Honeys Makin' Money

Creating KILLER Content 🔪🤳

• Honeyy Brooks • Season 1 • Episode 17

This week on the podcast, Honeyy's diving deep into the art of Creating KILLER Content for your socials and OF page. Whether you're a seasoned content creator or just starting out, this episode is packed with valuable insights from one of the industry's top creators to help you capture your audience's attention and leave them craving for more.

Episode Highlights

🤳 All the gear…and the ideas

In today's digital age, there's no shortage of gear to choose from. Honeyy spills the tea on the equipment she uses to create her content every single time.

🤳 Tips on shooting with your iPhone

Not everyone has access to high-end cameras, but that doesn't mean you can't create captivating content. Honeyy walks you through a real-time demonstration of how to shoot and edit using the Lightroom app on your smartphone. 

🤳 Lights, camera, action!

When you're shooting outdoors, the right lighting can make or break your content. Honeyy shares her insights on the best times of the day to capture that perfect shot.

🤳 Poser

It's not just about the equipment and the location; your presence is vital. Learn about effective posing techniques, what works, what doesn't, and how to exude confidence in front of the camera. Hot tip: Have FUN with it!

🤳 Wardrobe: Why it matters

The clothes you wear can significantly impact the quality of your content. We'll discuss the importance of choosing colors and styles that suit your body type and skin tone, ensuring your wardrobe enhances your content rather than detracts from it.

🤳 Location, location, location

Your choice of location can set the mood and tone for your content. Discover how to select the perfect spots for your shoots and the secret to creating visually appealing backgrounds.

🤳 Videos for TikTok, Reels, and Shorts

Social media platforms like TikTok, Reels, and Shorts have taken the world by storm. Honeyy provides tips on how to create captivating content for these platforms and even shares a strategy to film months worth of content in just one afternoon. Get ready to make the most of these bite-sized, attention-grabbing videos!

By the end of this episode, you'll be armed with the knowledge and tools to take your content creation to the next level. Remember, it's not just about the gear; it's about the ideas, techniques, and the passion you bring to your content.

If you want to check out the light that Honeyy mentioned in the ep, you can do that HERE.

If you haven't already, make sure you head to the Honeys' Makin' Money website to download your FREE e-book, Honeyy's Top 10 Only Fans Tips to make Bank! Download HERE

Thank you for tuning in to another episode! If you loved it, please do us a solid and rate and review the podcast as it helps these tips to reach a wider audience. Don't forget to take a screenshot and share to your stories tagging @honeysmakinmoney_ with your favourite moment from this episode.

Until next time honeys! Keep makin' that money!


