Honeys Makin' Money

Taking the industry by storm with Micki Daniels 🥂

• Honeyy Brooks • Season 2 • Episode 33

Today, Honeyy dives deep into the world of none other than Micki Daniels, a seasoned luminary in the industry with over a decade of experience.

Episode Highlights

🥂 Micki’s Journey into the Industry

Discover how Micki embarked on her journey at the tender age of 18, and the transformative moments that shaped her path.

🥂 A Day in the Life of Running Her Own Biz
Step into Micki’s shoes as she unveils the daily grind of managing her own thriving enterprise.

🥂 Micki’s Journey to Charging Her Worth and How You Can Too
Uncover Micki’s journey to realizing her true value in the industry, and gain actionable insights on how you can confidently set your rates.

🥂 How to Avoid Scammers
Micki shares her insider tips on identifying and steering clear of potential scams, ensuring you navigate the industry with savvy and safety.

🥂 Micki’s Top Tips for Newcomers to the Industry
Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned pro looking to up your game, Micki dishes out expert advice to empower your journey in the industry.

Get ready for a riveting exploration of Micki’s world, where she shares her wisdom and experiences, paving the way for success in this intriguing realm.

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Connect with Micki Daniels on Instagram @themickidaniels for all the latest updates and exclusive content.

Welcome back to another episode of Honeys Making Money. I have a beautiful guest with me today and I'm so excited to dive into this babe's world. Let me introduce the beautiful Mickey Daniels. Hi. Hello. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you so, so much for joining me. We have been planning this for a while and I'm so excited to have you on and just hear about your world and what you're doing with your business. So let's jump in for the listeners that don't know who you are. Tell us all about the lovely Mickey Daniels. So I have been in the sex industry for over a decade now. I started in the sex industry when I was fresh 18 and now I'm almost 30. So I've been, I've, well, you'd call me a bit of a veteran at the moment, wouldn't you? I love it. It's been a while. So yeah. Does it feel like 10 years? No, not at all. It does not feel like 10 years. It feels like, it feels like the biggest blast of fun I've been having for the last 10 years. And obviously meeting new people, meeting other escorts and clients and other people in the industry and industry owners as well. You know, it's just been, it's been an absolute blast. It's been so much fun. Oh, amazing. So tell us, tell us, how did Mickey Daniels fall into the world of sex work? Like take us back to the start. Okay. So I started when I was fresh 18. It was purely survival for me. I've been on my own since I was 15. So I was put in a teenage youth home when I was 15. My parents, I don't know what happened with them. It was basically children raising children and I ended up on my own. So it's purely for survival. So, you know, obviously I started as a baby escort and I was doing all of the, wrong things, you know, looking for looking for all of the all of the fun stuff in all the wrong places and whatnot and making all of my my mistakes and my bad decisions and everything earlier on so that I could turn it into what it is now, which I never ever ever thought I would I would get this far in the industry. I never thought that if I focused on myself and my empire that we could we could take it to the next level, to be honest, I didn't I didn't have any idea that from survival could could potentially be Yeah, I've turned it into a complete business now. Yeah, it's such an inspiration to see where you were early on, especially in teenage years, like as a young woman to not have any guidance from your parents, to not have any support. I'm sure that there was no money there as well from them to just come into being fresh 18 and say, right, I've got to figure this out myself and get into escorting and come out the other end of building a mega business is so amazing. That's absolutely incredible. When you joined into escorting to be with an agency, how did you first start the business and then did that evolve into you being independent? Talk a little bit about that process. Honey, that is the best question ever. Okay, so I have done it all. I've been in brothels, I've been in agencies, I've been independent. I've done it all. So obviously, as I said earlier, I made my mistakes as a baby escort. I went to all the wrong places, sorry, but obviously that's made me who I am now. So I started off in a brothel. When I was fresh 18, I was working for Next to Peanuts. And as you said, there was no money. I had no money. I was sleeping in my car with my dog. And I didn't know what else I was going to do. And I basically started in a brothel. And then I'm like, okay, this is just, it's just going to be for now. It's just going to be for now. You know, no one's going to know what I'm doing. It's, it is what it is. And then I, something happened and I moved states. And I ended up figuring out that because I was in a different state, I could kind of go a little bit further with my work. So I ended up in an agency who were advertising me in a different state. And then I realized that I was getting quite popular and I could actually do something with this. So I went from agency to agency. They liked me a lot, but then I really, realized that I was working too hard for less money and I was giving them half of it. Right. Okay. I was giving the agency half of my money and every time you would work with a different agency or a different brothel or wherever, they have their own fees and stuff that they take out to keep their business running. It doesn't matter what they're using it for. Well, usually with brothels, it's okay. It's to run the business, but sometimes with agencies that you end up in, you don't have your wits about you. Some of the agencies are using the money from the girls for not so great things, meaning their own drug habit and stuff like that, but you don't know unless you make your own mistakes. You know what I mean? You don't know where you need to be or where you don't need to be unless you make your own mistakes. So after that, I ended up in Sydney and then I ended up with another agency and I realized that this is just not for me. I went off on my own. It was a lot to start. Obviously you have to get a photo shoot. You have to start your own ads, go to all the different websites and start your own ads. You've got to pay for your advertising. It is a lot, but it is worth it. Being your own boss, I'm sure there's a very empowering side of it, a side that you feel like you've got the business under your belt, you're ready to go. Was there a point at all when you went out on your own that you felt alone, that you were like, oh, this could be a bit scary. Like I don't have that agency to fall back onto or I don't have that, or did you just see an opportunity and absolutely run for it? Honestly, I saw the opportunity and ran for it. I didn't get scared. I'd been in the industry for a little bit and the way I see it is, yeah, as I said before, you don't know unless you make your own mistakes. And from where I've come from, I haven't gotten here by not making mistakes, you know? So I mean, I needed to be where I was to obviously then realize that it was a lot