Honeys Makin' Money

OnlyFans Account Deletion - Do you own your brand?? 🤔💻

• Honeyy Brooks • Season 1 • Episode 15

This week on the pod, Honeyy is coming at you with some some real talk. OF is developing a reputation for deleting accounts willy nilly (sorry, had to be done) so Honeyy is unpacking some essential insights about brand ownership, marketing, and building a community to ensure you're safe if the worst does happen. 

Trust me, this is a must-listen for any fellow content creators out there.

Episode Highlights

🤔 Why not jump ship to another platform?

Honeyy's got some answers that'll make sure you're making an informed decision either way.

🤔 Tips to help you flip your mindset and stop operating from a place of fear

It's all about empowerment and Honeyy's got your back on this one.

🤔 Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket

Brand focus, babes. It's the name of the game. Honeyy tells you why putting all your eggs in one basket is risky business. Time to think bigger.

🤔 Why it’s important to wide and deep. It's not what you're thinking!

Let's talk about spreading your wings and getting that online presence locked down. Having good width and depth across marketing platforms is like a digital safety net.

🤔 Building a community and why it’s crucial

Creating a community isn't just about sharing content; it's about building a loyal squad who's got your back when you need to pivot.

🤔 Market based on your brand, not on your product

It's all about marketing your brand, not just your product. 

This episode is full of juicy insights about why owning your brand in this ever-changing digital world is absolutely crucial. From someone in the trenches, Honeyy is spilling that tea and sharing the wisdom that comes from being in the trenches of content creation.

If you haven't already, make sure you head to the Honeys' Makin' Money website to download your FREE e-book, Honeyy's Top 10 Only Fans Tips to make Bank! Download HERE

Thank you for tuning in to another episode! If you loved it, please do us a solid and rate and review the podcast as it helps these tips to reach a wider audience. Don't forget to take a screenshot and share to your stories tagging @honeysmakinmoney_ with your favourite moment from this episode.

Until next time honeys! Keep makin' that money!