Welcome back to a another episode of honeys making money. Today's episode is going to be all about creating killer content for your only fans and your Instagram, Tik Tok reels, whatever it may be, however, you want to imply this is going to be about how you can get the best videos, and how you can get the best photos for your business. I'm gonna share some tips and tricks to absolutely nail it. And just remember what I'm going to share isn't going to suit everyone and their brand. So make sure when you're listening, just take the parts that you absolutely love, and implement them into your business how you like not everything I say is going to suit you. So you may be wondering, why is good content so important? And the basic answer is money. Honey, your business is built on your content, you are a content creator. And if you're not pouring time and effort into creating good quality content, well your income is really going to reflect that. Even if you label yourself as amateur you still need good quality photos that will display your natural content. Okay, let's get into how to make some killer content for your socials and only fans. And let's talk about something that I believe makes a huge difference to your photos or right from the get go. And that is your gear. Now, when I say gear, you're probably freaking out and thinking, honey, you're gonna tell me I'm gonna go spend 1000s of dollars on a camera and lighting and no, you do not have to do that. I want you to stick with in your budget, but I want you to make the most of your budget. So for me personally, and like I said, this is not going to suit everyone. But for me personally, I just use my phone. I've got a few different phones because I like different features on different phones. I have a Samsung which I think is absolutely incredible for photos and portrait photos. You basically have to do no editing. It is so incredible. If you are an iPhone girl and you haven't tried photos on this Amazon, oh my gosh, try it out. But within saying that I hate absolutely hate taking videos on the samsung, I can't believe one phone can go from such good quality of photos to such poor quality of videos. So I find that it's really grainy. So I use my latest iPhone, which I think is just really great for videos. So that's how I take my content and I'm talking my photos on Instagram. I'm talking my reels I'm talking my early fans, photos, I'm talking about my porn, absolutely everything I use either one of those two phones now you can get a camera. I'm not going to list suggestions because I don't have a camera and I don't use a camera for this. So I'm not going to suggest anything but go do your research. If you do have a higher budget and you do want to invest in and you are knowledgeable in that area then absolutely go and buy a camera if you feel like that you are more comfortable using that. Now back to your phone I want to share a really cool phone hack that you may not know about that you can tap into and this will give you amazing photos with just using your phone. So the first hack I'm going to let you know is do avoid nighttime photos with your phone. It does not matter if you have so many ring lights they just become grainy. That if you can avoid taking photos at night, it is really really beneficial and your content will be so much better. Another one is always wipe your screen. Always, always always wipe your screen. I don't care if you just did it before your previous video. We are constantly touching our phone, we are doing things we're putting it down and you will be so surprised how many makeup smudges are on it fingerprints, dust, all the stuff that goes on to it and you will see a huge difference from looking through your camera. And then the minute you clean the lens on either side, it just completely changes the quality of what you're seeing. So make sure before you take any vote or any video you are wiping that screen like crazy. So what boobies are good for you just wipe it on your boobs. Now I hack that I absolutely love is the Lightroom app. Now you can take photos in Lightroom. And I will try and talk you through it now on that app. But also do a video on YouTube if you are not sure what I'm saying. So what you want to do is open the app and when you are looking at your edits or your photos, you want to click the little camera button. And what that is going to do is open up your camera within the app But now if you click on the drop down screen and click on Pro, so right next to the button where you're clicking away to take your beautiful photos, you will see there's a few options there, just make sure it is on Pro, just so you are getting a really, really high quality photo and that the quality format is the top, make sure you're turning flash off, because flash on phones, it just decreases the quality of your photo, you're not going to be taking photos at night, hopefully, so you don't need it. And if it is on with extra ring lights during the day, it just decreases the quality of your photos. So turn that flash off. Now what you want to do is click the three dots up the top right hand side of the corner. Now this may be different depending on what type of phone you are, but you should be able to navigate it through. And you can see some settings here. So you will see a timer setting you will see how you want to do your ratios. So you can pick your ratios on the actual image itself, you've got a grid. Now, if you click on the grid, and you go to the second grid, this is a bloody game changer. And this is hilarious I used to get used to, I still get Hank to take my photos for me. And when he first started taking photos of me, I don't know what the flippy was doing. But I was like not in the