Honeys Makin' Money

Talking tax with Empire Industry Finance 💲👩‍💻

Honeyy Brooks Season 2 Episode 27

This week, Honeyy is joined by tax experts Brodie and Tess from Empire Industry Finance, specialists in catering to the unique accounting needs of babes in the adult entertainment industry. Get ready to uncover essential accounting tips, learn the importance of tracking your income and expenses, discover what you can claim as tax deductions, and find out why Empire Industry Finance is your one-stop shop for all your financial needs.

Tune in to hear them chat about:

Accounting Do’s and Don’ts

Brodie and Tess kick off the episode by sharing crucial accounting do’s and don’ts tailored specifically for babes in the adult entertainment industry. Learn best practices for record-keeping, documentation, and financial reporting to ensure compliance with tax regulations and maximize your financial efficiency.

Tracking Your Income and Expenses

Tess emphasize the importance of tracking your income and expenses throughout the year, especially in the dynamic world of adult entertainment. Discover effective strategies and tools for keeping accurate records, monitoring cash flow, and optimizing tax deductions.

The Inside Scoop on Tax Deductions

Brodie and Tess provide valuable insights into what you can claim as tax deductions in the adult entertainment industry. From costumes and stage props to marketing and promotional expenses, learn how to identify eligible deductions and minimize your tax liability.

One-Stop Shop for Financial Needs

Empire Industry Finance offers specialized accounting services tailored to the unique needs of babes in the adult entertainment industry. Whether you need tax planning, bookkeeping, or financial advice, Brodie and Tess are here to support you every step of the way.

Thank you for tuning in to this episode of "Honey's Makin Money" with special guests Brodie and Tess from @empire_industry. By mastering your taxes and leveraging expert advice tailored to the adult entertainment industry, you can maximize your financial efficiency and build wealth for the future.

Don’t forget to leave a review and share your biggest takeaways with us on social media by tagging @honeysmakinmoney_