easier to do it on my own without all the politics of an agency or a brothel or somebody else telling me what to do, when to do it, who to do it with, you know, all of that sort of stuff. I could make my own terms. I could have my own boundaries. Yeah. I mean, sometimes- That's something you didn't have control over. Wow. Correct, correct. Because sometimes in an agency or in a brothel, you have to do what they want you to do. And that's violating in itself. You know, sometimes they've offered you out for this much money and this service and you don't even perform that service. You're there and then like, oh, what about this service? Like I don't offer that, you know? So, and then there's other times where somebody's booked you and then they've sent somebody else and they're not happy with you when they turn up or it's just a nightmare with agencies sometimes because they are the money hungry people. So if you can go out on your own and you can work for yourself and you don't feel alone and you do feel empowered, then that's where you need to be always, always where you need to be, where you feel empowered and where you feel more like yourself, where you're more in control of your own being and more in control of your boundaries and yourself and your person. you know. Yeah. And I think that's a word that really stood out to me then is being in control. Like you are in control of your business, in control of your clients, how much you charge, your boundaries like that is so powerful in itself. So that's amazing that you, you know, you jumped into that transition and you now you own your business and you run your business to the best of your power and to what aligns with you, which is so empowering. So let's talk about now that you are independent, you run your own business, you do, you're everyone, right? Like you're, you're, you're taking deposits, you're booking, you're, you're doing everything, which is really, really inspiring, but I could imagine it would also be so busy and you've learned so much along the way. But let's talk about a day in your life escorting now that you're in your own business. What does I think his day look like? Mickey is crazy. Oh my God. Mickey's also got, um, she's, she's also recruiting at the moment. So I've got another two girls that work for me. Right. Yeah. We can talk about that later. A day in the life of Mickey. Okay. So I'll wake up anywhere from six to 7am. I'll get up. I will go outside on my balcony and I'll have some reflect time, some downtime, some time to relax. Cause I usually get anxiety in the morning. That's just the thing that I, that I do. And I sit out in the, in my balcony and get some air. And then after that I will have some breakfast and I'll head straight to the gym. I spend probably about an hour, hour and a half in the gym every morning. It's probably the only thing I get to do for myself. So I love it. So then after that I'll come home, I'll have a shower, I'll get on the computer, do some admin. But all while I'm literally, I've got my phone attached to me, answering emails, answering messages, you know, obviously boosting my ads, reposting my ads every morning and then having them on auto repost. And then, um, there's other things I need to do, like update Twitter. There's so much social media involved with it as well. I was going to say as well. You have such a big social media following as well as your business. So yeah, you must pour in a lot into your marketing and be really forward facing with your social media. So that is like a whole nother business in itself. Yes, that takes a lot of time and a lot of effort. I've obviously built my brand in my name up over over the number of years that I've been working. But yeah, the social media stuff takes time, but it is worth it. It is worth it. I do. I do find that with work, I wouldn't say the industry is saturated, but there are a lot of newcomers coming in these days and a lot of punters don't know anything about them, you know, so. If you're an escort and you're, um, you've got your ads up on, online or your advertising, a lot of punters or a lot of clients as per se, sorry, would come through and they would look like your social media just to verify you are who you say you are. Of course. Yeah. They would also verify, you know, what you look like or, and that sort of stuff. And they like to see the real person. They like to see them. Their personality would probably come a lot into play. Definitely. The fact that you're a real person, people, people, you know, that's why I post a lot of photos of me at the gym or, you know, me in a car or, you know, because people like to see that you are a real person and that, you know, it kind of goes into the online fantasy and then they get to spend that time with you and they kind of, it's a lot more valuable for you as well. If you've got your social media working for you. Yeah, absolutely. I, I love that. I think in any business, if anyone's out there not pouring, you know, a lot of their time into social media is such a waste, like right now, like businesses are changing overnight with Instagram and TikTok, like it's absolutely insane. So I love it because I've seen a lot of escorts out there who do have a smaller, I suppose, following, but they do have their ads up. So you're doing both sides. Like you've got your ads up. You you've got, you know, everything out there, but then you're also going ham on the social media, which is so epic. So, sorry, I cut you off with your social media. So don't worry about it all day in your life. You're in, you're in, you're doing your emails. You're on your phone. You're doing your social media. What happens after that? I just, I love that you get, so I just love it. I like talking to you. You're so fun. So after that, I would probably get deposits or I'd check up with bookings. You know, so I've got an overnight booking in a couple of days. So I just checked up on him. I said, Hey, we're confirming for our booking. Do we want to go out for dinner or are we going to order in? You know, just stuff like that. Just making sure that I'm keeping up to date with all of my regulars and my clients, keeping up to date with my taxes, my accounting, all. that sort of stuff. I actually also make sure that I make myself care an extremely high priority all of the time. What escorts coming into the industry need to realize is that if you are spending time and energy and patience and effort with somebody, it's going to take a lot out of you. So you really, really need to be giving that back to yourself in any way that you can. Whichever way that you receive love, whether it be, you know, gifts or words of affirmation, or, you know, physical touch or something like that, you need to be giving that back to yourself. as much as you can. So, you know, say you like physical touch, you'd go and get a massage. Make sure that you're nice and relaxed and all that sort of stuff. I think that making sure your mental health and your physical health is perfect or not perfect, but to the best of its ability is the best thing you can do in this job. Yeah, I love that because from the outside looking in, I could feel like companionship and escorting is, it is so much more like, yes, it's sex, but I feel like there'd be so much more than sex. It's connection, conversations, energy, vibing, and you're giving so much to the other person. Like you're not just giving that sexual exchange, you're