centre, I was like up in the top or I was merely out of the screen. So if you do have someone that's taking photos for you, this is a really great way for them to be able to line you up. And all you need to say to them, especially if they're a man taking a photo, because they don't look at much, you say make sure I'm in that middle part. So it's a really great way for them to be able to take photos without fucking it up, hopefully. And now you've got a heap of settings down at the bottom. So you've got your exposure, you have heaps of different things down there. So you can go and have a little bit of a play around, you can get really in depth with this. And I'm not going to go into it because you can Google them and have a bit of a play and just see how professional you do want to go with it. But with the actual iPhone, I do suggest in this app shooting from the front. So when you have this app open, you've got, let's say you got your tripod there, and you've got the phone open, ready to go on all your right settings, you want to flip your phone around and make sure that you are taking up with the front camera. I know it's a little bit tricky if you are on your own, because you can't see what you're doing. But I'll get into some poses later that will help you just move slowly and get familiar with how you do look, the quality of the front camera is so much better than than the reverse one. And I know it sucks that we can't see ourselves. But after a while you'll get used to it. So maybe practice with the front screen and then you can flip it around and do that screen you know when you feel like you've nailed it. Now the next bit of equipment that I recommend you get is a tripod and a Bluetooth clicker. A Bluetooth clicker is such a game changer. You do not want to be coming back and forth to the camera clicking on time or going back when you are sitting or standing or whatever position you may be in and you are getting the angles like those angles are looking hard. You don't want to be moving from that you want to be getting a heap of photos and just moving your body slightly just to find the best photo. If you're taking one going back clicking on time or I'm trying to pose it becomes a little bit unnatural. And also the time that you spend and I know it doesn't sound like much but the time you spend if you're going to be taking 100 200 photos for the time you're going back and forth back and forth from your phone is just crazy. Get a Bluetooth clicker bloody trust me I think you can get some for like $2 or not even very expensive tripod. If you don't get a tripod you will be restricted without one like I think I've got about 20 I have so many tripods because you honestly can't have enough. You want ones that can just go on the table that are a little bit littler. You want ones that are quite tall you want ones that are really stable in case you are like outdoors, or different tripods amazing within saying that just get a tripod to start with. They are really cheap as well and it is worth it if you don't have to you know pile up books or be restricted with where you can leave your phone or your camera. Moving on to the most crucial aspect of capturing high quality photos and videos. And something that I absolutely think you should invest in, and that is proper lighting. Now within saying that natural lighting is your best friend like golden hour is magic, oh my gosh, if you're not shooting in Golden Hour, and if you're not sure what that is, it's when the sun's going down. You are just missing the best nudes, or implied nudes or laundry or bikini, whatever you're doing. But you just get this gorgeous glow on your skin, the lighting isn't too harsh, it is just an amazing time to shoot. So natural light is your best friend Golden Hour is like your big sister. So natural light does tend to provide the most flattering results. And when you are shooting outside, there are some considerations that you do need to take into mind. And that is that if the sun is out, and it's really, really harsh, I try not to shoot at noon, because I find that my whole face is shadow like my whole body because the sun is directly on top of me. Everything is shadowed, and it just does not look nice. I like to do it in the morning when the sun is halfway up or as it's going down. So in the morning or just after lunch. Now what you want to do is make sure that your face is always looking at the sky or facing the sun. If you don't, you're gonna get a shadow on your face, you're going to get these big raccoon eyes, you're just going to shadow underneath your chin, which sometimes for me, makes me look like I've got double chins, and it just looks really harsh. So you want to make sure that you are facing your face towards the light, the most beautiful part of your body, we want to enhance it and make it look so flattering. And if you are shooting inside and it is light, I recommend doing it right near the window. Like if you are in your room and the sun is out, get as close as you can to the window like pull out your phone now walk around the room and see how the quality changes from when you are away from the window right from when you are right up in front of the window. And that's what I mean by like natural light is your best friend. But obviously if this is not an option, then investing in a quality Ring Light is a must. The next level would be purchasing like a photography studio setup equipment like reflectors and softboxes. I don't personally do that. I don't know many creators that do. But within saying that, if that's something that you want to invest in, because you want to go that next level, then absolutely go for it. I have this amazing ring light. And anytime I go to any