not like doing customs? Or do you absolutely love doing those? Or you love doing your social media love doing tick tock spot you hate taking photos like you've really got to understand which part of your business that you just dread. Like what are the parts that when you get out of your bed and you think to yourself today I've got to do this and you're like, Oh, I do not want to do that. Like that is I just don't want to do it and you keep putting it off. Write that down and then write down the parts that you are absolutely adoring the parts that you absolutely love and there will be parts to both and it's totally normal. It's totally normal to help parts of your business that you just don't like doing, and then parts that you really love. Because this is going to help you next year just app salutely Become a fucking boss bitch, I promise you, it will just help so much the more you understand you, the more you understand your business, and what you enjoy and how you work it, it's going to be so much more seamless. Now, number six is ask for feedback. This can feel really intimidating, but it is such a nice conversation when you have subscribers that really appreciate you asking, I used to be like, Oh, I'm not gonna ask my subscribers anything but so many loves that they really felt valued. And they felt like that they were, you know, in a really great place in your relationship to be able to discuss and just ask some of your your subscribers, you know, what are you enjoying here? What are you not enjoying so much? Or what would you like to see more of? And you can do that on your social media as well put a story up and say, I'm so excited for 2024 What would you guys like me to see? Who would you like me to collab with. And that's a really great idea. And you can also do that on your only fans, subscribers love to get involved. If you listened to a couple of episodes ago, with David, they love going on the journey with you, they love growing with you, they love watching you evolve. So if you put up on your feed on your only fans feed a pole, oh my god they eat that should add like they love it, whether it's about what they enjoy most about you, or you know what they enjoy most about the page, anything like that, that gives you more sense of like a relationship and you being real, is really, really valuable. So don't ever underestimate that. Don't ever underestimate asking for feedback, because at the end of the day, the subscribers are the ones that are paying to be there. They're the ones that are paying to see your content. So their opinion is so valuable to you and your business. Number six is understand your weaknesses and your strengths. Now this is different to what you love to do. And what you hate to do, which is number seven, what you love to do isn't always necessarily your strength. It may be something that you know, you're not quite good at, but you just love doing so you just deep dive into it. So this is different, this is actually a weakness in terms of where you can improve where you're probably not the best at doing in your business. But then there will also be parts of your business where you absolutely fucking slay like, you're like, yeah, that's my bitch right there like I can do that day night eyes closed, that's mine. So you want to know what your driving force is in the business with this. So for instance, it can be anything like okay, here's an example for me, probably about a year ago now I went through a pretty tough time with my family and my private life and getting a bit of backlash for what I did. So at that stage in my business, my weakness was really my mental health, I was feeling really down I was feeling really low and I knew that wasn't a strong part of my business. So I understood that I knew it was going through a shift stage, but I knew that my mental state was not my strength at that particular point. But then also I knew at the same time, my strength in my business was showing my personality and speaking and building relationships. So I really understood the two together and this will fall into my 10 steps for next year. So if you do write down a weakness and a strength it will really really helped you you know what rattles you reflect on the year you may have had a month that was a little bit slow or a month that just didn't feel right. Was there anything there that you could have picked up the gone although okay, maybe that wasn't my strong point jot that down or if there was a month when you're absolutely slaying look at it and go, Well, what was my strength in that month? Like what did I do really well in that month, or what was just going so well for me and I really lent into it. Number four is understanding your exact earnings for the year. So only fans and the statements part is very deceiving, because yes, you may have a really nice number at the bottom of your statement on only fans. But at the end of the day if you're not over what you're paying for your business, then that's not a reflection of what you've made. You really need to be all over what you're earning as yourself you may have a company set up and your company is doing really well but what are you earning? What are you bringing home? So things like if you're buying promo Are you taking that out? Are you taking your taxes out? You're taking your super out and in no way do I have a degree to be able to share any tax information