Hello, and welcome back to a another week of honeys making money. I am super excited for this week because I get so many DMS and messages all about money finance, accounting. And you guys I'm absolutely the wrong person to ask all this information about. But I have some good news because I've got some special guests on today. Hello, lady. Hey, would you guys like to introduce yourselves for the listeners? Yes. So my name is Tess. And I'm here with Brody. And we are from input industry finance. So we are specialists for the adult industry, tax accounting, finance, all the things bookkeeping. Yeah, we are the people to go to you are speaking directly to our souls right now. Absolutely love it. And I'm so excited to do it. Yes, let's make it fun. Not that this industry isn't fine, go wild. I honestly just can't wait to pick your brains and get a deal. Before we do, though, I really want to know, like, tell me a little bit about yourself. And how did Empire industries start? Like, how did you come up with the concept? And you know, why this industry? Yeah. Alright, so Well, I guess it started originally, as a kind of vanilla accounting firm. You know, I think the original name was LNJ accounting sound very proper. So Linda, who is the founder of it, she had that little side business going, and then but she has a background of working in the industry. So she was a dancer, she managed men's gallery in Melbourne. And so when she started doing tax returns, obviously, she had a lot of contacts still in the industry, and they would come to her and ask her to do attacks. And then I started, I came and started working with her, and then she kind of just one day came up with the idea, hey, I think we should kind of advertise it differently for the industry and make something specific for you know, all the people out there, you know, the sex workers, escorts only fans probably wasn't even around by the time we started. When did when did you start? So we started empire? Probably six years ago, okay, so only fans may have been out. But it wasn't peeking. It was more coming my weekends, that was everything. Every campus was everything. So yeah, we just kind of thought, hey, let's try to have some fun during this accounting and tax stuff, we can make it pink and pretty and, you know, advertise it very differently. Like we had social media ambassadors, you know, and like, all the things that standard accounting firms wouldn't have. And we just found that we were just, I mean, I guess we're not your typical accountants to be to start off with, so we can just kind of talk to people in a very simplistic way without making anything too complicated. And, you know, given that, you know, a lot of us have actually been in the industry, ourselves, you know, there's, there's no stigma, there's no judgement, you know, kind of anything goes. So that's how we started branching out, we just thought we'd have some fun. And as I was mentioning, before, we started recording our big launch within six bow in Sydney. So we tried to Yeah, we spent a little bit that was the year that you were like, Yeah, Australia, we are going to be out and proud and tell everyone, you know, that we are ready to go. And look, it was a bit of a failure. But here we are now going strong. So finally worked out, luckily, with the help of social media. So yeah, that's kind of, that's how we got to where we are, oh, I love that so much. And I feel like that when you announced that you were going to have an accounting firm, with in the adult industry, women just would have jumped on it. Because I know personally, having these discussions with my accountant who is not in the industry, it's just it is very can sometimes be a bit picky some of the terms we use, what we buy, all of that is so foreign to them. And that's nothing against them. But it's to have someone on the same page and you know, in your world makes this so much easier, very much. So that's the feedback we get. Because also, yeah, we have so many clients come to us and they're like, I can't be open with my accountant. Or they'll even try and hide what they do. So they're telling their accountant, they do something else than what they actually do, because they're so afraid of it, obviously, yeah, as you know, there's a lot of judgement and stigma in the industry. So the fat opening sorry, you're not gonna get the deductions that you should get if you're saying or doing something other than what you're doing as well. So that's gonna lose out by not having someone that that understands, or someone that you feel like you can talk to about it. Yeah, that's right. If you're not open and there's not that honest communication there, then they can't do their job properly. For us, so that's a great point. And also so many people have made a career out of this. It's not so much like a side hustle, you know, under the table like it used to be whereas people want to be able to take pride in what they're doing and be like, Hey, this is what I do. I make great money. winging it. So I don't want to have to hide or downplay it to another accountant that's not really on the same page, or just to be honest, doesn't understand it. Okay, so I know there will be so many lovely ladies in the industry that just want to deep dive into all the world and what we can claim the do's the don'ts, like all the juices, so accounting 101, can you give us some do's and don'ts? Like, you know, if we're, if we have no idea what we're doing, what should we be doing? And what shouldn't we be doing? Okay, absolutely. Great