collaborations, everyone's just like where did you get it from? Now I am not affiliated with this company whatsoever. Although if you're listening I think it should be because I tell everyone to go and buy it. It is an incredible light because it's not even though I call it a ring light. It's not a circular light, it is two bands of lighting that you can move around. And I find this is so good, especially for scenes that are more intimate. So if I'm doing like a Blue Job scene ring lights, like if you put them on the side, the man is shadowing your face from the light like it's just so hard to get good lighting with a ring light, this light you can actually move it wherever you like so I can move one like on one side of my face and on top of my head is just lining up the right areas you can turn it up in your turn downs got a few different settings. It's not complicated, which I love. And it's just a killer like it's not hugely expensive but yes it is an investment so if you are looking for a ring light go into the show notes because we'll leave them in there for you and go have a look because I had this for over 16 months now and I haven't been able to kill it and I am not gentle with myself. Okay, let's get into talking about actually taking the photos. So we've gone through the gear we've gone through you know what I think is really good equipment to be able to take your best quality content but let's start talking about actually taking the photos. First of all I want to make it super clear that taking photos is about you. So make sure above anything else that you feel comfortable and that you are within your boundaries and I get it because not all the time are you gonna feel super comfortable being nude for the first time ever or maybe an implied nude or in bikinis or laundry in front of the camera. So being 100% Comfortable isn't something that's going to come natural. So when I say if you are comfortable, I mean you are comfortable with what you're doing. You're comfortable that you are taking the photos that you know where they're going to be and what they're going to do and and the type of photos that you are taking is within your boundaries. So getting a little bit uncomfortable and getting used to taking the photos is a different story. And it's important here to have fun. And don't take yourself too seriously. So get a little bit uncomfortable, but let your hair down a little bit, like take a deep breath and just be like, like, I'm gonna be okay, like, start off taking 100 photos just for you. And don't share them with anyone delete them right afterwards if you have to, but just build up your presence within being in front of the camera, my biggest lesson from taking photos is that I was too tense, I would look terrible, like, I would just get in there. And I'll be like, Oh, don't turn one way to turn the other way. And I was just like, every part of my brain was like, Oh, this is just, and I just wish that I could tell myself back then I'm like, just have fun. Like, it doesn't matter if you're gonna ship photo doesn't matter if a flat hanging out or nipples hanging out, like, Don't post it's, it's not about being serious. No one's you know, forcing you to proceed, there's just relax, have fun. And don't take yourself too seriously. So go get snapping, like go get used to being in front of the camera. And I do want to touch on something that I have learned in probably the last few months, I've taken content. And I've been working closer with my photographer in taking some really cool content. And what he told me and I've realised that is absolutely true is, the more you are uncomfortable in the sense of not like within yourself, but in the sense of your body, like oh my god, it's like my back is so so all like a cotton bed any further. I can't arch my back or I can't, you know, do this, like I was so comfortable. And just I can't hold it for much longer. The more you're in that state, the better the photo looks. And when my photographer told me that I was like, whatever. And he was making me twist and bend in all these awkward positions. And I'm like, I hate this. I'm so uncomfortable. I'm so sore. And then he showed me the phone, I was like, Oh, damn, I was like, wow. And he said that is the key is like, the more uncomfortable you feel the more bendy you are. And the more awkward like as in your muscles are awkward, the better the photo is, which brings me on to poses. Now once again, I'm going to share what works for me. Now my biggest piece of advice is to start posing on the device you're using. So if you're using a camera on your phone, I would recommend to start posing in front of that now you hear a lot of advice like get in front of the mirror and do poses pose in front of the mirror and get comfortable and see what looks good in front of the mirror. I do not recommend spending time in front of the mirror because what you physically see in the mirror is completely different to what's on your phone. So when you're looking at angles, and you're standing up and you're looking or marrying your mirror may be leaning on a wall, so it is leaning backwards a little bit or it might be on the wall or you may be hanging up whatever it may be, it's going to be in a different position we are standing up higher we are looking at down at our body. And this is changing all the angles of how our body looks and how we perceive our body to look. So what I recommend doing is scrap the mirror, get your phone and put it at about torso height, torso height, I believe is the best place to take photos on your tripod, even if you're sitting down if you're standing whatever it may be. Had it parallel with your body having the front camera sorry, the inside camera