with you guys, and that will be part of the next bit of the episode. But definitely look into you know what is actually in your pocket. After you take out, you might have a PR company might have social media company, you might be paying people to outsource things, lingerie, cameras, your phone bill, all of these things are going to come out of your business. And you really need to understand what you're bringing home. Because sometimes when you look at your business, and you say, yeah, cool, I've earned this much for the month, but then you take out absolutely everything. It may not actually be as much as you think. And it's a really good time of year to really deep dive into that and go, Well, you know, maybe I can adjust this, maybe I can move there. And really figure out who's moving with you in 2024. What's moving with you in 2024? Do you need to be buying honey Burdett really expensive lingerie, when you could perhaps opt for something that's a little bit less, or look for sales, or maybe just recycling some of your old costumes you have or selling some of your old costumes. So just really understanding what's going in and out of your business is super important. Number three is reflect on collaborations. This I actually do probably every three months, because I feel like a video and working with another business, it does need a little bit of time to get a real indication of how it went. But if you have done any collaborations over the year, have a look at them and really see what was working for you in terms of what did the subscribers like like I said earlier on, you know who's buying what, how much have you selling i But but then also have a look at which collaborations you really enjoyed? Which ones went really well who's still tagging you who's still sharing your content who's still promote, like cross promoting on their page, who are you still in contact with? Who would you love to to collab with again, this is really important, because I think sometimes we just get so caught up in collaborating, and we put a big fat tick next to our name, like, yeah, we collab like 10 times this year, or this month, or whatever it may be. And we're just kind of pushing out collabs just because we think that's the way to success, we think that's gonna grow our only fans account because we're getting our name out there. But every business is different. Some women may tag you the wrong way, which I did touch on last episode, and you're not getting the exposure, some creators may only released the video once, and you didn't really get much with selling your own video. So just really have a look at which ones you loved, who worked and keep that in mind for next year. Number two is stop what's not working, have a look at your business and figure out what the hell is not working. Because I am telling you now you are not bringing that shit into 2024 with you absolutely not. And I am a big believer that if a new social media comes out or new platform comes out, absolutely try it, give it six months give it you know, however long it takes to make sure you're building that consistency. But at the end of the year is the perfect time to have a look. And to be like okay, that's not working, I need to cut my ties, because you're not going to be dragging dead weight into 2024 with you. So for example for me, I did this the other day and I had a look and clapper for me when I first started collabora at the start of the year, it did really, really well. My conversion rate wasn't higher, but I was getting from new platform, over 100,000 views on some of my videos, which was pretty impressive. I was pretty happy with that, because they didn't have a huge user account. So I stuck with it. And unfortunately, I just don't see any conversion there. It's completely slow down. And it is time that is cutting into my business. So lappa will not be coming into 2024 with me. So please, please, please recognise what's actually not working. Versus you're not being consistent. That's a big key here. If you haven't been consistent on something, and you've just haft astir and you're like, oh, it's not working, I'm getting rid of it all. You're really going to hurt yourself there. You want to be able to be so self aware and honest with yourself and be able to recognise that well I actually just haven't put the work in. And in 20/24 I can put the work in and I could probably flip that on its head versus no, I've been quite consistent and it's just not moving and it's eating up my time. If you have a link in your bio and for instance I use I used to use milkshake milkshake is a really great one. And now I use beacons, you'll be able to see your insights and beacons especially actually breaks down for you where your traffic is coming from. So on the beacons link I'll be able to say how many people are coming from clap Ah, how many people are coming from YouTube? How many people are coming from Facebook and really evaluate, like, look at it and be like, okay, there has been three people from clapper in the last three months, this is absolutely not worth my time. So if you don't have a link, I'm going a little bit off track here. But I think this is valuable. If you don't have a link that allows you to look into insights and insights that actually give you where they're coming from, then maybe reconsider what link you're using. Because that's really, really valuable when you are looking