Hello and welcome back to another week of honeys making money. Now I do want to pre warn or you vapours that are listening today, I have a serious case of hay fever. I am so nasally and so snotty. So I do apologise jumping into this, but I really wanted to jump on today and share some things with you and just thought, Do you know what I'm not going to hold back, I don't care that I sound nasally and then I have a little bit of a cold, we are going to get this killer advice out there. So thank you so much for putting up with me and my gross nose today. Something else I want to share with you guys is recording a podcast is nowhere near as easy as what I thought it was going to be living on a farm. I really underestimated recording a podcast and not having a studio. I'm recording this from my couch. And we've actually changed location a few times just because of echoes. My animals drive me absolutely wild. I mean, I love them all to death, but they'll drive me wild I'm trying to record. I've got dogs barking in the background. I've got Chuck's plucking at me like cats meowing at the door. I've got the horses running around the paddock, because they're green, and spring, I've got cows mooing in the background, and there's just all sorts of madness going on. Thank the bloody stars that I have the best producer in the world, shout out to you, man, you do an amazing job. But thank you so much to everyone that listens. And if you hear something going on in the background, please just ignore it. It's probably one of my dogs going feral, or a farm animal just screaming at me because they're hungry. Okay, I want to jump into today's episode. And this is a little bit of a different tone, I want to really get into only fans, deleting accounts, and the absolute chaos that is going on at the moment. So if you're new to the industry, and this is the first that you're hearing about this, don't worry, this is not something to panic over. In fact, it's probably a really great insight into what you may face down the track. And in my opinion, if you're already armed up and you're ready to go and you're educated on it, then you are miles ahead of us creators at the moment. We're just really trying to figure out where do we stand at the moment? Where are we sitting with our business with only fans and basically them doing whatever the fuck they want. So just a little bit of a background only fans is deleting creators left, right and centre. Now this has been happening for a while. But we're seeing in the last few months, the numbers are growing catastrophically. And unfortunately, many times the creators aren't at fault. I know creators personally. And I've seen many, many Twitter posts about creators losing their accounts at no fault of their own. Even after numerous efforts to contact support, they get no answers. And the rug has basically been pulled from underneath them, which in my opinion is a fucking bullshit. Now I know this podcast is all about only fans and how to build a successful business on the platform. And well, yes, it is a great way to build an income and set yourself up and potentially build your dream life. But unfortunately, the company itself and how they choose to handle the situation, it's an absolute embarrassment. And there's a big sense of creators not feeling supported, they are basically on a ball and chain just trying to run their business, crossing their fingers and hoping they'll fly under the radar. And it's just not a nice way to build a business. So I do really want to reinstate that I do believe only fans is a great platform. And it is a great choice when you are looking at building your online business in this industry. I have done many episodes previously about only fans. And this one is going to be a little bit of a con which I think you do need to be fully educated. There needs to be awareness around this and if you are new and considering Oh, should I join, you do need to know that your business is not always safe, especially on only fans. So this is something to take into consideration. Now if you're new here or you might not be in the industry, you're probably thinking well why not go somewhere else? Like why are you picking only fans if they don't look after their creators and they are just deleting businesses left right and centre? Why not go somewhere else? And the simple fact is that unfortunately, and I say to the head on Fortunately, only fans is the superior platform when it comes to users. In fact, there are 210 million users on the platform. And when we look at competitors like fans, Li, they have around 100 million users. Well, that sounds like a lot. Only fans is still superior in the fact that it is really a household name. Like it's known for sex work. When we think about a woman working online in the industry, only fans is the first thing that comes to their mind, in a sense, we are kind of pushed into a corner because they honestly cannot be beaten with the traffic that goes to the site, they can't be beaten with subscriber count, and they honestly can't be beaten with the brand and the name they've built for themselves. Now, this is not to say you shouldn't start a fancy UI or many vids, or whatever platform of your choice. But if you are choosing a platform, you want to make a shit tonne of money on the quickest. In my opinion, it's only fans. So only fans is been a deck. And unfortunately, I just don't see them changing their ways. anytime soon. Even back before I started, only fans and I was doing research on the company and the business and the structure. There was things out there then. And I'm talking three years ago about women not owning their business and how only fans was treating their creators. So back then, even when I was doing my research, only fans didn't care for their creators, and it still hasn't changed. So what can we do? Get together, make a big stance, move over to another platform like Yeah, sure. I mean, we could we could all get together and say, Fuck you only fans, we don't like the way you treat your creators, we're all gonna go somewhere else. But the harsh truth is that it wouldn't even rock them slightly. Like if they're willingly pushing creators off the platform, I doubt a few more dropping off is really going to change their mind and their attitude. So how do we control this? How do we control what only fans is going to do? Honestly, we can't. And that's just it. So instead of trying to control the situation, we have absolutely no control over. I