facing you. So you can see yourself at about torso height and start moving. Because this is where you're going to be taking off photos from so there's absolutely no reason to go and nail a pose in the mirror because as soon as you're going to come in front of your camera that's in a completely different angle, you're going to know that presumed like rubber that looked that was not what I thought it was going to look like. So nail your pose this way have a parallel to you torso Hi, you can adjust this to yourself, it may look better, a little bit higher, a little bit lower however you like. And just sit there for 10 minutes, you don't even have to take photos and just move your body slightly in different directions and just move it around and see as you go. Oh, I like that. That looks good. Turn your face to one side to the other side. There'll be a side that you prefer turn your body from one side to the other side there will be a side that you prefer. So with posing it honestly just takes practice and when you feel like you've got some kind of movement that you think you're nailing, go get your clicker out and start taking lots of photos because this is also something that you have to consider is hiding that bloody clicker the amount of times the click is very low photo like Ah whatever. So take loads of photos, do lots of slow movements. Now understanding your angles is key when taking onlyfans content if you are going on Understand how to show off your assets the right way, it's gonna make your job so much easier. So for example, my assets are my babies. So I really know how to pose to show them off in a really nice way. So for example, if you cross your arms underneath your boobs, and you squish them together naturally, you don't want to be like pushing your shoulders in, but you just want to bring your elbows in a little bit. And what you want to do is tilt your camera down, so it's looking up, it's tilting up at you. This is going to make your boobies look so big and perky. Trust me, I do this angle all the time. So play around with your angles. Like if you want a really great shot of your boobies, try that try go down and see. Okay, well what do my boobs look like down at this angle versus up. I know for me, if I take a photo above my head looking down at my babies, they look bloody saggy, and flat and horrendous. I know I gotta go underneath and I use I use my elbows to squeeze them in a little bit. Same with your bum. You can find angles on your phone that is going to make your bum look so peachy, if you actually grab your entire phone. So if you let's say if you are posting it from the inside, like you're going to take a selfie, if you grab your phone and flip your entire phone upside down. So now the camera is facing you but it's at the bottom and you start taking photos leaning it up under your bum. The difference this makes for making your bum look perky is amazing. If your camera is at the top of your phone and you're trying to relay pictures, it's really not going to emphasise anything if you're going to flip your phone upside down with your camera at the bottom and you're going to tilt that camera up a little bit towards your bottom. Trust me you are going to have a Kim Kardashian booty without the BBL is little things like that that is going to enhance your photos and your and your angles and just really enhance your assets. I'm jumping in here for a hot second to let you guys know I am giving away free one on one coaching sessions every single month throughout my podcast, I'm really excited to be working with some more creators on a more personal level. So if you want in on this, make sure you go and hit follow, leave a star review, screenshot it and send it to our Instagram account. If you want extra points into the draw, go and leave a review on your Instagram account and tag us in it. I am so excited to see who wins this month and who I get to work with. Okay, now back to the good stuff. Another thing for me is that if I sit on the end of my bed, on the corner of my bed, I can open up my legs and my hips and my booty squishes up so I'm not super curvy and I I'm quite, I suppose up and down. So when I found the end of my bed and my butt cheeks spread out and so to my thighs, it makes it look like I've got a really nice curved shape. So I know sitting on the end of my bed, where it goes really, really soft is going to give me like an hour shape look. So you will learn all of this about your body, it just takes a little bit of time takes a little bit of time of figuring out your angles. I recommend trying all the angles with your phone and figuring out which one works best for you. Now outfits, when it comes to your content wardrobe, the sky's the limit and oh my gosh, this is like the best part. I remember when I first started my early fans, I wasn't really like I didn't really buy clothes that often for myself. And I was like I don't have anything I went out and did a big shop and it was so much of fun like just buying all this stuff that I never used to wear that I was like, you know, why would I spend this much on lingerie when it just goes on my clothes and now I had like this newfound love for spending all this money on all these sexy things and it was so much fun. So the sky is literally the limit but and you should honestly wear whatever makes you feel confident and comfortable. Once again, I'm just going to share some tips and tricks and bar if you feel confident and comfortable in a garbage bag does you do you like go out and cut holes in it and fucking rocket like I'm not here to tell you what you should wear. I'm just going to share what I think matters when coming to creating content. So there are a few key things to keep in mind