at stats and insights and social media that's working. And number one is mental health check girlfriend, oh, my goodness, this industry can just be such a bloody roller coaster, I can tell you that. Now, before I jump into that, we have another sip of my wine. So cheers mental health check. So as I said, rollercoaster of a business, we have constant highs and lows, we go viral, we get our account deleted, we start building another account up, it gets deleted, we lose all our accounts in one day, we get some back, you know, we have an influx of subs, we get none, someone buys a few video calls, then we get none. So it's a constant constant roller coaster. And you've really just got a bloody hold on for the ride. Now, not to mention outside of just the business being a roller coaster, but it's also a mental health roller coaster in terms of dealing with all the outside ship, dealing with the negative comments on tick tock on Instagram, anyone that really just disagrees with what you do, I'm sure we'll share it somewhere I've been in your inbox, we're all in the same place. And then you'll have lots of love come from your really loyal subscribers as well. So we're always just up and down. And sometimes, you know, we've got our fucking periods like, I know if I get a negative comment and I'm just on fire. I'm like, Ha, I'm just going to reply to this in a tick tock and just absolutely slam them and then have the best day. Or if I've got my period, I'm just like, Oh God, this so right, for like half a second. I'm like, Ah, and then I pick my shit up. So I think it's really important that because it is just such a crazy fucking ride, to look back on the year and really evaluate like, how was your mental health throughout the year? Was it more low than high wasn't more high than low? And have a look at your low times, like what contributed to those low times and really like deep dive into this, like, really, really get deep with this. And this can be confronting, it really can. But I'm a big believer that your mental health is number one in this business. And if your mental health was so it's so low throughout the year, then maybe you really need to evaluate where it's coming from. And if it's majority coming from the business as a whole, well really evaluate is the business worth your mental health isn't worth moving forward? Do you need a couple of weeks off? Do you need a day off? Do you need to, you know, 12 months of whatever that looks like for you? What do you need to do to fix that? If you're 5050? Then look at okay, well what's contributing to my downfalls? Like what is contributing to that? And can I cut that out? And what's contributing to my high moments? Like what am I really enjoying and seeing 2024? Can you dive into that more, because your mental state is so fucking important coming into the new year, it is literally like your pillar, because as soon as that fucking starts to wobble, we all know that as soon as our mind you know, starts to go on that spiral downhill. And we're still getting the negative comments and all this just hitting us it can be really, really detrimental. So really evaluate it, have a look at it, write it down, like get a big fucking piece of paper out and go, right. Let's do this girl, like let's get DT let's get together. Let's sit down. Let's spend an hour on this and figure it out. Not to say that you're going to be invincible because none of us are. But you're going to be on the right track, you're going to be able to pick up those signs like you know, you know what's going to shake your mental health or you know what's going to get you down and you're gonna know how to pull yourself back out. So please, please spend some time on that. If you think that you know, a big part of the year was a bit shaky for you then yeah, definitely dive into that. Now that does take me on to looking forward looking forward into the new year. Now that you have done all of that and you may want to pause this episode. Like you may just want to jump into all the shit I just spoke about and dive into that get it off your chest be in the moment feel the feels feel the energy feel the vibe and you know take a few days off over Christmas and New Year's and then press play for this because this is a different body beat. I tell you what, this is gonna be a different beat. So if you feel a bit like oh, I need to Get this off, do it, go do it, and then come back to this because like I said, we're not coming back straightaway is you have plenty of time to come back. We're not going anywhere. Come back and listen. So 10 things, actually, no, you know what, I have another sip of my wine. There we go. But you imagine the whole season, me sipping wine and rambling, that's probably a good thing. I didn't do them 10 things to start your 2024 off. So damn strong PS, if you've press pause and play, happy, bloody New Year, Happy New Year, this is so exciting. It's going to be the best year and I'm so excited to go on this journey with you. Number one is set yourself a goal girlfriend like business is just a fucking business. If there is no meaning there's no goal, there's nothing we're striving for. Like there needs to be meaning there needs to be something we are going towards. So set yourself a goal. So goals are different for everyone. And it might be a goal to buy a house, it might be a financial goal, it might be a sub goal, it might