questions. So we actually have if if people don't get everything that we say right now, we have a Getting Started checklist on our website. That is very good for people that pretty much have not started yet. And they need to know exactly what to do to do the right things. So first thing, obviously get an ABN. So that can be done yourself free on a government website, you can call the ATO you can come to us and other accounting can do it. But that obviously has to happen. Second one is it's obviously it sounds very simple, but don't spend all your money, right. So it's really hard. I get it, I know. But look, the thing is, you've got to remember, and if you can take anything away, we'll take nothing else away. Except for this. The money that you either cash out from only fans, or the deposit you get from a client or the money that your club pays out. That is pre tax dollars. So that means technically as much as you want to keep it all and you want to keep that $1,500 a portion of that does have to go to the ATO, that's just life. So if you're getting paid $1,500, say constantly per week, and you have never put money aside for that come tax time, you're going to have to find all the tax from every single one of those deposits to pay at year end. So if you've gone and spent $1,500 per week, you have to try and play catch up. And then what happens, you know, once you lodge your first tax return, they start wanting you to pay tax quarterly. So then all of a sudden, you have to pay all of last year's tax plus current year's tax. And it's just a snowball effect. And it adds up very quickly. And the ATO at the moment are not being kind and or forgiving for not making payments, they are going hard. So you know, if you start putting money aside from the very beginning, then you're setting yourself up that it's just consistent, it's easy, you do it without thinking, if you do not have that money set aside yet, like I said, you're playing catch up. And I've seen it escalate very quickly. And you know, there's, there's a lot of people out there with a lot of debt, we're talking a lot of debt. So that is that is my biggest thing. There are ways also around it like, it could be a case of you put it in a separate bank account, there are ways that you can send it direct to the ATO, just like if you had a cafe job, you know, you might be actually earning $200, but you're only getting 150 in your pocket because your cafe is sending the $50. So you can set it up that at the end of each week, you add up your income and you're like, Great, I'm gonna send 200 bucks to the ATO account just so that when it comes time to lodging, my tax, I already have all that money sitting there. It's difficult when you go when you become a sole trader contract. The money that you get in your hand, it's so tempted to be tempting to be like, I'm going to spend this absolutely, especially if you've come from a background of always being employed. Yeah. And they do it for you. And then what you get in your bank account that your supers pay the taxes down, and then you get the money and then you're used to living, what hits your bank accounts. I think that the tax is being paid on top of that, yeah, but the thing is a sole trader or contractor, in the end, you know, if I send you a tax bill, and I'm like, Cool, well, you owe 25 grand, because say you made 100,000 That 25 grand is not any more tax than an office worker would be paying however, that office worker is used to getting only paid 75,000 in their pocket for the year, whereas you're used to getting paid $100,000. And then all of a sudden, you have to you know, direct deposit or be paid$25,000 in one hit. And it's difficult. I get it. But unfortunately, that is just how tax works. And when you register for an ABN you know, no one tells you this thing, no one tells you that you should be there's no kind of like getting started with money. Yeah, like courses out there that I've learned. So unless you start putting money aside straight away from the day you start, there is a likelihood that you're going to get into a bit of trouble. Yeah. And that's not the kind of trouble you want, like you need, especially your first year in business. You're excited you're setting it up, you're like wow, I've made this much money and then after, you know paying whoever you need to pay in all the deductions there and then you get slammed with a $25,000 tax bill that can be like detrimental to some businesses. It is it is and the thing is that what I've found after doing this numerous years is that taxing the idea around money, it's getting more mainstream, whereas we have so many clients now before they even jump online or before they even you know, start a shift at a club. They're calling us and saying how do I set myself up so that I don't fail? Pretty much be. So it's actually really enjoyable. I really like those calls because I'm able to teach people what to do so that they don't get to the point where, you know, they've got 150k tax debt. Yeah, right. Yeah. So, and correct me if I'm wrong, because I absolutely could. But if you go for a home loan, and you have a tax debt, is that something that they take into consideration with pre approval? Absolutely. They also take into account hex now or help hex whatever you want to call it. So if you ever want to get a loan, get a credit card, buy a house, that sort of thing. They will get that tax debt. Yeah. So it's, no one wants to pay tax, I get it. It's not a fun job being like, cool, you have to get rid of this whole