Honeys Makin' Money

From Accounting to Escorting: A Conversation with Katija Cortez 💻🌹

• Honeyy Brooks • Season 2 • Episode 28

Welcome back to another episode of *Honey's Makin' Money*! This week, Honeyy sits down with the multi-talented Katija Cortez, also known as @playmatekatija, to dive into her fascinating journey from the world of accounting to the realms of escorting, OnlyFans, and podcasting.

In this episode, Honeyy and Katija explore:

🌹 A Change in Perspective

Katija shares her transformative experience after befriending two escorts who provided her with a new lens through which to view life and the escorting industry.

🌹 Kat's First Booking
Delve into the nerves and unexpected moments of Katija's first ever escort experience

🌹 Personal Safety
Going independent in the escorting world brings its own set of challenges. Katija opens up about navigating personal safety in this space.

🌹 The Thoughts of Family and Friends
Transitioning from a traditional career path to one that challenges societal norms can be daunting. Katija discusses her journey of reconciling her choices with the opinions of loved ones.

🌹 Advice for Newcomers
For those considering entering the escorting industry, Katija offers invaluable insights and advice based on her own experiences and learnings.

If you enjoyed this episode, remember to rate and review the podcast! Share your thoughts and favorite moments on your social media stories, and don't forget to tag us @honeysmakinmoney_ on Instagram.

Thanks for listening, and until next time, keep hustlin' honey's!


Welcome to the show Katia Cortez, is that right? That is so right. Okay, everyone, everybody that's a sneak off and we had to practice that my name is really not that complicated. I am like, I apologise because my real name is super difficult and when anyone gets it wrong like oh no name Yeah, I'm like the opposite My real name is actually boring as shit. So I wanted my work to be something that's really interesting and foreign and like memorable. But then I didn't realise that like people just wouldn't be able to say I get cut off Katia like oh like the jewellery and I was like No not like the jewellery sorry funny Well look I like coming from the country I just I can't pronounce most things if you're not Bob John or Jack let the lovely lady introduce herself. Okay, so Oh my god. Yeah, so I am I am Katya Cortez I born and raised in Sydney. I am a escort. So also known as a full service sex worker. I dabble a little bit in only fans double a little bit in I guess, modelling you can say so I've done like playboy. I've done fhsu dive into podcasts as well. Yeah, I do. Forgot about that. When I was like, I'm pretty sure I do more things. Yes, I have a podcast as well called the Canon moksha. That's my little plug for my podcast. And I think that's kind of my main main thing is escorting us on yeah, that's my full time thing that other things are kind of just like dabbling. Yeah. I love that. And I was saying this to you before. I haven't had anyone on that is like full escorting like they do only fans, they might do it on the side. But like, this is your bread and butter. So I'm so excited to have you on the show and talk about it. But let's get into that stuff a little bit later. Your Podcast? Like how could How did that come about? Okay, so I always wanted to do something in this speaking space. Like, I wasn't always a sex worker. So I had a full other life. Once upon a time, I used to be an accountant, like everyone was so it's so funny that I actually wasn't accountant. And every every time I would say because like I always looked like this, right? I was an accountant, I would go out and he would like what do you do? And I'm like, I'm gonna kind of be like, Oh, no, like I'm a really kind of like, oh. And then I actually ended up becoming a spicy cat which is pretty funny. But it wasn't real accountant. Once upon a time, I actually finished my Chartered Accountants licence as well. So I was like, fully qualified. Ca certified chartered accountant, I worked in one of the big four accounting firms. So I kind of ended up in that job because I think their family, you know, came from a very conservative family and a conservative area. I didn't even I never even met a sex worker until I was like 25 years old. So that was just like, not even a thing. That wasn't even a thought in my mind, right. But I always liked even when I was doing counting, I always wanted like, I never wanted to really do accounting, I never really gave a shit about numbers. I always wanted to be a model or an actress or on TV, I wanted to be on YouTube. Like I wanted to do all those things. And I was like, God, nobody's gonna give a fuck about an account. And if I just start like a YouTube channel or a podcast, like I wasn't even interesting, I was just this accounted from Sydney, like 15,000 million other people from Sydney that do like accounting or something like that. So I was like, not special or interesting. And then I ended up and then I started doing sex work. And I guess I became interesting. Yeah, I think I had interesting things to talk about. I had different perspectives and it was Yeah, being an accountant. That's boring. Nobody gives a shit. Yeah. So and then I became a sex worker and I was like, Okay, I think I might have actually some interesting things to say so maybe I could actually start a podcast and have something worth people hearing. And that's kind of how that started and then my co host Mark him and I have been friends since since I wasn't accountant actually stick with me for my whole journey from the calendar to then when I cleared and then had a full meltdown like quarter life crisis and then to anywhere to like now where I am now. So it didn't take much convincing I remember just like he was in Europe or somewhere and I FaceTimed him about something and I was gonna start a podcast he was like okay i love it he's known you for so long as well like the energy you guys have is really cool. Comes out on like the camera as well like that. That we have is because like we've been beaten on holidays and stuff together like multiple times. We live like down the road from each other. It's like very brother sister. thing you know, it's fun so Oh, that's amazing. Yeah, go guys go and listen, because there is some fucking funny shit on there. Like you guys are hilarious. We do try. I do love it. Oh boy, right? Yes. Oh my gosh, I just came out that you were in total it was Fhn or playboy. 