when you are I believe dressing yourself for content it. So first of all, make sure you feel nice, like, make sure you like it and you feel nice. Make sure it fits you. Well, here's one's a biggie, I used to do huge sheen shops. And I was like, yeah, they're cheap, that's fine. I'm just wearing them for a quick photoshoot. And then I would get a photoshoot. And I'm like, oh, like, I hate it. Like it just, it wouldn't fit my boobs properly, it was just all over the place. So I stopped and I was like, Well, I'm just going to find things that fit me well, that are comfortable. And also another one is a colour that suits you. So not every colour suits every person. And also not every outfit suits every body shape. So understanding what suits you is key. And this is going to make you feel confident as well. Also, you feel fresh as fuck when you nail your outfit. So I'd recommend having a look at celebrities with similar body shape as yourself and your style and observe what they are wearing, what cuts what shapes, what type of clothes, what are they wearing, like what are they dressing in. Now this can be applicable to Instagram photos. But if you do want more of an early fans indication look at other only fans models as well, that's a really good indication of what they're wearing on what you think looks great on them may look also great on you. So with the celebrities, it's really great to tap into them because they have hugely paid experts to dress their body shape. And we can tap into that for free. Like we didn't have to go pay no one to dresses, we can just get on Google and have a look who's got a similar body shape and see what cuts they're wearing, what design they're wearing, and basically just steal it for ourselves. So go on Google and have a bit of a research. The next is colour and oh boy, does this make a huge difference. Now if colour is not your thing, if you're like I don't care what colour I wear, I just want to get a nice photo. I don't care if I'm in black, blue, pink, I do not care. That is the least of my problems. We'll skip this part because this can get a little bit in depth about what colours actually suit you. So the best place to start with colours is understanding what colour actually suits your skin like yes, this is absolutely a huge thing and it's probably a really big reason behind why you feel so much better in one colour and you'll get a lot of compliments in one colour. And then the next year like oh, like I feel washed out I feel like icky like I don't feel great today and a big reason is skin tone and matching your colour to that skin tone. And this is not the surface tones so you know you might have surface tones of ivory light, medium, and dark etc. We're not matching colours to the surface colour is actually the undertone and the underneath colour that is going to affect the colours that you're wearing. So it's either cool warm or neutral. So you're going to either have a cool warm or neutral undertone to your skin. The way to figure this out and I love this I think it's so cool to be able to figure out what colour you are because this also comes into play with makeup so you may have gone to Mecca maybe or some makeup artist and they will match your foundation whether you are cool or warm. I went and bought some foundation the other day and she gave me one that was focal skin. Now this makes a big difference on how your foundation sits on your skin. Also fake tan. I'm not sure if many of you guys know this but fate Han is a big one and there are a few companies that are coming out now that is actually matching the fake tan to whether you have an undertone of cold warm or neutral and this makes a huge bloody difference. Have you ever bought a fake tan and put it on and you know maybe one of your best friends just smashed it and looked amazing and you put it on you're like oh I cure like why am I like coming up with green or orange or it's just like it's not suited as because your undertone is a different colour to their undertone and your skin is not reflecting that base colour. So if you didn't know about that go and check out some fake tans that really apply to your undertones because it makes a massive difference when you nail your fake tan that matches your skin undertone of game changer. So how you recognise which category you fall into. You want to check your veins and see what colour they are to see what undertone category you fall into. So have a look. Are they either blue or green? If they are blue, you are more cool. If you are green, then you're more warm. If you can't really tell like at the start, I couldn't really tell fusing myself, I think I'm neutral. Well, yeah, you're both. But now that I look at it, I completely understand I was just overwhelming myself and I am completely cool. I had the bluest of blue veins, so I am cool. If you have green veins, then you are warm, so have a look because that's really going to help you understand more makeup beta now, and also your clothes. So warm undertones normally suit like really earthy colours, really earthy tones. And if you are pale or sorry, cool tones, you're going to suit more of those cool tones. Within saying that though, this is just a guide and wear whatever the heck you want, like I a cool undertone, and I love earthy colours, like I just love them my fake tan, and then I love them even more. So I'm always wearing earthy colours and really neutral colours, even though it doesn't necessarily match my undertone. So that's just a little bit of advice, but where whatever the fuck you whatever makes you feel comfortable and whatever you want to slay in. Can you hear the beds, I was talking about my previous podcast that I've just given up on trying to film