savings amount to the ATO the law, but it's the law. It's life. It's also it's part of running a business. But also it's not just the industry workers, you know, that get behind? We've had cafes, hairdressers, trainees, yeah, of course. Yeah, I didn't even know it's possible not to pay your tax. But believe me, it's very possible. But unfortunately, like I said, before, that the ATO are cracking down, and more and more people are having to file for bankruptcy or close their companies down because they have never paid the tax. But also if you become the director of a business, a company, and you have personal tax debt, and that company wants to get a loan, it will ask for the personal tax debt, their directors, right. Okay. So it really affects broad, so many things, you might think it doesn't matter, because it's a company, it's got a different name, you know, all that stuff can get out of this. Yeah, get out of it. Okay, so a big, big, big do is to be on top of from the start, and don't let it build up and understand that although lots of people, you know, jump online, you know, they're likely outside and only fans, a lot of people don't really even consider it a career or a job where they need to put tax aside. So they're like, I've just a bit of extra money, they might have an office job, but they're also doing only fans. But that's it's just so important to understand that you are running a business. It is very interesting that you've touched on that because I see, you know, a lot of question boxes or things that go out on social media and a lot of people think that only fans isn't a real job or you don't get paid real money. So whenever you if you want to do as a side hustle, it's your money. And you know, there's this, like, ATO would have been different. Oh, 100% 100%. But there is this perception of the only fans isn't I suppose, a legitimate job so you can make that money and you know, what you want, the way we look at? It really is that if it hits your bank account, I think, yeah, that's right. So if you're getting money from only fans, whatever however much that is, the ATO are going to want a percentage of that money. And also it's actually from July one, only fans have to report directly to the ATO. So you can no longer hide that money. Like just like I think it's eBay and PayPal. They report all their what shops or marketplaces income direct to the ATO. So the ATO know what you're making on eBay. Now they're going to know what you're making on only five so that was never a thing. Okay, they do crack down we had a few clients audited because the ATO, obviously they cross check. And so if a client didn't tell us or didn't report that only fans income, the ATO would contact are saying there's been a lot of foreign deposits in this person's bank account. Can you tell us what it is? Because I had one client, I mean, she made about 150k on only fans, but she had a full time office job so she didn't even think that only fans was income. But then she ended up buying a very expensive car and with her only fans money and so they cross check the stamp duty paperwork with what she reported as income it looked like how did you afford this on a 40 grand, you know, office job, so she got flagged that way. So they are cracking down on only fans especially because, you know, we've got a client that makes up you know, up to $5 million online so you can make serious serious money on this and obviously, they want to make sure that they are getting every dollar of that. Yeah, so it's getting harder and harder to hide, especially as birdie said if it hits your bank account, the ATO can see it so cash you know for you know, full service workers or dancers you know, obviously if they are keeping money in a safe the ATO don't know about that, but the minute anything gets your bank account the ATO all over and obviously only fans is all you know, transactional. It's all straight into your bank account so they can see everything. Yeah, right. And by the sounds of it, this new financial year is the year to really get your shit together. Pretty much pretty much you haven't done it already. By July. Why don't you better do it? Yeah. Okay, well, there you go. Ladies, you've heard it here. That's only my first do I've got to throw it. Step up. Second thing is separate business and personal expenses. So that is the biggest thing if we for instance, if you don't keep records. We start by looking at your bank statements. So we're seeing all your cash deposits or you're on the fence payouts and all your expenses. If I'm trying to decipher whether Kathy paying you is fog permission for a job or she's just gone out for dinner with you very messy, very time consuming, you can't, you know, it's kind of like just a snapshot, see what your business is making. So keep a business bank account and a personal bank account and just keep it to clean, it's easier to analyse figures, it's easier for your accountant. And it's just, you know, if you're running a cafe, you wouldn't be using your personal, I would hope you wouldn't be using your personal account, you know, to go to, you know, added us on the weekend or whatever. And then also by you know, your milk for the cafe, you'd be separating it. So just like, you've got to remember, this is an actual business, you are running a business, you have a brand, all those sorts of things. So keep your bank account separate. And if there are girls out there that are like, I'm not sure if it's business or not, should they be putting it on their business account or keeping