100 60s Hmm said that I'm the 26 sexiest woman on the planet last year. Of course. They told me that like that I was in the top 100 And I was like, oh my god, that was like enough. Like, I was like gobsmacked and I was like, I'm probably gonna be like, 99 I'll take it. I don't give a fuck. Like 26 and I was like, That's a joke. I was like, that's actually a lie. And they're like, no, no, like, yeah. 26 and I was like, Surely not. But ya know, it's real, like issues out you can you can buy the issue online. It's, it's, it's, um, it's, I got receipts. Buddy, exciting. Congratulations. i It's crazy. Because like, I always wanted to do shit like that when I was an accountant. But to be honest, even when I started doing sex work, I never thought that sex work would give me those kinds of opportunities. It's actually crazy. The kind of opportunities that sex work can give you Yeah, I don't want to I don't want to like glamorise it and be like, Oh, every person that becomes a sex worker is gonna end up in Playboy. It's, it doesn't exactly happen like that, but not specifically that but just opportunities and yet it does open up a lot of doors that sometimes you wouldn't have access to. Which is mind blowing. I think. You learn so much as well. Like you learn so much about the industry you learn so much about yourself and the growth and being in front the camera and modelling and being creative being an influencer, you learn all of this, like it's so diverse because you are your own marketer. You're an influencer, you're a content creator. You're so many things in one that you just grown you expand and I think that helps. Now I have because like the only skills that I had prior to entering this industry was I could prepare financial statements. Sexy I can't do that. I was an auditor. So like the only thing that auditors are like, we're we can't even do tax. Like we I can't even do my own tax. Literally, the only thing I can do is I'm a financial statement expert. fuck would I ever need to read financials and like these days? I could audit the revenue of someone. But yes, I basically had to like learn everything on the go. I was quite lucky, actually that I did have a couple of friends. So like, I didn't just wake up one day and say I'm gonna be a hooker today. I wanted to quit my job for like a while and then I ended up befriending I moved to the city and then started hanging out with a whole new group of people. Mark was my co host. He was one of them. And he him and his group. So I was kind of like a new addition to their group. Yeah. And they hung out with a couple of escorts. Okay, that was the first time I'd ever met a sex worker in my whole life. And I was 25 years old. And I I just remembered like, it sounds funny to say that I was one of the people which like, this is why I don't care when people judge me because I judged girls like me once upon a time, like I was I was like, I had the most normal, mundane, boring, I did everything right. I went to uni, I went to Utah, like I got a job at the big firm. And I did all the books that I did everything that a human is supposed to do in terms of like, you know, the normal society values. I did all of that. Right? Like, yeah, being around or conservative people like I thought clerk was embarrassing. Like, I wish I don't think that now, obviously, but I did for a long time, I thought that it was not something I would ever do. And I just thought it was like not, I don't know what it was at all to try to, like offend my own kind, but like, I just thought it was something it was trashy. That's what I thought it was. But when you met the Marx friends that were escorts did you still did you have that mindset, then? I think so. And I think this is what is lacking a second because I was like, yes, people need to accept us people need to accept us. But I think what comes before that is we've been we need to be understood first. And I think that the only way to be understood is for these people to like have access to us in a way that shows our normality a little bit. So I had that perception because that's what you see on TV and that's just what you hear you hear that? You know that sex workers are not good people that went movies, people and everything like that and then these two girls they were hot and cool and fun and so I actually became I didn't even know that they were escorts when I had first met them. So I think I had met them a few times and they were hot cool funny they were so like charismatic and like if you're faithful I thought that they were so cool and stylish and everything and then I ended up finding out that they were escorts and I was like no way then I will and then that intrigued me and I was like these women are like cool as shit and hot as shit and stylish was shared and they had all like nice brands and jewellery and cool head everything everything about them was like girls that you would like want to be like and then I was like oh my god I need to like know more about this like I'm so interested now like I didn't even think that that was something that like centre workers could ever possibly be and then once I then got to know them and then I had access to them to then understand their story and why they do it and just even just the job in general like it's not like it's nothing like what I thought it would be like and then that's what really changed my perception of all of it and it was like one of those goals then what kind of was like oh, you know, maybe you should try it and it was kind of like explaining it like the industry to me a little bit. And I was like you know what it actually sounds like nothing like what I thought it was like it actually sounds kind of cool. Well I thought it sounds cool. Anyway, I thought it sounded like something I would like to do. What I did like it yeah, and it was nothing like what I thought it wasn't it's not trashy. I think it's I think it can be very classy. Yeah, and I Love that I love that you're so open and honest with the fact that you had a different perspective so early on, and that perspective literally came from not understanding. Yeah, it was. Yeah, and just never having that one. Yeah, really? Like, just what you see on TV, which is it's all garbage. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. So that's super powerful in itself. So when you met these ladies, and you're like, Yeah, I'm gonna do it. This is this is for me. How was your first ever book? Oh my god. Okay, so I almost didn't stick with escorting my first booking to this day is still like probably my worst booking that I've ever done to date like three years later, it's probably some of my worst booking that I've ever done. So I started at an agency with one of my friends and I ended up finding out later that this first client that they sent me into I ended up finding out that the reason they sent me is because none of the other girls wanted to see why I got so angry at my agents after because I was like, why would you like tarnish my like pison by sending me to like the worst client Yeah, like welcome babe it was like looking back there was so many like safety issues with this booking that like now I'm like I can't believe it like just no idea it was I don't know if you've ever seen The Da Vinci Code and there's like blonde guy with like the row schedule I swear this guy was like exactly looked exactly like if he answered the door and it's like a black robe it was like pitch black with like a couple candles on there was like biblical shit everywhere I was like but I didn't know that that's not what clients like so now I know that clients actually just normal people yeah time that is exactly what I thought he was like confirming my my biases and I was like oh this guy looks sketchy as fuck so of course he's getting and it was just picked up I couldn't see it and i like i don't know i have like an issue with my eyes I'm actually got like not very good eyesight right okay could see nothing but lay photos when you're going because my first time like I didn't want to be like oh hey turn the light on. Because I was like maybe it's always supposed to be rich black maybe this is like the protocol like you just eat smelt like incense everyone. He was just he was like, you could tell he was on something and it was just like, you know, like, like a little teetering around you so crazy. And and then I got home after the booking and I called my friend like the one that like convinced me to try doing and I was like, oh my god, I hate you doing this again, and I explained to the client to her and she's like, Oh my God, no, I promise you they're not all I was like no, like they all like this is kind of what I thought but I didn't like then you said it wasn't like that. And it's exactly like how I was just no no, I promise it's not just try one more booking and then if this like the next booking is shit that I'll never like I have so you get just give it one more go. And I'm glad that she talked me into like doing it one more time because then my my second client was It was super hot, young rich guy because mafia you action like on the beach in Sydney. It was so nice. And he was like gave me evianne When I walked in and treated me like a princess. And it was just it was and I was like this is what I envisioned my life I just mentioned Superman evianne overlooking the water with this hot. Yes. More of this. And yes then that the second book and kind of set the tone a little bit better. And then I ended up sticking with it. Which then got I did imagine I didn't I'd be back doing how you'd probably be back with like, you would have gone back and had regret and probably backpedalled and started to get into the same mindset that you had before about like the whole industry. It just would have been a very, like untestable experience. Yes, I know. But it's like that's why I'm saying like to this day that was like my worst booking which is why Oh, I love that I love that there was only up from there because Could you imagine if you went you had the best booking and then you were like, This is great. And then you had that one of the next No, oh my God, it was just out from the get go. And I very rarely get like bad bookings now, but I think I'm a bit better at like, because Neville so obviously with the agency like you just kind of take like what you give them and so now that I'm independent, I can kind of sift out and like build I you get good at filtering. Like it's hard to explain but when I remember when I first went independent and I was asking my friends like every time I'd get an inquiry I was like well how does this sound to you? And she just she knew like when I was reading the messages it's like she could just tell straight away like what kind of client and then she and I was like how do you know and then she was like oh you just you learn once you're like replying to 50,000 inquiries a day for like months and then use you just can't tell and now I can I can tell ya, you just develop like start to pick up on patterns and all serious clients or message the same and all time what it's all message right? Oh, I know it's I couldn't even explain like what it is but just you just know like, what Yeah, it's your job. You do it every day. You just kind of all the time you have different types that come so I completely get that. How long was it that when you were with an agency until you went independent? I like To think about my agency is kind of like an internship. I'm glad that I did it. It was no it wasn't, I have a very positive experience at my agency, which I get a lot of like new, like girls, like messaging me all the time be like, what was the agency that you said that you started with, that you actually liked and was like, what they don't exist anymore, which they don't real agency. It's kind of like a it was a girl and her boyfriend that were kind of like managing girls to kind of like an agency. But I did have a positive experience. But yeah, they don't no longer exists. But I was with them for I think, like five months, four or five months. And I use that time to learn from the other girls. And I was actually quite fortunate that the other girls I worked with, were all very nice, because I've heard some stories of you know, brothels and agencies where all the girls are like competing with each other. They all hate each other. Yeah. It wasn't like that. I'm agency everyone. I'm actually still friends with a couple girls that I met at my agency that would have made such a big difference. Yeah, it wasn't I told them all that I was new. And none of the other girls when wouldn't like they had all been in the industry for a while. So they knew a lot more than me. And they were all very generous with sharing their knowledge with me and really showing me the ropes. And especially in things like I got a lot of doubles bookings, like in the first like, few weeks that I was working, which was like really good, because I got to just like sit there. And just watch like, Korean school just like take full control of like greeting the client committee. When do you take the money? What do you do, which I had no way to go? I got to see like, the whole process she was like, Are you just sit down and just don't talk? And I will do everything? And I'll tell you what to do. And I'll tell you when to do it. And I'm like, Oh, thank you. That is exactly what I need. So I don't think I would be worrying if I didn't have that experience. Because I don't think I would have I wouldn't have been able to I don't think I would be able to learn all of these things. I mean, it's so foreign. Yeah, coming from accounting to. It's so foreign. So that's an interest is that a norm is that a norm where people will come in with an agency and then eventually go out on their own, I think is the norm and I've heard of girls like just going straight