Honeys Makin' Money

Top 20 Mistakes When Building Your OnlyFans Business (Part 1) πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ

β€’ Honeyy Brooks β€’ Season 2 β€’ Episode 31

In today's episode, Honeyy dives into the first part of an essential two-part series, exploring the top 20 mistakes creators make when building their OnlyFans business.

With Honeyy being among the top 0.02% earners worldwide, she's seen and done it all. Whether you're just starting or looking to refine your strategy, this episode is packed with valuable insights.

Episode Highlights

πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ Comparison is the Thief of Joy
Learn why comparing yourself to other creators can hinder your progress and steal your happiness.

πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ Aligning Your Business with Your Values
Understand the importance of staying true to your values and how this alignment can build a loyal fanbase.

πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
Hear Honeyy's advice on managing stress and avoiding burnout by not getting bogged down by minor issues.

πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ Know Your Niche
The significance of identifying and targeting a specific niche.

πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ Consistency is KEY
Learn why consistency in content creation and engagement is crucial for success.

Don't forget to tune in next week for Part 2, where Honeyy will reveal the remaining mistakes to avoid and provide more expert advice to help you thrive on OnlyFans.

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Hello, happy Monday. I hope you've all had such an incredible weekend. You are slaying Monday and ready to take on the week ahead. I'm excited for this episode because I am going to be jumping into the top 20 only fans mistakes you can make. Now you can implement this into any part of the adult industry that is online. Fans, many vids, whatever that may look like. And some of these tips will even help just a generic online business as well. So if that is suited to anyone listening, stay plugged in because I'm going to share the top things that I have learned along the way that I wish someone shared with me in terms of not making this mistake and learning it early on. And also from observing new creators in the industry that express they wish they knew this earlier on. So I've kind of put all of that knowledge together and bringing you guys a top 20. So let's jump in with number one. Also, I've left the best allow. So make sure you listen all the way to number 20 because number 20 is the best. So number one is comparing. Oof, okay, we're starting off pretty strong here. Comparison is the thief of joy. Now, I don't care if it is your day one, if it is your day 100, 1000, whatever that looks like, you cannot compare yourself to anyone in the industry. Whether that is where they are in the business, how many followers they have, what they look like, how successful they are, how they're running their business, you cannot compare because as soon as you start comparing yourself, you're going to lose your true identity and what you're really building. your brand around and you will get into the mindset of just sitting there and everything you see is just I'm not good enough I'm not that good I'm not there yet and I know because I've been there I've been there and I've had to acknowledge it and move out of that space because it is such an unhealthy space to build business from it's bitter it's not enjoyable it's no and your consumers and your peers can really really feel the energy when you're in that space of comparing yourself so please whatever you do be self -aware of when you are doing this pull yourself up on it and just remind yourself it is normal like sometimes I still catch myself being like oh my gosh she's doing so amazing like I wish my business and I'm like whoa whoa whoa hold on like hold on girlfriend so make sure you're aware of it Pull yourself up when you do it. Don't be harsh on yourself because we all, you know, our mind slips every now and then, but just be aware of it on how you can flip that, how you can flip comparing yourself to maybe collaborating with that person. Instead of comparing yourself, look at them as inspiration. So not competition, but inspiration. In terms of, wow, that woman has 100 ,000 followers, that is incredible. If she can do it, I can. She's making $100 ,000 a month. That is amazing. If she can do it, I can do it. So use it as inspiration, not comparing your day one to somebody else's day 100. Number two is no self belief. This is such a biggie. And it is really, really detrimental to the journey of your business. I mean, we'll touch on a few more things throughout the top 20, but self belief really ties into a lot of these points because if you truly don't believe in yourself, if you don't believe you can make an online business successful, if you don't believe you should be here, if you don't believe you can make good content, if you don't believe you look good in front of a camera, well, you're fucked. And that's all it is to it. You really, really need to instill that self belief. And this takes work. This takes work to believe in yourself. And there are so many different ways people can instill this within themselves. For me, I know for me to believe in myself, I go out and I do it and I prove I can. I prove I can. So if I say, I just feel like I don't believe that I can get X amount a month, I go, right, let's strip that back. Let's prove that I can and let's strip that back. What does X look like a month? How many viral videos does that look like a month? How many videos does that look like a month? How much content? does that mean that I've got to create a month? And that's really working backwards from there. So whenever I feel like I don't believe that I can make it, I strip it back and be like, right, well, let's do it. Like you can do it and you will do it. It's just putting one step in front of the other. And for me, that's how I really build myself belief because doing is building my belief. Getting there and just moving forward and climbing that hill, no matter how fast it is, is believing in myself and going