it personal. So, again, deductions, I could spend three hours talking about deductions, if you're unsure, put it through business, because then we can see that but if it's just your friends, you know, paying you money for going out or going away, you know, personally, then keep all that separate on all your UberEATS I don't need to see, you know, every time you're tapping it, who knows where I don't need to see macros run. Yeah, we don't need to see that keep it separate. So and the third biggest to do is if you do nothing else, when it comes to your business, track your income, because obviously your income determines what tax rate you're going to be at. So if the first year you made 10 grand, you're like sweet, the tax rates only equivalent to say 10%. But if the next year you take off, you go viral and tick tock of something happens and suddenly you're making 70 grand, that 10% That you were putting away is no longer relevant, and you're going to come short come tax time. So if you do nothing else, you need to know where you're sitting income levels, obviously, deductions are going to change that. And deductions can vary widely between you know, someone at the club that doesn't really have many deductions versus someone, you know, a full service person that travels and tours, you know, they're going to have huge accommodation costs, huge travel costs, and that might be 50% of their income. So obviously how much you put aside for tax is going to vary in some regard, but at least track your income to get some sort of idea. Yeah, I love that. And it's so important that you are covering that because you know in the industry in the community we try and help each other out and be like I put 10% away I put away but just because someone is earning that amount they're on they're putting their 10% away it doesn't mean that's a blanket rule for everybody. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah, I think it just makes so much sense to be teaming up with an accountant in the industry to really help like be all over it so you're not getting shocked with all these you know, huge bills Yeah, like you said detrimental to loans or you know, building your business and everything Yes, yeah. You guys are just doing an amazing job for all and I love it. Now the girls are just busting out their pants and want to know like some really cool things we can claim one font tag so what's what's some things that you guys can think of that we might not be aware of that you think is pretty cool that we could have been I know the boring things like you know superannuation contributions are tax deduction you know, tax which we think are pretty cool. Yeah, I think super cool. So yeah, I don't know if people know but if you contribute to your super you can use that as a tax deduction fees you pay an accountant to get your tax return done or just to call up you know, have a 45 minute chat about how you should structure things that's a tax deduction then obviously you've got the fun things that are directly related to any income so obviously you know when you do tours or you travel you might go you know up to Darwin or something to work at one of those clubs those flights are tax deductible the accommodations tax deductible obviously everything you buy to actually you know use with your clients like you know, all your sex toys, your outfits you know, PPE that sort of stuff all deductible Ubers to clients places that's tax deductible door fees for clubs, commissions, you pay other girls for getting the job or through the WhatsApp groups, all that sort of stuff is tax deductible. I mean, I think it's fun that if you like an escort then you can actually claim your Spotify Spotify they go why is that? Because you would be using the music you're imagine you're working on the music, you're getting the moon that's like mind blowing and it's something I just would never have considered or thought of. That's really cool. I love the if you're using it in your content creation. You could also claim that's really cool, but it may just listening to Spotify as I do your tax returns. So it's not that no one's winning in that sense. Yeah, but then things I also need to just touch on things that are not tax deductible, which we get asked every single week. gym memberships PT, no, sorry, I understand a lot of us state that if you look better you make more money but the ATO have a hard line on personal expenditure even your nails that you get done every two weeks I was gonna ask I know we get nails I've had numerous discussions very lengthy discussions I've even had a client leave over it because I told them that nails are not deductible now I get it I get it you look good you know nails look great on camera or in the club or whatever but in reality you are wearing them 24/7 Shot real estate agents you know might do well or public relations people might do well if they have their nails done, but they're not deducting it. So there's there's you're not able to deduct it any more than anyone else that has to have well manicured hands for their jobs. So nails I'll continue to answer the question, but please don't ask me again. Nails are not deductible. Same as spray tans permanent lashes, all that sort of thing. The answer and again, this is not me saying this. This is literally the ATO saying it because it's on your face all the time. injectables, not deductible plastic surgery, not deductible. Okay, so unfortunately, that is the rule we take. It's a it's pretty much a hard No. And look, there may be you know, clients