be a follow a goal. Whatever that goal looks like, for now, I want you to do a financial goal. Because at the end of the day, whatever big goal you have in mind, it all comes down to money and affordability. So think about that. Think about that main goal you have in mind and then put $1 figure to it. And this might be a two year project, but break that down financially. What does that look like this year for you? So break it down into months and weeks. So you want a yearly goal on your finances, and then months and weeks. You don't have to go into weeks if you don't want to. But for me, I like to know I'm on track. I like to know okay, yep, this week, I'm on track. Well, this week, I'm a little bit behind. So next week, I need to hit this to still be on track is completely up to you on how you work. Some people might get overwhelmed by weeks, and be like, Oh, I've missed my first week goal like not we're done where other people are really motivated. So however you work do it that way. But what's most important is that you know what that goal will looks like, let's say you want to earn $20,000 for the year. If you just write that down, and you have absolutely no idea how to get from A to B, that goal is going to disappear really fucking quick. But if you break that down, you're like, right, I need this. This is what it means I need this many subs every single month, I need this many video calls, or I need to do this every week, whatever that looks like for you. Because everyone prices everything differently. Everyone's subscription is different. You know, you might have two pages, you might need a certain amount of subs on one page and a certain amount on another. So it looks different, but you need to break it down. You need to be really all over. I have a big whiteboard in my office. And I literally get my pen out every single month. And I write a brand new month and I break it down what percentage do I want to be out? How many subs do I want to have? How much money do I want to hit at the end of the month? Where am I following? Do I want a viral video like I'm doing all of these. So I've got that vision there for that month. So you can hold on to that goal. So break that down whatever that looks like for you. Now when you break that down. I love this one. Number two, when you break that down, it will bring you on to number two and that is write a DMO. If you're not sure what a DMO is, it's a daily method of operation. And this is really old school. But it is a game changer when you wake up in the morning, and you can literally just go to your office or your little corner of your your area wherever you decide you want to work, which this is not in my notes. But I feel like it should be if you don't have a dedicated area to work. Get one. I don't care if you're in a studio, like you literally live in your bedroom, like have a little corner where you do your work. Because when you start bringing your work to different parts of the house, you get distracted, you need your little go to zone. So when you wake up in the morning and you go to your go to zone, you pull out your diary and it's literally got step by step on what you need to do and you tick it off, tick it off to get off. And it is honestly the best feeling in the world. Because if you wake up with no intention. If you wake up and you're like ah I think I've got to do like my might do a tick tock I might do this. You get really fluffy with your days and I've been there Trust me, I've been there you get super fluffy with your days things pop up and then you go to bed and you're like, oh fuck, I didn't get anything done today. You want to wake up with intention. You want to know exactly what you're doing. You want to know what goal you're working towards. And the DMO is going to help you do that. So I have a DMO and it is done from the most important to the least important and it's everything I need to do for that day. Each day looks a little bit different because I like to mix my days up. So I have on one particular day when I'm doing my content when I'm doing My YouTube Editing and I've got it all blocked out. And you can literally wake up and just go, yep, that's done that's done. You get a few things done in the morning. And then if life happens, because let's be real life does happen. And I think if we're like, nope, we've got to be hustle mode, and we've got to do this and we put so much pressure on ourselves, then we end up dropping the ball. But if we're like, hey, we know life happens. But at least if we wake up, and we tick off the first three things on our list, and life does happen, well, at least that's done. And we just add what we didn't get done that day, to the next day. The biggest thing is just not stressing about time, just understanding that I can do that tomorrow. Like, I'll just add it onto my list tomorrow. Life happens, especially if you're a mom, I've had so many times when kids I got to go pick them up because they're sick from school. And I used to get so stressed over this. He's like, Oh, my God, I gotta go pick them out because so much to do. And I used to be in this like, frantic stage. And now I'm just like, oh, I can do it tomorrow. Because I have so much time I have so much time to do it. I've already done the few things I need to do. And it's totally fine. Like I've got all the time in the world. So a DMO really helps you understand your day and