independent. And I'm like, How do you do? Like, how would you know what to do? I have heard of girls doing that. That's not you? I think usually it's like, yeah, brothel agency or like, even strip club or something like that. And then you kind of like, progressively get into it. And then probably like, you know, you made a few people and whatnot. I would say that that is normal. Is she going independent can be scary. Like when I went I was quite busy, like at my agency, but then when I went independent also would have nobody wants me like, Do you know what I mean? What if I can't handle it? I don't know. You don't know. It's like a whole new thing. Yeah, that's right. And then obviously on on the other side of that, as well as safety, you know, yeah, just you and Yeah, nobody knows where I am sometimes. Yeah, that's right. So how do you look after yourself and handle yourself now that you're independent. So I've got like my best friend in Sydney who has like my location on her phone because I'm like, somebody needs to know where I am. So she knows what to do. And she's got like all of my logins for like everything and I'm just like, you know, this is all of the apps that I use and everything like my iCloud password like all the apps, my banking and everything's I was like, whatever is like the last bit of money that like gets transferred into my account because I definitely the guy who's like murdered so she's got like all my login so like, everything's gonna key to my apartments. I'm like, if I ever go missing, she's got like, I can do all that the police, the police will be able to find me. So yeah, so she has like, all my photos. And I tell like every girl that I'm friends with, I'm like it, you should have like one friend that has, that knows, especially and this is another thing. So I always take deposits and most girls do but you should have someone who knows how you're taking the deposits so that if there was to ever be a situation where you're in danger, like the first thing that I would want the police to look at is who was the last person to pay money into my account? Because that's probably hold it and then name would be on that statement as well. So their full legal name, I would assume that name Yeah. So um, yeah, so I told my friend that I was like, the first thing you do is you just look at whatever was the last bit of money to come out and that's probably who it was. Yeah, so yeah, so I tell everybody you have to make sure that you've got someone that you trust that has access or and yet I came to your place something happened. Um, so there's that um, and then yeah, there's databases and stores that that we have on like the ads is that like a black list? Yeah, kind of thing. Yeah. Like search up clients and stuff. So there's that as well. That's really handy. I love that there's there's that because even you know for the only fans girls and and things like that, you know, it's great that you can all band together and share your experiences the good and the bad in an area and have that accessible for everyone. Yeah, and I would also say probably, I would say get Twitter because there's always this or people always posting like safety things. Okay, so there's always updates like there's like random things as well like oh, you know, if you're working in this area there's been you know, reports of x y Zed or like Be careful in this place. Because this thing just happened I find a lot of info out from Twitter probably just try to be try to be kind of smart. I mean, I tried to like not take like I would never go like anyway that was like two dodgy like if they're like oh hey come to this out call in this random car park and there was actually so I didn't reject one booking ones because I like rocked up and I was like, absolutely fucking I was just output. I was going like, I think I want to say I was in Coffs Harbour. So this client was a client of one of my friends. So like, I knew he was like a real person that he was fine, right? So anyway, and I looked up you see, it was like 10 minutes away from my hotel. I was like, okay, cool, whatever. And I started driving there. And it was like, in the middle of like, the bush there was like, no, no, there wasn't nothing around for like, the whole 10 minutes, whereas it was like driving into the bush and like, I got to like his what was meant to be his house. And then it's just like this long driveway up this hill, and then over this hill, and I was like, it was pitch black. It was like, not a light inside. And I was like, even like my cars, like really little and it's like really low. And like even I don't even know if my car would have even made this like You're like with all the rooms, rocks and everything. I was like not fucking know, anyway. And then I called him I was like, Well, I'm so sorry. I was like, I know, you're like my friends, pine. And like she said, you're really nice. But I was like, I just I can't physically bring myself to go into this creepy like, I'm sorry, I can't do and I was like, I'm like at the front of your house. I was like, I'm more than happy to like, if you want to come out like I can drive us to my hotel if you want. Or you can meet me at my hotel, but I was like, I'm not. And then he's like, oh, like don't worry about it. You know, he's like, you can keep the deposit just don't worry about that later. And CDC obviously didn't get it. Yeah, it did end up seeing him in another city. I was like, oh, no, certainly Castro garden. I'm sure he was fine. But like, obviously, I'm out. I'm not. I'm not going into this place. Yeah. And that's right. And that's what you got to do. You have to trash the guy, you've got to go into it with always thinking about absolutely everything and not just being like, oh, it's money. I'm just gonna go do what it was like a long booking too. So I did like fuck off a lot of money. But that's the only time that I've ever like, really got like a bad feeling from something. Because, yeah, I normally wouldn't even accept out calls that like in any way that was like, I've always been sketchy. But yeah, but yeah, so trust your gut. There hasn't been any times outside of that where you've felt unsafe. There was one one other time but it wasn't me that felt unsafe. It was I was I was going to like a doubles booking with one of my friends. And she she got bad vibes from so it was like two guys. And then he booked two girls, and I thought my guy was fine. But like, I didn't really talk to the other guy that much. But she did. And she got bad vibes from me. I don't know, he must have said something or done something. She's like, I can't just yeah, I'm sealing off this whole situation just doesn't feel right to me. So she's like, can we go? It sounds like yeah, of course we can go. And that's the thing with