giving a whole connection and a whole relationship, really. Correct, and people would be shocked for me to say this, but I probably sleep with three to four out of 10 clients. Mm, yeah, that does not surprise me, obviously, being in the industry as well and seeing how many men just do love the connection and the chatting and friendships and getting to see women in their real forms. And it doesn't surprise me. So I could just imagine how much time you can afford. Like you need to fill your cup up, right? Because you're out there filling everyone else's cup. Correct, that's exactly right. Yeah, that's exactly right. And that's the thing, like a lot of people don't understand that with escorting, you're having to be, when you're with your client, you have to be on your game 24 seven, when you're with your client, you need to be giving them that energy. You need to be giving them that connection. You need to be making sure that you're giving them everything you can because your regular clients are your bread and butter. You're not always gonna have new clients every week, but you're gonna have your regulars that wanna come back and see you and speak to you and spend time with you because you're so fricking amazing. Yeah, that's the thing, like they've paid for that service as well. You're like, oh, I'm feeling a bit tired and you're not up to yourself. Like they've paid for that service so they expect it to be the same as every other time. So I could only imagine like being a introvert myself, I could only imagine how, I wouldn't say exhausting, but how much. like energy is really poured into those dates and how far you really do go for your clients. Yes, yes. I even go to the, go as far as, you know, making sure that I wear the dress that they want, wearing the perfume that they want, making sure that, you know, I have the right makeup on that they want. I even had a client, I actually hate white toenails. It is so impractical. I hate white toenails. It is the tackiest, I just, I can't do it. Everyone else, whatever, that's fine, but I can't do it on me. But I had this client, he's like, I want white toenails. And I'm like, this is making me cringe, but sure. Good thing, babe. Sure thing, of course, that's fine. I'm changing them the next day, but as far as, you know, he has those white toes in and around his mouth. He loved it. He was good. He was good, but I'm just, I cannot wait to get this white off my tie. But honestly, that is the aim of the game. It's putting yourself in uncomfortable positions sometimes as well, just for the sake of the other person. They are paying a very, very good amount of money for your service. And at the end of the day, the least you can do is do the right thing by your client. Yeah, absolutely. I love that. I love how you go over and beyond food for your clients. And I can see how you are so successful and why you do have regular clients that come back and see you, which we have kind of touched on this, but I wanted to move into this a little bit more because within the whole industry, there is an increase of creators, there's an increase of escorts. The whole industry is just increasing with interest, with more women joining more models. So how do you, I suppose, keep up with finding your new clients and then also sustaining them? Honestly, just be myself. Love it. Honestly. So when I, when I find new clients, I make sure, so if they come through to my phone, I make sure that I reply instantly. I'm like, hi there. Thank you so much for your message. I always make sure that I thank them for contacting me because at the end of the day, they want the appreciation just as much as you do. You're not sitting up on that pedestal just because you're being paid to have sex with somebody. At the end of the day, you're also a human being and they want that connection. You want to set that standard from the get -go. Hi, honey. Thank you for your message. Simple. And then from there, talk to them like you're a friend. You just need to be yourself. Honestly, there is a reason why they've contacted you and not somebody else. Apart from those punters that, you know, go to everyone and be like, oh, I've texted so many girls. Just let me know which one you are. And then you send a photo through, but there's a reason why they contact you above everybody else. So utilize that to your best ability to retain your clients. And as I said before, you do want your regulars because you're not always going to get new ones. You're ready. are your bread and butter. They're gonna come through for you where nobody else will all the time. So you wanna make sure that you're maintaining that level of standard from the start and just be yourself, honestly. I absolutely adore that answer because authenticity is just really the key to building a business, let alone a business in this industry. And I also feel like that when you are so authentic, you're yourself and you show up as your best self, you attract those clients. So you attract a similar mind or a similar- That's it. Yeah, I like it. That is it. Honestly, if you are on your vibe, on your frequency, if you are, and people say it's got a lot to do with price attracting those clients, it does. But in saying that, as you said, being authentic, yes, the industry could be saturated, but they're there for you, be you. You are the reason why they are there. Nobody can be you better than you can. And there's nobody else out there like you. Doesn't matter if it's saturated. There is no one out there like you. Just be you. I love it. I absolutely love it. I'm loving talking about this. It's been, it's been such a, well, it's my life. It is my lifestyle and it's been so under wraps for me. I've been such a private person. I, Mickey is an online figure, obviously. She is an online figure and she is an escort. She is all of these things. But she's very private as well. She doesn't put all of that much out there. So this year she's decided to, uh, to, to put herself out there in the spotlight more and be like, Hey world, I'm here and we are receiving you. We love that. So just on that subject, I could only assume that with the industry that we are in that you most likely don't speak to a lot of people like, like in your personal life about work. So is this, is this like you coming out now a little bit of an outlet? Like you can talk about it because with your friends and family, sometimes it's not just like a dinner conversation, is it? So sometimes it's not, but look at the start, at the start, my parents, my parents always knew what was going on, but they never really wanted to put the finger on it until I got a little bit older, probably about three or four years ago, we had a bit of a conversation and my mum ended up saying to me, she's like, you know, you've ruined porn for me, right? I don't like, what do you mean? She's like, I can't go on Pornhub cause I'm worried you're going to pop up. And I'm like, okay, okay. So it's, it's, it's all of my friends and family know now and whatnot. But at the start, at the start, it was a, it was a thing that nobody knew about. It was, you know, nobody knew that that's what I was doing, but I guess this isn't a coming out thing. It's more of a, um, I would like to share my story. I would like to help others. I would like to help other young girls in the industry. from the start, I would like to help them. That's why I would like to put myself out there more as Mickey and