down that journey. So whatever it is for you that you need to do to believe in yourself and instill that confidence that you are going to make it, that you are going to hit your goals, figure it out and go get it. Number three is when your business is not aligned with your values. Whoo, I could talk about this all day. I really, really could. I'm not going to, because I'm sure you don't have all day. But if you don't know your core values, I highly, highly encourage you to go and do your core values test. You can get any online, you can Google what values are, and there are some sheets and some programs that help you break down what your core values are. If you don't know your top three to five instantly, then you're not gonna know if your business is aligned with that. And your core values is what makes you, it's what lights you up. You feel your best when you are completely aligned with them. So go and have a look, figure out what your top three to five are. Sometimes even 10, like sometimes it's too hard to narrow it down, at least get 10 to five, nailed so you know what it is, and have a look, does your business align with this? And not so much in a whole, but look at areas. Look at areas that it may not be aligned, like is it not aligning with freedom? So for instance, for me, one of my top values is family and adventure. And for me, this business is so aligned with my values because it allows me to spend more time with my family. It allows me to work from home around my family. It also allows me to have the time and money freedom to go on adventures with my family and create experiences and enjoy them with my loved ones. So for me, the business really, really aligns with my values. There are a lot more that I can dig into for my values, but I know that it aligns with it. There are particular parts of the business that don't align with my values, so I choose not to do it in a certain way, or I do it in a different way to ensure it is aligned with me. So as soon as you understand that, as soon as you recognize that, then you can absolutely ace your business and go for gold because you're so aligned with what you're doing, like it's speaking your language. Number four is sweating the small stuff. And this is just so crucial to staying on track with your business. And when I first started my business, I was absolutely here, you know, a sub would say something that I didn't agree with, or I would get a payback on one of my PPVs and one of the subs have withdrawn their money and it's gone back into their account. Things like that would happen. And I would just be like, oh, this is so frustrating. Like that's so unfair. That guy got to watch my porn and now he has charged it back and he's got the money and he got my porn for free. Like, why does OnlyFans allow this? Like, why does that happen? And... You know, I can go on this tangent. I can really sit in that and then the next minute it's ruining my day, it's ruining my mindset, it is ruining my productivity, it is ruining moving forward with my week. And in hindsight, while yes, it may be frustrating that that does happen, but it is small. When you are working towards building a really, really big business, that is the small stuff. So you've got to learn to shrug it off. You've got to learn not to dwell in the small stuff and go, okay, whatever, tomorrow's a new day. Let's just keep pumping them out. Like, let's just keep going. I'm sure another sub will buy an extra video today that will compensate for that. So it's just having that mindset of being like, this is small, I'm not gonna let this be a hurdle. Let's keep going. Number five is trying to appeal to everyone with your brand. And I've spoken about this on previous episodes, but I really wanna bring it a light. I really wanna bring it to light again because it is so detrimental to your business when you are literally just giving little bits to everyone. You're spreading yourself thin and you're like, yep, I will be the girlfriend next door. I'll be the milf, I'll be the cougar. I will be the beach girl. I will be absolutely everyone. Like if you like it, it's me. And in hindsight, what you're trying to do is obviously have a wider audience, but you're really, really punishing your business because you don't have a targeted audience. You don't have a niche. So this means right throughout your whole business, from your social media to your only fans, nothing is going to connect. Social media, your platforms, they're not gonna know who to show you to because they have no idea who your audience is. So when you go viral or when accounts go viral online, it's because Instagram or TikTok, they know, okay, right. This video needs to be... to go out to this audience because this is the kind of content that this creator creates and this is the type of audience that enjoys that kind of content. So when you are trying to do that on a large scale and appeal to everyone, you're gonna get shadow banned because the Instagram or TikTok is gonna put you in the two -hour basket and be like, we have no fucking idea what she's trying to do. We have no idea who wants to see her stuff. So we're just gonna not show it to anyone. And it will follow through to your OnlyFans as well. It will follow through to people coming to your page because they've seen you in a beach bikini or they thought you were a beach girl and they've come to your OnlyFans page and it's talking about you being a cougar or a milf or whatever it is. And there's such disconnect because you're trying to be there. appeal to different people. As soon as you understand your niche, as soon as you understand the audience you appeal to, you'll have a higher success rate ongoing viral. And when you go viral, you'll have a higher conversion rate because when you're going viral, you're touching people that want to see you. You are touching your targeted audience. So when they come to your page and they see your brand, it is basically a no brainer for them because you are their type of girl. Number six is working on your mindset. So I'm a big believer in this across the board, whether you are a business owner or you're not, if you're in early fans, whatever it looks like, I truly believe that your mind is your biggest asset. It's