want to give you some tips and advice that has helped me with my business and growth mindset. During this time. I feel in the community at the moment that there is a big scarcity vibe, and I completely understand where that is coming from. Like everything I just said it is fucking scary. It is scary that potentially at any stage, you could wake up one morning, and your account your business that you have been building over the last 12 months 2345 years has completely been wiped off the face of the earth. Not only that you are trying to reach out to the people who have wiped you for answers and try to rectify any issues. And they refuse to give you any answers to if it's a permanent ban, why you've been banned. And if you're ever going to get your account back. So yeah, it is terrifying. And it is your business. But what I want to do today is go into some things that will really help strengthen your business. And I'll go into that a little bit later in the episode about how you can really own your business and control your business. But for the moment, I feel some creators are building their business from a place of fear, they're building their business like they are going to run out of time that at any stage, they are just going to disappear off the face of the earth. It's rushed, it's felt through the screen. And honestly, it turns into a big sales pitch because you don't have time on your side or you believe you don't have time on your side and you're scrambling. And in all honesty, building your business from this space is more detrimental than anything only fans could ever do. So let's work on our business from a brand perspective. And let's flip our mindset a little bit to help anyone that does feel like that they are scrambling a little bit and that they do have that scarcity mindset and building a business from a place of fear. The first thing I want you to recognise is that only fans actually does nothing for you. In terms of marketing, let that sink in for a second. Only fans does nothing which means every single subscriber you have air The hard on your page, you and you alone have generated this. So take the power back. When you feel only fans has a hold over you remind yourself that only fans is honestly just the platform that your brand and your business is utilising as a third party to generate the income. If that third party disappears, your business does not now only fans doesn't put you out there, they don't put you on a for you page, they don't push your pages to any subscribers, they don't share you on their social media. Only fans does jack shit for your business, you do all the work. So remember and remind yourself this, only fans is not the business you are the business, you are the marketer, you are the creator, you are the brand. So take your power back from only fans don't let them have this invisible power over you. Like they do so much for you. Because really all they do is go, Hey, here's a platform, you can use it we're taking 20%. And also you might wake up one day, and we're going to delete your account. And we won't tell you why. So if you literally strip everything back and look at it like that, well you don't need only fans, they are a great platform to utilise and use while you can. And this now brings me to your brand. And I want you to look at your brand right now and ask yourself, do you own your brand. And what I mean by this is are you dictating which platforms, maybe like only fans have a hold over your brand. And essentially have the final say what I mean by this is not putting all your eggs in one basket. And we've heard this analogy before. But I want you to really, really look at your brand as eggs. And if you are looking at your brand at the moment as one big, shiny golden egg, and you're so proud of it, you're like, Oh, look how beautiful she is I love it. Well, you may not be branding, or running your business and your brand at the best capacity. Because what you want to be doing is having hundreds of little beautiful shiny little golden eggs everywhere, the little eggs are going to have such a big impact. And they're gonna really have the same if not more impact as the big egg. So this is how you strengthen your brand. And I want you to think about as if you've got one big egg, you can only put that egg in one place. If you've got hundreds you can pop those eggs up salutely everywhere. So for example, let's look at your social media. If you look at your social media and your vetting your social media, do you have one big shiny egg? That might be a really, really big Instagram account. Or it might be a really big tick tock account, or it might be one of each. And that is your egg at the moment. You're like, Yes, I'm fucking killing it. I've got a huge Instagram account, I've got a huge tic tock account. This is amazing. I love it. Now, if this is the case, you don't own your brand. I'm telling you right now, those social media platforms own your brand, they have you by the balls. Because at any stage you can wake up and your big shiny egg has been absolutely crushed by Instagram or Tiktok they're going to take away your biggest platform and say you you're not welcome back here, goodbye, I'm gonna delete you. Now, probably six months ago, when accounts were getting deleted, it was much easier to get them back. Now what we're seeing is that a lot more accounts are getting deleted more often. And it is really really difficult to get them back. So your, your brand, your big shiny egg has now disappeared and you have to start from scratch. Now mentally, that is not a good place to be. business wise, not a great place to be at. So what you want to look at your social media, because this is your marketing, right? This is your bread and butter to building a really great business. It's your marketing. Now what you want to look at is how wide and deep is your brand, how wide and deep is your marketing. I'm jumping in here for a hot second to let you guys know I am giving away a free one on one coaching sessions every single month throughout my podcast. I'm really excited to be working with some more creators on a more personal level. So if you want in on this, make sure you go and hit follow, leave a star review, screenshot it and send it to our Instagram account. If you want extra points into the drawer, go and leave a review on your Instagram account and tag us in it. I am so We're excited to see who wins this month and who I get to work with. Okay, now, back to the good stuff. As