women were so in tune with, oh my God, we are alive. We just know as soon as we get there. Like it can be something like not even obvious to the man or to the male. And it's something really slight, but I feel like as women, we're so into wishes. And we're just like we get when we know, we know, I know it but like, you know, like, definitely listen to that little thing. I think that's like inside of you. Yeah, for sure. So going from an accountant, and then into the sex industry. How did that go with your family and friends? Like do they know about it immediately? Do they know about it now? Like, how was navigating all of that for you? A lot of my friends kind of knew, like when I had created that I was like dabbling and thinking about sex. So a lot of my friends I kind of knew first, and they were fine. Especially like most of my best friends. At the time that I left were like girls that I had met at my accounting firms like three of my best friends, a girl that I met there and like they they took it really well. Except Oh, actually no, I like there was one friend that actually forgot about her. She was like dead to me now. There was one friend that was like beside herself. It was like That is disgusting, blah, blah, blah. And so, so there was at my accounting firm, it was me and then for other girls, and we were like a group we were best. But I worked at my phone for three years. For the whole three years. We're best friends, we hung out outside of work all the time we hung out at work, we were like inseparable. And then yeah, one of all of them were so supportive and thought it was so cool and everything and then one of them just lost her mind. But then I didn't expect the other girls to like stop being friends with her but they we fade we're just like no that actually thought like and like we're like when we don't want anything to do with her because that's actually fucked up. So because obviously I wasn't friends with her anymore, but then the rest of them were like No, we don't even want to have anything to do with the energy we love Yeah, I know that's like goes important goes That's like that, like she's to discuss too. And so that was like nice of them to like really have my back. So yeah, they still have my back now we still talk all the time and hang out. And then I had my other friendship group was like my friendship group with Mark and while they were there was already sex workers in that group. So that was yeah, my my friends was so a lot of them were more concerned at first, like not concerned as in that I was doing secular but more concerned from the like, obviously, like, again, this, like, the stigma around sex workers is that six workers have mental health issues and like, you know, it can affect your dating perceptions of men and you know, body images and just there's always perceptions that sex workers just have all sorts of issues, and that it is a detriment to your life. If that's what people like. I I've never really thought that that that that was gonna happen. I don't know, I just had positive vibes about it. I don't know why I had such positive vibes I just did I had a good feeling. I was like, No, I feel like this is really gonna, I'm gonna do good things here. And everyone was like, Oh, she was like, I'm just I'm worried what if like, you go off the rails, you start doing a lot of drugs? Like what if you start hating men, like from a genuine place? Putting shit on me. This was like, they were concerned that I was going like it was going to negatively impact my life in some way. And I was like, oh, like, I just I just don't think that that's gonna happen and what it hasn't happened and they've all been like, obviously, it's like three years later now and they're like, oh my god, like I am loving how like much you've like flourished and thrived and like it I you know, we have no worries. More about like you and like your abilities. Now, like you've obviously shown that you're like, capable of doing this job. And yesterday, they were they were always supportive. But yeah, at first they were like, yeah, just a bit like, you know, Okay, be careful. Like, you know, we're just going to check in on you make sure you're okay and start supportive. I love it is family, family were they they took them I took them a little bit to come around. My parents were pretty supportive, like, so I waited, I waited a long time to tell my family I only told my family like pretty recently, even though the industry for like three years, I only told my family like just before Christmas, it was like an October or something. Now we're in like April now. So let's hold them like really recently, even though I've been in the industry for three years. And that was because like I kind of wanted, I don't know, I kind of wanted like when I told them I kind of wanted to have things to show for it. Okay. Like, especially with like the kind of so I'm an only child, right? And the measure of success in my family is like either achievements and accomplishments and awards and shit like that. So I was like, Fuck if I like told them that I'm a sex worker, and I don't have any, like, kind of like, accomplishments in that field. Then they walk like what? What, okay, you're doing this and you've got absolutely nothing to show for it. So like, what is the point of that? I just look maybe and maybe they wouldn't have been like that, but I just felt like that is what they would have been like, because that's how they will like with like me growing up my whole life. Like why the mother doing school if you're not like getting good grades and awards and other. Like why even why are you even in uni if you don't like excelling and whatever. That's the kind of parents that I had. That was like the first thing they're gonna say to me when I told him he's like, okay, so like, what have you done? Like, what achievements have you done in this? I was I can't I gotta like, do something. thing to give them when I tell them. So anyway, so by the time by the time I told them, I had done all the magazine stuff and won like awards and like had the podcast and like, how all this cool shit? Yeah. No, no, like, do they not know what to do? They still think you're an accountant. Yeah. They were going to work every month. When I left accounting, I said that I had left like my firm that I was gonna, like, start my own business. Yeah. private consulting. And they. And when I told them, I was like, Did you genuinely have no idea? And they were like, No, we actually had no idea. And everyone's like, everyone always told me like, no sure your parents know. And they're just pretending they don't know. I was like, I really don't think that they know. And they did that. No idea how freeing for you now though. Now, I have to like make up all the