saying, Well, my last accountant did it and that's cool. accountants can Indians, you can claim whatever you want. I could literally claim you know, like, every time I drink a glass of wine if I wanted to. However, if the ATO were to audit you and ask for a list of expenses, and they see all my wine, that's a that's a hard No, you'd have to redo it and then you're forever being watched by them because you're on their list. So we have a we have quite a hard line when it comes to nails and tanning and lashes just because we don't want to risk any of our other clients being looked into because someone was insisting on you know, claiming their lashes. So yeah, I apologise people but it's not me. It is the ATO. We're not taking in person. Yeah. But if you want to stick lashes on to go do a shift, by all means you can do that because you're putting it on for work. Yeah, okay, stick on nails. Okay. I mean, no one's doing that. But yeah, quite 99 you can do that. Yeah, also, some people do on a on a sidenote, some people get so hung up on deductions that they're like, Well, I must clean my nails and on my call, well, let's just let's just stop and think about this nails are what? 70 bucks once a fortnight? I don't know, I didn't get my nails done something like that. 70 $100 a fortnight, right. So that's $2,600 you might spend on nails, if your tax rate is say 30%. We're talking seven $800 deduction over the full year. That's the most you can claim if you were to claim those nails. So if these people might be harping on about a $700 deduction, but they're forgetting to even worry about saving the $4,000 that they've got for their tax bill, because they're so hung up on this wall, my nails aren't deductible, but then they forget to put money aside for tax. So just don't be too hung up on deductions, especially such minor things because it's not 100% deduction, you don't save $2,600 in tax, you only save your tax rate. So just just say for tax safe attacks, we'll worry about the deductions. If you do have a huge expense coming up, obviously, talk to your accountant, ask if it's deductible, find out if it's the right time of the year to buy it, you know, obviously ways to write expenses off change every year. So talk to your accountant, if it's a large expense. But if we're talking about something quite small, like 100 bucks once a fortnight or once a month, don't get hung up on it, just just to save for tax. I love that you like that's what you guys are there for, like if anyone has any questions, they're not too sure. And they're like, Well, can we claim on this? And it's yes, it's a black and white. You're the Exactly, exactly. You know, we're not doing it on our own being like, Oh, I don't know, let's just try. Like you guys. That's your bread and butter. So that's actually that's super, super handy. For anyone out there that is just starting out or looking at getting an accountant. Let's move on to what kind of clients do you work with? Because I kind of touched on this before. And you did say that you not only work with people in the adult industry, but also our and you may also have connections outside of Australia. Yes. So share a little bit about that. So obviously, adult industry, we cater for everyone. We have the online content creators, we've got full service sex workers, we've got people that work in brothels and privates. And these would all look so different in themselves, wouldn't it? Yeah, their tax it would just be so diverse. But then also in reality, it's also the same it's all income and expenses do I mean well from our point of view, because we see it all day so like a tradie pretty much is cash and expenses same as an escort cash and expenses. So the concept of tax is very similar. But then we have you know, people that work at massage parlours, we have porn stars. We have a kami kami. and go over things. But then we have Yeah, but then we have our mainstream vanilla, you know, side of the business, which is just EBS group, which is what our tax agent licences under. So every time we launch something it says EBS group, it doesn't say imply industry, fine, okay, all our letterhead says EBS group, it doesn't say Empire industry, finance, because a lot of our clients are worried about it saying Empire industry finance, having a bank of Google that and then see, you know, it's sex workers. And obviously, you know, banks are notorious for not being sex worker friendly. So they want to hide as much as possible. So we do we everything else, our main businesses, EBS group, which if you look at our website, it's very vanilla. Very boring. But it's so beneficial. Yeah, so beneficial to switch I have a business name called Empire industry finance, which is, you know, the fun one, like, if you look at our Instagram, it is, yeah, it's all our clients are on there. It's just, it's a bit of fun. And it's time to make tax less serious, less boring. Also, the fact that we don't really do many in person appointments, because Gone are the days where you have to make an appointment at eight o'clock on a Thursday night to go sit down for an hour with your accountant for him to work in the turn. You don't need to do that, like tax in itself is quite simple. Unless you know you've got a farm or you know, you're doing something convoluted, but tax in itself is quite simple. It's income less expenses, profit pay tax on that. So we try to take the boring side out of it and try and make it very easygoing, very simple for our clients. I love the simple part. That's so important. Because