all that sort of stuff because I feel like I have a lot of experience in the industry and I have a lot of a lot of knowledge and I can definitely help. That's what I feel like I want to do. I feel like even by talking to you here, even if I've said something that might help somebody that makes me feel good. Yeah, I love that and I think it's so important as well within sex work to have people in the industry that can educate that have led for them and you know you did touch on earlier that you've made mistakes that have gotten you to where you are so you're never going to bypass anyone's mistakes but in terms of helping people you know point them in the right direction and learn from me. Yeah, don't make mistakes that I made if I can if I can save anyone from going through that you know because some of my mistakes cost me a year, six months you know. Fan scheme of The business world, some of my mistakes cost me time and money, a lot of it. So if I can help people learn from my mistakes so that they can then prosper and grow the way that they need to, then my job here is done. Like, that's it. Love it. So you touched on it then with being on Pornhub. So you're an OnlyFans girl as well at Pornhub. Okay, cool. So how did that come about? Cause obviously you started escorting first. Yeah. So escorting has been around a lot longer than OnlyFans has, you know? So obviously the sex industry is going to be an industry that's going to be around forever. But yeah, OnlyFans came through probably about three or four years ago when I, when I first moved to Brisbane actually, and I just thought of another, it could just be another way to make money and to develop relationships with clients that didn't have the income or enough money to book me for one or two hours. So I initially went on OnlyFans because I know that escorting prices can be quite expensive and there are people out there that still want that connection regardless. And if they like somebody on an escort site maybe they could potentially build a connection over the internet. So that's when I ended up going on OnlyFans because I realized that there's a whole other fan base out there that I haven't spoken to or connected with or even know about. And they don't really know about me because they've not been able to connect with me. So I decided to do OnlyFans just for the pure purpose to connect with more of my clients and fans. Oh, I really love that. And I'm intrigued to know, I'm going to throw this question at you because I know I get it a lot and I don't even escort but I get a lot of my subs asking me, can we meet? And obviously it's against the terms and conditions of OnlyFans. So I'm interested to know as an escort who like actively. probably talks about catching up and meeting. Do you get a lot of the, your fans coming on to OnlyFans thinking that's the way to contact you? And if so, how do you manage that? Yes, I do actually. That's, that's a good question. I do. I've got a lot of clients and fans that do come through on OnlyFans saying, Hey, can we book a meet? You know, I've seen your escort ad and I can definitely get flagged for those things. Absolutely. Like you get my whole account back. My whole account's gone in a split second, if they catch onto that. So honestly, everyone is really, really good when you just word them up. You just say, Hey, I know where you found me, but if we just don't talk about this on here, it's going to flag my account. If you want to talk about it, just message my work phone or message my Snapchat or another, another form of contact, you know, and you're okay with that because they want to talk to you. They don't want to, they don't want to make you upset. They don't want to make you mad. So. usually they're really, really, really respectful when you do ask them just to go on to a different platform and talk about it. Yeah, amazing. Oh, that's so good to hear. Cause I always think I'm like, gosh, I get so many messages. I'm like, come on guys. Like we're like skating on thin ice here with OnlyFans. Please don't do this. It's like, they give them an inch. They take a mile. It's so funny. They're just, it's... You do. And it's not there for, I think a lot of the time men just get so excited, or some men get so excited and they don't read anything. And you're just like, ah! No, you don't get excited. And that's like, if you want to look at it, it's like, oh, it's annoying, but it's actually quite wholesome. Somebody's getting that excited over meeting you and talking to you like, oh my God, I'm so excited. Thanks, I'm so excited over me. That's so good. Oh, adorable, love it. Okay, so now that you are independent, I would love to hear your normal client process. I don't know if there's like a normal streamline process that everyone kind of sticks to, or if you do something a little bit different, but what have you found that works for you in terms of when you first make contact with a client versus like their whole process? Everybody has a different process, obviously. Every escort can do what they want to do in their business. Just disclaimer, disclaimer. So with me, I don't necessarily screen a client. I go off vibe in how they're talking to me and how they're treating me. And if I want to be spending time with this person, quite frankly, do you know what I mean? It's like- Oh, so important. That's more important. And that's the thing. It's like people are the money. No, money doesn't even come into it with me. It's do I even want to be spending time with you? Because quite frankly, my time, effort and mental health is far more important than a couple of thousand dollars. But I'm probably going to make somewhere else. So don't ever compromise your own mental health. But with my screening- I make sure that they've got their energy there. I'm, I'm happy to talk to them and happy to see them. They need that screening done. Is that something like over the text message? It's a text message. I won't talk to them. I don't talk to my clients unless they've put a deposit down just because of how well known I am yet because people do watch me on Pornhub and they, they've got me on OnlyFans and stuff like that. They do come through the phone and just talk trash. You know, some of them will say, Hey, you're so hot. I'm like, thanks. Anything else? No, I just wanted to tell you that. I'm like, okay. They just want your time. Yeah. They just want the time. Exactly. So I need to make sure before, you know, I got on the phone to you that you're serious. So that's how I, I make sure that you're, you know, doing the right thing and you're respectful and courteous and that sort of stuff through text message. Then once you tell me what time, how long you want to see me for the service, what date, that sort of stuff, I'll get a deposit. It's just like a $200 deposit. It's sent through my KID and then the rest is on, is on arrival. That's, that's basically my process. It is quick, easy. And I like to make it quick and easy because a lot of my clients are businessmen or they're in meetings or they're running from here to there. And I like to make sure that I'm courteous of their time as well. It's not just me that needs to, you know, have their time respected. It's my clients as well. And that's how you maintain a good working relationship with your clients. Making sure that you're respecting them in their time as well. Yeah, absolutely. And I could imagine, cause I've heard this before as