your biggest tool in life. When you approach anything, when you wake up in the morning, you approach the day, you have hurdles, you have confrontation with other people, whatever that looks like, your mindset is going to be able to control a lot of what you are doing and thinking, acting like emotionally, absolutely everything. So if you don't take time to invest into that, then you will really suffer in the long run. You won't have the discipline, you won't have the resilience. There are a lot of things that you're going to come up against that your mindset will get shaky. So look at your day, break it down. Where can you plug your ears into podcasts on the way to work on the train? You're listening to this podcast already, which is amazing. So after this one, go and find a podcast that you really, really enjoy. I actually listened to the mindset mentor by Rob Dial and he does like 15, 20 minutes snippet podcasts that are all built around mindset. And I love them. Like he's sharp. He's like he just gets in there he says it how it is and then he leaves and for me being a busy mom I need that like I need like 15 20 minutes where I can get my burst of working on my personal development of working on my mindset and he is honestly really amazing for me I know that there are other podcasts out there that are a lot longer form there are incredible women who host them who have just done incredible things with their life and they have all this knowledge to share with you so go and have a look and plug in where you can read some books if books are your thing whatever that looks like understand how you enjoy to learn how you enjoy to expand your mind for me like I said it's podcast for you it might be books it might be yoga and meditating whatever that is for you figure it out and go and do it number seven is reading negative comments. So this is kind of off the back of number six anyway, but your mindset while building a business is crucial. If it slips, if it sways, then that's when your business is going to go downhill. You can pretend you can say, yeah, I'm fine. I'm good. And I'm just going to keep carrying on. But at the end of the day, if you can't deal with what's going on exterior to you and what's going on outside, then it's going to have a really, really big effect. So this is even outside of reading comments. It's real negativity in general. I actually want to reword that. It's read its negativity in general. So that includes and I know it's going to sound harsh, but that includes anyone in your family, your close friends, any friends on social media or friends or friends on social media that want to talk shit, say shit, leave negative comments, say sly things, be sarcastic, whatever that may be. You do not need that in your life. Your energy is to be protected. You cannot build a business with people draining your energy and being negative around you. They will bring you down with them. So make sure that you're really, really conscious of who your community is and what it looks like. And I know this sounds super scary, but never ever be afraid to just cut those people out that aren't those good energy. If you need to strip out all the negativity in your life, and that means it's just you, that is amazing because that's a brand new fresh start. Like go out and see who in the industry has the same vibe as you. There are so many positive, inspiring women in the industry. Link hands with them and run because you want to be in their circle. And that's also reading comments on your TikTok. That's reading comments on your Instagram. if you know you're going to get a little bit shaky and you're going to get affected by these comments and there's nothing wrong with that. I don't wanna make anyone feel like that if they're reading comments and they're affected by it that it's wrong because it's absolutely not. We're all human, I still read comments and I've just got to turn off my phone, have a little moment and then come back to work because we're all human, right? It affects us at some stage to some extent. But to sit in your comments all the time is so detrimental to your mindset, to your well -being and just keeping your mind on track. So make sure that you aren't reading those comments if you know you're already in one of a shaky mood. Don't read the comments, don't surround yourself with those negative people and just be prepared to start fresh and build quality, not quantity. I think the order that I have become quality is so, so important. And you absolutely will find them once you get the leeches out. Number eight is not being consistent on your socials. When I started and I started to build my business and I did a lot of training programs, I was basically clinging on to anyone that was doing well, anyone that was offering any kind of information. I was asking questions, I was watching people. Even back before I started OnlyFans, when I was in my network marketing business and there were really successful women there, I kept asking like, what's the bloody secret? And if I had a dollar for every time I heard consistency, especially in network marketing, would have already been a millionaire. And it's not until you be 110% consistent for such a long period, do you go, yeah, okay, it's consistency. So if you're not consistent with your brand on your socials with your business, I'm sorry to tell you, you are not going to build an empire. And if you don't want to build an empire, that is absolutely fine. Like if you're hustling three other jobs and this is a part-time job, that's cool. Like do what you can do in your part -time. But I feel like everyone listening to this episode is here because they want to hustle, because they want to build that really, really big, business and consistency is key. For two and a half years, I never missed a day posting on my social media, on my stories and on my feed. I was going ham, same with my TikTok. I was just absolutely going crazy. I'm now three years in and I'm still posting. I'm still posting every single day. I'm still posting to my story. And it didn't happen straight away, but as you compound that and as you get momentum from being. consistent and you continue to be consistent it does end up coming back twofold now within