yeah, it's you know, people don't think to keep receipts anymore. People don't think to keep records. So we try and do the majority of the work for you. Yeah, and we do that obviously, all electronically pretty much. Ah, so good. I absolutely love that. And when you touched on the other side of your business, so if anyone's listening, they're thinking, Oh, I have two companies or I've got another company or I'm working a traditional job and only a friend or my husband is working or my boyfriend. You're really multifaceted in that way where you can like kind of welcome oily types of businesses and partners and husbands Yes, very much. Yeah, we have a lot of partners come over once we get started just because I guess we have made the process quite simple. And it's a lot easier if you're doing both husband and wife or partner and partners tax returns, especially you know, next level if they start forming a company and they're both employees of that company or they're receiving dividends or the operator trust structure. Obviously it's easier if we're doing the whole group together. But yeah, we have the ABS side of things. We have trainees we have cafes, we have Beauty Salons we have whatever you want to think about we have yeah and all the things also yeah oh yes. We have farmers we have tractor businesses Yeah, well you can take on it you can take on my farm we have how many active when we got it all Yeah. Oh, I love that so much of it. This is just so exciting. And I'm sure there are lots of listeners are wondering about financial advice like you know, getting the advice because I know accounting and actually giving financial advice can be two different things but they can be merged together as well. So where do you guys sit with that with your clients? So from a professional standpoint, accountants cannot offer a specific statement of advice about financial planning like you should buy you know, Woolworths shares or you should buy Coca Cola shares something like that. However, we can definitely give the general advice where it's like hey, there are certain ways you can invest your money you know, whether it's in you know, a certain Vanguard platform or you know, calm pocket has a way to invest and these are just suggestions This is by no means actual advice. So we can definitely talk about how to manage your money what you should do with it, how much to put aside Term Deposit things like that. In general, however, we are actually Linda our founder is studying to be come a financial planner. Yes So by no fingers crossed, she's all done so we will be able to take her to that even that next level at the moment we are affiliated with someone but we thought we just start bringing it in house and really you know all those clients that are ready to take things to the next level we will be ready to go that's so exciting. It is exciting guys it just like the perfect package. So we have a she's not in house broker however she basically is we have a broker who has been doing Yes, industry workers loans for a long time now. It's so cool. She's now go to and the thing is, I don't know if any industry workers ever tried to go to a bank, but it is it is not easy for anyone in this industry to get a loan if they are open about what they do. Yeah, I'm actually going through the process now and it's affecting your night. Because they just immediately say no, yeah, so they're 1950 at the bank. Yeah. Oh, yeah. There are certain banks that obviously aren't Rocha has got very good relationships with now so she knows exactly what they're looking for. So she doesn't waste your time by going to you know con bank or going to Westpac who probably are not going to look at you, you might have more success, if you are getting a loan with someone else that is not in the industry. However, pretty much if you're a sole trader, and you are strictly 100%, in the industry, it's it's going to be just slightly harder for you to get a loan. And that was a reality. It's not fun. But in reality, I mean, look at what you guys are providing, like you're making it so much easier for a one stop shop. Yeah, I like to do. My next question was literally like, why is it so important to work with people in the industry who understand and you guys have just summed it up in this whole segment, like, you know, not only do you understand the industry, and you understand what can be claimed, and you're open, it's comfortable to talk about doulos and sex and collaboration, escorting you know, all these, you know, different elements of our job. But then also, you're a one stop shop of like, you know, if you want to go for a loan, your accountant can communicate with the broker, and you want financial advice, then you can go through that as well. And they can look at your tax returns and work from there. So it's like, I think I think what Tess and Linda have done from the start, is they keep finding holes that need the need something there. And it was first off finding it, you know, an accountant that did purely the adult industry. And now it's like, well, what else? What else can we do for them? You know, the banks, the banks are a problem. So let's get a broker. You know, we need to get financial advice. It's just always these building blocks. You guys are saving one sex worker at a time over here. Not all heroes. Oh, I love it. No, I know there'll be women listening from all over the place being like, I want to work with you guys. How do I work with you guys? So where do you serve? If that's what you say service? Or who can you