on the farm and wait until the animals stop making noises and just go for it, you guys can just tune into the nature with me. Okay, background moving on. So for Instagram feeds, I recommend choosing a really clean and visual appealing background that complements your picture. So look for simple, uncluttered backgrounds, or interesting textures that add depth to the image. The most simple I find with Instagram, the more you pop, which is what you want on your Instagram feed, you don't want to get lost in all the chaos in the background. So just really have a look at how you can get some nice background images that will make you pop, consider using the portrait mode as well like if you are like let's say at a restaurant or something, and there's lots going on in the background, if you use a portrait mode, it's actually going to blur out the background. And it just gives it a professional looking effect. Like I love me a portrait, it's you just can't get much better than that. So in terms of your only fans, I believe with backgrounds, getting creative outside of your bedsheets is really really cool. So if you can, and I say if you can, because only fans terms and conditions do change. But if you can't get outdoors, get in your garden and try and mix up the background as much as you can. So it's kind of a flip to, to Instagram, it's really about creating different atmospheres, creating different feelings, doing different things being in different areas, it's going to give a lot of variety to your only fans page. Okay, moving on to editing. Now make the most of your photo editing apps to enhance the overall quality of your photo for Instagram. I think adding light in and contrast and adjusting colours is really, really cool. And I think you can get really creative on Instagram with this you can put some nice filters on and it's really going to give a really great effect to your photo. However, I would recommend to try and keep it natural on only fans adjusting the light. Absolutely, if there is a bit shadowy a bit dark, adjusting the light adjusting the whites and making new pop Absolutely. But over editing in only fans can really make your photos look artificial. And a lot of the subscribers are going to want to come to your page, because they want to see more of the behind the scenes of what you're posting on your Instagram account. Now not to say that they shouldn't be good quality photos, because everything you put out should be great quality, but just keep it more natural, just keep it more. This is me laying in bed, although I did take this very particular angle and I did also adjust the lighting and made sure I was near the window and all of the things that come into it. But you know we're doing a professional natural. I guess that basically wraps it up in terms of taking physical photos I want to move a little bit more on to now the videos. I am not going to talk about only fans videos because everyone shoots different scenes, different things how they do it. And it's just it's a big can of worms. Once again just on that just make sure it's really great quality. Like I said I use my phone so I'm not going out and doing anything crazy. So just make sure that the quality is good that you've got all the right gear in place. I'm sure you'll absolutely nail it. But I do want to talk about the marketing side of videos because I think this is super powerful if you can nail really great content for your tech talks or your reels or whatever you're posting and whether it may be on shorts on YouTube or Facebook. So with your content that you are filming videos on once again, make sure you pick a camera that is going to be really great quality. Like I said before, I will not be on my Samsung because the quality is just crappy. So I use the latest iPhone, I'm always upgrading my iPhones. And I find that each model is so much better with their videos. So you want to make sure that you do have a an updated phone and you are ready to go. Now a lot of the tips I did share with taking photos is going to apply to your videos. So for instance, making sure you're wiping the screen, that it's all clean, that you are not going outside, in filming something right when the sun is above you. They'll make if you can in golden hour or when the sun is at an angle facing you, and holding your camera on video, Danny or torso, it just gives you a much better overall view of yourself. So with that actual tick tock and real content, what I recommend doing for your marketing is getting your tripod out, getting your camera out, setting it up how I set it up before and start taking little clips of yourself. So for instance, with me and my brand, I will go out side and I'll set my tripod up, I will try my Gator, which I'm not sure what international people would call gators, but it's like a football buggy, let's say and so I'll get my buggy or Gator and I'll go down to my backpack, let's say and I'll set up my tripod. And I'll just film a whole lot of random stuff. I'll film myself walking in my cowgirl boots, I'll feel myself padding the horses, I'll feel myself cuddling one of my dogs, I'll feel myself putting my shoes on taking my shoes off doing a little dance, doing all these things. Now this will be in a full five minute clip video, I don't have to touch my camera, I don't have to move my camera, I can just do all these random things in there, I'll go close up to the screen or bend over, I'll smile, I'll do a 12 or 12 my hair, I'm doing all these different things in one outfit. Now, what I do is and I change it up, and then I grabbed my camera and I drove somewhere else I might go into my shed or change my outfit. And I'll do exactly the same. I will do five minutes of me maybe sticking