well, that the escorts or like that have been in the industry for a long time can read the vibe of the person, their text messages. Like they can say a couple of words and you can read that person. Yeah, that's a super power for us. Honestly, if you put in the industry for a long time, you can tell. You don't even need to be looking up, you know, on ugly mugs or anything like that. You can definitely tell if this person is going to be wasting your time or if they're in it for the long haul, you can always smile, but it is a super power. And it's something that you develop over time with experience. I feel like every woman should just be born with that super power. Oh my God. That would just be a cheat sheet to life. If every woman was born with the, well we are, we are, we're all born with intuition. It's just whether we want to follow it or not, whether we want to look into it or not. Or we want to look into fire. Yeah, that's right. Sometimes we see something we like, we ignore it all, but we know deep down, don't we? We know deep down, we shouldn't be doing it. Toxic trait, love it. Okay, so let's talk about your packages and pricing. Cause I could just assume from your journey, like being in the brothel, agencies now independent, there would have been so much change in terms of what you provide. your boundaries, how they've changed and your prices. So I would love to hear how it's all evolved for you over time and how you kind of managed it throughout as well. Okay, that is such a good question. So I first started in brothels, as you know, for like $400.$400 an hour. And it was just... But this is 10 years ago, you know, like it's... I was gonna say $400 million 10 years ago. It was so different to now. So different 10 years ago, yeah. So 10 years ago, I started in a brothel. This is in Melbourne too. I started in Gotham City in Melbourne and nightmares, like all of the older ones that I've been... I've worked in them. I've worked in all the older ones. It's OG. It's OG, that's what I mean. It's so funny when I look back and I'm like, yep, yeah, I was there in that time. I was there. Love it. But yeah, so I started at $400 an hour and I would get half of that.$100 an hour. And then I honestly think I got like $130 for half an hour at once. Oh, babe. Oh, babe. Look at this growth. I love it. I'm just thinking about it now. It's just, it's so funny that you're taking me on this journey. I love it so much. So, $100 an hour. Really stripping it back here. I got all the way back. That was the brothel stand and then obviously with brothels, they've got room fees and they've got a house fee and they've got, they've got all these fees that you need to pay and whatnot. So then I'm like, surely there's something better out here. So then I go to agencies and agencies are a little bit better. They maybe take like 20, 30%. They definitely don't take 50, but they probably take about 20 to 30%. I feel like they're all on like, they don't have to actually rent out. Like there's no physical property that they need to, to have. So really it's all online is like, they wouldn't be much over. They do like, so that's like an out call kind of thing. Or you'd have like one, one apartment. That's like a three, four bedroom apartment. All the girls would be upstairs and then the room would be downstairs. Yeah. And it would take turns. Like the girls would take turns and take shifts in that. Okay. It would be like, but then you'd have to clean up that room and then get it all done for the next girl and then the next girl. And then if that room's not available, you'd have to go out for an out call and it's like, they didn't have drivers. They just sent you in a cab and it's like, if there's just no protection, no, nothing, you're going to have your wits about you and all of that for like $600 an hour, which is fine. But I obviously didn't get all of that. Then there's like house fees on top of that, all that sort of stuff. So I've gone from $400 an hour. I am a whopping $1 ,300 an hour now. Yes, girl. You can get that. And I'm assuming like, well, obviously you've got to pay for your marketing and, and you know what you invest back into a normal. business, but there's no one over you taking a percentage of that. So that's incredible. Yeah, yeah, definitely. I have done the hard yards and I have worked up to where I am right now. And trust me, it's been a roller coaster. And you don't get to hear without, as I said, putting in the hard work, making sure that your clients are looked after making sure that you're looked after. It's also making sure that you know what you are worth. And that's the thing, you need to be making sure you know you are worth that kind of money. Fucking I'm worth that kind of money. My time. I don't even care if you're having sex with me. My time is worth that. Yeah, my time is worth that. Okay, absolutely. It's $1 ,300. That is how much I am worth. And I make sure that is you don't you don't waver from that. And if you try and negotiate my prices, I will never say I won't see you. Yeah. And that's the thing. When you are increasing your prices in this industry, it is important to make sure that you know that that's what you're worth. You don't waver from that. You do that with confidence. You increase your prices with confidence because you know that that's what's gonna happen. People are gonna pay that if you know that's what you're worth. Know your worth and then add some tax to it, honestly. Yeah, love it. So it sounds like that you've had such incredible changes and you've really gone through your business, you know your worth and you stick with it. And that's really how you manage that. Like you're like, this is, this is it. I didn't know my worth when I was in a brothel, babe. Oh my God, $400 an hour. I didn't know my worth, but that's what I mean. You get to where you learn from your mistakes. You learn along the way and you've got to go on your own little journey, which is why I love sharing things about my journey because everybody has their own journey. And if, as I said, if I could help anybody on their journey just by sharing mine, then I'd feel good about it. Yes, so amazing. So moving like that into the next question, I think it's going to back up really great. Let's talk about scams or maybe untrustworthy clients and how you navigate that. Cause you said you've had your mistakes and you've learned from them. And this will be such a slow educational for new women in the industry or women thinking about getting in the industry. So tell us, tell us, tell us, tell us. Okay. I still make mistakes. Okay. I'm not above anyone. I'm not above anyone. I still make mistakes. I still have clients that take me for a ride and I get so pissed off. I don't get pissed off at them. I get pissed off at myself. Cause I'm like, I should have known better, you know what I mean? But it's just that vibe is there and they caught me on a good night or something. I don't know, but with scams, make sure that you've got your deposit in your bank first before you do anything, before you even start getting ready, you need that deposit. Make sure that's in the account first. I've had clients that will pay the deposit. They'll pay, you know, a $200 deposit. And then they'll be like, Oh, I'll even pay. your Uber. So they're paying all of this money. So it looks legit. It feels legit. They're paying all of this money for you to get there. Then you get there. They pay