work with in terms of clients? Can you work in the US New Zealand where you guys sitting so we obviously don't hold tax agent licences. In other countries we've been trying to find a New Zealand person to work with, we're still putting the feelers out to find the right fit. Because again, it takes a certain accountant to be able to work direct with the industry, you've got to understand it, you've got to be open minded, you know, even us as accountants, you know, we we have faced stigma from other accountants from other businesses not wanting to work with us because of who we serve as, yeah, so it's, you know, it's trying to find that right person that we actually want to promote. And so but however, we have made a really good connection with someone in the US, her instagram name has, I've lost it from my head right now. However, if you DM us on Instagram, we can send it to you. So she does what we do. She she actually targets just only fans, workers over there to do her to do the same stuff that we do. So and her Instagram is very good. It's like she's she's always on there, you know, giving out information. And you know, she's She does a lot more face out stuff than we do. We don't really show our faces on Instagram. But yeah, she's she's very good. So DM us on Empire underscore underscore industry. Yeah, I will send you her name. And I'll put your Instagram in the notes. Amazing. Yeah, that would be great. Yeah. So listeners can just go and click and go straight into your inbox, which I'm sure there'll be so many of them in there, because you guys are just wonderful. And also, just to know, even if you don't want to take the step to, you know, booking for a call, or you don't need a tax return done, just go to our website, because we have a section called the Learning Hub, where we actually have so many free resources that we've created for you with frequently asked questions, tax deductions, booklets, tax guides, there's money saving checklist things on there, there's actually a lot we've put on there, which we probably don't promote as much as we should. Because you can get a lot of information, you can learn the language, and start looking at the basics just by heading to our website. So go ahead, and I'll share that on honeys making money as well. Because everyone's always coming there asking and if they don't pick it up from the these wonderful podcasts that you put out there. I'll put on there as we all need to know this. Like we want to set ourselves up for the future and longevity in our business and make sure we're not shooting ourselves in the foot. Definitely. And just know we have so many clients that are getting their car loans, they're getting their houses, they're getting their investment properties, they're setting up companies, they they are making it work for them. So it's not yes, it's not impossible. And also it's not a side hustle. You can really make a career out of this industry. And yet could because we have literally seen it I've seen people come to us with eight years of tax returns outstanding. They've never watched anything. We've brought them up to date. They've accepted they've got a tax debt, they've chipped away, they've paid it off, and now they're getting their car loans and their houses and everything. So yeah, it's really exciting. You guys are Amazing. Okay, so final piece of wisdom for our listeners today, if you guys can give them a little bit of like one thing to leave them on around tax, what would that be? Look, I guess just don't don't give up. If you are in a position where you haven't launched tax returns, if you have a huge texted, if things are not looking good, just don't, don't bury your head in the sand, give us a call, because look, a lot of the time we are like money therapists like, we will have very deep and meaningful with our clients just about how hard it is to actually try and run your own business, let alone understand tax deal with money, you know, you may have grown up in a way where you you know, you spent everything you had or you didn't have money or you had a lot of money, and now you have no money. So just honestly give us a call and talk to us. Like we understand people get very anxious around money and around taxes. And we are there to make it simple and help you even if it is just you know, we offer free 10 Minute Calls. So even if it is just to book in and kind of be like, Oh, I'm so overwhelmed. I don't know what I am doing. And I'm severely worried that I'm gonna go to jail, which has never happened. have said that. I could imagine Yes, yeah. Because money is they're terrified. They're terrified. Yeah. And nine out of 10 times, it's not as bad. They never go to jail. Yeah, but nine out of 10 times, it's not really that bad. It's just in their head because they're scared of it. Yeah. And having you guys on their side and on their team as well. Just got to like talk to us, though. Sometimes it's hard to face and you don't want to face it and you sort of don't want to look at it. You don't want to see what's going on, shove it under the carpet. But you know, then they come up with tests and then immediately they just feel better. Yeah, good. Look at you guys. Thank you so so much for joining us today and sharing your wisdom. And also I just love all the free resources you guys are putting out there. Jumping on here sharing your tips like you guys are just doing wonders. I really appreciate you coming on and I will pop all your links in the show notes. As you fantastic. Thank you very much. Thank you Bye