build your day from the most important thing to the least. It also at the end of the day, allows you to go to bed and feel accomplished. Like you sit at your desk and you've ticked off 10 things and you've had a really productive day. And then you go to bed and you're like, Yeah, that was so good. That was so productive. And it's set your mind set up for the next day to go right. I did this today. I can tackle it tomorrow. I'm ready to go tomorrow. So if anything, do a DMO, it is so so so powerful. Everyone's DMO looks completely different. I've got so much in mind, but I love it. Like I love just being like, Yes, this is my day. Let's go. Let's tackle it. Let's get it done. And then I can go and hang with the kids. Now, number three, oh, I can say how much I love all of these. But this one's really fun. And I am about to open my one that I wrote at the start of the year, which I'm really excited for. And I can't wait for you guys to do this next year. If you don't do it already. It's such a cool experience. But number three is write yourself a letter to open at the end of 2024. So you can do whatever you'd like in this letter. I love to write how it felt to hit my goal. And I congratulate myself on it. So it looks like Hey, honey, like, I know how hard you've worked this year. Like I'm so proud of you. You hit your goal, this must feel so amazing. And I get really, really intentional and deep with this letter like I goes so deep. I'm like, it must feel amazing. You know, whatever my goal is for the year that you're finally lapping that up and you're enjoying it take a moment to really soak this in. Now this does two things. It obviously we're at the start of the year when you are writing it. You're setting this in your subconscious. You're setting that feeling there, that feeling of like, fuck, I've accomplished this and I'm congratulating myself, that's your vision right there. You're setting that vision up to be like, Yes, this is how it feels. This is how much I'm enjoying it. This is like what success feels like to me like, this is my version of success. And it feels so fucking good. And you deserve this and you've worked so hard. And it also number two, when you read a at the end of the year, it's just like, oh my god, like it's just so much emotion around it. And it's so fucking cool to experience it. But you can choose how to write this letter, I run a few letters to myself, I also write some down day letters. Which if this is your thing, it's really cool to do as well. If I have a down day, I feel really really shit. I open up one of my Dante letters and I always write is at the start of the year and make sure you in the vibe for this like your star the you're ready to go. You're just vibe in it. You're feeling all energetic. That's the time to write your letter, like fucking write your letter. If you've got like if something major has just happened in your life, and you've got shitting like, Fuck, I gotta write my letter like I better go write my letter. Pick another time you want this high energy you want this motivating you want this so fucking juicy to yourself. So I pick those days. Normally for me, it's on the first or the second of January. And my down days are just really like from the heart. I know this is shit baby like you've got this. You're so strong. It's literally a motivational letter to myself. And if you've never done this before, it may sound super crazy. But I promise you when you hear words from yourself from when you're in a better state of mind. It just changes the game you're like this girl a few months ago or this girl six months ago knew I could do this like What's happened now like Why have I dipped out of it a little bit. So they're like little pick me ups. So write as many letters as you want. But I normally write about two down day letters, and just my end of year letter. And they're honestly a complete game changer. And I think you'll really, really enjoy them if you really sit in it and do it properly. Number four, is create a vision board. This is the creative part of having so much fun with your new year. So a vision board will once again look different for everyone. I create a physical vision board, like I have a big board, I print off photos, like I stick it on, I love getting creative. I love arts and crafts, and I don't get to do it very often. I really don't, it really brings me back to like my childhood and getting creative and decorative. So if you love that, go to office works or wherever it may be, and just print everything off and just decorate your vision board, you want it to be a place that when you look at it, your heart is just so warm, you're like oh my gosh, this means the absolute world to me. And you want to put things on there that you know are going to be goals in five years, three years, and six months in 12 months, and you want to be so visual or with it like this is the thing about a visual board or a vision board. I should say for me, I'll give you an example of a few years ago, I did a huge board of travelling around Australia with my family. So I printed off like all these my dream caravan living on the beach, all these beach photos, travel photos, aeroplanes, like photos of me and my kids my dream home like my dream farmland. Absolutely everything that just lit up my heart. And at the end of the year, we had bought our caravan and we were setting off to go travelling. And