bullshit. It's the hardest thing ever having to lie I couldn't I could never do it again. Like, I like now that I'm like, now that I am like, fully out to like everybody in my life. Basically, I could never like not tell somebody straight away that I don't ever want to have to like I spent so many years like the lying every single day about even just a little bit of the budget on the weekend, which was a fuck, I gotta lie every fucking day about what I'm doing nothing sourcing, like exhausting. Yeah, it just puts you in such an uncomfortable position. And I totally feel it again. Again, realise it's so hard to keep up with it I feel that because I had to keep a line going as well and now that it's out like I used to go and go go to my hairdresser or go get my eyelash and like what do you do for work and I got just social stuff and then it asked me make more lies and more lies, but they want to kind of free it all and you tell everyone and then you it's so good because you go like now when I go get my head I'm like What do you do? I'm like I don't really fans and I'm working the adult industry and they either take it or they don't feel so good because you release all that energy you release all that like lying What is it they judge me what I'm doing this? And he was upfront and honest and they take you or they don't Yep, so it's it's such a good space and it calls out the it calls out the people that you don't need in your life right away. So it's not like you have someone in your life and then they turn out to be like, Oh no, yuck. Why are you doing that? It's like you just just don't even don't even have time from from the beginning. Yeah, the problem was I don't even bother Yeah. 100% Now I've seen some articles out about you recently. Tell us about these articles that are just getting flown all about the internet. Yeah. Oh my goodness. There's so random to is I have Yeah, so this is the story at the moment is day dating life which Yeah, so we're both with the same PR company which is million billion right? And they came to me they're like, oh, yeah, news.com wants to do a story on your dating life. I go, No one's gonna give a fuck whatever. Mmm hookah has to say about dating. I was like that's the one. That's not interesting. No one's gonna care they don't know me. Yeah. Emily Oh no, they really want to do this or they think they think it's gonna be interesting. I go I really didn't want to do this story was so dumb anyways that but I did it. And then it came out and I was like whatever and then like a day later, there was just like a like reposting and I was like, Why is this so? That was so spicy. Nothing. I was just like, Oh, yes, I guys find it hard to date an escort? Like I feel like that would just be that's basically was the premise of the article, right? Yeah, guys guys struggle with dating and scored and it just blew up. And I was like, This is so funny. So funny. I saw it all over socials. And it was just like, share after share after share. Post those things my dating life is interesting. And I was like, That is so funny. Oh, by the way, I'm just like, every day they just like sending me like the new Anisa Oh, yeah, more. It's like European articles in other languages. Now I was like, a random European. Everyone's gonna know it. Oh, now I love it. It's so funny. But anyway, yeah, so apparently my dating life is super interesting. Really, that is hilarious. Like, you have been a Playboy model. You've just been in the top 600 Sexiest Women for Fhn. Like you've had all these achievements in terms of modelling and they picked us talk about your dating life. I know, right? Oh, my God. And I know they'll always say don't read the comments. Um, but I was like, I want to know, a few comments. And like what some people really should be I seen a few comments that was like, because so one of the things that's mentioned in the articles is I have three university degrees, which I do I spent nine years getting three university degrees. That is not a joke, I actually do have them. And a lot of comments are like, oh, there's no way she has three degrees. Like, I'm sorry, you can't accept the fact that a sex worker can have more university degrees than you do. Isn't it bizarre when you work in this industry, people assume they know you. Like they just they are so strong on thinking that they know exactly who you are and painting that picture. Like they don't know you for a barrel so they don't even know who you are. And they're just like, she definitely doesn't have degree. Sorry. Like her degrees No. isn't really that, like out of this world that a sex worker can be educated? I feel like some people genuinely think that that is not possible, like an educated person would never be a sex. No, I think there's a big stigma around. Sex workers only join when they're desperate. They're desperate for money that has been life, they're unstable. And there's all these negative reasons why to join, and they just can't get their head around successful women who have had really great jobs and degrees, actually choosing this industry. And I think it scares the hell out of people like you that it just makes them feel so uncomfortable, that they refuse to believe a pet peeve of mine, which is sometimes like, I'll have clients like say a little comment like this, to me, is like when people are like, oh, like, you know, I don't understand why people you know, hate on textbooks, because like, you know, people don't understand people situations and what people have to do for money and like you do, but you got to do sometimes, whenever a client says that to me, they get the lecture. Yeah, I can do lots of jobs. I am qualified to do many things. I choose to do this, because I lecture from me on that. And I really put them in their place. And I was like, good, like, not everyone does this out of necessity, which okay, I'm like, you know, some people do and that is totally okay to do. But some of us actually choose to do this. Yeah, it's a choice. Like, like, why the how not like it's absolutely not built for everyone. But like, I can see you I can see you were working nine to five like you were just going to the same job every single day on the same wage and look at you now like you're doing something that you absolutely love that lights you up. You've got a community of women that are supportive, you've got your friends that are supporting you. You're earning great money, like you're just living the fucking life. I really am. I think I am. And yeah, people just people just don't want to believe that sex workers can be happy and rich and successful. Usually people that are not happy, original success that are the ones that like, oh, well, I'm not doing my mundane job. So there's no way that a sex worker could you're happy, rich and