saying that there are a lot of other aspects as well that does come into it which I can spend a whole episode on the type of content you are creating what you're putting out there the lighting your hooks what you're saying at the start how long your videos are so yes there is a lot of aspects to it but at the end of the day if you're not staying consistent then it's not going to go anywhere for you I always think when I wake up and I think I can't be bothered posting on my socials I can't be bothered doing anything today or I can't be bothered you know doing a TikTok I always think what happens if today's the day it goes viral like what happens if I'm one more post away from going viral and I didn't post and with that mindset I'm literally like yeah fuck I'm gonna post And it honestly only takes a couple of seconds to do so and it's getting into the habit. Once you are super consistent, it becomes a really good habit and you just kind of do it anyway. So if you feel like your consistency does slip, just say to yourself, what happens if this is the day that I go viral? And then if it's not, well, you're one day closer to that viral video. Like you're literally one day or one video closer to that viral video. If you didn't post it, you'd be way behind. So if someone said to you, post 100 videos and on your 100th video, you'll go viral, you would post for 100 days. So it's just having that mindset that viral video will come, but it's not gonna come if you don't post. Number nine is I think this whole show should be built about this. Number nine is authenticity and not showing up as your true self. I have spoken about this a lot and I will speak about this until the cows come home. And if you are honestly just not showing up as yourself, who you are, then you will build a business, but I truly, truly believe you can't build a successful, enjoyable business that you absolutely adore. It's also gonna be really, really difficult to do so. So strip back everything, have a look at what makes you you, what makes you quirky, unique, whatever that looks like and just show up as that because people can feel it. People can feel your energy when you are you, when you are unapologetically you and you have no shame around that and that's how you're gonna build your business. You will attract people as well. Like when you show up as who you truly are, you're going to attract your people. So you're gonna attract creators that wanna collab with you that are on the same vibe as you. You're gonna create subscribers that are similar. to you or have the same hobbies or outlook on life you end up building your own community of like -minded people and it's the coolest thing ever like if you're pretending to be someone else and you are attracting people that you really have nothing in common with or they are attracted to this false version of you well then it's not a really enjoyable way to build business and it's hard like it's so hard to build business pretending to be completely someone different. Number 10 is attempting to do it all on your own. I was actually having a conversation before with my accountant and we're just saying that it is next to not that it can't be done it can be but if you want some kind of life outside of OnlyFans it is next to impossible building your online business all on your own so don't be ashamed to ask for help don't be ashamed to look out there and see what you can do to free up some time. And that can be any aspect of your life. That might be you are going to get a subscription -based meal plan that gets delivered. It might be you get a cleaner. It might be you hire someone for your social media. It might be someone helping you post to your OnlyFans feed. Whatever that looks like for you to free up time, I honestly encourage you to do that, to outsource, invest into your business. Like yes, it's going to be a cost, but it is investing into your business. And with the time you get back, I truly believe you should enjoy some of it because you don't want to work yourself into the ground. But with part of the time you do get back, pour that into money -making activities. Like whatever makes you the most money, whatever is working, whether that's if customs are making you the most money at the moment, if recording content for TikTok or Instagram is making you the most money at the moment, if doing OnlyFans live shows or going live on TikTok is the best money -making task for you, then pour your time back into that because you're going to build your business more when you outsource, when you ask people to help, whether that's, like I said, get Ask Nana or Nanny or Herve B, can you watch the kids? I need to do this. So it looks different for everyone, but don't be afraid to ask for help. Oh my goodness, I am thinking I'm going to get 20 done. So I feel like I'm feeling a part two. Ladies, I am feeling like a part two to this podcast. So I hope you enjoyed the top 10. I hope the top 10 have helped give you some ideas for the next week to stay consistent, build your business, work on your mindset, don't sweat the small. staff absolutely everything and stay tuned because next week I will go into the next 10 which I think are really really exciting number 20 is something that I'm super passionate about which is why I left for last but just to recap number one is comparing don't compare yourself to anyone number two is no self -belief and make sure you build up that self belief and really really believe that this business is for you and that it's going to work three your business is not aligned with your values go figure out what your values are and go figure out where in your business may not be aligned and if there are any changes you can make to align it for don't sweat the small stuff number five don't try to appeal to everyone number six is not working on your mindset so make sure you start doing that number seven is negativity and washing everyone out that is not good for you don't read negative comments and all of that Number eight is not being consistent. Number nine is show up as your true self and number 10 is don't attempt to do it all on your own. Thanks again for tuning in for another week. That is a mouthful and a half. I will see you guys next week, bye.