I just looked at my vision board and it was literally sitting in my backyard. And there was no fucking better feeling in the absolute world. And these are also going to really help you with your down days, or your slow days. Your why behind this business is so so important. loving what you do is epic, like loving what you do is going to just put so much fire up your ass to keep going. But your y is going to be what picks you up from the ground. When you have a bad day, your y is going to be rehiring yourself, your y is going to be why you push through days that you think you just can't go any further. Your y is going to be why you are so consistent with your business. So get creative. I have even over the last few years had a mini vision board. And I've made it in Canva on my screensaver. And I literally put like the percentage I wanted to be this is on my work phone mind, you know, my personal phone, I put my percentage on there how much I wanted to earn where I want to be all these goals on there. And it just every time I opened up my work phone and I'd slide it and it would unlock it was bam there my face reminding me why I'm doing this what I'm doing every day, what I'm striving for, and why this is going to be also worth it. Number five really touches on what we were talking about on the first part of the episode. And that's Excel on what you love, and outsource on what you don't. Now I think there is a little bit of a stigma around outsourcing. You know, outsourcing is a mum outsourcing as a parent, as a business owner, whatever it looks like, sometimes as women, we think we have to do all, like we can't get a clean, because we should be the ones cleaning. We can't, you know, get easy made meals because we've got to be healthy, we've got to be all these things. But my business coach actually taught me she's like, What the fuck why are you doing all of this? I was like, because I have to she's like, No, you don't like you're a business woman and you're a mom and and all of this, you can't have all these balls up in the egg, go and outsource what you don't like or what you don't enjoy doing or maybe what you're not really good at. And I was like, Yeah, you're right, I really need to take all the pressure off, trying to be perfect at everything and controlling everything and doing it. So have a look at the areas of your business and be like, right, where can I outsource? And the really cool thing about our industry in the last year is there's been some really, really epic, women run businesses that have popped up that are helping women to succeed. There are some cool businesses out there that you can tap into that will help you do things. They are based in Australia. There are some based in the UK that I know of, and I'm sure there are some bass in the US. There are girls who used to do only fans and now helping other women do their social media or do their PR or whatever it looks like. So uh, reach out to them like they've been in the trenches. And you know, you can trust those women who have been there who have done that, and that will look after your business and don't feel bad about it. Because we can't do everything. And if you are going to run a really great successful business, you literally just have to focus on the money making activities, and let everyone else do the rest. Number six is upskill. And invest into your business. If you do not do this in 2023, then I think you need to double this in 2024. My business just completely changed when I started doing this. And I think it's so important at the start of the year to have a look at where you can upskill like where you can go, Well, what can I really lean into, that is going to improve the business. So that's different for everyone. But you may look at it and go why? Well, where would I like to have some more training in it might be more into marketing, or it might be live shows, it might be coaching, like a business coaching, it might be buying a few ebooks to upskill in particular areas. Now, I am absolutely not saying that this year, you should go get a degree in marketing, because that's going to slay only fans, I think there's definitely a fine line with this, you want to upskill but just dip your toes in enough that you are still in your business, you're still doing it because sometimes we can get distracted with going right? Well, I need to do all this coaching, I need to go and get a degree and we distract ourselves with these big shiny things, these big shiny courses and we mentally tell ourselves, we're doing better and we're going to be successful and we're doing this but we're not actually doing the groundwork that's going to build our business. So have a look at little courses. You know anyone in the industry who's kind of releasing some info a short course or whatever it may be, have a look. For example, I bought a YouTube masterclass throughout the year, it was amazing. I am so sorry. But I can't recall the lady's name because it was recommended to me from another creator. And it was just so intriguing. The course was really quick, it probably only took me about two days, but I learned so so much, I will actually link it in for you babes to have a look at and she had so many other courses like a selfie course how to take photos, there was just so much good info in there. And that wasn't me saying to myself, I've got to go do a social media degree, it was