successful if I'm not doing my normal city job. Yeah, that's right. So I don't think I had a city job once. Did you ever have a CV job? CV job? Yeah. Oh, my God. Is that like an escort? Escort. I don't know many, many terms. I don't know maybe that's like a terminal CD. Just a zillion. i That's that's the Twitter lingo. Maybe a CV is just a civilian So CV jobs I've had a CV job 1000 CV jobs. And I'd like to say normal because then that my kind of says that sex work is like not normal, but like yeah, a non spicy job. clothes on. Exactly, exactly. Yeah, no, I definitely have had a sippy job and hated it and whatnot for God. Yeah, I think every I feel like most sex workers have had normal. Yeah, jobs. Yeah, I just, I don't dish out and anyone that loves their job. They're women. And I have friends out there who work nine to five and then love it. And I love that for them. That's amazing. But for me, I just don't like we have one life. And I don't understand why I would choose to work day in and day out for somebody else. And Monday, Friday night. I could never work someone was ever again on this show. No, I don't have the same seriously. Yeah. Okay, well, let's wrap up the podcast and leave it with because I'm sure there ladies creators that are listening. And they've may have always thought about dabbling in being an escort or starting or, you know, flirting with the idea. What's some advice you can give to those girls that are thinking about getting into the industry or may have just got into the industry? Okay, well, the first bit of advice that I want to say is which I see this happening a lot I tried to talk to as many girls that message me like as possible is this because I would like if I remember what it's like to be new. I was, you know, I was new once upon a time, and I didn't have any friends. And I, you know, tried to make friends and tried to reach out to other girls. And even when I first started working independently, and like, first got social media first got Twitter, and I was like, you know, trying to try to tweet and instagram with other girls. And as like, oh, wow, she commented back like, she likes me. And then obviously then when I befriended them, and I learned more from them, so I remember what that's like. So I tried to not not really coach but you know, I tried to be friendly with girls and a lot. What a lot of girls say to me is like, oh, like, I'm just not as successful as you are, like, you're so busy, and like I'm not. So it is actually a very hard job. And you're competing with a lot of girls, right. And I think that a lot of people join the industry, looking at people like me, and they're like, Oh, I'm gonna get that. It's very difficult. And I didn't just get all of this overnight. It was hard work. And it takes a lot, it takes a lot of hard work, it takes a lot of networking costs a lot of money as well, like, I invested a lot into my business. So it's not an I never, it's not like I ever knew that these things were gonna like that I was going to get these things, right. So you, I didn't expect them and you can't expect these kinds of things. And I get that all the time because of being like, I'm just I'm not at your level. And I've been in the industry for longer than you and it's, it's it can be it can be very hard. And yeah, so I get I just don't want everyone to look at me, like I'm gonna get that. Because it is very competitive, right? There's girls that are far more successful than me. And I even look at them and go fuck, like, I wish I had that. Like, why am I not making that much money? Why am I not doing those things? And so I even feel like that still now. So I think that's the first thing is to just be prepared to you know, failing. What is it? What did they say? It's like failing to plan is planning to fail or something like that. So yeah, I think you need to be prepared that it might not work out the way that you think it's gonna work out. And I hope that I hope that everybody's I hope that everybody can do this and be successful. But the reality is that you can't, and I think that's probably the first thing that people need to realise is that it might not work out. So yeah, that's the first thing. And the second thing is I probably would, I probably would recommend starting like at an agency first just especially if so it may be if you already know other sex workers, and that can guide you and help you maybe you don't need to. If you're listening to this and you you've never met a sex worker before you have absolutely no idea if you're like me, when I started, I had no idea. I would probably say even if it's just like a month, because then you get to meet other people and you kind of get to learn the ropes. There's a lot to the job that you just don't, you'll never you'll never know. Also Oh, this was another thing that I did to prepare myself is I watched Secret Diary of a cool girl. watch that show you have to watch out anyone listening please watch this show. It's um, I've actually seen it and I've always wanted to watch it. Oh, my God, it's so good. And in she everything she says in it is actually very factual. Like she goes through the whole process of like, greeting clients and bookings. And she really is actually super educational. Just based on true events. Yeah, this this was a real girl in London. Is it a book as well? Yeah. So she wrote the book and in the in the series it like talks about her writing the book and then he getting adapted a series on whatever. So even does that in the show, but yeah, so it was this was a real girl that didn't actually write a real book. So it is based on on fact, and it's it's very educational, so I would suggest everyone to watch that too. Yeah, that'd be a great starting point. Like I watched it like three times I watched it and I was okay. I didn't watch it again and like take no yeah. I'm assuming it'll give the real insight into what it's like the ups and downs. Like it shows her greeting, like, you know, clients taking the money, you know, putting them in the shower, like I didn't. When I first started, like, I had no idea that like, I would never have had any idea that you'd like, make clients shower. Yeah, you take the money first. These little things that you just wouldn't even know how to do. Yeah. So she goes through all that in the show, which is good. I love that. Yeah, this is another thing as well. Oh, again, there are so again, if you don't know any escorts at all. And maybe maybe you don't want to work at an agency or a Roth or something, because I can't do a lot of agencies and brothels are just not very good, right? So like, I can say, like, yeah, it might be a good idea. But then again, I've heard such bad stories about them as well as like it could it could actually be a very bad idea. Like