I mentioned before, if you only have one Instagram account, and one tick tock account and you are writing that bloody wave, that's amazing. But when that wave crashes, what are you going to do? Now, I'm not talking about having one backup account. And I do see this a lot in the industry. We have really big accounts, we've got one backup account. And this backup account is just in the bio or it's sitting there. And basically, it's, it's not even used, it's just to catch people that may want to go follow another account of yours. So what happens is you're not building that backup account. It's kind of just there as you being like, Oh, if I lose it, people will know where to find me, but you're not actively advertising on it. So once again, this is not building your business, wide and deep. Now I'm going to share something with you guys that may scare you a little bit and be like hell no, like I have a life I can't do this. I have over I haven't counted exactly, but I will say I have over 30 social media accounts. I have over 10 Instagram accounts, I have over 10 Tik Tok accounts. I am so, so wide on my social media because I understand the power in owning my brand. So for instance, I'll use my Instagrams as example, out of my 10 Instagram accounts are five of them, I have over 30,000 followers. So I have five strong Instagram accounts, and they range from 30,000 40,050 over 100,000. Now, these accounts I have been building continuously since I started my business. So when you look at your social media, what you want to be doing is widening your marketing. Now when I mean with I mean platforms, so you want to look at what platforms you can get on are you on Facebook? Are you on YouTube? Are you on tick tock? You on Instagram? Are you on? clapa? Are you on Twitter? Are you on Reddit? Where are you, if you're on tour those platforms, you are not wide enough in your marketing, those platforms are in your brand, you want to be able to tap into as much audience as you can. Now that's your within your marketing business. Now we want to look at depth and depth is the number of accounts that you have. So if you kind of draw it out, you'll have your Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, Twitter account, whatever it may be. Now your depth as you start to go down will be how many tiktoks? Do you have? How many Instagrams Do you have? How many Facebook's Do you have? Now with me, I am deep in all of them. This sounds very sexual. I am deep in all of them. Because I understand that in this industry, especially, we're going to get white, and we are never safe. So I understand from a business point of view, I'm never ever ever going to put my business in a situation where one platform has such a big hold over me that they dictate my business. No fucking way there is no way I am letting a singular platform dictate my whole business dictate my income, especially when they are banning and deleting sex workers. So I make sure that I have multiple accounts across multiple areas. Now I know this is more work, but you want to be able to put yourself in a position where you own your brand, where you are in control of your brand. You lose one account, that's fine. I'm going to pivot over here and start building that one. This one now gone. Okay, cool. I'm going to build up another one. But I know I've got five others over here that are doing really well. You want to spread yourself. So you are getting subscribers and fans coming from all different areas. These are your eggs, these your little eggs that you're putting everywhere, because no platform can take away 100 eggs, they can take away one big shiny egg, but not 100 little eggs and make them 200 300 Like get that brand out there, own that brand and duplicate it. And I promise you that once you start to build your marketing and your brand wide and deep, you will stop building your business from fear because you understand well I own my brand. If I lose this account, that's fine because I have so many backup options. I'm building my backup options and I'm working really hard across so many different platforms. So another thing I want you to ask yourself is what are you marketing? So we've spoken about brand and owning your brand and being wide and deep. But now with your brand, how are you going to market and what are you going to market so right now? You marketing only fans? Are you directing people straight to your end point Are out a URL events? Or are you building your brand with you? Now this is such an important question to ask. And it might not be really clear which one you're doing. So I'll help you break it down. So marketing, just your product, which is only fans looks like going viral on tick tock having an Instagram that people are just following you on, you've just got your link in your bio. And every story you do is I'm online, come chat to me or head to my link in my bio, my only fans is on special. This is just marketing your product. You're doing thirst traps, you are just talking about the link in your bio. This is marketing a product. But marketing your brand looks like adding to your stories, sharing about your day uploading insight, sharing your values, what makes you happy building relationships, interacting with fans asking lots of questions, talking to fans doing some behind the scenes stuff. This is where people are buying into you. And this is where people are loving you. So really evaluate, are you marketing the product? Or are you marketing your brand. So why is marketing your brand and not your product so important? Well, community, you are building a community of fans who enjoy you, they enjoy your company, they love your personality, your thoughts, your activities, all of these things. And this becomes important when you pivot. If you have a strong brand, and a strong community or strong following, when you pivot in your business your fans will follow. So for example, let's say in the online industry, we see lots of entrepreneurs, we see lots of influencers. So let's stick with a fitness model. Okay, now a fitness model, they may start off their Instagram account, sharing healthy recipes, and they're starting to get a little bit of a following. Then they start selling a fitness programme, then as their brand builds, they move their business into completely different areas. Like fashion, I've seen some influencers move into the fashion into business coaching into creating their own home wares, etc. So they're fans are following them. And