more me recognising I think I can excel or upskill in this area. Here's a two day course, let's quickly dive into this. And then I can get straight back into business. Number five is invest into a weakness, you'd like to turn into strength. So I'm going to touch on the first part of the podcast when I spoke about weaknesses. As an example for me when I realised that my mental health was, you know, down, and that was what was really being detrimental to my business. And in absolutely no way am I saying you know, having a, your mental health is a weakness, it's absolutely not like we go through our ups and downs. And when you're down, it's not weak. But for me, I recognise that when I was down, every part of my life was down, my business was down, you know, my family was feeling absolutely everything was paying off for it. And I just recognised that. And I was like, right, I need to improve there. So that was an area for improvement, I should say I shouldn't be saying weakness, I should be saying an area for improvement. And I invested into that. So I ended up seeing a psychologist and she was an online one. So I didn't have to leave my farm. I didn't have to travel hours for her, I could literally log on and talk to her. And she was absolutely amazing. And she helped me through so much in my personal life and my business that that investment that was so important to me that investment there was so magnified because I now have the tools and resources thanks to her. I have the tools and resources now to recognise and be a little bit more self aware of like what affects me what doesn't affect me how I can get past it. It's okay to talk about it. It's okay to feel like this and move on with it. So have a look at how you'd like to invest into the areas that do need a little bit more work. And is there any way you could outsource that could help number four is create a new platform. If you have a backup plan and it is solid and it's going so well and you're so happy with it. Don't go get another one. This is not about creating more work for your new year. This is about if you don't have something and you've got all your eggs in one basket, then now's the time aim to dive into it, now's the time to go. Right? Let's get into it. Because you just don't know what's going to happen, you're going to have these incredible goals. And you don't want to put all the beddings on those big goals in one basket, you want to be able to be safe and secure having to there. So have a look at your backup plans. I've said this a few times throughout the podcast, have a look at your backup plans and see which ones you want to dive into. There are so many out there, I'm not going to name them because you can do some research, see which suits you better, they all take different commissions, they're all set up a little bit differently. Some allow you to do more than others. So it just really depends on how your business is running at the moment, but get a bloody backup plan. Number three is re invest into yourself. If you have not done this in the past year, then I suggest taking a day, at least every month. That is for you. And I mean purely for you, you need to go out and do whatever fills up your happy cup. And for me, it was really hard because I was like, yes, my kids like I love being around them. And as much as they fill up my happy cup. Sometimes you've got to recognise, you've got to actually do something for you. So just take a day, leave the kids or you know, the dogs or the cats or whoever it is that you're always around, or the friends or the boyfriend, the husband, whoever it is, and just go right and literally going out and having a day for me. And this can look like literally walking down the beach, not being on social media, grabbing a coffee, eating your food, enjoying your food not being caught up online. And just having a day to really sit with yourself. It could be a massage, it could be a facial, you know, it could be going on a yoga retreat, doing something outside outdoors going on a horse ride, however that looks for you, you need to do it. And sometimes we are so caught up in business and business goals, we've got other jobs outside of our only fans, or we've got Family Partners, whatever it is, but it's so important to just get so in tune with yourself and just have those days there because you will be refreshed and you'll be able to bounce back. From those days. You know, those days, the roller coaster days where it dips down, you'll be able to bounce back so much stronger. When you're refreshed, you're revived and you've had your day. Number two is a find a kick ass accountant. Some of you may already be doing this, and I applaud you if your accountant is amazing, then love that for you absolutely love that if you don't have an amazing accountant, and you're just going to see whoever I highly suggest go and get someone that is all over the industry, or someone that you feel really comfortable with. And someone that is actually going to question you on what you can claim or what you can't sometimes I feel like accountants can just put us in a box and be like, Nope, you can't claim this, you can't claim that because our industry is so different. Our industry is so diverse. So it's really great to be able to have an accountant that will really understand what you're doing what you can claim what you can't claim and have them work with you on a