you could have a positive experience more than likely, you probably won't. But so if you go on Scarlet blue, there's a lot of girls that offer mentoring and coaching for a fee. Yeah, yeah. So I would say you could Yeah, book a few mentoring sessions with other escorts. I don't currently offer mentoring sessions. I'm too frustrated like I get frustrated. But I have a podcast as well. So if anyone listening wants to like hear me talk more shit about like the industry? Well, I'm sure I'm sure honey probably talks to other girls as well like more on the only fan side but I do talk a lot of escorting stuff on my podcast so you can listen to me. But yeah, I would I would also recommend maybe booking a few mentoring sessions. Yeah, I love that there's options to book mentoring sessions and invest in that and to learn from people who've been in the industry for so long and get them to educate you and you basically have them there to ask whatever you need like yeah, sorry pal. So the main one that most girls go to and who love I've never had a mentoring session with her but I have a lot of friends who had and they they are obsessed with her they've she's God's gift to our school. So her name is Amanda Valentina. So to anybody listening you can go and hit her up and she does like you know paid mentoring sessions and apparently she's been in the industry for a long time she's won like 20 industry awards she's been in the industry for forever she's the girl who goes gold standard she knows everything about everything. I have firsthand heard of other girls like saying that she's changed their lives so good. Yeah using I love that so much. Now I know one of your tips you did touch on you know when getting into their into an agency. What should women be looking for when looking at a website? Or are they called agencies or websites? Well, so agencies are like where you've got like people that do your bookings and stuff for you but the websites the directories the directory friend, okay. directories are like for independence, Scarlet blue escorts and babes like those kinds of things. Independent go like me will like put ads up on there. Then agencies I mean, some agencies probably don't have a website the one that I was never heard of. It was more just like you just know someone. But I think some agencies have websites. Okay. Yeah. What would you look at like if you approach an agency what should girls be looking for in these agents? Obviously probably word of mouth I would say but like yeah, that I think a good starting point that everybody should do as well as I know some people hate the socials. But really like joining the socials and like joining the socials was like the, it was joining the industry, I like consider that I consider myself like, before that I feel like I wasn't even in the industry. Like I felt so out of it. And I didn't even realise I was out of it until I got Twitter. And I got Instagram started connecting with other people. I was like, Oh, my God, like, there was this whole other world that I like didn't even know existed. So I'm Twitter is very informative. So I would, I would take it Twitter and start being getting friendly with other girls. And then once you get a bit friendly with them, you can then just ask them, like, Hey, I'm looking for an agency, or I'm looking for a brothel. And you can start following girls that work at brothels or stop morning girls that work at agencies. And you know, what they have to say about their, their clubs or their agencies or whatever. Or if you if you can't find any of those girls, which I'm sure you probably can, if you like, Look deep dive on Twitter, you can just ask girls like, Hey, I'm looking for girls that work in brothels or work in agencies. Do you know any that I can follow? Or do you know of any good agencies? And I think once you kind of establish a little bit of a rapport with people, like you know, and you liking each other, stop going to your staff or you could even just shoot your shot and just ask like, most girls are pretty nice. Like, I tried to reply to people in my DMs if they asked me like a genuine work question, obviously don't reply to like sleazy guys. Can I say you're busy? I'm like, work out messages me like I, if I see it, like, I mean, I might miss it. But like, I tried to, like look through all my requests. And if I say it, I will reply, and I will give advice. Yeah, and I think most girls would, yeah, love that so much power in the community. Like there's so much power. So I love that advice. You know, start with the community start there. Word of mouth is so powerful. And I love that you touched on as well on the podcast, that it's not easy, because I think that especially within the industry, there you know, the industry as a whole is like well, it's easy. And I think there's even more of a big stigma around escorting the even easier. So I love that you've touched on there's so much more to it than just being an escort and it's a business and you've really got to run out. Yeah. It's the worst seeing girls join the industry thinking that they're going to be millionaires overnight and that it not happening and then them having to go back to their their other jobs. I see that happen a lot. And it's disheartening to them as well. I mean, it's disheartening for me when they come and complain to me, and then it's suddenly disheartening to see them go through that. So yeah, I just, I just don't think enough people realise that it's actually really difficult. Especially these days where there's so many girls every day, there's like new girls that's like wanting to, you know, join the industry, which is fine. Like, I'm also people wanting to do this work. But every time like one girl joins the industry just makes it harder for like everybody, right? Which I think people don't realise that as well. The industry right now it is saturated, and people are not making the same money now, as they were like, you know, climate change at all didn't when women were losing jobs, they didn't have any income, and they looked at the sex industry. It all just changed. And I think it's, like ever growing now. It is what I mean, there's only so much client money or send money to like, go around, right? So it's like getting spread out. So I think because I've heard stories from girls like back in the day being like, oh my god, I could make like 20k in a day where I don't hear stories like that anymore. So yeah, it's not always glamorous. Thank you so much for the insight into your world into escorting. I really, really appreciate you being here. Yeah, it's been great. You're the first person that's been on here that we have openly chatted about escorting so I'm so excited for the listeners to to jump in and listen to all your wisdom and your advice.