they support them every time they pivot. Because they've been on a journey with them, they feel like they know them personally, they enjoy their content. And that is the power of brand. They are following that creator or that influencer because they have a connection with them. They like them for whatever reason it may be they value their opinions, they value their recommendations, they go on and follow them because there's little things about how they talk or their smile or their personality, how they laugh, they're attracted to that in a sense. And that's the power of brand. So if that fitness model just shared a direct link to her recipes, and nothing else, like if you at the start came to her page, and there was just a link there, she never did any story she hardly posted there was just a link there of her recipes. And you went and looked at her recipes, she absolutely would not have the following and the business she does today. Because it was just the product, people were only there for the product, they will only there to get a free recipe. So to keep people sticking around to keep people following you. When you pivot you work on your brand, you build your business from your brand, you don't build your business from your product. Now touching on what I said before with widening your brand, this app salutely also applies to your business platform. So once again, we don't want to be putting our one big, shiny egg into one basket that's giving power to that singular platform to control your business. You want to have multiple options and building multiple platforms up. Definitely not as many as your marketing accounts. But in terms of your business account, so your only fans platform, and where you will be building your business and making your money. You want at least two solid platforms you're working on now with marketing go widen as deep as you possibly can. In terms of your business platforms. You really need to nurture these ones, but you need options. So don't spread yourself thin because this is your moneymaker. So I would definitely suggest at least two solid platforms so that might be an only fans or a family. Now work on those accounts and build them both up. You may see got a bit of a divide in your income. So as people will start moving over to your family and your income will be divided, so you may feel like you're not earning as much. But in the broad scheme of things, that is what you want. So, have a think about what platforms you want to be on, and start building your business wide. So just to recap, FUCK YOU are the feds? No, no, no, in all seriousness, just to recap, market your business wide and deep do not have a singular platform or one account or one handle that owns your brand. market your brand and not the end product. So make sure you're sharing you your personality, your authenticity. And this is why I do touch on authenticity so much to my podcast, don't just send people to your link. Because if you do just send people to your link, and you just have an only fans and you get deleted on only fans, you don't have a brand, you don't have a following. Nobody's going to pivot with you to fans, Lee, because you haven't built that brand. You haven't built that reputation, you haven't built that community. If you start marketing your brand, and you get deleted on only fans, well, that's easy, because you are the marketer, you are the one that's doing all the marketing, all you do is go Hey guys, I've moved now defensively. And now you market everyone to fans Li and when you pivot, they will pivot they are your following and have multiple platforms that you are building for your business. Now there are really great ones out there go do your research fans, Lee is definitely second to only fans. So jump on have a look at them. If you do like obviously the features of only fans. They've got some really really cool features in terms of subscriptions. It is so confusing. When I first jumped on, I was like what the hell is this. But once you put a bit of time and effort into it, it is really, really straightforward and user friendly. Like they've just up levelled a lot of things that only fans just doesn't bother even tuning into. Now, to wrap up this episode, I understand you're probably feeling like, oh my gosh, I've got so much work to do. Like, I have to build a whole nother platform, I've also got to get on other social media, I've got to build multiple handles. Just take a breath, it doesn't all have to happen today. Don't freak out. Remember what I said at the start of the episode, we do not want to be building our business from fear. So we don't want to be rushing into this and going oh my gosh, I need to do this. Because if I don't, I'm putting all my big shiny egg in one basket. Just take a breath. And just work on one thing at a time. Whatever is the most important to you. If you don't have a backup plan, I highly suggest working on that first. And then once that's done, then create your marketing, then build other social media platforms. Where you can start doing today though, is marketing your brand. And I highly recommend to do that. You can start sharing your brand which is you, you can start jumping on your stories, you can start talking about what you do during the day, you can start building your business on you now this is how you bring back your fucking power and own your business. And honestly babes there isn't like I said, I know. It sounds like a lot of work. But there is no better feeling than knowing that you own your brand that you understand you've built a powerful brand, that you have a big following and that no one's got shit over you. Like only fans doesn't own you. Instagram doesn't own you tick tock doesn't only that, for your mindset alone is so powerful that is bringing the power back and going well. No, I'm the fucking boss here. I don't you know, you can try and rock me and shake me but hey, I'm smart about my business and I'm going to be sprinkling my business and brand everywhere and you can't fucking stop me. So babes, bring that power back, fucking go hard on your marketing, go hard on your brand and build multiple platforms. I'm so excited just to see sparkling sex workers all over the place and building a business from confidence building a business from knowing that you control the outcome of your brand, and just fucking being the powerhouse you are. I hope you've enjoyed today's episode. Thank you so much for sticking around. I will see you next week. Bye.