things. So as I said, they've paid for the deposit. They've paid for the Uber. I paid for you to get there. They've gotten you there now. Now they're saying, Oh, you know, I'm going to transfer the money now while you're here. They transfer the money and then it's, it doesn't go through to your account, but they're like, Oh, I'll call the bank. I'll call the bank. But you know that if they call the bank, they can cancel that deposit. They can cancel all of that. You need to make sure that all of that needs to be in the account first before you start your service. You do not start a service without all of that money in the account with scams. That's the best thing I can say. The best thing I can say is one, have you wits about you and make sure you've got that money first. You don't start performing any service. You don't even give them any time until you've got that money. I'm Keney. I don't know much about this. I know it happens with only fans, it can be quite frustrating. Yeah, can they charge back what they put into your account like a day later and has that ever happened to you? They can cancel a pending transaction Okay. Yes, so when it's like sitting there and it's gray and it's not in there as a green like tick Yes, that's pending and they can cancel that as well. They can definitely cancel it They could yes, they can they can cancel a pending transaction through ComBank and whatnot, you know through beam it and revolute They can't cancel any of that anything that goes straight through But anything that is pending Make sure you you either Postpone or reschedule that that booking so if they've paid a deposit and that money hasn't come through say hey That's fine. Don't tell them that they're scamming you or anything. Just say hey, that's fine We'll just wait 24 hours for that payment to come through and then we can book you in you know Stuff like that don't tell them that they're scamming you or anything like that. You don't want to aggravate the situation You just want to you just want to calm it down You know what I mean, but yes, they can cancel a pending transaction. I've had a client Spend four hours with me and then he wanted an extra four hours He tried to transfer it through and then it was pending and he's like, oh we can still go, you know, I'm here I've I've I've paid for four hours already, but I said no sweetheart I can't because you can have four hours with me and then you can go cancel that pending transaction. You've then just Stolen from me. It's a violation Yeah, absolutely. It's not paying for a service. Correct. It is a violation. It's theft. It's stealing It's you know, not to mention what you're actually stealing by the way Right, so we might even talk about what you're stealing but you are stealing. Yeah, that's right Yeah, and then if people are stealing you don't want to aggravate that situation because they're already on the back foot They're already defensive right? You don't want to aggravate the situation You just want to get the hell out of there and make sure that money clears And if it doesn't clear up then you did the right thing and you got the hell out of there Yeah, that's right. The thing is in this business and in this industry. No one is going to get angry at you from leaving a situation that you're not comfortable in. And if the client gets angry at you, that's their problem. Do not make that your problem. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, if you're not comfortable, don't stay. Yeah, any genuine client that, you know, cares for you and is happy to pay for the service is not going to get mad or upset or aggressive. And that is exactly how you can tell a genuine client from somebody who's trying to do the wrong thing by you. Because a genuine client is going to care about you. They're going to respect you. They are paying a lot of money to spend time with you. So they don't have to rule that. It's going to be the best time we're ever going to have because, you know, like, this is going to be so good. I'm getting excited, blah, blah, blah. They're like, oh my God, you're so great. You know, they're waiting for that time. They're spending that money on that time. You always can tell people who have not spent that money because they will not talk about the money. They won't be like, I'll give them the money back. You can always tell this telltale signs. So knowledgeable. Like I bet you've got to know so many people and their vibe and their energy and how they react in certain situations. Like I bet you can just predict so much stuff when catching up with people and clients. It's definitely been a learning curve. The industry has taught me so much about myself and so much about other people, body language, vibe, energy, the room, how to read the room, how to read, how to adapt to a situation, all of that sort of stuff. You know, even when I'm having a bad day, I've got things going on in my brain, but I still have to give my time, energy and attention to somebody else, you know? So it is what it is. Yeah, that's right. Well, let's talk about giving your time and energy due to someone else outside of work. Let's talk about like what it's like as an escort, dating and your personal sex life. Like how do you, you know, like you're seeing clients and then you're getting home. Is that the last thing on your mind or are you then going out? Like tell us, what is it like for you? So I'm an emotional person. I am an emotional person. So my connections happen emotionally, not physically, which is why I'm able to work. Well, not able, like it's why I can or, you know, my psyche allows me to while I'm in a relationship. So I'm an emotional person. I have emotional connections with my partners, not physical connection, but I do still have sex. I still have boundaries that I, I still have things that I only do with my partner to make it special for them. Yeah, not for me, just to make it special for them. So they know that they're getting stuff that other people aren't, but they also know that they are getting stuff that other people aren't because like they get the emotional connection from them. Yeah, which would be so different, wouldn't it? Like that connection of having sex and Correct. They get the emotional connection from me, which is what my clients never get. My clients get the sex and that sort of stuff. I give the emotional connection to my partner, which is why it's 10 times different for me to have a sexual relationship with a partner than it is for a client. I feel that. I feel that to my soul so much. I, well, the thing is you can go, you can go and have sex with somebody in a, in a club off Tinder or this or that you can have sex with somebody and never speak to them again. Same thing. I could go out and do that for work. Never, never speak to that client again, but still go home and have an emotional connection with my partner. I'm actually single by the way, but that's how I navigate my relationships. There are certain boundaries that I have with clients that I don't have with my partner. Yeah. That sounds so healthy. It sounds healthy for you, your sex life and your partner. Well, in that way, there's no lines that are being crossed either. There's no lines that are being crossed. I am not wavering on my boundaries either. I'm comfortable. My client's comfortable. My partner's comfortable. What a dream. Sounds like a dream over there. You're so, I love how you're just so confident. You're so