some hay bales of me filling up the mower with petrol or whatever it may be playing with my dogs, I will then change my outfit and go to the garden, I'll do some gardening, I'll hang the washing out. It's all random things. But creating content like this is so amazing. Because what you do at the end of your day, it was not even a day it doesn't even take that long. But at the end of a few hours of you creating content, you have 10 videos that are all maybe five minutes long in all different outfits. And each video if you're filming five minutes in each video, you can go in and pull out so many different videos from that you can clip little bits where you're dwelling, you can clip little bits where you're gardening clip little bits where you're taking your boots off and you can put different sounds over it you can put whatever you like different text over you can do absolutely anything. So this in terms of creating content is not only the quickest and easiest way to create content, but it also allows you to always have that content there and always repurpose it. I used to always film inside the app. And I would spend a whole day filming inside all the apps, I'd fill my tic TOCs in Tic Toc, and I'd post them and then I would just try and repurpose that same video over and over and over it was so repetitive. And if I lost my account, I would lose basically that video. Now I've got hundreds and hundreds of videos that I can repurpose into completely different videos. Even though it's the same video, I can pull a little snippets out, I can speed one bit up, I can slow one bit down, I can zoom in, I can do all sorts of different things. So in my opinion, in terms of creating video marketing content quickly, efficiently and creating really good quality stuff. I really feel like this is the best way of doing it. Also, you're not going to be using filters, because the filters can sometimes decrease the quality of your camera. Now if you do want to use a filter, completely understandable jumping, use your filter, you can you can also do it inside the app to go in, film it inside the app and click 10 minutes. So when you're recording your video, click on 10 minutes, put your filter on and stuff around for 10 minutes I can literally stuff around your filter will say that, then click Next and click the little Save button which is an amazing update tick tock has just done you can say that without any watermark on there. You can save it without posting it so it can still stay in your drafts. So I've done this a few times and like I feel like I feel touched today. I'll go into my app. I'll click on video I'll put my filter on okay. Like 10 minutes, and I'll stick around for 10 minutes, and then I'll just click the download button and it saved. And then I'll also keep it in my draft. So later. So the good thing about doing that is that you can edit one of those in real time in your app, if that makes sense. I'm trying to explain this as best as possible without showing you guys, but you can edit one of those 10 minute videos, let's say into one video that you can post live. So that obviously is going to help your interaction and your engagement because you did post that in the on top of that, when filming videos, if you do have someone that can film some stuff for you, absolutely ask them. Now the great thing is for content for marketing, we're not getting naked, we're not doing anything crazy. So you can you know, get your dad or whoever and just like hey, can you just quickly feel me walking around the dress or doing this or whatever it may be because a lot of the time it doesn't have to be sexual, it doesn't have to be any thirst traps. Some of my biggest viral videos are literally just doing my everyday stuff that I have chopped up, put us training sound over, put some cheeky texts over and that is it. So if you can get someone to film it for you, it makes a hell of a difference. Definitely still do your stagnant ones with your tripod. But ask someone if they wouldn't mind spending a day with you to film that to film that content where you know, they can walk around the corner and there you are putting on your shoes, or they can follow you down the hallway or you're walking down the steps outside movement, I find has such good interaction on video content for marketing, I have no idea why I just feel like it's more of a behind the scenes, it's more of a they feel like they're there with you a bit of a POV. So make sure that you add them into your video content list as well. Okay, that is all I have for content. I hope this has helped. I hope it hasn't overwhelmed anyone and you've been able to take some top tips away. And I can't wait to see some absolute killer content from you all. And just remember to go have fun like don't get serious about it. Go have fun, enjoy taking the photos, understand your angles, understand you know what you feel comfortable with what you want to be putting out there, what you look like in front of the camera, your backgrounds, your lighting, how you want to edit everything and get into a flow. Once you get into a flow it will be like a second nature Honestly, you're just like yep, called doing content today and you will smash out so much. I have content days like I reckon now once every I'd like to say two months, but I reckon it'd be two months or maybe even three. And that will last me so long. Like I've just absolutely nailed it now and you will get there too, because the more often you do it and the more comfortable you get, you will just absolutely smash it out. So I can't wait for you guys to have killer content and put your business into creating some magic. I hope you have the most wonderful day and thanks again for listening. Bye