monthly basis. So you're putting away money, so you're doing the right thing. So you're not going to tax time and you're like, oh shit, I need to find an accountant, like where's a good accountant, and then they slapped you with a tax bill that you don't have. So set your year up strong and find a really great accountant that will look after you and you feel comfortable with. Number one is hire yourself like this, ya, go ahead and every single day, hire yourself hire yourself as the best fucking employee you have ever had. It is sometimes it's so difficult to be an entrepreneur or be your own boss. Because we have the flexibility, right? Like we have the flexibility to go to the beach, we had the flexibility to do what we want when we want and sometimes that just snowballs and then sometimes we sit back and be like, oh business is probably not going as best as what I thought. So now let's like go into hustle mode. And then we go into this crazy hustle mode because we're trying to like wind up all the fun things that we've just done. Try and do six months work in a few days and we just get burnt out so high yourself as your best employee. wake up every morning and high yourself. Work really hard for 234 hours and then go do your thing. Have set hours and be present. If you're present in your business for those set hours and you follow your DMO and you wake up in the morning and you can absolutely go for it. Then the rest of the day. You can do whatever you want. Whatever you want, like the wells, your body oyster, even if you're travelling, that's amazing that we have a business model that allows us to travel to have set hours high yourself on the plane, pay yourself. If you've got jetlag at night and you can't sleep, jump on, you need to be hiring yourself. And sometimes you need to fire yourself. I've said this a few times, but some days I wake up and I find myself and I go, right, I am a shooting blade today. I just, you know, the last few months have just been so full on. I'm not in the mood, I'm hot firing myself. And then I get up the next day and I rehired myself we all need those days, where we're like, right today's not the day we're having a sick day, like normal employees, we're having a sick day are our mental health day, we're going to do what we need to do. And then we're getting straight back into hiring ourselves. Because the truth of it is that if we had a nine to five, or if we had a job that were employed, we wouldn't just not turn up because we want to scroll on social media or we want to go to the beach or we've got a better offer. We have to go to work, we have to turn up to get paid. That's exactly like being an entrepreneur and working for yourself, you have to turn up twice as much to get paid. So turn up every single day. Turn up work hard, set your alarm or like do your exercise, have you water, your tea, whatever that routine looks like for you. Work hard, and then go and enjoy yourself or work hard for five days and have the weekends to yourself. Like the flexibility is amazing if you use it in the right way because then you'll get the you'll get the business side of it that will pay you 10 times over. So they are the top attendings to just start off 2024 with a bang. I really, really hope some of this has helped. I really hope you feel motivated to roll in to actually to fucking run to run into 2024 Because I don't know if you feel it, I feel it. But this is the yard like this is the bloody yard it is going to pop I see so many incredible women in the industry just going viral. There are so many articles out there just everyone's pop and left, right and centre. I'm just seeing all these beautiful women and I'm like wow, we're just getting started like this is going to be epic like 2024 is going to be wild. And that can be you that can absolutely be you. Just go hard. Have your goals set have your DMO have your vision board, get ready to just hire yourself every single day. upskill invest like just go hard. Because in 12 months time, you're either going to see progress or you're going to be in the exact same spot. And honestly, you're here because you don't want to be in the same spot. You're listening today because you want to grow, you want to move forward, you want to expand, everyone wants to grow if we're not, if we're not growing in all parts of our life, then we're so stagnant. So you are here you're listening, you're ready to go serve, run with that run with that fucking power run with that energy run with that vibe. And make yourself proud in two months because you reading your letter at the end of 12 months will feel over the moon. And I promise you you're going to be so proud of yourself and I'm going to be so so proud of you. Thank you so much for listening. I can't wait to come back for the first episode next year is going to come back with a bang we have so much in store I'm going to zip my lips shut real tight because I can't say a thing. Top Top Top Top Secret but please stay in our DMS we're still going to be posting on social media we're still going to be around we're still gonna be throwing love on all your babes Instagrams account we are going to be around we're just taking a tiny tiny little bit of break off the podcast. But until 2024 I hope you have the most amazing Christmas the most amazing new year's and I can't wait to hear how your business is popping in the new year. But for now. Bye