confident with your service. You're so confident within yourself. Like what you need, what you want. I feel like that has such a big play into how successful you are. It's important. It is so important. I mean, my success is not hard work. Hard, hard, hard work. And believing in myself. That's the thing. Believing in yourself. Because if you believe in you, other people believe in you. And you can't, imagine if I showed up to this podcast and I was like, Oh, yeah, I don't know. Maybe there, you know, people are not going to even listen to a single thing I've got to say, because I'm not even confident in what I'm saying. I doubt you'd still be in the industry, if I'm honest. I doubt I would be anywhere. And that's the thing. That's, you've got to be confident in you and you've got to be yourself. Be confident in who you are and what you're portraying and what you're, what you're offering because you are who you are. And as I said earlier, there's nobody out there that is anyone like you. And my confidence has just come from knowing what I can do, knowing that I, I'm just going to say I'm the best of what I do in the industry. From what I know, I'm just going to say that. Yeah, I'm going to own it. I love it. That's the thing. I know, I know I'm, I know I'm TikTok. I know I'm pretty damn good. And I know I can make a man feel like a million bucks. And he'll always remember the way I made him feel. And that's the thing. People are always going to remember how you make them feel. They're not going to remember what you do. They're not going to remember what you say. They're always going to remember how you make them feel. And that's the, that's the most important thing. Oh, that's so powerful. I feel like just in general, being a friend, a mother, a daughter or whatever it is in general, how you make people feel like that is so powerful. Your energy, your vibration, how you want to leave people. Do you want to leave people better off for them to have known you? You know what I mean? Like better off for having that experience with you than if they were, if they didn't have that experience with you, you know? Oh my God, I want to book an hour with you. Oh, I love that. I love that so much. It's so important. So what was the pivotal moment in your business in terms of, you know, it was just moving along in terms of like, right now I'm getting like this big spike. Was it social media? Was it running your own business? Was it trusting yourself? Was it not giving a fuck? Like what was a pivotal moment in your business that just changed everything? When I started touring. Oh, nice. Yeah, when I started touring, when I started giving every state the opportunity to see me and book me and get to know me. that's when people really started going, Oh, okay. Because it was like, it was a fantasy that was so far out of reach for them in different states. And then all of a sudden, it wasn't you know, all of a sudden, it was like, Oh, I can, I can see her now. And I don't have to go over there. She can come to me. You know, because a fire meter you is a little bit more expensive. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, than a normal booking. So they're gonna pay for the flights, they're gonna pay for the vacation. They're gonna pay for all that sort of stuff. Because otherwise, they wouldn't you wouldn't be going there if you wouldn't be seeing them, you know. So when you offer that to clients, you'd go to maybe Sydney for a weekend or Melbourne for a weekend. That's when you gained so many more clients from different walks of life and different states. Because you've opened that up to them, you've opened that option up to them, which wasn't there before. So it brings in a whole lot of different kettle of fish in terms of, you know, other states and territories that are wanting to spend money on you and spend time with you. Yeah, baby, Australia wide. Exactly right. Go traveling, go see the sights while you're working, you know. Do you do you enjoy touring? Do you like going out and about in Australia? I love touring. It's a culture shock though, if you're used to your clients in your home base, you will have a lot of fun with your clients in different states. Let me tell you, it's like you're going to a different country. It's so funny. It's so funny how each state, like they all have a different like, men gene. Yes, every state has a different category of men. And it's so funny. It's so funny that it's like, you know, almost predictable. Well, just somebody who's been in the industry for a while. Yeah, it's funny. But now, hopefully, some escorts after listening to this podcast, maybe we'll go on tour and now I don't know exactly what I'm talking about. Oh, that's, I kind of feel that though in a general, in cities, like you can see Melbourne and Sydney, a lot more business orientated, where perhaps Adelaide and Perth, a little bit more chilled, a little bit more laid back, they're not huge cities. Like, I mean, there's such a big difference between Gold Coast and Brisbane. Like just, Yeah, there's also different nationalities that come and see you in different states as well. There's more so, you know, more Middle Eastern men in Sydney, just hypothetical, you know, just because of the base, just because of the demographic that are there. And that's what I mean, like the different types of people you'll be seeing. Yeah. Interesting. And you have, you can have fun with it. If you, if you don't get annoyed by it, you know what I mean? You can have fun with it and you, you'll experience it and take it all in. And then you'll know for next time how to market yourself in that state. That's the thing. You've got to, you've, you've got to business orientated. We are working here. We are not just having fun and doing this and having sex with everybody. We are working. And that's the thing. We need to be taking in everything from everywhere we are going. If we're in Sydney, okay, take in everything that's happened in Sydney. So you know exactly how to market yourself when you get back. Oh, so valuable. So valuable. I could pick your brain all day. And honestly, my last question was gonna be, I feel like you've given us so many tips. So I don't know if you've got five left, you know, under your belt, but it was gonna be if someone wanted to start out in escorting, they've been dabbling, they're not too sure where to start, or they're thinking about it. What's, I won't say five, because you've given us so much, but what's your top tips in terms of giving them some advice to start out strong? Okay, don't get disheartened. That's the first thing. That's the first thing. So the, when you first put your ads up, we need to understand that there are people out there that search these ads 24 seven. They are called punters. And the new baby escorts don't understand that there are people out there watching them all of the time to make sure that this is the person that they wanna see, or this is the person that they wanna spend time with, or, you know, they wanna spend their money on this one, or think about if there's a business person that wants to go on a business trip and wants to take you away for a week. They're going to be watching you like a fork for you to be updating your social media, or updating your photos, or updating your profile, or updating your rates, or your selfies, or your prices. They're going to be looking at everything. Don't get disheartened if you first put your ads up and you don't get anything. Don't worry about it. Just keep going. You will get time wasters. You will get people who are sussing you out. They are going to suss you out. Cause you're new. Don't get it disheartened. Keep updating your profile. Keep updating your pictures. Keep replying to those text messages. It will happen for you. They're just sussing you out and they're just watching you to see what's going on. If you're a scammer or if you're real, they need to know that you're real just as much as you need to know that they're real. It's a business. transaction and we're both here for each other, you know? And yeah, make sure you be yourself, be authentic. Make sure you are who you are and you are marketing yourself how you wanna market yourself. You're wearing the clothes in your photos that you want to wear. You are talking in your profile about yourself like it is yourself. You know, this is who you are. You are selling yourself to your punters or your prospective clients. Don't get disheartened if it doesn't happen straight away. It will happen. There is something about you that they love. I guarantee you, just wait, just take your time. Oh my gosh. Don't get disheartened and be authentic. I love it, so powerful. Like, I mean, also like don't get disheartened is also a really good way of saying, just stay consistent. Like just show up, just be yourself and show up and just keep going. So it's not gonna happen as easy for you as it is. for escorts that have been in the industry for a long time, you know? Escorts that have built their name up over time, like me, like Mickey, or like Dallas Rain, or like all of the other big escorts in the industry that have built up our names over time. Me and Dallas have worked quite closely to each other with each other over the last 10 years. She started out a stripper. Now she's a massive, massive well -known Australian escort, you know? So stay consistent, show up, don't get disheartened and make sure you'd be yourself, all of the time. Yeah, absolutely love it. Now, one final thing before we do wrap up, I know we touched on it and you said you want to speak about it at the end of the episode, but what's this other little business you've got going on? Oh, yes. Tell us, tell us. Oh, I forgot about, I forgot that I even mentioned it earlier. We've been chatting so much, having too much fun. We were, but this has been a great conversation. I love it. So I've actually started to recruit girls to work for me. So not, they don't work for me, but I work with them in collaboration with them. I will pay for their ads. I run their phone. I do their photos, do their advertising. I'll pay for all of it. I pay for their hotels, all of that sort of stuff. I get them their clients and they also work, you know, quite closely with me and my experience and my knowledge and all that sort of stuff. So I basically mentor them. I guess you could say I mentor them. So I've started a, not a new business, but it's probably, it's probably going to be in with Mickey Daniels and whatnot, but Mickey's mansion is. Oh my God. Mickey's mansion is. It's Mickey's mansion. That's epic. I love it. I've got two, two beautiful, beautiful escorts working girls, working with me quite closely with me right now. They're available to book as well, but hopefully in the next six months, I'll have two to. three more girls and we'll have a whole, not an agency. It's not an agency because they work for themselves. I just have them, but yeah, Mickey's mansion. We'll see what it turns into. I love the name. I just want to, like, can I visit? Yeah, I just, it's really, I really wanted to create a space for new girls coming into the industry who might be a little bit scared, who might be a little bit uncomfortable, who might not have any freaking idea what to do, where to start, but they really want to do something about it. Or they really want to be in this industry. They really want to gain control or they really want to get their power back as a woman. They want to do all of these things that they've got nowhere to start. That's where I come in. Oh my gosh. You're like the, you're the queen. You're the mother bee. I love it. You just, you're doing great things. Oh, I'm loving it. You just made me all warm. Aw, thank you so much. Yeah, thank you so much. So much for coming on, it's been really great. I'm sure the listeners have loved it, but I've loved it like knowing more about Mickey and where she's come from and what she's building. And now you've built all this success and you're continuing to build it. And now you're helping other women, like that's just, that's what it's about. It's about women supporting women and that. Women empowering women. That's right. Women helping other women be the best that we can be. Yeah, that's right. And I love, there's no gatekeeping. I love that, you know, especially in this industry where, you know, you can find yourself in unsafe situations or situations where you wish you didn't have done it or posted something or gone there. So the more we can kind of get together, talk about it, be open about it, it's just going, like we're gonna be a force to be reckoned with. I agree. I agree. And that's the thing. If you've got women empowering women, say, you know, you've got, if you've got somebody like me that's not doing the right thing by other women, oh my God, that's worse. That's 10 times worse. And the thing is, I want to create a, people are gonna go out there and do it anyway. Okay, that's the thing. That's the thing. A young girl, 18, 19, 20, 21, they're gonna go out there, they're gonna do it anyway. They're gonna escort anyway. They're gonna go and have sex for money. And at least I'm offering a space for them where they can do it properly. Yeah, love it. And teach them how to do it properly and how not to do it, how to stay safe, how to keep your wits about you and how to make sure that you're having fun as well as working at the same time. You are the best. You are doing God's work. Oh, thank you. No, you're the best. I've had the best conversation with you today. You asked the best questions. Oh, well, you just give the best answers. So much made in heaven. I love it. Thank you so much for joining us. Where can we find you? Like, if people want to put a face to the voice and go and search you, where is everyone finding you? Honestly, I'm everywhere. Google Mickey Daniels and you'll find me. You'll pop me, I'll pop up. I'll pop up on Instagram. I am TikTok, Pornhub, only fans. I, yeah, go watch me on Pornhub. I'm pretty cool. Oh, I love that. I'm pretty cool. I love that. And it's Mickey with an I, right? Mickey with an I, yes. Okay. Mickey with an I and then Daniels with an S. Yeah, love it. Mickey Daniels, yes. Amazing. Well, we'll see you on Pornhub. Yes, yes you will. Thank you so much for having me. I have the best time today. Oh, me too. Thank you so much for coming on. Thanks for you guys taking the time to speak with me. And even, I really hope you've, I really hope you've enjoyed everything I've had to say. And I hope that, I hope you guys can take, you know, some feedback and some knowledge and some experience away from what I've said. And I hope you had fun. I really, really enjoyed being here. Yay. I'm sure the listeners have pages and pages of notes and I'm sure they've had a little bit of a laugh along the way as well. So absolutely love it. Thanks again, babe. Thank you so much! Bye!